In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)

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Thursday, February 16, 2023 5:24 PM


Back from mah jong and it is trying to rain. But on the flipside I won this morning. Had 1 hand that had 8 doubles in it with a point worth of over 23,000. So, I finished up the morning with over 26,000 points. Got $10 too.


Thursday, February 16, 2023 5:49 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I'm sure you've thought of this, but on the practical side, at some point your g'ma is going to need to be downstairs and near a bathroom.

SIX: She's on the first floor and the bathroom is right next to her bedroom.

Oh, that's right. I flipped it around in my head. How's the downstairs bathroom? Does it have a useable shower?
Shower chair and shower wand. Hospice should eventually provide a shower chair but those handheld shower wands are perfect for giving a sit-down shower. If there's a tub/ shower downstairs, hospice should provide a transfer chair as well. They should be providing all of the supplies you'll need.


SIX: Oh... And I talked to my Aunt and I'm going to be moving all of her stuff downstairs in a room right off the kitchen that we cleared out last year. She brought her mattress down and she's been sleeping in the living room on it since Friday night.

I'll probably be staying over one or two nights per week so my Dad doesn't have to stay all day 5 days a week while my aunt is working. It doesn't sound like my uncle has any plans of taking any days off of work, and my other aunt (his wife) is probably going to be wearing a mask for the rest of her life and probably won't be any help since she was barely at the hospital at all in the last two weeks.

Since I'm sure I'd be really bored staying there that often at one time in a house that has tech limited to things that were made in the 1980s and without internet, I can also spend some of that time cleaning things up and clearing some stuff out that my aunt and I haven't already gotten to.

That's what I did when mom was in hospital for a week (That was one of those times when she recovered went home.) There was an "office" that was literally filled floor to ceiling with miscellaneous boes of papers. Insurance Eplanation of benefits from when my dad was alive he had died years ago) bank statments from accounts that had been closed decades before. Old stock certificates from a company that had been bought out decades ago. Recent bills. Advertizing. Wills. My sis was taking excellent and loving care of mom, but not much on paperwork. I went and bought a filing cabinet and sorted it all out for her, along with the few boes of unopened mail in the livingroom, and disposed of the irrelevent stuff. I'd lie to think it relieved some of her stress.


Originally posted by Brenda:
I am so sorry to hear that SIX. That is hard work for all the family and hospice is the best for 24/7 care.

*Hugs* to you and your family.

I'm not sure how hospice works there, but here they had a nurse come and do an evaluation every few weeks to begin with, and an aide come in to assist with showers once in a while. I was disappointed at first with how little they were doing at the beginning, but they really cranked up the support as MIL declined, even delivering pain meds to the door.

I'm not sure how your g'ma is doing, but you may be in for something more like a marathon. It only turns into a sprint at the end. So don't plan on intense 24/7 care right away. Meals, helping to the bathroom, checking in every few hours, some entertainment... You will probably have time to do lots of other things for now.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, February 16, 2023 7:41 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh, that's right. I flipped it around in my head. How's the downstairs bathroom? Does it have a useable shower?
Shower chair and shower wand. Hospice should eventually provide a shower chair but those handheld shower wands are perfect for giving a sit-down shower. If there's a tub/ shower downstairs, hospice should provide a transfer chair as well. They should be providing all of the supplies you'll need.

As of now, no... There is no usable shower (although the tub would work). This is the thing I was going to do with my friend's dad, but everybody was slowpoking around about it and now it's too late. I told my aunt to get my uncle over there this weekend to replace the hot and cold faucets and at least the shower wand will work without spraying water halfway across the room when its on, but the walls are covered in plastic tarps because they've rotted away from years of neglect. I can fix the walls, but I'm not going to be responsible for breaking any plumbing when my uncle knows a lot more about it than I do.

There's still going to be the issue now of getting her over that high cast iron tub for showering. Nobody wants to put in a walk-in base anymore, so I've already told my friend's dad that it's off.



SIX: Oh... And I talked to my Aunt and I'm going to be moving all of her stuff downstairs in a room right off the kitchen that we cleared out last year. She brought her mattress down and she's been sleeping in the living room on it since Friday night.

I'll probably be staying over one or two nights per week so my Dad doesn't have to stay all day 5 days a week while my aunt is working. It doesn't sound like my uncle has any plans of taking any days off of work, and my other aunt (his wife) is probably going to be wearing a mask for the rest of her life and probably won't be any help since she was barely at the hospital at all in the last two weeks.

Since I'm sure I'd be really bored staying there that often at one time in a house that has tech limited to things that were made in the 1980s and without internet, I can also spend some of that time cleaning things up and clearing some stuff out that my aunt and I haven't already gotten to.

That's what I did when mom was in hospital for a week (That was one of those times when she recovered went home.) There was an "office" that was literally filled floor to ceiling with miscellaneous boes of papers. Insurance Eplanation of benefits from when my dad was alive he had died years ago) bank statments from accounts that had been closed decades before. Old stock certificates from a company that had been bought out decades ago. Recent bills. Advertizing. Wills. My sis was taking excellent and loving care of mom, but not much on paperwork. I went and bought a filing cabinet and sorted it all out for her, along with the few boes of unopened mail in the livingroom, and disposed of the irrelevent stuff. I'd lie to think it relieved some of her stress.

We already cleared most of that junk out last year when I cleaned out the basement and the 2nd floor. We were going to do the 1st floor but winter came, and I wasn't too keen about removing stuff that she'd be likely to see was missing, especially given her short-term memory issues. Papers that looked like they may have importance I put in plastic totes for her children to go through. I'm not going through any of that myself.



Originally posted by Brenda:
I am so sorry to hear that SIX. That is hard work for all the family and hospice is the best for 24/7 care.

*Hugs* to you and your family.

