In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)

UPDATED: Sunday, March 2, 2025 13:47
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Sunday, May 28, 2023 11:00 AM


Ate my rice and didn't rise much above 120. Had a few chicken breast too before I went to sleep. I woke up at 157, and it looks like I had peaked at 160 last night. 20 minutes after being awake I was down to the mid 130s.

I checked my stats for yesterday and they were 100% in range with an average of 126mg/dL. By far my best day yet, even without any rapid-active insulin.

I wish I had more data though. I'm sure the working is the huge contributor here, but I'm wondering if the Metformin and Glipizide are larger contributors than I'm currently giving them credit for. We kind of figured out that with the half life it would have been roughly 6 days before it was steady in my system, but maybe it took a little longer than that with my body? The big thing is the lowering of the spike that happens while I sleep. It's still there, and the trend continues every day, but we're really getting that under control without doctor intervention. If it persists by my next visit with Dr. Endo, I hope he has some ideas about trying to flatline that a bit more. If my kidney's weren't dumping sugar into my bloodstream while sleeping and starting off my days high, my 126mg/dL average would have probably been more like 110mg/dL.

Right now I have to get cleaned up to run some errands. I'm running out of some crucial parishable foods here and I've got a scrip to pick up. I also didn't pick up enough circular mud rings for my overhead porcelain lights. Originally, I was going to put 3 of them up in the attic and the box at the end wouldn't have required one, but because of that smaller box I didn't want to add another wire and a few pigtails for the light (because it's in a HOT attic during the summer) and the wires already passing through there are the ones powering the entire shed and attic. It worked out fine anyhow though because even though I'm only using two of those 9w LED bulbs, the space is so small that it's plenty of light. I even installed the porcelain fixtures with the plug outlets in them, so if there's ever a scenario where I need to power something up there I can do it without having to install a dedicated outlet box anywhere.

But then I realized that I forgot about the overhead light I wanted to put in the shed when buying my stuff yesterday, and because I didn't buy that extra plaster ring I have no way to install it.

I think I'll be holding off on putting in the ceiling vent/fans for now though, even though I have the light up there to work on it now. Today is still in the 70's, but we've got at least a week in the 80's and low 90's starting tomorrow and I don't feel like cooking myself up there. There's plenty of other things that need doing until it cools off again.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, May 28, 2023 1:13 PM


A rather fortuitous find today...

I haven't been keeping up with the sale papers recently, what with all that's been going on, but I noticed there were two days left on a sale for river rock and those bricks that you use to trim out the landscaping. I might go back tomorrow and double up on what I bought, but I got 60 bags of river rock and 60 of the paver bricks for around $200 on my rebates. That will be enough at least to get the back of my house done this summer plus some. I may choose to spend the rest of my remaining rebates on them tomorrow too. I didn't pick any of them up today because I have too much to do, but that ought to keep me busy when it's hot and dry next week if I don't find anything else I want to do right now.

Still hovering in the mid 130s right now, but it should be crashing in about an hour. I can't wait, because I'm hungry.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, May 28, 2023 1:46 PM


Just a Sunday around me. Need to get an email off at some point today.


Sunday, May 28, 2023 2:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Ate my rice and didn't rise much above 120. Had a few chicken breast too before I went to sleep. I woke up at 157, and it looks like I had peaked at 160 last night. 20 minutes after being awake I was down to the mid 130s.

I checked my stats for yesterday and they were 100% in range with an average of 126mg/dL. By far my best day yet, even without any rapid-active insulin.

I wish I had more data though. I'm sure the working is the huge contributor here, but I'm wondering if the Metformin and Glipizide are larger contributors than I'm currently giving them credit for. We kind of figured out that with the half life it would have been roughly 6 days before it was steady in my system, but maybe it took a little longer than that with my body? The big thing is the lowering of the spike that happens while I sleep. It's still there, and the trend continues every day, but we're really getting that under control without doctor intervention. If it persists by my next visit with Dr. Endo, I hope he has some ideas about trying to flatline that a bit more. If my kidney's weren't dumping sugar into my bloodstream while sleeping and starting off my days high, my 126mg/dL average would have probably been more like 110mg/dL.

Right now I have to get cleaned up to run some errands. I'm running out of some crucial parishable foods here and I've got a scrip to pick up. I also didn't pick up enough circular mud rings for my overhead porcelain lights. Originally, I was going to put 3 of them up in the attic and the box at the end wouldn't have required one, but because of that smaller box I didn't want to add another wire and a few pigtails for the light (because it's in a HOT attic during the summer) and the wires already passing through there are the ones powering the entire shed and attic. It worked out fine anyhow though because even though I'm only using two of those 9w LED bulbs, the space is so small that it's plenty of light. I even installed the porcelain fixtures with the plug outlets in them, so if there's ever a scenario where I need to power something up there I can do it without having to install a dedicated outlet box anywhere.

