
UPDATED: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 18:28
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Tuesday, September 5, 2023 6:34 PM



Originally posted by THG: Saturday, June 5, 2021 9:15 AM

China to 'welcome the Taliban back' in bid to extend Belt and Road into Afghanistan

China plans to link Afghanistan to the Belt and Road Initiative as the withdrawal of NATO forces from the country clears the way for Beijing’s return to one of the ancient Silk Road nations.

China is said to have a long term strategy but without friends it will fail. So far they've pissed off all their neighbors and many other countries around the globe. They've tipped their hand and exposed what their long term strategy is, and it isn't good for anyone. It's been amazing to see how stupidly they've used aggression against everyone, even Russia. This is not a winning strategy.

It shows a complete lack of understanding of how to use diplomacy to further their policies. In other words; they have no experience doing so. This applies to their military as well.

They have no experience waging a battle much less a war. And since each branch of their military must go through the central government to get instructions, they lack the capability of launching a multiprong attack that isn't planned out well in advance. In other words, successfully using a 3 dimensional approach to fighting.

I'm still waiting on a typhoon to wipe out their manufactured islands.

tick tock


I wrote this in June, 2021.



Tuesday, September 5, 2023 6:58 PM


Has China's Shanghai Turned Into 'Ghost Town'? What Photos Show

The internet erupted in debate about whether Shanghai, China's largest city, has turned into a "ghost town" following a viral tweet showing empty streets.

Author Michael Yon posted photographs appearing to show an empty Shanghai on social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter. He said the photos, which show desolate roads and an empty Starbucks were taken by a friend on Monday and signal "deep trouble" for the Chinese economy.

"Shanghai is a ghost town compared to what it was. It's their financial hub. Used to have massive western presence. Today is Monday. Normal workday. It feels like a Sunday morning in Germany. Very quiet. Very little road traffic. Western restaurants used to be a real status symbol to eat in. Now they're empty. Our freight loads out of here are half of what they used to be. China is in trouble," Yon wrote.



Tuesday, September 5, 2023 7:23 PM


On you on drugs again THG or you just swallow and vomit up 'media' news?

You can watch Live feeds with 2 clicks of a mouse, you can go on twitter, rumble, tiktok or forums other social media and watch people on the streets with live feeds, their snapchats and instagram and other Asian social media unqiue to their regions, eating and review food, they cycle a bike, walk in the park or drive a car or take a taxi in Shanghai

Does this look like a 'Ghost Town'


Originally posted by THG:

It shows a complete lack of understanding of how to use diplomacy to further their policies.

You have a complete lack of understanding of islamism and how it Hijacked Asscrackistan, the USA wasted decades defending a shit Sharia Law islamist constitution with jihadi Law that Americans helped write.

China does not want to invade and rule, is simply buying stuff from 'Jawa' as SixSting calls them...a Jawa then uses the trade money to buy a bullets or buy a Pick Axe a Shovel or food or an AK-47 or a Camel or Donkey or ingredients for an improvised RPG bomb...China takes minerals and pays a Jawa for the mineral.
The Jawa in Star Wars is a somewhat a sentient species of humanoids native to the Outer Rim desert world
Oriental Spaceman is higher IQ. The Mentat or Borg or Romulan corporation or maybe you can look at the company entity as a group from China, as it looks to trade it buys their stone and tin and whatever worthwhile junk they might offer, the Chinese have absolutely no interest in what Jawa culture offers, they do not care who is leading Jawa that week, they do not care for its disgusting islamo books, they do not care for Jawa policy...the Chinese are more like Borg or a proud Romulan loving their own history but then turned into Economic Traders, they consider Jawa mostly unworthy unless they are selling some worthwhile junker toy scrap metal or precious stone that a Romulan business corporation needs

It is the USA that has a lack of understanding about Jawa culture or lack of knowledge islamism that hijacked Asscrackistan, long ago Afghanistan had 'culture' some moderate Left Socialism and perhaps military police, it had Hindu Vedic culture, Buddhist culture, it had Greek culture from the conquests of Alexander...but islamism would hijack and destory
When islam is promoted, it is a religion of a camel hijacking pedophile terrorist that will take over.

The USA could have defeated the islamists of Afghanistan but it decided not to win

and Shanghai Taken by Ghosts?


Originally posted by THG:
Has China's Shanghai Turned Into 'Ghost Town'?

