In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)

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Wednesday, February 22, 2023 12:24 AM


Pick up game of mah jong tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023 1:14 PM


Out for my walk and my pick up game in a bit.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023 2:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Out for my walk and my pick up game in a bit.

Hope it went your way.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, February 22, 2023 9:10 PM


Well... They already had her so Norco'd up by the time I got there she's pretty much tripping balls 24/7. After my anger at the hospital the week before, they both decided upon themselves that they were going to lie to me and keep giving her the meds and just tell me that she's "old and tired".

Who TF do they think they're talking to? If I didn't do the drugs myself, I was around people who did them, and the stuff reminiscent of what they've already got her on was the stuff that old friends of mine all either died from or went away to prison after letting it ruin their lives.

It was apparent from minute one that my window to watch those movies with her had been artificially closed by heroin.

She'd have some brief moments of lucidity where she'd recognize who I was, but instead of being able to enjoy that time together I'd have her pleading with me to get her up out of that bed and she'd be moving her legs like she was riding a bicycle and moving her arms around like she was lifting weights and telling me that her strength was coming back and if she could just sit in her chair everything would be okay until nurse Rached came around and made her high as a kite again and my heart broke all over again.

Tensions were high this morning, after 1 night of me and my aunt getting 1 hour of sleep because she said 1,000 times she had to pee but she couldn't. I finally managed to get her wake my uncle up at 4AM so we could get her on the comode (against hospice orders), and she peed about half a gallon of brown, foul smelling urine. (Yes... After saying it was a possibility all day long and being shot down by everyone that this was the case, it was finally verified 2 days later she has a UTI and she'll be delivered meds for that by 10PM tonight).

NO WONDER SHE WAS IN PAIN. My aunt and Dad were saying all day into the night she was being a drama queen and didn't have to pee because she wasn't using the diaper and the nurse (which they seem to think knows everyting) didn't give her a cath.

Guess what? Next morning she came right over and gave her a cath. (And then they did the test and verified this afternoon she has a UTI).

Then she had to crap all day, so she kept pushing even though she shouldn't be pushing because of the cath, and the suppository took 8 hours to give her any release. I changed her diaper 7 times by midnight last night. Two man job with my aunt that she wouldn't have even been able to do without me because we're talking about doing it to a 90 year old 230lb woman on enough drugs to put down a horse.

I left her tonight (day 3) and she hasn't been able to even talk or eat all day after the last pill I witnessed her being given at 6:30AM. I've been told she hasn't had any more drugs since then, but i know that's bullshit.

I rubbed her forehead for a few minutes, kissed her on the forehead and told her I love her.

It may be the last time I see her alive.

My dad's staying over tonight and he's going to force my aunt to sleep upstairs so she finally gets some sleep.

My dad told me to leave. And because I have no vote on how they're handling this because she's not my Mom, that's for the best. I don't want to hate both of them, and the longer I had to see her zombified because of their decisions the greater the chance that I might not ever be able to forgive them.

They're not even worried that she isn't eating. The only concern they had was how they were going to continue to put the pills in her if she couldn't swallow them. They're not evil people. They think they're doing the right thing because they're being told by people who have been wrong about everything so far that this is the right thing to do. They did not see the look in her eyes while she was grasping my forearm with both of her hands, begging me to let her get up and sit in her chair. She isn't afraid of death. She's just not ready to go yet.

Fuck hospice. Just a bunch of idiots who's only solution to every problem is "more drugs" until the problem goes away.

I love you Grandma. If by some miracle there actually is a heaven and you go there, hopefully I can do enough good in the rest of my life to cancel out the bad I've done and I'll get to see you again one day.

I promised you I wouldn't watch Gone With the Wind or Casablanca without you, and I won't. Maybe the man upstairs has them both on BluRay and we can watch them together.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023 10:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, what is the point of trying to get her active? You're not going to make her healthy again. It would have been pointless,for example, for me to tell my MIL not to eat a Big Mac, if that's what she wanted. At that point, eating well, or badly, or exercising or not wasn't going to make a difference.

I get that you want her to enjoy herself in the time that she has left, but you have to temper that with making sure she isn't in pain. It should be up to her how much pain meds she needs or wants, not anyone else either withholding or imposing meds Some ppl don't experience much pain at all. A good friend of mine, once his symptoms were under control, started eating better and exercising and spent that time saying goodbye, but in his last month he opted to be snowed under bc by then the pain had become too great

My MIL was in a great deal of pain in her last 6 months bc the cancer had spread to her bones. It had also spread to her brain and not only made her forget words, it made her terrified. Both pain control and sedation were needed.

Hubby was in a lot of pain both before and immediately after back surgery. The pharmacy was very uncomfortable with his prescriptions, but he's a big guy and also very resistant to pain meds and sedatives (to the anniyance of anyone who needed to do a "procedure" on him). But he was bound and determined to get off pain meds, so after fiddling around with reductions he found a suitable rate of one pill per week and was off of them in two months.

Codeine makes me sick. Demerol takes me to heaven.

The one thing you need to be aware of is that if someone has been on a certain level of pain meds for a week, you can't just yank a whole bunch. The person will be in withdrawal. And if they ask for more pain meds, give it to them. It's not like being dependent on painkillers is going to ruin their lives or land them in . I think they have bigger problems to deal with.

Everyone's perception of pain is individual. Different pain meds do different things. To the extent possible, let your g'ma be your guide

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, February 22, 2023 11:16 PM


She's not asking for any pain meds. She's doped up and just doing whatever she's told when they give her another one. In any moments of lucidity she's had, other than when nobody would let her pee for 15 hours straight, she never once complained about any pain or discomfort.

