NY Magazine: COVID Lockdowns Were a Giant Experiment. It Was a Failure.

UPDATED: Sunday, November 5, 2023 23:54
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Thursday, November 2, 2023 8:29 AM



Thursday, November 2, 2023 10:35 AM


6 feet part or Two Meter distance, its the science!

British Empire Australia warned Victorians to expect "extreme measures"

USA Schools Closed


New Zealand
Under Level Dystopia scifi 2.5, all social gatherings including birthday parties will be limited to ten people; masks will be mandatory for all Aucklanders using public transportation; and aged care facilities will be operating under strict conditions. The only public gatherings allowed in Auckland are funerals and tangihanga, was limited to 50 people

Hindu India promotes cow-piss bovine urine cures but then goes back to beating people with huge sticks

In Latin America, the Peruvian Army with a police dogs enforced curfew

Aussie says it won against the new flu
boasts that it is cured

Shots and Boosters but then Victoria's second wave having the highest fatality rate per case.

Germanic Austria introduced a lockdown for all citizens a few days later, making it the first European country to reintroduce such measures

Emmanuel Macron announced a second lockdown to begin on October 30. During this second lockdown, schools remain open and more industries can keep operating (construction, public services...). Like the first lockdown, citizens need to sign their certificates to can go around within 1 km up to hour per day. Fines are 135 euros the 1st time, 200 euros for 2 times within 15 days and 3750 euros and 6 months jail sentence for 3 times within 30 days

Canada trying to be more retarded than anyone in Britain, France, the USA or Europe then calls the Truckers Sexists and Racists
The city of Toronto, Ontario is considered to have the longest continuous COVID-19 lockdown of any major city in the world.

During Level 5 Ultimate Lockdowns stupid people went out and burnt and murdered and looted and rioted for BLM Antifa 'George Floyd'

Place with No Lockdown maybe Sweden, Brazil, South Korea...maybe USA but it could be argued the USA did have some levels of high restrictions and lockdown, the USA certainly did not have zero lockdowns as some individual States had strong lock-down measures, it becmae a political Left vs Right thing in the USA.

it can also be argued Brazil had a very high death rate and a variant mutation which was very strong and causing the sickly to die


Thursday, November 2, 2023 12:18 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Place with No Lockdown maybe Sweden, Brazil, South Korea...maybe USA but it could be argued the USA did have some levels of high restrictions and lockdown, the USA certainly did not have zero lockdowns as some individual States had strong lock-down measures, it becmae a political Left vs Right thing in the USA.

Don't start having selective memory and or allowing the media to rewrite history here.

We might not have had patrols up and down the streets shooting people who left their homes on site like they did in China, but we sure as shit locked things down in the US.

Even in red states like Indiana they shut EVERYTHING down, including churches and schools. You couldn't even get a freakin' haircut for 3 months straight here, and it was another 1.5 years before you could get one without wearing a mask and sitting out in your car until they went outside to call you in. People's parents and grandparents died alone in hospitals without getting to see their kids and grandkids one last time.

The Unemployment Rate in Indiana went from 3.5% in March of 2020 to 16.8% in April of 2020.

Don't let the media succeed in whitewashing what our Government did to us.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, November 4, 2023 11:05 AM


Sigs posted this in the "As Palestinians pushes for statehood, Israel finds itself more isolated" thread and my reply got me on a track that's much more suited to post in this thread instead...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Not that this really needs to be done, because who cares what Ted thinks?

But yeah... I've done that for a very long time now.

You'll notice that a pretty good majority of the links and articles I post are actually from Leftist sources.

It's why a lot of my RWED posts are no longer topical. The Leftist media surprisingly ends up getting a lot of things right... eventually.

They pump all the disinformation in the world while people are fired up about an issue, but once the issue is no longer of any real relevance, at least in the minds of the forgetful masses and/or on a political level, they'll finally put out a little article admitting the truth all along without ever actually apologizing for lying and/or getting it wrong because of their bias.

I'm not a prophet. I'm not right as often as I am because of some voodoo magic.

I detect patterns is all.

Gaslighting is actually very easy to detect if you have a good memory, you expose yourself to it regularly, you have an above-average IQ and you're not a partisan shill.

Consider that article I posted by New York Magazine on the lockdowns just the other day:

The fifth paragraph of that article reads as follows:


One of the great mysteries of the pandemic is why so many countries followed China’s example. In the U.S. and the U.K. especially, lockdowns went from being regarded as something that only an authoritarian government would attempt to an example of “following the science.” But there was never any science behind lockdowns — not a single study had ever been undertaken to measure their efficacy in stopping a pandemic. When you got right down to it, lockdowns were little more than a giant experiment.

The article then goes on to invoke George W. Bush's name 8 times while blaming his administration for the Covid lockdowns, concluding the blame game with this paragraph:


The Bush team’s final document, published by the CDC in February 2007, stopped short of mandating lockdowns but came as close as its authors dared, calling for the use of “social distancing measures to reduce contact between adults in the community and workplace.” One of the leaders of the effort, a government scientist named Richard Hatchett, would later tell Lewis what he really believed: “One thing that’s inarguably true is that if you got everyone and locked each of them in their own room and didn’t let them talk to anyone, you would not have any disease.”

Hey... yanno what? You're not going to get any argument out of me that GWB (at the time) was the worst President we ever had and he oversaw the erection of the DHS and the creation of the Patriot Act, after which our country was never the same.

But you motherfuckers were all in on locking everyone down at the time.

