White, Republican, (likely Christian) Male as our next president....

UPDATED: Thursday, July 4, 2024 07:43
VIEWED: 2324
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Monday, April 4, 2016 4:28 PM


I said that years ago in the predictions thread.

I also said it would be 50 years before anybody voted Black again, 25 years until somebody voted non-white again, and there is ZERO chance that a Female President is going to happen after 8 years of this failed experiment...

I knew it would be bad, but I figured the "regular kind of bad" when it comes to presidents. I never thought that Donald Trump would be The Guy I was talking about...

I never thought it would be THIS bad....

I guess that's just the Wacky Pendulum swinging full force in the opposite direction.

GWB was SUCH A BAD PRESIDENT for 8 years that America decided to vote an untested democrat into office because he was Black and he was Fresh and he promised "Hope and Change". Do try not to forget that he came from the Illinois legislature.... one of the most bankrupt and recently unsuccessful in the entire Union.....

I knew that we'd have a Republican White Male in the seat this time next year, but Trump????

The last 16 fucking years have been so bad that we're going to vote in the VERY type of man who has overseen COUNTLESS lay-offs in his life as our new commander and chief? A man who views his employees as nothing more than numbers on a docket? A man who has likely ruined 10's of Thousands of Christmases by getting richer as he laid off more of his employees and sent their salaries to India????

Say it ain't so.....

I agree that it's time to get the Dems out of the Throne for at least 4 years, but Donald-Fucking-Trump????

One vote for DT is twice as bad as two votes for BO was....

If Trump is our next president, that's just 20 straight years of Americans getting exactly what they deserve.

Fuck it!


Monday, April 4, 2016 5:12 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

A lot of Americans are completely fed up with both parties, because both parties have failed to represent them, leaving those Americans merely hoping to just not lose even more. The media is a money-grubbing whore, that Trump said he would play for free publicity, and did. The nomination process is broken, leaving the republicans in disarray and the democrats fixing the result.

Welcome to democracy, where



Monday, April 4, 2016 5:13 PM


And by the way....

What of "Conflict of Interests?"

Truth be told, it hadn't even occurred to me until I was speaking with my brother a few weeks back. Wouldn't a man like Trump (allegedly) have VERY MANY INTERNATIONAL INTERESTS given that he is who he is?

My (very intelligent) brother, who doesn't even like Trump, said that he believed that Trump no longer has any Business ties to foreign companies.

He's intelligent, but he's not Wall Street Wolf by any means. Why would he even say such a thing automatically, especially about a man that he doesn't support?

(Seriously, I don't watch TV and commercials.... I'm asking you.)

I haven't even bothered to look it up on the internet because it doesn't matter what you find there since the game is rigged by people much more savvy than you or I.

I've worked for crooked politicians before. Granted they were on a much lower level with less of a national spotlight, and they all got busted eventually, but the truth was, for many years they did a whole bunch of (allegedly) VERY BAD THINGS and nobody Underneath them would have ever been able to prove any of them. They were only "Busted" because it came down from "The Top"....

When I was 20, I was an idiot kid. I got high and drunk all the time outside of work, but I showed up everyday on time wearing a suit or at least a shirt and tie. I was great at computers and I could type 60WPM. MOST IMPORTANTLY, I could keep a secret and I didn't ask questions. I didn't have a college degree, but I made 50k a year back when the high price of gas in Chicago was $1.25 a gallon.

Those were the best years of my life....

Not because of my job or who I was working for, but because of the awesomeness of being a 20 year old making so much money that he had a billion friends outside of work and not only owned the place that hosted the most parties, but also supplied a lot of the booze, bud and broads..... The Holy Trinity when you're 20.

The fact is, I knew nothing about what was REALLY going on when I worked there. I loved my Boss. He took care of me, and he took care of everyone who worked for him. Even the guys "in back" doing menial work were paid way more than the competition paid. It was a Great place to work.

And then one day, even though I hated him at the time for it, my Boss did me a HUUUUUUUUGE solid and fired me LONG before the shit hit the fan, it wasn't until about another year and a half or so that I started reading a lot of familiar names in the papers. People I had met over the years. People who I'd shaken their hands. People who had met my girlfriends and given us free tickets to this and that and whatever. People who were all going to prison. People who were all ratting each other out.

I look back and realize that I know absolutely NOTHING about what was happening back then, but it's only with 20/20 hindsight that I realize that not only was I an actively-innocient-bystandard of the whole thing, but my loyalty and willingness to not "Bite the Hand that Feeds" made me a witless accomplice to whatever things were happening back then.

I still plead ignorance, for even to this day I haven't researched the demise of the old cronies. What is done is done. He was kind of like a father to me during some years I didn't speak at all to either my real father or my step-father. The rest of them were like Uncles. Even the ones I didn't care much for. Like any job, that was my 2nd family for a time.

I was hired on as a Temp for a 2 week job once.... 3 days later, the Owner said "Hey Kid... You want a Full Time Job?????"

In the late 90's, I brought "Youth" to the company. I showed the old dogs how to use their computers and do some network stuff. I spent my down time creating a job number system by year and found over $15k in back bills that were never collected on and then I kept calling those people over and over and over again until it was easier for them just to pay for it than to deal with me. (Looking back, part of me wonders how much of that 15k was purposefully buried or not....)

