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Tuesday, November 17, 2015 2:30 PM


France demands EU invoke mutual-defense clause

The clause — article 42.7 of the Treaty on European Union — says that "if a member state is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other member states shall have toward it an obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power."


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 2:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

As I predicted. (And, as did you.)

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 2:59 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
As I predicted. (And, as did you.)

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

I said I hoped we would activate NATO even though it may not be the right thing to do. You know, major boots on the ground.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 3:05 PM


Actually, this is what I said

"I'll tell you what G. Since ISIS is considered a state entity and since it attacked a NATO country the way it has, I say this is a perfect opportunity for NATO to flood into Syria and crush all unsavory characters and even remove Assad. Russia would be powerless to stop it and the message they would receive would be, step aside little one. We have had enough of you."


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 3:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So far, France has responded by bombing al-Raqqa, ISIL's de facto capital in Syria. But as nice as bombing al-Raqqa is, its about two or three months of ground-fighting away from current anti-ISIL ground forces.

France has also sent its aircraft carrier towards "the Middle East". Before the attack, its original deployment was to the Persian Gulf (closer to Iraq) possibly to replace the USA aircraft carrier that just left. But Russia has just ordered its MoD to coordinate with French naval forces, which implies that the aircraft carrier will be in the same area where Russian naval forces are active, which means (I would think) near Syria. So. Persian Gulf, or Syrian Coast? France is pretty closed-mouth about that. And, what good is an aircraft carrier? For bombing, of course. And in order for the bombing to do any good at all, you need good intelligence and coordination with ground forces. Maybe western forces will take advantage of that Syrian-Iraqi-Iranian-Russian intelligence center in Baghdad.

A full-on confrontation with Russia is probably not in the cards, much as you seem to be itching for one.

Edited to Add (ETA):
According to the US Navy the Charles de Gaulle will join the Truman in the Persian Gulf


The Navy announced on Monday the deployment of the USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier and its strike group to the Middle East.

The Truman will join the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle in the Persian Gulf area and will assist in the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 4:45 PM


There would not be a confrontation because Russia would stand down.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 4:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Uh huh.

Man you've got a hard-on for Russia, don't you? You post this fatuous TED talk about giving Muslim (terrorists) a break through understanding, and yet you can't manage to extend the same to Russia. So, are you soft on terrorism? Or are your priorities just screwed up?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 6:11 PM


Like I said, Russia will stand down


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 6:40 PM


The nationalists, the far right will win, the UKIPs, the LePens are easily going to gain huge ground. The left in Europe has very litte to respond to the crisis....maybe bring in more fake-ugees or sing John Lenon songs....loony white nationalistic rightwingers like Paul Ray Ramsey are starting to sound less insane while the Euros political left sound more and more loony


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 6:51 PM


Here you go JAYNZTOWN, this is what you're really about.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 6:54 PM



Tuesday, November 17, 2015 7:16 PM


Hungary vid? and you post a vid where "PressTv" a muslim propaganda channel from the islamic republic of iran says muslims feeling are hurt??

oh-booo f*cking hoo -

French, Spanish, French, American, Japanese, African, French, Italians, French...over a hundred dead, some tortured as they lay dying

but oh-booing f*cking who - its all about the poor muslims - the poor muslims and the RACIST FRENCH
let's throw in a commment about evil Americans and evil Jews in our wacko "PressTv" broadcasts
do you loony far left regressive leftists have any clue?? Have you any f*cking clue at all?

there were mutliple attacks, multiple ethnic groups, many religious people from all faiths killed, attacks on sports venue, while people shopped, attacks on restaurants, attacks on music goers
but oh-booing f*cking who - its all about the poor muslims - the poor muslims, the poor poor muslims
THGRRI are you a muslim or just one of those leftist insane?
do you loony leftists have any clue? are you able of thinking for yourselves in anyway? You remind me of those Soros funded blackliveshootrat fools who retweeted the whole # hastag Fuckparis

there are maybe a hundred critically injured in France from the bombs, shootings and suicide bombers, terrorist barabarians are on the run and theere is currently a manhunt, there are maybe a hundred seriously hurt and fighting for their life in hospitals
but oh-booo f*cking hoo - forget those racist French because its all about muslim feelings and how horrible the French are to Islam oh-booo f*cking hoo -

Viktor Orbán, European leader, he wanted to clean up his streets, protect his own culture and protect his own people, improve his police, secure his borders from illegals and false refugees

