Trump: Prostitutes, Golden Showers and 'Kompromat'

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Monday, January 16, 2017 11:30 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

British spy's dirty dossier on claims Trump cavorted with prostitutes in Russia is 'garbage', says former top US intelligence chief

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How did your beloved 'democratic' party fuck up so badly?


Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:43 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Now, THUGGER, I realize you're a stupid ass. But I posted this so everyone - except you of course - will be able to see my cite.

Followed your links. First one brings us to the beginning of this thread, so nothing there. Second goes nowhere at all, so nothing there.

Again, cites asshole.



Tuesday, January 17, 2017 1:26 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

1kiki and SIG are Russian trolls wish.

Agreed. But what are the odds of TWO of them on this board anyway? What kinda nut thinks they can take down capitalism from an old TV show discussion board?? The whole thing is just bizarre!


Tuesday, January 17, 2017 5:09 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by THGRRI:

1kiki and SIG are Russian trolls wish.

Agreed. But what are the odds of TWO of them on this board anyway? What kinda nut thinks they can take down capitalism from an old TV show discussion board?? The whole thing is just bizarre!

They didn't make the cut wish. Look at how they are revealed here. Exposed as Russian trolls. look at how their lies are shown to be lies. You need to be smart, covert to be of use to the Russian propaganda machine. They are neither.

Being exposed as they are they are a determent to the cause.



Wednesday, January 18, 2017 5:41 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


They didn't make the cut wish. Look at how they are revealed here. Exposed as Russian trolls. look at how their lies are shown to be lies. You need to be smart, covert to be of use to the Russian propaganda machine. They are neither.

Being exposed as they are they are a determent to the cause.

Says the troll.

Let's go back to the topic of this thread: the "dossier" which every intelligence agency refused to validate.

Do you think it's true?

Yes or no?


They have to look into it KPO for reasons to numerous to list. I would suggest that it appears to be fake news. THUGR

Probably the only intelligent thing you've ever posted here. And since you happen to agree with me, then I guess that makes you a "Russian troll" too!


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Wednesday, January 18, 2017 3:35 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by Wishimay:
You keep implying it has been it has been proven false, when it has not even remotely been proven false.
In fact, I HAVE NOT SEEN A SHRED OF EVIDENCE that it is not true. Just partisan idiots shouting "FAKE NEWS."

See my signature: "Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Hence Sig and Kiki in this thread:


Ever willing drones for Russian propaganda.


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Evidence the Syrian regime sponsors ISIS -


Wednesday, January 18, 2017 4:11 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Its decision to post the document has to be considered another chapter in the ongoing saga of the media and Democrats losing their collective minds. If the election had gone the other way, it is hard to see BuzzFeed publishing a 35-page document containing unverified, lurid allegations about President-elect Hillary Clinton

Question: If the allegations are so completely unfounded, why did US intelligence feel the need to brief President Obama and the president elect about their contents?

It seems to me that one of these 3 must be true:

A) US intelligence has reason to believe the allegations may be true
B) They want to damage Trump
C) They are incompetent/gullible idiots

And now it seems to me that WHICHEVER WAY you look at it there IS a story here (If someone can suggest an alternative logical possibility I'd like to hear it. Kiki? Sig? Thgrri?).

Lurid rumours about politicians etc. are often fake. Anyone who's spent any time on the internet (hopefully) knows that. But when intelligence agencies start to take them seriously - seriously enough to brief the president - then the matter is now in the public interest, imo.


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Evidence the Syrian regime sponsors ISIS -


Wednesday, January 18, 2017 4:57 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by kpo:

Lurid rumours about politicians etc. are often fake. Anyone who's spent any time on the internet (hopefully) knows that. But when intelligence agencies start to take them seriously - seriously enough to brief the president - then the matter is now in the public interest, imo.

FBI, 5 other agencies probe possible covert Kremlin aid to Trump

The FBI and five other law enforcement and intelligence agencies have collaborated for months in an investigation into Russian attempts to influence the November election....The agencies involved in the inquiry are the FBI, the CIA, the National Security Agency, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and representatives of the director of national intelligence, the sources said.

....One of the allegations involves whether a system for routinely paying thousands of Russian-American pensioners may have been used to pay some email hackers in the United States or to supply money to intermediaries who would then pay the hackers, the two sources said....A key mission of the six-agency group has been to examine who financed the email hacks of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

....The working group is scrutinizing the activities of a few Americans who were affiliated with Trump’s campaign or his business empire and of multiple individuals from Russia and other former Soviet nations who had similar connections, the sources said.

....The BBC reported that the FBI had obtained a warrant on Oct. 15 from the highly secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court allowing investigators access to bank records and other documents about potential payments and money transfers related to Russia. One of McClatchy’s sources confirmed the report.

That's an awful lot of agencies investigating an awful lot of allegations against an awful lot of people. And as the article says, you can't get a warrant unless you can demonstrate at least some kind of plausible probable cause. That means these folks are working off a lot more than just the famous dossier produced by the ex-MI6 spy.

At this point, I flatly don't know what I believe anymore. This is all crazy stuff, but a whole bunch of investigators don't seem to be treating it as crazy. Either way, though, the guy at the center of all this is going to become president of the United States in two days.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017 6:08 PM



Originally posted by second:
....The BBC reported that the FBI had obtained a warrant on Oct. 15 from the highly secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court...

Must not be too highly secretive if you and I and the BBC know about it, huh?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:41 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Secretive enough that we didn't hear about it until after the election.


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Evidence the Syrian regime sponsors ISIS -


Thursday, January 19, 2017 1:34 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Vladimir Putin's engagement in American politics on Trump's behalf continued on Tuesday when he called reports that Trump had been compromised by Russian intelligence "total nonsense" designed to "undermine the legitimacy" of Trump's presidency. Putin accused those spreading the information of being "worse than prostitutes," adding: "They have no moral boundaries."