I would say NO but some US States and places in the West are becoming ghost towns, parts of Ukraine look like an Apocalypse, parts of California also look terrible even though it is not in war
if you click on feeds from Commiefornia or NYC or Chicago it looks like a zombie Apocalypse

Some of these news stations are pro-American Leftwing pro-California news stations admitting there is a huge problem

Shanghai does seem to have some oldass, gritty, manufacturing, ugly, dirty parts but you can not call it a 'Ghost Town' it has expanded rapidly since the 80s and is still growing

its still Communists and Life did look kind of miserable with Covid rules

but your Zeihan guy?

So dangerous like NewYork, Chicago, SanFrancisco ?

Food Tour in QUANZHOU on a SCOOTER


Saturday, September 9, 2023 3:32 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

That's what happens when you outsource critical industries in the name of profit.

tic tac


CHINA Exports Crashing, Imports Falling, Yuan Tumbles, Property Sector Woes & Typhoon Destruction


Monday, September 25, 2023 6:35 PM



Why a Chinese blockade against Taiwan 'won't work' | Major General Tim Cross


Monday, September 25, 2023 6:41 PM


Shut up, Ted. You don't have close the the necessary IQ necessary to talk about 90% of the things you talk about here.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, September 25, 2023 7:58 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Shut up, Ted. You don't have close the the necessary IQ necessary to talk about 90% of the things you talk about here.

Talk about low IQ; what kind of sentence is that moron?



Tuesday, September 26, 2023 12:50 PM



China's "Diversionary" War with Taiwan: The Good, Bad and Ugly


Tuesday, September 26, 2023 12:55 PM



Don't Be Surprised by China's Collapse


Saturday, September 30, 2023 11:02 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

That's what happens when you outsource critical industries in the name of profit.

tic tac



Saturday, September 30, 2023 1:08 PM


THG your obsession with Trump and eating and vomiting stuff from Zeihan's anus makes you seem like a mental patient

Do you even watch the vids, look at what you post

So you still think Peter Zeihan knows all, and you parrot and keep spamming his BS, he knows all the Gay Lesbo bars and nightclubs on Earth, the expert geopolitical ANAL-yst and once in a while a Spook type gives him some numbers to swallow up and spit out
WTF you are still posting that degenerate homosexual with his Spook propaganda nonsense? Do you even watch those Yellow Peril stuff or that spooky George Friedman any of his Fu-Manchu vids?

Pay up your Reparations!
Listen and repeat the religion slogans of Austin-based Stratfor
Blame the Alt-Reich

Sam Brinton, the transexual diversity hire Open Border ass bandits like Pete Buttigieg are doing such a good job!

and because any second now, any week Chicom is collapsing

and Japan must be RAYCISS also?

Doctor and Scientists of Wakanda crashes into Police car attempting to flee...blame China?


Originally posted by THG:

Don't Be Surprised by China's Collapse

THG, you keep spamming these vids but more importantly ...fuckedup your pink font


Saturday, September 30, 2023 7:43 PM


Aiiyyeeee Yo Muthas Fukkas

Gibs Meez Dat China TV n Sheeeeeeeeeiiit

Lauren Witzke

Those pesky “teens” and their reparations activities.


Sunday, October 1, 2023 2:42 PM


It doesn’t take an Agatha Christie detective to work out something’s up in Xi’s China

What on Earth is happening in China? The country that has been trying to present itself to the world as an appealing alternative to Western-style democracy looks like the stage of a sinister mystery play, with major characters disappearing from view, and government officials acting like nothing unusual is going on. But this is not normal. Or perhaps it is: Unexplained disappearances are a feature of repressive autocracies.

The latest to vanish from view is China’s Defense Minister Li Shangfu. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) general became defense minister barely six months ago. Now, nobody seems to know where he is. His last public appearance was in August. Asked about the enigma, the Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson replied, “I’m not aware of the situation.”

Nobody is openly mocking the obviously false statements and the odd happenings, except perhaps the US ambassador to nearby Japan, Rahm Emanuel, who is gleefully sardonic on X, formerly Twitter, relentlessly trolling the Chinese. “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,” he wrote, quoting Shakespeare’s Hamlet on the suspicious goings-on. In another post, he wrote, “President Xi’s cabinet lineup is now resembling Agatha Christie’s novel ‘And then There Were None,’” listing the half dozen high-ranking officials whose fates are now a puzzle.



