In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)

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Tuesday, December 20, 2022 10:31 AM


Yeah. I get that feeling from time to time. I usually do my best to ignore it because in the history of me ever forgetting anything important it's usually something like forgetting to put on my wrist watch (which does bother me a lot when I realize it), but nothing that ever actually was truly important (like leaving my garage door open when I leave for work).

I've got one brother who is diagnosed with OCD and another who displays OCD tenancies. Every time he pulls out one of his cameras from the case, he will touch every piece that is in there, and I'll watch him re-open that box and do it at least 2 or 3 more times in an hour.

There were times where I swore I didn't close the garage door and I would circle back to check, but I don't do that anymore. I'm not going to end up like that one guy I read about that will circle his block 10 times before coming back from work to make sure he didn't run anybody over with his car.

That being said, there was one day about a decade ago I was driving myself nuts looking for my cell phone and it was in my left hand.

I'm going to blame that one on the alcoholism.

Hope you figure it out and/or let it go.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 20, 2022 7:16 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Call at supper time from my boss. Work for me tomorrow as she wants before some people arrive in the afternoon. Have to be there after 9am, so I will see everyone in the afternoon.

Also there is a call for more snow for my area.

That's so early!!!

I hope getting to and from work isn't too difficult, BRENDA, given the weather!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Well, getting there was no fun as some of the sidewalks around houses were cleared and others weren't. A street I walk down most of the sidewalks were covered in snow and I decided to cross the street as I could see the other side was cleaner. I stepped to the edge of the sidewalk and there must have been ice under the snow and my right foot went out from under me and down I went on my butt. Took me a minute or two to get back up. And when I got to the house, my boss was just cleaning off the front stairs. I got a ride back as I said I was hurting from the fall and would appreciate it.

They were having a little get together tonight but everyone cancelled on them as some areas are bad to drive.


Tuesday, December 20, 2022 7:17 PM


And add to that when I got back the bulb in the light over the kitchen table blew out. Right now there is no way I can replace it as I use a kitchen chair and stand on my tip toes. I am using another light right now. This is so not fun.


Tuesday, December 20, 2022 7:20 PM


Told my boss that I wasn't coming over for Christmas morning breakfast whatever. Her basic reply, "Well, it doesn't matter if you come or not."

Told her husband the same thing as he drove me back and he said, "It doesn't matter but the invitation still stands."


Tuesday, December 20, 2022 9:27 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Told my boss that I wasn't coming over for Christmas morning breakfast whatever. Her basic reply, "Well, it doesn't matter if you come or not."

Told her husband the same thing as he drove me back and he said, "It doesn't matter but the invitation still stands."

Maybe they're just REALLY bad with words. That sounds so f*ing rude, but maybe that's just their way of not putting pressure on you.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 20, 2022 10:47 PM


Oh jeez. I just read your other two posts Brenda. How are you feeling?

Do you have one of those reacher grabber things? If you gently sqeeze it around the bulb you should be able to change it without getting on a ladder.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, December 20, 2022 11:24 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Told my boss that I wasn't coming over for Christmas morning breakfast whatever. Her basic reply, "Well, it doesn't matter if you come or not."

Told her husband the same thing as he drove me back and he said, "It doesn't matter but the invitation still stands."

Maybe they're just REALLY bad with words. That sounds so f*ing rude, but maybe that's just their way of not putting pressure on you.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

It's possible but I took it the rude way and I'm not worried about it. Sunday is my day not to run around like a crazy person or do anything much. And that's what I'm going to do.


Tuesday, December 20, 2022 11:27 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh jeez. I just read your other two posts Brenda. How are you feeling?

Do you have one of those reacher grabber things? If you gently sqeeze it around the bulb you should be able to change it without getting on a ladder.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I'm doing okay. Had a hot water bottle on my lower back earlier and I will do that again when I go to bed.

I do have one of those grabby things and I should see if that will work because it is the best light in the kitchen/living room area.


Tuesday, December 20, 2022 11:41 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh jeez. I just read your other two posts Brenda. How are you feeling?

Do you have one of those reacher grabber things? If you gently sqeeze it around the bulb you should be able to change it without getting on a ladder.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I'm doing okay. Had a hot water bottle on my lower back earlier and I will do that again when I go to bed.

I do have one of those grabby things and I should see if that will work because it is the best light in the kitchen/living room area.

Hope you feel better.

It wasn't my idea, but I did a Google search for how you could change a high lightbulb without a ladder and that was the only answer that came up which didn't require MacGuyver level skills and tools and materials you probably don't have.

Is the bulb incandescent or LED?

You'll probably want to be extra careful if it's anything but LED when you're squeezing and/or be wearing some protective covering for your eyes.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 1:01 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh jeez. I just read your other two posts Brenda. How are you feeling?

Do you have one of those reacher grabber things? If you gently sqeeze it around the bulb you should be able to change it without getting on a ladder.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I'm doing okay. Had a hot water bottle on my lower back earlier and I will do that again when I go to bed.

I do have one of those grabby things and I should see if that will work because it is the best light in the kitchen/living room area.

Hope you feel better.

It wasn't my idea, but I did a Google search for how you could change a high lightbulb without a ladder and that was the only answer that came up which didn't require MacGuyver level skills and tools and materials you probably don't have.