Despite her begging and pleading with us all day and all night long to get her on a toilet, they would have let her go without peeing sitting down for another 9 hours when the care taker showed up if I didn't force the issue. The UTI, coupled with her obesity, coupled with that horrible hospice bed had her completely blocked up. The second we got her on the comode she let loose a half gallon of the rankest, brownest pee I've ever seen or smelled. Now that they finally cathed her a day after they SHOULD HAVE, she doesn't have any problems with urnine activity. She still has a slight fever though because they took their sweet ass time testing her urine and getting the antibodies to her.

My aunt fought me tooth and nail about getting her up, and my Uncle said he didn't want to do it either, even after he made his way over there after being woken up 2 hours before he would have woke up for work. I told them I apologize if we do this and nothing comes out and finally got them to do it. When my Dad came over he gave me a bunch of shit that they could have gotten into legal trouble because we got her on the comode when they specifically ordered us not to ever let her out of that bed again.

Every one of them say that they don't expect her to live until next Friday. And now that she's so doped up that she hasn't eaten anything since the pudding I fed her last night, I don't doubt that.

I had a good cry after writing that last message. I feel better.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023 11:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, that's a shame. In my experience it seems caregivers err on the side of either too much ... Bc they hate to see someone suffer, or too little bc they have a fear of addicting the patient. They rarely get it right.

I would definitely make a pitch for GRADUALLY reducing pain meds and upping the personal care. Sudden withdrawal causes all kinds of negative effects so if you do manage a reduction it's going to have to be slow.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, February 22, 2023 11:37 PM


There's no willingness to do it. The only reason my Grandma was able to keep up a conversation at all and kiss me when I went in for a hug that first night was because he and my aunt were only giving her half a norco instead of the full pill that hospice ordered every 8 hours. She was still OBVIOUSLY loopy and in no condition to watch a movie with me, but she knew where she was and who was with her at least. She did really enjoy the music I got for her while she was still aware enough to hear it. There was actually a "Three Little Pigs" song from back then and she even sang along to it.

After my Grandma kept me and my Aunt up all night with the pee thing, they started giving her the full pill that was ordered even though we fixed that issue. My dad doesn't even argue that anymore.

After she went to the full pill yesterday afternoon she was in pure la-la land the rest of the time (aside from those two brief moments of pleading to get up when she was lucid again), up until she got her full pill this morning and she did nothing but sleep and occasionally open her eyes and spout pure gibberish all day long. And now she doesn't even eat and they wonder how they're even going to get her to swallow the next pill.

Everybody (except for me, obviously) wishes they could just get her in the car and drive her to Minnesota and have her put down.

It's horrible to see your own family in this light. I am trying my very best not to judge them too harshly.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023 11:41 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Out for my walk and my pick up game in a bit.

Hope it went your way.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

It did SIG. I went out 8 times and had 3 hands with over 1,000points. Last hand I got 6 doubles in it and finished the afternoon with over 8,000 points. So, I won.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023 11:43 PM


On my walk back this afternoon after mah jong it was trying to snow on me. There is still a call for snow just have to see. Got some real arctic air sitting over the western half of Canada along with a storm coming up from the eastern US set to hit Ontario and Quebec, along with Atlantic Canada. Not fun.

I am so over winter right now it's not funny.


Thursday, February 23, 2023 1:44 AM


Off to my regular Thursday morning mah jong tomorrow.


Thursday, February 23, 2023 5:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX: People sometimes want the dying process to be over, not from callousness but an overabundance of feeling.

It helps to dial down emotion, which can get in the way of clarity of purpose: to help the person be as comfortable as possible.

I wish there was someone there who could give a few days' example of practical caregiving: regular bathroom breaks (does she have a bedside commode? EXTREMELY HELPFUL) monitored fluid intake and hydration, regular meals, meds calibrated to the level of pain SHE is willing to tolerate. Companionship. Feeling helpless, uncertain, sad, angry, impatient, guilty, etc confuses people and can lead to avoidance and neglect.

Movantik Rx (opiates cause constipation by slowing the intestines, Movantik reverses that effect but only in the gut) senna (OTC), and docusate sodium (OTC) can be used instead. Bc if your g'ma is suffering from urine retention and UTI, chances are shes constipated as well.

I wish I could help. Between the two of us we could do a good job, I bet you'd be great.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, February 23, 2023 10:17 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SIX: People sometimes want the dying process to be over, not from callousness but an overabundance of feeling.

It helps to dial down emotion, which can get in the way of clarity of purpose: to help the person be as comfortable as possible.

I can't even tell you how many times I've heard talks of suicide in the last two weeks. My aunt is going to Minnesota, and my dad plans on going to Canada when their time comes. I said I'll just rent a boat, bring a bottle of Grey Goose and get my hands on some meth and see what all the fuss is about before putting on the cement shoes and taking one last dive.

I know they want her to be comfortable, but at this point I think there is a real desire to pill her up so much that they can do the Kevorkian job themselves legally through hospice. In fact, I'm starting to suspect that the hospice organization is incentivized by the Medicare to do that very thing themselves.

My aunt is super high strung and an emotional roller coaster on the good days. I'd say if any of her kids cares about grams as much as I do it's her. My dad doesn't, and he's not afraid of saying so. He "loves" her, but in the sense that I love my own mom... yanno... more out of obligation and nostalgia than anything else. My uncle has always been distant and lived his own life... kind of like me in a way, but with a wife and kids. He's the strong, silent type. Even back when the family did things together I'd only ever see them on Christmas. I don't even know his feelings towards grams since he's impossible to read. I think he'd make an excellent poker player.

My dad was the only one against the drugs at all. Once he caved yesterday, that was it. She's going to be chasing the dragon until her final breath now.