Now you're going to come out 3.5 years later and admit it was all a failure, but instead of APOLOGIZING for being one of the bullhorns for government tyranny against the citizens, you're going to just blame the Republican who came and went 12 years before anybody knew that Wuhan was a place in China?

Get fucked, NY Magazine.

With the internet at our disposal, maybe we should look back at your catalog with 20/20 vision and get a proper view on unwrapping exactly how "One of the great mysteries of the pandemic is why so many countries followed China’s example." came to be.

Let's see what you had to say at the time, shall we?

March 26th, 2020

Why Was It So Hard to Raise the Alarm on the Coronavirus?


Today, the world is almost a controlled experiment in pandemic response, and the returns are already unmistakable: The nations that took the most aggressive actions, most quickly, have fared best, and those that have moved cautiously, waiting for undeniable prompts to action, have done worst. In South Korea, the implementation of what is effectively a medical surveillance state means that life in most of the country has continued mostly undisrupted, at least by the standards of Wuhan or the lockdowns now in Lombardy and New York and San Francisco; in the U.K. a strategy to stand down and let the virus pass through the population proved so disastrous that, within a few weeks, it was abruptly reversed; in Iran, they are digging mass graves big enough to be seen from space.

April 16th, 2020
The Lockdown Backlash May Be the New Tea Party Movement


At first it was just random resistance from rural or Mountain West areas hardly affected initially by the coronavirus pandemic. But now it’s spreading to places near COVID-19 hot spots where some people think restrictive measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus have gone too far, or are willing to take their chances (and force others to do the same) with deadly infection in order to keep their businesses, their jobs, or their “freedom” as they understand it.

By now it’s clear that there is an organized national effort to fight extended lockdown orders. It has already helped generate loud public protests in Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky. And it’s probably going to spread nearly as rapidly as the coronavirus itself in the rich soil of anti-government subcultures where it’s widely accepted that “tyrants” are exploiting the emergency to impose their godless socialist views on freedom-loving but fearful Americans.

April 20th, 2020
Trump Wants to Starve the States Into Opening Before It’s Safe


Faced with the desperation of a disintegrating revenue base and spiraling needs for social spending, governors may be forced to risk the health of their citizens and try to gamble that they can restart the economy. The certainty of an unsolvable fiscal crisis, requiring massive cuts to education and health care, may outweigh the risk of a new outbreak. If the economy blossoms, Trump gets the credit. If the recovery sputters because people remain afraid to leave their homes, or if they do leave their homes and thousands of them die, then the governors who made the decisions get the blame.

April 22nd, 2020
National Conservatives Coordinated State Lockdown Protests


It’s been obvious from the get-go that the rapidly spreading protests against state coronavirus stay-at-home or “lockdown” orders were intensely ideological in nature, emanating from hard-core conservatives who didn’t much believe the pandemic was real or had objections to government-imposed restrictions of dangerous activities on various pseudo-constitutional grounds. And it’s also been apparent that these protests were not spontaneous but largely the product of local, state, or national coordination by right-wing groups, many of them veterans of the tea-party movement that also began over a decade ago as a bunch of “plain citizens” in Revolutionary War garb and insignia who just happened to share the constitutional, fiscal, and economic policy views common among well-heeled K Street conservative lobbies and Republican pols.

There’s new reporting from the New York Times illustrating the connective tissue among these state protests, which (like the tea-party movement) has some grassroots elements but wouldn’t have gone very far without the artificial turf of national coordination.


These groups need all the firepower they can get to give the protests the look of size and momentum, since polls show a sizable majority of Americans support the measures they are protesting, some of which have emanated from Republican governors and those trying to follow the Trump administration’s own guidelines. Their relationship with the White House is both stealthy and symbiotic, since they are keeping the president’s fingerprints off extremist activities he has clearly inspired, and that may help him mobilize supporters for his reelection campaign.


Eventually the tea party became a self-conscious faction of the GOP before its anti-government and anti-Obama slogans were absorbed by the Republican Party so thoroughly that the imagined separation was no longer credible. In the hothouse atmosphere of the pandemic and the run-up to the 2020 elections, any claim that anti-lockdown demonstrators are independent from Team Trump probably won’t last as long as newly planted grass seeds in a cyclone.

April 28th, 2020
Tucker Carlson Thinks Lockdowns Have Nothing to Do With Flattening the Curve

May 26th, 2020
Will the Supreme Court Force States to Let Churches Reopen?


In the furor of demands to pare back coronavirus-related restrictions on business and other activities (a.k.a. “reopening America”), churches — particularly conservative Christian churches — have been very prominent. Given the considerable overlap these days between white Evangelicals and the Republican Party, it’s not surprising that the former share the latter’s rapidly growing inclination to view COVID-19-related public-health measures as a socialistic impingement on individual freedom and private enterprise.

May 27th, 2020
Reopening the City Too Soon Is, Effectively, Age Discrimination


Soon, New York will start pulling up shutters and setting out chairs. Work-from-homers will venture beyond their neighborhoods from time to time. Employees will trickle back into offices. Housekeepers, electricians, dentists, and security guards will repopulate the subway, because they will have no choice. The city is gambling that we have learned enough in these past months to keep the risks under control — that masks, distance, hygiene, and anxiety will keep us, if not exactly safe, then safe-ish. With no cure, no vaccine, and limited treatment, we have to rely on our own behavior and that of everyone around us. We have to trust our fellow New Yorkers to stay home at the first sign of the sniffles, to share our habits of caution, to wait for the next train if necessary, to step politely aside. We have to trust the MTA to keep crowds thin, employers to think through workplace logistics, the transportation department to dissolve the knots where pedestrians might jam the sidewalks, the school system to have a plan for a million kids that will protect their families too. Lockdown was easy compared to this.