Is the bulb incandescent or LED?

You'll probably want to be extra careful if it's anything but LED when you're squeezing and/or be wearing some protective covering for your eyes.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll take it easy for a couple of days.

I tried your suggestion a couple of times and I can't get a grip on it to turn. The bulb is too round and the ends of the grabby thing aren't flat.

It's just a plain old light bulb in the light fixture.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 3:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh that sucks BRENDA. I hope you didn't wrench or bruise anything.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 11:28 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh jeez. I just read your other two posts Brenda. How are you feeling?

Do you have one of those reacher grabber things? If you gently sqeeze it around the bulb you should be able to change it without getting on a ladder.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I'm doing okay. Had a hot water bottle on my lower back earlier and I will do that again when I go to bed.

I do have one of those grabby things and I should see if that will work because it is the best light in the kitchen/living room area.

Hope you feel better.

It wasn't my idea, but I did a Google search for how you could change a high lightbulb without a ladder and that was the only answer that came up which didn't require MacGuyver level skills and tools and materials you probably don't have.

Is the bulb incandescent or LED?

You'll probably want to be extra careful if it's anything but LED when you're squeezing and/or be wearing some protective covering for your eyes.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll take it easy for a couple of days.

I tried your suggestion a couple of times and I can't get a grip on it to turn. The bulb is too round and the ends of the grabby thing aren't flat.

It's just a plain old light bulb in the light fixture.

Do you have some rubber bands?

Maybe you can put a few paper towels around the grabby bits and wrap the paper towel on them with some rubber bands?

I would imagine with the grip of the bands and the extra padding from the paper towel you could get that bulb out of there.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 11:46 AM


Just got invited last night to Christmas Eve at my friend's house where I went on Thanksgiving. The rest of my family that used to host Christmas is now heading out to the east coast for two weeks because my brother and his family out there are still afraid of Covid and haven't come back home since Christmas of 2019. My aunt and Grandma were going to come by on Christmas Eve, but I told them not to even try with the snow and the single digit temps and that I'll be out there to visit for a few days once it's warm enough that I'm sure my car will start by New Years instead. Then I'll get to see their Christmas tree too.

I've got to go get some wrapping paper and Christmas cards today before the deep cold sets in. I didn't buy anything special for anyone, but I do have a ton of things in my basement that were either free after rebate or bought so cheaply that wrapping them up with cards will cost more than the items inside did.

But it's all useful stuff. 12 packs of LED bulbs that I got for 98 cents, hand lotion bottles and drain sticks I got for free after rebate, and a torpedo level for my friend that I got for a buck after rebate. I also got some really cool multi-color LED smart bulbs I got in a really good deal on a package of electric stuff with the power company a few months back that I'd never install in my house because I'd have to download apps on my tablet to even control them and I don't want any smart stuff in my house. They're already stuffed to the gills with smarthome stuff anyhow, so I'm sure they won't object to them.

My buddy told me he's still trying to get that fridge for me and told his sister-in-law that I could use it instead of them giving it to the bank when they hand the keys over on her dad's house who just passed away recently. He told her that he was hoping he could get me to paint his daughter's bedroom with him in exchange.

I told him it was going to be a surprise after he got his pool table set up and was done with the basement, but I was going to offer to paint her room anyhow since he seemed so adamant against it while we were eating dinner on the last day we were painting down there. I just wasn't going to bring it up until the basement was squared away because I knew the painting and moving wasn't something he was enjoying and didn't want to overwhelm him. All I wanted in exchange was for him to get the paint, come pick me up, drop me off and feed me while I was working on it. But that fridge would still be cool.

So she's going to get a little "IOU a painted bedroom" Christmas card.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 12:56 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh that sucks BRENDA. I hope you didn't wrench or bruise anything.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Doesn't feel like any serious damage. Just was a little sore last night.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 12:58 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh jeez. I just read your other two posts Brenda. How are you feeling?

Do you have one of those reacher grabber things? If you gently sqeeze it around the bulb you should be able to change it without getting on a ladder.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I'm doing okay. Had a hot water bottle on my lower back earlier and I will do that again when I go to bed.

I do have one of those grabby things and I should see if that will work because it is the best light in the kitchen/living room area.

Hope you feel better.

It wasn't my idea, but I did a Google search for how you could change a high lightbulb without a ladder and that was the only answer that came up which didn't require MacGuyver level skills and tools and materials you probably don't have.

Is the bulb incandescent or LED?

You'll probably want to be extra careful if it's anything but LED when you're squeezing and/or be wearing some protective covering for your eyes.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll take it easy for a couple of days.

I tried your suggestion a couple of times and I can't get a grip on it to turn. The bulb is too round and the ends of the grabby thing aren't flat.

It's just a plain old light bulb in the light fixture.

Do you have some rubber bands?

Maybe you can put a few paper towels around the grabby bits and wrap the paper towel on them with some rubber bands?

I would imagine with the grip of the bands and the extra padding from the paper towel you could get that bulb out of there.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

No rubber bands but paper towels yes. That might work. I will see if I can find any bands on my walk today.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 12:58 PM


Out for my walk. Things to do.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 6:09 PM


Back from my walk and I managed to get the light bulb out of that fixture I normally use but couldn't get the new one in. Dropped it 3 times and on the third time it shattered on the floor. I managed to get all cleaned up though so that is good.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 8:26 PM


Damn... sorry to hear that Brenda. You were so close.