I love my aunt, but only in small doses. If anything, this has taught me that there's no way I could ever take her in my house. She's a LOUD person. One minute she's saying she's got this under control and she can do it, then she'll be waking me up at midnight to help her with grandma and she's stomping all around the house talking to herself saying "That's it! I can't take one more fucking night of this! Somebody else needs to take over! I'm done!" That was happening two nights ago and I finally said "I came here to help out. Not to listen to this bullshit. Shut up. Go upstairs and smoke some weed. Chill the fuck out. Grandma doesn't need to listen to this."

What we've got is a caring/patience imbalance. If my dad cared half as much as my aunt did, and my aunt had half of my dad's patience, I think things would be a lot different now.

And because I'm not her kid, I get no say in any of this and I just have to watch the train wreck of a process unfold.

The one good thing I can say has come out of all of this is that my Dad and Aunt are talking and cooperating. They haven't talked for at least 8 years now. My Aunt wanted to, but my Dad didn't. And my Dad told me the real reason he's spending as much time over there right now is for her instead of my Grandma. I don't know if they'll continue to talk at all after Grandma passes. I kind of doubt they will without any real reason to, but my Aunt said yesterday that she's grateful that they've been able to come together and whenever my old man passes away she will go to his funeral.

I've got an odd family... Well... Maybe not so odd. Who knows what other families deal with.


I wish there was someone there who could give a few days' example of practical caregiving: regular bathroom breaks (does she have a bedside commode? EXTREMELY HELPFUL) monitored fluid intake and hydration, regular meals, meds calibrated to the level of pain SHE is willing to tolerate. Companionship. Feeling helpless, uncertain, sad, angry, impatient, guilty, etc confuses people and can lead to avoidance and neglect.

She has a bedside commode. That's what I finally got my aunt and uncle to help me get her on Monday night at 4AM. I think the reason my uncle didn't want to do it even after he got there was because of what a nightmare it was getting her back into bed with my dad and aunt the day before (and the fact that hospice told them under no circumstances is she to ever leave that bed again). But with me there, we were able to get her back into bed with relative ease.

And speaking of guilt... I think me being right about her being able to pee so much on that commode when I finally got everybody to help me get her there really hurt my aunt too after telling me all day long "it was the cancer" or "she's just being a pain in the ass and always wants to be in control". While my uncle and I were getting her back on the bed my aunt rushed to dump that and clean the commode out, as if to hide the evidence. When I realized she did that I said "What are you doing? We need them to see that so they get her a catheter and they might need to run tests on it."

Fortunately, that wasn't an issue, because after the three phone calls that night to the hospice dispatch the nurse called in the morning to schedule an extra visit in the morning to put the cath in (without us even needing to ask her) and the urine from 4AM wouldn't have been good to test because it needs to be refrigerated until it's tested.

As far as companionship, it's only given right now as long as it's "easy". They'll tell themselves and anybody else that they're giving her the drugs for her pain, but I know the drugs are being used for their own state of mind. Rather than being able to have some final conversations with her while she's lucid and dealing with her being needy and uncooperative, they'd rather her just lie there and sleep until it's over.


Movantik Rx (opiates cause constipation by slowing the intestines, Movantik reverses that effect but only in the gut) senna (OTC), and docusate sodium (OTC) can be used instead. Bc if your g'ma is suffering from urine retention and UTI, chances are shes constipated as well.

They have her on anti-constipation meds too, in a pill form. Not sure if it's Movantik or not. But between that and the supposotory, she's not constipated anymore. There's nothing solid coming out.

I told my Grams during about the 3rd time we were changing her "you see how much your daughter loves you? Most people would be letting you sit in this all day and night until the nurse's aide came tomorrow afternoon." By the 6th time we were changing her I thanked her for giving me the opportunity to prove to myself how much of a man I actually could be.

Because if you asked me 4 days ago if I'd ever change an old person's diaper I would have answered with a definitive no.


I wish I could help. Between the two of us we could do a good job, I bet you'd be great.

Oh I wish you could too. I think we'd be a great team, and there would still be some time for me to at least enjoy her company for a few more days.

One great thing that was able to happen was that I was finally able to figure out with my brother how to do a video conference with his iPad and my aunt's Android phone. So 2 days ago while she was still somewhat with it they were able to see each other's faces one last time and say I love you to each other before the drugs turned the lights out on her.

We'd just about given up out of frustration and were going to do it the following morning. But my brother called back 20 minutes later and wanted to give it one last try. I thanked him last night for doing that. The guilt I would have felt if we hadn't been able to do that would have been eating at me even more than the fact I didn't get over there with the movies to watch them with her while she could still watch them.

In any event, I'm feeling better after a night at my own house. I've got things to unload out of my car because I took all of the wood from the garage and got the OK from my Uncle to take anything out of there that I wanted (My dad and aunt wanted none of it). I got a lot of real cool stuff. Some more antique tools including a VERY large antique hand saw for cutting down trees which I'm going to restore to it's former glory and hang about my garage window. There were also two mysterious black hard shell boxes out there which included an emergency roadside assistance kit, including a D/C tire inflator, reflectors and a first aid kit. And the second was a brand new floor jack. Now I have two floor jacks and can raise the front or back of my car. All I need now are some jack stands.

I don't know where all of this is going to go, but I'll figure that out later. I've got to get it out because there's more things to get. My grandma's beautiful hope chest that looks like it could be a pirate's chest of gold is coming back with me. It needs to be restored and needs the split in the bottom panel fixed, but that's an heirloom quality piece. I also managed to salvage the 4 legs of the beautiful dining room table and I'm going to use those with a beautiful marble slate top I got from my mom and step-dad when they moved to make a small table with. So I'm also going to take the two head chairs of that table that had arm rests, rip off all that disgusting upholstery (because it's been out in the garage with the squirrels after the years of the cats living inside the house) and learn how to put new upholstery on and have a really awesome 2 seater table in my kitchen when I'm done.

