What is Putin's end game?

UPDATED: Thursday, March 7, 2024 07:09
VIEWED: 6753
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Thursday, March 10, 2022 10:28 AM


... stay crunchy...

Lots of questions:

First - did he/his generals completely underestimate the task at hand, "taking Ukraine and imposing his own president?"

Or... is destruction of Ukraine the purpose? To what end? He's only driving them further away and unifying most countries against Russia.

Why did he send in old material and untrained troops?

I wonder if the whole point is to bait the West into WWIII...? Throw the world into chaos and destruction to bring down the west and while we're reeling, rebuild his world the way he wants it. I dunno - totally guessing since nothing makes sense. He'll never hold Ukraine and they aren't going to give up. Ever. And Russian people will eat his liver before too much longer. Oligarchs are going to send in hit squads soon as well. He's totally fubarred.


Thursday, March 10, 2022 10:37 AM


it's hard to predict, I'm not sure he's mentally there, Joe Biden is messed up but Putin might be more crazy.

Will reply again later.


It's difficult to see through propaganda and know what's really happening because this has been going back to Putin's plans to be remembered as some great Tsar or military leader and you also have Obama and Hunter Biden's political stuff inside Ukraine.

The problem with Ukraine is it already had a lot of Ethnic Russians and Russian speakers who felt closer to Russian culture. There are also mixes of other races and culture such as Moldovans, Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Jewish, Arab, Bulgarians, as Ukraine started to open up and modernize more ethnic groups came in. Many speak a foreign language, Russian (15%), while 22% used both languages. A non government Ukraine think tank called the Razumkov Centre took a poll that showed that 53.3% of the respondents use the Ukrainian language in everyday life, while 44.5% use Russian, a lot of the older factories and industry was developed by Russia or the old USSR.

The Previous election? a long ago Ukrainian presidential election gives a clue how he could cut the nation in half, but if he takes the North or East teher will be regions with lots of Native Ukrainian culture

I have no idea what his objective is, the political and command structure in Russia is odd.

Some say Putin is going nuts, he is losing his mind, he took too many steroids and going paranoid about Labs or Money or NATO missiles or some other issue.

What would make sense is to have that front to the North at Belarus continue attacking the poor Ukranians who are trying to resist, to continue taking and controlling the ports to the South and maybe finally the main river running North to South which gives total control of trade.

Here are some maps that were on Spanish and Japan sites, showing where Russian attacks have come from

I hope the 21st century is forward looking but perhaps it will be ruled by Emperors, Tyrants, the Heartless Technocrats and Dictators maybe it is going to be a violent, hungry and dangerous period in human history. Here is a crude map I have done of what he could possibly do with low level resitance and without a good ground force of patriot revolutionaries fighting back.
I know some regions have new names like Donetsk and Luhansk breakway regions but there might be more breakaways coming so let's just call all breakaway regions some other name to simplify.
Let's call the gaint new Red Region inside the country 'New USSR Ukraine'

He might simply move native people out of the cities after a long siege, and transport groups of people, force language or cultures to evacuate just as Joe Stalin did. Although the bombing and fighting is brutal he has not unleashed the full power of the military, I think its a mix of incompetence but holding back as the does not want bad public relations and protest back home. A 'siege' does not mean destroying a city, it can simply cut off the electricity and food which is also hellish for people but it is without the full scale death and bombing it is a slower death by many cuts. However it leave the structures of the cities more or less intact which would give Russian culture a chance to occupy later in a land grab. If he can control Nuclear power plant he can simply siwtch off their power.

Moldova is almost smack in the middle of it now, between Russians and Romania they could join the resistance but their best move might be to stay out of it. Moldova is already one of the poorest regions on Earth, they are already paying for waves of refugees fleeing and joining a war isn't going to do their people much good.

If they take all the South the Black Sea they will choke off Ukraine, 'ChorneMore' or 'Marea Neagra' Greece likes to get acess to it by sailing ships past Turkey or sending Cars or Trucks to Bulgaria, this is the large inland sea situated at the southeastern extremity of Europe with Ukraine to its north, Russia to the northeast, Georgia to the east, Turkey to the south, and Bulgaria and Romania to the west, it seems Ukraine can be totally cut off from the sea and a new landlocked country will suddenly have lots of new problems already in a time of war.

The pink area I imagine is perhaps a planned buffer zone not exactly Russians but something such as 'Pro-Russian pro-Putin peacekeeping forces'


Originally posted by CAPTAINCRUNCH:
Lots of questions:

Why did he send in old material and untrained troops?

Putin is probably something of an idiot, that does not mean Russia should be under estimated but it should not be over estimated. Also Think of a KGB bin-Laden Stasi dictator type character, surrounded by 'yes men' afraid to speak up and question his orders.

Things might go out of control like the rage of a forest fire that takes any home any towns

How the War in Ukraine Could Get Much Worse: Russia and the West Risk Falling Into a Deadly Spiral

Killers now arrive looking for cash, mercenary guns for hire

lots of Mercs from all over the world now arrive to fight in this war


Thursday, March 10, 2022 11:08 AM


Why do you believe that Putin started any of this?

You haven't learned at this point that the Media is a mouthpiece for the government and they just say whatever they're told to say?


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Thursday, March 10, 2022 12:56 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
it's hard to predict, I'm not sure he's mentally there, Joe Biden is messed up but Putin might be more crazy.

It's difficult to see through propaganda and know what's really happening because this has been going back to Putin's plans to be remembered as some great Tsar or military leader and you also have Obama and Hunter Biden's political stuff inside Ukraine.

The problem with Ukraine is it already had a lot of Ethnic Russians and Russian speakers who felt closer to Russian culture. There are also mixes of other races and culture such as Moldovans, Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Jewish, Arab, Bulgarians, as Ukraine started to open up and modernize more ethnic groups came in. Many speak a foreign language, Russian (15%), while 22% used both languages. A non government Ukraine think tank called the Razumkov Centre took a poll that showed that 53.3% of the respondents use the Ukrainian language in everyday life, while 44.5% use Russian, a lot of the older factories and industry was developed by Russia or the old USSR.

The Previous election? a long ago Ukrainian presidential election gives a clue how he could cut the nation in half, but if he takes the North or East teher will be regions with lots of Native Ukrainian culture

I have no idea what his objective is, the political and command structure in Russia is odd.

Some say Putin is going nuts, he is losing his mind, he took too many steroids and going paranoid about Labs or Money or NATO missiles or some other issue.

What would make sense is to have that front to the North at Belarus continue attacking the poor Ukranians who are trying to resist, to continue taking and controlling the ports to the South and maybe finally the main river running North to South which gives total control of trade.