June 15th, 2020
Lockdowns May Return As Crowds Gather and Case Counts Climb


The U.S. passed 2 million total coronavirus cases last week, reaching the mark just six weeks after it hit 1 million. According to Reuters, “Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, North Carolina, Oklahoma and South Carolina all had record numbers of new cases” in the past week.

Columbia University virologist Dr. Angela Rasmussen wrote on Twitter Monday that Arizona, Alabama, North Carolina, and South Carolina need to go back on lockdown “like NOW.”

“At least 4 states are going to need to reinstitute stay-home orders this week–like NOW–to stop upward case trajectories,” she wrote. “This pandemic is still going on. We failed to use the time we bought to prepare & build capacity. We reopened before we were ready. Now we pay.”

June 20th, 2020
People Don’t Trust Public-Health Experts Because Public-Health Experts Don’t Trust People


Almost as soon as the first marches to protest the killing of George Floyd began, in Minneapolis on May 26, conservatives and COVID contrarians seized on the rallies as a case study of liberal coronavirus hypocrisy. If the disease spread rapidly through the assembled protesters, they felt, it would show that those who’d spent the spring scolding Americans for resisting lockdowns didn’t care as much about public health as they did about advancing their own set of political values. (Liberals, of course, would put it differently: that the cause was worth the risk.) If there were relatively few new cases, the thinking went, it would demonstrate that the lockdowns themselves were unnecessary.

Three weeks later, we have the first results from the natural experiment: Across the country, from Minneapolis to California and New York City to Albany, the protests produced, at most, very few additional cases of COVID-19. The same, more or less, was observed in the aftermath of the much-derided Lake of the Ozarks Memorial Day party (where one sick partygoer may have infected as many as … one other). Does this mean we’re out of the COVID-19 woods, all clear for mass gatherings and the end of social distancing, and that the intrusive and intensely burdensome lockdowns of the spring were excessive? Well, no. The same week, a major study led by Berkeley’s Solomon Hsiang exploring the effect of lockdowns across the world found that, in the U.S., social distancing and shelter-in-place guidelines prevented as many as 60 million additional cases (since, at least in the early days of the epidemic, many more are believed to have been infected than were tested for the disease). And if those measures had been implemented sooner and more effectively, one review suggests, between 70% and 99% of American deaths could have been avoided. Instead of 120,000 deaths, we might have had fewer than 2,000.

July 20th, 2020
American Death Cult Why has the Republican response to the pandemic been so mind-bogglingly disastrous?


By midsummer, as the coronavirus receded throughout most of the world, Trump’s supporters were engaging in cultlike displays of devotion. Republicans were pointedly holding mask-optional gatherings. “When the good Lord calls you home,” one Republican Senate candidate explained, “a mask ain’t going to stop it.” As masks became symbols of subservience to public health (“COVID burkas,” as former Trump official Sebastian Gorka called them), these people even held rallies to protest them. A county Republican Party chairman in Kansas who owns a weekly newspaper published a cartoon depicting face masks as yellow stars and the people bearing them as Jews forced into cattle cars.

In Scottsdale, Arizona, a Republican city councilmember announced, “I can’t breathe!” before dramatically removing his face covering. A Republican sheriff in Ohio, despite a statewide facial-covering requirement, declared, “I’m not going to be the mask police. Period.” The first day that Oregon governor Kate Brown imposed a requirement that residents wear masks in public, four police officers walked into a coffee shop in Corvallis mask-free, and when asked to comply with the order, they yelled, “Fuck Kate Brown!” In recent weeks, more than 20 county health officials have left their jobs in the face of protests, harassment, and threats. Georgia governor Brian Kemp went so far as to ban local governments from mandating masks.

In late June, Trump staged an indoor rally in Tulsa. His staff removed stickers on seats intended to space out attendees. Announcing his presence, Cain wrote, “Masks will not be mandatory for the event, which will be attended by President Trump. PEOPLE ARE FED UP!” (A few days after the rally, Cain tested positive.)


And they will be tapping into a deep vein of paranoia. Polls have shown somewhere between a quarter and a third of the public already does not intend to take a vaccine when it becomes available. In a country with a cult of self-reliance so ingrained that every new mass shooting propels more panicked arms purchases, is an act of collective, mutual security like public vaccination even workable?

The truly remarkable thing about the right-wing revolt against public health is that it has taken place under a president whom conservatives trust and adore. From the standpoint of running the government, these have been awful conditions for handling a pandemic. But from the standpoint of persuading citizens to cooperate, they have been almost optimal. When we look back a year from now at the frenzied, angry revolt against science, the spring and summer of 2020 may seem like halcyon days.

October 19th, 2020
Trump Publicly Attacks Dr. Fauci as the Third Wave of the Pandemic Begins


President Trump repeatedly attacked and denigrated the nation’s most respected infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, on Monday. Trump first started in on Fauci during a call with his campaign staff, and then publicly on Twitter. Later at a campaign rally, Trump warned that his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, would actually listen to Fauci’s advice. The new insults came, not coincidentally, one day after Fauci said on 60 Minutes that he was “not surprised” that the president had caught COVID-19, confirmed that the White House has been restricting his media appearances — and revealed that he has received death threats amid the pandemic.