I'm not sure how hospice works there, but here they had a nurse come and do an evaluation every few weeks to begin with, and an aide come in to assist with showers once in a while. I was disappointed at first with how little they were doing at the beginning, but they really cranked up the support as MIL declined, even delivering pain meds to the door.

I'm not sure how your g'ma is doing, but you may be in for something more like a marathon. It only turns into a sprint at the end. So don't plan on intense 24/7 care right away. Meals, helping to the bathroom, checking in every few hours, some entertainment... You will probably have time to do lots of other things for now.

Sounds like hospice is going to be pretty hands off at the start here too. Just 4 visits per week by split between 2 people. No more 911 calls. They ARE 911 to us now, supposedly 24/7. Nobody is supposed to give her any of the drugs without calling them first too.

My dad says she looks terrible and says he'd be surprised if she lasts a month now. I'm still hopeful that he's wrong and it's just because she had that surgery for the release valve yesterday afternoon. (And she also had another 800ml removed, so that means that at least 600ml of fluid had built up in just over 8 days since she was drained the first time).

I called my aunt and she didn't make me feel any better about the situation. When I did call, my grandma didn't want to talk on the phone. My aunt told me to try back later and maybe she would feel like talking.

Dad's going to be there all day tomorrow and he'll let me know if he thinks I should come out this weekend or if it's okay that I don't make it until next week.

As far as coming out to ease the burden, my Dad said he doesn't want me even doing that now and he told my aunt the same thing. He said unless she gets better after being home for a while and having a few days of rest after that surgery, he doesn't want me to have to deal with that responsibility. As of right now it sounds like she can't even get herself up to the bathroom anymore and she might just be sitting in that hospital bed for the rest of her life when it comes tomorrow... meaning all the bathroom stuff and things that I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable with doing.

I'll still come out and even spend the night a few nights a week anyhow, but I won't ever be alone with her for more than an hour or two at a time when errands need to be run or whatever.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, February 16, 2023 10:29 PM


I was able to talk to Grams for about 3 minutes tonight when I called back. She says she's weak, but she's not in pain. Her breathing sounded good, but she is on the oxygen machine.

She still doesn't have an appetite. Her appetite was great during her first visit to the hospital after draining the fluid and several days into her return trip home, but by the time I had gotten there before she went back she was hardly eating anything. They also weren't allowing her much food or drink in the hospital with the testing and the procedure itself, and so far it sounds like she hasn't eaten much yet since she got home this afternoon.

I'm hoping that tomorrow is an improvement. My dad will let me know when I return from tomorrow's obligations, and let me know if he feels I should come in this weekend or if it can wait until after my dentist appointment on Monday morning, since I still have things that I need to do this weekend otherwise.

She still remembered the movies I got for her at least, and she sounds excited to watch them with me. I think that alone is already an improvement from when my Dad left this afternoon after she got home since he told me that he's thinking that it is possible that they'll never play a game of Upwords together again with how her mind was when she got home.

Finger's crossed that tomorrow is a better day!


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, February 17, 2023 3:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, I could be 100% wrong, but it doesn't make sense to me that your g'mas cancer would advance so rapidly right after surgery and cause such rapid deterioration. Surgery is HARD on older people. They don't recover from the trauma or anesthesia like younger people do. And, yanno, she has some news to digest. It's hard to face impending end. It would knock anyone for a loop.

Anyway I think physically she just needs recovery time. A week or so. That may represent a fairly large chunk of her remaining time, but it takes what it takes. You can't rush it.

The one thing I really regret from my grandma's and parents" deaths was not getting to know them as people, especially how they grew up and what their lives were like. I moved too far away and missed the chance to get to know them one adult to another. Does your g'ma like to reminisce? That might help her recover.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, February 17, 2023 6:54 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SIX, I could be 100% wrong, but it doesn't make sense to me that your g'mas cancer would advance so rapidly right after surgery and cause such rapid deterioration. Surgery is HARD on older people. They don't recover from the trauma or anesthesia like younger people do. And, yanno, she has some news to digest. It's hard to face impending end. It would knock anyone for a loop.

Anyway I think physically she just needs recovery time. A week or so. That may represent a fairly large chunk of her remaining time, but it takes what it takes. You can't rush it.

So anesthesia can keep you down for a while too then? Yeah. I guess I didn't consider that one. I forgot about how hard nitrous hit me when I had my wisdom teeth dug out of my gums before they derailed the orthodontic work and back before I ever had a drink or smoke in my life compared to the 2nd time I'd been on it when it had very little effect on me. I'm sure she was knocked out with something, but if my Dad doesn't know, grams won't be able to tell me.

My dad said she looked 10 years older after the procedure, but when I asked him about that yesterday after he told me all of the bad news he said she looked a lot better than the last time he saw her in the hospital.

I'm hoping for good news today. I should know more late this afternoon.


The one thing I really regret from my grandma's and parents" deaths was not getting to know them as people, especially how they grew up and what their lives were like. I moved too far away and missed the chance to get to know them one adult to another. Does your g'ma like to reminisce? That might help her recover.

I actually know quite a bit about my grandma and my Dad these days. I missed that opportunity with all my other grandparents, but since my sobriety I've talked a lot to both of them.

I sometimes joke with my old man that the back half of Cat Steven's Cats in the Cradle never played out between us.

I wish my grandma had a journal or something. I still haven't read what was in my Uncle's two notebooks that he left me 15 years ago, but I have them and I will someday.

I'll tell you one thing though... I'm not going to let her watch FOX News all day when I'm over there.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, February 17, 2023 1:16 PM


Out for my walk in a bit. Couple of things to do.


Friday, February 17, 2023 1:19 PM


I've heard back from the lady that I emailed my manuscript too and she will have to snail mail it back to me as she doesn't drive into the city any more. Also since I don't drive and I doubt I would be able to get a ride out there this is the best way for now. She's found some things I missed and I will have her notes and be able to read them. She said she is liking it, which is nice to hear.