At least you got it out without breaking it. The only way to really get it out at that point is either with a pair of needle nose pliers, or with a spare potato.

If you can get one, you may want to try an LED bulb. They're built really sturdy compared to the glass ones, and if you did drop it you wouldn't have a mess on your hands even if it breaks.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 9:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from my walk and I managed to get the light bulb out of that fixture I normally use but couldn't get the new one in. Dropped it 3 times and on the third time it shattered on the floor. I managed to get all cleaned up though so that is good.

. Wish I could come over to help, but I'd probably drop one, too!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 11:27 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Damn... sorry to hear that Brenda. You were so close.

At least you got it out without breaking it. The only way to really get it out at that point is either with a pair of needle nose pliers, or with a spare potato.

If you can get one, you may want to try an LED bulb. They're built really sturdy compared to the glass ones, and if you did drop it you wouldn't have a mess on your hands even if it breaks.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I know. I was cursing the whole time as it hit the floor.

You have a good point about it breaking on the floor and not in the fixture. I have needle nose pliers, bought them years ago but I would never have been able to get the base out.

You must have been reading my mind SIX. I was thinking after mah jong tomorrow that I should look for a different type of light bulb for the fixture.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 11:28 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from my walk and I managed to get the light bulb out of that fixture I normally use but couldn't get the new one in. Dropped it 3 times and on the third time it shattered on the floor. I managed to get all cleaned up though so that is good.

. Wish I could come over to help, but I'd probably drop one, too!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

The problem is the bulbs I've got that will work in that fixture the necks are too short. Gotta find some with longer necks tomorrow.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 11:30 PM


I am off to mah jong in the morning hopefully as I have to call the centre in the morning to see if they are open.

One more storm up then rain which brings with it flooding on city streets and such.


Thursday, December 22, 2022 8:24 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Damn... sorry to hear that Brenda. You were so close.

At least you got it out without breaking it. The only way to really get it out at that point is either with a pair of needle nose pliers, or with a spare potato.

If you can get one, you may want to try an LED bulb. They're built really sturdy compared to the glass ones, and if you did drop it you wouldn't have a mess on your hands even if it breaks.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I know. I was cursing the whole time as it hit the floor.

I'm picturing it in my head now because I've been there before and I know that's exactly what I did. I bet though in a way you felt better after letting those bad vibes out.


You have a good point about it breaking on the floor and not in the fixture. I have needle nose pliers, bought them years ago but I would never have been able to get the base out.

Yeah. There's no way you're going to pull a broken bulb out with the pliers if you aren't in the right state to change the bulb normally. Sometimes it gets stuck on you too if you're not careful about wrenching it out. There's been several time that I wish I had a spare potato on hand to do it instead of trying to wrench it out like a big dumb ogre.


You must have been reading my mind SIX. I was thinking after mah jong tomorrow that I should look for a different type of light bulb for the fixture.

You get the LED for the fixture, I'll get one of those grabby things for myself.

I'm even worse today than I was Tuesday after doing all that sanding and fan cleaning overhead on the worst step ladder in existence. My back is fine, but my right hip, my shins and the bottom of my right foot around all three middle toes is killing me. I've got to walk up and down my steps one at a time right now. I don't think keeping my house so cold is helping.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, December 22, 2022 8:30 AM


Got all the presents wrapped up for Christmas Eve at my friends. Even wrapped them all with ribbons. Never did that before. First time watching a video on a crafting channel on YouTube too.

I've got to co-ordinate with my friend about presenting his daughter with her present because I don't want to steal his thunder. He said he's going to do a sort of gag gift with an old bucket of paint and a paint brush just to let her know she's getting her bedroom painted.

I haven't asked, but they probably wait until Christmas to open gifts like most folk do, but I want him to do that while I'm there the night before so I can give her my gift with the IOU a painted bedroom after he gives her his gift.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, December 22, 2022 12:41 PM


Well we've gone from "Damn it's cold" to Dangerously Cold on the forecast. Low tonight is now -9 with lows of -35 with wind chill factored in.

Not only that, but the power company has been warning everyone of outages and to be prepared for them from now until Saturday morning while it's still in the negative temperatures.



Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, December 22, 2022 5:55 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Damn... sorry to hear that Brenda. You were so close.

At least you got it out without breaking it. The only way to really get it out at that point is either with a pair of needle nose pliers, or with a spare potato.

If you can get one, you may want to try an LED bulb. They're built really sturdy compared to the glass ones, and if you did drop it you wouldn't have a mess on your hands even if it breaks.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I know. I was cursing the whole time as it hit the floor.

I'm picturing it in my head now because I've been there before and I know that's exactly what I did. I bet though in a way you felt better after letting those bad vibes out.


You have a good point about it breaking on the floor and not in the fixture. I have needle nose pliers, bought them years ago but I would never have been able to get the base out.

Yeah. There's no way you're going to pull a broken bulb out with the pliers if you aren't in the right state to change the bulb normally. Sometimes it gets stuck on you too if you're not careful about wrenching it out. There's been several time that I wish I had a spare potato on hand to do it instead of trying to wrench it out like a big dumb ogre.


