What is "The Great Reset"?

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Saturday, July 9, 2022 1:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I've been thinking about the "war in Ukraine" and it's purpose.

Ukraine fighting for freedom, or
NATO fighting Russia, or even
"the western system" fighting "the Eurasion colossus" (see Mike Pompeo's recent speech on the topic

but the LARGER purpose. The one that fits into the "great reset".

But let me take step back to explain.

Every war that the west has fought in the past four decades has never solved a problem, only caused more deaths, more strife, more failed states.

Grand economic schemes ("QE", bank bailins), foreign aid packages, IMF/World Bank/Trioka loans have not led to greater prosperty, but more poverty and bankruptcy

Policies purported to salve some great humanitarian wound (slavery, "autocracy", exploitation, gun violence) has not resulted in justice or peace, but more division and aggrievement.

Even natural or impending natural disaster (Covid, climate change) policies have not ACTUALLY solved/mitigated the problem, simply dispossed people ahead of time (see: farmers in the Netherlands).

So, what makes us think that Ukraine, or even "east versus west", is any different?



There are many factions supporting the "war in Ukraine". Each has its own interests which overlap but don't necessarily converge.

The MIC and the Pentagon - and corresponding arms mfrs in the EU and UK - want to waste out old weapons so they can get more $ for new ones.

The neocons have a great fixation against Russia. They're willing to sacrifice not only Ukraine but the entire EU in their effort to "destroy Putin".

Neoliblerals are even willing to destroy the USD in what they see as an existential fight against "illiberalism".

But how does this fit in with the REAL elite?

IMHO they hve been breeding chaos and destruction for decades. There's nothing like a crisis in which to engineer a resource-grab and to reduce the living standards of the great unwashed masses. (With limits on hot showers, the EU will truly be unwashed.)

And, in order to impose a resource-grab, they need more centralized authority - authority to impose meaningless climate change regulations on farmers, so they cn grab the land. More authority to quash protests (truckers in Ottawa) and confiscate their trucks and bank accounts. More authority to control movement and employment in the name of public health. More authority to reduce living standards everywhere the western financial system reaches .... Africa, South America, EU, America ... by weaponizing currencies and the SWIFT. More authority to control speech ("Offensive" or otherwise) and to stifle if not outlaw opposition politicians and political movements.

Control is a flood that reaches everywhere, in great torrents that sweep away all obstacles, or in slow trickles that creep into every low point, ultimately drowning everyone not elevated.

There is no "problem" that can't be "solved", no "crisis" that can't be responded to, created, or faked that can't be used to favor the global elite.


The elites have no allegiance to "the peple" anywhere (not even the USA), no loyalty to any particular currency or nation or bloc, and no preference for peace and propserity for anyone except themselves. If you want to think of them as global villains (KAOS), that's prolly closest to the truth.

It's still all about dispossessing everyone and maybe even killing off quite a few, a massive asset-and-resource grab no matter how well-dressed as "solving" some sort of "crisis".

I bring this up bcause I'm trying to see what happens next. Central bank digital currencies? Suspended elections because "we're at war" (with China)? Continued (artificial) energy and food shortages?

What next?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, July 9, 2022 1:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

According to Mike Pompeo, war with China. That way, we not only get cut off from cheap commodities from Russia, we get cut off from cheap manufactures from China!

Transcript of Pompeo Speech on Ukraine and a Global Alliance for Freedom

Hudson Institute

“It’s great to be here at the Hudson Institute. To those of you from the Ambassadors Court, thank you for being here. Honored guests and friends, it’s an honor to greet you. I consider it an enormous responsibility to speak to you about a matter of the utmost urgency and significance. It involves war, Ukraine, and the necessity of forming a new global alliance for freedom, which has to contest, which must contest both Russian and Chinese aggression.

“I last had the privilege of meeting with President Zelenskyy in January 2020. How different the world seemed then. But unlike the presidency that the Trump administration followed, America did not hesitate in supplying Ukraine with weapons, such as the Javelin, which broke the back of Russia’s armed advance to Ukraine’s capital. I looked back at this as I was preparing for this speech, at the joint press conference with President Zelenskyy. Your nation’s heroic president thanked the Trump administration for our support of Ukraine in the war and the Donbas and your efforts to reclaim Crimea. A war for freedom now rages in Ukraine, it demands that we speak with absolute candor and with unlimited certainty of purpose.

“Let’s start at the beginning. Ukraine must be free and freedom requires strength and dignity. To be secure, Ukraine must always be a sovereign, not constrained by another nation’s territorial incursions or influence. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is an inflection point in the post-Cold War politics. John referred to my time as a young soldier, then serving on the then East German border. Here we are, that border still challenged, the European front attacked. So what does this say? What does this portend for Europe? How does this war affect Russia’s affiliation with China and that country’s actions with respect to Taiwan? And what lessons must we draw for our security and for our freedom throughout the entirety of the world?

“At the center of these questions, and a question I want to answer to all today, is why does this matter? Why does this matter to the United States of America? Why should America support Ukraine? And why should it matter to citizens far flung across our great country? Why should a machinist in Wichita, Kansas, or a school teacher in Des Moines care about what happens in the Donbas? It is my hope today that we will find answers because to find those answers is vital to liberty, for our own people here at home. We know this in America, the gift of freedom is always purchased. This fact is iridescent today in Ukraine. Men and women of extraordinary intrepidity are sacrificing themselves to secure liberty for their children and for their countrymen. And because of their courage, the Ukrainian people’s courage against harrowing odds, I am confident that Ukraine will live. And the deeds that this generation achieved and their heroism that is on display today will forever be remembered. Not just in Ukraine, but all across the world.

“For when the preponderance of a nation, that’s never known war for a lifetime thinks freedom cheap they create risk. Sometimes freedom appears as an afterthought that is plentiful as the air we breathe. It’s not, it is rare. It is the most precious commodity. The most precious commodity that humanity has ever attained. This is the lesson that Ukraine is teaching us all. They’re teaching America’s children, and it is perhaps the most important message that they will ever be taught.

“Virtue. Virtue is the prerequisite for freedom for it provides the boundary that enables exercise, without unduly limiting or infringing upon the rights of others. Keep this thought in your head as I speak today. This safeguarding, the safeguarding the exercises’ of freedom, depends on virtue in its totality. Liberty is freedom. Liberty is freedom from molestation by an oppressive government or authority. And freedom is crushed. Freedom is crushed if virtue is not prized. Vladimir Putin’s utter lack of basic humanity ensures that as long as he remains in power, Russia will be virtual prison and no nation that borders its expanse will ever be safe.

“Liberty. Liberty as promised in our Declaration of Independence and as guaranteed by our Constitution and guaranteed by the constitution of Ukraine is thus only possible, if limited government is practiced and not enlarged for expansive government, through its desire to accrete power, subverts individual agency and choice, ultimately destroying liberty. I worked on this as a member of Congress. And this choice ultimately destroys liberty if we centralize. Economic security begins with this understanding, and I want to talk about economic security. Ukraine, like America before, is the magnificent answer to the questions that I’ve raised. You can see it, you can feel it. Is freedom worth dying for? And the question that gets asked in my hometown is, but should America be involved in this war? We’re not the world’s policemen, Mike. But I tell them because this is clear, by assisting Ukraine, America bolsters our own security without the involvement in combat of our men and women. We’re not going to send America’s military into this war, our president has made that clear. But we can do so much.