Here are some maps that were on Spanish and Japan sites, showing where Russian attacks have come from

I hope the 21st century is forward looking but perhaps it will be ruled by Emperors, Tyrants, the Heartless Technocrats and Dictators maybe it is going to be a violent, hungry and dangerous period in human history. Here is a crude map I have done of what he could possibly do with low level resitance and without a good ground force of patriot revolutionaries fighting back.
I know some regions have new names like Donetsk and Luhansk breakway regions but there might be more breakaways coming so let's just call all breakaway regions some other name to simplify.
Let's call the gaint new Red Region inside the country 'New USSR Ukraine'

He might simply move native people out of the cities after a long siege, and transport groups of people, force language or cultures to evacuate just as Joe Stalin did. Although the bombing and fighting is brutal he has not unleashed the full power of the military, I think its a mix of incompetence but holding back as the does not want bad public relations and protest back home. A 'siege' does not mean destroying a city, it can simply cut off the electricity and food which is also hellish for people but it is without the full scale death and bombing it is a slower death by many cuts. However it leave the structures of the cities more or less intact which would give Russian culture a chance to occupy later in a land grab. If he can control Nuclear power plant he can simply siwtch off their power.

Moldova is almost smack in the middle of it now, between Russians and Romania they could join the resistance but their best move might be to stay out of it. Moldova is already one of the poorest regions on Earth, they are already paying for waves of refugees fleeing and joining a war isn't going to do their people much good.

If they take all the South the Black Sea they will choke off Ukraine, 'ChorneMore' or 'Marea Neagra' Greece likes to get acess to it by sailing ships past Turkey or sending Cars or Trucks to Bulgaria, this is the large inland sea situated at the southeastern extremity of Europe with Ukraine to its north, Russia to the northeast, Georgia to the east, Turkey to the south, and Bulgaria and Romania to the west, it seems Ukraine can be totally cut off from the sea and a new landlocked country will suddenly have lots of new problems already in a time of war.

The pink area I imagine is perhaps a planned buffer zone not exactly Russians but something such as 'Pro-Russian pro-Putin peacekeeping forces'

Putin is probably something of an idiot, that does not mean Russia should be under estimated but it should not be over estimated. Also Think of a KGB bin-Laden Stasi dictator type character, surrounded by 'yes men' afraid to speak up and question his orders.

Things might go out of control like the rage of a forest fire that takes any home any towns

How the War in Ukraine Could Get Much Worse: Russia and the West Risk Falling Into a Deadly Spiral

Killers now arrive looking for cash, mercenary guns for hire

lots of Mercs from all over the world now arrive to fight in this war

Thanks for your well considered response JAYNZETOWN. I agree with the gist of what you are saying, especially the "he might be nuts." My belief is that even though Ukraine is a melting pot of sorts, that Putin's violent, unprovoked attack on all of Ukraine, men women and children, will only make all Ukrainians feel closer together, more unified. I have heard some reports of that already. Old rivalries are forgotten or put on hold while the country addresses a significantly larger issue: Survival. Nothing like a common enemy to unite people.
The one thing that feels certain is Putin's past behavior is a solid predictor of his current and future behavior. He's a lying, evil POS, and thank god most of the civilized world sees that.


Thursday, March 10, 2022 2:13 PM


The legacy media sees it.

Intelligent people don't believe the hype.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Thursday, March 10, 2022 2:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Knowing that the west is intent on destabilizing Russia and stealing it's assets... and did a good job of that in the 1990s...

Russia's leadership wants

Military and border security
Economic and financial independence from the west
Trade with reliable partners
Lack of interference in its internal politics from outside sources
Internal prosperity

Russia's Security Council has been working on this since 2000*. By 2007 they realized that the west was inimical to Russia and would never be anything but an enemy. By 2022 they decided they had reached their financial, economic, and military goals and that they could fight back.

It's obvious.

* If you had paid the slightest attention to what was going on in Russia, you would have noticed-

A political clampdown on the oligarchs who stole much of Russia's formerly nationalized assets
Re-natuomalization of major resources
Military victory over Chechen jihadists
An increase in military spending (to 5pct GDP)
Friendly, or at least productive, diplomacy across the globe
Maintenance of Sevastopol as a Russian naval base
A survival of the west's attempts to torpedo the Russian economy by dumping the price of oil (in conjunction with KSA) and a sustained attack on the ruble
Program of import substitution to survive sanctions
Support of Syria's government which (seems to me) to have been a combination of training and weapons/ strategy testing
Clampdown on Russia-hostile NGOs in Russia
Revival of the Orthodox church

It's been a steady plan to climb out of the hole that the west put them in in 1990, and to become financially, economically, and politically independent from the west, and to become a military power. You can tell what they DON'T want by looking at the 90s.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, March 10, 2022 3:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, BTW, you can hardly call Russia's attack on Ukraine "unprovoked".

The west has been attacking Russia one way or another for decades. NATOs steady progression to Russias border,

Placement of missile bases in Poland and Romania

Successful coup in Ukraine and its increasing militarization (including placement of bioweapons labs in Ukraine and Georgia),

Attempted coup in Belarus and Kazakhstan...

Plus the west's history/example of rampaging thru the world, destroying nations as the went...

Could all be considered threats to Russia, one way or another.

What does Russia want in Ukraine?

Neutralization and de-Nazification. They don't want to expand their borders, they just want a buffer zone of neutral nations.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, March 10, 2022 6:39 PM


I'd rather have Muslims in my back yard than NATO. And that's saying a lot.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Thursday, March 10, 2022 6:44 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

If it was Iranians that would be OK. They tend to be proud people but they're not nutbag-crazy like the Saudis or Afghanis.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, March 10, 2022 6:52 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
If it was Iranians that would be OK. They tend to be proud people but they're not nutbag-crazy like the Saudis or Afghanis.

I make no distinction of nationality when expressing my hatred for that diseased ideology. I wouldn't want a family of white, US born Muslims living in the house behind me.

I'm also speaking more if I were Putin or anybody running Russia. I would feel much more comfortable even with wacky Afghanis on my border than with NATO.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Thursday, March 10, 2022 9:35 PM


Dark Enlightenment, is one of the most taboo movements on the interwebs also called neo-reactionary movement and sometimes abbreviated to NRx, in a ways it seems to be
very Anti-American and pro-monarchy,
is an anti-democratic, anti-egalitarian, reactionary philosophy. In 2007 and 2008, Curtis Yarvin, writing under the pen name Mencius Moldbug.

The problem with Dark Enlightenment is the guy who writes the blog stuff most banned across the interwebs, he is quiet smart at times and offers unique view points.

but he can be very offensive


The key to ceasing this awful, destructive behavior is understanding that it is not about them. It is about you. In fact, you do not know them at all. You know no more than a few kindergarten facts about these faraway people whom you love so much that you consider it your moral responsibility to goad them, at no cost or risk to yourself, into the terrordome of war, for their heroism to excite them. If you loved them more, you would think harder about whether or not you were doing them a favor.

Wikipedia, in its first sentence on the “Ukrainian language,” calls it “Ukrainian, historically also called Ruthenian.”

Perhaps a better description of the meaning of “Ukraine” is that this “Ukraine” is, like “Yugoslavia” or “Czechoslovakia,” two historically separate but linguistically-similar countries jammed together by deranged 20th-century diplomats. If that fool Putin really does invade, let us hope he has the wisdom to separate them again.


