In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)

UPDATED: Sunday, March 2, 2025 13:47
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Monday, February 27, 2023 7:33 PM


Yeah, the missing part can take longer to come up.

This is going to be a big adjustment for your aunt though. But having you around to help her will ease her mind.


Monday, February 27, 2023 7:34 PM


We got more snow here which started after I got in this afternoon. It's 4:30pm now and computer weather icon is calling for rain and snow mixed. I can't really tell from my computer chair as it is very fine.


Monday, February 27, 2023 9:20 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I was sad when my g'mas house was sold, and no matter how long I stay away, visiting the family house still feels like home.

Yeah... When I was pretty gung-ho about getting stuff out of the house the other day, I decided against disturbing anything in the livingroom where I knew we'd be talking to the guy about arrangements yesterday. I didn't want to take that feeling of "home" away from them with what might be the last time they all sit together in the house. I'm going to be starting to clear out furniture tomorrow, and now that the hospice stuff is out of the dining room I can start pulling anything that's still left for them to sort through all in one room for them to make decisions before I throw it away or take it to Goodwill.

There's no sense in prolonging any of those nostalgia feelings now. I know that they're all grateful to me for being the one to go through all of it so they didn't have to look through it themselves and get all emotional. I'm very thorough and have saved any pictures and anything else that would have any sentimental (and/or cash) value.

I hope everybody who wants to can take a little piece of her with them over the next week or two before it's all cleared out.


I think your aunt will be happy with her newfound freedom but she'd better find a hobby and/or some friends to fill up her time. She sounds like a sociable person who is used to company.

She's really looking forward to riding her bike again. She has two really nice mountain bikes that have just sat in the back porch for about 5 years. She loves nature and going to the preserves. Maybe I'll ask her if she wants to take a trip to Starved Rock this spring. She used to love going there with my uncle before he passed away.

She's not super sociable outside of work. Kind of like me in that regard. One time she said "I like the idea of people" and I giggled because that's kind of how I view being out with most people too. I don't ever see her doing the whole "senior group" thing like her mom did before she got "too old" to do it anymore. I bet she'd like doing it if she were busy doing things like working in a soup kitchen for the homeless or something though. She's like me and wouldn't want to just sit around and socialize. She'd want to keep busy the whole time and feel useful.

It's like how my friend wants me to come over and play pool all the time. After about an hour of that I don't want to do it anymore. I'd rather be helping him work on projects on his home than just playing pool. I have plenty of down time, but I prefer to spend most of that time alone. Honestly, I think she's going to fit right in with living alone once she's processed everything. And now that both of my Grandmas are gone and I can't call them anymore and she's going to have all of this free time on her hands, I get the feeling I got a new phone buddy.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Yeah, the missing part can take longer to come up.

This is going to be a big adjustment for your aunt though. But having you around to help her will ease her mind.

We'll figure it out.

I just got off the phone with her and she seems good. She's really happy she went back to work today. I'm a little worried about her state of mind about the possible "danger" of staying overnight alone in the house though. She had these two spotlight lamps and she told me she had them both on in the back porch pointing out the windows and she put cardboard up on the back porch door to block the window.

She's usually pretty almost OCD about routine and having the same lights on and off every day/night as well as the same blinds open and closed and I told her that's WAY different than anything outside has ever seen before. I also told her that when I think "spotlight" I think of car dealerships pointing them to the sky or of a Lighthouse, and putting all that powerful light outside is more a beacon than a deterrent.

So she's settling for just leaving the lamp on in the porch and keeping the cardboard up on the window. I told her "whatever makes you feel safe", but she shouldn't worry about anything. It's not like she's got a Bentley parked in the drieway and the house doesn't look like shit from the outside. Nobody has ever broken into that house in 60 years and it's not going to start tonight.

She told me she already brought the extra TV back up to her bedroom too, and I'm going to have to do something about that. She should be staying at her apartment and we need to get things down and out of the house... not back upstairs.

Hopefully we have a productive few days while I'm back out there. I'm prepared to stay longer again if I feel that I need to.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, February 27, 2023 11:36 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I was sad when my g'mas house was sold, and no matter how long I stay away, visiting the family house still feels like home.

