In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)

UPDATED: Sunday, March 2, 2025 13:47
VIEWED: 81795
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Tuesday, January 16, 2024 12:47 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I'm sorry Brenda. I feel ya.

Well... not really. So cold around here I seemed to have lost the ability to feel anything.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

They snow won't arrive until later this evening which means in theory I should miss it. I hope.

I hear ya about the cold.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 12:49 PM


My computer temp is reading -2C and that means cold, cold, cold when I head out in a minute to my dentist appointment. Not really looking forward to it but the crown must be done.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 1:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
My computer temp is reading -2C and that means cold, cold, cold when I head out in a minute to my dentist appointment. Not really looking forward to it but the crown must be done.

Oh, I'm sorry to to hear about your cold weather, BRENDA. I hope it warms up for you soon!

What are they going to do with your crown?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 1:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
1 degree outside right now and a high of 5 degrees today. It's like a freakin' heat-wave compared to the last 3 days. Sick of this shit.

At least we get up into double digits tomorrow and the pre-wind chill numbers are all positive going forward, but we've still got another 4 nights in the low single digits.


I definitely wish that I'd gotten to that kitchen door sooner. I didn't remove any of the nasty old weather stripping that was in there between the kitchen and the porch and knew I would be doing that in the springtime. But boy... I had no idea how much cold air bleeds through that door. It's a LOT. Like an insane amount. It must have been twice as bad before I got good windows up in the porch and insulated everything too. How did I not ever notice this before?

I'll probably save myself $20 or $30 a year in heating costs just by sealing that door well.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

I'll bet you're saving a lot more than that!

Thanks for the pix! It's a night-and-day comparison.

Wow! What a transformation!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 1:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Over here, getting a jump on the weed season in between managing daughter's illness and other household and paperwork chores.

At least I'm ahead of the game this year, and with the cardboard boxes and builders paper making the improvements semi-permanent.

Speaking of household chores... better get on with household chores. Got a lot to do over the next ... two years (?).

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 5:20 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I'll bet you're saving a lot more than that!

Well I'm not saving it yet. I didn't get to it before the cold weather set in and I'm only noticing just now how unbelievably bad it is. If I didn't use that door as my entryway to the car out in the garage, I'd be half tempted to wrap it closed with plastic for the rest of the winter until I can get to that in the spring.


Thanks for the pix! It's a night-and-day comparison.

Wow! What a transformation!

YW... Glad I finally found them.

I finally got something done today despite the cold. I may or may not have mentioned how bad a job they did on my top step going into the basement and that I'd realized the other day that I'd need to fix that before I put the casing up on the overlook on the basement side.

I took the top step off and realized what the problem was. There was a beefy board underneath the rightmost back corner of the stair that was below the white trim board that I built the bottom board of the overlook on top of sticking out under the top step. Instead of chiseling the top of that out (since they probably didn't even have oscillating multi-tools when it was done), they decided to shim the hell out of the top step in the center and the right side, which also forced them to shim it up on the left side a bit as well too. So the top step was higher than the 1st floor by quite a bit and not even close to level all these years. They didn't care because they were just putting carpet over it anyhow. (What they did was so bad, in fact, that during my worst paranoia days that the settling of the house was ruinng the structure I'd imagined the steps were messed up because of external forces and not just shitty DIY work by Uncle Bob).

I shaved the offending board down where it needed to be with my multitool, spent some time figuring out which shims would need to go back in and glued them tight, then I glued the step back down and screwed it back in and it looks fantastic now.

The only thing keeping me from putting the trim up on the basement side of the overlook now is needing to cut a little bit of trim and quarter round on the right side to make room for it. Comparatively speaking, that's the really easy part.

Good luck with your own work and I hope your daughter gets better soon.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 5:44 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Over here, getting a jump on the weed season in between managing daughter's illness and other household and paperwork chores.

At least I'm ahead of the game this year, and with the cardboard boxes and builders paper making the improvements semi-permanent.

Speaking of household chores... better get on with household chores. Got a lot to do over the next ... two years (?).

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
Your ambition is many times larger than your skill/knowledge.

Incorrect. This is how you learn to do stuff and how to make things. This is how you you take what is pictured in your imagination and make it come to life. Sometimes some things are going to be more challenging than other things, and yes... you are going to be limited by the tools you have in your arsenal if you don't happen to have a $100,000 worth of tools in your garage, but there's almost never a problem that can't be solved in a much more economical way if you have the will and the persistence to get it done. You are rarely ever limited by skill or knowledge, especially in the age of the internet where it's easy to learn how to do things.

I have plenty of free time, and I have a vision for this house. I'll get there, eventually. I've already got 4,000+ pictures more than the overlook you've posted.

You know this. You've already seen many of them since you're always lurking in the Garden.

In just the kitchen alone I've turned this...

Into this...

And this...

Into this...

And this...

Into this...

And this...

Into this...

Sure... the cabinet work took about half a year for me to complete, and wasn't even truly completed for another 2 years until I finally got around to building my own drawers that were missing on either side of the sink. But the cabinets you're going to buy today for $20k+ are garbage pressed wood everywhere but the faces and the doors, and these things are rock solid actual wood through and through from the late 50s. And they're perfect.

All the trim I bought was essentially free with clearance and rebates and the credit card I pulled at the time that gave me $250 back with $1000 worth of purchases in 90 days. The new flooring was a cutoff at the end of a roll that I got for 30% off, and my friend and his old man helped me install it because we were bartering a lot of work.

All in all, the huge kitchen remodel cost me way under $1,000 so far, and because I spent the time working at it I saved all of that great cabinetry from going into a landfill instead of spending 1/3rd of what I paid for the whole house to buy new cabinets.

You're not getting a kitchen remodel done for less than $30k in 2024, and if you were going to buy cabinets like the ones that I've restored, it might cost you $60k or more to do it.


This Old House will show you how to build a less ambitious version of what you need:

My first thought was going to be to tell you that this was a video on how to build a hand rail on a porch and it didn't apply to my situation where I've got a rectangular box with no access from the outside, but I watched it and I might actually slightly modify how I was going to do this now. (Having an open mind is a good thing... I'd advise you to try it sometime).