“We can do what President Zelenskyy has asked. We must aid Ukraine, for to do so in part is our first duty to America and to Americans. It’s because supporting Ukraine, we prevent larger European conflict. A war that would almost certainly involve America’s military because we have a deep commitment to the NATO treaty and Article Five there in. By helping Ukraine, we prevent Russia’s reconstitution of the Soviet Empire, the thing that I studied about when I was a cadet at West Point. That empire, if rebuilt even in small measure, would dictate world fossil fuel supplies causing massive economic hemorrhaging in America and throughout the globe affecting every single American.

“By aiding Ukraine, we undermined the creation of a Russian-Chinese axis bent on exerting military and economic hegemony in Europe, in Asia and in the Middle East. This would further devastate the lives of Americans and our economy here at home. Indeed, by empowering Ukraine, we demonstrate to China the cost of invading Taiwan. Or frankly exerting its influence in nations all across the world, thus helping to thwart an assault that would rupture the living standards of the world by crippling supplies of goods, such as semiconductors. Look, we must act in support of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, lest we undercut America’s self-interest. It is a deeply American mission.

“I served in a unique administration. I’m proud of that uniqueness. And in the Trump administration, before the global pandemic induced by China, we created the greatest economy America has ever known. The strength of America’s economy propelled by affordable and abundant supplies of fossil fuels was a bulwark and an enormous tool for America’s Secretary of State. It was a bulwark against Russian and Chinese expansionism. Today our economy is at risk. Stripped of our energy dominance, subdued by our disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, subjected to waves of undocumented immigrants coerced by transnational criminal organizations. Shattered by inflation, due to deeply irresponsible federal spending and pummeled by lawlessness as we approach a precipice here at America. A broadened European war would push us over the edge and spell unmitigated disaster for our economy.

“Farmers from my home state in Kansas would see their markets evaporate as our nation’s manufacturers in all towns, in all cities. I ran a machine shop in Wichita before I lost my mind and ran for Congress. It would be devastating to American manufacturing not to support what’s taking place in Ukraine today. Every American, every American would face the burden of exponentially higher costs of living on top of what we’re already facing.

“You need not guess about this next fact. Putin has proclaimed that there is no intermediate state. Either a country is sovereign or it is a colony. Xi Jinping believes the same. This war, Putin’s war, is to expunge Ukraine as a sovereign nation and as a people. Ukraine is to be folded into the new Russian Empire that seeks to become a rump of the Soviet Union. Nine, count them, nine American presidents from each of our political parties. Nine American presidents dismembered the Soviet Empire at enormous great human costs, to allow it to even begin to be reconstitution unthinkable.

“Putin’s illegal assault of war represents a planned genocide, which is deliberate obliteration of a people, as defined by the 1948 United Nations. Though each genocide is different and unique as John mentioned, the one taking place in Xinjiang. This genocide that we’re seeing today is like the Holodomor engineered by Stalin that murdered millions of Ukrainians and it must be named to be fought.

“I get asked all time, “Has Putin changed?” In 2005, Putin declared the demise of the Soviet Union as one of the greatest tragedies in history. In 2007, he enunciated his rationale for conquest in terms that would be familiar to dictators who ruled Europe almost 90 years ago. Putin’s been consistent. He’s been consistent in his revanchist objectives. In Grozny in 1999. In Georgia in 2008. And in Ukraine in 2014.

“Today is different however. Putin’s intentions haven’t changed, but his calculus of risk did change. The implacable resolve of the administration, which I served gave pause to Putin’s vicious goals. For he knew if he invaded Ukraine, he would face a whirlwind. I made this clear to the president of Russia when I spoke with him, to my counterpart Lavrov and I think they both understood the might that I represented. Look, Putin may or may not be ill, but what is certain, what is certain is that he cannot contain his murderous fury. That he still leads a country exemplifies Russia’s decline into the abyss of madness.

“A mass murderer. A mass murderer is someone who kills a large number of people at one time. A serial killer murders sequentially. Only in war therefore can a man be both a mass murderer and a serial killer. Putin is that. I pray that Russia will reclaim its soul, its country’s soul. But it cannot do so as long it is led by a man who does not evince any concern for the horrific carnage he has wrought, or any concern for his own people.

“Putin has this dream, to reestablish a lost empire. If America behaves properly, it will not occur. And we know this, we know that the dreams of dictators quickly become nightmares, if the world has resolved. As with so many tyrants before and Putin has sought refuge from his maladministration corruption and unaccountable crimes by taking his nation into war. What Putin has ordained, however, is not war with any justifiable purpose, but a pact of death, a pact of death to which Putin has forced his nation’s signature. The Russian people and their armed forces are now paying dearly for their toleration of what must never have been tolerated. Russia’s power has exceeded its wisdom, which itself must rest on decency if wisdom is to be meaningful at all. There will be repercussions for this calamitous war. This calamitous war results from the change in perception of Vladimir Putin. And that begins with mechanisms of conquest being allowed to feed on Europe’s and the world’s demands for natural gas and other hydrocarbons. The greater part of Russia’s federal budget continues to be funded by its energy sector, which rests on oil, coal and natural gas revenue. Comprehending that Russia’s inexplicable decline due to its endemic corruption and its demographic collapse, Putin, in order to secure his own rule, covets that natural gas and coal of the Donbas and Ukraine’s untouched oil fields that he may be open to fracking.

“Also sought are Ukraine’s warm water ports and the pipelines Putin seeks to permanently control, including those with access to China. It is my conviction that America and the West must acknowledge the centrality of hydrocarbon energy to the world geopolitics and indeed to man’s ability, humanity’s ability to adapt a cornerstone of life. Adaptation results from prosperity, which is made possible through the use of fossil fuels. The present administration has a different approach. They assert that America’s energy producers gouge and must produce more fuel all at the same time. Today’s obscene fuel prices should stimulate increased output. But for the fact that our government’s degrowth policy stand in the way of that increase in output. Central to America’s place in the world and our support of Ukraine is that these radical policies must be eradicated. If we’re to regain our energy dominance, which we must, we must eliminate these policies. Russia and China understand this. Many advanced countries, however, do not. For we’ve become enraptured by unreal narratives.

“Thank you, Greta. This war is a clarion call. Energy and economic security along with military strength are the pillars upon which geostrategic power and peace rest. Energy is the fundamental basis for everything we consume. If energy prices spiral further, the economies of every nation will fragment, leading to massive worldwide recession and to authoritarian regimes coalescing their power in a time of turmoil and political strife. Indeed, if Russia has allowed dominion over the Donbas and Ukraine’s coast, Putin will next seek control of the energy resources of other independent countries as well that were once part of this Soviet empire. Russia will become a juggernaut, dominating fossil fuels in addition to its present lead in supplying nuclear power plants to recipient nations.

