Zuckerberg throws FBI under the bus

UPDATED: Thursday, September 5, 2024 12:54
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Saturday, August 27, 2022 4:53 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship


Saturday, August 27, 2022 5:50 PM


maybe he did yet he also admitted he an unelected person has power over US elections

Joe Rogan sounded like a drunk stoned person who just fell out of bed... the controlled oppostive stage show, did they dangle a bag of drugs in front of Joe's face to get him out of bed, the temptaion of anotehr bag of drugs made him put on pants? Joe Rogan sounds ready to swallow any smoke and mirrors conspiracy excuses and sounds WASTED as per usual

Zuckerberg thinks by showing up on Rogan stoner experience and uttering garbage excuses he can be absolved

FBI already has some backlash and Jewish raised globalist, married to Chinese, elite Harvard masonic greek frat parties Fuckerbooks Claimed UNDER OATH that Facebook Did NOT Censor HunterBiden, Alpha Epsilon Pi ?


Saturday, August 27, 2022 8:35 PM



Joe Rogan is twice as smart as you and 10 times the man you are.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, August 27, 2022 8:45 PM


How can he be a man when he's a 5’3” gay Dwarf, he was in a relationship with a bisexual rapper and his 'wife' got knocked up by the bisexual Rapper?

He's a Low IQ Bisexual or Gay Midget that is obsessed with Wrestling, Boxing, Kickboxing, MMA, Conspiracy, Drugs and porn and other degeneracy, he's literally a DWARF about as tall as a Gnome and is probably controlled opposition, telling people to listen to faggot Lindsey Graham or Bernie and have faith and hopium in your system. His Hollyweird morality, he probably moved to Texas for the money to avoid Commiefornia lockdowns and will bring his shit SoCal socialist politics to Texas with him, he would not call out Milo when Milo Yiannopoulos admitted in public and Live on Air about seeing homosexuals at pedophile parties.
As an entertainer Joe is retarded addict, he gets drunk and stoned on live radio, steals other peoples jokes and his 'wife' got dicked up by some bisexual Rapper named Keven “Dino” Conner, he is literally engaged in animal Cuckoldry raising a Brood Parasite Bloodline that is not his own.

If you think all that's smart, your brain is probably damaged from many many years of drink and drug abuse.

I see now 6IXSTRING
Why you have not moved on from Susan Wojcicki's u tube, you probably listen to the bisexual gay dwarf wrestler comedian midget every week


Saturday, August 27, 2022 8:58 PM


Actually, I haven't listened to him since he went to Spotify and moved all of his stuff off of YouTube. Did he come back? I wasn't aware if he had.

Take your opinion about weed and bounce on it faggot. This isn't the 1930s and you sound like a little bitch.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, August 28, 2022 3:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Jeez, JAYNEZ, what does Rogan's height have to do with ...anything? Your "argument" is one long unrelated ad hominem. Talk about losing the thread!

Knowing that Rogan has a large following of a certain end of the political spectrum ("naive populists?") Zuckerborg prolly thought he could convince that segment that he was just an innocent patriotic victim of the FIB.

But I don't think Zuckerborg gets a "pass" on abetting censorship. Most people on the right aren't that stupid. B

Besides, I think you miss the more interesting question: WHY NOW? Why does Zuck find it necessary to disavow the FBI? Is he foreseeing a Republican House majority that will mke hay of Biden's* impeachable international grift? That the GOP will make hay of the FIB's highly politicized behavior? That maybe the DNC will jettison Deleware's favorite son.... and possibly some Zuck-FBI links? In other words, that the S is about to HTF?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, August 28, 2022 4:47 AM


Let us also not forget that it looks like the Big Guy was raping his niece on the regular too.

Remember when Ted was so interested in what Trump's niece had to say about the mean old uncle that didn't give her money?

It's funny how he's just as silent about what's in Biden*'s nieces diary as he was about what was on Biden*'s son's laptop.

The Biden* family makes my own look like the fucking Cleavers.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, August 28, 2022 6:37 AM


Speaking of ad hominem during the Bolsevik BLM Antifa riots, when multiple American cities burned and crumbled, as mobs burned, looted and murdered for months, Joe Rogan insisted that it was White Christian Rednecks that were going around 'Looting'