You know we are entering a strange time when Putin, many of whose enemies wind up dead, is lecturing Americans about "moral boundaries." Then again, Putin must have been grateful when Trump told The Times of London this week that he still considers NATO "obsolete." Wrecking both NATO and the European Union, which Trump also demeaned, are central Putin objectives.

We still do not know exactly what ties Trump and his enterprises have to various Russian interests because he won't disclose basic financial information, including his tax returns, as his predecessors did.

In the meantime, Trump's refusal to truly separate himself from his businesses means that ethical conflicts could well start on Day One of his presidency. It is not paranoid to wonder whether foreign leaders will have ways of influencing Trump that we will know nothing about.

It is hardly reassuring that the Republicans who lead Congress are far more eager to attack those who want more transparency from Trump than to demand it of the man who is about to control our nation's fate.


Friday, January 20, 2017 6:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:
Vladimir Putin's engagement in American politics on Trump's behalf continued on Tuesday when he called reports that Trump had been compromised by Russian intelligence "total nonsense" designed to "undermine the legitimacy" of Trump's presidency. Putin accused those spreading the information of being "worse than prostitutes," adding: "They have no moral boundaries."

You know we are entering a strange time when Putin, many of whose enemies wind up dead, is lecturing Americans about "moral boundaries."

Because America- which is a war-mongering oligarchy which has killed at least a half-million people in its foreign adventures over the past 16 years - lectures everyone else? Your moral relativism is sickening. So is your big giant hypocritical double standard. So are you.


Then again, Putin must have been grateful when Trump told The Times of London this week that he still considers NATO "obsolete." Wrecking both NATO and the European Union, which Trump also demeaned, are central Putin objectives.
NATO is obsolete, and the Eurocrats reigning from on high in Brussels ... and Frau Merkel with her shrill demands from Germany ... are doing a much better job making the EU a hated name than Trump could ever do.


We still do not know exactly what ties Trump and his enterprises have to various Russian interests because he won't disclose basic financial information, including his tax returns, as his predecessors did.
We still do not know what ties SECOND has with the DNC, or when she stopped beating her husband, because she refuses to say. Or what ties Hillary and her Foundation had with Saudi Arabia, because she bleach-bitted all of her "personal" State Department emails. SECOND, how you (endlessly!) carp and whine about Trump's flaws while ignoring everyone else's is a wonder to behold. It really is. It's kind of sickening too, but fascinating in a train-wreck kind of way.


In the meantime, Trump's refusal to truly separate himself from his businesses means that ethical conflicts could well start on Day One of his presidency. It is not paranoid to wonder whether foreign leaders will have ways of influencing Trump that we will know nothing about.
Because Hillary and Obama and Bush had no other nations influence on them, being paragons of rectitude. Another example of SECOND's double standards.


It is hardly reassuring that the Republicans who lead Congress are far more eager to attack those who want more transparency from Trump than to demand it of the man who is about to control our nation's fate.

Yanno what? SECOND, your endless carping about Trump is boring and paranoid. You STILL have not been able to define America's interests, and since your "goals" are so poorly thought out, that makes you a tool of anyone of grabs your attention. And boy, are you a tool!

Waiting for BUT RUSSIA! in three ... two ... one ...


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Friday, January 20, 2017 6:58 AM



Originally posted by kpo:
Secretive enough that we didn't hear about it until after the election.

Obama still ran the show then. Maybe if he wasn't so busy campaigning for Hillary and the DOJ wasn't working so hard to cover for her illegal activities somebody would have found it earlier?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 20, 2017 11:21 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
It's fake news. Just like WMD. Anyone who believes it is being played.

Worse, the people carrying this forward will irreparably ruin their credibility, like the boy who cried wolf. And IF by some chance they happen to stumble on something important, no one will listen.

How did your beloved 'democratic' party fuck up so badly?

Fake news people are often well protected. Look at James O'Keefe and Jeff Gannon.

They've done horrible things, but nothing happened to them.


Tuesday, March 1, 2022 9:57 AM



Tuesday, November 15, 2022 10:26 PM


Was the Steele Dossier Used to Obtain a FISA Warrant Against Trump’s Campaign?


Wednesday, November 16, 2022 3:21 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Was the Steele Dossier Used to Obtain a FISA Warrant Against Trump’s Campaign?

of course it was.

Will GOP-dominated House investigate this?
Prolly not.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, April 4, 2023 8:34 AM


Who is Stormy Daniels? What to know about the woman at the center of Trump's indictment.


Wednesday, April 5, 2023 4:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And for the record:

It's not surprising that KPO, G, WISH, SECOND, and SHINY were bamboozled by a piece of fake news. Seriously, doods, isn't there anything more real to post about?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND

Seriously, these people should reflect on their stupidity. Except, being stupid, they can't.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, April 5, 2023 6:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

TBH I'm tired of reading more Trump Derangement Syndrome.

It's just a distraction from TPTB taking our country apart from under our very feet.

You go on and amuse yourselves with bullshit.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, April 5, 2023 6:45 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Was the Steele Dossier Used to Obtain a FISA Warrant Against Trump’s Campaign?
] of course it was.

Will GOP-dominated House investigate this?
Prolly not.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Same shit again and again. Hey comrade did you hear? Trump got arressted.


A Guide to Trump Allies Who've Pleaded Guilty or Been Convicted of Crimes


Wednesday, April 5, 2023 7:26 PM


Trump will be fine.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, April 5, 2023 8:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Was the Steele Dossier Used to Obtain a FISA Warrant Against Trump’s Campaign?

SIGNY: of course it was.
Will GOP-dominated House investigate this?
Prolly not.

THUGR: Same shit again and again. Hey comrade did you hear? Trump got arressted.