“This will serve and can serve as citadels to which Russian military forces may be deployed without any notice or any warning. This is what’s at stake. Nothing less. Had the current administration maintained American energy dominance rather than prostrate itself to radicals, America could have led the way in securing the world’s hydrocarbon needs during this war. But because America’s abdicated this vital role, the war in Ukraine is compounding the pain that consumers are feeling today to cool their homes and to drive their vehicles. Farmers in Kansas can’t fuel their tractors. Fertilizer, 300% increase in cost to help continue to feed the world. Again, I ask why does this matter to hardworking Americans? I’ve given many reasons, but it’s in part because if Russia controls Ukraine’s energy, today’s ruinous prices of the pump will be remembered as a type of cheap gas.

“Contrary to Russian propaganda, Ukraine has always maintained its own unique culture, language and identity. This should always be so, so long as the Ukrainian people are prepared to fight to defend it. This maintenance of distinctiveness during protective periods of foreign deprivations is the mark of a great people. A great people who have sought independence throughout their history. In our country, America’s founders decided that people of a common past, people of a shared future, people of a common purpose have the right to choose a path for themselves. And so must it be in Ukraine. The ancient Greek geographer and historian Herodotus wrote of the Ukrainian homeland. Before the time of Charlemagne, a polity was established in the land that is now Ukraine. It is a country of immense historical, linguistical and cultural roots, which deserves the world’s admiration.

“One of our greatest Ukrainian Americans was Ambassador Lev Dobriansky. Instrumental in the formulation of what became Public Law 86-90, as well as the plans to free the captive nations that were the constituent parts of the then Soviet Union. These nations were unchained in 1991 because of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And we dare not let any of them be recaptured by Russia. Ambassador Dobriansky had it right. Ambassador Dobriansky worked tirelessly to create a Ukrainian memorial to the great Ukrainian poet and patriot Taras Shevchenko. President Eisenhower signed that law that authorized the monument. Shevchenko was born into serfdom. His liberty had to be purchased. This is why Shevchenko devoted his life to attaining freedom for his people. He and America’s great abolitionist, Frederick Douglas, who himself was born into slavery, shared a common quest for seeking dignity for all of humanity.

“On the base of the Shevchenko memorial are inscribed these words. They read, “When will Ukraine have its own Washington with fair and just laws? Someday we will.” I believe Ukraine has found it’s Washington in the embodiment of a single man. His name is Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He has led the world at a time of great peril. For centuries, Russia has been revered for its innumerable artists and scientists. But in mere months, Vladimir Putin has turned the world’s perception of his country into one of absolute disgusted and disdain. Russia employed a ballistic missile to murder over 50 civilians at the train station in Kramatorsk. This is butchering. This is nothing less than butchering cowardice to compensate for the failing Russian army. Putin has brought great shame, exodus and poverty to the Russian people. And in the wake of that missile attack, Russia’s homicidal rage in Bucha, its merciless siege of Mariupol and its destruction of food stocks.

“America and the nations of the world cannot continue the pretense that the war in Ukraine can end in a negotiated peace, which mollifies Russia. For such a peace cannot be negotiated with Vladimir Putin. Ukraine must win this war. It must win this war decisively if it is to realize peace, independence and freedom. Same goes for Europe. The transit of ships today carrying grain from Ukraine must be guaranteed by the international community. Over 40% of Ukrainian wheat is exported to Africa. I know a little bit about wheat, having lived in the state of Kansas. Russian denial of these wheat shipments may result in starvation across multiple continents. Consideration must be given to convoying shipments of grain out of Ukraine. For Ukraine to be victorious, it must be provisioned with the weapons that it needs. And I don’t just mean talks inside the Oval Office or the West Wing. You have to deliver the goods.

“The war can be won. This war can be won if America and our allies supply a range of our most capable conventional weapons to Kyiv. Dauntlessness is needed to end the war in Ukraine, seriousness of purpose. NATO solidarity is essential Germany and France must not defer to any of the Kremlin’s wishes. America and Britain have supplied multiple launch rocket systems. Ukraine has received advanced artillery from a number of NATO nations. That’s good. It’s crucial that Spain follow through in sending Leopard 2 tanks. That’s an old M1 one tanker. The Leopard’s a great tank. The Europeans will use it well. They’re third generation tanks. They’re comparable to what I was in, the ones that I commanded when I was sitting face-to-face with the evil empire. America has large numbers of Abrams tanks in storage. A significant portion should be immediately made ready for employment in Ukraine. You can train the Ukrainians on them in days.

“The combination of rockets, artillery, armor and advanced unmanned combat aerial vehicles providing real reconnaissance, real intelligence and real kinetic capabilities and advanced targeting systems would provide Kyiv with precise the tools they need to begin to recapture, deterrence, to recapture precious Ukrainian soil, and to be coupled with an unending supply of ordinance that would stream into the nation. Don’t give any heat. We must not give heat to Russia’s false claim that it believes its borders are threatened. This is silliness. I spent maybe 10 hours with Vladimir Putin. There was never any chance that he truly believed that an invasion from Ukraine or from Europe was imminent. Are Russia’s borders more secure say than Ukraine’s territorial integrity or America’s Southern flank?

“In addition to land systems, Ukraine urgently needs new air defenses. Putin will continue to pummel Ukrainian cities if Ukraine does not receive surface to air missile system that engage both aircraft and missiles. The present Soviet era S300 system isn’t enough. How many more innocent civilians need to be slaughtered before Ukraine receives what morality demands? Indeed, Patriot missile batteries must be complimented by the transfer of fourth generation fighter aircraft and remotely piloted vehicles, which can loiter for hours. I’ve seen them used well. These synergistic weapons, if rapidly provided will absolutely be determinative. Russia cannot be allowed to dictate the terms of this conflict. Though perhaps counterintuitive, a surge providing conventional weapons will reduce the chance that Putin will resort to weapons of mass destruction. For providing decisive weapons to Ukraine will irrevocably shape the face of battle, causing Putin to realize that his strategy is doomed to fail.

“One can’t speak about this in isolation. American military power has been the guarantor of my country’s promises for decades. It’s been the means to give body and shape to my nation’s obligations by supporting diplomacy. I used it well for my 1,000 days as Secretary of State. It remains a tool without equal if properly understood, Sadly, the fall of Kabul and the creation by force of an undemocratic government in Afghanistan are assaults on the international system. I believe deeply that the weakness that was expressed in America’s undisciplined withdrawal from Afghanistan was interpreted by Vladimir Putin as a green light, recovering from a doomed strategy that spanned decades. The administration which I serve sought to reduce our commitment there in a responsible manner. This planning was cast aside for reasons that seemed to hinge on expectations of or appearances rather than the discernment of realities.

“As Secretary of State, I built upon my work as the director of the CIA to aid President Trump in formulating concrete terms that would’ve allowed for force reductions and withdrawal from Afghanistan but without the debacle and the hard one progress that had been made in that country. And without the risk that we told bad guys all around the world that America was abandoning our friends. What a help established was the certainty of action that should the Taliban renounce operationally or operationally rescind what was agreed, that we would with certainty respond in a way that restored the heart of deterrence. And we did it at a tactical level time and time again. Russia’s assaults has exposed the sinners of global economic and energy and securities affecting every single American. The United States should never again fight another nation’s war. But we must stand ready when people who are willing to fight for their own liberty request support that will not require the dispatch of our armed forces.