Tuesday, October 3, 2023 8:28 PM




Friday, October 6, 2023 3:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Our dependent relationship with China all began with Bill Clinton


Fast forward to May 2000 to the passage of House Resolution 4444 China Trade Bill. In one of the most profoundly mindless and ignorant statements of America’s foreign and economic policy, Bill Clinton proclaimed that:

“Today the House of Representatives has taken an historic step toward continued prosperity in America, reform in China and peace in the world. If the Senate votes as the House has just done, to extend permanent normal trade relations with China, it will open new doors of trade for America and new hope for change in China. Seven years ago, when I became president, I charted a new course for a new economy—a course of fiscal discipline, investment in our people and open trade. I have always believed that by opening markets abroad we open opportunities at home. We’ve worked hard to advance that goal of more open and more fair trade since 1993, all the way up to the landmark legislation I signed just a few days ago to expand trade with Africa and the Caribbean Basin.”


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, October 8, 2023 3:14 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Our dependent relationship with China all began with Bill Clinton


Fast forward to May 2000 to the passage of House Resolution 4444 China Trade Bill. In one of the most profoundly mindless and ignorant statements of America’s foreign and economic policy, Bill Clinton proclaimed that:

“Today the House of Representatives has taken an historic step toward continued prosperity in America, reform in China and peace in the world. If the Senate votes as the House has just done, to extend permanent normal trade relations with China, it will open new doors of trade for America and new hope for change in China. Seven years ago, when I became president, I charted a new course for a new economy—a course of fiscal discipline, investment in our people and open trade. I have always believed that by opening markets abroad we open opportunities at home. We’ve worked hard to advance that goal of more open and more fair trade since 1993, all the way up to the landmark legislation I signed just a few days ago to expand trade with Africa and the Caribbean Basin.”


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

No, they began with Nixon comrade.



Sunday, October 8, 2023 10:12 PM



Don't Be Surprised by China's Collapse


Saturday, October 28, 2023 8:58 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

That's what happens when you outsource critical industries in the name of profit.

tic tac



Sunday, October 29, 2023 7:28 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

That's what happens when you outsource critical industries in the name of profit.

tic tac


CHINA $1.3 Trillion Belt & Road Debt Disaster as Majority of Loans DEFAULT and Projects Face Failure


Sunday, October 29, 2023 10:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

AFAIK China isn't in the Belt & Road business to make money. What they desire, more than anything, is to keep their population employed and out of mischief. Secondarily they want to extend and solidify their trade relationships.

It's like America's Marshall Plan IMHO.

Yanno, some of the best - and ultimately most beneficial - projects for the USA weren't undertaken for profit. Rural electrification and the interstate highway system, for example. A lot of times what is done for profit - real estate, stock, commodity speculation; monopolism etc- are actually destructive. I sometimes think that there needs to be a balance: infrastructure including human infrastructure like education and health, energy resources, and weapons peoduction need to be semi-governmental, bc when they're run for profit they just run everything into the ground. Of course, there needs to be some anti-corruption process: maybe public and private entities competing with each other to keep each other sharp.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Wednesday, November 15, 2023 5:57 PM



Biden and Xi's Private Meeting at the APEC Summit


Wednesday, November 15, 2023 6:06 PM



Xi: China and U.S. turning their back on each other ‘is not an option’


Thursday, November 16, 2023 7:24 PM




Sunday, November 19, 2023 2:46 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Galloping paranoia:


Millions Of Americans Are Walking Into A Chinese-Made Trap
Saturday, Nov 18, 2023 - 03:40 PM

Authored by John Mac Ghlionn via The Epoch Times,

According to a new Pew report, a growing number of U.S. adults admit to regularly getting their news on TikTok. “This,” notes the report, “is in contrast with many other social media sites, where news consumption has either declined or stayed about the same in recent years.”

This should concern all readers who care about the United States. As this piece clearly demonstrates, TikTok is an incredibly dangerous app that is most likely being weaponized by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).



More specifically, it's being used
Wow, they went from suspicion to certainty in one sentence, no evidence needed!

by the CCP to further divide a country that is already dangerously divided.

The Pew report states that, since 2020, the percentage of U.S. adults who regularly get their news from TikTok “has more than quadrupled,” from 3 percent three years ago to 14 percent in 2023. Today, add the authors of the sobering report, “43% of TikTok users say they regularly get news on the site, up from 33% who said the same in 2022.”

It’s not often that journalists on both sides [????] of the political aisle agree on a particular issue. However, with TikTok—from the New York Post to The New York Times, The Washington Post to the Washington Examiner—everyone seems to agree that TikTok is a destructive app.

Does that really represent "both sides".


This explains why Nepal recently chose to ban TikTok, saying the platform spreads content that negatively affects "social harmony." Nepal’s neighbor, India, has also banned TikTok—for good reason.
Nepal banned TikTok bc "The government has decided to ban TikTok as it was necessary to regulate the use of the social media platform that was disrupting social harmony, goodwill and flow of indecent materials," Saud said.

