Myanmar / Burma is going to crap

UPDATED: Sunday, September 10, 2023 06:29
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Tuesday, March 30, 2021 6:54 PM


Burma or Myanmar getting worse, going to shit

East Asia not far from the Indian Sub Continent, near Vietnam and China. Burma or Myanmar is getting worse and worse. This was predictable did anyone Predict it in the predictions thread?

In old times there were Tibeto-Burman languages, there was an old Taungoo dynasty and Hanthawaddy Pegu Kingdom that had culture which crossed into Laos, Thailand, Bangladesh, Khmerand Bhutan. The Burmese seem to have been defeated by the Mongols unlike Vietnam which resisted and defeated the Mongol China Yuan dynasty Mongolian Empire.
Anglo-Burmese wars happen back in 1800s eventually led to British colonial rule from a Great British Empire, << <<< << Opium Wars Era?
then Japanese Empire pops up and allied with Axis powers, what comes next is occupation of much of the country during the World War II. The first years of Burmese independence seem to be a socialist military Dictator

Independents getting away from big Empires only to be ruled by social communist military people? independence were marked by kinda civil war style with stalemates until someone restores order, even for a while there were runors ex-Japan soldiers or Taiwan Kuomintang (KMT) or Chinese communists or other Burma tribes and forces were hiding out in those jungles and forests, after the Big Empires go away Burma had successive insurgencies internally by various Burma political factions and groups, a socialist military seems to have restored some form of order, in the 50s Over 400 'communist sympathisers' were arrested and sent over seas, in the 60s a coup d'état, in the 80s the student uprising for democracy.

From what I understand the country has lived under a socialist dictatorship media for years while Media hailed 'Aung San Suu Kyi' as some kind of savior of Burma. Back in 1999, Time Magazine named her one of the "Children of Gandhi". Her father, Aung San, allied with the Japanese during World War II. Aung San founded the modern Burmese army and negotiated Burma's independence from the United Kingdom in 1947; he was assassinated by his rivals in the same year. Suu Kyi's mother, Khin Kyi, gained prominence as a political figure in the newly formed Burmese government. She was appointed Burmese ambassador to India and Nepal in 1960. Aung San Suu Kyi rose to prominence in the 8888 Uprising of 8 August 1988 and became the General Secretary of the NLD. The 8888 Uprising were pro-democracy protests that occurred on 8 August 1988 inside Burma, after an election the the military junta refused to recognize the election results and continued to rule the country as the State Law and Order Restoration Council.

She spends years living under house arrest and then as Burma slowly opens up she eventually gets into power, the first thing she does in a Post 911 Iraq Libya Pakistan Afghan crazy world is she starts to crackdown on Burma's troublesome jihadi islamics, you got the Bengali muslims from Bangldesh, the 'Rohingya people'
Western media go into a hissy fit and start re-publishing islamist propaganda The fake pictures of the Rohingya crisis
This old Lady 'Aung San Suu Kyi' is no longer a Moses or George Washington, she is accused of being Stalin or Hitler by crazy people in Western media.

There are times when Burma has shut off communications and the internet

2019, Aung San Suu Kyi appeared to defended the Burmese military against allegations of 'holocausts' against the 'Rohingya'.
On 1 February 2021, Aung San Suu Kyi was arrested by the military during the 2021 Myanmar coup d'état after it declared the November 2020 Myanmar general election results fraudulent

They also had a historical issue with their own ethnic gruop the Longneck Karen people, the Kariang, Karenit an ethnic group of Theravada Buddhists who also practice animism, they also have a high number of Christians. These Burmese Karens took part in a militia uprising or insurgency against the largest city of Myanmar Burma, the conflict was mostly 1940s and 50s as far as I understand but continued up until 2006.

Burma is socialist and its run by a military that means it is it is close to China
it also seems to be a major drug hub route, anyone who knows the street gossip know a lot of drugs move across India, China, Afghanistan, into Myanmar Burma, then these highs and lows and stimulants and addictions end up in the hubs of Thailand, the dirty Thai streets and whore house clubs with drugs and prostituties, big business for the banks that deal in crime. Drugs moving and get sent across the world in the illegal drug trade, Thailand is a major route for these Burma Myanmar drugs

The geopolitics of Myanmar's black swan coup
Myanmar coup latest: 3 armed groups vow to defend people from junta

Singapore’s Burmese fight online

Thailand pushes back thousands fleeing

Protests have kicked off, people are killed and there is violence in the streets, its almost in the old backyard where kamala harris old mum used to live, US President Joe Biden is talking about this.
The Burma military are attack and causing thousands to flee, you can see the flight of these groups and old women and kids and other people walking across fields and mountains and borders on vids on liveleak, twitter and youtube. As of 9 February, Aung San Suu Kyi continues to be held incommunicado, UN Secretary-General António Guterres believes "These developments represent a serious blow to democratic reforms in Myanmar." Volkan Bozkir, President of the UN General Assembly, also voiced his concerns, having tweeted "Attempts to undermine democracy and rule of law are unacceptable". The Burmese Karen Refugees Say They are Being Refused by Thailand Despite Public Welcome, the Burma military attack again and Thai soldiers are once again ‘returning people to Myanmar’ after thousands more flee.