“America must not let Afghanistan and the war in Ukraine be the cue that ignites combat in the Indo-Pacific. China stated intent is to displace the United States as the world’s preeminent power. The height of the global health catastrophe that it created, the Chinese Communist Party did not moderate its objectives. Instead, it accelerated them with utter disregard of its commitments to the United Kingdom and to the people of Hong Kong. China broke the Sino-British Joint Declaration. The declaration constituted a treaty granting Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy. China was obligated to main this through 2047. We all know what has fallen. It did not. And given China’s actions, it matters of world health, bio safety, Hong Kong. We have to ask ourselves on what important document is China’s signature meaningful? The answer is that China’s signature is authentic as that of the Russian signature on the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, in which Russia guaranteed Ukraine’s territorial integrity in exchange for Kyiv’s elimination of its nuclear arsenal.

“We must not ever allow the communist model for development to proliferate, for it’s a kleptocracy. It is autocratic rule by thieves as is demonstrated by the magnitude of China’s theft of American intellectual properties and the millions of jobs that fled our country as a result of it. We know China’s intention. It’s intent on dominating global infrastructure development through its Belt and Road Initiative. But this is subterfuge. It hides. It’s a deceit. China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a form of imperialism. It is the manifestation of a corrupt intent to entrap less developed countries with promises of loans and infrastructure improvements.

“These loans are national assets. They’re collateral for terms that are designed to ensure non-compliance of the detonation with asset forfeiture. More properly thought of as political extortion in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. Even more ominous still is China’s stated intent to conquer Taiwan. Through Ukraine’s bravery resisting Russia, it’s given China pause. I am confident Xi Jinping is asking his generals, “Really? Can you do what you say you can do?” Part of the answer to how to combat this is what we do in Ukraine. Part of the answer is that every president since Truman believed Taiwan’s existence is crucial to America’s defense. I believe that with all my heart. The 1970 Taiwan Relations Act requires that we maintain Taiwan’s defensive abilities to thwart an attack, but we’re now in danger of becoming complacent. The capture of Taiwan would grant the following objectives to Beijing: it would severely reduce American influence in the Indo-Pacific, America’s status as a superpower would be placed in jeopardy, which would invite armed conflict affecting our nation directly. It would eliminate a primary technological and economic partner of the United States. The principle supplier of high-end semiconductors to the United States’ economy, were these supplies to be disrupted, America’s economy would falter and our security here at home would be at risk. It would also remove the key strategic chill point to a Chinese military breakout, which would threaten the entirety of the Indo-Pacific, including Guam, Hawaii, Japan, and Australia.

“So, our approach to promoting the Indo-Pacific security was to believe that our relationship with Taiwan should be reinforced at every turn. It’s become a shining example in Taiwan of democracy, democracy for Asian peoples, and a hope to all of Asia. And it is my steadfast view that our government should immediately confer diplomatic recognition to Taiwan, for it is a free and sovereign country. Our recognition of Taiwan should not hinge on what will occur. Taiwan is already an independent country. Our government should simply reflect that fact.

“This is central to helping us in Europe as well, because central to the economic wellbeing of American families is a United States that leads. It leads all across the world, both in military and in economic power. We must use our strengths prudently, our founders knew this, and conservatively, for America is most secure when it leads by example and not by intervention. This is the lesson that we have learned since 9/11. We can get this right.

“I hope that my words today will galvanize American support for Ukraine and for Europe, for such aid is essential if we’re to enforce the national security policies that place American public interest as of paramount importance. Europe must do more too, to meet daunting economic challenges, which were first provoked by irresponsible domestic policies. We must take steps now to ensure that Europe realizes peace and not continuous war or extortion. For Europe is inextricably bound to our nation as it is to both Asia and to the Middle East.

“American industry and our farmers rely on the vitality of export markets that will be stricken if Russia succeeds. Weakness, indecisiveness, and disengagement in the world stage invite needless conflict. Timidity, timidity in the face of evil emboldens tyrants. Energy has already been weaponized, and we should never allow Russia or China to weaponize food and mineral supplies as well.

“Let us summon the will to ensure that this present conflict does not entrap our future. We must act in concert with our allies to affect strategic clarity, unmistakable to both Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. We must prevent the formation of a Pan-Eurasian colossus incorporating Russia, but led by China. To do that, we have to strengthen NATO, and we see that nothing hinders Finland and Sweden’s entry into that organization. This would be an enormous boon to Russia were they to be denied access. Russia’s military would have the capability to deploy against Ukraine in ways that were different and even worse than what’s being confronted today.

“In the Indo-Pacific, America must continue to expand the quadrilateral security dialogue to incorporate the Republic of Korea, Great Britain, and France, in addition to Japan, Australia, India, and the United States. The AUKUS Union should be folded into this expanded security alliance.

“Moving past our current geo-strategic focus, the United States must help in building of the three lighthouses for liberty. These beacons should be centered on nations that have great strife: Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. They can be the hubs of new security architecture that links alliances of free nations globally, reinforcing the strengths of each member state, in time, linking these three bastions with NATO, as well as the new and expanded security framework for the Indo-Pacific will form a global alliance for freedom. This will benefit America.

“The need for this network of alliances is patent and cannot come too soon. The world has become too small for free countries to not be part of something greater, which will forestall armed conflict rather than react to it.

“I close today by relating a story, a story of pain, bravery, and rebirth that affected my wife, Susan, and me deeply. Oksana Balandina was walking to her home with her love, Viktor Vasyliv, when a landmine tore off her legs and part of one hand. Oksana and Viktor were married last month in Lviv Surgery Center, after Oksana endured multiple operations. Although she lost her legs due to Putin’s cruel and unconscionable war, the couple danced after they were pronounced man and wife. Viktor took Oksana in his arms as they twirled and kissed.

“This is rebirth. This is the future of Ukraine and of Europe and of America. The brave nation, the brave nation that now feels the pain of Russia’s onslaught, but will soon know peace, as is the promise of our Lord to be virtuous. Putin believed he could destroy Ukrainian unity, pitting brother against brother on the basis of their spoken tongues. But all Ukraine has emerged with a single heart. Putin sought to destroy a great nation. Instead, this war has forged all Ukraine into an unbreakable sword that Russia now fears. The people of America are committed to seeing Ukraine emerge from this war as an undivided nation which will be a beacon to all, to show the world the primacy of freedom, determination, and of love. Thank you, and God bless you.”


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, July 9, 2022 2:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Globalist policies aren't designed to solve problems. They're designed to keep us in ongoing crises, which provide the "reason" for more power- and asset-grabs, and keep us disoriented and powerless.

If you find yourself asking ... Nah, they wouldn't... would they? the answer is, most likely, yes, they would.

"Social Peace Is In Great Danger": Germany Is Quietly Shutting Down As Energy Crunch Paralyzes Economy

Drivers' Group Urges UK Government Not To Impose Speed-Limiter Technology

Left-Wing German Minister Wants To Confiscate Guns Owned By Members Of Right-Wing AfD]

Biden(*) Eschews Diplomacy, Chooses Path To War With Iran

Why Goldman Is Buying Every Barrel Of Oil It Can Find

Germany's Largest Landlord To Restrict Heating At Night

CNN Suggests Gun Shops Should Check Buyers' Social Media Pages Before Agreeing Sales

Attorneys Claim Government Manufacturing Evidence To Charge, Incarcerate Jan. 6 Prisoners

Corporate Media Insists Eating Insects Is "Really Delicious"

Biden's Green Agenda Is Causing US Power Grid To Be "Incredibly Vulnerable"

Watch: Trudeau Admits He Is "Banning" Guns

[Dutch] Cops Shoot Tractor

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, July 9, 2022 3:59 PM


... stay crunchy...