Yeah... When I was pretty gung-ho about getting stuff out of the house the other day, I decided against disturbing anything in the livingroom where I knew we'd be talking to the guy about arrangements yesterday. I didn't want to take that feeling of "home" away from them with what might be the last time they all sit together in the house. I'm going to be starting to clear out furniture tomorrow, and now that the hospice stuff is out of the dining room I can start pulling anything that's still left for them to sort through all in one room for them to make decisions before I throw it away or take it to Goodwill.

There's no sense in prolonging any of those nostalgia feelings now. I know that they're all grateful to me for being the one to go through all of it so they didn't have to look through it themselves and get all emotional. I'm very thorough and have saved any pictures and anything else that would have any sentimental (and/or cash) value.

I hope everybody who wants to can take a little piece of her with them over the next week or two before it's all cleared out.


I think your aunt will be happy with her newfound freedom but she'd better find a hobby and/or some friends to fill up her time. She sounds like a sociable person who is used to company.

She's really looking forward to riding her bike again. She has two really nice mountain bikes that have just sat in the back porch for about 5 years. She loves nature and going to the preserves. Maybe I'll ask her if she wants to take a trip to Starved Rock this spring. She used to love going there with my uncle before he passed away.

She's not super sociable outside of work. Kind of like me in that regard. One time she said "I like the idea of people" and I giggled because that's kind of how I view being out with most people too. I don't ever see her doing the whole "senior group" thing like her mom did before she got "too old" to do it anymore. I bet she'd like doing it if she were busy doing things like working in a soup kitchen for the homeless or something though. She's like me and wouldn't want to just sit around and socialize. She'd want to keep busy the whole time and feel useful.

It's like how my friend wants me to come over and play pool all the time. After about an hour of that I don't want to do it anymore. I'd rather be helping him work on projects on his home than just playing pool. I have plenty of down time, but I prefer to spend most of that time alone. Honestly, I think she's going to fit right in with living alone once she's processed everything. And now that both of my Grandmas are gone and I can't call them anymore and she's going to have all of this free time on her hands, I get the feeling I got a new phone buddy.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Yeah, the missing part can take longer to come up.

This is going to be a big adjustment for your aunt though. But having you around to help her will ease her mind.

We'll figure it out.

I just got off the phone with her and she seems good. She's really happy she went back to work today. I'm a little worried about her state of mind about the possible "danger" of staying overnight alone in the house though. She had these two spotlight lamps and she told me she had them both on in the back porch pointing out the windows and she put cardboard up on the back porch door to block the window.

She's usually pretty almost OCD about routine and having the same lights on and off every day/night as well as the same blinds open and closed and I told her that's WAY different than anything outside has ever seen before. I also told her that when I think "spotlight" I think of car dealerships pointing them to the sky or of a Lighthouse, and putting all that powerful light outside is more a beacon than a deterrent.

So she's settling for just leaving the lamp on in the porch and keeping the cardboard up on the window. I told her "whatever makes you feel safe", but she shouldn't worry about anything. It's not like she's got a Bentley parked in the drieway and the house doesn't look like shit from the outside. Nobody has ever broken into that house in 60 years and it's not going to start tonight.

She told me she already brought the extra TV back up to her bedroom too, and I'm going to have to do something about that. She should be staying at her apartment and we need to get things down and out of the house... not back upstairs.

Hopefully we have a productive few days while I'm back out there. I'm prepared to stay longer again if I feel that I need to.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I'm sure you will.

Your aunt keeping busy is the best thing for her at this moment. Once more is settled then she can think about other things.


Monday, February 27, 2023 11:37 PM


A bit more snow and some rain heading my way tonight and into tomorrow. Then Wednesday at some point it will transition to just rain.


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 8:27 AM



I was about to say that I think we're done with the snow around here this year. But then I had to look.

It was almost 60 yesterday. It will be 49 today, 59 tomorrow, and it doesn't appear that we're due to see a high lower than 36 for the rest of winter.

But Friday night it's dipping to 27 degrees and they're saying we're going to get 6 to 10 inches on Friday night.