Meanwhile, in the REAL WORLD (and not THUGR's fantasyland)


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I know I'm missing a number of items, but ..

Saudi Arabia accepts yuan for oil
Saudi Arabia makes peace with Syria.
Saudi Arabia becomes a candidate member of the SCO, seeks to join BRICs.

OPEC+ announces surprise production cut... and none of the producers and neither of the largest consumers (China, India) bothered to let Biden* in on the news.

China and Brazil sign non-dollar trade agreement.

Japan bows out of the anti-Russia oil price cap

Malaysia trades using Indian rupee.

This video explains how Biden's* foreign policy... which tramples friends and allies alike in its drive to destroy Russia... is bringing the petrodollar to it's knees.

TBH I'm tired of reading more Trump Derangement Syndrome.
It's just a distraction by TPTB from them taking our country apart from under our very feet.
You go on and amuse yourselves with bullshit.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, June 22, 2023 7:42 AM


Pissgate and Fusion-GPS

Glenn Richard Simpson an American former journalist who worked for The Wall Street Journal

Fusion GPS is a commercial research and strategic intelligence firm based in Washington, D.C. The company conducts open-source investigations and provides research and strategic advice for businesses, law firms and investors, as well as for political inquiries, such as opposition research

Trump-era special counsel defends his report on Russia probe against Democrats' jabs


Thursday, June 22, 2023 8:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Re-reading THUGR's vacuous gullibility and SECONDS'S sociopathic trolling ... ah, sweet memories.

THUGR, alas, will always be a dupe, and SECOND will always be a sociopath.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, June 22, 2023 9:57 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Re-reading THUGR's vacuous gullibility and SECONDS'S sociopathic trolling ... ah, sweet memories.

THUGR, alas, will always be a dupe, and SECOND will always be a sociopath.

John Durham Admits Russia Helped Trump

(Durham is the man tasked by Trump with concluding whether the FBI’s investigation of Russia’s connections to the 2016 Trump campaign was appropriate.)

“I don’t think there’s any question that Russians intruded into — hacked into the systems, they released information,” Durham said.

“And that was helpful to the Trump campaign, right?” Schiff asked.

After trying to deflect the question, Durham agreed the Russians had been helpful to the Trump campaign.

“And Trump made use of that, as I said, didn’t he, by touting those stolen documents on the campaign trail over a hundred times,” Schiff said.

Durham said he didn’t “really read the newspapers, or listen to the news. So I don’t know that.”

“Were you totally oblivious to Donald Trump’s use of the stolen emails on the campaign trail more than a hundred times?” Schiff asked. “Did that escape your attention?”

Durham responded that he wasn’t aware of that.

At another point in the hearing, Schiff compared Durham and Mueller’s investigations.

“The only distinguishing thing between [Mueller's] investigation and yours is he refused to bring charges where he couldn't prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and you did,” Schiff said.

Durham brought three charges forward, went to trial with two, and won convictions on zero — a point Democrats repeatedly brought up during the hearing.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, June 22, 2023 10:00 AM


This happened too...


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, June 22, 2023 12:18 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
This happened too...

RFK Jr.’s conspiracy theories aren’t limited to medical issues. He has conspiracy theories about his own family. Specifically, he counts himself among those who think the CIA was involved in the assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, in 1963.

“There is overwhelming evidence that the CIA was involved in his murder,” Kennedy said in an interview in May. “I think it’s beyond a reasonable doubt at this point … When my uncle was president, he was surrounded by a military-industrial complex and intelligence apparatus that was constantly trying to get him to go to war in Laos, Vietnam, etc. He refused. He said that the job of the American presidency is to keep the nation out of war.”

In that same interview, he said it was possible that the CIA had been involved in the killing of his father, as well. It’s not the first time the younger Kennedy has indicated he believed something was off about the official story of Robert F. Kennedy’s assassination by Sirhan Sirhan. For some time, RFK Jr. has thrown his weight behind the “second shooter” theory, insisting that Sirhan had been framed for his father’s death. The assassination has for years been a matter for speculation, based on competing testimonies from various experts over the number of bullets fired and the angle at which the elder Kennedy was shot.

Asked in his recent Joe Rogan interview how he would feel about his own safety were he elected president, RFK Jr. admitted he thought the CIA might come after him, as well. “Well, I’ve got to be careful,” he said. “You know, I’m aware of that danger, and I don’t live in fear of it at all. But I’m not stupid about it, and I take precautions.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, June 22, 2023 1:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Re-reading THUGR's vacuous gullibility and SECONDS'S sociopathic trolling ... ah, sweet memories.

THUGR, alas, will always be a dupe, and SECOND will always be a sociopath.

John Durham Admits Russia Helped Trump ...blah blah blah ... stolen documents ... blah blah blah

'Stolen documents'?

You mean the Podesta and DNC emails?
Son, everybody who's inestiagted that - from the NSA to Crowdstrike (hired by the DNC) to former intel officials - says there is NO EVIDENCE that Russia 'exfiltrated' those mails.

How many packets out of the hundreds of thousands of packets that would have been required to xmit that data across the internet ... on transational cables, even... did the NSA intercept?
None. That's why their 'confidence' in the conclusion was only 'moderate': bc they found NO EVIDENCE of exfiltration, it was all inference.

Crowdstrike did not find any data on the system logs indicating repeated access from suspect sources.

Furthermore, file timestamps indicated that the access speed was far higher than achievable across the inet, but since the timestamps were always in even numbers that was CLEARLY a USB format. SOMEONE with physical access to one of the computers on the DNC server and a valid password brought in a USB stick and downloaded them to their device, and physically passsed it on to Assange, who, even as we post, is STILL in jai.