I can't build the entire "baluster system" in one solid piece like they did. The problem is that I've already put trim and caulk up, and the existing construction was not perfectly level and plum. If I were to make one solid piece to install right now, there would be gaps in certain places at the top that can't be hidden anymore by trim, and I still likely have to make some minor adjustments on how the poles attach to the top because after 65 years of settling the floors in this house aren't perfectly level either. (It would have been interesting to see him put a level on the rail when he was done installing it, because I can almost guaranty you that the porch wasn't level and his hand rail is just as out of level as the porch was. If he accounted for that off camera, he didn't mention that step in the process).

I have mentioned that if I were to do this all over again, I would have changed the order of how I'd done things for this very reason, and I'm not about to rip out all the work I did and ruin my walls to start from scratch now.

But instead of drilling holes for the poles to slide through in both the top and bottom plates that I'm going to cut to fit and router a decorative edge on, I may now choose to instead just attach the bottom poles to the bottom piece, while still drilling the holes through the top piece so I can slide it up exactly where I need it to go so that all the poles are plum and any large gaps that would have otherwise existed at the top where the jamb isn't level would be minimized, hopefully eliminated.

But I still might go the route of putting holes in both the top and bottom pieces because this might be the easiest way of ultimately making all the poles plum and perfectly aligned.

Like I mentioned before, I'm going to leave as many options open as possible until I get to a point where final decisions are going to need to be made, and I've got plenty of scrap wood to test ideas out on to make sure they're sound before I do something I can't undo.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Wow. I've never seen the "before" before.

Can you redo our kitchen?

Im sure you'd be better at it than THUGR. Or SECOND.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM



Tuesday, January 16, 2024 6:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey THUGR, watcha been up to lately?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 6:29 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
My computer temp is reading -2C and that means cold, cold, cold when I head out in a minute to my dentist appointment. Not really looking forward to it but the crown must be done.

Oh, I'm sorry to to hear about your cold weather, BRENDA. I hope it warms up for you soon!

What are they going to do with your crown?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

Got more snow heading my way for tonight possibly into tomorrow morning then it flips to rain.

A tooth that was root canaled and then filled twice and the filling doesn't want to stay. I've got a temporary one on now and that means no top partial because it has to be adjusted more than what the dentist can do. I go back on Thursday to get my partial back then next Tuesday for the permanent crown. Hopefully this will keep the tooth nice and happy.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 6:31 PM


Back around 2:30 and temporary crown in place but with no partial that means eating and chewing carefully until Thursday.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 9:06 PM


Well... Got to the other side of the basement end of the overlook today too and used my multitool to cut out the piece of baseboard that would have blocked my trim. Unfortunately, there was a little bit of collateral damage there, but nothing that I can't fix.

I didn't feel like sticking around down there long enough to start cutting and installing the 3 pieces of trim because of the cold and it was already dark outside by that point, but tomorrow is supposed to be a little bit warmer.

Two things done today that I didn't think I'd be doing today. So that's nice.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 11:31 PM


No pick up game of mah jong tomorrow as the senior's centre I play at is closed. The lady who runs the mah jong called me around 7:30 as someone from the centre called her.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024 1:07 PM


From one of the Russia threads........


Originally posted by second:
Your ambition is many times larger than your skill/knowledge.

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Incorrect. This is how you learn to do stuff and how to make things. This is how you you take what is pictured in your imagination and make it come to life. Sometimes some things are going to be more challenging than other things, and yes... you are going to be limited by the tools you have in your arsenal if you don't happen to have a $100,000 worth of tools in your garage, but there's almost never a problem that can't be solved in a much more economical way if you have the will and the persistence to get it done. You are rarely ever limited by skill or knowledge, especially in the age of the internet where it's easy to learn how to do things.

I have plenty of free time, and I have a vision for this house. I'll get there, eventually. I've already got 4,000+ pictures more than the overlook you've posted.

You know this. You've already seen many of them since you're always lurking in the Garden.

In just the kitchen alone I've turned this...

Into this...

And this...

Into this...

And this...

Into this...

And this...

Into this...

Sure... the cabinet work took about half a year for me to complete, and wasn't even truly completed for another 2 years until I finally got around to building my own drawers that were missing on either side of the sink. But the cabinets you're going to buy today for $20k+ are garbage pressed wood everywhere but the faces and the doors, and these things are rock solid actual wood through and through from the late 50s. And they're perfect.

All the trim I bought was essentially free with clearance and rebates and the credit card I pulled at the time that gave me $250 back with $1000 worth of purchases in 90 days. The new flooring was a cutoff at the end of a roll that I got for 30% off, and my friend and his old man helped me install it because we were bartering a lot of work.

All in all, the huge kitchen remodel cost me way under $1,000 so far, and because I spent the time working at it I saved all of that great cabinetry from going into a landfill instead of spending 1/3rd of what I paid for the whole house to buy new cabinets.

You're not getting a kitchen remodel done for less than $30k in 2024, and if you were going to buy cabinets like the ones that I've restored, it might cost you $60k or more to do it.


This Old House will show you how to build a less ambitious version of what you need:

My first thought was going to be to tell you that this was a video on how to build a hand rail on a porch and it didn't apply to my situation where I've got a rectangular box with no access from the outside, but I watched it and I might actually slightly modify how I was going to do this now. (Having an open mind is a good thing... I'd advise you to try it sometime).

I can't build the entire "baluster system" in one solid piece like they did. The problem is that I've already put trim and caulk up, and the existing construction was not perfectly level and plum. If I were to make one solid piece to install right now, there would be gaps in certain places at the top that can't be hidden anymore by trim, and I still likely have to make some minor adjustments on how the poles attach to the top because after 65 years of settling the floors in this house aren't perfectly level either. (It would have been interesting to see him put a level on the rail when he was done installing it, because I can almost guaranty you that the porch wasn't level and his hand rail is just as out of level as the porch was. If he accounted for that off camera, he didn't mention that step in the process).