But then I realized that I forgot about the overhead light I wanted to put in the shed when buying my stuff yesterday, and because I didn't buy that extra plaster ring I have no way to install it.

I think I'll be holding off on putting in the ceiling vent/fans for now though, even though I have the light up there to work on it now. Today is still in the 70's, but we've got at least a week in the 80's and low 90's starting tomorrow and I don't feel like cooking myself up there. There's plenty of other things that need doing until it cools off again.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Way cool! IMHO I wouldn't mess with what's working. At this point there were two significant changes: the addition of two oral meds, and a significant increase in your activity. At SOME point this summer there will inevitably be a few days in a row where you'll have to throttle back on your work, or you'll be devoted to less physical work like your computer data project, and this "natural experiment" might tell you how much effect comes from physical activity and how much comes from oral meds.
I'd be curious to see what Dr Endo thinks of your numbers. He might consider them a success. There was a large study that showed that diabetics who TIGHTLY controlled their blood sugar actually did worse overall than diabetics who let their blood sugar go up a little. And compared to the insulin treated diabetics that I knew, you're doing way, way better than them!

Just a couple of notes: It's your liver, not your kidneys, that dump sugar into your bloodstream, raising blood sugar. Your kidneys actually sometimes filter it out into your urine, lowering blood sugar. Livers are football -sized organs with plenty of storage space. Kidneys OTOH are each the size of a large fist and full of filtration apparatus.

I've been told LED lights don't like to work in the heat. Apparently they need to toss off heat or their electronics fail.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, May 28, 2023 8:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, I think I did as much as I had semi-planned, given that I took the AM to goof off. Altho the weather has been unseasonably cool, it hasn't rained in about a month so I got the plants watered that needed watering except the avocadoes... those will have to wait another day or two. But I DID water the oak tree in the front yard prep to weeding, regrading and sheet mulching, and I DID manage to join another hose to my old one and now I have a hose that will reach to the farthest corner. Altho I plan for that to be only temporary until I replace my irrigation valves.

I think the dog is better altho she still pins that ear down occasionally. If she's not 100 pct by Tuesday gonna take her back for another look, but I think she'll be fine. So all in all a satisfactory day, and on to cooking dinner and other food prep.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, May 28, 2023 8:20 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Way cool! IMHO I wouldn't mess with what's working. At this point there were two significant changes: the addition of two oral meds, and a significant increase in your activity. At SOME point this summer there will inevitably be a few days in a row where you'll have to throttle back on your work, or you'll be devoted to less physical work like your computer data project, and this "natural experiment" might tell you how much effect comes from physical activity and how much comes from oral meds.

Yeah. I was thinking the same thing. Or just from depression. I'm sure diabetes isn't going to cure that and I'll slip back into a funk eventually.


I'd be curious to see what Dr Endo thinks of your numbers. He might consider them a success. There was a large study that showed that diabetics who TIGHTLY controlled their blood sugar actually did worse overall than diabetics who let their blood sugar go up a little. And compared to the insulin treated diabetics that I knew, you're doing way, way better than them!

Yeah. So far so good. Just 18 units of the long-active every morning and learning to eat around my blood sugar levels and how much I can have during sessions.


Just a couple of notes: It's your liver, not your kidneys, that dump sugar into your bloodstream, raising blood sugar. Your kidneys actually sometimes filter it out into your urine, lowering blood sugar. Livers are football -sized organs with plenty of storage space. Kidneys OTOH are each the size of a large fist and full of filtration apparatus.

Yeah. I know that. I don't know why I sometimes say the wrong thing. My poor kidneys went through hell when I was above 500mg/dL and my body was eating itself. Ketones were through the roof too.



I've been told LED lights don't like to work in the heat. Apparently they need to toss off heat or their electronics fail.

I think it depends. I have a ton of them in my garage that gets very hot, and only one of them have failed out of 9 in a year's time. I'm going to chalk that up to a bum unit for now until I start seeing other failures. I get these things so cheap I'm not really worried about it anyhow. Even after giving pretty much everybody I know a box of 12 LED lighbulbs for Christmas, I've still got about 150 bulbs left.

Numbers have been great again today, although I haven't been able to eat as much as the last few days. I'll probably be around 30-40 carbs short of my intake yesterday by the time the night's over. Oh well... more protien tonight for me.

I got the first coat of paint on all that trim and finished my electric work in the shed. I also primed and put two coats of paint on the new conduit and the spots on the studs that weren't painted before because there was conduit and junction boxes on them. After that I got my shed cleaned out and vacuumed up.

Calling it an "early" night.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, May 29, 2023 1:07 PM


Out for my walk. Things to do.


Monday, May 29, 2023 2:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey SIX It sounds like you got everything covered!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Monday, May 29, 2023 2:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Out for my walk. Things to do.

Me too. Time to walk puppy-wuppy and assess how her ear is feeling.