Meanwhile, Seth Rich, a DNC staffer, was murdered in what police chalk up a sa botched robbery, even tho all of his valuables were still on him.

You keep regurgitating long-disproved lies in the hopes that someone will be convinced.
Aside from THUGR, who is irredeemably brainwashed, nobody here believes a word you post.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, June 22, 2023 2:42 PM


Why did Kennedy want to blast them into a thousand parts and scatter the pieces to the winds?
I mean they knew which PirateNews style conspiracy were true all these years and not true, they knew about Epstein's pedo shit for years and did jack shit.

C I mafia Gays

Guatemalan coup d'état

Irangate drug and gun running from Latin America to America's sworn enemy in Iran

Operation Mocking Bird media weaponized propaganda against people of the USA just as KGB did

Collaboration with Opium guys in Asscrackistan, getting drugs across the US border, working alongside with drug traffickers all around the world while some CI spook gays are literally out of their minds on drugs.

From Langley, Virginia, the CI gay homosexual is a widespread organization getting into bed with jihads, selling its anus to islamist terrorist and running a drug smullger operation spanning the globe.

Pedo shit with 'The Finders'

MK-Ultra drugs, brain washing, prostitutes, mind control

CIA using old Airforce, Militray and Marines equipment and Chilean armed forces commanded by General Augusto Pinochet bombed the presidential palace in Chile on 11 th of September 1973, overthrowing democratically elected president Salvador Allende, kidnapped, tortured and killed many trade-unionists. Of course media will be there to spin and Faggot Mafia Spooks are smarter than your KGB and Never refer to a CI homosexual Gay employee as an "agent." They are a YMCA spooky crackhead "officer."

Conducting psychological torture on Americans, bizarre medical experiments, rape and physical abuse, driving many of them permanently insane.

Taking Stealing Billions of Tax payer US Dollars Running their own Covert Program and Failing to eliminate Fidel Castro, hundreds of times and failing to make the hair on his beard fall out!

Bezos Lawdy of da Rangz and the Washington Compost, CIA awarded a $600 million contract to Amazon Web Services for a computing cloud system which would allow all 17 agencies of the US intelligence community to coordinate and share information or
Confusion, Disinformation, telling a lie for example Saddam did 911 – False information spread deliberately to deceive
taking over media allows them to boost a politician or to promote their preferred candidate

Spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee, though typical of the homosexual spook agency, denying it first.

Giving guns, terroristic tactics, bombs and missiles to bin Laden to fight the Soviets ... but then bin Laden starts using those same bombs and terroristic tactics to bomb Americans.

They spent Billions of Tax Payer Dollars in Asscrackistan and energy and resources for years of war in Afghanistan ...all for what? Almost Nothing!
a war of distraction in Iraq...break a country that America now bought.
Probably helped in the rise of ISIS with their Anti-Assad Syria BS
bin Laden was hanging out next to a Pakistani base all that time
did they magically find bin Laden as they Hollyweird story goes or did they know more than they admit and for a time content to leave their former Anti-Soviet Mujahidean warrior bin Laden under house arrest?

...maybe they didn't drop the ball on bin Laden maybe they genuinely did their best to find him and kill him after 911 but

Who knows what is the truth when it comes to the spooks, it would seem that John Bacha Bazi Brennan even has one of those disgusting looking prayer rugs in his office and rather than praise the US Founding Fathers he would happily put his anus in the air, banging his skull into the floor and do some islamo ritual to 'Face Mecca' and for John Brennan to behave just like inbred islamic retards do in the Middle East.

When you see the stuff 'the Agency' itself has admitted to doing
Their actions so abundantly often undermine democracy and human rights which the US government publicly professes to promote
Brennan started his own consulting firm, begins election interference and contributing money to Obama and became an advisor.
John Brennan while America was trying to defeat the islamist Death cult, he would literally kiss the ass of shitlamic culture, he praised islamism and gave heaps of thanks and prayer to the 1400 year old terrorist pedophile mahomet.
He probably got a thing for Bacha Bazi islamism after traveling the Middle East and an intensive John Brennan study of disgusting Arabic noises and took penis into his anus during the Middle Eastern studies in Cairo.
He is fluent Arabic speaker, John Brennan hates anyone that is not his preferred candidate and loves islamism and jihadist culture so he need the right political choice and for America to obey and pick the political guy or girl or pervert transsexual politican that he himself wanted.
You might see and understand why some see them as almost a type of Evil KGB style Mafia
a government gang by itself that promotes itself and see and why Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said that he was convinced that Lee Harvey Oswald was not solely responsible for the assassination of his uncle, Kennedy was 9 years old when President Kennedy was assassinated and 14 years old when Robert Kennedy was assassinated.
President Richard M. Nixon and his national security advisor Henry Kissinger did not seek its advice, they might have also got rid of Nixon although not with bullets.

The Above Admitted 'Conspiracy' are only a small fraction of the stuff the Agency has admitted to doing, they have been involved in hundreds and hundreds of global mafia terroristic drug running style events.

Unlike a true serial killer psycho sociopath, Brennan appears or at least acts to have a tiny bit of conscience for some of the wrongs he has done.
His hatred of certain candidates might be part of trying to keep his globalist Mafia KGB style gang together and keep stealing taxes to make it profitable, his hatred for certain US politicians could be rooted in his Marxist belief in class envy and hate or it could be that whole islamist promoting jihadi culture angle.

The only positive I will say about C I Homosexuals is they seem to be slightly less wicked and evil than your jihadist islamist terrorist state type or maybe they are slightly less wicked than your KGB type.


Thursday, June 22, 2023 3:12 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Re-reading THUGR's vacuous gullibility and SECONDS'S sociopathic trolling ... ah, sweet memories.

THUGR, alas, will always be a dupe, and SECOND will always be a sociopath.

