Is isolationism bad?? What happens if or when the USA Withdraws from the World?

UPDATED: Saturday, October 5, 2024 05:43
VIEWED: 1624
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Tuesday, March 7, 2023 5:45 PM


After getting so far and learning so much can the USA truly pull back? Would the Military Industrial Complex even allow it??

There are events in history we do not see or understand their importance, in 1776 did they know they would Land on the Moon, even looking back the Black Tom explosion was an act of sabotage by agents of the German Empire did they know another attack would change the world, the first time a slow flying craft with propeller caused damage to a strong steel ship but somehow almost crippled this giant beast, the expulsion of French Acadians on the North East of North America and replacing them with English speakers they were to swear an oath of allegiance to Kings and Queens of Britain. Perhaps the wins in 1942 after thoughts winning after scenes of murder and scenes of Doom and death, USA wins and in motion picture the Hollywood blockbusters, rights to vote, putting men on the Moon, the tech revolution, some events we did not read of Onion Futures Act is a United States law banning the trading of futures contracts on onions as well as motion picture box office receipts and then the USA beat the Commies, the fall of the USSR all will be remembered as ‘the American Century’...maybe 911 changed it all, maybe Iraq or Afghanistan or Putin's attempt at a comeback, does attack come with withdrawl?

Some accused both Trump and Biden of being isolationist, they would change the system collapse the might like a crazy Ron Paul.
Even though Donald Trump said the USA will no longer play the role of the "world’s policeman" nobody attacked,
Putin stayed where he was and Afghanistan was not over-run by the Taliban.
Running endless Military Machines are expensive and the money will be taken off the American taxpayers,
However in a ways sometimes America offers 'Stablity' like a hardass Teacher in the Classroom, kids with grudges fight, there is violence and mayhem and any number of regional conflicts break out. The 'Pirates' might return and lobal trade goes up as the safety of commercial shipping can't be provided, a combo of Canada, Australia, Germany, France, EU etc stepping up as world police seems wishful thinking and for now they are too busy with Eastern Europe and the War in Ukraine.
For a while the USA got tired of being Disliked it was Damned if you Do and Damned if You Dont and then Suddenly Done Being the World’s Cop?
Biden has now engaged with NATO, there is a 'Proxy' War of sorts in Ukraine after the Russian invasion. Some say that by pulling back Brazil, South Africa, China, India, Russia, Turkey and Iran will determine the postwar order in parts of the world. Afghan people seem to have supprted the Taliban and jihadi islamism more than America, it was their choice alone to decide their future and they picked to support islamist ideas and jihad Stone Age ways. Latin America gets more bold Argentina wants the Falklands back from the British and other less friendly Countries like North Korea have returned to launching Missiles, Middle East and Arabia goes back to its old ways and continues to be a huge quagmire of stupidity. Groups like ISIS the Taliban, and Al Qaeda mostly destroyed could make a comeback. Violence and Chaos increases maybe as the old big nasty super power steps back, it might have been a 'Bully' but it also provided a lot of stability

We do have past historic example

U.S. withdraws from Vietnam

Saigon falls in April 1975. While Vietnam became more stable of sorts and 'Communist' the murder did not stop

Right next to Vietnam another country and the Killing Fields a number of sites in Cambodia where millions are killed and buried, buildings made from skulls by the Khmer Rouge regimeduring its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979

A kind of self-hating person Chomsky dsilikes Neocons and although 'Leftist' he now says Biden is another Trump, maybe at times worse and added that Biden has not lifted the embargo on Cuba or sanctions on Iran...many see chomskyite as dinosaur philosophy. Many say US Ships keep the peace and the World Police of America is the only way to stop widespread piracy by way of Airforce, Satellites and Naval Hegemony, Europe is going to re-arm perhaps starting paying for firepower or building its own firepower, Isolationism is what political thinkers blame as the reason for Two World Wars, so what of foreign AID the USA gave Pakistan Billions upon Billions of Dollars last year...where does this money go, to the friends of a dead terrorist bin Laden?