I have mentioned that if I were to do this all over again, I would have changed the order of how I'd done things for this very reason, and I'm not about to rip out all the work I did and ruin my walls to start from scratch now.

But instead of drilling holes for the poles to slide through in both the top and bottom plates that I'm going to cut to fit and router a decorative edge on, I may now choose to instead just attach the bottom poles to the bottom piece, while still drilling the holes through the top piece so I can slide it up exactly where I need it to go so that all the poles are plum and any large gaps that would have otherwise existed at the top where the jamb isn't level would be minimized, hopefully eliminated.

But I still might go the route of putting holes in both the top and bottom pieces because this might be the easiest way of ultimately making all the poles plum and perfectly aligned.

Like I mentioned before, I'm going to leave as many options open as possible until I get to a point where final decisions are going to need to be made, and I've got plenty of scrap wood to test ideas out on to make sure they're sound before I do something I can't undo.


Originally posted by second:

You are finding meaningfulness in wood. Good for you, but for those who aren't soulful artists, it is only carpentry, not the purpose of life.

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Well... I do think of myself as an artist.

I've never made the claim to anyone that I was a carpenter.

At some point in my life I put down the sketch pad and graphite pencils and picked up a hammer, a saw, a drill and a paintbrush, and then I got myself the best canvas to work on that I'll probably ever own in my life.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Wow. I've never seen the "before" before.

Yeah. I still haven't found all of my old pics before I got that tablet, but I did manage to find a nice little cache of them after all this time looking for this stuff. I was looking for one photo in particular for my dad, but I still haven't found it.

I'm always down for a little bit of Serendipity.


Can you redo our kitchen?

That depends. You guys willing to room and board me for the next year.


Im sure you'd be better at it than THUGR. Or SECOND.

Well... to be fair to them, and to you, and to anybody else really, I do get a lot of enjoyment out of this type of work and I've got more free time than most. That's a couple of real big motivating factors for me that most other folk wouldn't have when it comes to this type of stuff. I've always been a perfectionist too, so when things finally start coming together the way that I want them done and have visualized them in my head for so long it really becomes a great source of pride for me.

There's certain artistic touches that are going to be different from person to person and varying skill levels of course, but like my friend's dad always used to say to me about all of the work he did and taught me how to do "it ain't rocket science". (I always felt he was short-changing himself and his skills, but he was about the most modest man I've ever known despite the lifetime of skills he developed).

I'm sure Second and Ted could do it. Even if the end result didn't look like mine, most of the stuff that people pay to have done on their homes is done by skilled people but they're on a time frame and need to make that money so corners are always cut when they can get away with it and at the end of the day as long as everything is structurally sound nobody is ever going to notice any imperfections unless you're putting a huge spotlight on it and showing it to everyone. My friend's dad's one rule really was to make sure that everything at eye-level was perfect, otherwise don't sweat the details.

He wasn't wrong. Hell... Nobody ever noticed the last 2 years that my baseboard in the living room never got repaired and painted, and if I didn't mention it when people came over they might not have ever noticed that I finally got around to doing it.


Originally posted by second:

Have we left the war completely?

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I've never been a part of it since the beginning.

It's a shame that you don't want to continue what might only be the 3rd actual conversation we've ever had and you'd rather cheerlead a war, but it's not surprising.


Originally posted by second:

I have seen all the house remodeling I want to see and heard all the conversations about paint colors and countertops I want to hear. Unless you have some interesting photos of replacing old with new natural gas piping for your house? That would fascinate me. Does Indiana allow flexible stainless steel covered with plastic gas piping?

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I've never looked into that seeing as how it's the one part of my crappy ancient heat system that seems to be in working order.

But it would appear that they do:

I probably won't get to it this year, but my plan is to add a heat pump, and possibly two of them, in my basement to supplement the working furnace, rather than try to put another furnace on a slab in the crawlspace where it's apparent it had been pulled out at least once, if not several times by previous owners after flooding.

The heat pump(s) wouldn't have helped me out at all over the last 5 days with all the sub-zero temps, but my furnace does a reasonable job keeping the house warm even down in the basement and crawlspace where all the pipes are that haven't froze and burst, but with a heat pump or two down there it would keep the entire house at a reasonable temperature at an affordable price probably 85% of any given winter when the temps outside didn't drop too low for them to work properly. And with them being on the upper half of the wall above grade, they wouldn't be prone to any flood damage.

At one point I considered the possibility of having a generac installed, but my plan now is to install a 30 Amp plug outlet on the outside of my house where I can plug in my generator when the power goes out, after installing a load generator interlock switch on my breaker box.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to bust out some of the wall around the breaker box to get this done, but I'm not going to let that stop me from painting that nearly-finished room down there in the meantime. I can always touch that paint up after fixing it up, and paint is cheap.

Right now I have a solution in place where I can keep the sump pump running if the power goes out, but with only one $100 extension cord rolled up and mounted just inside the crawl space, it requires me to throw the cord out the window closest to the garage, no matter the weather outside which is likely to be bad during a power outage (with a wet and filthy cord coming back inside when the power comes back on), and the only thing I'm powering with my generator is the sump well.

With that switch in place, there's still no way that I could power even half my house with my current generator, but I have a map of my circuts through the house and I could keep a couple of them energized so I could also keep my fridge with the insulin running, as well as maybe a few lights and the TV/Computer. I wouldn't have to keep a window cracked for the plug out the window anymore either.

Hopefully I get that done this spring.

I'm also going to run more electric down in the crawl and put in a 2nd well and pump. I want to be able to control the power to each pump with a switch outside of the crawlspace, with the existing pump that is already going into the sewer and the other pump dumping out above grade and taken away from the foundation, and both of them eventually with battery backups installed.