"India has banned 59 Chinese phone apps, including the popular messaging app WeChat and video-sharing app TikTok."


Earlier this year, The Guardian published a piece meticulously outlining how TikTok appears to be part of the CCP's “cognitive warfare campaign.”
Doods! At least give me an example! Without evidence this is just paranoid ranting.


TikTok is the latest addition to the CCP’s cognitive domain of military operations.
Evidence?? Nah.... who needs evidence?


In short, the human mind is the new battlefield, and what better way to conquer it than by weaponizing an app currently used by 150 million Americans?

James Giordano, an expert in the weaponization of technology, agrees. Co-director of the O'Neill Institute-Pellegrino Center Program in Brain Science and Global Health Law and Policy at Georgetown University, Mr. Giordano told me that the CCP considers TikTok a key cog in the evolution of psychological operations (PSYOPs).

How would HE kjow?? Been to any Politburo meetings lately? Been chatting with Xi, have you?


Mr. Giordano—whose research revolves around the misuse of neuroscientific techniques and technologies in medicine, public life, and military applications—believes that “both TikTok and more sophisticated forms of collective psychological intelligence/assessment and engagement will increasingly be used to leverage influence in narratives, image meanings, and contextual interpretations.”
I thought advertising, Hollywood, tech giants, general media, and the deep state were already trying to "leverage influence in narratives". Look at the woke bullshit that's being pushed on us from every direction.


The app's effects on “a variety of public and personal media,” he suggests, will likely increase, especially with the presidential election—arguably America’s most significant one of the 21st century—only a year away.

Psyops, according to the expert, “constitute a defined domain of China's 'three [non-kinetic] warfares.'” The first domain involves the psychological evaluation of rivals’ collective cognitive patterns and beliefs. This is one of the reasons why TikTok is so dangerous. The app can be used to gauge the “temperature” of the United States’ political climate. After gauging the temperature, the second stage involves controlling various media outlets via specific psychological messaging. The final step involves the injection of pro-CCP narratives or modifications to narratives that benefit Beijing. The main aim here, Mr. Giordano says, involves the creation of "disruptive messaging and influence programs that access and affect key variables of US and Western cognition, emotions, and behaviors.”

I don't even know what he's saying. Sounds like word salad to me.

Maybe evidence, or at least an example or two, would help.


When someone as qualified as Mr. Giordano speaks, we should listen.
Maybe! If we can figure out, specifically, what he's going on about.


After all, this is communist China we are talking about, a country that has stolen the personal data of 80 percent of American adults.
link leads to an equally baseless article.


It’s quite likely that TikTok is being used not just to influence Americans’ minds but also to steal their personal data.

In February this year, Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) called on Apple and Google to immediately remove TikTok from their respective stores, citing national security concerns. A Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mr. Bennet wrote a strongly worded letter, asking why "Chinese Communist Party dictates should have the power to accumulate such extensive data on the American people or curate content to nearly a third of our population." Not only did the question go unanswered, TikTok is still available on Apple’s App Store and via Google Play.

This is not okay.

In September, a Microsoft threat analysis report clearly outlined how CCP-aligned influence and disinformation campaigns are targeting both American voters and political candidates on both sides of the aisle.

And yet, there were the tech giants, giving Xi a standing ovation. There's more at Epoch Times, but it's equally pointless.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, November 21, 2023 11:16 AM


China's communist regime set to collapse as Xi Jinping's woes 'underestimated'

Xi Jinping’s communist regime will “fail” as China’s economic woes go underestimated, a foreign policy expert has warned.

Gordon Chang, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute, claimed Beijing was facing a number of crises and could turn to conflict to alleviate the pressures.

He told GB News: “I think that the problems that we see in China are worse than people perceive. I don't think Xi Jinping has solutions to them or I should say more precisely, his solutions are making problems worse. So I do see a failure of the communist regime.”

Chang highlighted how company debt defaults, accelerating capital flight, a falling currency, plunging property prices, stagnating economy, food shortages, deteriorating environment and demographic decline was putting unprecedented peacetime pressure on the Chinese economy.



Tuesday, November 21, 2023 11:22 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

In September, a Microsoft threat analysis report clearly outlined how CCP-aligned influence and disinformation campaigns are targeting both American voters and political candidates on both sides of the aisle.

And yet, there were the tech giants, giving Xi a standing ovation. There's more at Epoch Times, but it's equally pointless.