Trump called Fauci “a disaster” during a morning call aimed at rallying his staff for the final stretch of his flagging reelection campaign. But going after Fauci is a puzzling tactic, to say the least. Polls have consistently shown that Americans approve of and trust the top public-health official far more than they do Trump or anyone else with regard to the pandemic. In addition, Trump’s mishandling of COVID-19, which has killed nearly 220,000 Americans and is currently prompting a third wave of cases around the country, appears to be the most significant reason he is falling further behind Biden in the polls.


“They’re getting tired of the pandemic, aren’t we?” Trump also said during his rally in Arizona on Monday. “You turn on CNN. That’s all they cover. COVID, COVID, pandemic. COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID. Wha, uh-uh. You know why? They’re trying to talk people out of voting. People aren’t buying it, CNN, you dumb bastards.”

Pandemic fatigue is real, of course, but annoyance doesn’t make the virus go away. And COVID-19 continues to be a massive story across the media because it continues to be a massive crisis across the country — and it’s getting worse as the U.S. heads into what Dr. Fauci and most other experts warn will be the most difficult phase of the pandemic yet. But instead of talking about flattening the curve, Trump keeps crazily claiming that the country is rounding the corner to recovery — and now appears to be jealous of not only Fauci and Biden’s popularity, but how much more attention the pandemic gets than him.

March 15th, 2021
How the West Lost COVID How did so many rich countries get it so wrong? How did others get it so right?


In 2003, SARS had been eliminated after only 8,000 infections; its biggest foothold outside Asia was in Canada, which reported just a few hundred suspected cases. With COVID, Sridhar says, “I was following the response in China. They went into lockdown. You saw New Zealand pivoting that way and then Australia after.” But not the U.K., where an erratic series of scientific advisories pushed the government first to embrace a target of herd immunity, then to backpedal, but not enough. Sridhar describes those advisories with retrospective horror, an inexplicable preemptive surrender by the public-health apparatus.

“Basically, going back to January, they’d be like, ‘China’s not going to control it; 80 percent of the population is going to get it; all efforts to contain it are going to fail; we have to learn to live with this virus; contact tracing and testing make no sense; this is going to be everywhere; right now we need to build up hospitals’ — which they didn’t even do. But they really didn’t think it was stoppable,” she says. “And then all of a sudden you started to see, in February, South Korea stopping it, Taiwan stopping it, and China stopping it. Then, in March, New Zealand. And then Australia. And then there’s this realization of, ‘Oh, wow. Actually, it is controllable.’”

That's what I thought, motherfuckers.

You painted anybody who was against lockdowns as evil, selfish people who wanted to kill your grandmother.

Meanwhile, you praised the actions of EXTREMELY TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENTS who forced the citizens inside their homes at gunpoint or rounded up people who refused a vaccination in concentration camps.

But now, 3.5 years later you're willing to admit that lockdowns were a mistake, and you're not willing to take one single ounce of the blame.

And you have the fucking nerve to ask why so many countries followed China’s example.



Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, November 4, 2023 11:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Basically, going back to January, they’d be like, ‘China’s not going to control it; 80 percent of the population is going to get it; all efforts to contain it are going to fail; we have to learn to live with this virus; contact tracing and testing make no sense; this is going to be everywhere; right now we need to build up hospitals’ — which they didn’t even do. But they really didn’t think it was stoppable,” she says. “And then all of a sudden you started to see, in February, South Korea stopping it, Taiwan stopping it, and China stopping it. Then, in March, New Zealand. And then Australia. And then there’s this realization of, ‘Oh, wow. Actually, it is controllable.’”

I'm not sure what the point of posting this is.

China controlled Covid with draconian localized (or in some cases regional) lockdowns. They basically outwaited the virus until it had mutated to a less-lethal form. Once they opened up they had a spare of elderly deaths, but considering China's 1-billion population, million people is just 0.1%.

S Korea: severe lockdowns. Indoor mask wearing, limits on indoor gatherings to 10 people etc.

Australia: severe lockdowns

New Zealand: severe lockdowns.

And correspondingly low death rates. This seems to be saying that if you're dealing with a highly contagious disease by restricting contacts, you have to be strict about it bc half-assed measures are going to get you half-assed results. For example, halting travel across the border, halting travelers until they passed quarantine, would have prevented the disease from being carried into the USA. Of course, in order to do that we'd need border control.

Another thing that worked well for us was limiting our exposure and consistently using N95s whenever we went out in public... altho I learned very early on that masks were unnecessary outdoors. Up to now, no one in our immediate family ever had Covid that we know of.

Italy was an interesting case bc of large numbers of multi-generation households, so it was impossible to isolate the vulnerable elderly. Sweden OTOH has a high proportion of elderly in their own homes or elder care facilities, which are apparently more hygienic than ours.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Saturday, November 4, 2023 11:48 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Basically, going back to January, they’d be like, ‘China’s not going to control it; 80 percent of the population is going to get it; all efforts to contain it are going to fail; we have to learn to live with this virus; contact tracing and testing make no sense; this is going to be everywhere; right now we need to build up hospitals’ — which they didn’t even do. But they really didn’t think it was stoppable,” she says. “And then all of a sudden you started to see, in February, South Korea stopping it, Taiwan stopping it, and China stopping it. Then, in March, New Zealand. And then Australia. And then there’s this realization of, ‘Oh, wow. Actually, it is controllable.’”

I'm not sure what the point of posting this is.

China controlled Covid with draconian localized (or in some cases regional) lockdowns. They basically outwaited the virus until it had mutated to a less-lethal form.

S Korea: severe lockdowns. Indoor mask wearing, limits on indoor gatherings to 10 people etc.

Australia: severe lockdowns

New Zealand: severe lockdowns.