Friday, February 17, 2023 1:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
I've heard back from the lady that I emailed my manuscript too and she will have to snail mail it back to me as she doesn't drive into the city any more. Also since I don't drive and I doubt I would be able to get a ride out there this is the best way for now. She's found some things I missed and I will have her notes and be able to read them. She said she is liking it, which is nice to hear.

I hope to read it some day, too!

Oh BTW, congrats on the mah jong win.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, February 17, 2023 1:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SIX: So anesthesia can keep you down for a while too then?
OMG yes. My dad was hallucinating for a week afterwards. He kind of knew where he was, but he hallucinated that hospital was on the verge of bankruptcy and the basement was full of telephone answerers trying to fend off calls from concerned relatives and creditors. He was so concerned about being left alone in a dark hospital that IRL he was going to get in a wheelchair and sign himself out AMA and get a taxi to go home.

A friend of my MIL's went temporarily paranoid ... this was a few days AFTER she was discharged and being taken care of by MIL at home... she threatened MIL with a knife. Delayed anesthesia reaction.

A colleague's dad repeatedly hallucinated eating oatmeal... AFTER he was sent home.

Hubby's "3-day" hospital stay turned into a 6-day stay because of disorientation from anesthesia and pain meds. This doesn't happen to everyone, but it happens enough, and it can occur unexpectedy after a time lag of days or even a week. If it happens to your g'ma don't get thrown. Of course, call hospice but it could quite likely just be a reaction to anesthesia.

And there was a time my dad had gall bladder surgery ... this was the days before scopic surgery when they did a whipple incision ... I went to visit him in the hospital and I literally didn't even recognize him at first. It was like he had aged 20 years in one week, he looked so gray and frail and small. But as he got better he was back to his former self.


I'll tell you one thing though... I'm not going to let her watch FOX News all day when I'm over there.

Good for you!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, February 17, 2023 4:51 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I've heard back from the lady that I emailed my manuscript too and she will have to snail mail it back to me as she doesn't drive into the city any more. Also since I don't drive and I doubt I would be able to get a ride out there this is the best way for now. She's found some things I missed and I will have her notes and be able to read them. She said she is liking it, which is nice to hear.

I hope to read it some day, too!

Oh BTW, congrats on the mah jong win.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

I hope so as well.

Thanks. It has been quite a while since I got first place at mah jong.


Friday, February 17, 2023 4:53 PM


Back from my walk and got a small package of chicken wings for supper tonight and tomorrow. I am adding some brussel sprouts to them as well.

The rain went away and the sun is out now but there are a few dark clouds around.


Friday, February 17, 2023 5:20 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


SIX: So anesthesia can keep you down for a while too then?
OMG yes. My dad was hallucinating for a week afterwards. He kind of knew where he was, but he hallucinated that hospital was on the verge of bankruptcy and the basement was full of telephone answerers trying to fend off calls from concerned relatives and creditors. He was so concerned about being left alone in a dark hospital that IRL he was going to get in a wheelchair and sign himself out AMA and get a taxi to go home.

A friend of my MIL's went temporarily paranoid ... this was a few days AFTER she was discharged and being taken care of by MIL at home... she threatened MIL with a knife. Delayed anesthesia reaction.

A colleague's dad repeatedly hallucinated eating oatmeal... AFTER he was sent home.

Hubby's "3-day" hospital stay turned into a 6-day stay because of disorientation from anesthesia and pain meds. This doesn't happen to everyone, but it happens enough, and it can occur unexpectedy after a time lag of days or even a week. If it happens to your g'ma don't get thrown. Of course, call hospice but it could quite likely just be a reaction to anesthesia.

And there was a time my dad had gall bladder surgery ... this was the days before scopic surgery when they did a whipple incision ... I went to visit him in the hospital and I literally didn't even recognize him at first. It was like he had aged 20 years in one week, he looked so gray and frail and small. But as he got better he was back to his former self.


I'll tell you one thing though... I'm not going to let her watch FOX News all day when I'm over there.

Good for you!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

I can't get a straight answer if she was anesthetized or not. Doctor's suck.

My dad thinks she just got a local, and asking my Grandma isn't going to help. She's already forgotten she has an extra hole in her body.

I find out when I got where I needed to be today that everybody took off work because she fell out of her chair at 3:30 AM and my aunt had to call my Uncle to come pick her back up. Dad's all doom and gloom to start my day off, and when I get back home I call to get a status update and my Dad's in the middle of talking with nurses and he'll call me back whenever.

I guess I can't judge, because when it's my Mom's time I'm going to have nothing to do with it, but Grandma was always good to me. Maybe there's some family history here that I'm not aware of because I get the feeling that everybody else just wants her to die now.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, February 17, 2023 7:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Maybe family history. My g'ma was a lovely, wonderful grandma (babcia) dearly loved by all of her grandchildren. But at her funeral, when all of us (adult) grandchildren were bawling, our parents -her children- were remarkably dry-eyed.

Apparently she was something of a task-master and nag, but had a different view of her role as grandma.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, February 17, 2023 8:27 PM


Maybe. My niece loved my mom back before they moved 2,000 miles away and hardly ever saw her again.

Now that I've talked to everyone the day had it's ups and downs.

My dad played Upwords with her and she only lost by 35 pts. She was only down 20 pts when my Dad went out, but she lost 15pts for her remaining pieces. They've always been fairly evenly matched with my Dad winning more often than she did, but 35pts is not a bad spread for a loss. My Dad doesn't ever play a game and not play to win.

So... That's great. He told me last night and again this morning that he didn't think they'd ever play again.

Her strength is completely gone. She can't walk right now. I won't go into any details about how the bathroom situation went today.

She's still not eating much either.