Cool to moderate weather predicted for the next 10 days, with highs ranging from 68 to 75. I should be able to make good progress on the yardwork since there are very few appointments and/or contractors over that time.

My next step is to weed under the oak (where I just watered), level out the mound that it's on, deep water it again and then do the cardboard and mulch truck, which- they say- will keep weeds and grasses from re-growing. I also have to remove the rocks from around the mound, pull out the landscaper's cloth, get some rocks from sis' house and rebuild/ build new that "retaining wall".

I don't know what comes after that, but there's plenty to do!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Monday, May 29, 2023 4:50 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Out for my walk. Things to do.

Me too. Time to walk puppy-wuppy and assess how her ear is feeling.

Cool to moderate weather predicted for the next 10 days, with highs ranging from 68 to 75. I should be able to make good progress on the yardwork since there are very few appointments and/or contractors over that time.

My next step is to weed under the oak (where I just watered), level out the mound that it's on, deep water it again and then do the cardboard and mulch truck, which- they say- will keep weeds and grasses from re-growing. I also have to remove the rocks from around the mound, pull out the landscaper's cloth, get some rocks from sis' house and rebuild/ build new that "retaining wall".

I don't know what comes after that, but there's plenty to do!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

It's around 68F where I am with a cool breeze. I almost wished that I had another shirt on over my t-shirt.

I just had a ratty bill to pay and now that is out of my hair.


Monday, May 29, 2023 4:50 PM


Back from my walk and all done for today. Having sit down.


Monday, May 29, 2023 9:37 PM


I finally cleaned off that board I found in the attic that had raccoon crap on it so I could cut it down to size and sand it before priming and painting it and covering up the missing panel in the shed ceiling. I had to make a small notch on one end by the wall for the conduit and cut a circle out to go around the mud ring for the new overhead light I installed in the shed yesterday. It went really well.

I caulked the seam at the ceiling and used wood putty around the conduit, so that should dry tomorrow so I can prime it real quick and paint it and it will all look amazing.

I also need to cut three more pieces of wood to trim out the pull down staircase. They have one at the back already that I had to trim down to size with my multi-tool, and I think I have boards in my garage that are the right width that I'll just need to rip down to size on my table saw before cutting my lengths. I already primed the panel for the pull down staircase and the back piece of trim. I'm going to paint the panel and the trim the same grey color that I painted the shelves last year.

Hopefully I get all of that done tomorrow.

Also put the final coat of paint on all 9 pieces of trim I'm going to use for crown in my porch. Going to have to find a place to stage it out of the way when it's cured for now since I'm going to wait on a day when my buddy can come over and help me hold them up while I'm gluing and nailing them in place.

Numbers perfectly balanced again today. Got a little high right before I woke up and it took a little longer for me to be able to eat this afternoon than the last few days, but that's probably because I ate too much last night. Never went over 180 though.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, May 29, 2023 10:42 PM


My numbers started to go up while I was cooking and it was only then that I remembered that I ate a bit while helping my aunt with some tech stuff on the phone because I was down in the 80s. Oops.

Just did a 15 minute intense workout to even that out and they're already falling again.

I think tomorrow might be A/C day. It's hot enough that I sweat a little working out. Don't like sweating when I'm not doing actual work.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023 1:10 PM


Out in a bit. Things to do.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023 2:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
My numbers started to go up while I was cooking and it was only then that I remembered that I ate a bit while helping my aunt with some tech stuff on the phone because I was down in the 80s. Oops.

Just did a 15 minute intense workout to even that out and they're already falling again.

I think tomorrow might be A/C day. It's hot enough that I sweat a little working out. Don't like sweating when I'm not doing actual work.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Sounds to me like you're perfectly on track, SUX.

Yanno, doctors and hospitals should make that kind of monitor available to patients under treatment whose A1C is too high, if only for a month or two. Not only would it generate valuable info for the doc (maybe PT is doing everything right but has that same AM spike, for example), people would get real time feedback on the impact of what they're eating and doing. That would be priceless as a learning tool.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Tuesday, May 30, 2023 2:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Out in a bit. Things to do.

Yeah, me too. Nothing specific scheifor the day. Gotta get my bum off the chair and walk the dog.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Tuesday, May 30, 2023 5:08 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Out in a bit. Things to do.

Yeah, me too. Nothing specific scheifor the day. Gotta get my bum off the chair and walk the dog.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Most specific thing I did today was get a refill of my seizure meds but other than not much.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023 5:10 PM


Well back and in. Meds refilled and took myself out to lunch at a proper restaurant today. Lunch was meh.

Dishes done and kitchen sink cleaned out. It's been needing that for a while.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023 5:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Sorry for the typos. My phone sometimes fills in what it wants and I don't always check if I'm in a hurry.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Tuesday, May 30, 2023 7:09 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Sounds to me like you're perfectly on track, SIX.