There's also an antique drill press that still seems to be in pretty great shape. I'll have to find out what I'd need to do to get it working, but even if it's not great for use in modern times, it will make an excellent showpiece on one of my work benches.

So I think I'm going to stay away for one more night so we all have our breathing room and go back on Friday. My buddy needs help on his rental this weekend and I already told him I probably couldn't, but maybe I'll just plan to stay the night at Grams' through Sunday or Monday and getting away during the day to help my friend will give me something to take my mind off everything and give us all the space that we need to not be at each other's throats.

At least that's the plan, anyway....

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, February 23, 2023 12:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

That sounds like a good plan, SIX. I hope it works out for you. But yanno what they say-"Life is what happens to us as we make other plans".

You've been awesome. Sounds like you're bringing much- needed emotional stability to the scene. I'll bet you never thought anyone would say that to you?

BTW since she's not having any solid bowel movements you can probably decrease whatever she's getting for constipation, altho I don't know how much flexibility hospice is giving you in terms of her care. I would probably argue with the rest of the family (again) for cutting back on pain meds, but I'd only go at a rate of about 1/8 total dose every 5 days or so, since it's way too easy to cut back too much too fast and cause unnecessary pain, sleeplessness, and agitation.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, February 23, 2023 2:19 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
That sounds like a good plan, SIX. I hope it works out for you. But yanno what they say-"Life is what happens to us as we make other plans".

Heh. Yeah.


You've been awesome. Sounds like you're bringing much- needed emotional stability to the scene. I'll bet you never thought anyone would say that to you?

No... Never thought that would happen.

But yesterday morning my own patience with everything outside of Grams was worn too thin. It was time to go. We've all talked since and my aunt actually wants me to come back for the weekend. I told her I'll probably be over tomorrow afternoon, but I'm making myself scarce during the days and I'll need to be getting at least some sleep or else I'll be useless at helping my friend.


BTW since she's not having any solid bowel movements you can probably decrease whatever she's getting for constipation, altho I don't know how much flexibility hospice is giving you in terms of her care. I would probably argue with the rest of the family (again) for cutting back on pain meds, but I'd only go at a rate of about 1/8 total dose every 5 days or so, since it's way too easy to cut back too much too fast and cause unnecessary pain, sleeplessness, and agitation.

I'll tell you one thing... If it were MY mom and I was the one dealing with hospice, they wouldn't be dictating anything to me. Especially after all they've gotten wrong so far. Maybe she won't need the constipation stuff after the UTI issue is solved. My aunt says she's still a little hot, so hopefully the fever is gone by tonight.

I sure am going to try again with the pain meds, but I don't think I'm going to be able to change their minds. Even though I've been right about everything so far, my Aunt just believes whatever the nurse tells her over me still. My dad has resigned himself to just giving whatever hospice orders (he's always been a non-confrontational absolutist), and my Uncle just wants her drugged up to the max so she doesn't feel any pain.

I have to tread real carefully there because I imagine if I even bring it up again it's going to turn into an argument really fast.

Got my car cleared out and was able to find a good home for most of the stuff. But between this new stuff, the stuff I got from my friend's father-in-law's house and all the free after rebate stuff I've been accumulating I'm going to have to really sit down and have a gameplan for everything so I can start the re-org and begin some of these projects so I don't end up hoarding my house again. At least I had room for all of the new wood in my two wood staging areas without having any overflow, so that's a load off my mind.

Got some errands to run, then I've got to do laundry and clean up a bit while re-packing so I can get some sleep tonight and not have to worry about getting anything ready tomorrow before I head back out.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, February 23, 2023 4:01 PM


Nurse says she's coming every day now. She told my Aunt she probably has a week to live at this point.

I still think she could have lived a lot longer if they weren't doping her up so much and she with it enough to be able to eat. I guess today while she woke up enough to speak she's been asking why can't she go now and why God hasn't taken her yet.


I'm going to take a nap and get back to packing and getting ready when I get up. I don't think I want to wait until tomorrow afternoon or evening to get over there just in case.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, February 23, 2023 4:17 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wow, that's fast.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, February 23, 2023 4:51 PM


Back from errands and mah jong. As good as I did yesterday, today was a total loss. I managed to go out once and that took me all morning. Never broke 1,000 points, so all I got was the booby prize for having the lowest score. Which means I got my $2 back.


Thursday, February 23, 2023 8:59 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Wow, that's fast.

It's the drugs. Nobody is ever going to convince me otherwise.

I also told my aunt not to pay the nurse any mind because she's been wrong about everything so far. It's nice to get the extra help though. I'll make sure I'm not around when she comes in.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, February 23, 2023 9:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey SIX, when MIL was in hospice they gave us a book "What to expect when someone is dying". I don't have it anymore but found this updated version online:

One thing has stuck with me thru all the years and I apply it to every person or animal in question: Are they interested in eating and drinking? If yes, their body is still struggling to live.

If not, don't force food on them altho sips of water make patient more comfortable. Their body is shutting down. Digestion won't happen and food will literally spoil in their stomach.

Also, people and animals near death get drowsy, even without sedation or painkillers.

That being said, it's hard to tell the difference between sedation and dying. One thing you can do is go online and look up the normal dosage for whatever painkiller she's on. Take her weight into account, they often calculate a standard dosage for an average 150 lb person,altho they sometimes helpfully provide a mg per kg dosage as well. (Divide her estimated weight in pounds by 2.2 to get kg.)

That way you can compare her dosage to "normal" and see whether you have reason to think she's being overdosed or if this is just the way she is now.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, February 23, 2023 10:07 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hey SIX, when MIL was in hospice they gave us a book "What to expect when someone is dying". I don't have it anymore but found this updated version online:

One thing has stuck with me thru all the years and I apply it to every person or animal in question: Are they interested in eating and drinking? If yes, their body is still struggling to live.