We haven't had a weather event now for nearly 4 years that gave me any cause of concern, although I have had to get the generator running for the pump 3 times. If I had that all in place, I wouldn't have even needed to do anything with my generator those 3 times and the battery backups would have done the job I needed since the outages were only a few hours each. I probably would have fired up the generator out of sheer boredom though, because they all happened late at night in the dark, and I was really left with nothing to do to pass the time while I was waiting for the power to return since I'm not likely to sleep much while my power is out.

My eventual goal here is to be able to get the place set up so that even if I wasn't home when the power was out it should run itself for at least a few hours until I got home to take care of business. I never want to be up all night mopping up water into buckets or crab walking with a 3 gallon bucket from my sump well to my basement toilet for hours again. I'm getting to old for that shit.

Yeah... I'm not big on the gas. That's not to say that I don't love having natural gas service, but short of putting a new flex line on my stove when I redid the kitchen and taking my neighbor to the hardware store to get the correct cap for his line when we removed his stove right before they got their kitchen remodeled, I don't have any experience with it.

I'm much more comfortable working with electricity and I'm quite capable with it. My garage is awesome now that I've added all that additional light and outlets in there, all hard-piped and way above code in these parts. Same with my porch, the porch attic and the attached shed. And I even installed 2 outdoor outlets in the porch and the garage that are protected with GFCI, so it's nice being able to do things like weed wack and power wash without having to have my front or back doors open for the extension cords anymore. I even put switches from the inside on the outdoor outlets so nobody can even use them unless I turned the power on first.

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Here's a video on what I plan to do with the generator, the 30 Amp power box and the interlock kit...

I'm going to move these last two posts to the Garden where they probably belong.

If you ever get board of always arguing and want to talk to other human beings like a human being yourself, you've always got an invite.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024 1:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thanks for putting this all in one place!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Wednesday, January 17, 2024 1:14 PM


Out in the snow to do a couple of things I forgot about yesterday after the dentist.

Not sure when it started snowing but by the time I decided to go to bed around 12:30 last night it was. All the rooftops around me had snow on them again but nothing on the ground. As of this morning there is snow on the ground and I saw one brave soul out in it from my bedroom window.

I will have my cane and umbrella with me and be well bundled up. Scarf wrapped around my ears and such and gloves as well.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024 1:49 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Thanks for putting this all in one place!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

Yeah. It kind of actually morphed into a nice conversation.

I still think that somewhere deep down even the nastiest of us (present company included) can still behave like human beings online.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024 2:02 PM


Yay! The high is going to be over 20 degrees today. lol

Still cold as hell, but at least it's bearable now.

We've got a few upcoming cold nights in the single digits going as low as 1 degree in the near future, but if the current weather forecasts are to be believed, this should be the last of the sub-zero temps for the winter.

What a difference 20 to 30 degrees makes. It's still cold in my basement, but not uncomfortably so with a sweater and hoodie on.

I don't know exactly what I plan on getting done today, so I'll just go down there and see how it goes. My two tables are just covered in crap (sawdust, wood cutoffs, various tools and all sorts of crap that doesn't need to be there), so I'll probably start with tidying up and putting things back where they should be.

I have a LOT of steps to do just in that single room, and no real plan on where to start. I technically could cut my 3 pieces of trim for the basement side of the overlook and install them now, only having to sand down the mud I put up to repair the wall where the wrought iron banister was bolted to, but I think I want to throw a few quick coats of the finish paint up there first because I wouldn't have to cut in the wall paint to the trim if I did that. I vastly prefer doing that in the reverse order whenever possible, and it could be especially tricky to paint in there after the fact and leave straight lines because my extra wide window/door trim is going to leave very little wall above it before it hits the ceiling.

But when I think of that, I think of the state of disrepair of the ceiling in that room and how that should be taken care of and painted before the wall since it's much easier to cut the wall paint into the ceiling than vice versa. I've got tons of staple holes up there as well as the adhesive from duct tape I pulled off 12 years ago after I used it to seal off the basement from the rest of the house when I remediated all the mold down there. I've also got a huge hole in the ceiling from when my foot went through the floor in the small closet upstairs when I was taking a video of work that I'd done on the 2nd floor for my mom and forgot that somebody cut out the floor in there, likely for a "hidden" compartment and my foot fell straight through it. (I'm lucky I didn't get a hernia from that mishap, but that was years ago and the drywall in the basement ceiling is still all broken from it).

Then I still have to touch up holes on the windows from the old blinds and caulk them up since the previous owners did a piss poor job on it. It will look a lot better that way after it's got the final coat of high gloss paint on them, and hopefully should keep more of the cold out during the winter.

I know there's going to be damage on the wall next to my breaker box for that upcoming project I mentioned in the Russia thread, but I don't know when I'm getting around to doing that project, so I'm not going to let that stop me from getting everything else down there I want to get done. (And as an aside, it will be nice to find out for sure if I can use this paint to make touch ups that blend right in with old paint or if it would require me to completely paint another coat on that wall when the time comes).

Once I finally get to the point that I'm confident I won't be needing anymore access to the box for any additional circuits, I have a plan to really frame out that box and the network box right next to it that houses all the coxial cable and telephone lines in the house. It's possible that I may need more electric for the crawlspace for the 2nd sump well. I'm hoping I don't because that's going to be a lot of damage on 2 walls to get done, but I won't be framing out and finalizing anything around the box until I'm damn sure.

We'll see what happens today. I've got plenty of light down there even after it gets dark, so if it doesn't get too cold down there and I feel up to it I'm no stranger to working late nights. Not saying that's going to happen, but I'm feeling fairly motivated at the moment.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024 4:15 PM


Back and in for the day. Computer is reading 0C which means my area is above freezing. Was snowing when I went out but on my way back what was hitting my umbrella was more like little ice pellets, which the weather people did mention last night. Also there is some sun out now, so have to see what happens.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024 4:57 PM


They say it got to over 20 degrees here, but with that wind I don't believe it.

Stay warm, Brenda.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024 5:07 PM


I'm wrapping it up early today. I've had my hands over my head for a couple of hours now and I'm done with it.