Thursday, March 10, 2022 10:59 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

What does Russia want in Ukraine?

Neutralization and de-Nazification. They don't want to expand their borders, they just want a buffer zone of neutral nations.

That is an abstract answer. In 2007, Signym wrote an answer to the question "When Did You Start Paying Attention To Politics?"

Towards the end of the Vietnam War. I had "followed" politics in the sense that I knew who was President and I knew that people in Chile got killed in a coup, but it just didn't hit home until I saw Hearts and Minds. And then it struck me that the people who were getting killed were people. Real people whose families wept and were terrified. Babies, parents, young boys and girls... I never looked at politics the same since. -- November 13, 2007

Signym, your answer to 'What does Russia want in Ukraine?' Or 'What is Putin's end game?' cleaves to abstractness and flees from "the people who were getting killed were people. Real people whose families wept and were terrified. Babies, parents, young boys and girls..."

That was Signym in 2007, but this is Signym now:

Ten Commandments of War Propaganda

1. We do not want war.
2. The opposite party alone is guilty of war.
3. The enemy is the face of the devil.
4. We defend a noble cause, not our own interest.
5. The enemy systematically commits cruelties; our mishaps are involuntary.
6. The enemy uses forbidden weapons.
7. We suffer small losses, those of the enemy are enormous.
8. Artists and intellectuals back our cause.
9. Our cause is sacred.
10. All who doubt our propaganda, are traitors.
—Arthur Ponsonby

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, March 10, 2022 11:16 PM


Ten Commandments of War Propaganda

1. We do not want war. (Second and Ted want war).

2. The opposite party alone is guilty of war. (Both parties are guilty of war).

3. The enemy is the face of the devil. (Osama Bin Laden last week, Trump Yesterday, Putin Today).

4. We defend a noble cause, not our own interest. (Nothing about war in the last century was noble, and it certainly wasn't in the interest of The People).

5. The enemy systematically commits cruelties; our mishaps are involuntary. (The US is the biggest offender the world has ever seen, committing impersonal cruelty via remotely mechanized weaponry that will one day be turned against its own citizens. Possibly in our lifetime.)

6. The enemy uses forbidden weapons. (Don't throw stones from glass houses).

7. We suffer small losses, those of the enemy are enormous. (It is your patriotic duty to pay $5.00 per gallon of gas and like it).

8. Artists and intellectuals back our cause. (Fuck Hollywood)

9. Our cause is sacred. (Virtue Signalling is King)

10. All who doubt our propaganda, are traitors. (Quote from the modern day Left)


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Thursday, March 10, 2022 11:30 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Ten Commandments of War Propaganda

7. We suffer small losses, those of the enemy are enormous. (It is your patriotic duty to pay $5.00 per gallon of gas and like it).


"As I have said from the start, there will be costs at home as we impose crippling sanctions in response to Putin's unprovoked war, but Americans can know this, the costs we are imposing on Putin and his cronies are far more devastating than the costs we are facing," Biden said in a statement.

I don't give one single fuck what Putin and his cronies are facing because of the economic war you're waging, Joe*.

And come November you're going to see that I'm hardly the only one and after the last two years of bullshit you've put us through, nay... the last two fucking decades of bullshit our corrupt government has put us through, Americans are all out of fucks to give.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Thursday, March 10, 2022 11:51 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump got asked a version of 'What is Putin's end game?' Here is the question asked of Trump:

Forgeard: “What do you see happening next then? ‘Cause it seems like the tensions are high. How does this all end? Is this going to be like a long-term thing? How do you see it unfolding?

Trump: “Well, and I said this a long time ago, if this happens, we are playing right into their hands. Green energy. The windmills. They don’t work. They’re too expensive. They kill all the birds. They ruin your landscapes. And yet the environmentalists love the windmills. And I’ve been preaching this for years. The windmills. And I had them way down. But the windmills are the most expensive energy you can have. And they don’t work. And by the way, they last a period of 10 years and by the time they start rusting and rotting all over the place, nobody ever takes them down. They just go on to the next piece of prairie or land and destroy that.”

This is not a joke. That is actually what Trump said.

When asked how Russia’s invasion into Ukraine ends, the former President of the United States went into a riff on windmills and how they don’t work. Yup.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 11, 2022 2:33 AM


He's not wrong about the windmills.

Well. Not ALL of us.

And what are you worried about Trump changing the subject when somebody asks him a stupid question for? You can't post on topic in the RWED.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Friday, March 11, 2022 2:37 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



What does Russia want in Ukraine?

Neutralization and de-Nazification. They don't want to expand their borders, they just want a buffer zone of neutral nations.

SECOND: That is an abstract answer. In 2007, Signym wrote an answer to the question "When Did You Start Paying Attention To Politics?"

Towards the end of the Vietnam War. I had "followed" politics in the sense that I knew who was President and I knew that people in Chile got killed in a coup, but it just didn't hit home until I saw Hearts and Minds. And then it struck me that the people who were getting killed were people. Real people whose families wept and were terrified. Babies, parents, young boys and girls... I never looked at politics the same since. -- November 13, 2007

Signym, your answer to 'What does Russia want in Ukraine?' Or 'What is Putin's end game?' cleaves to abstractness and flees from "the people who were getting killed were people. Real people whose families wept and were terrified. Babies, parents, young boys and girls..."

That was Signym in 2007, but this is Signym now

The people YOU killed in Vietnam were people. And yet, all you do is bitch about Trump.
I mean, seriously??? Talk about deflection!

If you're worried about the people who're getting killed in Ukraine, why don't you tell the Azov Battalion to let their human shields go?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, March 11, 2022 8:16 AM


... stay crunchy...

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Russia's leadership wants:

S: "Military and border security"
- nukes removed in '94, Crimea stolen in 2014, check. Maybe stop trying to kill people who live next door?

S: "Economic and financial independence from the west"
- welp, you sure are getting that now

S: "Trade with reliable partners"
- dust up on your mandarin. Seriously, who is reliable? Here's a tip: maybe you should look inside. If everyone treats you the same way maybe it's your fault?

S: "Lack of interference in its internal politics from outside sources"
- word salad, whatever. Happiness and sunshine.

S: "Internal prosperity"
- more word fluff. I guess you'll just have to keep the 15 year prison sentence around for your citizens who speak out.

^SIGNYM types a lot and says nothing as usual. Like Russian nothing speak.

S: "Russia's Security Council has been working on this since 2000*. By 2007 they realized that the west was inimical to Russia and would never be anything but an enemy. By 2022 they decided they had reached their financial, economic, and military goals and that they could fight back."

- hey now! - we figured the same thing!

S: "It's obvious."

- sure is. It's BEYOND obvious but you keep trying. Poor poor Russia! So unfair!

