Nancy Pelosi: "Nobody said we were doing abortion rather than the economy. It's about both."

UPDATED: Thursday, November 10, 2022 19:03
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Sunday, October 23, 2022 8:33 PM


She then clarified that statement by adding "We're killing babies AND we're killing the economy!" and then cackled like a Clinton killing a Lybian.


Monday, October 24, 2022 10:21 AM


Pelosi: "When I Hear People Talk About Inflation... We Have To Change That Subject"


When I hear people talk about inflation, as I heard him there, we have to change that subject. Inflation is a global phenomenon. The EU, the European Union, the UK, the British, have higher inflation rate than we do here.

The UK and the EU (we know what they are, you stupid twat) don't have the benefit of unlimited printing presses or a currency that is tied to Oil like we do. Not only is this a false equivalency argument, but it is YOU trying to weasel your way out of the part that YOU played in spiking inflation worldwide.


The fight is not about inflation. It's about the cost of living. And if you look at what we have done, to bring down the cost of prescription drugs,

You've done no such thing. You brought down the price of insulin. Period.


to bring down the cost of- of energy and the rest in our legislation,

Sorry Nance. Your audience isn't smoking the crack with you and knows this is bullshit. EV's don't work. Solar roofs and windmills in the backyard are far too expansive for the average person no matter how much you subsidize them, and they don't come without a ton of upkeep costs that you're not going to be paying for.

Meanwhile, we've been paying more for gas at the pump than we ever have in history, and we're about to have the most expensive winter heating season on record.

You haven't cut shit. Might I suggest you do so now by cutting the bullshit.


But let me just say that because of people, more people working in the rest, the national deficit has been cut in half from 2.8 to $1.4. Trillion. That is a big change. So it is- it's, yes, we have to take a step forward to solve the pandemic problem. But we did so in a way that would reduce the national deficit and that is cannot be ignored.

Once again... YOU DIDN'T REDUCE SHIT, YOU FUCKING LIAR. $1.4 Trillion on it's own in a single year is nothing to be proud of, you dumb bitch. Cutting that in half from the $2.8 Trillion dollar Democrat giveaway in 2021 is not something to hang your hat on.


But the point is, is that, when you reduce unemployment, it's inflationary. That is a fact. When I was a new member of Congress, I was told that unemployment was dangerously low in our hearings on inflation and unemployment. Unemployment is dangerously low for what it does to inflation. But the fact is, the point is, is that this is about helping America's working families meet their needs, and that was essential to them. Less inflationary than a $2 trillion tax cut for the high end that the Republicans gave and we're still paying a price for $2 trillion, 83% of the benefits going to the top 1%. So we feel proud of what we've done. We feel proud of the President. To help America's working families to lower their cost, and in doing so to reduce the deficit.

Just a bunch of mindless platitudes and gobbledygook for idiots like Ted and Second to swallow.

You've pushed out the working class whites, and now you've lost the Latino and a great deal of the black vote too. The Asians sure as shit aren't voting for you.

The only people that are going to vote for Democrats going forward are rich white people who have no more of an idea what actual living is like than you do with your $24,000 refrigerator full of Dove Bars.

Get fucked, Nance.

You've got two weeks and a day left of being relevant. I suggest you'd use it more wisely than you've been doing.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, October 24, 2022 10:39 AM


Doesn't matter, can't lose, she's golden in San Fagcisco. The disgusting sodomites and various assorted subhuman gay sex fiends that make up her constituency love her. She protects them and has advanced their agendas very well for them.... nothing less than a National Disgrace!


Monday, October 24, 2022 10:54 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Doesn't matter, can't lose, she's golden in San Fagcisco. The disgusting sodomites and various assorted subhuman gay sex fiends that make up her constituency love her. She protects them and has advanced their agendas very well for them.... nothing less than a National Disgrace!

She's losing her Speakership though. For the final time.

That IS something.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, October 24, 2022 11:37 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Doesn't matter, can't lose, she's golden in San Fagcisco. The disgusting sodomites and various assorted subhuman gay sex fiends that make up her constituency love her. She protects them and has advanced their agendas very well for them.... nothing less than a National Disgrace!

She's losing her Speakership though. For the final time.

That IS something.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

That would be huge, if not for the fact that most Republicans are not worth dog crap. They talk a good game, especially around election time, then they revert back to the greedy, selfish D.C. cocktail party wannabee a-holes we keep electing. Perhaps the newbies of the new majority will force the Party to do better.


Monday, October 24, 2022 4:06 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
That would be huge, if not for the fact that most Republicans are not worth dog crap. They talk a good game, especially around election time, then they revert back to the greedy, selfish D.C. cocktail party wannabee a-holes we keep electing. Perhaps the newbies of the new majority will force the Party to do better.

That's my hope. That's what I told Sigs the other day. We sure voted a lot of NeoCons out of the party in the primaries this mid-term cycle.

Now we just have to lie back and wait and see if the new crop is any better. If they're not, we do it again. And then we do it again. And again. And again. And again. Until we get it right.

Ain't nothing ever going to change if the idiot electorate on both sides doesn't stop giving these failure politicians life long appointments.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, October 24, 2022 4:32 PM


They are OUR bitches. We are not their bitches.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, November 10, 2022 7:03 PM


Abort Americans and Abort the Economy?

Republican clown candidates appear soft on abortion in a Post-Roe election season.

'Don’t trust them.'






I'm surprised there's not an inflation thread yet
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