If that's true, that might be more snow in one night than we got all winter here all bundled into a couple of hours.

What a way to top off a wild winter.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 12:30 PM


More snow for my area SIX and I got a dental appointment. So I am heading out early to make sure I can get a bus to get there.


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 2:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I was about to say that I think we're done with the snow around here this year. But then I had to look.

It was almost 60 yesterday. It will be 49 today, 59 tomorrow, and it doesn't appear that we're due to see a high lower than 36 for the rest of winter.

But Friday night it's dipping to 27 degrees and they're saying we're going to get 6 to 10 inches on Friday night.

If that's true, that might be more snow in one night than we got all winter here all bundled into a couple of hours.

What a way to top off a wild winter.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Well, belated Merry Christmas! Like you said, what an end. At least it'll be over.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 2:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
More snow for my area SIX and I got a dental appointment. So I am heading out early to make sure I can get a bus to get there.

And a belated Merry Christmas to you too. Is there any way you can cut your walk short?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 2:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

At this end, it looks like we accumulated another inch of rain, altho I have to go check. So that would be 5" over seasonal average. Supposedly a bit more on the way.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 4:30 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
More snow for my area SIX and I got a dental appointment. So I am heading out early to make sure I can get a bus to get there.

And a belated Merry Christmas to you too. Is there any way you can cut your walk short?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

No there wasn't. I also needed the bus to get to my pharmacy to get refills for both my meds. As it was I will need to go back to the pharmacy because they were short on my seizure meds. They owe me 100 of the rotten things.


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 4:32 PM


Back and in. My dental appointment was cancelled due to the fact that the dentist couldn't get into the office. So mild kerfuffle there. Pharmacy was short on my seizure meds so will have to make another trip to them. It was rain mixed with snow while I was out and now that I am in the sun is out. So some of the snow will melt.


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 4:33 PM


When I got back I called the office and made a new appointment for next Tuesday. Hopefully all this snow will be gone by then.


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 7:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hubby and I finally went to the dentist just for cleaning and checkup. All good there. And today, we're at the optometrist after four years to keep our prescriptions current with our declining eyesight! So that will be done for a year or two.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 7:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Back and in. My dental appointment was cancelled due to the fact that the dentist couldn't get into the office. So mild kerfuffle there. Pharmacy was short on my seizure meds so will have to make another trip to them. It was rain mixed with snow while I was out and now that I am in the sun is out. So some of the snow will melt.

oh that is frustrating!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 7:47 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Back and in. My dental appointment was cancelled due to the fact that the dentist couldn't get into the office. So mild kerfuffle there. Pharmacy was short on my seizure meds so will have to make another trip to them. It was rain mixed with snow while I was out and now that I am in the sun is out. So some of the snow will melt.

oh that is frustrating!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

It is but it happens every so often. Specially when my meds run out around the end of the month. Never any problem refilling my thyroid. Just the seizure.


Wednesday, March 1, 2023 12:20 AM


Pick up game of mah jong tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 1, 2023 11:20 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey, best of luck, BRENDA!
It's nice to see you out an about for fun stuff!


I'm going to a retirement luncheon early March. Two of the people who worked for me retired recently, and a lot of the retirees ... people I worked with for 30-some years... will be there. It'll be great to see them all and catch up on the latest, collect some phone numbers and be able to stay in touch. I'm really looking forward to that.


Weatherwise, I left the rain gage out bc we were due for a few more showers. I'll bring it in to measure in a bit, but from my kitchen window it looks like a total of 1.5" fell over the past two days, which brings us (well, my backyard, anyway) to a total of 5.5" above normal. Consideing our average is only 14" that's quite a bit more than usual. We've been so lucky this year. The reservoirs are filling and the state has a very healthy snowpack, especially central and south which are 50%+ above normal. If we had another couple of years like this, our groundwater situation would improve too.

The storm hasn't completely left, it's still cloudy and it usually takes a day or two after rain for clouds to be clear of the mountaintops, but when that happens I expect them to be dazling white. Picture-book pretty. Maybe next year I'll be in good enough shape to ski.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, March 1, 2023 12:56 PM


It will be a fun afternoon SIG but I got a couple of errands to run before hand.