We finally talked on the phone about 10 minutes. My aunt said earlier when she heard I was calling that she wanted to talk to me because she hadn't talked to me all day. This is also a huge improvement since yesterday I called 3 times and she didn't want to even talk on the phone until the 3rd time and it was only about 2-3 minutes before she had to say goodbye.

She sounded a little loopy. My aunt says she's just tired after a hell of a day, but I think she's on something. But at least she was laughing and could hold a conversation. Since nobody now thinks that anything bad is going to happen in the next two days, I'm planning on heading right over there for at least two nights after my dentist appointment on Monday.

She's really looking forward to watching those movies with me.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, February 18, 2023 1:08 PM


Laundry day and a walk in the rain by the looks of it.


Saturday, February 18, 2023 2:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It looks like we're due for another half inch of rain a few days from now. That would put us slightly above our yearly total.

Correct me if I'm wrong, BRENDA, but it seems like you've had an unusual number of sunny days so far this winter?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, February 18, 2023 2:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Not sure what to say about your g'ma being weak. If she's not eating is she drinking enough water and getting enough salt? Or getting IV saline?

She may be dehydrated. And it could still be from surgery. When I had a port put in, which is probably like putting in a drain, it was under local PLUS sedation (not total anesthesia). I was awake but very, very ...VERY... relaxed. I heard and remember everything. But I kinda drooped for a few days afterwards.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, February 18, 2023 5:08 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
It looks like we're due for another half inch of rain a few days from now. That would put us slightly above our yearly total.

Correct me if I'm wrong, BRENDA, but it seems like you've had an unusual number of sunny days so far this winter?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

You could be right SIG. In fact I missed whatever rain fell as it was dry for my walk and errands. Also the sun is trying to come out now.


Saturday, February 18, 2023 5:10 PM


Got my laundry done and my walk in in the dry weather. Not overly cold out and the sun is out now.


Saturday, February 18, 2023 6:07 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Not sure what to say about your g'ma being weak. If she's not eating is she drinking enough water and getting enough salt? Or getting IV saline?

There is no IV. The only thing she's on now that she's home is O2. Supposedly the hospice people know what they're doing.

I didn't think to ask how much she's drinking. I did hear from my aunt that she ate a larger than normal breakfast this morning, and my Dad said she had a decent lunch. Still nowhere near what she used to eat (or was eating just a week or so ago), but it doesn't sound like she's eating like a bird today.

Zero strength though. She had a lot of visitors today so they put her in the wheelchair. That was a mistake. She can't get comfortable in that and was complaining the whole time. My dad said it took about an hour to get her into the bed with my Uncle without hurting her. He is probably exaggerating. But he says that she feels like 300lbs of dead weight now because she can't offer any help. She's only 230lbs, but people have a hard time picking up protestors that are half her weight if they go ragdoll.


She may be dehydrated. And it could still be from surgery. When I had a port put in, which is probably like putting in a drain, it was under local PLUS sedation (not total anesthesia). I was awake but very, very ...VERY... relaxed. I heard and remember everything. But I kinda drooped for a few days afterwards.

I'll know more when I'm there next week. It sounds like she's made some improvements every day she's been home. My Dad's not worried that anything is going to happen before I get there.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, February 19, 2023 12:41 AM


My aunt is in bad shape. I can tell that she's really overwhelmed.

I think that even though my Dad doesn't want me over there taking a shift, I'm going to need to be there with them just for moral support as much as possible.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, February 19, 2023 3:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
My aunt is in bad shape. I can tell that she's really overwhelmed.

I think that even though my Dad doesn't want me over there taking a shift, I'm going to need to be there with them just for moral support as much as possible.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Hugs to you, and hugs for your aunt. Working and taking care of someone is impossible. Not sure how your g'ma feels about male family members taking care of her more private needs. If that's a problem, you all may eventually need to pitch in and hire a female caregiver for when your aunt needs to get out of the house. (And she WILL need to get out of the house. Nobody can take care of a terminally sick relative 247. It's too exhausting, emotionally and physically.)

You mentioned some relatives that appear to have no inclination to help. How are they financially? Helping pay for someone to come over and give you all a break could be part of the team effort.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, February 19, 2023 9:43 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
My aunt is in bad shape. I can tell that she's really overwhelmed.

I think that even though my Dad doesn't want me over there taking a shift, I'm going to need to be there with them just for moral support as much as possible.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Hugs to you, and hugs for your aunt. Working and taking care of someone is impossible.

I think that sunk in the last two days. And I don't want to make any assumptions, but I don't think she's the type of woman who is going to enjoy any of it. She's a tough Italian who's done hard labor all her life and is more like her father than any of her sons are. She would have loved doing what I did overnights at my last job just like I did. Taking a leave of absence to sit at home taking care of somebody is going to drive her up a wall.


Not sure how your g'ma feels about male family members taking care of her more private needs.

As long as she's sentient, she wouldn't allow it. I can't imagine her sons are going to do it anyhow, and I wouldn't even change my nieces diaper when she was a baby when my brother's wife asked me if I wanted to do it one day I was over there. I'm sure it's not as bad as I imagine it would be, but... gross.


If that's a problem, you all may eventually need to pitch in and hire a female caregiver for when your aunt needs to get out of the house. (And she WILL need to get out of the house. Nobody can take care of a terminally sick relative 247. It's too exhausting, emotionally and physically.)

Well my Dad is going to be there every day of the week now even if my Aunt takes a leave. I'm planning on staying overnight a few nights a week myself, although my Aunt told me with how bad it is she doesn't think I'm going to be wanting to stay overnight and that she's got no expectations that I would do it until it happens. She mentioned last night that she's going to need to leave and get out at least an hour or two every day when my Dad is there.


You mentioned some relatives that appear to have no inclination to help. How are they financially? Helping pay for someone to come over and give you all a break could be part of the team effort.

She had mentioned that they may need to hire somebody. She seems to think she can get a caregiver from some place for $15/hr, but I don't see how that's possible or how they could be any good. You can make $20/hr at McDonalds in Illinois now.

