In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)

UPDATED: Sunday, March 2, 2025 13:47
VIEWED: 81651
PAGE 21 of 104

Thursday, March 23, 2023 11:56 PM


I'm off to work tomorrow. So later peeps.


Friday, March 24, 2023 11:11 PM


I won't be getting into what I've been doing this week just yet because Second reads everything we post in here and throws it in other threads at random.

It's been stressful, and it's something I've actually been dreading in the back of my mind for a couple of years now.

I'm making headway though and I've had a few positive signs today that this might just end up going my way in the end.

I'll let you know what it was and how it turned out when it's done. I don't need the dipshit's POV on this one.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, March 24, 2023 11:18 PM


Got back from work at about 6pm. Had a sandwich at work as my supper. It's been raining most of the day.


Saturday, March 25, 2023 10:22 AM


Rain here too, for days and days...

It's actually possible that it may even snow a little bit today too. It was supposed to be 50 degrees today when I looked on Tuesday, but the high now is only 38.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, March 25, 2023 1:37 PM


I hear ya SIX. Not suppose to really dry out here until at least Monday. It's only a couple of degrees warmer here right now. 5C which is 40F.

But I got things to do as I couldn't yesterday because of work.


Saturday, March 25, 2023 2:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I won't be getting into what I've been doing this week just yet because Second reads everything we post in here and throws it in other threads at random.

It's been stressful, and it's something I've actually been dreading in the back of my mind for a couple of years now.

I'm making headway though and I've had a few positive signs today that this might just end up going my way in the end.

I'll let you know what it was and how it turned out when it's done. I don't need the dipshit's POV on this one.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I hear ya. SECOND is just a nasty troll who delights in other people's problems. He's such a loser.


Amazingly, a little more rain predicted for the end of the month. That's usually it for our rainy season by then, but this has been such a weird season I've given up making predictions for now!

I managed to get out my trusty weed whacker and whacked weeds until I ran out of string. Going to refill the whacker and keep whacking until all the weeds are gone. That's just to keep them from going to seed and spreading seeds all over, then it's back to digging. But this year, I have a plan! It's called sheet mulching and it's supposed to work better than landscape fabric (which isn't saying much) so after I dig up the worst of the weeds/grasses and re-gradebthe front yard (some idiot sloped the dirt towards the house, not the other way around) and dig up one defunct irrigation line and install another, I'll be good to go

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Saturday, March 25, 2023 4:42 PM


Back from my walk and grocery shopping. It did rain on me and now it is trying to sun up and dry out.


Saturday, March 25, 2023 6:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Apparently the rain that's predicted for us is the tail end of a large storm... another atmospheric river... heading towards Sacramento.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Saturday, March 25, 2023 8:04 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Apparently the rain that's predicted for us is the tail end of a large storm... another atmospheric river... heading towards Sacramento.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Hold on tight then SIG. BC knows all about them.


Saturday, March 25, 2023 9:20 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I won't be getting into what I've been doing this week just yet because Second reads everything we post in here and throws it in other threads at random.

It's been stressful, and it's something I've actually been dreading in the back of my mind for a couple of years now.

I'm making headway though and I've had a few positive signs today that this might just end up going my way in the end.

I'll let you know what it was and how it turned out when it's done. I don't need the dipshit's POV on this one.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I hear ya. SECOND is just a nasty troll who delights in other people's problems. He's such a loser.


Amazingly, a little more rain predicted for the end of the month. That's usually it for our rainy season by then, but this has been such a weird season I've given up making predictions for now!

I managed to get out my trusty weed whacker and whacked weeds until I ran out of string. Going to refill the whacker and keep whacking until all the weeds are gone. That's just to keep them from going to seed and spreading seeds all over, then it's back to digging. But this year, I have a plan! It's called sheet mulching and it's supposed to work better than landscape fabric (which isn't saying much) so after I dig up the worst of the weeds/grasses and re-gradebthe front yard (some idiot sloped the dirt towards the house, not the other way around) and dig up one defunct irrigation line and install another, I'll be good to go

GAH!!!!! I hate re-spooling the weed whacker almost as much as I hate cleaning my bathtub!!!!

Good luck with the sheet mulching.

I've already seen weed growing up through my river rock. My grass is still brown from the cold, but the weeds are as healthy as ever.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, March 25, 2023 9:23 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I won't be getting into what I've been doing this week just yet because Second reads everything we post in here and throws it in other threads at random.