Decided to do a top down approach, and start the ceiling job that was going to be the most work. It turns out that the hole I made in the drywall is going to be quite a bit more difficult a job than I thought it would be. Had I never done that, I might never have realized that they used some sort of furring strips on the joists and put the drywall on top of them. I'm sure that it was to run electric and water pipes. That makes my current job a bit more work, but I'm happy to see it. I've had enough worries about structural integrity over the years and they already cut out a big section of one of the joists to make that secret compartment, which was stupid as it is. It's nice to know that nobody was drilling a ton of holes through the joists to run pipes.

I'm glad it happened though. That compartment looked like crap inside with the old wood they've got in there. I'm probably going to remove a few 2x4's they used at the top of it to hold the cover plate in with something thinner and nicer looking, and then I've still got a really nice looking kitchen drawer bottom I'm going to put at the bottom of the compartment instead of just having stuff on top of the back side of the drywall. It will now rest on 3/4" wood that was cutoffs from the overlook board that I'm adding to the bottom of the existing joists and the compartment to screw drywall screws into through the damaged existing ceiling and the new piece I'm going to cut out before mudding it all.

I never considered doing anything with that compartment besides covering it up, but now I think I'm going to make it look really nice inside before I eventually get around to making the new cover plate. It will be a bit smaller after I build it out with nice looking wood that doesn't look like it came from a house teardown, but it would still be a pretty decent size to put stuff.

It's really such a stupidly obvious place to hide things, so I'd never actually use it for anything valuable myself, but the next owners might like it. Maybe I'll actually get really fancy with it and put a lock on the top.

So progress was made... And I got the tools all cleaned up. I had everything all swept and vacuumed up too, but now there's drywall and sawdust all over the floor again.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024 7:31 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
They say it got to over 20 degrees here, but with that wind I don't believe it.

Stay warm, Brenda.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

I plan on it.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024 8:01 PM


So I went back down and finished building out what I needed to, and it turned out that I did have the right drywall for the job in my cold, cold garage.

New piece glued and screwed, and I got a good first coat of mud up there.

I definitely didn't think that was going to be done today. It's nice not seeing daylight from upstairs through that hole in the ceiling anymore.

How many years has it been now?

I gotta find my good 12" knife though. I swear that I accidentally gave it to my buddy when I gave him a whole bunch of tools his dad left on the job when we were working on the porch, but they couldn't find it. That was the last time I used it and ever remember seeing it. Oh well... I might have to just go buy another one.

Patching holes that big is not easy with a little 4" knife, and I hate working with mud under ideal conditions.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024 11:09 PM


No mah jong for me tomorrow. Centre is closed again because there is more snow heading my way. But I do have to call the dentist tomorrow.


Thursday, January 18, 2024 9:05 AM


Good luck at the dentist, Brenda.

It's a stifling 26 degrees for the high here today.

I think I'm going to head on up to the hardware store today. They've got a lot of stuff on sale and things that are free after rebate again. Gotta figure out what I want to get and make a list.

I've also got to start comparing it to things I've already gotten. One of the things that was cheap but not free was composite speed squares, but when I was looking for a tool I needed yesterday in the basement I saw a box where I'd bought stuff like that previously and I already had 2 of them.

I actually have an inventory list on my computer of all my tools and stuff that I got great deals on. I've got totes and totes full of tons of things like blades for all my tools that I've got practically for free (I have so many wood and metal cutting blades for my multitool and blade sets for my reciprocating saw that I'll probably never have to buy another one in my life).

But that list doesn't help me if I don't use it.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, January 18, 2024 11:36 AM


Got myself some new toys before I head out for the day.

I didn't even know that a portable drill press is a thing, but I'm really excited to be able to use it. It's a little device that will work with all of my drills, and you can insert whatever bit you'd like into it and use the screw downs to set things like the depth you want to cut the holes. I don't need this extra feature currently with the way I'm going to do that overlook, but you can also set it all the way to a 45 degree hole as well. I'm sure I would have had a lot easier time making all the pocket holes I was going to make before with that feature. I'm going to get a lot of future use out of this thing.

The other thing I bought probably isn't going to get as much use and was a little more expensive, but I know I could have used it in the past, like when I was making pocket holes for my cabinets. It's a 14 piece forstner bit set that includes the 1 5/16" bit that I'll need for the job. I found a single bit that was pretty cheap and the right size, but it was made in china from a brand I'd never heard of before and the reviews were middling at best. This set costs quite a bit more, but with 14 of them it's way cheaper per bit than that single off-brand bit was going to cost me.

It turns out I didn't have a 1 5/16" hole saw, and when I was doing research online it appears the closest I'd even be able to get was 1 1/4" (too small) or 1 3/8" (too big). That makes sense... I don't think anyone that is using hole saws is worried all that much about precision. It was something I was a little worried about myself when I was going to use them.

With the forstner bit and the portable drill press I shouldn't have any problems with precision. I'm just going to have to play around with scrap stock to figure out the best way to use it without splitting any wood (ie: what speed to drill, and if I should drill from the face of the board or from the part that will be hidden, etc.)

A little more money than I was hoping to spend, but I'm much more confident that I'll be able to get the job done right with these tools. Even with this additional cost it's still going to be about the same price to do this job than if I hadn't waited on a sale for those closet rods, and if I take care of them those tools should last me the rest of my life.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, January 18, 2024 1:15 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Good luck at the dentist, Brenda.

It's a stifling 26 degrees for the high here today.

I think I'm going to head on up to the hardware store today. They've got a lot of stuff on sale and things that are free after rebate again. Gotta figure out what I want to get and make a list.

I've also got to start comparing it to things I've already gotten. One of the things that was cheap but not free was composite speed squares, but when I was looking for a tool I needed yesterday in the basement I saw a box where I'd bought stuff like that previously and I already had 2 of them.

I actually have an inventory list on my computer of all my tools and stuff that I got great deals on. I've got totes and totes full of tons of things like blades for all my tools that I've got practically for free (I have so many wood and metal cutting blades for my multitool and blade sets for my reciprocating saw that I'll probably never have to buy another one in my life).