John Durham Admits Russia Helped Trump ...blah blah blah ... stolen documents ... blah blah blah

'Stolen documents'?

You mean the Podesta and DNC emails?
Son, everybody who's inestiagted that - from the NSA to Crowdstrike (hired by the DNC) to former intel officials - says there is NO EVIDENCE that Russia 'exfiltrated' those mails.

How many packets out of the hundreds of thousands of packets that would have been required to xmit that data across the internet ... on transational cables, even... did the NSA intercept?
None. That's why their 'confidence' in the conclusion was only 'moderate': bc they found NO EVIDENCE of exfiltration, it was all inference.

Crowdstrike did not find any data on the system logs indicating repeated access from suspect sources.

Furthermore, file timestamps indicated that the access speed was far higher than achievable across the inet, but since the timestamps were always in even numbers that was CLEARLY a USB format. SOMEONE with physical access to one of the computers on the DNC server and a valid password brought in a USB stick and downloaded them to their device, and physically passsed it on to Assange, who, even as we post, is STILL in jai.

Meanwhile, Seth Rich, a DNC staffer, was murdered in what police chalk up a sa botched robbery, even tho all of his valuables were still on him.

You keep regurgitating long-disproved lies in the hopes that someone will be convinced.
Aside from THUGR, who is irredeemably brainwashed, nobody here believes a word you post.

Every sentence Signym wrote is a lie. Not one particle of truth. Signym didn't even spell the words correctly.

There are trustworthy people writing about Russian Election Interference. Signym is not one of them:

P.S. Signym, your Seth Rich conspiracy is more of your lies. Your habitual way of handling the truth is to claim the truth is a lie, while the lie is the "honest" truth.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, June 22, 2023 4:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The liar who is so compulsive about lying he contradicts himself from one post to the next calls me a liar?

Not gonna waste my time re-postung links I've posted a half-dozen times or more. Look it up for yourself


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, June 22, 2023 5:39 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Re-reading THUGR's vacuous gullibility and SECONDS'S sociopathic trolling ... ah, sweet memories.

THUGR, alas, will always be a dupe, and SECOND will always be a sociopath.

Too funny, too sad. All always wrong comrade signym does, is reaffirm she is a malicious idiot.



Thursday, June 22, 2023 6:02 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The liar who is so compulsive about lying he contradicts himself from one post to the next calls me a liar?

Not gonna waste my time re-postung links I've posted a half-dozen times or more. Look it up for yourself


First thing, Signym, learn how to spell. Second thing, you didn't post the links the first time so this would not be half-dozen times or more.

The third thing, Signym, is your story about the Seth Rich conspiracy was concocted by right-wing nutjobs working for/with Trump, the biggest nutjob in America and a compulsive liar and a person you have supported for many years:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, June 23, 2023 2:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, June 23, 2023 4:25 AM


When the Jimmy Savile Mi6 and M i 5 protection squad and accusers were the real rapists and pedophiles?
C I mafia Gays...what do they tie into, older Networks, Rosicrucian Masonry, elite Royalty of Europe, the other Mossad, KGB, British pervert spying peeping tom long do those double agents and spies done that job, does it go back to Royls, maybe the Vatican, maybe older than Rome or the Middle East or a new version of a pervert old group or old spy circles perhaps

Lots of Symbols and Numerology, 'Star of Ishtar'

hypnotism and drugging?

In a statement, a CI gAy spokesperson said: ‘Joining Instagram is another way we’re sharing CI gAy ’s stories and recruiting talented Americans to serve here. Through the account, we’ll give a peek into Agency life, but we can’t promise any selfies from secret locations.’


There’s a statue of an owl representing Athena, god of wisdom. Conspiracy-minded folk may note that an effigy of an owl is burned during bizarre rituals held at Bohemia Grove, a shadowy elite resort known to be frequented by presidents and corporate powerbrokers.

But why would Kennedy, RFK Jr think "Smoke and Mirrors" Clowns, the C I sex offenders, why would he think the Spooks with "Pit of Secrets" that these clowns had something to do with the Death of his Family? Changing outcome of US elections, running internal spying propaganda, drugging people, Domestic wiretapping, Security failures, a mafia with old US Military equipment over throwing governments. Drug running, funding the Afghan mujahideen Operation Cyclone which later became Al-Qaeda and the Taliban played a role in causing the 911 attacks, literal rapists and creeps a disgusting CI gAy Spook Who Admitted Raping Unconscious Women, Brian Jeffrey Raymond was described as the “experienced sexual predator” type, local people reported seeing a “naked, hysterical woman desperately screaming for help” on the terrace of an apartment leased by the U.S. government.

They even admit Aleksandras Lileikis, a Nazi unit commander who oversaw the murder of 60,000 Jews in Lithuania, later worked for Pagan looking Pyramid, Owl symbol and Eagle Symbol, with that All-Seeing Masonic Eye that other group the C Eye gAys


The woman was nude on the balcony of the upscale Polanco neighborhood. She was found to have injuries indicating she was raped and injured, including bruises and cuts on her body

How far back do they go...the OSS, does it have even older roots. Did it link to the Mi5 or M i 6 Royal pedo protection squad?

The now defunct database Wikiscanner revealed that computers from the CI gAy had been used to edit articles on the English Wikipedia, including the Iraq War article.
Resignation of pro-jihadist officials and pro-islamist agents and Resignation of officials and agents who accuse the US Admin of anti-Muslim prejudice from badly is the C I gay infected with islamist type, how many of the C I homosexuals know and supported the Bachi Bazi culture and how many C I gay had links to the jihadi type?
Research by Dr. Alfred W. McCoy, Gary Webb, and others has pointed to CI gAy involvement in narcotics trafficking across the globe. In a Human Rights report it was said little Bush junior 'told us that the last 14 CI gAy prisoners were sent to Guantanamo', but there are many other prisoners
'disappeared' by the CI
parade ...hang around with Bacha Bazi type and terrorist type, pick up people off streets " whose fate is still unknown,"
vanished gone?
said Joanne Mariner, terrorism and counterterrorism director at Human Rights Watch.