Yo SIGNYM - I honestly, sincerely, genuinely thank you for these kinds of posts. This is the kind of thing I have hoped from you for a long time (maybe I missed them) because you obviously "put the time in," as they say. These ideas/ideals are obviously important to you and not just some quickly pasted up pro-Russia wallpaper, so I take it with a greater seriousness. Thanks. And No, - don't look for some snarky slam dunk on you from me. I have not read all of what you posted yet, and what I have screened I don't necessarily agree with (naturally), but it's a lot more to chew on - now is not the time for a thoughtful reply. Thanks - really.


Saturday, July 9, 2022 7:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Yo SIGNYM - I honestly, sincerely, genuinely thank you for these kinds of posts. This is the kind of thing I have hoped from you for a long time (maybe I missed them) because you obviously "put the time in," as they say. These ideas/ideals are obviously important to you and not just some quickly pasted up pro-Russia wallpaper, so I take it with a greater seriousness. Thanks. And No, - don't look for some snarky slam dunk on you from me. I have not read all of what you posted yet, and what I have screened I don't necessarily agree with (naturally), but it's a lot more to chew on - now is not the time for a thoughtful reply. Thanks - really.


Well... you're welcome!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 5:00 AM


Retire in a city not ridden with crime?

10 most underrated U.S. cities for a quality retirement

Almost eight in 10 employees want flexible working hours, study reveals


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 10:14 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Retire in a city not ridden with crime?

10 most underrated U.S. cities for a quality retirement

Or "Hey, we haven't totally fucked these cities up with Democrat Politicians and crime."

"Let's fix that" is the sub-title.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, September 14, 2022 10:36 AM



Wednesday, November 23, 2022 4:19 PM


NEW - Klaus Schwab says China is a "role model for many countries" and proclaims a "systemic transformation of the world" on Chinese state television.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022 5:22 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
NEW - Klaus Schwab says China is a "role model for many countries" and proclaims a "systemic transformation of the world" on Chinese state television.

It will be a good day for the world when Klaus Schwab keels over from climate change shots.

Oh wait... That's right. There's zero chance he got "vaccinated".


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, November 25, 2022 9:44 AM


electric vehicle tax subsidies coming?


Saturday, November 26, 2022 4:40 PM


What is the Great Reset - and how did it get hijacked …

Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in response to the Global Virus Outbreak?

Great Reset conspiracy theories increased in intensity when leaders such as U.S. president Joe Biden, New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern and Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau incorporated ideas of a post-COVID-19 "reset" in their speeches.

The conspiracy theory has also been disseminated by Russian propaganda outlets. According to Oliver Kamm, in a 2020 article for the CapX website: "The propaganda apparatus of the Putin regime has for many months published wild allegations from obscure bloggers that the Great Reset is code for oligarchs to amass wealth and control populations."

Darya Dugina was a Russian journalist, political scientist and activist.She was the daughter of Aleksandr Dugin, a far-right political philosopher, whose political views and support for Vladimir Putin she shared.
She was killed in August 2022 in a car bombing on the outskirts of Moscow.

Aleksandr Dugin had a vision between East and West known as the Eurasia power, he is called by news media as a war monger, a political philosopher, analyst, and strategist, known for views widely characterized as fascist or imperialist?

Talk wiki

old 2014 article

Putin's Russia Reset - The Globalist


Saturday, November 26, 2022 5:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The WEF has been trying to figure out How To Control The World for decades. The WTO, CFR, IMF/World Bank are all organizations with the same goal.

The Great Reset is just another "never let a good crisis go to waste" rationalization to accomplish the same goal.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, November 27, 2022 12:04 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
electric vehicle tax subsidies coming?

Why does that even matter? As soon as Biden* announced them, both Ford and Chevy raised the average price of their EV's $6,500 to $7,000.

All that bill was is a giveaway to the auto industry on our dime.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, March 10, 2023 2:55 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thanks to a discussion about China, I think I finally figured out the reason for the great reset- what it is and why the elites are pushing it.

And the idea came specifically from this part of the discussion;


SIGNY: So I would put China in the rival/competitor class.

SIX: If anything, that's probably even a more scary scenario. What do competitors do?
Adapt or die...

SIGNY: And this is where our elites are stuck- they will have a hard time adapting and they surely don't want to die.
The Chinese govt is tolerated bc it has materially raised almost a billion people out of poverty. Same with the Russian govt, which has raised the Russian living conditions substantially since 2000.
Until a few decades ago, Americans turned a blind eye to whatever we did abroad bc the middle class was robust and pretty comfortable.

Compare that to our elites now, who can only improve their standing by grinding down most of the people. How do THEY get people to bow down? Well, they can try more propaganda and censorship, and they can weaponize the so-called justice dept and persecute some and post their heads at the city gates, and they can impose digital currencies and toss up whatever "enemy du jour"/interesectional identity as distractions, they can guilt-trip people for just being alive and emitting CO2, and they can in essence allow widespread drug use, but the one thing they CAN'T do is improve the living standards of most people. In the face of hunger it becomes difficult to control strictly through coercion

So, what is The Great Reset supposed to be doing?

Why, Solving the World's Problems with One World Government, of course!

We can stop climate extinction, if only "we" stop eating meat and eat bugs and de-industrialize and give up ownership and reduce our expectations and standard of living to that of Useless Eaters!

We can solve Global Pandemics if only we submit to government movement restrictions and mandated vaccines.

We can ensure global peace if only we give up national sovereignty and national identity... and any form of democratic control and governmental accountability.

We can ensure equal outcomes if we place economic and political control in the hands of faceless unreachable bureaucrats and technocrats.

We can reduce crime by taking away guns, knives, forks and spoons, and ensure diversity by forbidding thoughts and by restricting speech bc somebody somewhere might find something offensive, no matter how reality-basrd it might be.

Now, does any of this make sense?

Are we really going to "save the planet" by de-industrilsizing Europe and the USA if Asia, Africa and South America go full steam ahead, as some are doing already?

Can we save the world if we starve ourselves if non-western nations discover the joy of full bellies and meat with meals?

Can we stop pandemics if 90% of the world refuses our mandates?

Can we force everyone to comply?

So, if these plans are pointless, why are they being bannered by TPTB?

Because the Great Reset is nothing but a Great Reource Grab. But like all resource grabs, it's destined to meet resistance unless it's dressed up as a Good Deed.
Freedom! Human rights! R2P! Women's rights! Save the whales! Save the Planet!

There's nothing wrong with those goals, but they're often used to disguise nefarious plans. And we need to distinguish between genuine efforts to solve a real problem, and conspiracies to rob people of their agency, wealth, and lives.

Given that their plans look blatantly ineffective to anyone who gives them a moment's thought, who do TPTB think they're fooling? Certainly not Chinese and Russian officials who realize that they're in power only bc they raised the standard of living in their countries, and not the many people of the globe who aspire to a better life and are willing to work for it, in an even partially honest system.