But that list doesn't help me if I don't use it.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

The dentist isn't an appointment but when I was there on Tuesday they took my partial denture and sent it to another office to be better adjusted for the temporary crown they applied.


Thursday, January 18, 2024 1:18 PM


Have to call the dentist office and see if they are in or taking another snow day. I really would like my partial back before next Tuesday when I do have an appointment. If they aren't open then it is just a walk for me. The sun is out but the computer temp reads -1C. So cold but dry which is good. Need my cane and my boots.


Thursday, January 18, 2024 4:33 PM


Back and in for today. All dry when I was out but lots of snow around. Made a second call to my dentist and my partial should be in tomorrow. So, I will do that.


Thursday, January 18, 2024 5:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Sis has been sending me pictures of how her fair village was dumped on by lake effect snow. Snow drift up to the bottom of the front picture window. Car buried. Trash bins buried in drifts. At one point, between the snow and high winds she couldn't even see across the road to her neighbor's house.

Their "blizzard/ polar vortex/ lake effect snow" event started last Saturday, when the weather turned ugly, and according to the long term the snow won't stop until this Saturday. She's been out snowblowing almost every day. Schools and her work was closed. Blessedly, the power stayed on. Being the experienced blizzard survivor that she is, she went out grocery shopping ahead of time and gassed up the snowblower with ethanol-free gasoline.

Snow looks pretty, but I'm sure glad I don't have to deal with it!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Thursday, January 18, 2024 9:01 PM


I feel sorry for your sister.

My aunt gave me a scare and told me I was getting 10" by me tonight. I had to look it up right away and no... only 1 to 3" in the forecast and no mention of lake effect here.

Still... more than the zero inches I thought we were going to get tonight.

My new toy is coming. I can't wait.

Got a bunch of free stuff today. Rebate receipt was about a mile long, but still not the longest one I've had. Some cool things for me and some things to give away to other people.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, January 18, 2024 11:17 PM


Was snowing around 3pm here then it shifted to rain. Still raining where I am.


Thursday, January 18, 2024 11:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I feel sorry for your sister.

My aunt gave me a scare and told me I was getting 10" by me tonight. I had to look it up right away and no... only 1 to 3" in the forecast and no mention of lake effect here.

Still... more than the zero inches I thought we were going to get tonight.

My new toy is coming. I can't wait.

Got a bunch of free stuff today. Rebate receipt was about a mile long, but still not the longest one I've had. Some cool things for me and some things to give away to other people.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

A drill stand?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Thursday, January 18, 2024 11:40 PM


It's a guide for my cordless drills. Basically a poor man's drill press.

Between that and the forstner bit set that I ordered, I shouldn't have any problems making precision holes for that overlook. My only way of doing it before was using a hole saw that was 1/16" too big and hoping that my hands were steady enough to drive a less than ideal drill bit perfectly on center of the pilot holes I drilled first.

This is a forstner bit...

Had I still wanted to make pocket holes in the poles, that guide would have been able to do them too. The base is actually designed to be able to grip round stock up to 3" in diameter and you can drill straight down all the way to a 45 degree angle.

It was kind of exactly what I wanted to buy a few weeks ago when I'd mentioned getting some sort of jig, but until today I didn't even know this tool existed.

Sure beats paying $6,000 for a machine that I'd probably use maybe 3 more times in my life that just took up a ton of room in my garage like my 300lb table saw does now that I've got my lightweight saw my step-dad gave me when they moved.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, January 19, 2024 12:46 PM


Out in a bit in the rain and still snow on the ground. Got things to do like hopefully get my partial back today. I am sorely missing it.


Friday, January 19, 2024 2:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Out in a bit in the rain and still snow on the ground. Got things to do like hopefully get my partial back today. I am sorely missing it.

Oh, I hope you get your partial today! Fruitless doctor/ dentist visits can be so frustrating!

Is there any way to call to confirm they're ready to do that? Yanno, before you schlep all the way out there in the rain?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Friday, January 19, 2024 3:56 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Out in a bit in the rain and still snow on the ground. Got things to do like hopefully get my partial back today. I am sorely missing it.

Oh, I hope you get your partial today! Fruitless doctor/ dentist visits can be so frustrating!

Is there any way to call to confirm they're ready to do that? Yanno, before you schlep all the way out there in the rain?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

I did that yesterday(Thursday) and I was told they would be waiting for me today and low and behold they were. Yaay!

I have them in right now as I had lunch out before I came home. Buses are running better than the last couple of days but the city needs to work on cleaning the bus stops.

But walking is a wet and slushy mess for sure. No massive puddles of water where I am thank goodness.


Friday, January 19, 2024 3:58 PM


Back and done for today including groceries. So that is good. Still got rain coming down but at least it is warmer out and the snow will go.


Friday, January 19, 2024 5:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Out in a bit in the rain and still snow on the ground. Got things to do like hopefully get my partial back today. I am sorely missing it.

Oh, I hope you get your partial today! Fruitless doctor/ dentist visits can be so frustrating!

Is there any way to call to confirm they're ready to do that? Yanno, before you schlep all the way out there in the rain?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

I did that yesterday(Thursday) and I was told they would be waiting for me today and low and behold they were. Yaay!

I have them in right now as I had lunch out before I came home. Buses are running better than the last couple of days but the city needs to work on cleaning the bus stops.

But walking is a wet and slushy mess for sure. No massive puddles of water where I am thank goodness.

Well, between the partial, a lunch, and groceries, today sounds like a fruitful day!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Friday, January 19, 2024 7:52 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Out in a bit in the rain and still snow on the ground. Got things to do like hopefully get my partial back today. I am sorely missing it.

Oh, I hope you get your partial today! Fruitless doctor/ dentist visits can be so frustrating!

Is there any way to call to confirm they're ready to do that? Yanno, before you schlep all the way out there in the rain?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

I did that yesterday(Thursday) and I was told they would be waiting for me today and low and behold they were. Yaay!

I have them in right now as I had lunch out before I came home. Buses are running better than the last couple of days but the city needs to work on cleaning the bus stops.