"The question is: what happened to these people and where are they now?
John R. Stockwell, a CI gAy officer who left the Agency and became a public critic, said of the CI Homosexual field officers: "They do not meet the death squads on the streets where they are actually chopping up people or laying them down on the street and running trucks over their heads. WikiLeaks has published more than 8,000 documents on the CI gAy. The confidential documents, codenamed Vault 7, dated from 2013–2016, included details on the CI gAy's software capabilities, such as the ability to compromise cars, smart TVs. Project MKULTRA, or MK-ULTRA, was the code name for a CI homosexual mind-control research program that began in 1950, involved primarily with the experimentation of drugs and other "chemical, biological and radiological" stimuli on both willing and uninformed subjects. Brainwashing as a descriptive term entered the lexicon of the CI gAys in January 1950 . Although widely used in science fiction novels, dystopian depictions of oppressive governments, and other popular culture mediums, brainwashing as it relates to the CI gAy was disseminated by the CI gAy to "fuel public anxiety about communist methods". MK-Ultra, as verified with unsealed public documents, was a CI gAy program intended to brainwash. Independent researchers have verified that the historical explanation for brainwashing in MK-Ultra could have only been accomplished through torture. Thus, torture on civilians and unwilling participants, itself a humans rights violation, comes to frame.


Friday, June 23, 2023 8:00 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

As the walls close in, the Trump money machine cashes in

Trump's big mouth causes confusion and chaos — but it also makes the cash flow

To that point, Trump now claims to have raised at least seven million dollars since being indicted and arrested in Miami for his alleged crimes related to the Espionage Act. This is in addition to the millions of dollars that Trump's followers gave him after his pleas for support following his arrest and indictment in New York for alleged crimes connected to hush money payments and other financial crimes at the end of March.

Public opinion polls consistently show that the American people as a whole want some closure. They want all of the Trump noise to go away. Such an outcome is unlikely any time soon, however, because of the vast amounts of money to be made from the chaos, confusion, danger, and peril that surrounds Trump.

Trump continues to publicly incriminate himself by basically admitting his guilt during TV appearances and interviews, at rallies, and via his Truth Social disinformation platform while simultaneously proclaiming his innocence.

I envision three possible outcomes in the next months and through to the 2024 election:

One: Trump becomes the Republican Party's 2024 presidential nominee while he is also on trial for violating the Espionage Act, and faces potential trials for cases in Georgia and DC for the crimes of Jan. 6, in New York for illegal payments to his mistress Stormy Daniels, and perhaps elsewhere for fraud and financial crimes. America is washed over by a cacophony of sound, fury, and chaos; it is deafening and maddening. Trump somehow wins the Election, pardons himself or otherwise is allowed to be free, and then embarks upon a revenge-fueled assault on the American people and their democracy.

Two: Donald Trump is defeated in the 2024 election by President Biden and the Democrats. Trump is also found guilty and sentenced to prison. He is disappeared from public life – but this does not remove all his power or influence as the leader of the MAGA fascist movement and larger white right. Donald Trump is more than a man or leader; he is a type of symbol and signifier and an object of sacred worship and salvation — a MAGA Jesus — for his followers.

Because of that fact, the idea of Donald Trump and what he represents will endure and his power will be passed on to a successor.

Trumpism will then become a more powerful 21st-century version of the white supremacist neo-confederate Lost Cause, a threat and constant noise in the background of American life that crashes and electrocutes like thunder and lightning when the right (wrong) circumstances come together to harness it.

Here is the third scenario. Donald Trump is truly vanquished and he and the MAGA movement and their followers are treated by "respectable society" as something verboten and to otherwise be shunned. As has often happened in other countries when they have suffered through great national traumas, a type of organized forgetting takes hold. Of course, this does not solve the deeper problems that gave rise to such crises.

The American mainstream news media — as they have already been doing throughout the Age of Trump and beyond — will create false distinctions between "normal" and "responsible" Republicans and the "far right" and "extreme" elements of the party and "conservative" movement as though that separation can be neatly made or even substantively exists.

In this scenario, Trumpism and neofascism are absorbed by the Republican Party and "conservative" movement as a new type of status quo and ideological baseline. America's political terrain shifts to accommodate it in unhealthy ways; America's slide into neofascism and competitive authoritarianism continues. Here, Donald Trump and Trumpism are like a type of loud silence, something unnatural and uncomfortable in American life and society, and the public is afraid to say their names aloud lest they manifest like the bogeyman or some other monster.

Ultimately, one thing is almost certain: The American people will not have the much-needed silence and peace to heal and recuperate that they desperately need any time soon.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, June 23, 2023 10:46 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECOND is still unloading horsecrap into a thread that's a pile of horsecrap.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Friday, June 23, 2023 12:14 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SECOND is still unloading horsecrap into a thread that's a pile of horsecrap.

U.S. Treasury imposes sanctions on Russians it says interfered in American elections

The U.S. imposed sanctions on two Russian intelligence officers that worked to try and influence the outcome of a local election, the Treasury Department said. It did not specify which election in the U.S. the individuals in question — Yegor Sergeyevich Popov, 31, and Aleksei Borisovich Sukhodolov, 49 — allegedly interfered in.

Popov and Sukhodolov were described as being part of Russia’s Federal Security Service, the FSB, and “played a significant role in the Kremlin’s attempts to conduct global malign influence operations, including efforts to influence a local election in the United States,” the Treasury Department said in a statement.