No, they're meant to fool guilty westerners who've been edged or inveigled into being "consumers". People who don't know how they earn their place in the world. Permanent students. Advanced degrees in useless fields working in McJobs. People living on government dole or in mom's basement. Bc while they aspired to be "consumers", in a consumer society, they didn't realize that "consumer" is just another word for "useless eater".

TPTB foresaw a future where they'll no longer be able to freely plunder an entire world, and the only way for them to maintain THEIR extravagant standard of living is to plunder their home economies and people. And the only way to do THAT is to get people to acquiesce to being plundered by sacrificing themselves to a Great Cause.

And that's The Great Reset.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, March 10, 2023 7:25 AM


It's only in the last few years that I haven't had a job that I've been the most productive. Not just for me, but for my circle. In the 27 years I've been in the work force, the only time I ever felt like I actually accomplished anything at the end of the day was when I was building garages or rehabbing homes. The highest paying jobs in my life were ranked high among the least fulfilling.

We need to go back to the trades. Teach our kids hands on skills that can't be shipped to India.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, March 10, 2023 2:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Being a man of many talents and useful skills, with a lot of energy and good contacts with your neighbors and family is an excellent survival strategy. Not sure how that applies to old, tired retirees like me.

But the fact that people have to find or make little jobs for themselves means the shit is already hitting the fan. You see people tapping out belt buckles from tin cans on street corners because there are not enough Big Jobs in the economy: no steel mill jobs, no auto manufacturing or assembly, no punch press operator, meatpacking, etc positions to be had. The Big Economy has wound down.

That retirees lunch that I went to was a lot of fun. But aside from our collective health problems and family doings, it was all about hobbies: pickleball, going back to flying private planes, learning winemaking etc. Only one person seemed a bit clued in to how things might fall apart, but that wasn't a topic if discussion.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, March 10, 2023 5:31 PM


If you know how to actually do things there's always a job for you out there. Even if its low paying or bartering, you can always take something in trade.

If you're a master at something like welding or car repair, you can write your own ticket.

Don't go to college. All that does is leave you a life-long wage slave with no actual skills that mean anything and a head full of propaganda.

Computers used to be the exception, but again, if you're not going to be a master at coding and/or networking don't bother. Robots will be doing your job soon.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, March 27, 2023 12:42 PM



Monday, March 27, 2023 4:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This is the linked article

Obama brought false hope, but America was in big trouble before Trump

Nick Bryant
Journalist and author
March 27, 2023 — 5.00am

To be in America the night Barack Obama won the presidency was to be reminded of why I had fallen in love with the country in the first place. The dynamism. The ambition. The audacity of hope. That restless spirit encapsulated by his electrifying mantra: “Yes we can.”

Here was a once-in-a-generation leader who embodied the ideal of American exceptionalism. Obama knew that himself, as he delivered the opening line of his victory speech at Grant Park in Chicago: “If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.”
Barack Obama at his inaugural address in Washington on January 20, 2009.

Though it was heady to report on the country’s first black president, I was not completely intoxicated. Given how polarised Washington had become since the end of the Cold War, I did not think he could bring about a post-partisan country, still less a post-racial society. The breach between black and white America was already too wide and deep for that. But even if he might struggle to become truly transformational, I still thought he would be a transitional figure: someone who could smooth the path as the country moved by mid-century towards becoming a majority-minority nation in which non-whites outnumbered whites.

For a superpower in decline after the attacks of September 11 and its needless war in Iraq, Obama was the rejoinder. Not since John F. Kennedy had a US leader so captivated the world.

America’s 44th president is in Australia this week, and will doubtless exhibit the attributes that made him such a political superstar. His lyricism. His grace. His cool. All the character traits that differentiate him from the grotesqueries of his successor, the anti-Obama and anti-president Donald Trump, who warned over the weekend of “potential death and destruction” if he is indicted. After four years of Trumpism, countries now try to inoculate themselves from the American strain of democracy, with its polarisation, dysfunction and violent extremism. The sight of a Trump flag being brandished is often the first sign of contamination.

Yet the sad truth is that American exceptionalism was flatlining long before the New York tycoon descended his golden escalator in 2015 to announce his bid for the White House. The dissolution of the United States accelerated under Obama.
Barack Obama’s successor, Donald Trump.

Even though his economic stimulus package helped save American capitalism after the Great Recession of 2008, it became hard to find parents who thought their children would lead more prosperous lives, the essence of the American dream.

Even though he withdrew US forces from Iraq and did much to restore America’s international standing, his failure to enforce a red line over the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime undercut US global leadership. Vladimir Putin was given a green light to escalate Russia’s involvement in Syria, which emboldened him first in Crimea and then the rest of Ukraine.

The massacre at Sandy Hook in 2012 showed that even the murder of 26 people, including 20 children aged between six and seven, could not persuade a Republican-dominated Congress to enact gun controls, Obama’s biggest regret as president. Nothing better illustrates the country’s chronic dysfunction than the failure to ameliorate its mass shootings epidemic; or how American exceptionalism has come to be associated with violence rather than virtue.

From the outset, Obama faced a wall of Republican opposition. On the night of his inauguration in 2009, a cabal of hardline conservatives, including the present House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, gathered at a restaurant in Washington and vowed to destroy his presidency. The Tea Party, which began as a reaction to the Bush administration’s bank bailout, soon became virulently anti-Obama and all too often viciously racist. Then came the nativist “birther movement”, under its untitled leader Donald Trump. From Newt Gingrich’s “Republican Revolution” in the early 1990s onwards, the evidence had been mounting, but it was during the Obama years that we realised how unhinged the American conservative movement had become.

What his presidency showed, above all, was that not even the election of the country’s first black president could solve the American dilemma of race. Throughout US history, black advance has routinely been met with a white backlash. After the rise of Barack Obama, it manifested in the rise of Donald Trump.

Thus, the Obama presidency was anti-climactic. Rather than moving the country towards being “a more perfect union” – words he borrowed from the preamble to the US Constitution which became his stock phrase, disunion became America’s defining characteristic. Unable to make good his promise of a “United States of America”, he became the leader of one nation divisible, a deeply fractured land. Not even a leader as gifted, moderate, pragmatic and non-threatening could repair the breach, which is why his presidency was ultimately so disheartening.

Maybe we should put it down to the allurement of false hope. But rather than being a unifying president, his presence in the White House merely brought centuries-old divisions to the fore. A president who embodied the best of America also brought out the worst.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, April 14, 2023 12:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


UN Seeks Vast New Powers for Global Emergencies

Lawmakers and critics are sounding the alarm, but the White House supports the agenda

When was the last time you voted for your UN rep?

Yeah, me neither.

"Democracy", my ass.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, April 14, 2023 12:25 PM


Fuck the UN and Fuck NATO.

I said years ago that they were going to try pulling this shit and they were grooming Obama to head the UN.

Could you imagine the US President taking marching orders from an unelected Obama?


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, April 14, 2023 4:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

That DOES seem to be the MO, doesn't it?

Declare emergency >>> take control. Seen it in so many movies, you'd think ppl would have figured it out IRL by now.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, April 14, 2023 7:14 PM


Yup. This is all nothing new.