The loonys who fed propaganda to CNN and the BBC called him a hitler too, they called him a racist, they called him fascist
turns out he called the fake-ugee thing correctly
and farleft liberal elites of Euroland hated to be proved wrong

Hungary post in case you missed it first time around


My story: You have to understand why Hungary decided to build a fence. All throughout the summer, every single day, thousands of Muslims poured in through Serbia and were all shipped to Budapest. We suffered for months, and not once did the EU help us! All they did was criticise, and the people had enough and voted for Viktor Orbán in a national consultation to protect the nation.
I manage a restaurant by Western Railway Station. This building is a historical monument, was built in 1877 by the Eiffel Company. Hundreds of Muslims lined the station, left massive piles of trash everywhere, let their children run around half naked and dig in trash bins. There was a dysentery outbreak in July amongst the migrants. They left vomit and diarrhea on Eiffel Square.
The square was cordoned off and the National Public Health Service came in the early morning, wearing biohazard suits and masks and disinfected everything with undiluted bleach. They repeated this procedure for a week straight, and every single public transport bus, tram, and metro, was also disinfected. After this, the migrants were no longer allowed to travel for free on public transport. They got their own bus which took them around the three various train stations in Budapest.
The sad thing is I had to tell every colleague to keep quiet about the migrants. There were liberal activists and journalists cruising around, one idiot even baked a pink birthday cake for the migrants which was left squashed and uneaten on the floor… if the activists ever got word of something bad our restaurant was doing, they could easily have reported us to the liberal media. This is a horrible feeling, like back in Communism. You don’t know who you can trust, because any stray word could be overheard by the ‘secret police’, and you could be dragged off to be tortured…
Needless to say, the presence of migrants caused incredible dives in our revenue. Guests did not want to come in, migrants would aggressively demand for us to charge their phones. It was a nightmare and I am SO HAPPY that this is finally over! Our streets are beautiful and safe again! I give endless praise to our government and our Prime Minister. He wants order and safety and a good life for his citizens and a good, Hungarian future for children.



Tuesday, November 17, 2015 7:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hmmm... there must be some response ... somewhere between sympathizing with the terrorist or turning into a reflexive racist ... that's useful to the situation.

How about: Identify and kill or imprison the terrorists?

Anyone who has to force their ideas on you by violence has already lost in the marketplace of ideas. Once somebody tries to do that, I think it's permitted to defend yourself!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 7:34 PM



oh-booo f*cking hoo -French, Spanish, French, American, Japanese, African, French, Italians, French...over a hundred dead, some tortured as they lay dying

Number of deaths sustained worldwide during WWII 72,000,000. This is what happened the last time people listened to assholes like you.


but oh-booing f*cking who - its all about the poor muslims - the poor muslims and the RACIST FRENCH
do you loony far left regressive leftists have any clue?? Have you any f*cking clue at all?

Nope, that’s what you are suggesting I am saying. Not at all. Instead what I am saying is this is what happened the last time people listened to assholes like you.

Number of deaths sustained worldwide during WWII 72,000,000.


there were mutliple attacks, multiple ethnic groups, many religious people from all faiths killed, attacks on sports venue, while people shopped, attacks on restaurants, attacks on music goers
but oh-booing f*cking who - its all about the poor muslims - the poor muslims, the poor poor muslims
THGRRI are you a muslim or just one of those leftist insane?
do you loony leftists have any clue? are you able of thinking for yourselves in anyway? You remind me of those Soros funded blackliveshootrat fools who retweeted the whole # hastag Fuckparis

Subjective posting, the truth is, this is what happened the last time people listened to assholes like you.

Number of deaths sustained worldwide during WWII 72,000,000


there are maybe a hundred critically injured in France from the bombs, shootings and suicide bombers, terrorist barabarians are on the run and theere is currently a manhunt, there are maybe a hundred seriously hurt and fighting for their life in hospitals
but oh-booo f*cking hoo - forget those racist French because its all about muslim feelings and how horrible the French are to Islam oh-booo f*cking hoo

Again you seem to think I am completely for millions of refugees flooding Europe and I am not. What I am saying is that this is what happened the last time people listened to assholes like you.

Number of deaths sustained worldwide during WWII 72,000,000

GET IT!..... JAYNZTOWN Just say no to WW111


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 7:58 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

How about: Identify and kill or imprison the terrorists?