Nobody on this side of the family is swimming in cash or will be easy to part with it. And I hate the idea of my Aunt taking a leave when she finally got her head on straight around the same time I did and got herself a better paying job and has been actually saving money for the first time in her life. It's a shame that her 401k has money in it for the first time during Bidenflation and she lost 12% last year. At least she's getting the 100% company match though so she's still making out. But like I said she's busted her hump her entire life without any span longer than a few weeks between jobs, so her SS income is going to be quite a bit more than mine is, and I told her once she's on her own I can help her navigate everything as far as any possible benefits that would help her financially, getting her set up on SS and Medicare when that time comes, and (hopefully) get her into a nice condo for cheap when the housing market crashes instead of throwing away all that money on apartment rent with today's rates.

Their two biggest wastes of money right now are heat (11ft ceilings in a large house with my grandma needing to keep it at 70 degrees), and eating out every night with today's prepared food prices because she's too exhausted after work to cook for the both of them. These won't be a problem for her anymore when she's on her own.

I told her I don't expect anybody to live like I do, but she's got the right person to help guide her spending habits and with the SS payments she's getting (if what she told me she'll be getting at 65-66 is accurate), she shouldn't have any problems at all living on that without touching the retirement except for emergencies... especially if we can get her into a good condo situation.

While I'm there this week I'm going to get her to sign up at and we're going to see exactly what her situation will be so I can begin planning a roadmap for her.

Last night she broke down a bit on the phone and was crying. I never heard her do that before and she got me a little teary eyed. She told me that she was so lucky that I came back into her life a few years ago. I'm really glad that we came back together. She was my favorite aunt when I was a little kid, and I remember trying to get her to call off of work so we could play back when I was maybe 5 years old. But when I was living at my grandma's with her and my deceased uncle for almost 5 years, by the time I left we couldn't stand each other. These last few weeks we actually started saying "love you" on the phone, which is something I've only ever said to my Mom, both of my Grandma's and on a very rare occasion my father. Now she's the only aunt that I regularly talk to and I'll be happy to help her figure out the next chapter of her life. She's never lived alone and I think that's really scary for her.

I told her "Don't worry. Living alone is awesome!"


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, February 19, 2023 1:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Piece of advice for your aunt, if this should ever become a temptation: DONT take Social Security retirement early. If she does she will lose the ability to earn money even as she collects social security.

How are you at cooking? On your nights over maybe you could prepare some meals and stock the frig?

AFA helping: Not sure how big your g'ma is, but someone will have to guide her to a toilet or to a wheelchair or transfer chair and then transfer to a toilet or shower chair. Eventually someone wil have to wash her hair and give her a shower and possibly even wipe her after toilet. If she falls is she a one-person lift or a two-person lift? Someone will have to change her bed sheets (There'a a trick to it. You don't need to get the person out of beed: You roll them to one side, lift the old sheet off and kind of log-roll it against them and put the new sheet on. then roll them to the other side onto the clan sheet, strip the old sheet off and pull the new sheet on the rest of the way and tuck it in. I'm sure you can figure it out.) and her clothes. That's not including helping her eat and/or drink, assisting with meds etc.

And that's not including all of the normal household stuff: washing dishes, sorting the mail, paying bills, sweeping and vaccuming etc.

Anyway, this will probably be a marathon not a sprint. What was being done BEFORE her dx? This is your benchmark. She is prolly not THAT much worse off, physically, than she was before she went to the hospital. Weaker, but beter oxygenated.

So I imagine that much of this help will not be necessary until the last two-three months, so your aunt, and you, and dad, shouldn't exhaust yourselves now. There's (probably) no need at this point for 24-7 bedside attendance. Good for someone to be there while you all learn how to do what you need to do, and great for someone to be on night shift so your aunt can sleep once in awhile, but you all need to pace yourselves. Maybe you all should throttle back after a week or so. Can your aunt work on a reduced schedule? Three days a week for the time being?

There are plenty of homecare agencies. The one I heard good things about was Home Instead, but when I looked them up I found even better-rated ones. The problem with agencies is that you pay the agency an exhorbitant amount of money and they pay their staff quite a bit less. If you don't mind trotting thru the interview process you can hire private-duty and you both make out better. Bc my workplace had a plan where I could set aside pre-tax money for such things, I paid our employees social security ect tax, and filed for reimbursement. That's one way of managing it.

Sorry for the brain-dump.

OH PS: GET A BEDSIDE BELL. Or some other easy-to reach call system.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, February 19, 2023 1:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



Sunday, February 19, 2023 1:45 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Piece of advice for your aunt, if this should ever become a temptation: DONT take Social Security retirement early. If she does she will lose the ability to earn money even as she collects social security.

Yeah. She knows. Thanks though.


How are you at cooking? On your nights over maybe you could prepare some meals and stock the frig?

I could stock the frig, but cooking isn't my thing. I know how to cook about 3 different things and they're pretty bland. As long as my belly is full I'm alright, but nobody wants to eat my cooking.


AFA helping: Not sure how big your g'ma is, but someone will have to guide her to a toilet or to a wheelchair or transfer chair and then transfer to a toilet or shower chair.

Unless a miracle happens and she gets stronger, that's not going to happen. She could walk to the bathroom by herself a week ago. Now she's just dead weight. It took 3 people to stand her up on the comode the other day. She's probably not ever going to leave that bed again.


Eventually someone wil have to wash her hair and give her a shower and possibly even wipe her after toilet. If she falls is she a one-person lift or a two-person lift?

It's at least a 2 person lift. Maybe 3. Nurses and aides will be coming now to sponge bath her during the week.


