The ‘Putin Principle’ could bring peace to Eurasia

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 07:24
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Monday, January 30, 2023 12:19 PM


For years, he has insisted that Russia has a right to territories that were historically Russia’s and whose inhabitants are “our own.” Hence, Putin’s claims on Ukraine’s Donbas and Crimea, which have large Russian and Russian-speaking populations. This is also his justification for the genocidal war he launched against Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022. Since, according to Putin, Ukrainians are really Russians, Russia must be perfectly entitled to do with them what it wants.

In fact, Putin is spot on to say that Russia has a right to its historically Russian territories. It’s just that he doesn’t understand what the consequences for the Russian Federation would be if the “Putin Principle” were to be consistently applied to his homeland.

In a word, the Russian Federation would cease being a federation and instead shrink to a moderately-sized statelet centered on Moscow. Who could argue with such a happy prospect for the world’s largest country?

Start with the fact that the Muscovite tsars conquered Siberia in the 16th and 17th centuries by subjugating the native peoples who inhabited this vast expanse of land. So, Siberia would have to go. But so, too, would much of southern Russia, which historically was populated by various nomadic peoples and belonged to the Mongols before the Muscovites drove them out.

Putin would also have to say good-bye to northern European Russia, which formerly belonged to the Novgorod Republic (populated by Slavic, Finnic and Baltic tribes), which the Muscovite ruler Ivan III unceremoniously destroyed in 1478. According to the Novgorod Chronicle: “Thus did Great Prince Ivan advance with all his host against his domain of Novgorod because of the rebellious spirit of its people, their pride and conversion to Latinism. With a great and overwhelming force did he occupy the entire territory of Novgorod from frontier to frontier, inflicting on every part of it the dread powers of his fire and sword.” Oh, and there goes St. Petersburg, which was founded in 1703 on land inhabited by the Finnic Ingrians and their Swedish conquerors.

That leaves Belarus and Ukraine, which Putin claims were Russian since the days of the Kyivan state called Rus’. Except that they weren’t. The Rus’ state was founded by the Vikings in the 9th century, and the name Rus’ was Scandinavian in origin. As Harvard University historian Serhii Plokhy explains, “Most scholars today believe that the word ‘Rus’’ has Scandinavian roots.” Thus, the “Rus’ Vikings” were “a conglomerate of Norwegian, Swedish and probably Finnish Norsemen,” and not Slavs.

The Scandinavian Rus’ established a state whose inhabitants were primarily East Slavic tribes who spoke their own versions of what eventually would become Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian. The tribes in the Kyivan core of Rus’ spoke proto-Ukrainian. Those farther north spoke proto-Belarusian; those on the northern periphery spoke proto-Russian. Their languages differed, but so did their cultures and economies. Proto-Ukrainians lived in warmer climes in semi-wooded areas bordering on the Black Earth steppe, where they were directly in touch with Byzantine influences and practiced agriculture. Proto-Russians lived in cold climes and heavily forested areas closer to the non-Slavic peoples of the far north and Siberia and pursued such trades as trapping and logging. The bottom line? Putin would have to leave these historically Ukrainian and Belarusian lands to the Ukrainians and Belarusians.

The Crimean peninsula, so beloved of Russian nationalists, also would have to go, because its inhabitants were — long before the first Muscovite appeared on its shores — Tatars, a Turkic people.

What, then, would be left of the Russian Federation as it currently exists, if the Putin Principle were to be applied across the board? Very little: roughly the area bounded by the cities of Bryansk, Ryazan, Vologda and Smolensk, with Moscow in the middle.

Such a Russia would be a geopolitical godsend. Smaller and less powerful, Russia would cease being a threat to its neighbors. Bereft of its imperial territories, it might even be able to adopt some form of sustainable democracy. All in all, Putin’s vision — if applied rigorously — would actually bring peace to much of Eurasia.

Naturally, Putin knows this, so his selective application of the Putin Principle is just his coy way of justifying historical Muscovite expansionism and current Russian aggression. The irony is that, given the brittle nature of Putin’s regime, the parlous condition of his economy, and the Russian army’s scandalously poor performance on the battlefield, it’s increasingly likely that the Russian Federation may collapse. Putin then would experience the ultimate humiliation: Rump Russia would survive, but be surrounded by newly independent states associated with the non-Russian nations Muscovy robbed.


Monday, January 30, 2023 12:41 PM


Under the Putin Principle, your house belongs to Native Americans, Ted.

Give your home and land to a Native American family for free, go back to your home country and see if they'd even let you in with no money and no real job skills.

SPOILER ALERT: They won't.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 3:08 PM



Explaining the Causes and Consequences of Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 3:46 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Under the Putin Principle, your house belongs to Native Americans, Ted.

Give your home and land to a Native American family for free, go back to your home country and see if they'd even let you in with no money and no real job skills.

SPOILER ALERT: They won't.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 5:03 PM


You would think Alexander John Motyl would know more about that region but maybe he's been living the life in NewYork for too long, you would think as a NewYorker he would be aware of failures of foreign policy, guns running, extremism what led up to 911 or other attacks and wars.