You must have been reading my mind SIX. I was thinking after mah jong tomorrow that I should look for a different type of light bulb for the fixture.

You get the LED for the fixture, I'll get one of those grabby things for myself.

I'm even worse today than I was Tuesday after doing all that sanding and fan cleaning overhead on the worst step ladder in existence. My back is fine, but my right hip, my shins and the bottom of my right foot around all three middle toes is killing me. I've got to walk up and down my steps one at a time right now. I don't think keeping my house so cold is helping.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I did feel much better for letting it all out.

No, I couldn't have gotten the base out and chances are I could have hurt myself serious if that had happened. Even with the potato trick.

I got the LED bulb today but still can't get it in the &*^^%%$%^^&%%^&&& socket.

Cold is very bad when you have over done it and have pulled muscles that you didn't think you did. Get some sort of heat on those body parts to try and help is my best suggestion.


Thursday, December 22, 2022 6:01 PM


Well, I broke down and called my boss to see if one of them will come over and help me. I just hope they get here before it gets dark as I will be climbing up on another chair to reach a light that works. *sigh* Using that light means moving the kitchen table and climbing up on a chair that is near that light. Means have been sore since I fell on Tuesday going over to work.


Thursday, December 22, 2022 10:43 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Damn... sorry to hear that Brenda. You were so close.

At least you got it out without breaking it. The only way to really get it out at that point is either with a pair of needle nose pliers, or with a spare potato.

If you can get one, you may want to try an LED bulb. They're built really sturdy compared to the glass ones, and if you did drop it you wouldn't have a mess on your hands even if it breaks.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I know. I was cursing the whole time as it hit the floor.

I'm picturing it in my head now because I've been there before and I know that's exactly what I did. I bet though in a way you felt better after letting those bad vibes out.


You have a good point about it breaking on the floor and not in the fixture. I have needle nose pliers, bought them years ago but I would never have been able to get the base out.

Yeah. There's no way you're going to pull a broken bulb out with the pliers if you aren't in the right state to change the bulb normally. Sometimes it gets stuck on you too if you're not careful about wrenching it out. There's been several time that I wish I had a spare potato on hand to do it instead of trying to wrench it out like a big dumb ogre.


You must have been reading my mind SIX. I was thinking after mah jong tomorrow that I should look for a different type of light bulb for the fixture.

You get the LED for the fixture, I'll get one of those grabby things for myself.

I'm even worse today than I was Tuesday after doing all that sanding and fan cleaning overhead on the worst step ladder in existence. My back is fine, but my right hip, my shins and the bottom of my right foot around all three middle toes is killing me. I've got to walk up and down my steps one at a time right now. I don't think keeping my house so cold is helping.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I did feel much better for letting it all out.

No, I couldn't have gotten the base out and chances are I could have hurt myself serious if that had happened. Even with the potato trick.

I got the LED bulb today but still can't get it in the &*^^%%$%^^&%%^&&& socket.

Cold is very bad when you have over done it and have pulled muscles that you didn't think you did. Get some sort of heat on those body parts to try and help is my best suggestion.

Damn... No dice still. Well at least it's ready for the new bulb.

Yeah. Don't have much in the way of heat. I've got an ancient heating pad, but that's really only good for my back. Everything seems to be better right now, but we'll see how it all works out in the morning when I wake up.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I broke down and called my boss to see if one of them will come over and help me. I just hope they get here before it gets dark as I will be climbing up on another chair to reach a light that works. *sigh* Using that light means moving the kitchen table and climbing up on a chair that is near that light. Means have been sore since I fell on Tuesday going over to work.

I was going to suggest something along those lines but didn't because I think you're a lot like me in that regard. My aunt or brother would have been knocking on a neighbor's door already if they couldn't get maintenance to do it for them the second the bulb got out, but I don't like asking for favors or inviting people right next door over for a favor and getting that close with people who don't need to call before they show up next time.

Good luck. And I hope you feel better soon, Brenda.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, December 22, 2022 10:50 PM


I kinda forgot to start my car yesterday and didn't think of it until about an hour ago.

It's -5 out right now with a Real Feel of -44. Honestly, it doesn't feel that cold to me, but I've kind of been conditioning myself to the cold with how low the thermostat is in my house. I even spent a couple of minutes shoveling my walkway between my porch and my garage one handed while talking to my brother on the phone in the other hand. No coat. No gloves. Just sweatpants and a hoodie. My fingers were a bit frosty when I came in, but it didn't feel like -44.

Car started up just fine. Let it run for 15 minutes and shut it off.

Low is getting to -9 degrees with a Real Feel bottoming out at -44. That's by far the coldest night it's ever been since I've lived here.

As long as the wind doesn't knock the power out I'll be fine. I'll just have to head over to my friend's house after opening the faucets pretty wide if the power does go out tonight. At least assuming his power doesn't go out too. Otherwise, I'll just pull the car out of the garage and sleep out there. Got an extra 5 gallons of gas if things go south.

Definitely going to set my furnace up to work with my generator by next winter just in case. I'll just need to get an inverter, another beefy 100ft extension cord and rig up a questionably code worthy do-dad to make it a reality.