I was making these predictions LONG before Covid was a word that anybody used. If somebody were to dig through my 10,000+ posts here, they'll see that I talked about a UN headed by Obama in the future.

You and I may not agree that the entire Covid debacle was fake propaganda, but at least we both know that regardless of that TPTB used it to greatly accelerate their death-grip on Freedom and it did at least if not more damage than GWB's Patriot Act did to all of us and to the Autonomy of the United States.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, April 15, 2023 5:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


IMF Unveils New Global Currency Known As The "Universal Monetary Unit" To "Transform" World Economy

A new global currency just launched, but 99 percent of the global population has no idea what just happened. The “Universal Monetary Unit”, also known as “Unicorn”,

Oh! I'm sorry for the typo! That's UNICOIN


is an “international central bank digital currency” that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies. This should set off alarm bells for all of us, because the widespread adoption of a new “global currency” would be a giant step forward for the globalist agenda. The IMF did not create this new currency, but it was unveiled at a major IMF gathering earlier this week…

Today, at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings 2023, the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announced their official launch of an international central bank digital currency (CBDC) that strengthens the monetary sovereignty of participating central banks and complies with the recent crypto assets policy recommendations proposed by the IMF.

Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), symbolized as ANSI Character, Ü, is legally a money commodity, can transact in any legal tender settlement currency, and functions like a CBDC to enforce banking regulations and to protect the financial integrity of the international banking system.

Keeps banks from printing too much money? Hardly.
Stops money laundering? Er...
Is used to re-float failing banks in the system?
Enforces SWIFT?
For interbank exchange?


As the press release quoted above indicates, this new “Universal Monetary Unit” was created by the Digital Currency Monetary Authority.

So who in the world is the Digital Currency Monetary Authority?

Honestly, I had no idea until I started doing research for this article.

The press release says that the organization consists of “sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions”…

The DCMA is a world leader in the advocacy of digital currency and monetary policy innovations for governments and central banks. Membership within the DCMA consists of sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions.

Basically, it sounds like a secretive cabal of international banks and national governments is conspiring to push this new currency down our throats.

We are being told that the “Universal Monetary Unit” is “‘Crypto 2.0”, and those that created it are hoping that it will be widely adopted by “all constituencies in a global economy”…

The DCMA introduces Universal Monetary Unit as Crypto 2.0 because it innovates a new wave of cryptographic technologies for realizing a digital currency public monetary system with a widespread adoption framework encompassing use cases for all constituencies in a global economy.

I don’t know about you, but this sounds super shady to me.

Of course the Digital Currency Monetary Authority is not the only one that has been working on a new digital currency.

The UK has also been working on one.

The same is true for the European Union.

And would it surprise anyone that the Biden administration is touting the potential benefits of a “digital form of the U.S. dollar”? The following comes from the official White House website…

A United States central bank digital currency (CBDC) would be a digital form of the U.S. dollar. While the U.S. has not yet decided whether it will pursue a CBDC, the U.S. has been closely examining the implications of, and options for, issuing a CBDC. If the U.S. pursued a CBDC, there could be many possible benefits, such as facilitating efficient and low-cost transactions, fostering greater access to the financial system, boosting economic growth, and supporting the continued centrality of the U.S. within the international financial system.

Private banks aren't happy about this. If a digital currency is widely adopted they lose their central position ... in which they make $$$... handling all noncash money transfers, anything from your credit card at Walmart to international settlements.


I don’t think that it is a coincidence that governments all over the western world are simultaneously developing CBDCs.

And the IMF has actually already put together an extensive handbook “to assist central banks and governments throughout the world in their CBDC rollouts”…

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is putting together a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) handbook to assist central banks and governments throughout the world in their CBDC rollouts.

Published publicly on April 10, the “IMF Approach to Central Bank Digital Currency Capacity Development” report outlines the IMF’s multi-year strategy for aiding CBDC rollouts, including the development of a living “CBDC Handbook” for monetary authorities to follow.

A lot of people out there will cheer when these digital currencies are introduced.

But it is imperative to understand that once everyone is using them, your financial privacy will be almost totally gone.

Authorities will be able to track virtually everything that you buy and sell, and I am sure that they won’t hesitate to use that information against you.

Needless to say, the potential for tyranny in such a system is off the charts.

Can you imagine a world in which you are restricted from buying meat for a while because you have already used your “carbon credits” for the month?

Your “financial privileges” could potentially be restricted at any time at the whim of a government bureaucrat, and if you are a big enough troublemaker you could be “deplatformed” from the system permanently.

Of course in order for such a system to have real teeth, cash and other forms of payment will need to be phased out, and that is precisely what is happening right now in Europe. The following comes from the official website of the European Parliament…

To restrict transactions in cash and crypto assets, MEPs want to cap payments that can be accepted by persons providing goods or services. They set limits up to €7000 for cash payments and €1000 for crypto-asset transfers, where the customer cannot be identified.

Ultimately, they will just keep lowering the limits until the use of cash is almost completely eliminated.

Everyone will be slowly but surely forced on to the new digital system, and it will be a system that they control with an iron fist.

And most people will willingly go along with it. These days, most people are just scraping by from month to month and one recent survey found that 70 percent of all Americans are “financially stressed” at this point…

Inflation, economic instability and a lack of savings have an increasing number of Americans feeling financially stressed.

Some 70% of Americans admit to being stressed about their personal finances these days and a majority — 52% — of U.S. adults said their financial stress has increased since before the Covid-19 pandemic began in March 2020, according to a new CNBC Your Money Financial Confidence Survey conducted in partnership with Momentive.

Most Americans simply do not care that these new digital currencies could open a door for great tyranny.

They just want to be able to pay the bills and take care of their families, and if our politicians tell them that this new system is good for the economy they will be all for it.

But those of us that are awake know that more globalism doesn’t lead anywhere good.

Concentrating even more power in the hands of the international elite is always a bad idea, and hopefully we can start to get more people to understand this.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, April 16, 2023 12:02 AM


Don't forget they can make currency with expiration dates.

You can be a good little doggie for the state and they'll give you your weekly allowance, without any ability to save any of it for the future.

You will own nothing and like it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, May 7, 2023 3:20 PM


Putin is a killer and a crazy imperialist and yet something might have led to this war, maybe feeding Russia's war mongering and paranoia

Social media gossip on twitter?

WEF says We need 86% of the population gone, Ban Gas Stoves, make the Dollar Digital, Abort Yourself, Support Wars for example Ukraine, Iraq has WMDs, Assad is Gas Chamberlain his own people, support Hillary or Jeb Bush or Hunter Biden or John McCain and Please take this vaccine...and people wonder why there are 'Conspiracy theory.



Wednesday, May 31, 2023 4:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I couldn't decide where to put these. Under a separate thread about German stupidity?
Under a discussion of climate change?
Under a thread about "woke" idiocy?

In the end, I think the driving force is the Great Reset.


Germany plans to ban installation of most oil and gas heating from 2024

And replace it with what? Electricity that the govt can shut off?


German authorities have advised residents of Germany to consume no more than 10 grams of meat per day Fox News

10 grams is 1/3 of an ounce. A small bite.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, May 31, 2023 11:43 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
German authorities have advised residents of Germany to consume no more than 10 grams of meat per day Fox News

10 grams is 1/3 of an ounce. A small bite.