That will be nice for you. Always good to catch up with people you haven't seen in years. At least one of the ladies in my mah jong group on Thursday morning does that fairly regularly too. Meet up with people she worked with.

Rain or whatever suppose to come back this evening and then into tomorrow for my area.


Wednesday, March 1, 2023 12:57 PM


Out for my walk and couple of errands before my game. Here's hoping I have some luck.


Wednesday, March 1, 2023 11:41 PM


Got back from my pick up game around 5pm in the rain and grapple. I won the first round. We have a rule for pick up games which is the first person to get to 10,000 points we start over. I got over 13,000points with one hand being over 9,000points. Well that broke my stride and finished the second round with over 2,000 points.


Thursday, March 2, 2023 5:26 PM


Mah jong done as well as errands. Bit of a rough morning though I did manage 3rd place. Had a couple of half decent hands.


Thursday, March 2, 2023 10:10 PM


Just got back from my Grandma's house. Had a real nice time with my aunt and my dad while I was there. Saw my aunt at night and had dinner with her 3 nights in a row after she got off of work, and spent some time with my dad today while he was over finishing the last of the paperwork totes off. We spent some time going through some of the photograph totes. Huge memory lane trip for him there.

Got a literal ton of stuff out of the house and got half of the old trash out at my uncles and half of it out at my Grandmas. Pretty much anything inside any cabinets or dressers is out of the house completely except for my aunt's room. She's going to get all of that out the next two weekends. I can't push her on that.

I got almost all the junk furnature out of the house, and what's left is the good stuff and the kitchen table and chairs. (We're using the chairs for TV and light stands now... lol)

My uncle needs to go through all of the stuff I laid out on the tool bench for him to sift through before I take what I want and get rid of the rest. My cousin is going to be there on Saturday to go through the wall hangings and take what she wants. Then I'm going back for a night or two next garbage day and we'll get rid of the last of the loose stuff, make probably 5 trips to Goodwill and put out furniture. Already got my uncle and a good neighbor on board to let us put out 2 pieces on their lawns, and since I'm doing it early I'm hoping people take the good stuff away first and I can keep putting more out.

Everything left in the house that was good is in the dining room for family to go through, and really all that's left in there is a mattress and a TV for me and my aunt, her stuff upstairs and a grand piano.

The goal is to have my aunt completely moved into her own place for good by the end of next weekend.

She seems a lot better now. I can tell that being alone is going to bother her for a while, but she's doing way better than she was before I left last time.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, March 2, 2023 11:30 PM


I'm glad for the time you are getting with your aunt and your dad, SIX. That's what's important now.


Friday, March 3, 2023 8:41 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
I'm glad for the time you are getting with your aunt and your dad, SIX. That's what's important now.

Yeah. Everything will be alright.

I feel like I haven't properly grieved Grams yet. Maybe there isn't any such thing as proper. I was a lot more emotional when my other Grandmother died, but that happened right in the middle of the worst of my drinking and I didn't even go and see her before she died. Maybe a lot of that was more about me and my guilt. I dunno.

I've also been keeping myself so busy. Except for my aunt throwing things to the curb after they were out in the garage and helping me move a few of the larger pieces last year, her kids haven't had to worry about clearing any of the junk out.

I told my aunt and uncle yesterday that I'm finally finishing the job that my deceased uncle and I started when I was just a kid when we cleared out a room in the basement and collected a bunch of scrap metal in the garage and got 87 bucks for it.

My buddy and his family are going down to Florida for 10 days next week. I'll be over there patching up his daughter's room and getting it painted for her before they come back.

After that, unless it warms up here again, I'm going to have little on my plate for a while. It will probably hit me when I can't call Grams then.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, March 3, 2023 12:03 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I'm glad for the time you are getting with your aunt and your dad, SIX. That's what's important now.

Yeah. Everything will be alright.

I feel like I haven't properly grieved Grams yet. Maybe there isn't any such thing as proper. I was a lot more emotional when my other Grandmother died, but that happened right in the middle of the worst of my drinking and I didn't even go and see her before she died. Maybe a lot of that was more about me and my guilt. I dunno.