One of our clients, in person in front of my boss, once told me straight to my face that I was the most annoying asshole he had ever known....

Before I had a chance to reply, my boss said that is exactly what he paid me for and told him to pay up.

All I'm saying is that there were a lot of companies. A lot of duplicate and triplicate invoices made here and there for the same bill to different companies. Most people wouldn't have noticed it, but I did. But I was easily swayed with a bunch of free food and free parties and free pussy, like any 20 year old in my position would have been.

Thankfully for me, my old bosses weren't the gun carrying types. Even if they were now, at least half of them are probably dead and, as you all here know, I've drunk so much I can hardly remember my own name....

I wouldn't even be talking about any of this if any of it still mattered. This was all 2 impeached Illinois Governors before now....

I guess the moral of the story is, not one single person here, OR ANYWHERE ELSE has one single fucking clue what goes on behind closed doors when Politicians speak to each other....

Every single day to them is a Lie. A Game.... Just another chance to put one over on somebody else who is too slow or too stupid to realize it.

Donald Trump is not even a good cover for a One World Government.

Let him spout all the racist shit he wants to drum up Southern Support from the completely ignorant, but as much as I hate the Democratic Way if it comes down between Hillary and Trump, my vote goes to Hillary 100%

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, April 4, 2016 5:19 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
A lot of Americans are completely fed up with both parties, because both parties have failed to represent them, leaving those Americans merely hoping to just not lose even more. The media is a money-grubbing whore, that Trump said he would play for free publicity, and did. The nomination process is broken, leaving the republicans in disarray and the democrats fixing the result.

Welcome to democracy, where


Agreed 1Kiki...

Read my post I made just one minute after yours. I'd love to see what you have to say about it ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, April 4, 2016 11:40 PM



Wednesday, September 7, 2022 3:49 PM


and Mid Terms will fix anything?


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

my vote goes to Hillary 100%

I wouldn't have thought you to vote this way, I wonder like you did many other Americans grow to like Trump better over time?


Originally posted by Wishimay:
he's better than 99% of men in the world.

You know I've been in many parts of the world and I have to admit its not just Men who have a filthy mouth its also the 'Western Women' are becoming vulgar, rude, gross, inappropriate and filthy, when you over hear them talking loud in a restaurant they say some of the most sexual disgusting stuff, the prude and conservative era is truly gone

I know you hate men even more than a soyboy like Joss ever can

but When they hordes of islamics arrive and the Lesbo Gay Tranny weirdos start harassing the kids just remember what your politically victimhood and fourth wave feminism helped create


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 9:35 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
and Mid Terms will fix anything?


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

my vote goes to Hillary 100%

I wouldn't have thought you to vote this way, I wonder like you did many other Americans grow to like Trump better over time?

I'm the last person to blame things on being drunk, and I know that you usually say what you REALLY mean when you're drunk.

But I'll tell you right now that this is one of likely many, many posts I made that I have zero recollection of ever posting. Not denying it. Obviously it was me.

To put things into perspective, this would have been right around the time that I got into some sort of argument on Facebook with my cousin's future father in-law and got myself uninvited to her wedding. The final year of my drinking that was reaching a crescendo of nearly 60 beers in one 2 1/2 day session where I'd puke and go right back to drinking, and it wasn't out of the ordinary for me to wake up with the empty case by the trash bin only to open up the fridge and find a second 30 pack nearly finished that I didn't have on hand before my binge session and had no recollection of driving to the liquor store and back with it.


There was a time where part of me thought he was 100% voting for Clinton.



Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, September 20, 2023 6:35 AM


Tired of the Republican primary, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump shifts focus to Biden

Human and religious rights cast a shadow over US-Vietnamese agreements

Biden's biblical ‘slip-up’ points to how little religion will inform his decisions

Mitt Romney to retire from US Senate after wild ride through Republican politics

Mitt Romney, who will not seek reelection in 2024,


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I also said it would be 50 years before anybody voted Black again

These were your drinker years so I won't put these in the predictions

If you go by tonal shade then was Obama a mix or tanned or 'Brown' and is Vivek more Brown than Obama is Black?


Thursday, October 19, 2023 11:00 AM


Trump leads Biden by 4 points among swing state voters: poll


Sunday, January 14, 2024 7:47 PM



Sunday, May 19, 2024 5:28 AM


Joe is not Republican

Is Biden Atheist or fake X-tian sounds like a Chinese name, Joe Biden not sure if teleprompter but says he supprts the LGBTUVWXY stuff but also he says he's 'Christian'

if Maxine Waters, Bakkaball Nike Spacejam flop LeBron, Hillary, Pelosi, Biden and Kamala unleash another Antifa BLM Apocalpse

you could have these guys instead

Bill Maher says Biden, 81, has only agreed to debate Trump because he knows he's losing,


Thursday, July 4, 2024 7:43 AM


Some female doctors and scientists of Wakanda

how to blame 'White People' for this?

Watch fists fly during all-out brawl between female passengers on Carnival cruise: ‘Got out of hand very, very quickly’

It's All Falling Apart Now

CrazyWishiWays would have loved this Fourth Wave Feminism Trip ...

Equal Rights...Equal Left Hooks and Left Uppercuts

Woman Finds Out That You Shouldn't Punch Men in Parking Lots






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