In regards to Euro Military it seems Putin has helped unite NATO


Eurasia was never stable and Eastern Europe is always a mess, Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth vs islamic jihad Turks, Kyivan Rus' vs Eastern Rome Byzantine Empires, Zaporozhian Russo Greek Cossacks vs Ottoman Turkic Empire, Kingdom of Hungary vs the Principality of Volhynia and Zvenyhorod, Ukraine Serbs vs islamo Ukriane Albania leftovers, Holy Roman Empire vs Cossacks vs Polish–Lithuanian Empire, Holy Roman Empire and Polish and Sacons vs Muzzies and Crimean Khanate, Galicia-Volhynia hit and run militia vs the Russo Mongol Golden Hordes, British gun runners Sweden
Holstein and Polish vs Cossacks, Turks and British gun runners and Tsardom of Russia has been a constant shifting of Empires and Warlords


Originally posted by THG:

Start with the fact that the Muscovite tsars conquered Siberia in the 16th and 17th centuries by subjugating the native peoples who inhabited this vast expanse of land.

A mornic asshole needs a history lesson...why quote moronic assholes, it does not make you more intelligent to quote a dumb asshole, why not read some history books or go to a museum rather than parrot the words of some asshole

in regards to 'subjugating'

The SHITLAMICS have been doing far worse

in fact every fucking one of those East Europeans HATE foreign muzzies, almost every single East European I met absolutely HATES muslim culture, even among muslims for example the Albanians in Europe also HATE the Pakistanis, Iranians, Somali, Afghans, Turks, Bangladeshi and everyone who is not them.


Originally posted by THG:

Tatars, a Turkic people.

ABSOLUTE FUCKING SCUM from Turkmenistan bordering the Shithole known as ASSCRACKistan

Why the fuck are you Defedning these islamo pedo scum

it took a Reconquista, an Inquisition to chase down hiding islamos, Vlad the Impaler to Remove many of them from Europe...Dracula himself putting tens of thousands on spikes to drive the shit islamist culture out of Europe...the equivalent of 'Atomic Bombs' of their day.

The job of sending shitlamic culture back to Turkmenistan was not done by way of kisses and flowers

Read about the Real guy who inspired Dracula, in fact what he did to drive out Turkish makes the story of Dracula seem tame

some modern news

Croatian president accuses internationals of annexing, taking Kosovo from Serbia

Minister: Hungary’s energy security is in Serbia

Croat President Slams the West for ‘Taking’ Kosovo From Serbia

Ukraine conflict will soon spread Serbian president

and deep into Eurasia...Asscrackistan??? the death of Empires
trying to bring Democracy while allowing jihads run around in the Graveyard of Empires was silly

President Ronnie Raygun’s Photo Ops in the Oval Office with guys who would later become the can also give thansk to Jimmy Carter for getting that gun running moving

How did camel jacker ragheads who pray to a pedo terrorist called mahomet come to power?

Maybe Alexander J. Motyl simply did too many drugs and booze in his life, didn't live inside reality, hidden inside an illusion of paint and book and collaborated with former Andy Warhol

Anyways there is a website

the chattering class now he has become the "Limousine Liberal" and "Champagne Socialism" and global war gun runner advocate he once criticized

He's a professor of something
here is his website


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 5:16 PM




Tuesday, January 31, 2023 5:25 PM


Should you be laughing at this


Originally posted by THG:

I have no love for the government of Pakistan, they hid bin Laden ...howeevr let's look at the geopolitical mess

They have Nukes

USA is against both India and China, Kamala Harris might tell you some bullshit about India being a friend but they are not, they buy from Russia and are possibly neutral if not at times against US politically, in the ColdWar they were part of the Non-Aligned Movement a loose coalition of Socialist countries, they are part of 'Brics'

the US Arms dealers have also been selling Pakistan lots and lots of weapons


Wednesday, February 1, 2023 7:24 AM


Russians will continue to have a loss of people, equipment and tanks but the wars go both ways at times, thousands of people in Ukraine also die.

Like it or not 'Pakistan' is classed as an Ally of the USA while India is buying from Russia.

Maybe a taste of what they think in those call centers, the Arm-Chair discussion board and forums

Pakistan Rupee Slides to New Record Low Ahead of IMF Loan Talks

So why running weapons around the world
Was it all about selling guns?

or maybe the flow of Poppy and Drugs along that road

Alexander John Motyl sitting in NYC with a Ukraine background

the killing between Ukraine and Russia is stupid enough, Armchair revolutionary and "Gucci Socialist"
but how does his brain compute

shitlamic pedophile jihadi islamist mercenary killers for hire and guns and RPGs pouring into Eastern Europe
Foreign islamo Mercenary on both sides destroying where his family once lived and came from
How is his brain starting class this as a good thing.

Alexander John Motyl, he writes and people see 'Ukraine Soviet USSR Russia' ...he wrote so he knows they say, he's an artist, he must know it all and they think he must have the answer.
When not hanging out with the drunk stoned artists, he writes and edits the security publication 19FortyFive or he is reading at some Poetry Club....but is he really in reality? Perhaps he would have read poems or done paintings for Joe Stalin back in the day, become one of those 'useful idiots'.






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