S: "A political clampdown on the oligarchs who stole much of Russia's formerly nationalized assets
Re-natuomalization of major resources
Military victory over Chechen jihadists
An increase in military spending (to 5pct GDP)
Friendly, or at least productive, diplomacy across the globe
Maintenance of Sevastopol as a Russian naval base
A survival of the west's attempts to torpedo the Russian economy by dumping the price of oil (in conjunction with KSA) and a sustained attack on the ruble
Program of import substitution to survive sanctions
Support of Syria's government which (seems to me) to have been a combination of training and weapons/ strategy testing
Clampdown on Russia-hostile NGOs in Russia
Revival of the Orthodox church"

^ All doable without bombing Ukraine hospitals and killing children, right?

"It's been a steady plan to climb out of the hole that the west put them in in 1990, and to become financially, economically, and politically independent from the west, and to become a military power. You can tell what they DON'T want by looking at the 90s."

Well, that has backfired spectacularly! We don't need Russia for anything. Nothing. The only leverage they have is their nukes. That's it. So Russia can wall itself off and eat radiated beets - they've earned it. What a total cluster fck. Nice job Puttie! Legacy secured.


Friday, March 11, 2022 8:21 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

The people YOU killed in Vietnam were people. And yet, all you do is bitch about Trump.
I mean, seriously??? Talk about deflection!

If you're worried about the people who're getting killed in Ukraine, why don't you tell the Azov Battalion to let their human shields go?

It is time for the Truth: I killed zero people. Anyone saying different is spreading Fake News. In a closely related development, Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia, said the pictures are fake:

“Unfortunately, I can confirm that the Russian leadership, including Minister Lavrov, live in their own reality,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told CNBC on Thursday. “He told me looking in my eyes that the pictures of pregnant women being taken from under the rubble of the maternity house are fake.”

Putin said that the reasons the EU and US give for sanctions are fake:

“These sanctions would have been imposed in any case,” Putin told a meeting of the Russian government on Thursday. “There are some questions, problems and difficulties but in the past we have overcome them and we will overcome them now.

“In the end, this will all lead to an increase in our independence, self-sufficiency and our sovereignty,” he told a televised government meeting two weeks after Russian forces invaded neighbouring Ukraine.

His comments were designed to portray Western sanctions as self-defeating and reassure Russians that the country can withstand what Moscow is calling an “economic war” against its banks, businesses and business oligarchs.

Signym, take note that Putin has answered the question: 'What is Putin's end game?' “In the end, this will all lead to an increase in our independence, self-sufficiency and our sovereignty.” All good goals, Signym.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 11, 2022 9:26 AM



Originally posted by CAPTAINCRUNCH:

Lots of questions:

First - did he/his generals completely underestimate the task at hand, "taking Ukraine and imposing his own president?"

Or... is destruction of Ukraine the purpose? To what end? He's only driving them further away and unifying most countries against Russia.

Why did he send in old material and untrained troops?

I wonder if the whole point is to bait the West into WWIII...? Throw the world into chaos and destruction to bring down the west and while we're reeling, rebuild his world the way he wants it. I dunno - totally guessing since nothing makes sense. He'll never hold Ukraine and they aren't going to give up. Ever. And Russian people will eat his liver before too much longer. Oligarchs are going to send in hit squads soon as well. He's totally fubarred.


Originally posted by CAPTAINCRUNCH:

G; Lots of questions:

First - did he/his generals completely underestimate the task at hand, "taking Ukraine and imposing his own president?"


Yep, they were caught completely off guard. The evidence of this is in the world being caught off guard by Ukrainians fortitude.


Or... is destruction of Ukraine the purpose? To what end? He's only driving them further away and unifying most countries against Russia.


This is true as well. Putin can’t survive with a free and prosperous Ukraine. It has too much influence on the Russian people who he wants to believe democracy doesn’t work. That it’s no better than what they have. That’s what made Trump so valuable to him.


Why did he send in old material and untrained troops?


Same answer as first question.


I wonder if the whole point is to bait the West into WWIII...? Throw the world into chaos and destruction to bring down the west and while we're reeling, rebuild his world the way he wants it. I dunno - totally guessing since nothing makes sense. He'll never hold Ukraine and they aren't going to give up. Ever. And Russian people will eat his liver before too much longer. Oligarchs are going to send in hit squads soon as well. He's totally fubarred.


I don’t think he wants to bait us into WW3. I think he is scared shitless we will get directly involved which if you think about it we already are. His lies are already know to be just that, lies. If he wanted us involved he would at the very least just attack us and say we attacked him first.

What we need do is a reset with China now because keeping them from assisting Russia in the immediate future is key. Our problems with them are much simpler and can be dealt with tomorrow.



Friday, March 11, 2022 9:44 AM



Originally posted by second:
It is time for the Truth: I killed zero people.

I don't think anybody believes that. In fact, I think most folk who know you suspect that you've got a few dead bodies buried in your back yard that had nothing to do with war.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Friday, March 11, 2022 10:14 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
It is time for the Truth: I killed zero people.

I don't think anybody believes that. In fact, I think most folk who know you suspect that you've got a few dead bodies buried in your back yard that had nothing to do with war.

Per your usual, 6ix, you misunderstand everything, all the time. What I wrote was: It is time for the Truth: I killed zero people. Anyone saying different is spreading Fake News. In a closely related development, Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia, said the pictures are fake:

“Unfortunately, I can confirm that the Russian leadership, including Minister Lavrov, live in their own reality,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told CNBC on Thursday. “He told me looking in my eyes that the pictures of pregnant women being taken from under the rubble of the maternity house are fake.”

In an attempt to ram the point into 6ix's thick skull, making false accusations (are you noticing the word false, 6ix?) that the pictures are fake of the dead bodies is a time-honored tactic by the Russian government, and was also used by the Soviets.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 11, 2022 10:37 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
It is time for the Truth: I killed zero people.

I don't think anybody believes that. In fact, I think most folk who know you suspect that you've got a few dead bodies buried in your back yard that had nothing to do with war.

Per your usual, 6ix, you misunderstand everything, all the time. What I wrote was: It is time for the Truth: I killed zero people.

Sigs was talking about you killing people in Vietnam.

THIS is what you replied back.

If you didn't always post off-topic replies, than people would understand where you're going with things.

I'm sure you killed a lot of people. Both in and outside of wars.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Friday, March 11, 2022 11:30 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Sigs was talking about you killing people in Vietnam.

THIS is what you replied back.

If you didn't always post off-topic replies, than people would understand where you're going with things.

I'm sure you killed a lot of people. Both in and outside of wars.

6ix, you are as paranoid as Putin. He said he had to special operate on Ukraine (insisting Ukraine attacked first) because Ukraine was gonna attack because they are Nazis. Putin is out of his mind with fear and paranoia. Putin keeps his face unemotional, other than boredom, but the inside of his head is a crazy place, as is the insides of Trump voters I know and, especially, Trump. You Trump/Putin guys are forever afraid of being killed or having your money stolen or losing your jobs or afraid of scary looking foreigners or afraid of Muslims or afraid of being poisoned by vaccines or of Democrats or . . . it goes on and on, the things you Trump lovers, Putin lovers are afraid of. Just so you know, I haven't had even a twinge of fear, or woke up from a nightmare, since I was a teenager. Teen years can be scary, but I don't think Trump voters grow out of their fears.