“The United States will not tolerate threats to our democracy, and today’s action builds on the whole of government approach to protect our system of representative government,” Treasury official Brian Nelson said.

The sanctions freeze any assets that the sanctioned individuals hold in the U.S., and prohibit American entities and people from transacting with those individuals.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, July 13, 2023 7:37 AM


Scott Ritter is a former United Nations weapons inspector, former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer, and veteran of the Persian Gulf War.

Ritter was the subject of police sting operations for sex crimes in 2001 and 2009, and was convicted of sex crimes involving a minor in 2011.

Why do disgraced Americans like Scott Ritter spout pro-Putin propaganda in Russia?

Russian propaganda outlets have loved quoting Americans they believe are arguing in Moscow's favour ever since the 2014 invasion of Ukraine, and even more so since the full-scale attack launched in February last year.
While the concept of Western intellectuals kowtowing to Soviet leadership – and downplaying their crimes – was relatively common during the Cold War, it has gained new momentum since Russian President Vladimir Putin made clear his plans to either break up or occupy the entirety of Ukraine.
Scott Ritter, a former UN weapons inspector in the 1990s, and a Marine Corps analyst during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan a decade prior, is among the cohort of Americans courted by Russian propaganda sources.
Recently, he launched a tour of his new book, “Disarmament in the time of the Perestroika,” in Russia, and presented it in cities such as Kazan, Irkutsk and Yekaterinburg. The book, he claims, aims to warn the US public about not seeking out escalations with Russia which could lead to a nuclear attack and insists the Western public has forgotten how difficult it was to achieve these agreements in the first place.


Thursday, July 13, 2023 8:35 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Scott Ritter is a former United Nations weapons inspector, former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer, and veteran of the Persian Gulf War.

Ritter was the subject of police sting operations for sex crimes in 2001 and 2009, and was convicted of sex crimes involving a minor in 2011.

Why do disgraced Americans like Scott Ritter spout pro-Putin propaganda in Russia?

Russian propaganda outlets have loved quoting Americans they believe are arguing in Moscow's favour ever since the 2014 invasion of Ukraine, and even more so since the full-scale attack launched in February last year.
While the concept of Western intellectuals kowtowing to Soviet leadership – and downplaying their crimes – was relatively common during the Cold War, it has gained new momentum since Russian President Vladimir Putin made clear his plans to either break up or occupy the entirety of Ukraine.

Scott Ritter, a former UN weapons inspector in the 1990s, and a Marine Corps analyst during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan a decade prior, is among the cohort of Americans courted by Russian propaganda sources.

Recently, he launched a tour of his new book, “Disarmament in the time of the Perestroika,” in Russia, and presented it in cities such as Kazan, Irkutsk and Yekaterinburg. The book, he claims, aims to warn the US public about not seeking out escalations with Russia which could lead to a nuclear attack and insists the Western public has forgotten how difficult it was to achieve these agreements in the first place.

That's not kowtowing to Russian leadership or spouting pro-Putin propaganda.

That's just common fucking sense.

To believe otherwise is to take for granted things that people have done before you during peacetime.

Putin wouldn't be occupying Ukraine if NATO wasn't the aggressor.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Sunday, June 2, 2024 9:23 AM


the new Democrats and NeoCon blame Trump! and look at Russia tv, they are reporting on it all
blame commie red Ruskie!


Sunday, June 2, 2024 9:48 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
the new Democrats and NeoCon blame Trump! and look at Russia tv, they are reporting on it all
blame commie red Ruskie!

I get the feeling that neither you nor the Russians keep track of how much wickedness Trump smeared all over his body, but there is a guide to convicted felon Trump's legal troubles:

The Cases Against Trump: A Guide For Voters

By David A. Graham | May 31, 2024, 12:49 PM ET

In addition to the conviction in Manhattan, Trump faces 57 more felony counts across one state court and two different federal districts, any of which could potentially produce a prison sentence. He also lost a civil suit in New York that could hobble his business empire, as well as a pair of large defamation judgments. Meanwhile, he is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. His legal fate is being litigated at the same time that his political future is before voters.

Here’s a summary of the major legal cases against Trump, including key dates, an assessment of the gravity of the charges, and expectations about how they could turn out. This guide will be updated regularly as the cases proceed.

New York State: Fraud

In the fall of 2022, New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a civil suit against Trump, his adult sons, and his former aide Allen Weisselberg, alleging a years-long scheme in which Trump fraudulently reported the value of properties in order to either lower his tax bill or improve the terms of his loans, all with an eye toward inflating his net worth.

Justice Arthur Engoron ruled on February 16 that Trump must pay $355 million plus interest, the calculated size of his ill-gotten gains from fraud. The judge had previously ruled against Trump and his co-defendants in late September 2023, concluding that many of the defendants’ claims were “clearly” fraudulent—so clearly that he didn’t need a trial to hear them.

How grave was the allegation?
Fraud is fraud, and in this case, the sum of the fraud stretched into the hundreds of millions—but compared with some of the other legal matters in which Trump is embroiled, this is a little pedestrian. The case was also civil rather than criminal. But although the stakes are lower for the nation, they remain high for Trump: The size of the penalty appears to be larger than Trump can easily pay, and he also faces a three-year ban on operating his company.

What happens now?
Trump has appealed the case. On March 25, the day he was supposed to post bond, an appeals court reduced the amount he must post from more than $464 million to $175 million. He must appeal by this summer.

Manhattan: Defamation and Sexual Assault

Although these other cases are all brought by government entities, Trump also faced a pair of defamation suits from the writer E. Jean Carroll, who said that Trump sexually assaulted her in a department-store dressing room in the 1990s. When he denied it, she sued him for defamation and later added a battery claim.

In May 2023, a jury concluded that Trump had sexually assaulted and defamed Carroll, and awarded her $5 million. A second defamation case produced an $83.3 million judgment in January 2024.