I've also been keeping myself so busy. Except for my aunt throwing things to the curb after they were out in the garage and helping me move a few of the larger pieces last year, her kids haven't had to worry about clearing any of the junk out.

I told my aunt and uncle yesterday that I'm finally finishing the job that my deceased uncle and I started when I was just a kid when we cleared out a room in the basement and collected a bunch of scrap metal in the garage and got 87 bucks for it.

My buddy and his family are going down to Florida for 10 days next week. I'll be over there patching up his daughter's room and getting it painted for her before they come back.

After that, unless it warms up here again, I'm going to have little on my plate for a while. It will probably hit me when I can't call Grams then.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

There is no proper way to grieve. It is individual to each person. Take it from someone whose done a fair amount of it.

Busy can be good to help deal with things. It's a coping mechanism.

Helping friends is good as well.

It most likely will. I had that happen when my favourite aunt died. I wanted to talk to her then I remembered that she was gone. It was awful.


Friday, March 3, 2023 12:05 PM


Out for an early walk in the dry. But I'm taking my umbrella just incase. March has been a lion up here.


Friday, March 3, 2023 12:15 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
There is no proper way to grieve. It is individual to each person. Take it from someone whose done a fair amount of it.

Busy can be good to help deal with things. It's a coping mechanism.

Helping friends is good as well.

It most likely will. I had that happen when my favourite aunt died. I wanted to talk to her then I remembered that she was gone. It was awful.

Yeah. It's hard for me to get motivated getting my own house in order right now since I kind of have to do a tandem house/garage re-org and it's cold and snowing at the moment. It will be a lot better on Monday when it's warm and everything melts.

I felt a bit of it this morning. I talked to my dad for a while, but he's not much of a phone talker and we just spent a lot of time together just yesterday. My aunt and friends are all working right now. I wanted to call Grams, but yanno...

Didn't get emotional about it yet. Don't know how that's going to effect me going forward, really. I did have that good cry while she was still alive. Maybe that's all there's going to be.

It's different this time than with my other Grandma because I was there through almost all of it and I know it was a relief for her and everybody else when she finally passed, and I've been spending so much time and energy helping everyone else out so far that I haven't had any time to really process it while it was still "new". It's kind of shocking to think that it's only been 6 days right now. It feels like 2 weeks have passed already since she's been gone.

It's not like I don't have a ton of stuff to do here today and many, many days going forward. I just wonder where my energy and enthusiasm to work goes when I get back home. I was so amped up I could hardly sit still the last 3 days of helping over there, but now that I've home I've hardly done anything but a bit of paperwork since I've been up 4 hours ago.

I'm glad spring's coming. Warmer weather and sun always makes me feel better.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, March 3, 2023 3:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Aside from a healthy snowpack... 125% above normal northern snowpack to 200% above normal southern snowpack... and a lovely view of snowcapped peaks, some things I just realized heading our way

A burst of lupine flowers. They only bloom after moisture penetrates deep into soil, and that needs heavy sustained rain. I hope to see many of those lovely purple-blue flowers at the roadsides and foothills.

A superbloom of wildflowers - CA poppies, Clarkia, tidy tips, flowers I've never heard of. Coming soon!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, March 3, 2023 4:26 PM


Pretty flowers SIG.


Friday, March 3, 2023 4:27 PM


Back from my walk and all was dry. Computer graphic still calling for rain. Just have to see when it arrives.


Friday, March 3, 2023 4:29 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
There is no proper way to grieve. It is individual to each person. Take it from someone whose done a fair amount of it.

Busy can be good to help deal with things. It's a coping mechanism.

Helping friends is good as well.

It most likely will. I had that happen when my favourite aunt died. I wanted to talk to her then I remembered that she was gone. It was awful.

Yeah. It's hard for me to get motivated getting my own house in order right now since I kind of have to do a tandem house/garage re-org and it's cold and snowing at the moment. It will be a lot better on Monday when it's warm and everything melts.