The reformers are needed, the apostates, the forward thinkers like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Tarek Fatah, Wafa Sultan, Rushdie....a whole bunch of them need to come and reform the religion. If it can't be made fit then maybe it needs to be contained, shut or even thrown out. and btw I have nothing against the people just the wacky religious mindset. I also remember reading something before maybe by Rushdie or maybe wrote by an Atheist like Dawkins not sure of the exact quote but the feel of it stuck with me - it said people as individuals have human rights and human peoples as ethnicity have rights....but religion does not have human rights and it is absolutely our human right as free thinkers to question and critize religion. Ayaan Hirsi Ali might be the girl to reform it, she has an interesting story
Sadly most of the critics of this extreme jihad and islamic radicalism only come from the loony Christian far right these days

Clearly there are innocent women and children and real refugees who are really from Syria and who need help
but in this wave there are lots of fake-ugees and already a link established to the attacks

I tend also to have a personal global view of world events, for example I worked in Asia some years back and still follow their news, Japan was one of those places I stayed it was interesting and more interesting today is how they only took 6-8 refugees while the USA might take 125,000 or some numuber in the perhaps hundreds of thousands and more thousands. Why does Japan take so few ? are they heartless? are they racist? maybe its because they have a border, they have a strong culture and they tend to view Islam as a strange religion, possibly violent, maybe disruptive, not compatiable with their own Japanese values, some might even view it as a radical foreign political system, or a cult like the JimJones temple....and sometimes I would agree with their view


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 8:20 PM


This is what happened the last time people listened to assholes like you.
Number of deaths sustained worldwide during WWII 72,000,000

GET IT!..... JAYNZTOWN... Just say no to WW111


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 10:29 PM


One Day Later, Anonymous Already Takes Down 3,824 Pro-ISIS Twitter Accounts

Besides scanning for ISIS Twitter accounts themselves, the hacking group has also opened access to the site to those interested. Anyone who comes across ISIS social media accounts can easily search the database and report any new terrorists and supporters.

The website is called #opIceISIS and will index ISIS members based on their real name, location, picture, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube accounts.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015 2:06 PM


rezident owtsidr

Obama deliverz the cold slap uv reality to the GoP clownshow 'candidates'.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Thursday, November 19, 2015 7:05 AM


Ezra Levant Leaving Paris

Rebel media parody?

Latinos against refugees


Thursday, November 19, 2015 11:35 AM



..JAYNEZTOWN, Sept. 8th 2004

Hot headed reactions like these are kind of understandable. I saw much worse ideas than this Flynn guy on the Yahoo-news and MSN-news board

It's true that these Islamic terrorists are scum, and if they take human life, bomb hospitals or kill children they deserve to die.

However not all Arabs, Muslims or Islamics are like these radical nuts. Many are just ordinary folk and some don't give a damn about religion. Terrorism will always exist in some form, it is hard to defeat but it can be largely prevented.

Terrorism flourishes where there is ethnic hatred, radical political leaders, religious nuts and oppression..these are the places where it grows and gets strong.

The probelm is that some try to strike back using overkill methods only to see terror groups spring back in other places and sometimes stronger.

Take the example of Clinton, he was a bullcrap president and spent much time with Monica and cigars. However he done ok for the USA and was smart when it came to global politics and events. In Kosovo, we had different ethnic groups and races killing ecah other. Clinton was forced to act and planes bombed. Afterwards there were big problems, yet Clinton set up the smart framework so that the area would be secure, safe and free from dictators or terrorists again. Clinton also done good in parts of Asia, Northern Ireland and the Middle East.

Now take our idiot Bush, all fight but no brains instead of finding the evil Binladen and his Taliban friends Bush is off causing trouble in the Iraq. Meanwhile N-Korea is building long range Nukes that reach the west coast and Iran has a real WMD program. Terrorism flourishes where there is ethnic hatred, radical political leaders, religious nuts and oppression..these are the places where it grows and gets strong and this might be why it's now growing in Iraq, a place where Al-Quaida could not have existed some months ago as Saddam used to hatethem and other religious radicals. It seems Bush has plenty of bravado and fight in him, but no brains and tactics and no idea about peace, and security or winning the war.

There is no doubt these islamic extremists are evil and they should be killed for what they have done. However not respond by bombing a city
let's catch them , put them on trial and shoot them.

The worst thing Russia could do is play this like Bush has done, by pinning it on some other random city ( Baghdad-Iraq ) . When I speak of Clinton or Bush I don't just mean the presidents but the advisors and administartion which surrounds. Is Bush smart enough to win peace and security or are the terrorists coming back and more people going to die ?


Friday, November 20, 2015 9:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Meanwhile whatever happened to MERKEL??