Almost... I briefly went up to 181 this morning for 5 minutes, so that will break my 6 day streak of 100% in range. Dammit. Went to sleep last night and I was 112, so had me a big old Liver Dump for some reason or another. When I woke up at 7AM it was 167, but this time it didn't drop until after 9AM even though I was awake.


Yanno, doctors and hospitals should make that kind of monitor available to patients under treatment whose A1C is too high, if only for a month or two. Not only would it generate valuable info for the doc (maybe PT is doing everything right but has that same AM spike, for example), people would get real time feedback on the impact of what they're eating and doing. That would be priceless as a learning tool.

If you missed it before, I mentioned that you might want to see if you can get samples from your husband's doctor. As long as he's got a smart phone, he won't need to buy a receiver for it, and that's the part that the doctors won't have samples of.

From what I've read, insurance won't cover these things for Type II diabetics (at least not now), and they're only covered for Type I. I would think that it's because of the danger of dropping below 50mg/dL when you're on rapid-active insulin and the fact that a lot of Type I diabetics end up not even knowing that they're low over time. I'm already suffering from that on occasion. I remember the first time I hit 90 and I felt like crap. Now I can go to 60 and I wouldn't even notice my sugar was low unless the monitor was screaming at me to ingest some sugar.

Got a lot done today, considering it was 88 degrees out and miserable in my garage and shed.

I built out what I needed to build out on the ceiling so I could properly frame the pull-down staircase, ripped and cut my 3 pieces I needed and sanded them down. I installed them caulked everything and gave it a primer coat.

Some of that caulk is pretty thick on the inside where the pull down system is, even with backer rod, so I'm not going to paint anything until tomorrow. I'm so hot and sweaty I was done for the day anyhow.

Got a little bit of re-org and cleanup done in my garage too, but there's not much I can do until I get a few projects done and get my friend over to help me swap out the fridge and stove so I can get the old ones out to the street. There's just not a ton of space to work out there right now and things are buried behind other things, which I hate.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, May 31, 2023 10:50 AM


Got a surprise last-minute invite to dinner at my friend's house last night and we watched John Wick 2. (I don't know if I mentioned a while back he wanted to watch John Wick 4 but I said I couldn't because I'd never seen the first 3). We saw the first one maybe a week ago. We're loving these movies. After the first one he said "you'll wait to watch them here, right?", and I said hell yeah. He's got the awesome TV/Audio setup for it.

His wife is so sweet. She put a separate bowl of the noodles out for me to take what I wanted and told me that there were 58 grams of carbs in it.

I had about half of them and called it 30. Told her I might be back for more, but I never went down again on my numbers while I was over there, so when my buddy was snacking on junk food during the movie I just had a handful of pistacios and cashews before I got home.

I was still hungry when I got home, but I was too lazy to cook any chicken breasts. I had about 1/3rd of a container of peanuts open and ate those instead.

And... Here we are this morning. I woke up at right around 9AM exactly and my number was 124. What??? Yeah. When I ate the peanuts after I'd gotten home I had gotten back down to around 110. I figured I'd spike all the way up to 180 again like I did yesterday morning, but there was practically a straight line from midnight to 9AM with just a very gentile rise.

The only things that were different were that I took my Metformin about 90 minutes after we ate instead of taking them with food and I had about 30 grams of noodles at around 8PM instead of 34 grams of brown rice between 7PM and 10PM.

Boy. I hope I can replicate that number tomorrow. I've never woken up to such low numbers. And I'm not even hungry now too.

I'm going to paint the pull down staircase panel and the trim today, at least 2 coats. Probably doesn't need 3. I think I'm also going to use my copper wire wheels to clean up the track and pieces of this unit I can mount on the wall to hold yardwork tools and shovels that I took down from the porch-side of the shed when I fixed it all up last year. I'd like to get that back up on the other side of the porch now that it will be finished so I don't have a ton of stuff just on the floor taking up space in the corner of my garage and making it a hassle to get to one of my ladders. I've got plenty of spray paint to get it nice and cleaned up before it goes back in.

I'm going to have to get all of that river rock and the pavers here at some point too, but I think I'm going to wait until it gets cooler for that. Doing the work necessary for them in the heat is one thing, but I forgot about getting all of it back to my place. At least it's not 450 bags of them this time.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, May 31, 2023 1:02 PM


Out and about soon. Couple of things to do.


Wednesday, May 31, 2023 1:04 PM


The "John Wick" movies are great SIX. I've seen all three and I am going to my library today to see about getting 4 out.


Wednesday, May 31, 2023 1:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Got a surprise last-minute invite to dinner at my friend's house last night and we watched John Wick 2. (I don't know if I mentioned a while back he wanted to watch John Wick 4 but I said I couldn't because I'd never seen the first 3). We saw the first one maybe a week ago. We're loving these movies. After the first one he said "you'll wait to watch them here, right?", and I said hell yeah. He's got the awesome TV/Audio setup for it.