If not, don't force food on them altho sips of water make patient more comfortable. Their body is shutting down. Digestion won't happen and food will literally spoil in their stomach.

Also, people and animals near death get drowsy, even without sedation or painkillers.

That being said, it's hard to tell the difference between sedation and dying. One thing you can do is go online and look up the normal dosage for whatever painkiller she's on. Take her weight into account, they often calculate a standard dosage for an average 150 lb person,altho they sometimes helpfully provide a mg per kg dosage as well. (Divide her estimated weight in pounds by 2.2 to get kg.)

That way you can compare her dosage to "normal" and see whether you have reason to think she's being overdosed or if this is just the way she is now.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

She's CONSTANTLY thirsty. My dad said he only got one hour of sleep last night and spent most of the night either spraying water from a bottle into her mouth, giving her water from a straw, or giving her the sponge stick... She would dictate to him which one she wanted. He said she really didn't say much other than asking for water. That may just be because my Dad isn't much of a conversationalist. Maybe, maybe not.

I wish there was a way to just get her to drink a big glass of water. Poor thing is dehydrated and her lips are constantly dry because she breathes through her mouth when she sleeps (this isn't new... she's been doing that at least the last few years before she got sick).

She's only eating apple sauce and pudding now. She'd probably choke on anything even remotely solid in her state.

The cath is still getting filled up and she's still pooping. My aunt said that she did a pretty big one while the nurse was there today. I don't know how, considering how little she's been eating the last few days, but it was solid... so maybe the constipation meds are alright without the additional suppository.

I will do as you said and check her scrip vs her body weight. I do have limited access to the internet through the laptop I got my aunt 2 years ago if I use her cell phone as a hotspot.

She was talking about the moon "pushing" her or something about a half an hour ago while I was talking to my aunt. I could hear her talking in the background and told my aunt to tell her that her grandson Jack loves her. My aunt asked her if she heard that and she said "I love you too Jack".


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, February 24, 2023 3:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey, drinking and eating is a good sign. Her body is trying to revive. Accommodate her with as much as she asks for.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, February 24, 2023 8:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, SIX, the problem with drowsiness and/or confusion and/or weakness is that it can have multiple cuases, especially in someone complicated like your g'ma. In her case it could be poor oxygenation, infection, painkillers/sedatives, dehydration, low bloodsugar or something else. There are so many possible causes that it can require a process of elimination: think of all likely causes and eliminate them one by one and look for improvement. In your g'mas situation it was probably several things: poor oxygentaion caused by fluid around the lung, infection, dehydration, post-anesthesia reaction, and adjustment to painkillers, and I would guess the first two were the most important. It didn't make sense to me that she would suddenly get worse after her breathing improved, but if she had a massive UTI that would go a long way to explaining the problem. Not an expert here, but FWIW people don't die of "cancer". They die of something SPECIFIC that cancer is interfering with. In the case of lung cancer it's usually from cancer interfering with the lungs' capabity to absorb oxygen.

If she has an adjustable hospital bed, raising the head of the bed AND raising the knees (or putting pillows under her knees and calves so she doesn't keep sliding down the bed) might help her breathe better, but everyone is an individual. You have to try and see.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, February 24, 2023 9:05 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, SIX, the problem with drowsiness and/or confusion and/or weakness is that it can have multiple cuases, especially in someone complicated like your g'ma. In her case it could be poor oxygenation, infection, painkillers/sedatives, dehydration, low bloodsugar or something else. There are so many possible causes that it can require a process of elimination: think of all likely causes and eliminate them one by one and look for improvement. In your g'mas situation it was probably several things: poor oxygentaion caused by fluid around the lung, infection, dehydration, post-anesthesia reaction, and adjustment to painkillers, and I would guess the first two were the most important. It didn't make sense to me that she would suddenly get worse after her breathing improved, but if she had a massive UTI that would go a long way to explaining the problem. Not an expert here, but FWIW people don't die of "cancer". They die of something SPECIFIC that cancer is interfering with. In the case of lung cancer it's usually from cancer interfering with the lungs' capabity to absorb oxygen.

I've already been told not to bring up the drugs again. That doesn't mean I'm not going to, but it does mean that more arguments are on the way.

One of my Uncles died in that house of cancer after having a balloon installed after cutting out a bad bladder. The didn't bother testing the rest of his body though, and he never recovered from that operation because he was already riddled with cancer everywhere, including his brain.

The doctor said Grandma's lung cancer was metastatic. In their minds this is brain cancer now. It doesn't matter that the Doctor last week said she has 6 months to live, the dumbass nurse is telling them now that she has a week to live and they're both buying into that.

She's not eating right because she's a heroin addict now. Not because she's "dying of cancer".

It doesn't matter that we're fixing the UTI and she's been cathed. It doesn't matter that she's crapping solid on her own without a supposotory. They're not going to lower the dosage. They want her to die and be out of her misery, and the idiot nurse telling them that she has a week to live is justifying their bad thought pattern.

Honestly, Sigs... Do you think I might be onto something that the bankrupt Medicare system in Illinois promotes this behavior from the nurses and/or trains them to be this way? Or is this just a really bad nurse with a friendly demeanor?


If she has an adjustable hospital bed, raising the head of the bed AND raising the knees (or putting pillows under her knees and calves so she doesn't keep sliding down the bed) might help her breathe better, but everyone is an individual. You have to try and see.

Grandma only wants the bed up. She hates when it's down, even if it was just long enough to change her diapers. I'll try the pillows under her knees and see how that goes.



Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, February 24, 2023 12:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, I know that once you get something in your head it's hard to dislodge, and you have this idea that "It's the meds" but both my MIL and hubby were on MASSIVE doses of very strong painkillers ... Including tramadol, oxycodone, hydrocodone, and liquid morphine... and it didn't affect their appetites.