Someone will have to change her bed sheets (There'a a trick to it. You don't need to get the person out of beed: You roll them to one side, lift the old sheet off and kind of log-roll it against them and put the new sheet on. then roll them to the other side onto the clan sheet, strip the old sheet off and pull the new sheet on the rest of the way and tuck it in. I'm sure you can figure it out.) and her clothes. That's not including helping her eat and/or drink, assisting with meds etc.

My Aunt has had a crash course in that the last few days. Both a nurse and an aide are going to be there tomorrow between 1 and 4 to teach my Aunt and Dad all the tricks. I'll be there as well.


And that's not including all of the normal household stuff: washing dishes, sorting the mail, paying bills, sweeping and vaccuming etc.

The first three my aunt does all the time. The last two she doesn't. That's why I was cleaning 15 years of dust off the fridge top along with all the other cleaning I did over there last year.


Anyway, this will probably be a marathon not a sprint. What was being done BEFORE her dx? This is your benchmark. She is prolly not THAT much worse off, physically, than she was before she went to the hospital. Weaker, but beter oxygenated.

She can barely do anything right now. She's still eating about 1/3 of what she was eating just last week. My aunt was up with her for hours last night because she had to pee in the pan, but couldn't until she finally did. She kept asking my Aunt if she could use the toilet, but my Aunt had to remind her that she can't even stand up by herself and there was no way she could get her to the bathroom and back on her own.


So I imagine that much of this help will not be necessary until the last two-three months, so your aunt, and you, and dad, shouldn't exhaust yourselves now. There's (probably) no need at this point for 24-7 bedside attendance. Good for someone to be there while you all learn how to do what you need to do, and great for someone to be on night shift so your aunt can sleep once in awhile, but you all need to pace yourselves. Maybe you all should throttle back after a week or so. Can your aunt work on a reduced schedule? Three days a week for the time being?

Unless I'm shocked by a miracle when I get there, this is hitting hard and fast. She might not make it through March. And honestly, if things are as bad as I'm being told they are already, I don't want her to suffer that indignity for very long. :(


There are plenty of homecare agencies. The one I heard good things about was Home Instead, but when I looked them up I found even better-rated ones. The problem with agencies is that you pay the agency an exhorbitant amount of money and they pay their staff quite a bit less. If you don't mind trotting thru the interview process you can hire private-duty and you both make out better. Bc my workplace had a plan where I could set aside pre-tax money for such things, I paid our employees social security ect tax, and filed for reimbursement. That's one way of managing it.

Supposedly Hospice is going to be pretty involved in that process. My dad is REALLY good with money, so I'm sure he's going to be getting the best care for the buck when it is necessary.


Sorry for the brain-dump.

OH PS: GET A BEDSIDE BELL. Or some other easy-to reach call system.

Good idea, although at this point my Aunt sleeps on a mattress right by her. I really don't think that there's going to be any point where somebody isn't within earshot of her if not right in the room with her for the rest of her life.

I'll know more tomorrow. Probably won't be signing on for a while though.

Thanks for the suggestions.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, February 19, 2023 1:48 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
My aunt is in bad shape. I can tell that she's really overwhelmed.

I think that even though my Dad doesn't want me over there taking a shift, I'm going to need to be there with them just for moral support as much as possible.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

*Hugs* SIX. I've been there and it is overwhelming and that was with help coming in.


Sunday, February 19, 2023 2:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

If I get that sick I plan to take easy way out. I don't want to be a burden on our daughter and leave her with such painful memories.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, February 19, 2023 4:33 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
My aunt is in bad shape. I can tell that she's really overwhelmed.

I think that even though my Dad doesn't want me over there taking a shift, I'm going to need to be there with them just for moral support as much as possible.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

*Hugs* SIX. I've been there and it is overwhelming and that was with help coming in.

Thanks Brenda.

Sorry I've been so self absorbed right now.

How's the book coming along?


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, February 19, 2023 4:39 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
If I get that sick I plan to take easy way out. I don't want to be a burden on our daughter and leave her with such painful memories.

Don't get me started on that. I've already had that conversation with my Dad and my Aunt a few times in the last few weeks.

I told my Aunt this morning that even if it were legal here, there is zero chance my Grandma would go through with it no matter how much she suffers. Her faith is so strong that she's not scared one little bit of death and she knows where she's going. But she's also of the belief that if you commit suicide in any fashion that you're not getting into heaven too.

I'm just hoping that when it gets really bad that it doesn't linger on for her forever.

I don't know how the hell they did it, but my uncle and her were able to get my Grandma to the toilet and back this morning. Maybe she is getting some of her strength back.

I've got more than just the movies for us to watch when we go over. I got some 30's and 40's music and I'm going to pick up a bluetooth speaker and leave it there so she can have that playing 24/7.

I told my Aunt that under no circumstance is my Grandma to spend one single second of the rest of her life watching Cable News.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, February 19, 2023 7:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, I have to respect her beliefs. Me? Not a believer. Your mileage may vary.


Oh, music from the past! What a lovely idea!!!

I personally love dance music from back then. Jitterbug, swing, the Lindy hop, even the twist. It gets my toes tapping!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, February 19, 2023 8:16 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
My aunt is in bad shape. I can tell that she's really overwhelmed.

I think that even though my Dad doesn't want me over there taking a shift, I'm going to need to be there with them just for moral support as much as possible.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

*Hugs* SIX. I've been there and it is overwhelming and that was with help coming in.

Thanks Brenda.

Sorry I've been so self absorbed right now.

How's the book coming along?


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

No worries. It is to be expected. Dealing with a possible end of life situation isn't easy.

The lady I emailed it to is still going through it and she will let me know when she is finished. And I am still trying to work out a proper start to my second book.


Sunday, February 19, 2023 8:51 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, I have to respect her beliefs. Me? Not a believer. Your mileage may vary.

I give it 50/50 that we're in the Matrix. The more I learn the less I know.


Oh, music from the past! What a lovely idea!!!