It's been stressful, and it's something I've actually been dreading in the back of my mind for a couple of years now.

I'm making headway though and I've had a few positive signs today that this might just end up going my way in the end.

I'll let you know what it was and how it turned out when it's done. I don't need the dipshit's POV on this one.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I hear ya. SECOND is just a nasty troll who delights in other people's problems. He's such a loser.

I am delighted when Russia's murder-rampage gets thwarted by Ukraine, but I do understand, after 6ix and Signym wrote "Fuck Ukraine" a hundred times, that my attitude toward Russians comes across as harsh and unforgiving to them. An example from 6ix on Saturday:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 25, 2023 9:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, another day where I did yardwork for a while.
Looking better and better!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, March 26, 2023 1:31 PM


Just a Sunday around me.


Sunday, March 26, 2023 8:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And another one down, another one gone
Another bin bites the dust!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, March 26, 2023 9:14 PM


Pretty massive thunderstorm ripped through here today.

Power stayed on and the sump's working.

Considering how much thunder there was, there wasn't much rain. We lucked out there.

Really getting tired of this weather. It's still too cold for this time of year and the sun hasn't been out forever.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, March 26, 2023 11:29 PM


It's been dry here all day. But I have to check the weather for tomorrow as I have to go out early because I am expecting a phone call from the poet who is helping me. We have a fair amount to discuss on what publisher or publishers I should try first.


Monday, March 27, 2023 4:22 PM


Couple of things done out and phone call in. We seem to be on the same page as to the first publisher I should try in Canada. They are in Ontario. I just need to do something up for her to look at again and discuss it. Then it should be good to go.


Monday, March 27, 2023 5:51 PM


Good luck Brenda.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, March 27, 2023 6:55 PM


Thanks SIX.

Hey, maybe you can answer a question for me. I need to write out an email for my poet friend to check but I need to include about 25 pages of my book. How with Google Chrome do I add to an email just the pages that I need?


Monday, March 27, 2023 10:21 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Thanks SIX.

Hey, maybe you can answer a question for me. I need to write out an email for my poet friend to check but I need to include about 25 pages of my book. How with Google Chrome do I add to an email just the pages that I need?

Which email do you use? (Gmail, hotmail/outlook, yahoo mail, etc)

What program are you using for your writing?

Whatever program you used, you should have an option when Printing a file in Windows 10 to "Microsoft Print to PDF" in the "Destination" box on the top right of your print dialog box (after you select "File" then "Print" from the dropdown box). This will save it to a file instead of giving output to a printer.

I just tested this in my Firefox browsing session and I can do it from there, so you can probably do it from any program that allows you to print to a printer.

While your in that Print dialog box, there is also a Box for "Pages" a little bit down from the Destination box.

If you wanted to put the first 25 pages in the PDF file, click on the box where it says "All" and pick the bottom option "Custom". A new box will appear underneath where you should type in "1-25" without the quotes.

Here's a picture:

Disregard the warning that you can only print page 1 to 3. It's only saying that because when trying to print from this page in Firefox there are only 3 pages to print. Your limits will be the amount of pages of your full book.

If you wanted to skip any pages in the beginning like a table of contents or blank pages or whatever, you can type in something like "8-33" instead. You get the idea.

After you save that PDF file, no matter which email client you use you should be able to just drag and drop it into your email to the poet from an Explorer window.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, March 27, 2023 11:20 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Thanks SIX.

Hey, maybe you can answer a question for me. I need to write out an email for my poet friend to check but I need to include about 25 pages of my book. How with Google Chrome do I add to an email just the pages that I need?

Which email do you use? (Gmail, hotmail/outlook, yahoo mail, etc)

What program are you using for your writing?

Whatever program you used, you should have an option when Printing a file in Windows 10 to "Microsoft Print to PDF" in the "Destination" box on the top right of your print dialog box (after you select "File" then "Print" from the dropdown box). This will save it to a file instead of giving output to a printer.

I just tested this in my Firefox browsing session and I can do it from there, so you can probably do it from any program that allows you to print to a printer.

While your in that Print dialog box, there is also a Box for "Pages" a little bit down from the Destination box.

If you wanted to put the first 25 pages in the PDF file, click on the box where it says "All" and pick the bottom option "Custom". A new box will appear underneath where you should type in "1-25" without the quotes.