It appears to me that you do understand the point of posting that.


And correspondingly low death rates. This seems to be saying that if you're dealing with a highly contagious disease by restricting contacts, you have to be strict about it bc half-assed measures are going to get you half-assed results.


My whole point, which it would appear that you didn't get, is that New York Magazine is now saying that the lockdowns were a mistake and that they were George W. Bush's fault. All while having the gall to put this in print:


One of the great mysteries of the pandemic is why so many countries followed China’s example. In the U.S. and the U.K. especially, lockdowns went from being regarded as something that only an authoritarian government would attempt to an example of “following the science.” But there was never any science behind lockdowns — not a single study had ever been undertaken to measure their efficacy in stopping a pandemic. When you got right down to it, lockdowns were little more than a giant experiment.

And then I posted a dozen of their articles out of the dozens that they'd written demonizing anybody who was against the lockdowns and praising countries like China who were murdering citizens who dared leave their houses.

The kids today are borderline retarded. We're going to lose half a generation of kids who are going to grow up barely able to wipe their own asses they're going to be so stupid as adults.

The world economy is shit.

Countless old people died alone without their loved ones being there to comfort them.

All so a bunch of scared little Karens could feel safe, while the Government flexed it's enormous power over everyone, and took away their livelihoods if they didn't allow an experimental jab into their body.

We don't even know the fallout from that part yet. It's not going to be good.

And I'll be right here to tell New York Magazine to fuck right off when they admit the vaccination mandates and the vaccines themselves were a mistake and they were Trump's fault.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, November 5, 2023 1:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

BTW- I added to my post (above)


Originally posted by SIX
Basically, going back to January, they’d be like, ‘China’s not going to control it; 80 percent of the population is going to get it; all efforts to contain it are going to fail; we have to learn to live with this virus; contact tracing and testing make no sense; this is going to be everywhere; right now we need to build up hospitals’ — which they didn’t even do. But they really didn’t think it was stoppable,” she says. “And then all of a sudden you started to see, in February, South Korea stopping it, Taiwan stopping it, and China stopping it. Then, in March, New Zealand. And then Australia. And then there’s this realization of, ‘Oh, wow. Actually, it is controllable.’”

SIGNY: I'm not sure what the point of posting this is.
China controlled Covid with draconian localized (or in some cases regional) lockdowns. They basically outwaited the virus until it had mutated to a less-lethal form.

S Korea: severe lockdowns. Indoor mask wearing, limits on indoor gatherings to 10 people etc.

Australia: severe lockdowns

New Zealand: severe lockdowns.

SIX: It appears to me that you do understand the point of posting that.


And correspondingly low death rates. This seems to be saying that if you're dealing with a highly contagious disease by restricting contacts, you have to be strict about it bc half-assed measures are going to get you half-assed results.


My whole point, which it would appear that you didn't get, is that New York Magazine is now saying that the lockdowns were a mistake and that they were George W. Bush's fault. All while having the gall to put this in print:


One of the great mysteries of the pandemic is why so many countries followed China’s example. In the U.S. and the U.K. especially, lockdowns went from being regarded as something that only an authoritarian government would attempt to an example of “following the science.” But there was never any science behind lockdowns — not a single study had ever been undertaken to measure their efficacy in stopping a pandemic. When you got right down to it, lockdowns were little more than a giant experiment.

But when you get right down to it, they point to the PRACTICAL limitations of lockdowns in a society as disorganized as many western nations. These are the practical problems with lockdowns:


Could the kinds of lockdowns that are achievable in the real world, where hundreds of millions of people can’t live in isolation chambers, be an effective tool against a pandemic? Did the virus truly go away during a lockdown or simply hide, waiting to reemerge when it ended? And finally, did the many social, economic, and medical downsides make them, in the aggregate, not worth whatever short-term benefits they might yield?

Lockdowns ... oh, and BORDER CONTROLS... might be a useful rapid-response tool, but effective protocols can't be maintained indefinitely. If you have an unknown rapidly-spreading and sometimes fatal disease, you might use a tight lockdown to give you time to chracterize the disease: Is it airborne? Waterborne? Bloodborne? Hand contact? Who does it affect most? How do you control it? You don't need to be exact, but it was alrady known by the time it came to USA shores that it was probably airborne or foamite borne, it affected the elderly, and it had a roughly 2-week incubation period.

IMHO N95s were obviously the way to go. The problem was, there simply weren't enough. I was fortunate that I had a box at home to use and share with family.

We were unprepared. Almost all of our N95s are manufactured in China, and they were all committed by contract to others.


And then I posted a dozen of their articles out of the dozens that they'd written demonizing anybody who was against the lockdowns and praising countries like China who were murdering citizens who dared leave their houses.

The kids today are borderline retarded. We're going to lose half a generation of kids

Two years???

who are going to grow up barely able to wipe their own asses they're going to be so stupid as adults.
There are so many reasons for that. Don't put it all on Covid...


The world economy is shit.


Countless old people died alone without their loved ones being there to comfort them.
I dunno... from what I've seen, when you're dying it doesn't matter whether or not anyone from the family is there. I think that's more for the survivors than the dead. But then, I've only seen three people die. It wasn't like some tear-jerker movie, but what do I know?


All so a bunch of scared little Karens could feel safe, while the Government flexed it's enormous power over everyone, and took away their livelihoods if they didn't allow an experimental jab into their body.
First you're bitching about lockdowns, and now you're bitching about vaccines. I don't know if you noticed, but the article that YOU'RE quoting gives quite a bit of credit to vaccines. So....