I've got to credit my friend for that one. I knew I could get the music, but I had no idea how I was going to play it without it being a major hassle. But then I remembered this bluetooth speaker he got for only 10 bucks and looked to see if it did more than bluetooth. It did. It's got a micro-SD slot in the back, and a 32GB micro-SD card just so happened to be one of the grab-bag worth of tech related equipment I bought for a song on Black Friday.

You're not going to knock down any walls with this thing, but the sound quality is great. There's no randomizer feature (I think they expect you to just randomize from your phone or use Spotify or something), but when you turn it off and turn it back on it starts exactly where you left off. Probably got enough music to never hear the same song twice for a month.


I personally love dance music from back then. Jitterbug, swing, the Lindy hop, even the twist. It gets my toes tapping!

My only real exposure to songs from that era are from the Fallout video game franchise when they rebooted it in the mid-aughts. I loved the playlist they had for that game. I wonder if any of them are in this collection?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, February 19, 2023 11:15 PM


I'm off to my very part-time job tomorrow. So, I'll see everyone later.


Monday, February 20, 2023 9:56 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I give it 50/50 that we're in the Matrix. The more I learn the less I know.

Is the Simulation Argument an Improvement on the Dream Argument?
Posted on Monday, Feb 20, 2023 by Tim Sommers

“Suddenly he woke up and there he was, solid and unmistakable Zhuang Zhou. But he didn’t know if he was Zhuang Zhou who had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming that he was Zhuang Zhou.” — Zhuangzi (translation by Burton Watson)

“We are almost certainly living in a computer simulation.” – Nick Bostrom (I recognize that Nick Bostrom is a problematic figure. But, as far as I can tell, he was the first to argue that the simulation argument is an improvement on the dream argument. I don’t want to discuss him, just that.)

Is the hypothesis that we live in a computer simulation an improvement, in some way, on the classic skeptical argument that life is but a dream? The dream argument seems to show that life could be a dream. Some claim that the simulation argument shows that not only is it possible that we live in a computer simulation, but that we almost certainly do live in a simulation.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, February 20, 2023 1:54 PM


That's what I've heard too, but I give them no more credence than I would a Bible or Dianetics.

My only point is that I don't know anything about any possible afterlife, and nobody else does either.

Move a few decimal points and the simulation theory falls apart too.

Ain't nobody going to know what, if anything, happens to us until they get there. And if there is no "there", than nobody will ever know that answer.

As far as my grandma is concerned, I'm not going to spend what's left of her life trying to talk her out of her religion and ending her pain the easy way. She's in pain, but she's happy. She "knows" where she's going and she's happy to finally be going there.

What an absolute colossal prick I would be to try to take that away from her. Even if I could make an argument that it was for her own good.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, February 20, 2023 2:03 PM


Going to Grams now. Super excited to give her the gift of music from her childhood and hoping she's got it in her to watch a few classic movies with me while I'm there.

My aunt seemed in good spirits this morning even though she had another rough night. I think the fact that she's not in this alone is really helping her mental state about it. My old man is there with her now and the nurse and aide should be arriving soon.

My aunt still thinks I won't last the night over there, but I think she's just projecting what she would do if she wasn't in a position with responsibility. I've no intention of fleeing.

They destroyed her beautiful dining room table by cutting off the legs to get it out of the house to fit the hospice bed and all the other do-dads. TBH, the 7 cats that lived there had really already done that to the legs of the table and all the chairs already, but their loss is my gain. I've emptied out my car and I'm going to be breaking down that wood and having a few fantastic pieces for projects back home. There's already a dresser out there I never got around to scrapping too, so I'll load up whatever I can in my car and get more the next time I go over.

My aunt says she doesn't want to move downstairs now and has no energy for it. I'll see if I can talk her into it when I get over there. It doesn't make any sense for her not to be downstairs when she's already got the mattress down there every night.

Be well, everybody. I'll give an update when I can.

Good luck with the publisher, Brenda.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, February 20, 2023 3:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thanks for the music, SIX. I especially liked Boogie Man bc it's the kind of music I like to dance to. But I sometimes feel that I get a lot of insight into past times by listening to the music that people listened to "back then".

AFA whether we're in a simulation or reality... those are two different schools of philosophical thought. One school.argues that we only know what we perceive. Given the right stimulus, it could be anything. (Subjectivism) Bc perception presupposes a perceiver (I think therefore I am, Kant)... ie dreaming presupposes a dreamer... the logical extension gets rid of the individual dreamer altogether. "What if this is all just a dream" becomes "This is all just God's dream" (Berkeley)

The other school of thought is that there is a reality, we exist in it and our senses perceive parts of it. (Objectivism)

Since neither approach can be proven either way, they are "a priori" (nothing before) assumptions at the base of any philosophy.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, February 20, 2023 3:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Going to Grams now. Super excited to give her the gift of music from her childhood and hoping she's got it in her to watch a few classic movies with me while I'm there.

My aunt seemed in good spirits this morning even though she had another rough night. I think the fact that she's not in this alone is really helping her mental state about it. My old man is there with her now and the nurse and aide should be arriving soon.

My aunt still thinks I won't last the night over there, but I think she's just projecting what she would do if she wasn't in a position with responsibility. I've no intention of fleeing.

They destroyed her beautiful dining room table by cutting off the legs to get it out of the house to fit the hospice bed and all the other do-dads. TBH, the 7 cats that lived there had really already done that to the legs of the table and all the chairs already, but their loss is my gain. I've emptied out my car and I'm going to be breaking down that wood and having a few fantastic pieces for projects back home. There's already a dresser out there I never got around to scrapping too, so I'll load up whatever I can in my car and get more the next time I go over.

My aunt says she doesn't want to move downstairs now and has no energy for it. I'll see if I can talk her into it when I get over there. It doesn't make any sense for her not to be downstairs when she's already got the mattress down there every night.

Be well, everybody. I'll give an update when I can.