He is wooing them and they are applauding what he is saying to get them back. The fact is, they are still leaving. And you can bet he is no longer saying any of that new world order bullshit. He is leading them to believe he will now respect the rule of law.



Tuesday, November 28, 2023 1:22 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

That's what happens when you outsource critical industries in the name of profit.

tic tac

Analysis-West's de-risking starts to bite China's prospects

Foreign investors have been sour on China for most of this year, but data released over the past month has provided clear evidence of the negative impact de-risking strategies are having on the world's second-largest economy.

Activity surveys showed manufacturing unexpectedly contracted in October, while exports accelerated their decline. China recorded its first-ever quarterly deficit in foreign direct investment in July-September, suggesting capital outflow pressure.




Tuesday, November 28, 2023 2:00 PM


Chinese Navy Ignored SOS Call as US and Ally Stopped Pirate Attack

Search and Rescue at sea: a worldwide legal obligation for States and shipmasters

Our operations at sea are based on maritime law and international conventions (such as SOLAS 1974, SAR 1979, UNCLOS 1982). The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 November 1982 states that: “Every State shall require the master of a ship flying its flag, in so far as he can do so without serious danger to the ship, the crew or the passengers: (a) to render assistance to any person found at sea in danger of being lost”. (Article 98 (1)). The duty to render assistance at sea is a long-standing maritime tradition and peremptory norm that has been translated into international law.

Nothing left to know. This shows the world what China is about.



Monday, December 4, 2023 7:46 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

That's what happens when you outsource critical industries in the name of profit.

tic tac

Analyst Who Raised Alarm For Chinese Banks Now Predicts Potential Instability In China's $2.9 Trillion Trust Industry

tick tock



Wednesday, December 6, 2023 1:06 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

That's what happens when you outsource critical industries in the name of profit.

tic tac

Why did China’s state media make a sudden turn towards friendlier US ties?

For years, Chinese media has portrayed the United States as an unfriendly nation that seeks to contain and weaken China on the world stage.

The US has repeatedly been cast as a threat to world peace in Chinese media owing to Washington’s policies of arming Taiwan, sending military assistance to Ukraine, and supporting Israel’s war on Gaza.

So when stories in Chinese media suddenly began to appear about “strengthening China-US ties” and “the bonds of friendship between Americans and Chinese”, it naturally did not go unnoticed.

In the weeks before the long-awaited November 15 meeting between US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the APEC summit in San Francisco, China’s media softened its strident rhetoric.
State-run Xinhua news agency reported on a letter Xi sent to an American war veteran, who had served in the US Air Force group nicknamed the Flying Tigers and who fought with the Chinese military against the Japanese during World War II.

In the letter, Xi addresses relations between China and the US, noting a deep friendship forged between the two countries “that withstood the test of blood and fire”.

Too funny aye kiki. Oh yeah, you're dead. Never mind...



Friday, December 15, 2023 9:19 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

That's what happens when you outsource critical industries in the name of profit.

tic tac

U.S. and Chinese Economies Headed in Opposite Directions, says Goldman Sachs

Waldron analyzed that China is still experiencing severe economic difficulties, citing his recent visit. He argued that this contrasts sharply with the steady growth, robust consumer demand, stock market rally, and 2024 soft landing forecast of the U.S.



Monday, December 18, 2023 11:11 PM




Tuesday, December 19, 2023 2:07 PM


China Builds New Highway Near India To Move Troops For Border Standoff



Friday, December 22, 2023 6:12 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

That's what happens when you outsource critical industries in the name of profit.

tic tac

China’s Financial Stress Is Mounting. Beijing Faces a Painful Decision.

Moody’s has reason to be worried. More than 50 Chinese property developers have defaulted on bonds since early 2021, and a handful of local governments have warned of their own imminent defaults absent help from Beijing. Stress is also building in the periphery of China’s financial system, in vehicles such as trusts, where 7 of the country’s 68 companies have failed in the last 6 years.

This moment is more precarious than previous periods of financial stress in China in two key respects. First, the three most important drivers of economic growth for decades—property, exports, and local governments—are all experiencing a sharp pullback in activity, which is making servicing debt much more difficult for borrowers. Second, China is now facing a deep and pervasive confidence problem that has taken a toll on consumption, private investment, and birthrates. Those issues could spread to other areas, including the financial sector.

You mean tick tock kiki don't you?



Saturday, December 23, 2023 6:05 AM


Nike's warnings on China should scare other companies that do business there

Nike sounded another alarm on China's economy, signaling that weak consumer demand may continue hanging over companies that do business there despite Beijing's efforts to stimulate growth.