Last year, she was the EU queen bee. This year, except for offering the usual condolences and support to Hollande that one would expect from a fellow-EU member state, Merkel has not had much to say. Certainly not what anyone is interested in. At the G20 summit, she was alone and friendless.

That's what happens when you craft your foreign/ economic/ security policies by "triangulating" against other people's opinions, rather than realities on the ground. Because once reality shifts, you're left high and dry...

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, November 21, 2015 8:41 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

So you see winners in the Middle East in recent history? Who would they be? Come on, you're so bright you must have a list handy... Saudi Arabia no doubt.
Well, you would be right. Saudi Arabia has been benefiting from USA policy and a relaxed attitude about the export of Wahhabism for 40 years. What looked like disorder and destabilization was merely Wahhabis establishing their territory. In fact, we found it handy in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Libya, and we sure tried to make a go of it in Syria.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

Tinfoil heads like Alex Jones have gone crazy


Sunday, November 22, 2015 12:22 PM


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

They will have to coordinate with Assad and Putin, and they will have to decide once and for all if Assad is really worse than a nation filled with Takfiri-Wahhabists. Yanno, they thought that destroying Iraq and Libya and Syria was something they could do without consequence. They were wrong- they played with fire and now they're getting burned.

Syria, Russia, and Iran are going to win the war in Syria, with or without the west. It will be up to the west to figure out how they might push the anti-jihad effort forward (i.e tag along).


You talk about Wahhabism and who is responsible for that, so do I. However my being a purveyor of the truth allows me to discuss truthfully how DAESH managed to come to be. You point out only what plays into your agenda. How so you ask? By what you don’t submit as reasons for DAESH’s success.

One of the problems with Saudi Araba and other Sunni states sending troops into Syria to take on DAESH is that their main concern has not changed; Iran. ISIS or DAESH fights the spread of Iran’s influence in the Middle East.

You blame DAESH’s success to date as being based on America’s mistakes. An honest broker should point to mistakes made by the US, but the other side of events shows Iran and Russia being much more responsible. How so you ask, well not really because to speak of what I post next flies in the face of your agenda.

DAESH’s success can be tracked directly to Iran’s meddling in the Iraqi civil war. Without Iran’s support the Shite leaders in Iraq would never have chosen the course of completely excluding the Sunni’s from having any input in Iraq. It’s because of this the Sunni’s decided they would rather support DAESH than live under complete and unfair Shite rule.

DAESH is successful in Syria solely because of Assad and Russia. There was a revolution there due to Assad’s cruelty and DAESH had a chance to establish and maintain themselves because of Assad’s policy of not making them his primary concern. Instead he mostly targeted the moderate rebels fighting for their rights. Russia not only supported this policy but when arrived in force in Syria it became their strategy as well.


Sunday, November 22, 2015 12:40 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Originally posted by SIGNYM:
DAESH is successful in Syria solely because of Assad and Russia.

Where do you get the Kool-Aid?


Sunday, November 22, 2015 12:44 PM


Nobody in this country took McCain seriously. In other words he had no influence in what transpired.


I've a good feeling I'm far more intelligent than you, unless you count Miley cyrus iphones and pop culture as intelligence



I'm not a native Englsih speaker but I've a good feeling I'm smarter than you
in physics, science, in languages, smarter in math, in art, in chemistry, music...I have a feeling I would beat you in anything kid


Can you say borderline personality?


You wanna be so concerned for muslims you're willing to help them all and maybe put the United States of America at risk? By brining in tens of thousands and possibly jeopardize the safety of American children and women and putting at risk the safety of Arab atheists and christains and muslim apostates who fled from Iraq by bringing in more wacko muslims....tell you what I got a better idea....if you feel that strong about it that you would rather put your own fellow Americans at risk maybe you should give up America for a while...I'll tell you what - maybe you should sign up with some U.N charity, sign up with the red cross, or sign up with some leftist liberalism charity group and go over there to help them in some Turkey, Israel, Jordan camp....maybe you should go over there yourself and help them if you would rather help them than help your fellow American!


I am surprised because as you claim, you are smarter than I that you would realize my primary concern is not the Muslim population. And Instead that I am defending my countries constitution and bill of rights. People like you are always trying to destroy the concept of tolerance and inclusion.


and btw your such an assclown you don't even know what your debating against I'm not this mississippi conservative redneck cartoon character you try make me be, what if I told you I wasnt even 'white' your brain has been so taken by tv religion of regressive liberalism you don't even know what you argue against


You don’t have to be white to be exactly what you claim not to be. If you were half as intelligent as you claim to be you would know this. You are exactly what you claim not to be and definitely not who you think you are.