Tuesday, March 7, 2023 6:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Peace will break out?
But not gonna happen.
Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, March 16, 2023 9:08 AM


IAEA chief calls for more action on nuclear safety in Ukraine: ‘We have a problem that we need to solve’

Ukraine war: Five ways conflict could go in 2023


The analysts were chosen for their military expertise and their mix of perspectives

Biden 'is the Neville Chamberlain of our day': Republican says president has been 'weak' on Russia

The Daily Signal has a news article 8 Things to Know About Biden’s Fiscal 2024 Budget, From Bad to Worse and NewYorkTimes runs a headline 'Putin and Netanyahu Show Why Bad Things Happen to Bad Leaders'

'Sir Neville Chamberlain resigns from the government 1940'

'Neville Chamberlain'

Wilhelm1 Germany Kaiser


Saturday, July 8, 2023 10:52 AM


There is a massive decline of 'Soft Power' in the past the West was not just about funding a war or gun running and backing some team of killers to win a war against another team of killers, it used money, diplomacy, the cheque or check books, maybe they would have given a loan to build a bridge or some building to make shoes or parts for a bike or medicine.

Rise and Fall of West, when is the lowest culture point

Nobody buys the Hollyweirdo message, the Hollyweird movies are also expensive but they push bolsevik politics, homosexual anti-family, drugs new degeneracy and strange politics. Why are people going to Indie film or South Korea and Japan for their tv and games and movies.

and some where along the way people confused 'soft Power' with weakness, apologist pro-islamist types and idiots with Open Border Policy?

Does China and does a group of other nations now take over 'Soft Power'

This July 4, Be Thankful the Biden Administration Has Revived Soft Power

Can Bidenomics Save Biden’s Re-election Bid?


Saturday, July 8, 2023 10:57 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Nobody buys the Hollyweirdo message, the Hollyweird movies are also expensive but they push bolsevik politics, homosexual anti-family, drugs new degeneracy and strange politics. Why are people going to Indie film or South Korea and Japan for their tv and games and movies.

Though not addressing your question of Soft Power, this video is interesting and relevant to the subject.

Are Hollywood Comedies Dead?

He highlights the idea that with the always-online world we find ourselves in today, the shared experiences that used to exist within society that made comedies work no longer exist. That coupled with the fact that most production studios don't even want to bother making a comedy unless they think they can pull in a few hundred million when it comes out is why we just don't see that many comedies in the theaters anymore.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Sunday, July 9, 2023 9:28 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Are Hollywood Comedies Dead?

He highlights the idea that with the always-online world we find ourselves in today, the shared experiences that used to exist within society that made comedies work no longer exist. That coupled with the fact that most production studios don't even want to bother making a comedy unless they think they can pull in a few hundred million when it comes out is why we just don't see that many comedies in the theaters anymore.

Where are today's Little Rascals and Our Gang comedies? Don't answer. It is rhetorical. This is not Little Rascals, but is about immature people:

‘Joy Ride’ is one of the funniest films you’ll see all year

“Joy Ride”: The hard-R-rated comedy features a fantastic quartet of actors — Ashley Park, Stephanie Hsu, Sherry Cola and Sabrina Wu — who portray a diverse quartet of Asian American friends who meet up in China and get into all sorts of outlandish mischief. Director Adele Lim’s directorial debut is as much raunchy fun as “Bridesmaids” and “Girls Trip,” but it’s smart, too, commenting on the need to embrace our true identities. I’ve seen it twice and would gladly see it twice more. It’s the best comedy of the summer. Details: 3½ stars out of 4; in theaters July 7.

Are 'Puriteens' changing sex comedies?
Jennifer Lawrence's latest film No Hard Feelings is R-rated and sold itself as raunchy comedy – but is actually "tame and inoffensive", writes Caryn James. Is it a comment on today's "Puriteens"?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, July 10, 2023 5:32 AM


Zelensky Rejects Trump's Claim He Could End Ukraine War 'in 24 Hours'

Servant of the People a Ukrainian political satire comedy television series created and produced by Volodymyr Zelenskyo, Goerge Soros money, Olena Zelenska, Kvartal 95 Studio? Netflix had the rights for that 'Bedtime for Bonzo' celebrity President?

'Servant of the People'


Monday, July 10, 2023 8:07 PM


What happens?
The world gets screwed. Most of the World knows this. Not sure how
many Americans do in this age of Fake News.


Monday, July 10, 2023 9:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
What happens?
The world gets screwed. Most of the World knows this. Not sure howmany Americans do in this age of Fake News.

Nah. Since nearly everywhere we go we make war and create instability and failed states, my guess is that MOST of the world would be better off without us.

For example, since we bailed on our Mideast wars to foment eat n Ukraine, peace has broken out all over. Turkey and Syria are talking, Syria was welcomed back into the League of Arab Nations, and Iran and Saudi Arabia are making nice with each other.