His wife is so sweet. She put a separate bowl of the noodles out for me to take what I wanted and told me that there were 58 grams of carbs in it.

I had about half of them and called it 30. Told her I might be back for more, but I never went down again on my numbers while I was over there, so when my buddy was snacking on junk food during the movie I just had a handful of pistacios and cashews before I got home.

I was still hungry when I got home, but I was too lazy to cook any chicken breasts. I had about 1/3rd of a container of peanuts open and ate those instead.

And... Here we are this morning. I woke up at right around 9AM exactly and my number was 124. What??? Yeah. When I ate the peanuts after I'd gotten home I had gotten back down to around 110. I figured I'd spike all the way up to 180 again like I did yesterday morning, but there was practically a straight line from midnight to 9AM with just a very gentile rise.

The only things that were different were that I took my Metformin about 90 minutes after we ate instead of taking them with food and I had about 30 grams of noodles at around 8PM instead of 34 grams of brown rice between 7PM and 10PM.

Boy. I hope I can replicate that number tomorrow. I've never woken up to such low numbers. And I'm not even hungry now too.

I'm going to paint the pull down staircase panel and the trim today, at least 2 coats. Probably doesn't need 3. I think I'm also going to use my copper wire wheels to clean up the track and pieces of this unit I can mount on the wall to hold yardwork tools and shovels that I took down from the porch-side of the shed when I fixed it all up last year. I'd like to get that back up on the other side of the porch now that it will be finished so I don't have a ton of stuff just on the floor taking up space in the corner of my garage and making it a hassle to get to one of my ladders. I've got plenty of spray paint to get it nice and cleaned up before it goes back in.

I'm going to have to get all of that river rock and the pavers here at some point too, but I think I'm going to wait until it gets cooler for that. Doing the work necessary for them in the heat is one thing, but I forgot about getting all of it back to my place. At least it's not 450 bags of them this time.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Huh. It's a mystery, isn't it? You didn't at chicken breasts either, right? Well, I'm sure you'll figure it out. Since your numbers have been good for quite a while, you're not in a rush, and there's plenty of time to fine-tune your routine.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Wednesday, May 31, 2023 4:32 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
The "John Wick" movies are great SIX. I've seen all three and I am going to my library today to see about getting 4 out.

Hopefully it's there for you to rent.

I can't wait to watch the 3rd one at my friend's house. They were real confident they were making a 3rd one with the way that left the 2nd one end. Real "Sarah Connor Chronicles" vibes there.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, May 31, 2023 4:36 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Huh. It's a mystery, isn't it? You didn't at chicken breasts either, right? Well, I'm sure you'll figure it out. Since your numbers have been good for quite a while, you're not in a rush, and there's plenty of time to fine-tune your routine.

Yeah. Really strange. I'd have to log in to see what the exact numbers were because it's hard getting accurate data other than the current reading on the receiver, but it doesn't look as though I've been any higher than about the 130s all day long including last night before I went to sleep.

No chicken breasts last night, but I did have quite a few peanuts.

It also occurred to me that I didn't take my vitamins last night either, so that's another variable along with taking my Metformin 2 hours after I ate with no food.

I'll have to do some experimenting.

I finished the shed work. Got both coats of the grey on the panel and frame for the pull down stairs and I put the final coat of white up on the new board and around it where I had to caulk. Looks GREAT!

I'm going to leave those stairs down a few days for everything to cure, then I'm going to put a few of those rubber bumpers that I got for my kitchen cabinets up in there at the panel so it doesn't stick to the paint and peel any of it off.

Calling it a day. It's miserable hot and humid outside. I think I'm going to take a nap. Hopefully that doesn't screw with my numbers since I haven't had a nap in quite a while.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, May 31, 2023 4:49 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
The "John Wick" movies are great SIX. I've seen all three and I am going to my library today to see about getting 4 out.

Hopefully it's there for you to rent.

I can't wait to watch the 3rd one at my friend's house. They were real confident they were making a 3rd one with the way that left the 2nd one end. Real "Sarah Connor Chronicles" vibes there.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Nope not in. Still on order I think the file said. Will have to add my name to the hold list which is fairly long. Oh well.


Wednesday, May 31, 2023 4:50 PM


Back and everything done for today. Even got my bedroom vacuumed.


Wednesday, May 31, 2023 9:56 PM


The nap kind of did screw with my numbers. I did eat before I took it, but not enough to have pushed me into the mid 160s at this time of day. No harm though. Still within target and I'm back into the 80's now before I eat dinner. Just weird to have a reading that high during my low period of the day is all.

We've really got to get my liver to stop dumping out sugar when I sleep.

Boy... I needed that nap. I think I'll still sleep like a baby today.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, May 31, 2023 11:17 PM


Off to mah jong in the morning then an afternoon appointment with my doctor to get the results of my thyroid test, check that he has the results of my mammogram and see if I can get my ears cleaned properly. Busy Thursday.