The good news is that I believe the sudden insane low temps knocked out most of the snow from the forecast. Just 5 days ago we were looking at 8-12 inches, and my old man was looking at 11-17 inches.

We only got about 1.5 inches so far here I'd reckon and now tomorrow they're saying little to no accumulation. I won't even need to bother taking the snowblower out tomorrow if that's true.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, December 22, 2022 11:35 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Damn... sorry to hear that Brenda. You were so close.

At least you got it out without breaking it. The only way to really get it out at that point is either with a pair of needle nose pliers, or with a spare potato.

If you can get one, you may want to try an LED bulb. They're built really sturdy compared to the glass ones, and if you did drop it you wouldn't have a mess on your hands even if it breaks.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I know. I was cursing the whole time as it hit the floor.

I'm picturing it in my head now because I've been there before and I know that's exactly what I did. I bet though in a way you felt better after letting those bad vibes out.


You have a good point about it breaking on the floor and not in the fixture. I have needle nose pliers, bought them years ago but I would never have been able to get the base out.

Yeah. There's no way you're going to pull a broken bulb out with the pliers if you aren't in the right state to change the bulb normally. Sometimes it gets stuck on you too if you're not careful about wrenching it out. There's been several time that I wish I had a spare potato on hand to do it instead of trying to wrench it out like a big dumb ogre.


You must have been reading my mind SIX. I was thinking after mah jong tomorrow that I should look for a different type of light bulb for the fixture.

You get the LED for the fixture, I'll get one of those grabby things for myself.

I'm even worse today than I was Tuesday after doing all that sanding and fan cleaning overhead on the worst step ladder in existence. My back is fine, but my right hip, my shins and the bottom of my right foot around all three middle toes is killing me. I've got to walk up and down my steps one at a time right now. I don't think keeping my house so cold is helping.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I did feel much better for letting it all out.

No, I couldn't have gotten the base out and chances are I could have hurt myself serious if that had happened. Even with the potato trick.

I got the LED bulb today but still can't get it in the &*^^%%$%^^&%%^&&& socket.

Cold is very bad when you have over done it and have pulled muscles that you didn't think you did. Get some sort of heat on those body parts to try and help is my best suggestion.

Damn... No dice still. Well at least it's ready for the new bulb.

Yeah. Don't have much in the way of heat. I've got an ancient heating pad, but that's really only good for my back. Everything seems to be better right now, but we'll see how it all works out in the morning when I wake up.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I broke down and called my boss to see if one of them will come over and help me. I just hope they get here before it gets dark as I will be climbing up on another chair to reach a light that works. *sigh* Using that light means moving the kitchen table and climbing up on a chair that is near that light. Means have been sore since I fell on Tuesday going over to work.

I was going to suggest something along those lines but didn't because I think you're a lot like me in that regard. My aunt or brother would have been knocking on a neighbor's door already if they couldn't get maintenance to do it for them the second the bulb got out, but I don't like asking for favors or inviting people right next door over for a favor and getting that close with people who don't need to call before they show up next time.

Good luck. And I hope you feel better soon, Brenda.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

You will know tomorrow morning if things are still sore.

Yeah, I don't know who in the building to call for things like that and I don't want to disturb anyone.

But on the flipside, I got a phone call from a lady that I know at my senior's centre and explained what was happening. She was gracious enough to offer me help and I took her up on it. Plus she lives closer to me. A few minutes after she arrived and got the new LED light bulb in, my boss' husband showed up. I thanked him for coming over and we explained that it was all done.

But I have to figure something out for the next time it blows out.

My knees will always be a problem since those falls I took when I was living in that crappy place and tripped over sidewalks.


Friday, December 23, 2022 12:08 AM


Jesus Christ on a cross it's cold!

We haven't even graduated from "Dangerously Cold" to "Very Dangerously Cold" yet. That doesn't' start for another two hours and will last until 8AM tomorrow.

Upped the thermostat to 57 degrees from 56. I'll probably break down and put it up to 60 soon.

Hope everybody is safe and warm if they're dealing with anything remotely similar.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 23, 2022 1:51 AM


My corner of BC is sitting at -8C and anyone outside will be very cold. Drivers are being told to stay off the roads because of the possible freezing rain tomorrow and maybe the snow on the road freezing tonight.


Friday, December 23, 2022 7:17 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Poor western NYS is getting it with its THIRD lake effect snowstormthis year! Last I checked wundergound it'll not only be dangerously cold and windy, they're expecting 2-plus feet of snow over two days. But worse, leading up to it is rain changing to snow. And like BRENDA said, that's dangerous. Not only for driving but also for tree limbs and power lines. Been in touch with sis, she's about as stocked up and prepared for a power outage as one can be, with fresh batteries, locks saturated with WD40, and car and snowblower gassed up and ready to go. But if power goes out, her only source of heat will be her gas stove, since the furnace blower and water heater ignition both work on electricity. Last long power outage (10 days) she and mom drank soup to stay warm!

The only part of the northern continent missing this "once in a generation" cold snap is yours truly. I won't tell you what our Xmas temp is expected to be.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, December 23, 2022 9:42 AM



It's all uphill from here (if the power stays on).