Forgot one thing that will make my hands get clammy ... riding in helicopters. I haven't flown in one for years so I forgot. There is a story that's not very entertaining about me and helicopters flying to offshore oil rigs and once crashing in Vietnam long before that job requiring me go offshore.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 11, 2022 12:08 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Sigs was talking about you killing people in Vietnam.

THIS is what you replied back.

If you didn't always post off-topic replies, than people would understand where you're going with things.

I'm sure you killed a lot of people. Both in and outside of wars.

6ix, you are as paranoid as Putin.

I'm not paranoid. You are a murderer.

But I don't live anywhere near you, you have no idea who I am, and even if you came to track me down things wouldn't go the way you planned them to go.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Friday, March 11, 2022 12:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Russia's leadership wants:

S: "Military and border security"
- nukes removed in '94, Crimea stolen in 2014, check. Maybe stop trying to kill people who live next door?

maybe USA should remove it's missile bases in Poland and Romania and it's biolabs from Georgia, climb back into the treaties that it weaseled out of, stop arming border nations, and stop fomenting "color revolutions" (coups).

Why are you hyperfocusing on Ukraine? It's not just about Ukraine. I posted the Munich Security Conference speech for a reason.


S: "Economic and financial independence from the west"
- welp, you sure are getting that now

Yep!Biden* is playing right into Ruusia's hands.


So: "Trade with reliable partners"
- dust up on your mandarin. Seriously, who is reliable? Here's a tip: maybe you should look inside. If everyone treats you the same way maybe it's your fault?

Since the USA treats the entire world like shit, it must be everyone else's fault.


S: "Lack of interference in its internal politics from outside sources"
- word salad, whatever. Happiness and sunshine.

I suppose we can treat USA complaints of "Russian interference" as meaningly word salad,then!


S: "Internal prosperity"
- more word fluff. I guess you'll just have to keep the 15 year prison sentence around for your citizens who speak out.

Considering the hole that Russia was in by 2000, prosperity is a top goal. And the living standard in Russia HAS gone up. If only our fearless leaders were as considerate of "the people"!


SIGNYM types a lot and says nothing as usual. Like Russian nothing speak.[/
CAPON denies a lot,and learns nothing


S: "Russia's Security Council has been working on this since 2000*. By 2007 they realized that the west was inimical to Russia and would never be anything but an enemy. By 2022 they decided they had reached their financial, economic, and military goals and that they could fight back."

- hey now! - we figured the same thing!

So you agree that Russia is "fighting back" and this is a defensive action? Astonishing!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, March 11, 2022 1:46 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

“General Mud” Has Usually Been on Russia’s Side in War. Not This Time.

The big thaw and mud are coming for Putin and his army.

One Russian dictionary defines rasputitsa as “a time of year when dirt roads are difficult to traverse or indeed impossible to do so.” It doesn’t take that much traffic to turn a passable-but-wet dirt road into a quagmire, and sticking to paved roads is not an option when the Ukrainians have the roads well covered with anti-tank and other weapons.

The timing of Putin’s invasion is particularly odd for someone who seems to place so much stock on historical precedent, given the impact the rasputitsa has had on past foreign invasions of Russia and the Soviet Union.

Launching an offensive during the period of rasputitsa is far from ideal. That Vladimir Putin chose to do so suggests his invasion of Ukraine was not as premeditated as some Western observers have chosen to think, that he was overconfident about the likelihood of Russian success, or both.
With the Russian army facing much stiffer resistance from Ukrainian forces than expected, the mud is an additional factor that, in some instances, is no doubt slowing the Russian advance down. Though the forecast for Ukraine for the next couple of days is cold, the rasputitsa is, inevitably, coming.

If we are to make parallels between the predicament of Russian troops today and German forces back during the rasputitsa of the fall of 1941, we might not focus on the mud. The most significant similarity is a lack of the necessary logistical preparations for the military operations being carried out. At the beginning of the invasion, Putin’s Russian forces clearly lacked the logistical support for the war they had begun to wage. “General Mud” is, apparently, helping Ukraine now, and may pitch in more in the coming weeks, but his abilities are finite, and he cannot be relied upon to play his part in the longer term.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 11, 2022 1:47 PM


Keep showing the world how different American Democrats are in 2022 than they were in the GWB years.

You disgust me.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Saturday, March 12, 2022 9:42 AM


... stay crunchy...

S - "maybe USA should remove it's missile bases in Poland and Romania and it's biolabs from Georgia, climb back into the treaties that it weaseled out of, stop arming border nations, and stop fomenting "color revolutions" (coups)."

I'd say Russia is showing us and the world why. No one will trust Russia for the next century. I thought Putin was some kind of chess master? Maybe he should go play chess, 'cuz this ain't working. 15% of his committed military is gone - wiped out - by a much smaller force. Tragic loss of young Russian lives. I wouldn't think any true Russian patriot would think that's a worthy trade for... for what?

S - "Why are you hyperfocusing on Ukraine?"

S - "Economic and financial independence from the west" Yep!Biden* is playing right into Ruusia's hands.

Yep! Thanks! Bye bye Rubble! You win!

S - "Since the USA treats the entire world like shit, it must be everyone else's fault."

Finally! SIG's true self comes out. She hates the US - duh.

S: "Considering the hole that Russia was in by 2000, prosperity is a top goal. And the living standard in Russia HAS gone up. If only our fearless leaders were as considerate of "the people"!

Well, Putin totally fcked that one. Invading Ukraine has crashed their economy better than we could have. Thanks Putin! What a df.

S: "So you agree that Russia is "fighting back" and this is a defensive action?"
Russia is afraid of Ukraine, so they attacked them? Yeah, that's believable. Typical Russian lying, much like their paper army. So weak they have to enlist mercenaries.

Hey - have you gotten word on when Putin's going to use chemical weapons like he did in Syria? He's all but announced he would when he accused Ukraine and the US of having them - false flag Russia's best weapon.

For the win: SIG has no idea what Putin's end game is and doesn't care how many "Ukies" (like that's not a tell) Putin kills.


Saturday, March 12, 2022 9:51 AM


Putin hides family in ‘secret Siberian underground bunker’

A Russian professor has claimed Vladimir Putin has hidden his family members in an “underground city” to protect them from the unfolding conflict.

The luxury hi-tech bunker is located in the Altai Mountains and was designed for protection in the event of nuclear war, said political scientist Valery Solovey, 61.

The claim comes as Russia is pounding Kyiv and Kharkiv with deadly rockets leading to accusations that Putin is committing war crimes in striking innocent civilians with “vacuum bombs”.

Hey Polish Russian Collaborator Signym, do you have a bunker? How will you keep your family safe? And your homeland signym, your homeland Russia will be completely destroyed. Where are the Russian people going to hide?

The thought of you and people like you who shill for tyrants disgust me.