Thursday, June 1, 2023 8:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well! Hubby and daughter went out to do the weekly grocery shopping. And while I was home the dog went to the kitchen door, looked back at me, and clear as day asked to go outside. But she didn't want to go outside by herself, oh no.
So I went out and did some adventitious but unplanned weeding while the dog scampered around digging after lizards and chasing after something.
Got my good shirt a little sweated, so that will turn into my gardening shirt, but a good time was had by all.
But then, I still needed to do dishes when I got back inside.

Diabetes -friendly chicken tikka masala over cauliflower for dinner tonight.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thursday, June 1, 2023 11:31 PM


Well, my morning mah jong was no luck. Took at least an hour to make 1,000 points.

But on the flipside my thyroid is still stable and the doc checked my ears after I took off my hearing aides. There is wax in them and he gave me a couple of tips to hopeful keep that problem down as I said I had to clean one hearing aide on Wednesday. Just olive oil in my ears with no cotton to keep it in and if that doesn't help after 2 weeks, he said to make an appointment with a nurse for an ear flushing. I hope his tips work because it's no fun when the nurse has to pull on my ears to do the job.


Thursday, June 1, 2023 11:40 PM


Since it was going to be 93 degrees today I originally had decided I was going to take the day off since I've been working every day for almost 2 weeks. That seems to be a mistake. I didn't mean to fall asleep, but around 9AM I snoozed for a couple of hours and when I woke up I was almost up to 200. 20 minutes later it was down to 175, but it did throw my pattern off and I wasn't able to eat as much today as I have been even though I did end up going out to the garage and working until 9PM.

Got the hanger/track system that used to be installed in my shed all clean and clear of rust, spray primed, and painted. Did a lot more of the needed re-org in the garage done. I'd forgotten how much crap I had taken out of Grandma's garage. A large part of my day was devoted to sorting nails out of two large bins into my see-through containers. I also cleared out a lot of old garbage electrical stuff I had like useless wiring that I'll never use and old rusty junction boxes. I filled up an entire garbage bin of trash that's going out tomorrow.

So much more to do. At least I'll be able to hang that track up tomorrow, but I won't be putting any tools on it at least for a few days while the paint cures. It will be nice to have that corner of the garage cleared of all the large garden tools and brooms soon though.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, June 1, 2023 11:45 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, my morning mah jong was no luck. Took at least an hour to make 1,000 points.

But on the flipside my thyroid is still stable and the doc checked my ears after I took off my hearing aides. There is wax in them and he gave me a couple of tips to hopeful keep that problem down as I said I had to clean one hearing aide on Wednesday. Just olive oil in my ears with no cotton to keep it in and if that doesn't help after 2 weeks, he said to make an appointment with a nurse for an ear flushing. I hope his tips work because it's no fun when the nurse has to pull on my ears to do the job.

Glad your thyroid is good Brenda.

Olive Oil is pretty useful. I didn't know how to get the adhesive from my sensor off of my belly when I had to switch it and it turns out rubbing olive oil does the trick. I thought it was funny you mentioned it today because just 20 minutes ago I used it to take off glue from under the label on plastic jars of peanuts that I'm going to wash and use to store nails and screws in the garage.

I wish I'd known it was capable of that years ago. I once tried using mineral spirits to get gunk off of plastic containers before and it melted them and changed their shape.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, June 2, 2023 1:17 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, my morning mah jong was no luck. Took at least an hour to make 1,000 points.

But on the flipside my thyroid is still stable and the doc checked my ears after I took off my hearing aides. There is wax in them and he gave me a couple of tips to hopeful keep that problem down as I said I had to clean one hearing aide on Wednesday. Just olive oil in my ears with no cotton to keep it in and if that doesn't help after 2 weeks, he said to make an appointment with a nurse for an ear flushing. I hope his tips work because it's no fun when the nurse has to pull on my ears to do the job.

Glad your thyroid is good Brenda.

Olive Oil is pretty useful. I didn't know how to get the adhesive from my sensor off of my belly when I had to switch it and it turns out rubbing olive oil does the trick. I thought it was funny you mentioned it today because just 20 minutes ago I used it to take off glue from under the label on plastic jars of peanuts that I'm going to wash and use to store nails and screws in the garage.

I wish I'd known it was capable of that years ago. I once tried using mineral spirits to get gunk off of plastic containers before and it melted them and changed their shape.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Me too. A stable thyroid is very good.

Yeah, the olive oil is an old trick for ear wax learned way back when I was child. His recommendation now is just a couple of drops in each ear for 3 days then a good rinse out in the shower. I need to get an eye dropper to do that as I used to use a piece of cotton ball to which he said no because the cotton could get stuck in my ear and it may not really reach as my ear cannels don't go the right way.