In its fiscal second-quarter report late Thursday, the sports apparel giant beat earnings views, but its 1% revenue gain to $13.39 billion missed forecasts for $13.43 billion. Greater China sales rose 4% to $1.86 billion, below the expected $1.95 billion as growth slowed from the prior quarter.
Nike also cut its full-year sales forecast to a 1% gain from its prior view for mid-single-digits growth. And management announced plans to reduce costs by as much as $2 billion over the next three years.

"This new outlook reflects increased macro headwinds, particularly in Greater China and EMEA, adjusted digital growth plans based on recent digital traffic softness and higher marketplace promotions, lifecycle management of key product franchises and a stronger US dollar that has negatively impacted second half reported revenue versus 90 days ago," CFO Matthew Friend said on the earnings call.

Don't bet against America.



Saturday, December 23, 2023 1:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Looking at China from a macro POV, they still have a hard time balancing production and consumption. They experienced phenomenal double digit growth for more than a decade, and lifted almost a billion people out of poverty, but they did that by producing goods for export to the American market. What they got out of it was a hugely expanded industrial base, but a distorted economy: goods produced that Chinese will never buy. (How many Nikes and iPhones and Teslas and CocaColas can China absorb?)

They are still reverberating from the global financial collapse of 2008, which collapsed their western markets. Many businesses went bust, and they woke up to their dependence on western markets.

In an effort to expand demand, they went on an infrastructure binge. Belt and Road IMHO is jus another such binge, just internationalized.

Every time they want to increase consumption, they loosen money supply, but that only seems to lead to speculation. There have been booms and busts in agricultural commodities, iron, aluminum, infrastructure, stocks etc but the most durable speculation has been in real estate.

Chinese always talk about "socialism with Chinese characteristics" but the leadership hasn't yet realized that the Chinese don't spend like Americans. When they have money to spare, they like to "invest".

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Saturday, December 23, 2023 1:09 PM


Yeah. Let's bring all the jobs back here.

I'm sure that will help out the already unaffordable prices on everything for most Americans.



Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, December 23, 2023 3:49 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Yeah. Let's bring all the jobs back here.
I'm sure that will help out the already unaffordable prices on everything for most Americans.



Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

The reason why re-industrializing America wouldn't help Americans is bc of the unconscionable profits that industries and especially financialists have become accustomed to taking off of cheap Chinese/ Indian/ (fill in the blank) labor. They would want to continue raking unconsionable profits off America labor as well, leading to unconsionable prices.

Still, unless our nation maintains essential production and a neutral balance of payment we will not be independent and durable.

One thing re-industrializing would be good for is waking Americans up to the mousetrap that we're caught in. THE INTERESTS OF THE ELITE ARE NOT THE INTERESTS OF AMERICA OR AMERICANS. The ultimate red pill moment.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Saturday, December 23, 2023 9:05 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Yeah. Let's bring all the jobs back here.
I'm sure that will help out the already unaffordable prices on everything for most Americans.



Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

The reason why re-industrializing America wouldn't help Americans is bc of the unconscionable profits that industries and especially financialists have become accustomed to taking off of cheap Chinese/ Indian/ (fill in the blank) labor. They would want to continue raking unconsionable profits off America labor as well, leading to unconsionable prices.

Still, unless our nation maintains essential production and a neutral balance of payment we will not be independent and durable.

One thing re-industrializing would be good for is waking Americans up to the mousetrap that we're caught in. THE INTERESTS OF THE ELITE ARE NOT THE INTERESTS OF AMERICA OR AMERICANS. The ultimate red pill moment.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

I'm just talking about the prices of everything...

What's you're average cost for a McDonald's meal now? $15? $20? Add to that they're shrinking the portions on top of it. And AFAIK you can't even get a job at McDonald's anywhere that makes less than $3.50 more per hour than I made at my last pre-pandemic job.

Imagine how much clothes or shoes would cost if we were making them here.

The entire system is broken. It's been broken for decades, before I was even born. We've SixSigmad the world into oblivion and the worldwide plandemic they inflicted upon us to keep Trump from winning 2020 threw the entire system into chaos. There used to be contingency plans. There used to be much smaller parts to the greater machine when many different companies owned by different people were all cogs in the machine, rather than just a small handful of companies owning everything and streamlining everything.

But hey... I think we're all about to swallow a bunch of large pills we won't want to be swallowing anyhow, so maybe now is the time to try to put our country before globalism. What's the alternative? Wait 20 years when they've managed to put the globalist regime back together at full strength when it's never going to be a possibility?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, December 25, 2023 10:56 PM


For decades comrade signym has been telling us how the United States is doomed, and she's still at it. For just as long, I've been saying she's a commie moron. Watch the video, then you decide. If you're capable of being honest.