Saturday, November 28, 2015 12:01 PM


THGRRI You sell a propaganda lie


Originally posted by THGRRI:

Instead that I am defending my countries constitution and bill of rights. People like you are always trying to destroy the concept of tolerance and inclusion.

Why have you voiced support for terrorists who made threats to cartoonists?

Do you truly 'think' for yourself or do you just parrot the usual Left vs Right BS on the tv?

You support bringing in Criminals across a Border that traffic humans and kids and drugs, they kill thousands upon thousands of Americans

When you bring in people for example an islamo jihadi Pedophile Death Cult that go Sudden Jihadi and Bomb America, this is not 'Tolerance and Inclusion'

You are not Defending Your Constitution Either

You are Destroying America's Constitution and Helping Kill America's People Black, White, Yellow or Brown, you are helping to kill the United States of America.

back to news

The refugee thing is a flop for the US admin
I think there are too many people in the USA who see through this media refugee-BS

Soros and others might be making money from the trafficking


Sunday, November 29, 2015 6:10 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

I bet France kicks 'em out now!

None of us are surprised this happened, they have been cooking up this unrest and terrorism for a long time. The corruption, the jihad zones its been brewing up for years

In the West there is corruption, a dance of death, a sickness Bill Cosby and now House Speaker Dennis Hastert Joining a Crowded Ranks of Fallen Moralists the years this all cooked up in France, they cared little for the nations security and only cafred for their own decay, sickness, rape and hedonism.

The Strange Case Of Frédéric Mitterrand: France's Most Famous (Alleged) Pedophile
Frédéric Mitterrand has occupied the highest reaches of cultural and political life in France. Nephew of former President François Mitterrand, Frédéric Mitterrand has not only served as Minister of Culture and Communication but also achieved success as an actor, writer, producer, director, film critic, television star and even college professor.

Born to greatness and confidante to many of France's biggest luminaries, Frédéric is a genuine renaissance man.

However, he is also a pedophile, as he openly admitted in an autobiographical novel called "La Mauvaise Vie" ("The Bad Life"), which detailed his experiences in male brothels of Bangkok, Thailand.

“I got into the habit of paying for boys ... The profusion of young, very attractive and immediately available boys put me in a state of desire I no longer needed to restrain or hide," he wrote.

“All these rituals of the market for youths, the slave market, excite me enormously. One could judge this abominable spectacle from a moral standpoint, but it pleases me beyond the reasonable.”

A best seller in 2005, the book was widely praised for its candor.

Frederic's profile (or notoriety) was raised further when he defended the American film director, Roman Polanski, who fled to exile in Europe to escape charges of having raped an underage girl in Los Angeles. At the time, Polanski was arrested by police in Switzerland at the request of U.S. officials -- the Swiss later denied the extradition request and freed him.

Despite all these revelations, Frederic somehow kept his job as culture minister until May 2012 when Nicolas Sarkozy (his friend and benefactor) lost his bid for re-election as president.

Frederic even survived the vitriol of Marine Le Pen, the firebrand leader of the extreme right-wing National Front Party, who vociferously called for his resignation, citing his predilection for sex with young boys.

During a television appearance, Le Pen even recited lascivious passages from Frederic's book.

“If the National Front drag me through the mud then it is an honor for me,” Frederic defiantly declared in response to calls for his firing.

there are some very sick people in power in Western governments who care little for the safety, prosperity and secuirty of their nations


Sunday, November 29, 2015 7:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


DAESH’s success can be tracked directly to Iran’s meddling in the Iraqi civil war. Without Iran’s support the Shite leaders in Iraq would never have chosen the course of completely excluding the Sunni’s from having any input in Iraq. It’s because of this the Sunni’s decided they would rather support DAESH than live under complete and unfair Shite rule.

were you actually alive and aware during the Gulf War II (The Clone of the Attack)?? Cause, yanno, I remember when the USA (under The Great Paul Bremmer) tried to institute its neo-liberal economic policy in Iraq and de-Baathification and the disbanding of Saddam's Sunni Army was BREMMER'S idea. Even analysts at the time knew it was a mistake. Here, read this...