What are diabetics in Germany supposed to eat then? Just guzzle Olive Oil all day long?


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, June 1, 2023 2:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
"German authorities have advised residents of Germany to consume no more than 10 grams of meat per day Fox News"
10 grams is 1/3 of an ounce. A small bite.

SIX: What are diabetics in Germany supposed to eat then? Just guzzle Olive Oil all day long?

Bugs. They're supposted to eat bugs and be happy.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, June 1, 2023 3:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So I was thinking about why Germans put up with this shit. Their nation is occupoed by USA forces, their government doesn't get to make decisions, their media is controlled by the CIA, they've been forced to cross "red line" after red line supporting Ukraine (remember when they vowed to send only defensive equipment and shipped 5,000 helmets? HOW CUTE!). And - worse - their pipelines were blown u, and instead of demanding a full investigation, Chancellor Scholz meekly bowed his head to Bidens* ridiculous plan to shift blame, and Die Welt spread the ridiculous story that it was six folks and a boat.

And, if you save up your meat ration you can look forward to having a big chicken-burger once every two weeks.

Why aren't there protests? Why isn't there a change of government?

I decided that Germany is just a long-term experiment in collective, generational guilt. There are probably all of five Germans who even remember WWII, and yet Germans are supposed to feel endless guilt far into the mists of time for something their grandparents did. (And Jews, with their endless victim complex, are just the one to make them pay... and pay.... and pay! If Germany owes reparations to anyone it's Russians. And yet Germans are still paying Jews!

So now Germans feel guilty just for breathing.

Kinda sounds like the whole "white guilt" that's being foisted on white Americans.

Yanno, if you're prejudiced ... if you cut someonw out of a hiring list, or didn't give them a loan or rent an apartment JUST BECAUSE of their color, you should feel guilty for that. But for sure, don't feel guilty for something you didn't do.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, June 1, 2023 8:28 AM


You're not wrong. The white guilt in America doesn't have shit on what was done to the Germans.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, June 1, 2023 4:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Racial guilt, national guilt, ecological guilt... these are just pushbuttons to accept reduced standard of living (for the masses). For the Great Reset.

Identitarian resentment, victim complex... pushbuttons to divide societies. And towards the Great Reset.

Fear ... Covid! Terrorism! Russia! aaaahhhhh!!!... pushbuttons to accept authoritarianism. And towards the Great Reset.

Convenience and handouts ... addictive "free" apps, social media, "free" mass media, entertainment, free money ... pushbuttons to dependency and addiction. And towards the Great Reset.

It's a Great Mind-fuck.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, July 2, 2023 6:53 PM



France riots: Mayor's wife hurt after attack on their home - BBC News


Saturday, July 8, 2023 8:37 AM


We had a few EU Collapse or Euro Collapse threads


Monday, July 10, 2023 5:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

After mulling this over, I've come to the conclusion that a Great Reset is really just a resource-grab by the uber-wealthy, using any number of crises (real, exaggerated, or fictitious) to propel solutions designed to screw everyone else.

Example: Global climate change. Ok, I happen to believe it's real, but look at the "solutions" that they pose: Eat bugs. Stop raising cows. Don't use AC. Don't take warm showers. Rationed house sizes.

Against these facts:
One jaunt into space emits more greenhouse gases than the botton billion people emit for an entire year.
The largest single institutional emitter of greenhouse gases is the Pentagon.(And how many launches were devoted to military satellites, hmmm??)
One bad forest fire year undid 18 years of decarbonization in CA.

I would like to see emissions tallied up by wealth level... private jets, private yachts, direct and indirect consumption, and warmaking, instead of just blending it all together in useless categories as "transportation" and "manufacturing". That's just as fallacious as "per Capita" anything.

The uber wealthy, I believe, really DO think of most people as "useless eaters" bc, of course, we're not "useful" TO THEM*. As far as they're concerned, we're just using up THEIR planet, which belongs (in their minds) TO THEM. They recognize that the globe is finite: it's energy sources, carbon cycle, food production etc is limited, so they want to preserve it to maintain their standard of living. Of course, if they just came out and said "Hey! We intended to save the world for ourselves, so you guys just die off" there would be a revolt.

So instead there's been a concentrated effort to normalize centralized power and normalize degraded living conditions bc this or that "crisis" needs to be solved, and (somehow) all of the solutions lead to their greater and greater control.

"You will own nothing and be happy."

That really does sum it up.
* More later.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Friday, August 18, 2023 4:41 AM


Actor-comedian Rob Schneider on Tuesday criticized U.S. President Joe Biden for giving more money to Ukraine than to those in Hawaii


Friday, August 18, 2023 10:52 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

All we need to do is look at most European nations to see the Great Reset in action:

Climate change policies (which BTW conflict with anti-Russian warmaking), migrant influx "openness", LGBTQX+, centralized non-democratic EU bureaucratic control over everything, Covid, de-indistrialization, anti-agriculture policies ... it's been a clusterfuck of nations annihilating themselves in a way that screws over the average person but leaves the elite untouched.

Let's take a look at how "the war in Ukraine" ... sponsored and brought to you by NATO... has screwed over large parts of the EU.

Well, in addition to being a direct economic drain ... The USA blew up the Nordstream pipeline, and the German govt can't say shit about it. THAT wa Germany's plan for continued industrial production using cheap and relatively benign natural gas. Now, thanks to our neocons, Germany has to resort to using COAL. And they STILL have to de-industrialize. Wow, some progress on the climate front, eh?

Britain sees similar problems with its natgas supply, thanks to sanctions. Small and medium-sized businesses like bakeries and pubs and greenhouses and small manufacturers have given up the ghost. Inflation is rampant and energy prices skyrocketed.

And then there's the migrant crises and attendant riots, crime, and stress on assistance budgets, brought to the EU by USA meddling in the mideast and north Africa (Libya, specifically) and their own "open door" policies.

The Netherlands wants to end its dairy and meat production bc (they say) manure-spreading from those operations increase nitrous oxide emissions ... forgetting, apparently, that most nitrous oxide is emmitted by the ocean.

And hey! Look at all of the CO2 wasted on picking a fight with Russia!

Covid? Endless lockdowns.

And if there's a nation in the EU that objects to its contralized, nonsensical policies (say, like Hungary and Poland) they get punished financially (not getting back any of the money they're required to contribute to the various EU slushfunds) and politically.

Can anyone say that the overall living standard in the EU has gone anywhere but down since 2008, and catastrophically since 2022?

Controlled media? You bet! Controlled politicians? You bet! Controlled currency? On the way.

Welcome to the Great Reset! Or, as George Soros implied (when announcing his pullout from the EU): "My work here is done".

Yanno, pity really would be no more, if people like Soros and Klaus Schwab and the legion of international bankers did not MAKE men poor.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:48 AM


the 'Change' continues



Thursday, January 4, 2024 8:08 AM


The Memo: Biden sharpens attack on Trump as danger to democracy


Thursday, January 18, 2024 7:12 AM


Zelensky arrives in Switzerland for World Economic Forum, talks with Swiss leaders


Thursday, January 18, 2024 7:38 AM


He's begging anyone he can for that money because he knows that he doesn't have long to live.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.






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