We don't even know the fallout from that part yet. It's not going to be good.
If 'we don't know' how can you POSSIBLY predict 'it's not going to be good'? 'We don't know" means... we don't know.

You have a tendency to exaggerate.


And I'll be right here to tell New York Magazine to fuck right off when they admit the vaccination mandates and the vaccines themselves were a mistake and they were Trump's fault.
Well, OK... you do that, then!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, November 5, 2023 1:53 AM


I'm rarely wrong when given enough time Sigs.

I don't make Tick Tock threads, but if I did they wouldn't be going to nowhere like all of Teds do.

I've been right about everything else regarding Covid. It's only a matter of time before I'm proven right about the vaccines too.

You're still ignoring the point that NY Mag is now saying that lockdowns weren't only a mistake, but they weren't even based on science. Then they don't take any of the blame that they know they deserve.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, November 5, 2023 2:41 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

You were wrong when you said nobody ever died of Covid, and you were wrong when you predicted a red wave in last Congressional elections and you were wrong when you predicted Trump would win the election. You were also wrong to call for the killing of all Muslims.

You make these statements when you're swept with emotion, but they're not always based on fact or logic or, dare I say, science. Intuition is a powerful driver. Great discoveries were made by intuition, but altho it may feel infallible, it's not.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, November 5, 2023 4:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You were wrong when you said nobody ever died of Covid, and you were wrong when you predicted a red wave in last Congressional elections and you were wrong when you predicted Trump would win the election. You were also wrong to call for the killing of all Muslims.

You make these statements when you're swept with emotion, but they're not always based on fact or logic or, dare I say, science. Intuition is a powerful driver. Great discoveries were made by intuition, but altho it may feel infallible, it's not.

What 6ix is doing has already got a name: "Catastrophism" -- a term from geology. It's the End of 6ix's World as he knows it.

Right-wing catastrophism is now an intellectual movement too

A coalition of intellectual catastrophists on the American right is ... giving the next generation of Republican officeholders, senior advisers, judges and appointees explicit permission and encouragement to believe that the country is on the verge of collapse. Some catastrophists take it a step further and suggest that officials might contemplate overthrowing liberal democracy in favor of revolutionary regime change or even imposing a right-wing dictatorship on the country.

Catastrophism has lately infiltrated the Republican intelligentsia, but they're followers, not leaders. The evangelical right, in particular, has been there for years and was joined by folks like Glenn Beck and Mark Levin a decade ago. Catastrophism has gone mainstream since then, and it's only recently that intellectuals joined the bandwagon.

It's been common for a while on the right to believe that liberals hate America because they think it's the root source of racism, militarism, gun culture, Christian nationalism, greed, and police violence. So things like terrorism, high inflation, and illegal immigration aren't just ordinary problems of the kind that every country has, but problems that liberals have deliberately spawned and secretly bankrolled as a way of weakening and eventually bringing down America as a world power. On the Christian right, the issues are a little different — tending toward abortion, gay rights, divorce, and the rise of atheism — but the belief that liberals are deliberately degrading America out of sheer hatred is much the same.

And now the intellectuals are on board too, providing an elaborate, footnoted superstructure for beliefs that lots of conservatives already have. This is the basis for the militant refusal to compromise among the most extreme precincts of the right. If you thought your opponents weren't merely misguided, but deliberately trying to bring down the country, you'd feel the same way they do.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, November 5, 2023 6:49 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You were wrong when you said nobody ever died of Covid.

No I wasn't.


and you were wrong when you predicted a red wave in last Congressional elections

No I wasn't.


and you were wrong when you predicted Trump would win the election.

No I wasn't.


You were also wrong to call for the killing of all Muslims.

No I wasn't.

You are still ignoring the point of the thread.

Stay on topic.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, November 5, 2023 7:36 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Quote: and you were wrong when you predicted Trump would win the election.

No I wasn't.

You are still ignoring the point of the thread.

Stay on topic.

The only point I see Trumptards ever making is that they are loudmouth losers and they are very angry. Your thread is more of the same Trumptard bitching about not being respected as much as you imagine deserving. Life is tough for losers in America. See Trump's continuing trials and tribulations for example. It is always a mystery to stupid people about why bad things happen to them. The answer to why is a tautology: You are stupid. It is impossible for bad things not to continuously happen to stupid people in this complex world.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, November 5, 2023 10:28 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Quote: and you were wrong when you predicted Trump would win the election.

No I wasn't.

You are still ignoring the point of the thread.

Stay on topic.

The only point I see Trumptards ever making is that they are loudmouth losers and they are very angry. Your thread is more of the same Trumptard bitching about not being respected as much as you imagine deserving. Life is tough for losers in America. See Trump's continuing trials and tribulations for example. It is always a mystery to stupid people about why bad things happen to them. The answer to why is a tautology: You are stupid. It is impossible for bad things not to continuously happen to stupid people in this complex world.

It has nothing to do with respect. It's making sure that nobody forgets what our government did to us and why they did it.

New York Magazine is trying to rewrite history.

You also know very well that I'm the smartest person remaining in the RWED after JO left dude.

Who are you kidding?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, November 5, 2023 11:17 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The kids today are borderline retarded. We're going to lose half a generation of kids

Two years???

who are going to grow up barely able to wipe their own asses they're going to be so stupid as adults.
There are so many reasons for that. Don't put it all on Covid...

I've never put anything on Covid. Not once.

I've put it on the government response to Covid, the Media villainizing anybody who was talking common sense while the government was pulling all of that shit and all the complacent citizenry who, because of fear and/or weakness and/or apathy and/or plain old stupidity went along with it all.