Here's a picture:

Disregard the warning that you can only print page 1 to 3. It's only saying that because when trying to print from this page in Firefox there are only 3 pages to print. Your limits will be the amount of pages of your full book.

If you wanted to skip any pages in the beginning like a table of contents or blank pages or whatever, you can type in something like "8-33" instead. You get the idea.

After you save that PDF file, no matter which email client you use you should be able to just drag and drop it into your email to the poet from an Explorer window.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

I use Gmail for email and write in Word doc.

I'm not printing anything just sending the poet an email with what I need to do for the publisher.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023 1:15 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
I use Gmail for email and write in Word doc.

I'm not printing anything just sending the poet an email with what I need to do for the publisher.

I know. You're not printing paper. You're printing to a file.

If you follow the directions and the picture, you will print a PDF file to your hard drive. For simplicity, you should save it to your desktop.

Then open your Gmail and type your email to the poet and drag the file from your desktop onto the email in Gmail and it should attach to the email for you to send it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023 1:25 AM


I'll rewrite it out simple.

Click on File at the top of Word, then select Print from the dropdown box. (Depending on the version of Word, the Print might be reached differently. If I remember right, Word 2007 has a big circle button at the top left and Print is accessed by clicking on it.)

Once the Print dialogue box is open (see picture below), click on the "Destination" box and change it from your printer (if you have one) to "Microsoft Print to PDF" on the top of your print dialog box.

While your in that Print dialog box, there is also a Box for "Pages" a little bit down from the Destination box.

If you wanted to put the first 25 pages in the PDF file, click on the box where it says "All" and pick the bottom option "Custom". A new box will appear underneath where you should type in "1-25" without the quotes.

Here's a picture:

Disregard the warning that you can only print page 1 to 3. It's only saying that because when trying to print from this page in Firefox there are only 3 pages to print. Your limits will be the amount of pages of your full book.

If you wanted to skip any pages in the beginning like a table of contents or blank pages or whatever, you can type in something like "8-33" instead. You get the idea.

Once you've done that, click on "Print" at the bottom. Instead of printing paper, it will open a Save dialog box and you can select your Desktop, name the file what you want to name it, and then when you're in Gmail you can drag your new PDF file into the email from your Desktop.

ETA: PDF files used to require a program called Adobe Acrobat to open/edit. It's now a standard file that can be opened in any web browser (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, etc.). When you send it to your friend, they will be able to double click it and it will open in their web browser. Most likely, if you sell your book on Amazon as a digital file, it will be published as a PDF file for download on a Kindle.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023 1:38 AM


Okay SIX. I think I get it. Thanks for the help.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023 1:39 AM


Let me know if you have any trouble with it. Going to bed soon, but we can pick it up in the morning if we don't get to it tonight.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023 12:06 PM


Hey SIX. Had a look last night and what you posted doesn't seem to line up with what Word looks like for me. I will admit that I was doing it in a rush. So will have a better look at it this afternoon.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023 12:07 PM


Dental appointment that was set for 10am has been moved to 12. But still have to get moving as I have a couple of things to do before I get there. So later peeps.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023 12:32 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Hey SIX. Had a look last night and what you posted doesn't seem to line up with what Word looks like for me. I will admit that I was doing it in a rush. So will have a better look at it this afternoon.

That doesn't surprise me. I was using the Print Dialog from Firefox. It could look somewhat different in word. I usually don't pay attention to any of that. It should be similar enough for you to figure it out.

What year of Microsoft Office (Word) do you have. I can give you better specific steps if I knew that.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023 5:22 PM


It's 2007 and I also went into my library to speak to the internet people there. Not helpful. The lady was all full of destroying my document and I can't do that.

The poet and her husband are trying to help from her end. But again I'm not sure.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023 5:23 PM


Back from the dentist and filling all done. I go back in two weeks to have the last two root tips removed.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023 5:41 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
It's 2007 and I also went into my library to speak to the internet people there. Not helpful. The lady was all full of destroying my document and I can't do that.

The poet and her husband are trying to help from her end. But again I'm not sure.

My way would work if you changed the printer output to "Microsoft Print to PDF" instead of the printer at the top (I've actually done so with three documents myself just this week in Word 2007), but try this option in Word 2007.

Save that to the desktop when it asks you where you want to save it. Then drag and drop the PDF file into your email on Gmail.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023 11:07 PM


It just occured to me...

You ARE using Widows 10 as your operating system, right Brenda?