But walking is a wet and slushy mess for sure. No massive puddles of water where I am thank goodness.

Well, between the partial, a lunch, and groceries, today sounds like a fruitful day!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

Most definitely.


Friday, January 19, 2024 9:05 PM


Too cold again today to really work down in the basement. Gonna be that way for the weekend too, but it looks like we get warmer weather for the most part after that. Even most of the days in the low-to-mid 20's with single digit nights later in the season seems to have disappeared from the forecast. I could change right back, but I like what I'm seeing right now.

I may or may not go over to my friend's dad's this weekend to help him clear out his parent's garage again. Winter is already halfway over now, but he really wants to get all the clutter out so his mom can finally park her car in there. Got some more bi-fold doors I'm going to take off his hands and the boards I need for the overlook and I think a bunch of other wood too. I'm surprised that he doesn't appear to want any of that wood for himself, but I think he probably got the directive from his wife that she doesn't want any more crap in their own house.

We'll see how it goes and how my car is feeling. High the next two days are in the low 20's, but if I go over there I'd like to make at least a half day out of it helping him out. I can always go during the week just to pick up my stuff while he's there, but I'm sure he's not working too late on weeknights during the work week with his job.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, January 19, 2024 11:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Still dealing with dear daughter's ongoing health issue. I wrangled an appointment for her this Monday by talking to the triage nurse, and right after that ... and in the building next door... I have a routine follow-up echocardiogram bc one of the cancer treatment drugs can be cardiotoxic. They should have ended last October, but I developed last-minute calcification on one of the heart valves.
If there are no changes from the last one, I think this will be my last.

I'm managing to carve out maybe three or four hours a week for important projects, and am making progress, slowly. Since it will be raining this weekend (they say) it's time to devote to indoor work again. Right now I'm tackling my paper filing, weeding out old stuff and filing recent important stuff.

And speaking of weather... I looked up CA snowpack conditions and we're tieing for "lowest ever" since snowpack conditions started being recorded. Tomorrow will be only our second rainfall of the season.

Well, on to "TV time with the family"!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Saturday, January 20, 2024 9:17 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Still dealing with dear daughter's ongoing health issue. I wrangled an appointment for her this Monday by talking to the triage nurse, and right after that ... and in the building next door... I have a routine follow-up echocardiogram bc one of the cancer treatment drugs can be cardiotoxic. They should have ended last October, but I developed last-minute calcification on one of the heart valves.
If there are no changes from the last one, I think this will be my last.

I'm managing to carve out maybe three or four hours a week for important projects, and am making progress, slowly. Since it will be raining this weekend (they say) it's time to devote to indoor work again. Right now I'm tackling my paper filing, weeding out old stuff and filing recent important stuff.

And speaking of weather... I looked up CA snowpack conditions and we're tieing for "lowest ever" since snowpack conditions started being recorded. Tomorrow will be only our second rainfall of the season.

Well, on to "TV time with the family"!

Good luck to you and your daughter with the health issues Sigs. Would Crestor help, or are you beyond that with the calcification issue?

Glad to hear you're still making progress on things despite the issues.

Low rainfall by you usually translates into a dry spring near me, so I'm happy for me, sorry that you're not getting the rain though.

I haven't been outside to see how cold it is, but I did go to sleep pretty early last night and I'm up earlier than I thought I might be today. I'm sure my buddy isn't even up yet.

I think I'll slowly start getting myself together and head on out to his folks place to pick up all that wood and help him organize that garage some more.

I had a little heart to heart with him on the phone last night. He's been running at 200% capacity for so long I don't think he knows how to slow down. He finally finished working on his house to get it on the market but then his Dad passes away, and now he's spending nearly every night and all weekend working on clearing out his dad's hoard. It wasn't a gross hoard at all, and it's got a ton of useful stuff in it for his home improvement business, but even though the family managed to keep the entire living area and yard free from clutter the garage hasn't had a car parked in it for at least 25 years since I first went there and the basement is full of stuff from floor to ceiling. (I do have to say that it's nice being in a hoard situation that doesn't include mouse shit everywhere for a change).

I know that getting that garage cleared out and organized so his mom can park her car is very important to him, and I agree, but he was talking about still working on this dehoarding project 6 months from now and how that's going to get his wife angry with him.

I told him he's got to slow down. He can't even consider the idea of spending all his free time the next 6 months clearing out stuff, and he doesn't need to because the house isn't going anywhere. But he keeps talking about future possibilities and he doesn't know what's going to happen and the house needs to be cleared out now.

If I felt that he was alright I wouldn't push the issue, but I know that the high level of stress he's been living with for at least 20 years between his rental property and the dynamic with his kid and his kid's mom (both of which are now largely behind him), it's time for him to take a step back from going full bore and take some time for himself. Maybe get more than 4 to 5 hours of sleep every night for starters.

I said dude... I want to be able to hang out with my friend again. In the last 2 years, there is only one single time that I've hung out with him in a situation where I wasn't helping him do work on his house or he wasn't helping me do work on mine. It's true... We went to a local concert festival 2 summers ago with a couple of our other friends. That's it.

It's great that he wants to do this for his mom, but I notice that while he's there doing all this work for her, he's hardly spending any time with her. That's exactly what I did with my Grandma when I was spending a few nights over there here and there the last two years she was alive and cleaning out her hoard. Sure... we spent a few hours after dinner watching PBS or something like that together after the work for the day was done, but I kept promising that next time we'd play Upwords during the day the next time I came over until all of the sudden there was no next time.

I also told him that by the end of this year we're going to be closer to 50 years old than 40. It's time to pump the brakes a bit.

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, January 20, 2024 1:10 PM


Laundry day then out for a walk most like in the fog. Some settled over my area around 7am and still hasn't burned off.

Also last night at 11:30pm some set off the fire alarm. I hauled myself out of my apartment down to the lobby and the fire men did arrive. It was someone on my floor, I think turning on their heat and burning off some dust that did it.


Saturday, January 20, 2024 5:24 PM


Back and done on a dry day out. Fog did burn off.