And yes. In this climate, two years is all its going to take. The kids in America were already fucked up beyond belief by the failing educational system and the two-working-parent system in tandem before April of 2020.

Check out this reddit for teachers to see the frustration and see all of their ideas why the kids are fucked up and aren't getting any better.

Sure. It's easy for them to blame the parents when the school system is failing their students, but when you've got 22 Million kids in America raised by single parents, and most of the rest of them raised by two working parents (and many of those holding multiple jobs simultaneously), I think there is a reasonable expectation that the MASSIVE amount of tax dollars going toward education is actually going to result in their kids getting educated.


I teach 12th grade English and I know for a fact that many of our students are unable to read. They get by with a combination of cheating and bullshitting and manipulating the system. If they fail a class they take it on the online grade recovery program which is very easy to cheat. We're totally handing diplomas to people who can't read above the level of a Dr. Suess book.


Yep. Every year, like clockwork, once 15-25% of my students realize that my class requires actual effort, they fail my class on purpose so that they can do the online grade recovery program later instead.


ha, me too. Civics teacher for 11/12. Only me and the 10th grade bio teacher hold the kids to standards. You'd think the 75 pages of reading (from a book that has maybe 150 words a page) over the course of a quarter is child abuse.

Kid failed my class a few years ago, just opted to go on her phone every day. Hey, I don't care, you're 18, time to start being responsible for your own decisions. Well admin let her take a 'recovery' that let her get credit for the entire quarter in just 3 hours of work. So that's cool. Why even employ me


Probably shouldn't spread this around or you will have more kids doing that and will really be out of a job


Yep. I'm in my first year as a full time teacher in a high school Business Ed department. My classroom is a computer lab. The kids put far more effort into cheating and forging anything and everything they can than anything else. About half of each class period is capable of turning something in on time, even when I give them a week to turn in stuff and don't assign homework. Spelling, reading, and basic math skills are atrocious. All the school admin cares about is how many industry certifications we can get. So, may as well let the kid cheat I guess.

This is the first I've even heard of this "Online Grade Recovery Program".

So that's how Idiocracy happens.

Now I get it.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, November 5, 2023 12:40 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

New York Magazine is trying to rewrite history.

You also know very well that I'm the smartest person remaining in the RWED after JO left dude.

Who are you kidding?

A few years after Serenity failed at movies in 2005, the fans who were still here weren't smart. Did you notice that Haken, the founder of this site, doesn't come here anymore? The site is his sociological experiment to measure the devolution of a fan base until the software fails.

What scared away the fans from Firefly? Firefly failed on TV, probably because Fox didn't want Joss Whedon around since he preyed on actresses, his episodes were too expensive and took too long to make. So they put Firefly into the Friday Night Death Slot to get rid of Joss, the Firefly showrunner.

Jan. 17, 2022 | The Undoing of Joss Whedon

What scared away the rest of the fans from Firefly? Serenity failed on the Big Screen, for good reasons:

Friday, July 14, 2006 | SECOND GUESSING
Q. Why do you think SERENITY failed at the box office?

Monday, July 17, 2006 | SECOND GUESSING, CONTINUED
A lot of comments on my earlier post and on Whedonesque claim that Serenity underperformed because of bad marketing. I have to disagree.

Firefly and Serenity are about a crew of highly defective and opinionated people, which also describes people who liked the show. Some of the defective people flying on Serenity were very successful at what they did, but not Mal, Zoe, Wash, or Jayne. Those four were very bad at making a decent living from crime. Even in the movie, Mal complained they were starving for food and fuel. Who does that leave as competent people? Kaylee, River, and Simon, all deserve better than what Mal could deliver. Remember that River and Simon bailed out during the movie? Kaylee would be next because she could be a success anywhere with her pleasant personality and intelligence. Inara and Book had bailed earlier because they saw Mal's sad career would ultimately fail.

I'm still around because I've got a story about how Serenity becomes a viable business. The story is not yet written. One of these days. Or if I am smart, never.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, November 5, 2023 12:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You were wrong when you said nobody ever died of Covid.

No I wasn't.


and you were wrong when you predicted a red wave in last Congressional elections

No I wasn't.


and you were wrong when you predicted Trump would win the election.

No I wasn't.


You were also wrong to call for the killing of all Muslims.

No I wasn't.

You are still ignoring the point of the thread.

Stay on topic.

Dood, YOU were the one who brought up that you were right about almost everything. I'm merely pointing out where you were obviously wrong.

I bring this up bc you're making the same mistake that SECOND makes: you think you know everything. No wonder you guys butt heads so often! Well, that plus SECOND insults everyone.

The article basically says "Lockdowns aren't PRACTICAL" and bc they're not practical a) they won't reduce or slow down the spread of disease and b) they'll have negative effects.

But practicality depends on the society that implements it, and what is done afterwards. China achieved a pretty low death rate as far as we know, even as the most deadly form circulated there first.

Australia and New Zealand, both island nations, have very strict quarantine procedures for animals and other imports. That's why neither island has rabies or mad cow disease, for example. So they extended that kind of thinking to Covid. I thought they were nuts, but it did work for them, at least as far as Covid is concerned.

S Korea also had strict controls on gatherings, masking etc. and it worked for them, too.

But the kind of lockdown that would work best would be short but total: no shopping, no work, no gatherings of any sort.
Food delivered to your door.
Each household isolated for maybe three weeks.
After that, there would need to be sufficient supplies- N95s (for airborne like SARS), or face masks and hand sanitizers (like for bird flu), or gloves and face shields and bleach (like for Ebola)... whatever it takes for people to move about safely in their day-to-day activities.