If you aren't, the "Microsoft Print to PDF" feature isn't available. (It may be in Windows 11, but anything before 10 didn't have that feature).

If that's the case, open up 2 documents in Word 2007. One is your book, the other is a blank document.

Select all of the text you want to send to your friend.

The easiest way to do this is put the cursor right at the beginning of the text you want to send, then scroll down to the page you want to stop at. Hold down the SHIFT key and click the left mouse button at the end of the text you want to send.

That will highlight all of the text you want to send.

Right click anywhere on the highlighted text and a drop down box will appear. Click "Copy" on that drop down box.

Now go to your blank document and right click anywhere on the page and click on "Paste" when the drop down box appears.

Now you can save your selection in the new document. Feel free to make any fixes/alterations to make it appear the way you want to if you'd like and save it again.

Make sure to save it on your desktop and when you open your email just drop it in and it should attach for you to send it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023 11:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm glad SIX is here to help out, my system is very different and it's been a long time since I worked with Word. I hope it gets figured out.

Been getting quotes from contractors, it sure sucks up a lot of time! Between that and yardwork and doctor appts and daily chores I'm beat!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 12:04 AM


I hope I can help Brenda out. It's hard doing that via Web 1.0 forum.

I tend to avoid contact with contractors by any means necessary myself. They're going to charge far more than I would every pay anyhow, and it's hard to find people to work for you that you can trust.

Had to bite the bullet with the gutter guy and the tree cutters. Both were reasonably priced. One worked out OK. The other was not up to my standards. You get what you pay for I suppose.

I've been busy with the thing I don't want to discuss here yet. It's been eating up most of my time. Making a lot of good contacts and getting a lot of good info.

One of my other friends who I've never mentioned here before asked me if I would help him with his kitchen remodel. He picked a pretty bad time for it with this thing going on, me helping my buddy on his rental on the weekend and then getting my 2nd attempt at the partial reline on Monday/Tuesday.

I'm going to my other buddy's house tomorrow night and we're going to shoot some pool and watch a movie in the new man cave.

Maybe I'll call my friend back up and tell him that I'll make it out there Thursday and Friday to help with his kitchen. I could use a break from the thing I'm doing anyhow and I've got several months to complete it since I'm being super proactive about the whole ordeal.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 12:19 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It just occured to me...

You ARE using Widows 10 as your operating system, right Brenda?

If you aren't, the "Microsoft Print to PDF" feature isn't available. (It may be in Windows 11, but anything before 10 didn't have that feature).

If that's the case, open up 2 documents in Word 2007. One is your book, the other is a blank document.

Select all of the text you want to send to your friend.

The easiest way to do this is put the cursor right at the beginning of the text you want to send, then scroll down to the page you want to stop at. Hold down the SHIFT key and click the left mouse button at the end of the text you want to send.

That will highlight all of the text you want to send.

Right click anywhere on the highlighted text and a drop down box will appear. Click "Copy" on that drop down box.

Now go to your blank document and right click anywhere on the page and click on "Paste" when the drop down box appears.

Now you can save your selection in the new document. Feel free to make any fixes/alterations to make it appear the way you want to if you'd like and save it again.

Make sure to save it on your desktop and when you open your email just drop it in and it should attach for you to send it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

The operating system on the desk top is Windows 10 and that makes sense because what you are telling me isn't showing up at all.

I just knew that I would have to redo it somehow. Thanks for the help. I will get to it over the next bit.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 12:20 AM


Got a call earlier this evening and I have a pick up of mah jong tomorrow afternoon.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 12:51 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
The operating system on the desk top is Windows 10 and that makes sense because what you are telling me isn't showing up at all.

No. If you have Windows 10 than it should show up. Not just in word, but every program with a print function.

Can you get to the Print menu? Do you have a printer? Have you ever printed anything off your computer before?

If you've printed and gotten to the print menu, one of the things on the print menu that you probably never touch is a box that shows your printer as the device to print to. You need to click on that box and a dropdown menu with other options will show up. One of them is "Microsoft Print to PDF".

You can do this in any program that allows you to print on Windows 10. Try it in your current web browser that you're using to talk to me now. Click "File" on the top left and select "Print" from the dropdown menu. From there you will have the option to select the device you want to print to and you can choose to print to a PDF file instead of sending the document to your printer. The process will be more or less the same in Word 2007, just with more options than in your browser.