Good luck with the publisher, Brenda.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Best of luck SIX. You, and your g'ma, your aunt and your dad are in my thoughts. Im relieved to read that your g'ma is at peace. *hugs* to you and your family.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, February 20, 2023 8:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Forecast predicts we'll get 3 3/4" of rain over two events in the next 10 days. That would put us at least 3" over our average. If so, that would be great! But as BRENDA says: We shall see.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, February 20, 2023 11:31 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Going to Grams now. Super excited to give her the gift of music from her childhood and hoping she's got it in her to watch a few classic movies with me while I'm there.

My aunt seemed in good spirits this morning even though she had another rough night. I think the fact that she's not in this alone is really helping her mental state about it. My old man is there with her now and the nurse and aide should be arriving soon.

My aunt still thinks I won't last the night over there, but I think she's just projecting what she would do if she wasn't in a position with responsibility. I've no intention of fleeing.

They destroyed her beautiful dining room table by cutting off the legs to get it out of the house to fit the hospice bed and all the other do-dads. TBH, the 7 cats that lived there had really already done that to the legs of the table and all the chairs already, but their loss is my gain. I've emptied out my car and I'm going to be breaking down that wood and having a few fantastic pieces for projects back home. There's already a dresser out there I never got around to scrapping too, so I'll load up whatever I can in my car and get more the next time I go over.

My aunt says she doesn't want to move downstairs now and has no energy for it. I'll see if I can talk her into it when I get over there. It doesn't make any sense for her not to be downstairs when she's already got the mattress down there every night.

Be well, everybody. I'll give an update when I can.

Good luck with the publisher, Brenda.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Be well SIX and enjoy this time with your grandmother.

Thanks but that is still a ways off. Publishing I mean.


Monday, February 20, 2023 11:31 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Going to Grams now. Super excited to give her the gift of music from her childhood and hoping she's got it in her to watch a few classic movies with me while I'm there.

My aunt seemed in good spirits this morning even though she had another rough night. I think the fact that she's not in this alone is really helping her mental state about it. My old man is there with her now and the nurse and aide should be arriving soon.

My aunt still thinks I won't last the night over there, but I think she's just projecting what she would do if she wasn't in a position with responsibility. I've no intention of fleeing.

They destroyed her beautiful dining room table by cutting off the legs to get it out of the house to fit the hospice bed and all the other do-dads. TBH, the 7 cats that lived there had really already done that to the legs of the table and all the chairs already, but their loss is my gain. I've emptied out my car and I'm going to be breaking down that wood and having a few fantastic pieces for projects back home. There's already a dresser out there I never got around to scrapping too, so I'll load up whatever I can in my car and get more the next time I go over.

My aunt says she doesn't want to move downstairs now and has no energy for it. I'll see if I can talk her into it when I get over there. It doesn't make any sense for her not to be downstairs when she's already got the mattress down there every night.

Be well, everybody. I'll give an update when I can.

Good luck with the publisher, Brenda.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Be well SIX and enjoy this time with your grandmother.

Thanks but that is still a ways off. Publishing I mean.


Monday, February 20, 2023 11:33 PM


Got back after 5pm and practically got blown away. Got a wind storm of sorts blowing through BC, bringing snow in the Interior. The ski hills were way happy this long weekend and a bit of rain down around my area. Though there is a possibly chance of snow around me on Wednesday. Just have to see.

Tired, tired, tired and probably a little sore tomorrow. Moving heavy pots around.


Tuesday, February 21, 2023 1:08 PM


Out for my walk soon. Couple of things to do. Nice and sunny right now after being blowy on my walk back yesterday late afternoon.


Tuesday, February 21, 2023 1:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey BRENDA, I hope you're not too achy from your workday yesterday. Sounds like you're able to stick to your regular activities so maybe you're ok?

Been super busy- for me anyway. That means being consistently active, altho at my work pace I obviously don't accomplish as much as SUX. Still, I managed to get three bins of wardesste out last week, and three bins this week, and have been busy contacting contractors and gardeners and pursuing various medical and dental appointments for myself and the family.

Well, off to being busy, again!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, February 21, 2023 1:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Rain prediction is getting more and more robust. For the most part, our snowpack surpasses the biggest snowpack on record ('82-83) except for northern CA, where it fall slightly below, having had no new accumulation for the past month.

If this storm grazes northern and central CA, and dumps on southern CA (as predicted), this will be a banner water-year.
Fingers crossed.

FWIW Canada maintains a drought monitor map too. The Vancouver area shows up as moderate drought.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, February 21, 2023 5:19 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hey BRENDA, I hope you're not too achy from your workday yesterday. Sounds like you're able to stick to your regular activities so maybe you're ok?

Been super busy- for me anyway. That means being consistently active, altho at my work pace I obviously don't accomplish as much as SUX. Still, I managed to get three bins of wardesste out last week, and three bins this week, and have been busy contacting contractors and gardeners and pursuing various medical and dental appointments for myself and the family.

Well, off to being busy, again!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Hey SIG. Yeah, I'm okay.


Tuesday, February 21, 2023 5:21 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Rain prediction is getting more and more robust. For the most part, our snowpack surpasses the biggest snowpack on record ('82-83) except for northern CA, where it fall slightly below, having had no new accumulation for the past month.

If this storm grazes northern and central CA, and dumps on southern CA (as predicted), this will be a banner water-year.
Fingers crossed.

FWIW Canada maintains a drought monitor map too. The Vancouver area shows up as moderate drought.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

We'll have to see what happens for my area this Spring and summer. Today is dry but there is a slight call for snow tomorrow because of the cold then I think back to rain. Just have to see.


Tuesday, February 21, 2023 5:22 PM


Back from my walk and bit of a cold wind blowing but not serious. All errands done for today.




Brenda 03.02 13:19
SIGNYM 03.02 13:47


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