You mentioned Norco. Norco is the [correction] SECOND- weakest possible opiate painkiller. It's a lot of Tylenol and a little [correction] hydrocodone. It's never sent any of us into lala-land and it will NOT terminally sedate anyone at normal doses. You would have to take a bottle-full to do that. If that's your concern you can set that aside. Save your worry for the strong stuff. It CAN make some people nauseated tho, and that can put people off eating.

EDITED TO ADD: There are so many possible causes for your g'mas weakness, drowsiness and/or confusion that figuring it out might be impossible. Solve her knowm medical problems first: oxygenation, hydration, infection before hunting for more problems. Is she on oxygen? Is anyone checking her oxygenation regularly? Is she being turned so that fluid can drain from her lungs and she doesn't develop bedsores? Is her UTI cleared up? Is she downing at least a quart of water a day? (Set aside a one-quart bottle by her bedside)

Yanno, I don't trust doctors or nurses to accurately dx everything. I had to dx our daughter bc what she had was so rare it was dismissed out-of-hand by her Neuro. I second-guess my doctors all the time (usually quietly, to myself, but occasionally loudly, if I think they're seriously wrong.) In my whole adult life theres only been one doctor in whose hands I unreservedly placed my life.

I pay close attention to the meds I'm taking to assess whether they're effective or have intolerable side effects. I take my own bp, oxygenation, blood sugar and weight. When one specialist Rxs a meducation for me, I pass it by the other specialists for their blessing. When I see my doctors with questions, complaints, or suggestions I have dates, number, pictures, notes... I'm the kind of patient they probably hate.

But doctors and nurses do have access to tests and the Rx pad, and you have to do your due diligence and not alienate them if you question them, on your g'mas behalf. And you had better be right bc it's not worth alienating family, nurses, and other hospice caregivers over nothing.

I went hunting online and found this


It can be tricky to determine if your symptoms are related to brain mets or not. One indicator is if your symptoms come and go or if they are chronic. If you are experiencing a symptom that comes and goes, it is less likely to be related to cancer. Talk with your doctor about any symptoms you are experiencing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, February 24, 2023 1:12 PM


Out for my walk and return something to the library.


Friday, February 24, 2023 3:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Congrats on the win at your mahjong pickup game, BRENDA! Days like that feel pretty good!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, February 24, 2023 5:03 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Congrats on the win at your mahjong pickup game, BRENDA! Days like that feel pretty good!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

They do feel good.


Friday, February 24, 2023 5:03 PM


Back from my walk and even managed to get an inside chore done that I've been putting off for a while. Cleaning the bathtub.


Friday, February 24, 2023 10:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from my walk and even managed to get an inside chore done that I've been putting off for a while. Cleaning the bathtub.

One of my least favorite chores. Even lower than scrubbing the toilets.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, February 24, 2023 11:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from my walk and even managed to get an inside chore done that I've been putting off for a while. Cleaning the bathtub.

One of my least favorite chores. Even lower than scrubbing the toilets.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

I hear ya and yeah cleaning toilets does bite.


Friday, February 24, 2023 11:13 PM


There is a major snowfall warning for my corner of BC. Just have to see if it arrives. Still clear out right now.


Saturday, February 25, 2023 3:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, we didn't get the deluge that was forecast but my backyard got a respectable 2" of rain. Looks like most of the rain fell more on the western San Gabriels to Malibu, and all the way north to halfway between Sacto and Eureka. So northernmost CA got shorted on the rain, they "only" got their season's total so far, but the rest of CA got a few more inches than average, making this a decent water year so far. Not bad for a la Nina year! Now all we need is three more like it. And as KIKI used to say: beavers reintroduced into the mountains.

Happy for the rain. They say the snow level will be at about 3000 ft. When the storm moves on the mountains are going to be blinding white. It's going to be so pretty!

In the meantime I'm pushing forward with indoor stuff. We'll be doing a walk-through with another contractor tomorrow and I just provided the specs for the windows we'd like to replace. Next day I've got to get back in touch with a landscaper, send some pix of the yard as it used to look and what it looks like now. And then, my yearly filing. THAT'S gonna take a few days! But I have some important things I need to accomplish and I'm giving myself a year.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, February 25, 2023 1:28 PM


Out for my walk on another cold day in a bit.

Oh, SIG. So far no snow where I am so far.


Saturday, February 25, 2023 2:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Out for my walk on another cold day in a bit.

Oh, SIG. So far no snow where I am so far.

Well! I emptied my "rain gage" last night (really, it's just a clear plastic straight-sided pen holder, but it works great) bc there was incoming rain on the radar, and without any cloudbursts or drama that I know of, my backyard got another 2" of rain overnight. So we're WELL ahead of our normal rainfall. Not the record-breaking 38 inches that happened back in 1883-4 but a respectable 4" above average (at least, in my backyard). according to sis, this torm os predicted to track across Four Corners (where Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona meet, which has born the brunt of many droughts lately) and I hope across Kansas, which is the epicenter of the biggest patch of extreme drought in the USA right now.

Well, I better get a move on. Contractor coming in a couple of hours and I have moring chores to do so the kitchen doesn't look like a pigsty,

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, February 25, 2023 2:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, I hope I wasn't unduly impatient. I toned down my post, and I'd like to explain my reasoning.

We probably agree on one point: it doesn't make sense to me that your g'ma would SUDDENLY develop symptoms of brain cancer or advanced lung cancer right after the surgery that was supposed to have relieved symptoms. Either she was symptomatic before surgery and it wasn't recognized bc of her poor oxyenation and difficulty breathing, or something happened during or after surgery to change her status.

And this is where it takes careful teasing out of symptoms and careful correlation to events because you need to be cold-bloodedly analytical. Most likely there's more than one thing happening, and some things you won't be able to fix.

Post-anesthesia reaction. In the elderly it can take two weeks to clear up.