If you can't do that for whatever reason, use the 2nd method I posted above and copy the 25 pages from your book to a blank document, save that new document with the stuff you copied from your book to your desktop and then drag and drop it into your email that you're sending to your friend.


A third option would be to save your book with a 2nd name to your desktop. Then delete everything that you don't want to send. Save that. Then drop it into the email you're sending to your friend.

Just make sure that you're deleting the stuff from the new document that you saved with a different name on your desktop and not your original. Especially if you don't have the book backed up in like 5 different places like you should.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 12:45 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
The operating system on the desk top is Windows 10 and that makes sense because what you are telling me isn't showing up at all.

No. If you have Windows 10 than it should show up. Not just in word, but every program with a print function.

Can you get to the Print menu? Do you have a printer? Have you ever printed anything off your computer before?

If you've printed and gotten to the print menu, one of the things on the print menu that you probably never touch is a box that shows your printer as the device to print to. You need to click on that box and a dropdown menu with other options will show up. One of them is "Microsoft Print to PDF".

You can do this in any program that allows you to print on Windows 10. Try it in your current web browser that you're using to talk to me now. Click "File" on the top left and select "Print" from the dropdown menu. From there you will have the option to select the device you want to print to and you can choose to print to a PDF file instead of sending the document to your printer. The process will be more or less the same in Word 2007, just with more options than in your browser.

If you can't do that for whatever reason, use the 2nd method I posted above and copy the 25 pages from your book to a blank document, save that new document with the stuff you copied from your book to your desktop and then drag and drop it into your email that you're sending to your friend.


A third option would be to save your book with a 2nd name to your desktop. Then delete everything that you don't want to send. Save that. Then drop it into the email you're sending to your friend.

Just make sure that you're deleting the stuff from the new document that you saved with a different name on your desktop and not your original. Especially if you don't have the book backed up in like 5 different places like you should.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Now, I'm confused. Don't think I see a print menu and I have a printer but it is not hooked into this desktop.

I'll have to do the second method you talked about.

I'll get it done.

Appreciate the help.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 12:46 PM


Out in a bit. Got to get something done before my game this afternoon.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 12:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I really agree with backing up your book, The one thing you DON'T want is to have one copy and have it garbled somehow. If nothing else, save it under a couple of different names ... [booktitle_backupcopy1, _backupcopy2 etc] which will save you if your original is accidentally] deleted or the file gets corrupted.

Better yet would be to save a copy on another storage device. If you have a removable drive or a second hard drive, store a copy on that. Or if you have a thumb drive ("USB stick") or flash drive, store it there. All you need for a USB stick is another USB port, like the one that (probably) connects your keyboard and PC and the stick itself. The software will figure out the rest for you. If you want to try that and run into trouble, just ask us.
Well, ask SIX.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 1:04 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Rain across California again, and raining here today, as predicted.
I really like the rain. It's such a gentle way to wake up, and it's good for my sinuses.

I'm going to predict, tho, that this is THE LAST significant rainfall of the season. HA! Let's see if I get proven wrong... AGAIN.

This article is a good summary of what California's rainy season has been like so far. I edited it for bevity.


Thousands were under evacuation orders Sunday in two small central California towns -- Alpaugh and Allensworth -- as officials worried roads could become impassable and isolate residents, according to the Tulare County Sheriff's Office. First responders from dozens of agencies, including the California National Guard, were out Sunday afternoon helping residents evacuate -- a sight that has become familiar in the flood-ravaged state this winter season.

"The devastation is indescribable," Tulare County farmer Brandon Mendonsa told CNN affiliate KFSN. "The water is still coming -- this is far from being done."

Yes, but... historically, the first white men to see CA's Central Valley described it as a (temporary) shimmering lake as far as the eye could see. That was before Europeans drained the land for farming, and ruined the aquifers. So, historically, it's been wetter!


The next atmospheric river, mainly taking aim at southern California, is expected to be colder than the last and arrive Tuesday with high winds, heavy rain, mountain snow and the threat of more floods. ... Though not forecast to be as potent as the atmospheric rivers of previous weeks, the system is expected to bring 1-3 inches of rain across the lower elevations and 2-4 inches across the foothills of Southern California through Thursday. Arizona could also see up to 3 inches of rainfall.
Good for Arizona! It gets bypassed so often!


This winter, California was hit with 11 different atmospheric rivers [not counting this one]
Twelve!!! Unheard-of!