We've made it out of Very Dangerously Cold to just Dangerously Cold. Currently -7 with -37 wind chill. Will make it up to -1 with -29 wind chill in early afternoon before dipping back down to -3 and -34 wind chill and then the temps start rising overnight from 10PM until we reach a toasty high of 9 degrees positive with a wind chill of -16 for Christmas Eve.

By Wednesday it's going to be in the 40's for 7 days straight.

Looks like there won't be much snow for the upcoming rains to melt. There's literally zero in the forecast today. That's nice. We were going to have a foot of snow but it barely glazed us.

The pipes are fine. Had them dripping all night with the cabinets open, and once I turned the heat up to 60 I wasn't worried about them. I'll be easing that thermostat back down over the next few days.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 23, 2022 1:36 PM


-4C for computer temp and the weather is trying to either rain or snow. It's suppose to be a combo of both at some point then flip to rain.

It's been abnormally cold where I am for the last couple of months.

Heading out for my walk to get a couple of things done.


Friday, December 23, 2022 3:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'll pass on your tip about keeping pipes dripping, SIX. Thanks!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, December 23, 2022 4:14 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I'll pass on your tip about keeping pipes dripping, SIX. Thanks!

Well... Since you're probably 150% in the positives as I am in the negatives right now, you probably have no worries about your pipes.

But I get ya. We're usually swimming in water we don't need around here.

The current temp is the high today. -1 with -32 wind chill. And boy that wind is howling.



Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 23, 2022 4:28 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
-4C for computer temp and the weather is trying to either rain or snow. It's suppose to be a combo of both at some point then flip to rain.

It's been abnormally cold where I am for the last couple of months.

Heading out for my walk to get a couple of things done.

I ain't even heading out to shovel.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 23, 2022 5:47 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
-4C for computer temp and the weather is trying to either rain or snow. It's suppose to be a combo of both at some point then flip to rain.

It's been abnormally cold where I am for the last couple of months.

Heading out for my walk to get a couple of things done.

I ain't even heading out to shovel.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Walking wasn't great when I went out as the walk in front of my building hadn't been done and other spots were snow covered in a thin layer of ice. I always take my cane and walk slowly watching my feet just because.


Friday, December 23, 2022 5:54 PM


Well, I managed to get to the post office today and grocery shopping for my Christmas dinner.

It is now raining which means it has warmed up. So the snow will be starting to melt.


Friday, December 23, 2022 8:02 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I managed to get to the post office today and grocery shopping for my Christmas dinner.

It is now raining which means it has warmed up. So the snow will be starting to melt.

NICE! Hopefully it doesn't freeze up on you again soon.

We're not going to see the snow melting until Wednesday, but as long as we make it through the night without the power going out here it shouldn't 'be too bad until the HEAT WAVE comes through.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 23, 2022 8:05 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Damn... sorry to hear that Brenda. You were so close.

At least you got it out without breaking it. The only way to really get it out at that point is either with a pair of needle nose pliers, or with a spare potato.

If you can get one, you may want to try an LED bulb. They're built really sturdy compared to the glass ones, and if you did drop it you wouldn't have a mess on your hands even if it breaks.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I know. I was cursing the whole time as it hit the floor.

I'm picturing it in my head now because I've been there before and I know that's exactly what I did. I bet though in a way you felt better after letting those bad vibes out.


You have a good point about it breaking on the floor and not in the fixture. I have needle nose pliers, bought them years ago but I would never have been able to get the base out.

Yeah. There's no way you're going to pull a broken bulb out with the pliers if you aren't in the right state to change the bulb normally. Sometimes it gets stuck on you too if you're not careful about wrenching it out. There's been several time that I wish I had a spare potato on hand to do it instead of trying to wrench it out like a big dumb ogre.


You must have been reading my mind SIX. I was thinking after mah jong tomorrow that I should look for a different type of light bulb for the fixture.

You get the LED for the fixture, I'll get one of those grabby things for myself.

I'm even worse today than I was Tuesday after doing all that sanding and fan cleaning overhead on the worst step ladder in existence. My back is fine, but my right hip, my shins and the bottom of my right foot around all three middle toes is killing me. I've got to walk up and down my steps one at a time right now. I don't think keeping my house so cold is helping.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I did feel much better for letting it all out.

No, I couldn't have gotten the base out and chances are I could have hurt myself serious if that had happened. Even with the potato trick.

I got the LED bulb today but still can't get it in the &*^^%%$%^^&%%^&&& socket.

Cold is very bad when you have over done it and have pulled muscles that you didn't think you did. Get some sort of heat on those body parts to try and help is my best suggestion.

Damn... No dice still. Well at least it's ready for the new bulb.

Yeah. Don't have much in the way of heat. I've got an ancient heating pad, but that's really only good for my back. Everything seems to be better right now, but we'll see how it all works out in the morning when I wake up.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I broke down and called my boss to see if one of them will come over and help me. I just hope they get here before it gets dark as I will be climbing up on another chair to reach a light that works. *sigh* Using that light means moving the kitchen table and climbing up on a chair that is near that light. Means have been sore since I fell on Tuesday going over to work.

I was going to suggest something along those lines but didn't because I think you're a lot like me in that regard. My aunt or brother would have been knocking on a neighbor's door already if they couldn't get maintenance to do it for them the second the bulb got out, but I don't like asking for favors or inviting people right next door over for a favor and getting that close with people who don't need to call before they show up next time.