Tuesday, December 26, 2023 1:03 AM


I'm shocked that Ted would listen to somebody who makes sense more often than not like Peter Zeihan.

Also by Peter Zeihan:


Ok ok ok fine I'll do it. For the past few months I've been putting out videos on a host of topics, and I've mentioned as an aside that electric vehicles are on average a bad idea that will not be with us all that much longer, but I've failed to make good on the promise of "a topic for another video"...until now.

That's what I've been telling you two dipshits for years now.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, December 26, 2023 3:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yuan Overtakes Yen For 4th Place In Global Payments

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, December 26, 2023 10:53 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Yuan Overtakes Yen For 4th Place In Global Payments


And again, comrade stupid is suggesting countries will try and unseat the dollar. Why, because she hates America. Pay attention dummy.


Global Currency: The Dollar Ain't Going Nowhere


Tuesday, December 26, 2023 11:01 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Yuan Overtakes Yen For 4th Place In Global Payments

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

And the Japanese just bought US Steel after 122 years of operations.

I wonder how many US companies China is going to be allowed to buy with our
corrupt government not keeping it from happening this year.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, December 26, 2023 11:11 AM



U.S. supports Japan joining UNSC as permanent member: PM Kishida


Tuesday, December 26, 2023 11:12 AM


Try to keep up Jack...



Tuesday, December 26, 2023 3:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Dollar’s Share in Central-Bank Reserves Declines, IMF Data Shows

For context, that means...

US Dollar Share of Global Foreign Exchange Reserves Drops to 25-Year Low


First of all, the dollar isn't going to disappear. It isn't even going to lose its reserve status for a long time. Not in the next five years, anyway.

But when the SWIFT posts about the percent of international transactions in USD, they can only know about payments made thru the SWIFT payment system. (SWIFT is an international bank-to-bank electronic payment system based on Belgium, much like ACH within the USA. SWIFT stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications )

What you probably haven't realized is that there are now several NON-SWIFT payment systems in place, and more coming online soon. Many of them will be based on CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies.)

For example, since Russia has been booted out of SWIFT (an incredibly stupid move, if you ask me) ALL PAYMENTS TO RUSSIA ARE COMPLETELY INVISIBLE to western tracking.

All trade between Russia and China .... poof! Invisible!

All those exchanges between Russia and Iran ... poof!

All those payments that India makes for Russian oil ... poof! All those African payments for grain and nuclear power plants and weapons systems ... poof!

Pretty soon, Saudi Arabia will be selling oil outside of the SWIFT too. Of course, they'll still accept dollars and euros thru the SWIFT system, but it won't be exclusive to that.

So even tho trade and payments bypass the dollar and SWIFT, the BIS/IMF etc won't be able to track it.

THAT is de-dollarization.


And that's OK, as long as our trading partners continue to accept the dollar at current value. The rub comes in if the value of the dollars falls. Then everyone import ... which is a lot ... becomes more expensive.

About SWIFT:
"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, December 26, 2023 3:44 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Try to keep up Jack...

I'm not keeping up with any of your bullshit, moron.

You're the dumbest person I've ever known both online and in real life.

And stop trying to kiss Second's ass. He's never going to even reply to you. Second hates you.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, December 26, 2023 4:28 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Dollar’s Share in Central-Bank Reserves Declines, IMF Data Shows

For context, that means...

US Dollar Share of Global Foreign Exchange Reserves Drops to 25-Year Low


First of all, the dollar isn't going to disappear. It isn't even going to lose its reserve status for a long time. Not in the next five years, anyway.

But when the SWIFT posts about the percent of international transactions in USD, they can only know about payments made thru the SWIFT payment system. (SWIFT is an international bank-to-bank electronic payment system based on Belgium, much like ACH within the USA. SWIFT stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications )

What you probably haven't realized is that there are now several NON-SWIFT payment systems in place, and more coming online soon. Many of them will be based on CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies.)

For example, since Russia has been booted out of SWIFT (an incredibly stupid move, if you ask me) ALL PAYMENTS TO RUSSIA ARE COMPLETELY INVISIBLE to western tracking.

All trade between Russia and China .... poof! Invisible!

All those exchanges between Russia and Iran ... poof!

All those payments that India makes for Russian oil ... poof! All those African payments for grain and nuclear power plants and weapons systems ... poof!