BTW, none of those diseases have any treatment, so prevention is the only measure available.

And I wouldn't make them mandatory, either. I mean, if you feel happy without any sort of protection, then, yanno, feel free! But if you're a parent, or taking care of the very elderly who may not be able to make decisions for themselves, you have to be responsible for them too.

But if you fail to take precautions, I wouldn't move heaven in earth to get those people medical care, either. They live or die with their decision.

Same as with any vaccine not rigorously safety tested. Should be optional.

That kind of prep, tho, is far FAR beyond what our society can achieve! But god help is if we should ever encounter something like airborne Ebola (which ran rampant thru a monkey breeding house in Reston VA The Hot Zone ) or the Spanish Flu or MERS or human-to-human bird flu. There were be dunderheads in denial, and it would be impossible for any thinking person to trust anything that the government mandated.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, November 5, 2023 1:23 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

BTW, none of those diseases have any treatment, so prevention is the only measure available.

And I wouldn't make them mandatory, either. I mean, if you feel happy without any sort of protection, then, yanno, feel free! But if you're a parent, or taking care of the very elderly who may not be able to make decisions for themselves, you have to be responsible for them too.

But if you fail to take precautions, I wouldn't move heaven in earth to get those people medical care, either. They live or die with their decision.

Same as with any vaccine not rigorously safety tested. Should be optional.

That kind of prep, tho, is far FAR beyond what our society can achieve! But god help is if we should ever encounter something like airborne Ebola (which ran rampant thru a monkey breeding house in Reston VA The Hot Zone ) or the Spanish Flu or MERS or human-to-human bird flu. There were be dunderheads in denial, and it would be impossible for any thinking person to trust anything that the government mandated.

The USA is not homogeneous, but bits of it can impose rules and enforce them. For example, the Houston Methodist Hospital system required its nurses to be vaccinated or be fired. 6ix believed that was pure evil. I believe that if a hospital cannot be allowed to enforce rules, that is pure evil. 6ix and my views are completely incompatible. I'm pretty sure 6ix's way would be disastrous while my way would work.

His kind of people don't care about the disaster, only about the freedom to do as they want, consequences be damned. I see 6ix's kind all over Texas being damned by the consequences of their freedom and, presumably from the news I read, all over the country. Those consequences enrage 6ix's kind and make them want even more the freedom to destroy themselves. In the next election, 6ix's kind will attempt to permanently grab the freedom to be as big a failure as they want to be. I hope 6ix's kind fails to make the entire country as big a failure as Trumptards are as individuals.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, November 5, 2023 2:13 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

November 4, 2023 | Willful ignorance occurs when someone intentionally avoids information about the negative consequences of their actions. A new meta-analysis found that 40% of people will choose to remain ignorant of how their decisions affect others. The evidence suggests that willful ignorance provides people with a built-in excuse to act selfishly.

Do you have an uncle who believes vaccines cause autism but refuses to study the reams of research showing them to be safe? What about a friend who avoids information about factory animal farming so they can eat cheap meat guilt-free? Or how about that CEO who claims their business is ethically minded, yet doesn’t investigate its supply chain for exploitation of the environment or the impoverished?

Each is an example of what psychologists call willful ignorance — the intentional act of avoiding information that reveals the negative consequences of one’s actions. Not to judge: We all have a place in our lives where we look the other way and pretend everything is fine. It may be personal, political, or professional in nature, but just below the conscious surface, we know our actions don’t align with our stated values.

“Examples [of] willful ignorance abound in everyday life,” Linh Vu, a doctoral candidate at the University of Amsterdam, said. “We wanted to know just how prevalent and how harmful willful ignorance is, as well as why people engage in it.”

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, November 5, 2023 9:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECOND, THIS economy is not built on ethics, it's built on GREED. And if you behave ethically while TPTB don't, all you'll do is get fucked.

In this specific case:

Was 3M behaving ethically when it decided to outsource its N95 manufacturing to China, or fail to make any of the supply available to the USA?

Was the government behaving ethically when it secretly contracted Wuhan lan to perform GOF research on a notoriously contagious virus? Was the Wuhan lab behaving ethically when it ran those experiments?

Did our government behave ethically when it hid the probable source of the virus from us?

Was big pharma ethical when it pushed thru a vaccine innocuously labeled "messenger" RNA when in reality it was MODIFIED RNA?

Was government behaving ethically when it mandated vaccination with an unproven vaccine, when other measures such as N95s could have been substituted? Or mandated long-term but half-assed isolation measures that had mostly negative effects and few positive ones?

I can come up with at least a dozen more unethical decisions, where the negative effects on a whole slew of people, weren't taken into account by business leaders or politicians or government employees.

In light of that, it hardly makes any sense to advocates that the "little people"... those without wealth or influence... behave better than TPTB.

They say "A fish rots from the head" and the USA looks like a prime example.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, November 5, 2023 11:54 PM


See what I mean?

Second is still pushing the narrative that I'm some Nazi that was trying to kill my grandma and everybody else's grandma.

And NY Magazine now comes out and says that the lockdowns were a mistake, questions why we were trying to emulate China, and pawn the blame off on GWB.

It's Leftist shitrags like NY Magazine that pumped Second's head full of all that propaganda for 2.5 years and now they're going to say what I was saying all along, even claiming that there was no science behind the lockdowns.

The only reason everybody gets away with all the horrible shit they do is because people are fucking stupid, and nobody is ever held accountable.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.






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