Good luck. And I hope you feel better soon, Brenda.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

You will know tomorrow morning if things are still sore.

Yeah, I don't know who in the building to call for things like that and I don't want to disturb anyone.

But on the flipside, I got a phone call from a lady that I know at my senior's centre and explained what was happening. She was gracious enough to offer me help and I took her up on it. Plus she lives closer to me. A few minutes after she arrived and got the new LED light bulb in, my boss' husband showed up. I thanked him for coming over and we explained that it was all done.

But I have to figure something out for the next time it blows out.

My knees will always be a problem since those falls I took when I was living in that crappy place and tripped over sidewalks.

Oh... I was so wrapped up in the cold that I missed this one.

Glad you got the bulb in finally!

How long do you have that light on in a day?

The typical LED bulb lasts around 50,000 hours, so even if you had it on 24/7/365 that shouldn't be something you have to worry about for the next 5 and a half years.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 23, 2022 8:10 PM


Got all the presents wrapped up before the deep freeze set in last evening.

14 presents wrapped in total, all with curled ribbons to boot. (I think I've somehow gone from feral to domesticated).

Hope nobody minds that for the most part they're all practical things. With how cheap I acquired all of them for, the wrapping materials cost more than 50% of the price of the stuff that I paid for it, and the amount of time I put in wrapping them well exceeded the price I paid.

All in all though, it's probably about $150-$200 worth of stuff that I paid $11 for. $17 if you include the wrapping materials.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 23, 2022 10:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Got all the presents wrapped up before the deep freeze set in last evening.

14 presents wrapped in total, all with curled ribbons to boot. (I think I've somehow gone from feral to domesticated).

Hope nobody minds that for the most part they're all practical things. With how cheap I acquired all of them for, the wrapping materials cost more than 50% of the price of the stuff that I paid for it, and the amount of time I put in wrapping them well exceeded the price I paid.

All in all though, it's probably about $150-$200 worth of stuff that I paid $11 for. $17 if you include the wrapping materials.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


OMG we are SO about practical! Shirts, calendars, underwear, toothbrushes (I kid you not!). I'm SO easy to buy for! Every year I only ask for three things: a daily diary, a wall calendar, and a package of socks

Nice to know you're in the holiday spirit, BRENDA and SIX. Whether ppl are far away or close by, it's imptto keep those connections as strong as you can. We're having a small get together, just a few ppl and a simple dinner, but it will be great. Next year, maybe I can invite more.

May the spirit of the holidays bring you joy. Peace to you!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, December 23, 2022 10:59 PM


Hehe... Yeah. I knew for years now that a certain place will work with local power companies and sell LED lightbulbs for an insanely cheap rate. I hadn't seen them for a long time, but recently I checked in and I was able to get fifteen 12-packs of 60 watt bulbs for a buck each. That was extra sweet because last time I saw the deal they were only 8-packs. I've got enough for the rest of my life and plenty left over to give away. Also had a ton of free or very close to free stuff like hand lotions, tools, and Christmas gift sets that didn't sell out last year too.

Nothing that was on your must-have list though, I'm afraid. I actually DID get 4 3-packs of socks that were free after rebate but I'm using them.

Super stoked about the get together tomorrow. I was in the spirit enough that I spent all the extra time wrapping up gifts for people I probably won't even see until sometime after new years, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Merry Christmas to you too.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, December 23, 2022 11:21 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I managed to get to the post office today and grocery shopping for my Christmas dinner.

It is now raining which means it has warmed up. So the snow will be starting to melt.

NICE! Hopefully it doesn't freeze up on you again soon.

We're not going to see the snow melting until Wednesday, but as long as we make it through the night without the power going out here it shouldn't 'be too bad until the HEAT WAVE comes through.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

What I find on my walk tomorrow will depend on what happens tonight. It was pretty nasty up here as from 10am my time, the Ministry of Transportation for the government of BC closed 2 bridges in my area due to snow on them and ice bombs falling off the bridge cables.


Friday, December 23, 2022 11:24 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Damn... sorry to hear that Brenda. You were so close.

At least you got it out without breaking it. The only way to really get it out at that point is either with a pair of needle nose pliers, or with a spare potato.

If you can get one, you may want to try an LED bulb. They're built really sturdy compared to the glass ones, and if you did drop it you wouldn't have a mess on your hands even if it breaks.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I know. I was cursing the whole time as it hit the floor.

I'm picturing it in my head now because I've been there before and I know that's exactly what I did. I bet though in a way you felt better after letting those bad vibes out.


You have a good point about it breaking on the floor and not in the fixture. I have needle nose pliers, bought them years ago but I would never have been able to get the base out.

Yeah. There's no way you're going to pull a broken bulb out with the pliers if you aren't in the right state to change the bulb normally. Sometimes it gets stuck on you too if you're not careful about wrenching it out. There's been several time that I wish I had a spare potato on hand to do it instead of trying to wrench it out like a big dumb ogre.


You must have been reading my mind SIX. I was thinking after mah jong tomorrow that I should look for a different type of light bulb for the fixture.

You get the LED for the fixture, I'll get one of those grabby things for myself.