How grave was the allegation?
Although these cases didn’t directly connect to the same fundamental issues of rule of law and democratic governance that some of the criminal cases do, they were a serious matter, and a federal judge’s blunt statement that Trump raped Carroll has gone underappreciated.

What happens now?
Trump has appealed both cases, and he posted bond for the $83.3 million in March. During the second trial, he also continued to insult Carroll, which may have courted additional defamation suits.

Manhattan: Hush Money

In March 2023, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg became the first prosecutor to bring felony charges against Trump, alleging that the former president falsified business records as part of a scheme to pay hush money to women who said they’d had sexual relationships with Trump.

When? The trial began on April 15 and ended with a May 30 conviction. Sentencing is scheduled for July 11.

How grave was the allegation?
Many people have analogized this case to Al Capone’s conviction on tax evasion: It’s not that he didn’t deserve it, but it wasn’t really why he was an infamous villain. Trump did deserve it, and he’s now a convicted felon. Moreover, although the charges were about falsifying records, those records were falsified to keep information from the public as it voted in the 2016 election. It was among the first of Trump’s many attacks on fair elections. (His two impeachments were also for efforts to undermine the electoral process.) If at times this case felt more minor compared with the election-subversion or classified-documents cases, it’s because those other cases have set a grossly high standard for what constitutes gravity.

What happens now?
The next major step is sentencing, which will come days before the Republican National Convention. Trump has also promised to appeal.

Department of Justice: Mar-a-Lago Documents

Jack Smith, a special counsel in the U.S. Justice Department, has charged Trump with 37 felonies in connection with his removal of documents from the White House when he left office. The charges include willful retention of national-security information, obstruction of justice, withholding of documents, and false statements. Trump took boxes of documents to properties, where they were stored haphazardly, but the indictment centers on his refusal to give them back to the government despite repeated requests.

Smith filed charges in June 2023. On May 8, 2024, following several prior delays, Judge Aileen Cannon announced that she was indefinitely postponing the trial until preliminary issues could be resolved. Smith faces a de facto deadline of January 20, 2025, at which point Trump or any Republican president would likely shut down a case.

How grave is the allegation?
These are, I have written, the stupidest crimes imaginable, but they are nevertheless very serious. Protecting the nation’s secrets is one of the greatest responsibilities of any public official with classified clearance, and not only did Trump put these documents at risk, but he also (allegedly) refused to comply with a subpoena, tried to hide the documents, and lied to the government through his attorneys.

How plausible is a guilty verdict?
This may be the most open-and-shut case, and the facts and legal theory here are pretty straightforward. But Smith seems to have drawn a short straw when he was randomly assigned Cannon, a Trump appointee who has repeatedly ruled favorably for Trump on procedural matters. Some legal commentators have even accused her of “sabotaging” the case.

Fulton County: Election Subversion

In Fulton County, Georgia, which includes most of Atlanta, District Attorney Fani Willis brought a huge racketeering case against Trump and 18 others, alleging a conspiracy that spread across weeks and states with the aim of stealing the 2020 election.

Willis obtained the indictment in August 2023. The number of people charged makes the case unwieldy and difficult to track. Several of them, including Kenneth Chesebro, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis, struck plea deals in the fall. Willis has proposed a trial date of August 5, 2024, for the remaining defendants, but that may be delayed.

How grave is the allegation?
More than any other case, this one attempts to reckon with the full breadth of the assault on democracy following the 2020 election.

How plausible is a guilty verdict?
Expert views differ. This is a huge case for a local prosecutor, even in a county as large as Fulton, to bring. The racketeering law allows Willis to sweep in a great deal of material, and she has some strong evidence—such as a call in which Trump asked Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” some 11,000 votes. Three major plea deals from co-defendants may also ease Willis’s path, but getting a jury to convict Trump will still be a challenge. The case has also been hurt by the revelation of a romantic relationship between Willis and an attorney she hired as a special prosecutor. On March 15, Judge Scott McAfee declined to throw out the indictment, but he sharply castigated Willis.

Department of Justice: Election Subversion

Special Counsel Smith has also charged Trump with four federal felonies in connection with his attempt to remain in power after losing the 2020 election. This case is in court in Washington, D.C.

A grand jury indicted Trump on August 1, 2023. The trial was originally scheduled for March 4 but is now on hold pending a Supreme Court decision on whether the former president should be immune to prosecution. The window for a trial to occur before the election is narrowing quickly. As with the other DOJ case, time is of the essence for Smith, because Trump or any other Republican president could shut down a case upon taking office in January 2025.

How grave is the allegation?
This case rivals the Fulton County one in importance. It is narrower, focusing just on Trump and a few key elements of the paperwork coup, but the symbolic weight of the U.S. Justice Department prosecuting an attempt to subvert the American election system is heavy.

How plausible is a guilty verdict?
It’s very hard to say. Smith avoided some of the more unconventional potential charges, including aiding insurrection, and everyone watched much of the alleged crime unfold in public in real time, but no precedent exists for a case like this, with a defendant like this.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, June 7, 2024 4:34 PM


Liz Cheney trolled as House GOP J6 panel seeks her communications with ex-Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson


Monday, July 22, 2024 8:34 AM


Fake CrowdStrike Fixes Are Spreading Malware, Data Wipers

CrowdStrike shares set to extend losses as outage effects linger

and Chuck Todd?

CrowdStrike chief admits no proof that Russia exfiltrated DNC emails


Monday, July 22, 2024 8:49 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



U.S. Treasury imposes sanctions on Russians it says interfered in American elections

SECOND is still unloading horsecrap into a thread that's a pile of horsecrap.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, August 12, 2024 4:03 AM


Riots in England?

Far-right disorder had ‘clear’ Russian involvement, says ex-MI6 spy






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