Friday, June 2, 2023 1:18 PM


Well, out for my walk in a bit. Need to get an eye dropper and some more olive oil for my ears.

Might hit the library as well and put a hold on a couple of things that I want to see. I have a list.


Friday, June 2, 2023 11:17 PM


All I could remember from my library list was "John Wick 4" but I am on the list.


Saturday, June 3, 2023 1:29 AM


I wonder if you or I will see it first? I've still got to watch the 3rd one with my friend before we watch Chapter 4.

I got the painted bracket system installed in my shed today and got a lot more done on the cleaning and re-org project in the garage. Almost filled up another trash bin.

Numbers are still good for the most part. Now that the older and worse readings have finally aged off the standard 14 days that it shows when you first log in, my average glucose is down to 126mg/dL, with only 1% high and 1% low and nothing Very high or Very low.

My target is 156mg/dL average, with 70% or more of the time in range, 20% or less high, 5% or less Very high, 4% or less low and 1% or less Very low.

I'm killin' it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, June 3, 2023 1:57 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I wonder if you or I will see it first? I've still got to watch the 3rd one with my friend before we watch Chapter 4.

I got the painted bracket system installed in my shed today and got a lot more done on the cleaning and re-org project in the garage. Almost filled up another trash bin.

Numbers are still good for the most part. Now that the older and worse readings have finally aged off the standard 14 days that it shows when you first log in, my average glucose is down to 126mg/dL, with only 1% high and 1% low and nothing Very high or Very low.

My target is 156mg/dL average, with 70% or more of the time in range, 20% or less high, 5% or less Very high, 4% or less low and 1% or less Very low.

I'm killin' it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

You'll see it before me. My library has 4 copies on order and I am number 49 on the list.


Saturday, June 3, 2023 1:10 PM


Out for my walk in a bit couple of things to do then I have to get back and tackle emails.


Saturday, June 3, 2023 2:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I wonder if you or I will see it first? I've still got to watch the 3rd one with my friend before we watch Chapter 4.

I got the painted bracket system installed in my shed today and got a lot more done on the cleaning and re-org project in the garage. Almost filled up another trash bin.

Numbers are still good for the most part. Now that the older and worse readings have finally aged off the standard 14 days that it shows when you first log in, my average glucose is down to 126mg/dL, with only 1% high and 1% low and nothing Very high or Very low.

My target is 156mg/dL average, with 70% or more of the time in range, 20% or less high, 5% or less Very high, 4% or less low and 1% or less Very low.

I'm killin' it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

Oh wow, Yes, you are!

I think you're a perfectionist, SIX, so if your numbers go a bit more out of range, for whatever reason, don't let it throw you. Just remember: in diabetes, sometimes "good enough" is better.

BTW the infamous "they" theorize that achieving perfect numbers if often done in the general population with more meds and with their associated side effects, which may account for the observation that most diabetics do better with worse-than-normal blood sugar. But that's not you! bc you're controlling your blood sugar with less Rx than prescribed. Good on you!

Your cleanup continues to inspire me. Despite the fact that I get derailed by family demands and priorities quite often I'm also making progress, albeit slowly.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Saturday, June 3, 2023 4:53 PM


Back from my walk and got some mushrooms at the grocery store for supper. Also got the garbage out and email checked and answered.


Saturday, June 3, 2023 5:14 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh wow, Yes, you are!

I think you're a perfectionist, SIX, so if your numbers go a bit more out of range, for whatever reason, don't let it throw you. Just remember: in diabetes, sometimes "good enough" is better.

That's about word for word what my dad told me on the phone the other day when I was getting pissed that the morning nap ruined a 5 or 6 day perfect streak.


BTW the infamous "they" theorize that achieving perfect numbers if often done in the general population with more meds and with their associated side effects, which may account for the observation that most diabetics do better with worse-than-normal blood sugar. But that's not you! bc you're controlling your blood sugar with less Rx than prescribed. Good on you!

Yeah... Actually, I'm a little annoyed that my Nutritionist or her team member didn't write me back at all last week. The last time I heard from them was when I told them I'd gotten in touch with the Dr. and he put me back on oral meds. Given my auto-immune results, she did not agree with that course of action and said I should be taking rapid-active before every meal I eat. That was about 2 weeks ago. I sent her and one of her team members the two week results (which were higher but still good at around 138mg/dL average) on Monday morning and didn't hear back from them all week.

So almost an entire pen of rapid-active has pretty much gone to waste since it's only good for around 30 days after taking it out of refrigeration. Unfortunately, I will be going to visit my brother soonish and I don't want to risk being without it for 3-4 days, so I'll be taking another pen out of the fridge that will probably go to waste. Maybe I can see if my old man has a small cooler for the trips.


Your cleanup continues to inspire me. Despite the fact that I get derailed by family demands and priorities quite often I'm also making progress, albeit slowly.