Post-surgical infection. One of the symptoms of infection in the elderly is a disorientd and drowsy mental state. You mentioned UTI, That is a common infection in elderly women that can cause that state, but with her weight and inactivity she sould be developing bedsores or pneumonia or an infection at the surgical site. Make sure all of her infections (of she has any) are identified and cleared up.

Poor oxygentation definitely makes peple mentally slow. Is she on oxygen. Is ehr oxygenation good? Are her lips blue-ish? Does she perk up with more O?

Dehydration makes everything worse, and makes people feel weak. Also, lack of salt in the diet can drop blood pressure and make people woozy. Is her blood pressure adequate? Does she perk up with water? Is there any salt in her diet?

Lack of food, low blood sugar. If you can, see if she will tolerate chicken broth with salt in it, somthing with protein and fat in it. Oatmeal. Try not to rely too much on stuff with a lot of sugar in it bc she could wind up with reactive hypoglycemia, but anything is better than nothing. Does she perk up after eating?

Depression. She just got really bad news. She could be drooping spiritually and emotionally.

Painkillers. Yes, they make people drowsy, but they generaly don't send people for a loop. Check what kind of painkillers she's on and what dose, and remember, she's a big woamn. does she perk up just before her next dose (when her painkiller is at is lowest concentration) and nod off about a half-hour afterwards?

Brain cancer. It could have been there all along, but a combination of things could beamking symptoms more evident. There's nothing you can do about that and no definitive way of dxing without a brain scan.

It's often not one thing OR another but a combination of things and if you make adjustments to a lot of things you may get your g'ma as back on-track as possible. But remember, hard s you try she will ineevitably decline and there's no way to fix that.

As you can see, I believe in being proactive about health. I did a brain dump of verything I can think of. I really hope this helps. Apologies for the typos

Edited to add: I understand that your relatives don't want to do this detailed, hands-on care and close observation. It's a lot of responsibility accompanied by uncertainty and grief. If you want her treated properly you might have to volunteer to do it yourself.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, February 25, 2023 5:12 PM


Back in from my walk a while ago and it is cold out. But computer temp says it is slowly warming. No snow yet where I am. So still watching the sky for it.


Saturday, February 25, 2023 11:34 PM


The sort of snow started arriving around 6pm. It was very light then some rain and hail. By 8pm there is some on my balcony and the ground and roofs around me. Not sure how long it will stay.


Sunday, February 26, 2023 1:30 PM


It is now white outside. Don't know when it stopped snowing last night. Sun is out right now and computer temp reads 3C. But it is my day to stay in and do nothing much,


Sunday, February 26, 2023 3:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
It is now white outside. Don't know when it stopped snowing last night. Sun is out right now and computer temp reads 3C. But it is my day to stay in and do nothing much,

Have a nice day of rest, BRENDA.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, February 26, 2023 3:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey SIX are you OK?

Instead of arguing with your relativ s about how much meds she should be on, a better tack might be to have them ASK HER how much she should be on. And if you can volunteer your services for a night or two (tell your aunt and dad they need their sleep) you might be able to attend to those other things that she needs.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, February 26, 2023 5:10 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
It is now white outside. Don't know when it stopped snowing last night. Sun is out right now and computer temp reads 3C. But it is my day to stay in and do nothing much,

Have a nice day of rest, BRENDA.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

I am SIG. Computer temp now reads 6C and the sun is still out.


Monday, February 27, 2023 6:42 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hey SIX are you OK?

Instead of arguing with your relativ s about how much meds she should be on, a better tack might be to have them ASK HER how much she should be on. And if you can volunteer your services for a night or two (tell your aunt and dad they need their sleep) you might be able to attend to those other things that she needs.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

By the time you wrote the previous longer post she had already passed. She died around 11AM on Saturday morning. I was out just setting up for working for the day with my friend when it happened. I didn't want to put him out after we'd only been there for a half hour but right when I told him he gave me a hug started packing and said I needed to be with my family. He's a good friend.

She had a brief moment of lucidity when the nurse woke her up on Friday afternoon and I was able to come out and say I love you and she knew who I was and reciprocated. I'm really glad we were able to have that last moment in person instead of over the phone, but I knew from the look in her eyes it was almost over. Once I calmed her and she went back to sleep she never woke up again.

I stayed another two nights after that for my aunt. It's really hitting her hard. Not just her mommy dying, but her fear of living alone. She's going right back to work which I think is a great idea for her, and since it was thunderstorming when she got up I decided to just leave so I could get home and make sure I wasn't flooding (everything is good here).

Going to unload another car full of stuff, get some laundry done and get cleaned up and get ready to go back out there tomorrow afternoon.

I spent most of the days I was there clearing out the rest of the house, and except for some big furniture and things that her kids need to go through, all the trash and goodwill stuff are all staged in the garage to go out now.

We're going to get all of my aunt's stuff downstairs tomorrow after she gets off of work and then get all of the trash bags out to her curb and my uncle's curb. They say you can put unlimited bags out, but we're not going to put 50 bags of trash out in one day on one property.

I still haven't processed that she's gone. It will come. I know one morning after I've been posting here, then I get my work prepped for a project for the day and take a break to drink some coffee and have a smoke while giving her our morning call it's going to hit me halfway through dialing her number that we'll never have another of our little talks.

My aunt had pictures of me and her and Grams at my house on her 89th Birthday just a little over a year ago and we didn't even realize how much weight she's lost in the last year until we saw them. She was still a big gal recently, but she's been dealing with whatever took her for a while now. She never complained about any of it. I hope that's because it wasn't actually bothering her until the breathing problems started.

It all happened so quick...