Saturday, March 12, 2022 10:07 AM


The Masters must be really pleased at how easy it was to turn the Democrats into the party of war so quickly.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Saturday, March 12, 2022 10:47 AM




Saturday, March 12, 2022 11:04 AM


The title of the thread is 'what is Putin's end game.' We need to ask kiki. Where is she, is she hiding or is she dead?



Saturday, March 12, 2022 11:28 AM


Signym condones this. What made her such a sick person?



Saturday, March 12, 2022 12:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

You ask a question, and then you argue about the answer! It may not be the answer that you want, but it's from the Russian leadership itself, and it hasn't changed since 2000.


Russia's leadership wants

Military and border security
Economic and financial independence from the west
Trade with reliable partners
Lack of interference in its internal politics from outside sources
Internal prosperity

If you look at Russia's ACTIONS, they serve these goals. Clearly, you don't want to know what's REALLY going on, you just want to propagandize.

Fine. Propagandize away. It's going to be a big shock when your echo chamaber is breached by reality.

Here's a hint, CAPON. And please pass this on to your DNC masters, bc they sure don't read my comments on their opinion polls:

Americans aren't all that fired up about Ukraine. When the dog takes me for a walk, I chat with my neighbors, and they NEVER bring up RUSSIA!!!

They talk about their family and their family's health, and ask me about mine.
They worry about the cost of healthcare
They talk about the price of gas.
They worry about inflation
And the fact that items are missing from the shelves
They're pissed about crime going unpunished, thanks to Dem DAs.
They're not too crazy about CRT being taught in schools, and they want Covid restrictions lifted in schools
At least half think we should have SOME sort of border control

This constant yammering about RUSSIA!RUSSIA! isn't going to help the DNC in the long run.


Also, to be clear, I'm not too crazy about the GOP leadership either. They've climbed aboard the crazy-train too. The only people who make sense are Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard. It's says something really terrible about our pols if I can only find two in all of the Senate who care enough about America to tell us the truth.

It says something terrible about so many Americans that they don't care enough about themselves to learn the truth. They believe life is like a football game, where you can worm your way into the biggest group of fans and mindlessly wave your team flag and shout yourself hoarse, and then climb into another group of fans and shout yourself hoarse in that one, forgetting what you were hyperventilating about just a few minutes ago.

THAT is not a strong nation or strong people. That's weak, and unable to survive reality.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, March 12, 2022 12:40 PM



Originally posted by THG:

The title of the thread is 'what is Putin's end game.' We need to ask kiki. Where is she, is she hiding or is she dead?


You'd love that, wouldn't you Ted.

Ted takes great pleasure when people he disagrees with die.

I've got a long list of archived links.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Sunday, March 13, 2022 9:17 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You ask a question, and then you argue about the answer! It may not be the answer that you want, but it's from the Russian leadership itself, and it hasn't changed since 2000.


Russia's leadership wants

Military and border security
Economic and financial independence from the west
Trade with reliable partners
Lack of interference in its internal politics from outside sources
Internal prosperity

If you look at Russia's ACTIONS, they serve these goals.

OMG - No they do not. They certainly, provably, observably do not. Invading Ukraine and killing it's citizens is IN FACT, having the exact opposite effect. You're watching the biggest miscalculation and failure since Russia in Afghanistan. There's putting on a good face and then there's just lying to yourself over and over.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Americans aren't all that fired up about Ukraine. When the dog takes me for a walk, I chat with my neighbors, and they NEVER bring up RUSSIA!!!

They talk about their family and their family's health, and ask me about mine.
They worry about the cost of healthcare
They talk about the price of gas.
They worry about inflation
And the fact that items are missing from the shelves
They're pissed about crime going unpunished, thanks to Dem DAs.
They're not too crazy about CRT being taught in schools, and they want Covid restrictions lifted in schools
At least half think we should have SOME sort of border control

This constant yammering about RUSSIA!RUSSIA! isn't going to help the DNC in the long run.

What an obvious fiction. Even IF true, how many neighbors do you see on a regular basis while the dog takes you for a walk? 4? 10? You should open a polling company.

Fwiw, I talk about Russia mostly on this board only, because, yanno, there be Russian fans about.

Finally, a few more tidbits spill out from SIGGY's ill brain exposing her general loathing for the US:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Also, to be clear, I'm not too crazy about the GOP leadership either. They've climbed aboard the crazy-train too. The only people who make sense are Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard. It's says something really terrible about our pols if I can only find two in all of the Senate who care enough about America to tell us the truth.

It says something terrible about so many Americans that they don't care enough about themselves to learn the truth. They believe life is like a football game, where you can worm your way into the biggest group of fans and mindlessly wave your team flag and shout yourself hoarse, and then climb into another group of fans and shout yourself hoarse in that one, forgetting what you were hyperventilating about just a few minutes ago.

God forbid we should have the freedom to choose.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
THAT is not a strong nation or strong people. That's weak, and unable to survive reality.

Reminds me of when a FFF poster warn me off wasting time with you and Kiki because, "they're just a couple of old Soviets."


Sunday, March 13, 2022 11:51 AM




Russia's leadership wants
Military and border security
Economic and financial independence from the west
Trade with reliable partners
Lack of interference in its internal politics from outside sources
Internal prosperity

Signym posts Russia’s demands G. Let break them down shall we.

First Military and border security ; that is what their military is in place to do. No one has challenged that. No one is trying or even thinking about invading Russia. What is happening is all the countries Russia invaded during WW2 and then refused to leave, have now reclaimed their sovereignty due to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Surly you won’t begrudge them their right to rule themselves Signym?

Economic and financial independence from the west ; again dummy, that’s exactly what is happening. The west is separating itself from Russia as fast as it can. The past two weeks the West has been honoring that request and leaving. Russia is at record speed, being given its financial independence.

Trade with reliable partners ; countries have to want to do business with Putin. Very few are willing to do that. Actually only other authoritarian regimes are willing to do that now. Germany says in one year it will be able to end its dependence on Russian oil. This is the result of them being blackmailed by Putin. Besides, the west also wants dependable trading partners. Russia showed itself to not fit the bill. One should never attack its trading partners which is what Russia keeps doing.

Lack of interference in its internal politics from outside sources ; this is impossible Signym. It’s impossible because the Russian people are always exposed to what freedom, democracy has to offer. The internet exposes them to that. It’s not a conspiracy concocted by the west. It just exposes Russians to alternatives to Putin. Innocent exposure to the way of life in the west. It’s why you’re not living in Russia; right comrade?

Ukraine being successful on the world stage and doing better all the time exposed Putin’s, their Russia for what it is. A dead end. They see what the benefits are when allowed to choose one’s own destiny. The internet cannot be stopped. Putin’s trying to stop it but failing miserably.

Internal prosperity ; go ahead. That’s something Russia has to do for itself. Its continual failure to do so is why they keep lashing out. Go back to Russia Signym and lend a hand. And stop bitching about it to us. Bitching about America doesn’t help Russia. It only makes you feel better and less like someone who’s homeland is failing miserably. Your jealousies are showing every single time you post.