Well don't burn yourself out. I think I did today. I'm really not feeling that well at the moment. It's just been too damn hot for too many days in a row, and today I was doing some things up high on a ladder in my garage up where it's super hot.

I did manage to get all of my garden tools hung out in the shed, and I even hung up some of my new clamps on the walls over my smaller work bench in the garage. And that was after coming up with the idea to hang my aluminum extendo ladder on the back half of the joist I hung up my 12 foot fiberglass ladder now that the electric is done. I'd forgotten that I even bought 2 ladder brackets for free after rebate over the winter and it was perfect for the job.

Got a bit more vaccuumed up and a couple of more things tossed out, but at least for right now I'm done. Maybe when it cools off I'll go back out for more later. It's supposed to be only a high of 80 tomorrow, but I think I'm going to be mowing my lawn so I don't know how much I'll get done in the garage.

Highs in the 70's for about a week starting Tuesday though. I should be able to install the electric in my porch attic to get the two ceiling vent/fans installed for the smokers, install the crown molding and finish cleaning up my garage so I can finally change my oil and then park my car in the garage again next week.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, June 4, 2023 12:34 AM


Got a few more hours of work done out in the garage. Finally feeling like I'm making progress, although until I get the trim up in the porch and out of there and I get the fridges swapped out it's not going to feel dehoarded.

Late dinner is on.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, June 4, 2023 9:39 AM


The high is only 80 today and we finally get some cooler weather for a while.

I'll probably mow the front lawn today. I don't think I want to do the back yard since it hasn't rained here forever and it's looking rather brown where there is no shade.

Then it's back to the garage for a while and I'll probably hang out with my buddy and his family later today.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, June 4, 2023 1:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey SIX, glad your weather is finally cooling off! That's one thing I don't miss: hot, humid weather. I hate summer here, but I'd hate it more over there.

Don't worry, derailments and distractions prevent me from burning myself out. I've been making a point to the family that I HAVE to get out and do yardwork while the weather is conducive, and they get it. OTOH they seem not to take that into account when they ask me to do stuff for them, like handle investments or schedule contractors or order supplements or cook dinner. If I manage to chip out 4 hours a week for landscaping it's a big deal.

Since we already know what windows we want, the only thng left is to get that second bid and then decide on the contractor, and I've been bugging this contractor to get me that info. If not arriving by Tuesday, he's out of the picture and he knows it.

I HAVE been busy tho doing online searches/window shopping for the bathromm remodel bc we have to decide on the finish materials, and for me the big decisions are the shower floor tile, the wall tile, and the bahroom floor tile. I'm looking for a shower floor option that means minimal grout and minimum slip, and so far I'm not finding it. And then there's the issue of color. It's a pretty dark bathroom, it has one tiny window that opens up to a breezeway and whatever natural light that filters in is a "cool" color. I think tones of gray (or blue) would look too "cold". Also, I like darker floors, and rooms with higher contrast between floor, furniture and walls (its a vision thing, it helps seeing what is where at a glance) so I'm thinking maybe darker brownish floor tile and a dark green furniture-style vanity (which I can re-finish myself) and cream subway tile walls and white quartz vanity top, tubs and (ofcourse) toilet.

what do you think?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, June 4, 2023 1:42 PM


Just a lazy Sunday around me. Might get some music on later.

On the wild fires front. Things are now getting under control in Nova Scotia as a massive amount of rain moved into the area over the end of last week. Sorely needed rain as a fire was heading towards Halifax again but that is now stopped. But one fire did take out a bunch of homes.


Sunday, June 4, 2023 4:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Just a lazy Sunday around me. Might get some music on later.

On the wild fires front. Things are now getting under control in Nova Scotia as a massive amount of rain moved into the area over the end of last week. Sorely needed rain as a fire was heading towards Halifax again but that is now stopped. But one fire did take out a bunch of homes.

Oh wow. I didn't realize that a maritime province was under drought, I thought it was just on the plains. Glad for the rain, then!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Sunday, June 4, 2023 7:51 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Just a lazy Sunday around me. Might get some music on later.

On the wild fires front. Things are now getting under control in Nova Scotia as a massive amount of rain moved into the area over the end of last week. Sorely needed rain as a fire was heading towards Halifax again but that is now stopped. But one fire did take out a bunch of homes.

Oh wow. I didn't realize that a maritime province was under drought, I thought it was just on the plains. Glad for the rain, then!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Yeah both coasts are getting hit up here. Also New Brunswick has fire bans all over the province as well. So far fire wise things have been quiet in Ontario but I think there have been a couple of fires in Quebec.


Sunday, June 4, 2023 11:12 PM


Actually the only places Not burning in Canada from wild fires are Newfoundland and the Yukon territory and Prince Edward Island.

The mistake I made was saying that Ontario wasn't on fire but it is.




Brenda 03.02 13:19
SIGNYM 03.02 13:47


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