I'm not going to even bother looking for the clip on a place like u tube but it is archived and hopefully will stay up a while and won't be pulled from archive dot org

direct link

So I thought political commenst like this maybe its Joe Rogan just joking being ironic but its not, yet he would have Antifa BLM people on A LOT. So Why would he do damage control for Antifa BLM riots like a ReaverFan or WishiMay and worse people who burned and attacked others. Why is Joe going beyond Bernie Sanders politics and into Bolsevik Anarchy camp... is it the hollyweirdo friends, maybe the team shouting in his ears the 'pull that up jamie' they keep repating shit into his ear off camera the team makes him think a certain way, programs him into political mental enslavement. Maybe its because of that place of drinks and parties, the political Commieofornia echo chamber? Maybe he's bought with money and bags of drugs, people pay him to weigh only one side of a political scale? Maybe its simply the rap alien bloodline daughter he worships Kayja Rose Nichole Connor the lesbo music recording artist that raps? or maybe this Gay Bisexual Wrestler Midget Comedian raises a foreign bloodline, he has been to Milo's Blackmail parties

Joe Rogan isn't a total idiot, it is not wise to dismiss him completely, he can be witty and sharp but the drugs are eating him and there are lots of clips of Joe the stoner experience being 'weird' let's say

As for Zuckerberg he probably has a little paranoia, that's why he 'connects' to Joe Rogan, also you don't get so rich by always being so full of naïveté and not so easily fooled or trusting. Compared to Joe this Zuckerberg he's ahead of the game and far more intelligent, he's not a degenerate drug addict like Joe Rogan but he is spying on everyone's private life around the globe this allows hinm to see political trends before they arrive and he is a control freak. Something about him rubs me the wrong way, its like I say he's not right not correct in the mind Cyborg-ish or trying to be hip while playing for the wrong team, for me he's kinda fake like a fake celeb or maybe Jon Stewart or worse, he doesn't creep me out like Soros, I don't think he's Dershowitz type a very creepy Anti-American sick minded Jewish type but there is something about Zuckerberg

I was never a big fan of John Lee PirateNews, most of his conspiracy and delivery were too crazy for me but I agree he should be allowed talk about Globalist Conspiracy, 'Name The Jew' or name Big Tech. I personally think there is more than Jews, the Marxists of the East have arrived again, there are Vatican and Lutheran Episcopal churches smuggling people, the Royalty of Europe have their influence inside the Fed, the islamic mohammedans are buying into 'Twitter' and 'Telegram'.
Pirate News was wrong on many things but sometimes he got it correct, he was paranoid and his delivery sucked.
I liked some of Michael Savage even if he's a loudmouth hothead and Britbongistan banned him, I like some Pamela Geller's written stuff, I think lefty Bill Maher is one of the good guys or tries to be reasonable.

I've met many Jews and I imagine there are Jews that don't want to go to Israel and be surrounded by all those different tribes of Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Mizrahi screeching and shouting at each other and all the other religion factions within each ethnicity and tribe screeching and shouting and wailing, the Holy land wants to make them jump though too many loops and tests before they are allowed in or they prefer the American way of life. There is something remarkable about Jewish, while the islamo Arabs and islamist mohammedan favor jihad and war and terror the Jewish can also be radical but sometimes have a different way to their religion, they work on reading education. They have an amazing ability on number, they look to administration and reading, can quickly move to a place go through basic language while others even after a few generations would always speak some Low IQ basic pidgin creole Ebonics version of French or English the Jewish can more quickly fit in. Even though they are not the Native People if the place has admin and business and stores and shoppers they can try culturally fit in or try blend into a hip crowd, they are good with coin and counting...and when the shit hits the fan, they are very good at throwing everything on their back, moving on quick and going to another country. In a few years time you might discover the first wave of Ukraine refugees were mostly Jews, maybe the corrupt guys with money but were sneaky and clever ran, while Brave Men smoking and booze they fought and stayed, the patriot Atheist Pagan type, the Orthodox groups or Doomsday Christian ones they probably stayed and read their Apocalypse stories and watched their cataclysmic movies to prepare for an endless wave of Russian fighting...generations of macho men Ukraine and Russian man dying in trenches.

Zuckerberg has made a calculation, he sees how the United States of America is going

The crowd is unhappy
But 'Free Speech' you censored news, you didnt run the story!

If Zuckerberg want to spin, it could be blamed on anything, a Hillary thing, un-named spook from NSA CIA Men in Black shows up at his door I'm sure he could pay a guy to cosplay stage the whole thing and change the time date stamp on a CGI video, he could call out a local corrupt police security some local legal office, Biden post...risky Biden is the President now, others in tv media, an Obama political group, the glitching vote machines...he makes a calculation who to blame.
Someone raided an Ex-President recently?
However he talked with his PR and he seen there is anger at the FBI now with the raid on Trump's property.
He doesn't really need a Public Realtions team to see what is happening, he owns facebook and can spy on much of the world. Behind the scenes angry truther, rednecks whatever Leftists call are also real fringe groups Doomsday Truther Q-Anon types that can riot and invade a Capitol Building by using body and flags and pushing alone
the FBI does seem to have power, it has guns but if the shit were to really hit the fan, the Rednecks win there are 393 Million guns in America with Over 98% of those guns are in civilian hands, the equivalent of 120 firearms per 100 citizens.