Sunday, March 13, 2022 2:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



Russia's leadership wants
Military and border security
Economic and financial independence from the west
Trade with reliable partners
Lack of interference in its internal politics from outside sources
Internal prosperity

THUGR: Signym posts Russia’s demands G. Let break them down shall we.

First Military and border security ; that is what their military is in place to do. No one has challenged that. No one is trying or even thinking about invading Russia.

Bullshit. The USA has been thnking abuot "first strike" capability since whenever (why do you think Poand and Romania have USA missle bases?) and fomenting instability on or in Russia's borders (Chechnya, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus) and engineering economic collapse? The west has been trying to destroy Russia one way or another for decades. Isn't that what YOU'RE constantly agitating for? C'mon, man, don't weasel out of your own statements!


THUGR... What is happening is all the countries Russia invaded during WW2 and then refused to leave, have now reclaimed their sovereignty due to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Surly you won’t begrudge them their right to rule themselves Signym?

Economic and financial independence from the west ; again dummy, that’s exactly what is happening. The west is separating itself from Russia as fast as it can. The past two weeks the West has been honoring that request and leaving. Russia is at record speed, being given its financial independence.

And Russia has been working on that since AT LEAST 2014: reducing its USD debt, creating a SWIFT-independent payment system, their own credit (MIR) card, import substitution, food independence, trade relations outside the USA/EU bloc etc.

Putin LIKES sanctions: They required him to definitively move the Russian economy away from dependence on energy exports to full-scope, and since it was the west that made it necessary he could always deflect criticism and blame us for any dislocation and hardship. The point is: Russia has been preparing for this for EIGHT YEARS.
Have we???


THUGR... Trade with reliable partners ; countries have to want to do business with Putin. Very few are willing to do that. Actually ...
Actually, MOST of thr world is NOT sanctioning Russia.

The west has a long history of breaking contracts (Poland actually took Russia to court in order to break their long-term contracts with Russia bc they wanted to buy on the spot market. Bet they regret that now!), not paying its debts (Ukraine made off with $3 billion that it was supposed to pay back), breaking trade deals, stealing other nations' gold (aside from the outright theft of Libya's and Iraq's gold, the Bank of London just handed Venezuela's gold over to Juan "Random Guy" Guaido, and WE refuse to relese all of Germany's gold back to the German cntral bank), absconding with other nations' central bank assests, and sanctioning trade to destabilize other nations.

Russia, until now, has NEVER broken a commercial contract ... not even with Ukraine.


THUGR: ]Lack of interference in its internal politics from outside sources ; this is impossible Signym. It’s impossible because the Russian people are always exposed to what freedom, democracy has to offer. The internet exposes them to that. It’s not a conspiracy concocted by the west. It just exposes Russians to alternatives to Putin. Innocent exposure to the way of life in the west. It’s why you’re not living in Russia; right comrade?
Russian press is freer that USA press. bc one thing the Russians wisely do is repeat all of the negative (and false) representations of Russia in western press. Russians are getting the idea that the western establishment and lapdog media really hate them, and they're getting pissed off in return.


THUGR: Ukraine being successful on the world stage and doing better all the time
Only a fully-deluded person wuld post that. Ukraine is the POOREST nation in Europe, even poorer than Albania, and that's saying something! And Ukraine is only getting worse, not better, thanks to endemic corruption and rule by oligarchs.


THUGR: Internal prosperity ; go ahead. That’s something Russia has to do for itself. Its continual failure to do so
Unlike Ukraine, the Russian standard of living has risen considerably since 2000.

will there be hardships and dislocations in Russia? YOU BET!
But one thing Russian leadership can always do is blame the west.
And, they are! There will be allegations of war crimes committed by the Kiev regime brought up in the UN and in some sort of war crimes tribunal, and -unlike the constant yammering in the western press- there will be solid evidence against us. The drip-drip-drip of war crimes isn't going to go away. YOU won't listen - I doubt they will be featured in western press - and the west will ignore it, but the rest of the world will hear.

You are again posting from either complete ignorance or, more likely, complete disinformation, and showing everyone what a fool you are.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Sunday, March 13, 2022 3:34 PM


Nobody gives a shit about what's going on with Russia.

The people who sucked Fauci's dick for two years don't count.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Sunday, March 13, 2022 5:36 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Naunihal Singh is one of the world’s leading scholars of military coups. His 2017 book Seizing Power uses statistical analysis, game theory, and historical case studies to try to figure out what causes coups and what makes them likely to succeed.

In Singh’s view, the Ukraine conflict raises the odds of a coup in Russia for two reasons: It could weaken the military leadership’s allegiance to Putin, and it could provide an unusual opportunity to plan a move against him.

The motive for Russian officers to launch a coup would be fairly straightforward: The costly Ukraine campaign becomes unpopular among, and even personally threatening to, key members of the military.

More at

Download the book Seizing Power by Naunihal Singh from the mirrors at

Chapter 7 is USSR, 1991: Three Days That Changed the World
That this coup attempt, undertaken by a coalition that included every major senior military and political figure in the country short of its target, Soviet Union president Mikhail Gorbachev, did not succeed is hard to understand. Indeed, even opponents of the coup believed that it would succeed, and at least one went so far as to call the failure of the coup a miracle.

The novel reading of the Soviet coup of 1991 in this chapter argues that the attempt failed because the junta behind it was less adept at manipulating expectations than its adversaries. . . . Yeltsin’s faction understood what the junta did not: that during a coup attempt nominal control over the armed forces is not sufficient by itself to take over a country.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 13, 2022 5:40 PM


Signym provides an accurate portrait of many Russians view of the world. Everything is tinted with a Soviet perspective. They are paranoid so they perceive their surroundings as a victim would. It's represented in all her posts. All her posts going back forever. And these same Soviet thinking Russians are the number one reason Russia is heading for disaster.

Aspects of Russias’ tragedy will overflow out onto the rest of the world which will be remember and resented. It will be one of countless reasons many investors will not return.

I remember how Signym sounded off about TPP, Trans-Pacific-Partnership. She wanted posters to believe it was bad that America had a proposed trade agreement between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United State.

My bet is she would love to post Russia has made such an agreement. Well, that's not going to happen.



Sunday, March 13, 2022 8:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG:

]Signym provides an accurate portrait of many Russians view of the world. Everything is tinted with a Soviet

Soviet Union doesn't exist anymore


perspective. They are paranoid
THEY'RE paranoid?
What about US??
We see threats EVERYWHERE! How else can we be persuaded to involve ourselves in such godforsaken places that nobody can even find on a map?


they perceive their surroundings as a victim would.
Maybe bc they've been invaded umpty-ump times. What's OUR excuse?


blah blah blah...

I remember how Signym sounded off about TPP, Trans-Pacific-Partnership. She wanted posters to believe it was bad that America had a proposed trade agreement between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United State.