You've got to make time. Don't put the important things off thinking that everything is still going to be the same when you're done doing whatever it is you're obsessing over that's keeping you from doing them.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, February 27, 2023 8:36 AM


Everything is out of the car and my garage is still fairly functional. I'll have access to anything I need until spring is officially here and I start up work on the house in earnest again, anyhow. I've got a few projects ahead of me now, but I will find the time to do them. I'll have pictures of what I'm doing when I get to them. You're both going to love my Grandma's hope chest when I fix the broken legs and bottom and refinish it.

There's also another one that's in far better shape but is just a basic rectangle box. My aunt is on the fence about taking it because it is a little beat up and not the right color to match all the furniture she bought for her new apartment. That one is going to be an easy sand down, stain and poly, so I'm going to sneak a Minwax color swatch book over to her apartment and match the stain color and surprise her. She won't even remember it was out there and it's missing in the mean time if I got it out of there now.

As far as family, we're all good. I'm not holding any grudges, no matter how wrong I thought they all handled it. I'm not omniscient and she might have passed just has quickly without the drugs. There's no reason for me to blame them now. And I can't try to keep the family together now that they've come together if I'm too busy being pissed off at everyone, right? They do live quite close to each other and it would be easy for them to get together every once in a while without traveling long distances.

My other aunt, (my blood uncle's wife) has been super nice and bringing food over for me and my Aunt and I'm THRILLED about her progress with her therapist over the whole Covid/Mask thing. All I'd heard so far for months and months was that she wouldn't leave the house or the rare occasion she did or had any people over she wore a mask and she'd make everyone else wear masks too. She hasn't had a mask on the whole time... but because I knew of this I didn't want to get too close to her. But the first time I saw her as they were leaving she came up to me and gave me a big hug and thanked me for all the support and the work I've done on the house the last year (that they don't have to worry about doing now). We've hugged every time since. If I didn't know what she had been going through before, I never would have known about her anxiety issues over Covid/masks/vaccines after seeing her this week. In fact, it never even came up.

I'm hoping that everybody can put their past behind them and we can continue getting together under better circumstances. Nobody is fighting over any possessions, which is awesome. My Grams did her entire family a solid and didn't really have anything besides junk from the last 60 years. It's not like on the other side of the family when the 20 cousins picked away at everything like vultures after the adults got the really good stuff. Hopefully the house sells quickly, the burial doesn't cost too much and they can just split what little there will be up fairy without any bitching or resentment. I'm feeling good about it. I'm so glad I pushed my aunt into getting into that apartment when her number came up a year ago and she's already established there instead of the nightmare of her trying to find an affordable place in this economy while the house is on the market.

I know she's really afraid of living alone since it will be the first time she ever has, and it's going to take her far longer than anybody else to get over Grandma's death, but she's got me at least, and hopefully, if we play our cards right... she's got some support from the rest of the family now too.

And I've just got to keep telling her that living alone is awesome. It's easy to do because it's true.

Everything should be alright. We've just got to clear the rest of the place out, find our time to mourn the loss and start the next chapter of our lives.

I'm beat. I'm going to bed for a while...


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, February 27, 2023 1:11 PM


*Hugs* SIX and I am so sorry for your loss. I know this is huge for you and don't be afraid of the anger and the feeling of missing your grandmother. You've lost something precious but you have your memories of her.


Monday, February 27, 2023 1:12 PM


Out for my walk and errands in the snow. Need my boots and my cane. It is trying to warm up though. Computer temp reads 4C.


Monday, February 27, 2023 1:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh SIX, I'm so sorry. *Hugs*

Many cancers are relatively painless, except towards the last week or month. That sounds like your g'ma. I'm glad you had that time together. She loved you and you loved her, and she knew it. It was a comfort to her, and I hope that brings you comfort too.

I'm glad so see you posting again. I was worried about you.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, February 27, 2023 4:27 PM


Back and in from my walk and all done for today. Computer is calling for rain right now. But it is cold out.


Monday, February 27, 2023 6:16 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
*Hugs* SIX and I am so sorry for your loss. I know this is huge for you and don't be afraid of the anger and the feeling of missing your grandmother. You've lost something precious but you have your memories of her.

Thanks Brenda.

I think the anger is gone already. The missing part hasn't really hit me yet though. I know it will once I slow down enough and really let it sink in.

Right now it's all about my aunt for me. She's a little lost right now. She's strong though. With a little help she should be fine.

And while I'm there for support I still have plenty to keep me busy clearing out the rest of the house.

You hate to say it, but she has no idea yet how much easier her life just got. Sure, she's going to have to take lessons from me on budgeting without a dual income anymore, but there are no more nights to come home and tend to somebody else after a full day of labor, no more weekends spent shopping for two and spending half a day with the showering process, no more shoveling or yardwork, and once that old house finally gets sold she won't have the other albatross of a 100+ year old house falling down around her. Compared to all of that, apartment living is easy. She's not even going to know what to do with all that free time.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh SIX, I'm so sorry. *Hugs*

Many cancers are relatively painless, except towards the last week or month. That sounds like your g'ma. I'm glad you had that time together. She loved you and you loved her, and she knew it. It was a comfort to her, and I hope that brings you comfort too.

I'm glad so see you posting again. I was worried about you.

Thanks Sigs. Yeah, I was fine. Since I don't have a smartphone, living in that house is like living in the 1980s/90s. I'm going to miss it. I'll miss the comfort of it. No matter how many years or decades passed, it always stayed the same and always felt like Home whenever you came back to it.

I'll take some time at some point to really process the idea that she's really gone. She will be missed.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, February 27, 2023 7:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I was sad when my g'mas house was sold, and no matter how long I stay away, visiting the family house still feels like home.

I think your aunt will be happy with her newfound freedom but she'd better find a hobby and/or some friends to fill up her time. She sounds like a sociable person who is used to company.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake




Brenda 03.02 13:19
SIGNYM 03.02 13:47


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