Zuckerberg s not a drunk stoned drug addict, he is super clever in his own unique ways trying to be hip and fit in with normies, but the radio guy seduced with booze and weed ... Joe Rogan is too subverted and bought off and controlled to call him out or just too stupid and stoned to call him out, by hanging out with a stoned drinker drug addict Zuckerberg becomes one of you cool pot smoking audience people, I'm not saying Zuckerberg is lying but he has made a calculation of how and when to run his story.

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg probably likes the United States of America, I'm sure he's probably one of those guy with Dual Citizenships and multiple passports, he could flee to Canada, Israel, China, New Zealand maybe even buy a chunk of land on some remote island owned by French but even then he would not be truly free, there is only one country on Earth that gives people the Right to Speak Free so no matter what place he moves to or what fortress mansion he buys there might be something more Dystopian about the place, the USA is where its at and he wants to stay for as long as he can, until the temperate raises a little too much and his paranoia finally makes him run.


Monday, August 29, 2022 7:27 PM


Jayneztown's favorite low IQ pot-head gay dwarf just told his listeners to vote Republican after the way Democrats, particularly in California, handled Covid when he had Aaron Rodgers on.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, August 29, 2022 7:29 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship

No, he blamed the FBI for something he did.



Monday, December 5, 2022 2:28 PM


Email Leaks: Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs Regularly Communicated With Twitter Telling Them Who To Censor -

Mark Zuckerberg Is Officially Considering Cryptocurrency for Facebook


Monday, December 5, 2022 2:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship

THUGR: No, he blamed the FBI for something he did.

Yep. That's why it's called "throwing someone under the bus". Another phrase is "throwing someone to the wolves'.

Why do I have to teach you English, son?
Are you sure you're American?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, December 5, 2022 5:54 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship

THUGR: No, he blamed the FBI for something he did.

Yep. That's why it's called "throwing someone under the bus". Another phrase is "throwing someone to the wolves'.

Why do I have to teach you English, son?
Are you sure you're American?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

To be fair, it's Idioms in this specific case... and mistakes using words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have vastly different meanings is another shortcoming of his.

I think for a foreign agent that is borderline retarded, Ted has done a pretty excellent job learning English as a second language. I'll bet, unless he has a really strong accent, he has little problems communicating verbally with Americans until Idioms come up in a conversation.

But maybe that's why Ted doesn't understand what I've been posting about in the 2024 Elections thread. An idiom like "you can't put the shit back in the horse" must be super confusing to him.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, March 30, 2023 5:31 AM


Weisselberg Taxes Gossip? ...Christie/Pence 2024.

'Allen Weisselberg is no longer being represented by Trump's attorneys, per NBC. This points to the possibility that Weisselberg has cut a deal with the Manhattan DA and is cooperating against Trump'


Thursday, March 30, 2023 11:08 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship

Let's see, they're still bitching about this 7 years later. This is too funny.

In the meantime, Allen Weisselberg just fired his Trump-funded lawyers — is he about to flip?

tick tock



Thursday, March 30, 2023 11:15 AM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship

Let's see, they're still bitching about this 7 years later. This is too funny.

Only somebody who doesn't know what's on there would say something this stupid.

Keep your head in the sand, you useful little idiot.


And while the Biden saga, not, continues 'Allen Weisselberg is no longer being represented by Trump's attorneys. This points to the possibility that Weisselberg has cut a deal with the Manhattan DA and is cooperating against Trump'

Trump will be fine.

Don't hurt yourself when that happens. I'd suggest you flush all your pills down the toilet and throw away all of your knives. You've proven yourself to be far too impulsive to have anything even remotely dangerous in your shitty apartment.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, August 29, 2024 5:12 AM


Donald Trump warns Mark Zuckerberg could ‘spend the rest of his life in prison’ if Meta ‘cheats’ in election (DJT throws down gauntlet)

plus how bad has news become that people turn to 'pull that up Jamie' the drunk stoner podcasters for news

and the you-tuber star or spotify stars

Joe Rogan is very confused, he hates Trump so he backed Kennedy but now Kennedy backs Trump

Rogan and his stoned bonged out team accuse Trump of starting wars but then he guests Mike CIA guy and other Pro imperialist propaganda people, the 'Flat Earth' stuff is good though it shows how far gone their drunken stoner brains are. He brings on guests telling stories about how good of a person Soros Jr. is...the people who push the mainstream propaganda, banker desires, war ideas... were affirming the mainstream narrative


Thursday, September 5, 2024 12:54 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship

Yeah, let's focus on Hunter, da.


‘First shoe to drop’: Chris Krebs on the scope of Russia's disinformation efforts






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