Last week's atmospheric river alone shattered daily rainfall records in Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and Santa Maria.

There's been so much rain that the Southern California water board called off emergency drought conservation measures for over 7 million people.
Severe drought in California was cut in half from the previous week, now covering only 8% of the state -- down from 80.6% just three months ago, according to the US Drought Monitor.

"Moderate to exceptional drought coverage across the U.S. is at its lowest since August 2020 and is likely to continue improving, or end entirely, across much of California and the Great Basin," NOAA forecasters said.

As the snowpack melts in the coming months, it's expected to further improve drought conditions across much of the western US, according to NOAA. But, that could also mean more floods.

"Approximately 44% of the U.S. is at risk for flooding this spring," said Ed Clark, director of NOAA's National Water Center. "California's historic snowpack, coupled with spring rain, is heightening the potential for spring floods."

There is still a stubborn area of exceptional drought on the eastern (downwind, dry) side of Oregon's mountains, and that north-south band of drought from N Dakota thru S Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas is getting worse. But I expect that to imrpove with spring storms.

Hard to believe but just a few states away you're getting so much rain, SIX.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 1:22 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Now, I'm confused. Don't think I see a print menu and I have a printer but it is not hooked into this desktop.

There's a print menu in every program that has a print function, regardless of whether or not you have a printer set up. The computer I use to talk here doesn't have Word 2007 installed or a printer, but I can print to PDF from any program that has a print feature.

Do this (follow the numbered steps on the first image, then follow the numbered steps on the second image):

After following the 3 steps in the first image, it will bring up the Print menu for you.

If the images above are too small for you to read here, right click on them and open the image in a new tab for the full size.


I'll have to do the second method you talked about.

It just occurred to me now to ask... Are you sending this to your friend to make edits, or just to see what they think? If you are intending for them to make edits, a PDF file won't work and you will have to use the 2nd/3rd method. I prefer always printing files to PDF before I send them so nobody can edit them after I've created them.


I'll get it done.

Appreciate the help.

No problem.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 1:32 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hard to believe but just a few states away you're getting so much rain, SIX.

It's hardly the worst I've seen, at least so far...

Right now I'm not worried about the amount as long as my sump doesn't fail and the power stays on. I do have an unused backup sump pump that I can do an emergency install for the former, and the generator for latter, but I really don't want to have to do either of those solutions. Hopefully this spring isn't too and I can install the 2nd well and get a battery backup sump down there and start breathing easy for the first time in 12 years at the hint of rain.

One inch of rain and severe thunderstorms on Friday expected. Looks like maybe around another inch in total next week with thunderstorms expected in the middle of it on Wednesday.

This amount of rainfall is borderline stress free for me if it weren't for the thunderstorms. It's when we start getting back to back to back 3" downpours and then get a 36 hour period with 12" of rain that makes me feel like I'm on Noah's Ark instead of a house.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 1:37 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I really agree with backing up your book, The one thing you DON'T want is to have one copy and have it garbled somehow. If nothing else, save it under a couple of different names ... [booktitle_backupcopy1, _backupcopy2 etc] which will save you if your original is accidentally] deleted or the file gets corrupted.

If you don't have a backup, you don't have a book.

I couldn't tell you how many times it took for me to finally learn the lesson over the years.


Better yet would be to save a copy on another storage device. If you have a removable drive or a second hard drive, store a copy on that. Or if you have a thumb drive ("USB stick") or flash drive, store it there. All you need for a USB stick is another USB port, like the one that (probably) connects your keyboard and PC and the stick itself. The software will figure out the rest for you. If you want to try that and run into trouble, just ask us.
Well, ask SIX.

I'm pretty sure we already covered this a long time ago and Brenda does have it backed up in several places. I just wanted to reiterate how important this step was and make sure she's backed up everything again now that the book is finished. Especially when I brought up "Option 3" above, which requires copying the book to a separate file and then actively deleting most of it to make the file to send to her friend.

There's no such thing as too many backups. Especially when we're talking about something as small as a Word Document.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 11:28 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I really agree with backing up your book, The one thing you DON'T want is to have one copy and have it garbled somehow. If nothing else, save it under a couple of different names ... [booktitle_backupcopy1, _backupcopy2 etc] which will save you if your original is accidentally] deleted or the file gets corrupted.