Pretty soon, Saudi Arabia will be selling oil outside of the SWIFT too. Of course, they'll still accept dollars and euros thru the SWIFT system, but it won't be exclusive to that.

So even tho trade and payments bypass the dollar and SWIFT, the BIS/IMF etc won't be able to track it.

THAT is de-dollarization.


And that's OK, as long as our trading partners continue to accept the dollar at current value. The rub comes in if the value of the dollars falls. Then everyone import ... which is a lot ... becomes more expensive.

About SWIFT:

You're all over the place. Here is you from a thread you created in 2017 titled, the death of the dollar. You also describe how the country is going to collapse as well. I can go back through the thread and post your posts from different times. Every few months you claim the dollar and the country are doomed.

You're a clown comrade. When you get caught spewing bullshit you always sing another tune; like now dummy. Peter Zeihan said it. You people who hate America start this same shit every few months, and he nailed it. I offer you and your thread as proof.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

The death of the dollar?

POSTED BY: SIGNYM _ Monday, July 31, 2017 9:45 PM

I'm posting this here because I don't know what to make of it.

I'm used to ZeroHedge always posting about the end of the stock market, the end of the Fed, the end of the dollar, the end of financial system ... the end of something. Ditto gold bugs ... they have been saying (for years) that the dollar is way overvalued and is bound to crash.

But lately ... within the past month or so ... all of those "out there" analysts are only talking about ONE thing, and it's the (planned) end of the dollar. According to them, it's not Russia or China manipulating this, it's the IMF.

So, as best as I can gather, it's supposed to happen like something like this:

The Central Banks will start to sell the assets that they purchased as part of "quantitative easing". Our Fed is already reducing its "balance sheet".

There is going to be a period of debt settlements among nations ... old bonds, even defunct or fraudulent bonds being paid off to square the books. For some nations, there will be debt forgiveness.

The petrodollar will disappear from use. (It already is fading, as Russia, China and Iran are settling their oil and gas payments in yuan, rubles, gold, and rials. IF China insists on receiving yuan from Saudi Arabia, that will be the death knell of the petrodollar.)

The USA will be required to close many of its foreign military bases because it can no longer afford them.

Nations will be required to use the IMF "special drawing rights" (SDR) for international exchange. In other words, they will have to use their currency to purchase SDR from the IMF; the exchange rate will float.

Once the dollar is doesn't have special international significance as either the reserve currency or for oil purchases, demand for the dollar will drop, and so will its value relative to the SDR. There will still be the USD for national exchange, but not international exchange.

The result will be massive inflation in the USA for goods that are sold internationally, even if produced in the USA. I've heard that this will happen mostly in stages, not suddenly and catastrophically.

China will mostly be advantaged under this arrangement.


Normally I would just kind of shrug my shoulders, but both Trump and Christine Lagarde (IMF) have made some strange out-of-place comments about this. Trump said that he would not accept this new currency. New currency?? Christine Lagarde hinted that the IMF might relocate to China because, as pointed out by someone else "China, unlike other nations, actually pays its pledges to the IMF".

I know that China has been hot to trot to be the next global currency. They lobbied mightily - and won- a place in the current IMF SDR basket (along with the USA, Japan, UK, and EU). China and Russia combined have set up a complete international alternate financial system - the Shanghai (and soon to be Hong Kong) gold exchange (London gold fix), the BRICS bank (World Bank), the AIIB (IMF), its place in the SDR basket.

Both China and Russia have been purchasing gold like crazy, and Putin supposedly just spoke with the person who developed the Ethereum model.

It seems to me that the dollar will be replaced as the world currency; it's inevitable. The only thing keeping the value of our USD up is our military- we literally have to bomb nations into using it by bombing those who attempt to avoid it (Iraq, Libya, Iran). If some nation were to come to us with a billion dollars, WHAT could we sell them for that money?? More Treasuries?? More weapons systems?? So, how much is our money really worth??

The question is really when (not if) that will happen, and how badly will our dollar be devalued? 1:3? 1:10? And what will the new world currency be? Will it be the IMF SDR?? Or will the world eventually settle on some alternate, like a gold-backed cryptocurrency?


Wednesday, December 27, 2023 3:20 PM


Russia wants to topple dollar dominance, but it isn't even able to deliver oil to India with alternative currencies

Payment issues have delayed shipments of Russian Sokol crude oil to Indian Oil Corp.
India prefers rupee payments, but Russia is unwilling to use the currency.
And the Rosneft unit selling the oil hasn't been able to open a bank account in the UAE to accept dirham payments.

Too funny aye comrade signym. I guess the dollar will live another day.







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