I'm even worse today than I was Tuesday after doing all that sanding and fan cleaning overhead on the worst step ladder in existence. My back is fine, but my right hip, my shins and the bottom of my right foot around all three middle toes is killing me. I've got to walk up and down my steps one at a time right now. I don't think keeping my house so cold is helping.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I did feel much better for letting it all out.

No, I couldn't have gotten the base out and chances are I could have hurt myself serious if that had happened. Even with the potato trick.

I got the LED bulb today but still can't get it in the &*^^%%$%^^&%%^&&& socket.

Cold is very bad when you have over done it and have pulled muscles that you didn't think you did. Get some sort of heat on those body parts to try and help is my best suggestion.

Damn... No dice still. Well at least it's ready for the new bulb.

Yeah. Don't have much in the way of heat. I've got an ancient heating pad, but that's really only good for my back. Everything seems to be better right now, but we'll see how it all works out in the morning when I wake up.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, I broke down and called my boss to see if one of them will come over and help me. I just hope they get here before it gets dark as I will be climbing up on another chair to reach a light that works. *sigh* Using that light means moving the kitchen table and climbing up on a chair that is near that light. Means have been sore since I fell on Tuesday going over to work.

I was going to suggest something along those lines but didn't because I think you're a lot like me in that regard. My aunt or brother would have been knocking on a neighbor's door already if they couldn't get maintenance to do it for them the second the bulb got out, but I don't like asking for favors or inviting people right next door over for a favor and getting that close with people who don't need to call before they show up next time.

Good luck. And I hope you feel better soon, Brenda.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

You will know tomorrow morning if things are still sore.

Yeah, I don't know who in the building to call for things like that and I don't want to disturb anyone.

But on the flipside, I got a phone call from a lady that I know at my senior's centre and explained what was happening. She was gracious enough to offer me help and I took her up on it. Plus she lives closer to me. A few minutes after she arrived and got the new LED light bulb in, my boss' husband showed up. I thanked him for coming over and we explained that it was all done.

But I have to figure something out for the next time it blows out.

My knees will always be a problem since those falls I took when I was living in that crappy place and tripped over sidewalks.

Oh... I was so wrapped up in the cold that I missed this one.

Glad you got the bulb in finally!

How long do you have that light on in a day?

The typical LED bulb lasts around 50,000 hours, so even if you had it on 24/7/365 that shouldn't be something you have to worry about for the next 5 and a half years.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

No worries.

Me too.

I don't put that light on until the sun starts going down which in winter is around 3:30pm.

That's good to know but I wonder about damage to the bulb. Since I tried a half a dozen times to do it myself, I dropped it at least 5 times and each time it landed on the floor.


Saturday, December 24, 2022 1:16 PM


Laundry day for me then a walk in the rain and slush.


Saturday, December 24, 2022 2:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I scrolled up to see what I'd missed. I missed a lot!!!

SIX, apparently you survived a once-in-a-generation storm. That intensely cold air surge nearly crossed the entire USA, there are now power outages in Tennessee and other eastern states. Let's hope that doesn't happen again for at least 20 years! Glad to hear the weather will be moderating by midweek

The dripping water tip was for sis in western New York. They get moisture from Lake Erie turned into snow, which is why western New York state gets dumped on so heavily.
She sent me a picture, some drifts are 5' high. Fortunately one of the neighbors has a front end loader, one has a small snowplow, and EVERYONE has a snowblower!

You OTOH have what is called an "interior" or "continental" climate. Far from any large, temperature-moderating body of water you get hotter in the summer and much colder in the winter! OMG I feel for you!! But it could be worse: At least you aren't in N Dakota!!


BRENDA it sounds like you got the same cold air surge. "Ice bombs" from bridge cables,??? Whooda thunk??

Glad to see that the lightbulb got replaced, especially with an LED. They really are sturdier and longer- lasting than regular. I wouldn't worry about the bulb being dropped. Unlike regular or fluorescent bulbs, it doesn't need to be a vacuum or inert gas inside. All of the functional stuff is really in the base of the bulb, and the light is emitted from a small solid rectangle. In the picture below, the light is emitted from those yellow-orange "pads".


The only concern about LEDs is that they need to dissipate heat so they work best and last longest in cooler weather and don't work in entirely enclosed light fixtures.

FWIW since my chemo the neuropathy in my hands is so bad I can't tell if Im really holding on to something and my grip strength is down, so I bought (or people bought for me) a number of hand aids designed for arthritis, and one of them is a flexible silicone mit that gets me better sticktion on whatever I'm holding. Maybe that might help you? Just a thought. (I also keep a small pair of pliers in the kitchen for opening small caps and a special jar opener for bigger stuff. The right tools really help.)

Weather-wise we have nothing to complain about. But I keep thinking one day we will pay for that good weather with that destructive earthquake they keep warning about.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, December 24, 2022 3:15 PM


Yeah. I've sure never experience -49 windchill in my life. Or at least if I did, I was just a kid and didn't pay any mind to it. Been checking in on everyone in the circle and it seems everything is fine.

Going to my friends and it looks like his wife's relatives are braving what's left of the cold after all, so that's going to be nice.

Catch up later.

Enjoy your night everyone.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.






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