I expect Sanctions from the USA will be coming soon


Tuesday, March 30, 2021 7:54 PM


You're such a stupid bitch, Siggy. You don't know shit.

Or maybe you do, but you choose to lie like the Russian troll you are. It's time you killed yourself, for the good of the universe.

Worthless lying bitch.

Myanmar isn't socialist. There was a fascist coup, you stupid cunt. The fascists are murdering people.


Wednesday, March 31, 2021 2:58 PM


Burma’s junta doubles down on its bloody crackdown — can Biden find an answer?

Japan suspends new aid to Myanmar over coup

Burma forces kill dozens in deadliest day since coup


Wednesday, March 31, 2021 3:45 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
You're such a stupid bitch, Siggy. You don't know shit.

Or maybe you do, but you choose to lie like the Russian troll you are. It's time you killed yourself, for the good of the universe.

Worthless lying bitch.

Myanmar isn't socialist. There was a fascist coup, you stupid cunt. The fascists are murdering people.



" 'You're like the Nazis' is the new 'I don't like you'. That disqualifies her from marching around planet Who-Gives-a-Shit in a helmet? ~Bill Maher

PSA: Don't click on any links in Second's posts. He's trying to fish your private information out of you.


Thursday, April 1, 2021 11:37 AM


I remain 100% correct, here.

Any of you trolls want to try to challenge established facts?

No? Thought so.


Thursday, April 1, 2021 12:04 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by reaverfan:
You're such a stupid bitch, Siggy. You don't know shit.

Or maybe you do, but you choose to lie like the Russian troll you are. It's time you killed yourself, for the good of the universe.

Worthless lying bitch.

Myanmar isn't socialist. There was a fascist coup, you stupid cunt. The fascists are murdering people.

Uh, I didn't post this, REAVERBOT. But please, feel free to continue the best Roomba imitation on the internet.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Thursday, April 1, 2021 12:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I guess REAVERBOT is all up for yet another humaniarian bombing campaign. We can aim to kill more peeps than the current junta.

It's a complicated history, like most post-colonial nations. British Empire did an EXCELLENT job of drawing borders that cut thru language, religious, and cultural groups. Divide and conquer. Gerrymanering on an international scale.

The only thing I know about Burma is from a Xtian ethnic Burmese technician that I used to work with. According to her, the big itch was that ethnic Chinese occupied the business-owner/managerial class, leaving ethnic Burmese who wanted to move up in those spots chafing.

Seems that China is supporting the current military rule.

I say: Let the Burmese sort it out.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, April 3, 2021 6:58 AM



Friday, August 26, 2022 10:10 AM


BBC news continues to post pro-shitlamic propaganda


Friday, August 26, 2022 1:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

JAYNZE, can you provide more detail or a link?

We here in the USA are currently mesmerized by our Punch-and-Judy political parties and Russia-Ukraine. It's even hard for TPTB to drag our attention to Taiwan!

AFA we're concerned, Afghanistan and all of the other 'stans ("stan" BTW is a Persian word which means "region"), Africa, SE Asia, and S America have dropped off the globe.

I appreciate that you post non-Eurocentric news.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, August 26, 2022 2:57 PM


It seemed they backed up Aung San Suu Kyi, she was going to take on a dictatorship and lift Burma Myanmar into a multi-culture place but like what, Brazil, Jamaica, Lebanon, Paris, London, Portland, HongKong ...who knows what they planned.

Aung San Suu Kyi drew criticism as she went hard against islamics, critics from several countries, organisations and figures over Myanmar's oppression or inaction in response to a muslim Bengali refugee crisis?
However the military were soon back in power and in April 2022 she was sentenced to five years in prison on corruption charges

maybe the praise of islamic is in response to this?

Myanmar arrest of ex-U.K. ambassador is 'hostage diplomacy,' activists say

another article

Burma’s Drug Problem Gets Worse as Its Politics Get Better


Thursday, July 13, 2023 2:18 PM


Thai Foreign Minister says he has met with detained Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi


Sunday, September 10, 2023 6:29 AM


Myanmar receives first shipment of Russia's Su-30 fighter jets

Here was that old report / rumor Myanmar was bombing pop concerts?

Voa were also running a story about a rapper






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