I felt a bit of it this morning. I talked to my dad for a while, but he's not much of a phone talker and we just spent a lot of time together just yesterday. My aunt and friends are all working right now. I wanted to call Grams, but yanno...

Didn't get emotional about it yet. Don't know how that's going to effect me going forward, really. I did have that good cry while she was still alive. Maybe that's all there's going to be.

It's different this time than with my other Grandma because I was there through almost all of it and I know it was a relief for her and everybody else when she finally passed, and I've been spending so much time and energy helping everyone else out so far that I haven't had any time to really process it while it was still "new". It's kind of shocking to think that it's only been 6 days right now. It feels like 2 weeks have passed already since she's been gone.

It's not like I don't have a ton of stuff to do here today and many, many days going forward. I just wonder where my energy and enthusiasm to work goes when I get back home. I was so amped up I could hardly sit still the last 3 days of helping over there, but now that I've home I've hardly done anything but a bit of paperwork since I've been up 4 hours ago.

I'm glad spring's coming. Warmer weather and sun always makes me feel better.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Time SIX. Give yourself time.

My dad's been gone for over 40years and sometimes specially around Nov. 11th it can really hit me.


Friday, March 3, 2023 9:39 PM


Much ado about nothing with the snow.

My dad and aunt were missed completely and nothing stuck to the ground.

It was snowing, raining and sleeting here all day until recently, and it looks like a winter wonderland right now, but really there's only about 1.5" of heavy snow coating everything that will probably all be gone by the end of the day tomorrow.

What a weird weather cycle this week. Three different models out of Chicago had snowfall totals all over the map for today since Monday. None of them ever agreed with each other and they were all changing every couple of hours. We heard anything from 1" to over 20" at one point, and we hardly got anything.

Good deal.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, March 3, 2023 9:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

On sis' drive home from work she said it was slushing so heavily the windshield wipers had a hard time keeping up. Sounds ugly.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, March 3, 2023 10:16 PM


Yeah. I had originally planned to stay one more day at my Grandma's, but I can't get anything else out of the house until everyone else goes through it and my Aunt seems to be doing well. Didn't feel like lingering out there when this storm was coming up. I would have left there thinking it was fine and ended up with a nasty ride home.

Hopefully this is basically the end of winter. Except for the cost to heat and the few deep freezes, it wasn't really a bad one. We probably only got about 10 inches of snow all winter.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, March 3, 2023 11:35 PM


The rain arrived in my area around 5:30pm and I think it still is. Part of a main highway will be closed until tomorrow as they got 70cm of snow and there is also a high risk of avalanches in the area.


Saturday, March 4, 2023 1:09 PM


Off to get my laundry done then a walk in the rain.


Saturday, March 4, 2023 3:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Off to get my laundry done then a walk in the rain.

Laundry, positive step. Walk in the rain? Not so fun.
I'm heading out to do some yardwork while it's cool and I can crank up the motivation.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, March 4, 2023 5:03 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Off to get my laundry done then a walk in the rain.

Laundry, positive step. Walk in the rain? Not so fun.
I'm heading out to do some yardwork while it's cool and I can crank up the motivation.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Yeah, every two weeks laundry. No the rain is not fun. It wasn't much when I went out but on my way back getting heavier. Computer icon says rain and reading 6C which is 42F. That's warmer than it has been for a while. Fingers crossed it is dry like the weather people are calling for next week.

Enjoy your yard work and the dry.


Saturday, March 4, 2023 5:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, I made progress with yardwork altho it doesn't look much different. I emptied the 33 gal bins into a couple of big bins to go out to the curb... so difficult to lift heavy stuff so high, given my bad shoulders. I also managed to cut down all of those effing palm seedlings/saplings. Some had trunks as thick as my wrist. I'm trashed, but at least that part is done.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, March 5, 2023 1:36 PM


Sunday, Sunday. But it is now time for me to think about a book proposal.


Sunday, March 5, 2023 1:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Trying to get published ..that's quite a process, isn't it? And here I was, think you just typed it up, sent it in and crossed your fingers. Heh! What do I know??