My bet is she would love to post Russia has made such an agreement. Well, that's not going to happen.

a) You misunderstood what I posted. I disagreed with a trade agreement that forced us to have it settled by a secret trade tribunal, not in American courts
b) I have no idea what you're going on about. Don't try mind-reading, son. You suck at it ,

BTW, as you can see from SECOND'S post, we really DO want to destroy Russia. Every anti-Russian post by you, SECOND, CAPON, and JAYNEZ drives that point home, over and over.

It's not a paranoid belief on Russia's part, it's reality.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Sunday, March 13, 2022 11:34 PM


I stand in solidarity with The People of Russia and Ukraine.

Fuck the politicians of all countries. All of this is their doing.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Monday, March 14, 2022 7:35 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SignyM:

BTW, as you can see from SECOND'S post, we really DO want to destroy Russia. Every anti-Russian post by you, SECOND, CAPON, and JAYNEZ drives that point home, over and over.

It's not a paranoid belief on Russia's part, it's reality.

Philosophers tend to be more systematic than politicians. Unlike a politician, a philosopher will be more forthright, less sneaky, about ultimate goals. This philosopher, who Putin knows, doesn't run Russia, but if he did . . .

Aleksandr Dugin: The sinister ideologue who's Putin's favourite philosopher
by Alex Hearn

The Russian invasion of Ukraine seems to be completely irrational. As well as worrying about how to stop the aggression, many of us are trying to understand why it is happening.

Aleksandr Dugin, a Russian philosopher, historian and sociologist, is not well known, but it might help to understand his thinking and influence. Known as “Putin’s philosopher” by some, Dugin is nostalgic for a simpler time. He mistrusts technology and dreams about closing down the internet. It is modernity itself that he doesn’t like. To put that another way, he wants to radically change our world.

Dugin derives his worldview from that of German philosopher Martin Heidegger, who joined the Nazis and ran the University of Heidelberg for them, implementing their “racial” exclusions. Like Heidegger, Dugin sees technology as eroding identity and promoting individualism, helped by “globalist elites” seeking to control the world. His “counter-revolution” aims to end the rights, liberties, science and internet of the Western world.

Adopted by educational institutions across Russia, Dugin’s influential 1997 book Foundations Of Geopolitics advocates for Russian rule “from Dublin to Vladisvostok” using military means, disinformation and leveraging natural resources. “Eurasia” is Dugin’s term for the new Russian Empire. Long before the recent invasion, he saw Ukraine as an integral part of this vision, and that Russia not controlling Ukraine would be “an enormous danger for all of Eurasia”. So it is unsurprising that in 2015, Dugin was sanctioned by the US for “actively [recruiting] individuals with military and combat experience” to fight on behalf of Russia-backed forces in Ukraine.

. . . .

Dugin’s messianic narrative of a sacred mission sees the West as the Antichrist and Russia as being akin to the Roman empire.

Some would describe Dugin’s philosophy as a death cult because he seeks the total destruction of his opponents.

Alarmingly, his ideas have had influence on the thinking of some important Russian figures, most notably Putin. It’s no coincidence that the war in Ukraine aligns with his philosophy and activities, and for this reason Dugin has been cast as a Rasputin-style figure.

President Putin has built on top of generations of antisemitism to gain more power, using vast resources and technology to supercharge a toxic strain of modern Jew-hatred.

The Russian leader’s approach to national rejuvenation is underpinned by Dugin’s fascistic ideology. Labelled by one journalist as “Putin’s brain”, Dugin, who had been a Communist Party organiser, became an advisor to the speaker of the Duma. The Daily Beast reported that his “Eurasian” ideology is required reading for Russian generals.

Dugin’s buzzword, “Novorossiya”, meaning “new Russia”, was repeatedly used by Putin on national television in 2014 regarding the annexing of Crimea, resurrecting the Tsarist terminology of the Russian empire.

Dugin envisages a “new world” centred around Russia, and Putin’s victorious press release about Ukraine was similarly titled the “offensive of Russia and the New World”. According to Ukraine’s Page News, its proud publication had been scheduled for two days after the Ukraine invasion. With efficiency typical of the Soviet era, somebody forgot to remove it from the automated timer function.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, March 14, 2022 7:59 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I stand in solidarity with The People of Russia and Ukraine.

Fuck the politicians of all countries. All of this is their doing.

Putin's philosopher, Aleksandr Dugin, has been written about. See:

Here is an interesting one: "The American Empire Should Be Destroyed": Alexander Dugin and the Perils of Immanentized Eschatology
"All too often, history is driven by the mad passions and ambitions of tyrants — and by warped visions of "progress" crafted in the shadows behind their thrones. James Heiser's brilliant new book drags one of today's most dangerous "gray eminences" into the light. His careful, intricate analysis reveals Aleksandr Dugin, whose twisted ideology shapes Vladimir Putin’s brutal and aggressive effort to build a Eurasian empire centered on Russia. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the perilous and irrational motivations of those who now rule in Moscow."

Putin won't clearly state his ultimate goals because he is sly and crafty, but his philosopher, like all philosophers, will expound in great detail on what Russia should ultimately become -- the ruler of all Eurasia, the vast continent, biggest in the world.

Download the free book "The American Empire Should Be Destroyed" from the mirrors at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, March 14, 2022 8:58 AM


Take the Hindu tv networks wi5th a pinch of salt, Gravitas with Palki Sharma can somewhat be sometimes slightly ok for a different view but they still have bias and buy lots of stuff from Russia, the tv channel WION is an Indian multinational English language news channel headquartered in New Delhi.

its clear Russia has done crimes, it has been criminal, it is killing innocents with its invasion

On the internationl stage it seems Sometimes the Indians think zelenskyy is a type of idiot clown


Monday, March 14, 2022 9:39 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SignyM:
BTW, as you can see from SECOND'S post, we really DO want to destroy Russia. Every anti-Russian post by you, SECOND, CAPON, and JAYNEZ drives that point home, over and over.

I wouldn't care a fig about Russia if they'd just stop invading other countries and fcking with the world economy. And it's not "Russia." This is all on your bff, Putin. One. Fcking. Guy.


Monday, March 14, 2022 9:44 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECOND: Dugin has zero influence on Putin. Dugin is neither a power figure in the Kremlin (or out of it) nor is he a personal friend.

It's a little like saying that Michael Hudson is Biden's* philosopher.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, March 14, 2022 9:50 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


BTW, as you can see from SECOND'S post, we really DO want to destroy Russia. Every anti-Russian post by you, SECOND, CAPON, and JAYNEZ drives that point home, over and over.

CAPON: I wouldn't care a fig about Russia if they'd just stop invading other countries and fcking with the world economy. And it's not "Russia." This is all on your bff, Putin. One. Fcking. Guy.

Oh, bullshit, you incompetent liar.

You were all onboard with RUSSIA!TRUMP!COLLUSION!, thumping that silly hoax for all it was worth, that didn't have a shred of reality behind it and had nothing to do with "invasions".

Man, you're gonna have to do better than that if you want to get paid!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake






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