Had to return some things to the library and picked up a copy of "Renfield". Not a fan of Nick Cage but out of curiosity. Returned Season One of "Sons of Anarchy" and discovered that I actually like it. Mind it doesn't hurt that Ron Perlman is the leader of SOA. I have always liked him since "Beauty and the Beast" all those years ago.


Saturday, January 20, 2024 7:35 PM


Got a lot done at my friend's garage today. Picked up some wood and a few more bifold doors while I was there. Also took out two pails of tile mortar that may or may not be any good (and may or may not still be any good by the time I'd need it).

Also got me a brand new white 3 flapper light switch that could seriously come in handy for me when I'm installing all the electric for my dual sump solution. Those cost anywhere from $15 to $20 these days, so that was an exciting find. Got myself a 15" taping knife too, so no more trying to patch that ceiling hole with a dumb 4" knife for me.

His boards weren't long enough for the overlook. Dammit.

That's alright. It forced me to look online at the price since I knew there was a sale on pre-primed pine boards that was ending tomorrow. Sadly, those aren't long enough either, but I can get 2 boards of "Select" pine that's 3/4" x 3 1/2" x 10' long that will be perfect for the job and not even require me to rip them down on my table saw for a little over $7 each after taxes. Still more than I want to pay, but not as bad as I imagined it would cost. What's another $15 after I'm already over $200 into this project?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, January 21, 2024 1:23 PM


Speaking of rain that is what is happening right now where I am. Rain and it is washing away the snow we got.

So, another quiet Sunday around me and I will get some music on after a bit.


Sunday, January 21, 2024 6:16 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Speaking of rain that is what is happening right now where I am. Rain and it is washing away the snow we got.

So, another quiet Sunday around me and I will get some music on after a bit.


That's still a few days off for us, and it was still cold today and a low of 17 degrees tonight, but they pushed up the sleet to tomorrow with the actual rain on Tuesday with more on Wednesday and Thursday. The forecast looks a lot warmer after than than it did a week ago overall, so good times ahead hopefully.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, January 21, 2024 8:06 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Speaking of rain that is what is happening right now where I am. Rain and it is washing away the snow we got.

So, another quiet Sunday around me and I will get some music on after a bit.


That's still a few days off for us, and it was still cold today and a low of 17 degrees tonight, but they pushed up the sleet to tomorrow with the actual rain on Tuesday with more on Wednesday and Thursday. The forecast looks a lot warmer after than than it did a week ago overall, so good times ahead hopefully.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

It will be nice once all the snow is gone. That was a drag for sure. Nothing like Mother Nature keeping us on our toes.


Monday, January 22, 2024 9:41 AM


I'm hoping the weather outlook in the future has changed for you in the next month too, assuming it looked as bad as mine did, Brenda.

Looking at the forecast going out the next month was a pleasant surprise last night. Just a few days ago when I had looked there were a lot more days in the low-to-mid 20's in the near future with a lot more nights in the single digits to low teens than there are right now. They're virtually all gone now, replaced with high temps above freezing and lows at night that aren't too much lower than the highs during the days.

I usually don't wish for rain, but I'm hoping we get a good deal of it over the next few days to wash away all the snow around here. My car is covered in salt too, so I'm going to have it sitting on the curb on Tuesday through Thursday for "God's Carwash".

Maybe I'll pick up those two boards for my overlook today or tomorrow and use that opportunity to pull out my tools in my garage to do the work I need to do out there while my car is out. Not a huge fan of working out there when it's cold, but we're being gifted with two days in the 40's and if I dress warm enough it shouldn't be miserable out there so I won't make stupid mistakes because I'm rushing anything.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, January 22, 2024 12:25 PM


Prep work, bleh....

Might as well get to all of it before I make any moves in the basement.

Got that patched ceiling sanded down. It probably only needs one more coat now, but it might take two. Sanding down walls and the ceiling, and making notes of the spots I'll need to hit with mud everywhere, so I can get all that done at once.

Gotta find my punch, because there are some stray brad nails down there where they put the trim and just painted over them. I think it's out in the garage.

Pulled down the covers for the breaker box and network box to scrape and clean off all the residual Great Stuff that got all over them when the previous owners did a shit job insulating around them and didn't even bother to tape all that off first. Idiots. They're both going to need to be painted. It turns out that there is no problem changing the color of a breaker box, so I will be spraying the cover white when the weather is warmer outside. Nice.

I'm going to eventually trim the alcoves for the boxes out once I'm done destroying the wall to get the generator plug solution installed, but I won't be doing that any time soon. I will put the panels back up tight however so I can use my oscillating multitool to cut the drywall back where it needs to go for my L-shaped edge trim that's going to go around it. If I were to put it up where the drywall is now you'd never be able to pull the panels out.

Going to caulk the windows down there since they never were. They did caulk on the sides of the outside of the trim, but didn't do any caulking on the jambs or inside the trim for some reason. They also never bothered to seal up the tops of the outside of the trim either, and there are some large gaps up there that let cold air in. You almost can't tell that's where a bulk of the cold air is coming from because the cold air comes in everywhere since they never sealed anything up. All of that needs to be done before paint starts going up.

I thought I'd bought a few extra decorative coaxial cable plates, but it's possible I only bought them for the living room a few years ago. I can't find them now. That won't stop me from doing what needs to be done to get the walls all painted since I can do all that down the road, but I was hoping to do it now. Oh well.

They didn't buy long enough boards for the "shelves" that are trimmed out above the foundation for the bottom half of the wall. Although they DID make the proper cuts to join the pieces, they didn't do a particularly great job joining them, so I'm going to have to use some wood putty in two spots to even that out before the final paint goes up too.


All this stuff is going to get done now just because I wanted to get the last 3 pieces of trim up on the basement side of that overlook.

If I stick with it this week, I can probably have it all done by the weekend. I love painting, but boy do I hate prep work.

We'll see how it goes...


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.




Brenda 03.02 13:19
SIGNYM 03.02 13:47


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