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, March 5, 2023 2:57 PM


Brought EVERYTHING into my living room. Boxes and boxes and boxes worth of free or nearly free after rebate stuff from the last two years that I haven't given away yet that were boxed up or in totes in the garage, all the stuff I got from my friend's father-in-law's house that they were giving away, and all the empty totes from Grandma's house after we gave all her clothes to goodwill.

Damn... Freakin' hoarder's paradise right now. And it's awful becauase I'm doing it in my living room and kitchen where I do most of my living.

Finally got started on it this morning though instead of just looking at it and not knowing where to start.

Got a full box of stuff I'm giving to my aunt as a care package, including my old alarm clock since I accidentally boxed up her ancient one for Goodwill and we didn't realize it until it was already gone.

Thankfully I just got a brand new SONY one that kicks ass from the father-in-law's house a few months back and didn't know what I was going to do with the old one before.

Two totes full of stuff and inventoried in a document on my computer so far. Trying my best to keep like-with-like as I'm going along. I'm also writing down who I've given what to so I don't end up giving somebody the same thing twice (if it's not consumables, anyhow).

Pulled a few things that I'm just going to give away now instead of waiting for birthdays or holidays simply because the excess items wouldn't fit in the totes so I could close them.

It will be nice to get rid of the beat up cardboard boxes and have the nice totes instead, even if they're really old. They're still in good shape and just needed a good wipe down.

My garage is going to be a mess for a while though. No way around that. Until I start working on some projects and getting things out, I'm not going to have easy access to everything like I did last year and my work benches are just staging areas again. At least I picked up two sets of horses for half price about a month ago so I can still make my own temporary work benches while I'm getting all that work done this spring.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, March 5, 2023 7:25 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Trying to get published ..that's quite a process, isn't it? And here I was, think you just typed it up, sent it in and crossed your fingers. Heh! What do I know??

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

It is and it can be quite over whelming. I got something written up and I will be talking to the published poet that is giving me a hand. Then I will adjust what I've written and see what she thinks. Then I pick a publisher and get everything neat and tidy and send it off. Most publishers take things by email these days.


Sunday, March 5, 2023 9:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, I get tired just reading your posts.

You're like the Energizer Bunny.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, March 5, 2023 9:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It seemed like this month was exceptionally busy, so I counted up the various appointments. I have eight doctors or testing appts, hubby has two. Then I scheduled all of us for dental cleaning and exams, and hubby and I are finally getting new glasses. Daughter has one appt. All together there are 16 appts this month. Let's hope next month slows down!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, March 6, 2023 1:28 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SIX, I get tired just reading your posts.

You're like the Energizer Bunny.

Nah... Just a dude with too much free time on his hands is all.

Going to try to get the rest of the stuff finished tomorrow, but I doubt that will happen. Tuesday it's back to Grandma's for a night or two. The rest of the family finally made it over today and I'm free to dispose of whatever else is left when I get there. Lots of trash to go out and lots of trips to Goodwill on Tuesday night, and then Wednesday night after my aunt gets off of work I'm going to help her bring stuff to her apartment and then I'm going to set up her network so she can stream to both of her TVs and she can finally sleep on her bed there instead of the couch. She needs TV on just like I need YouTube on when I'm going to sleep.

Hung out with my friend tonight and had dinner over there. Finally was able to give them the gift that I had made for him and his daughter and surprisingly his wife loved it too, so bonus points there.

And I got their less than 1 year old air fryer since they upgraded to the Ninja model, so I might have more variety in my cooking in the future if that thing is all it's cracked up to be.

Now if I can only find a place to put it...


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, March 6, 2023 1:17 PM


Out for my walk on a bright sunny day. Couple of things to do.


Monday, March 6, 2023 4:39 PM


Back from my walk and still bright and sunny out. Computer temp reading 10C which is 50F. It is nice out. All done for today. Having a sit down now.


Monday, March 6, 2023 10:21 PM


Got a lot done today and still working. Laundry should be done soon and I'm going to get the dishes done too. Still working on inventory and re-org. Living room is still a mess and will be until I get back from Grams house, But I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel there.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.




Brenda 03.02 13:19
SIGNYM 03.02 13:47


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