Better yet would be to save a copy on another storage device. If you have a removable drive or a second hard drive, store a copy on that. Or if you have a thumb drive ("USB stick") or flash drive, store it there. All you need for a USB stick is another USB port, like the one that (probably) connects your keyboard and PC and the stick itself. The software will figure out the rest for you. If you want to try that and run into trouble, just ask us.
Well, ask SIX.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

That is a good idea and I have one copy that I printed out ages ago when I had another printer and a different desk top.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 11:30 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Now, I'm confused. Don't think I see a print menu and I have a printer but it is not hooked into this desktop.

There's a print menu in every program that has a print function, regardless of whether or not you have a printer set up. The computer I use to talk here doesn't have Word 2007 installed or a printer, but I can print to PDF from any program that has a print feature.

Do this (follow the numbered steps on the first image, then follow the numbered steps on the second image):

After following the 3 steps in the first image, it will bring up the Print menu for you.

If the images above are too small for you to read here, right click on them and open the image in a new tab for the full size.


I'll have to do the second method you talked about.

It just occurred to me now to ask... Are you sending this to your friend to make edits, or just to see what they think? If you are intending for them to make edits, a PDF file won't work and you will have to use the 2nd/3rd method. I prefer always printing files to PDF before I send them so nobody can edit them after I've created them.


I'll get it done.

Appreciate the help.

No problem.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Seeing this diagram, now I follow what you are saying.

She could be making edits. It depends on what she thinks when she reads my draft submission.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 11:32 PM


I got back from my pick up game around 6pm, then it was dishes and supper.

Regular game tomorrow and I hope I have better luck than today.


Thursday, March 30, 2023 12:18 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Seeing this diagram, now I follow what you are saying.

Good. It's what I should have done in the first place, but because I never bothered installing word on this PC since I'd never use it here, I couldn't make screen grab images to show you. So I finally did some Google image searches and found the pictures I needed to make those images for you.


She could be making edits. It depends on what she thinks when she reads my draft submission.

Okay... well if that's the case we probably don't want to do the print to PDF file anyhow.

After you've made several backups of your book on the other computer and a thumb drive, do option 2 or option 3 and send her just a second word document that only has the 25 or so pages you want in it so she can make edits.

You REALLY want to have as many backups as possible of that thing as you can because it would be a travesty to lose all that work you've done. (Ask me how I know!) And every time you edit it here on out keep making those backups.

Actually. As soon as you read this you should send it to yourself in an email. Open up Gmail and put your own email address as the recipient, then drag and drop your Word Document into the email and hit send.

That way, even if an EMP went off in your area and ruined everybody's hard drives, you'd still be able to go somewhere that you can access your email and download it to a new thumb drive.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, March 30, 2023 1:22 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Seeing this diagram, now I follow what you are saying.

Good. It's what I should have done in the first place, but because I never bothered installing word on this PC since I'd never use it here, I couldn't make screen grab images to show you. So I finally did some Google image searches and found the pictures I needed to make those images for you.


She could be making edits. It depends on what she thinks when she reads my draft submission.

Okay... well if that's the case we probably don't want to do the print to PDF file anyhow.

After you've made several backups of your book on the other computer and a thumb drive, do option 2 or option 3 and send her just a second word document that only has the 25 or so pages you want in it so she can make edits.

You REALLY want to have as many backups as possible of that thing as you can because it would be a travesty to lose all that work you've done. (Ask me how I know!) And every time you edit it here on out keep making those backups.

Actually. As soon as you read this you should send it to yourself in an email. Open up Gmail and put your own email address as the recipient, then drag and drop your Word Document into the email and hit send.

That way, even if an EMP went off in your area and ruined everybody's hard drives, you'd still be able to go somewhere that you can access your email and download it to a new thumb drive.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

No worries. I know I love my tech but I can be a bit of dummy about it.

It is something to think about for sure.


Thursday, March 30, 2023 9:43 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
No worries. I know I love my tech but I can be a bit of dummy about it.

It is something to think about for sure.

If I ever come off as being impatient or insulting about it, please don't take offense. I'm not directing that at you, Brenda. My frustration is with myself for not being able to direct you properly.

Did you email the book to yourself? You really should do that first so you always have a copy in your email to re-download if something goes wrong.

Then you should make a few backup copies on a thumb drive and your other computer.

Please send yourself the email and do the backups first before we move on to making the 25 page doc to send to your friend.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.




Brenda 03.02 13:19
SIGNYM 03.02 13:47


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