US Blunders in Iraq:De-Baathification and Disbanding the Army


In May 2003 Paul Bremer issued CPA Orders to exclude from the new Iraq government members of the Baath Party (CPA Order 1) and to disband the Iraqi Army (CPA Order 2). These two orders severely undermined the capacity of the occupying forces to maintain security and continue the ordinary functioning of the Iraq government. The decisions reversed previous National Security Council judgments and were made over the objections of high ranking military and intelligence officers. The article concludes that the most likely decision maker was the Vice President

Early in the occupation of Iraq two key decisions were made that gravely jeopardized US chances for success in Iraq: (1) the decision to bar from government work Iraqis who ranked in the top four levels of Sadam’s Baath Party or who held positions in the top three levels of each ministry; (2) the decision to disband the Iraqi Army and replace it with a new army built from scratch. These two fateful decisions were made against the advice of military and CIA professionals and without consulting important members of the President’s staff and cabinet. This article will first examine the de-Baathification order and then take up the even more far reaching decision to disband the Iraqi Army.

Both of these decisions fueled the insurgency by: (1) alienating hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who could not support themselves or their families; (2) by undermining the normal infrastructure necessary for social and economic activity; (3) by ensuring that there was not sufficient security to carry on
normal life; and (4) by creating insurgents who were angry at the US, many of whom had weapons and were trained to use them.

These two key decisions, however, were presaged by President Bush’s decision in late April 2003 to remove Jay Garner and put Paul Bremer in complete charge of Iraq. Garner had experience in Iraq in the 1991 Gulf War and had been a career Army officer. In his preparations, he had worked closely with military planners. Bremer, who had no experience in Iraq or in Intelligence and National Securitymilitary occupations, worked in the Pentagon for the first nine days of May, and he arrived in Iraq on 12 May 2003.,%20Iraq%20PDF

It's impossible to draw the correct lessons from history if you insist on re-writing it to suit your ideology.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015 2:29 PM


and it is not 'Workplace Violence' as Obama claims


Tuesday, December 8, 2015 5:14 PM



Tuesday, December 15, 2015 11:11 PM



Wednesday, November 16, 2022 10:26 AM


Charlie Hebdo?

fake photoshopped fabricated cover?


Terroristic Sharia Law bullsh*tting dad says his abused daughter abused by himself is suffering ‘psychological trauma’ from Charlie Hebdo cartoon shown to class

Melbourne Koranimal dad furious after ‘blasphemous’ Charlie Hebdo cartoon shown to Year 11 class


Monday, December 26, 2022 5:12 PM


Paris shooting: Suspect admits 'pathological' hatred of migrants


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 11:04 AM



Wednesday, July 12, 2023 8:48 AM



Wednesday, July 12, 2023 6:47 PM


In Belgium, some islamist jihadi gangster fires were lit in Brussels on 29 June and one person was arrested for rebellion. All told, in two days a little over 100 people (including many minors) were arrested in Brussels and in Liège (where there were no incidents), most of them preemptively. In Switzerland, of the seven jihadi gimmergrant
ex-pat refujhadi rapefugee people arrested in Lausanne for breaking shop windows six were minors, two of whom were not Swiss citizens. In the Canadian province of Québec, a group of islamo jihadi Antifa BLM demonstration happened in Montréal in front of the Eaton Centre.

n 4 July, the president of the MEDEF estimated that the riots cost businesses around €1 billion. This estimate was based on "200 business which were thoroughly looted, 300 bank branches destroyed, 220 supermarkets that were damaged—of which 25 were burned to the ground—and nearly 1200 independent businesses that were affected". Among these were 150 looted sportswear shops and 400 damaged French lottery outlets. The total figure also included around €500 million of lost business while rebuilding and restocking shelves, and €30 million of temporary unemployment benefits. The estimate was then rounded up to the nearest billion by adding in the cost of an anticipated drop in restaurant receipts and tourism. On 11 July, the Federation of Insurers reported that the 11,800 claims received so far totaled €650 million, counting both the public and private sector. This is three times more than the claims paid out after the three weeks of rioting in 2005, which primarily concerned burned cars. The government asked insurers to increase to 30 days the time allowed for filing and to refrain from seeking legal loopholes to avoid paying out claims


Friday, July 21, 2023 7:26 AM


France cabinet reshuffle: 'I have chosen continuity and efficiency', says Macron

Richmond mayor proclaims Muslim American Heritage Month, asks citizens to ‘humble yourselves’ to appreciate Muslims


Saturday, July 22, 2023 6:00 AM


islamo Caliphate coming in the South of France?

Macron fears ‘fragmentation’ of France if government fails to learn riot lessons


Saturday, June 8, 2024 6:56 PM


Parisians Plan To 'Poop In Seine' River As President Macron Pledges To Take A Swim Ahead Of Olympics






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