Isn't the world so much better off without all of that sturm und drang (storm and strife,)?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, July 10, 2023 9:30 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
What happens?
The world gets screwed. Most of the World knows this. Not sure howmany Americans do in this age of Fake News.

Nah. Since nearly everywhere we go we make war and create instability and failed states, my guess is that MOST of the world would be better off without us.


They'd be better off without our ceaseless interventions, yes.

But as we've discussed before, most of the world benefits from US Military might.

There isn't a country in Europe, or Canada for that matter, that would have "free" healthcare if they weren't able to rely on the US taxpayer military. They'd all be conquered by countries much worse than ours if they tried it.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 8:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
What happens?
The world gets screwed. Most of the World knows this. Not sure howmany Americans do in this age of Fake News.

Nah. Since nearly everywhere we go we make war and create instability and failed states, my guess is that MOST of the world would be better off without us.

For example, since we bailed on our Mideast wars to foment eat n Ukraine, peace has broken out all over. Turkey and Syria are talking, Syria was welcomed back into the League of Arab Nations, and Iran and Saudi Arabia are making nice with each other.

Isn't the world so much better off without all of that sturm und drang (storm and strife,)?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

We are all familiar with your negativity,constantly.

How many nations are in the world today?
How many of those nations do not have citizens who dream of immigrating to the United States of America?
I understand that you believe that America conquered France - twice - and absorbed it. Yet France does not currently speak English from border to border. Nor German. Same with most Yurpeen nations. And Japan, South Korea, Middle East.
Sure, Libtards and other Democrats love to tinker with the governments of other nations, just like Ike warned against, but America still supposedly elected more and more Libtards to start up these wars and coups.
But the folks who live in those nations are able to see around the nonsense, to some degree.

They know that the world would be screwed. Particularly when the world is all speaking Chinese and it is too late to reconsider how good it was when America wasn't Unconstitutionally Woke.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 10:44 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
What happens?
The world gets screwed. Most of the World knows this. Not sure howmany Americans do in this age of Fake News.

SIGNY: Nah. Since nearly everywhere we go we make war and create instability and failed states, my guess is that MOST of the world would be better off without us.

For example, since we bailed on our Mideast wars to foment war in Ukraine, peace has broken out all over. Turkey and Syria are talking, Syria was welcomed back into the League of Arab Nations, and Iran and Saudi Arabia are making nice with each other.

Isn't the world so much better off without all of that sturm und drang (storm and strife)?

JSF: We are all familiar with your negativity,constantly.
How many nations are in the world today?

193, and two UN observer states.


How many of those nations do not have citizens who dream of immigrating to the United States of America?
"I came to America believing that streets were paved with gold. Not only were they not paved with gold,, they weren't even paved, and WE were supposed to pave them!"

Believe it or not, the USA is NOT the best place in the world, and it's getting worse by the year. There are many people in many nations who want to stay where they are. .


JSF: I understand that you believe that America conquered France - twice - and absorbed it.
When have I posted about France??
What's your point?


JSF: Yet France does not currently speak English from border to border. Nor German. Same with most Yurpeen nations. And Japan, South Korea, Middle East.
Sure, Libtards and other Democrats love to tinker with the governments of other nations,

I think you mean "overthrow, and install compliant dictatorships


just like Ike warned against, but America still supposedly elected more and more Libtards to start up these wars and coups.
It's been a bipartisan project. Just look at GWB and John McCain and Lindsey Graham. And DeSantis is just the same.


JSF: But the folks who live in those nations are able to see around the nonsense, to some degree.
I don't think Iraqis or Libyans or Syrians or Serbians or Iranians or Chinese or Russians or Venezuelans or Nicaraguans are in a very forgiving mood. And once people see that America can be defeated you might be surprised to find out just how many people hate the USA.
NO, we're not universally hated, but we're not universally tolerated either.


JSF: They know that the world would be screwed. Particularly when the world is all speaking Chinese and it is too late to reconsider how good it was when America wasn't Unconstitutionally Woke.
it seems that, according to you, China isn't part of the world? Bc when you say "the world" would be screwed I think you mean to say "the world... except China". Bc in your scenario, CHINA would be doing quite well!

All this to say that I think your view of "the world" is very narrow.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Wednesday, July 12, 2023 8:13 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

There isn't a country in Europe, or Canada for that matter, that would have "free" healthcare if they weren't able to rely on the US taxpayer military. They'd all be conquered by countries much worse than ours if they tried it.

Canada spends less on healthcare than the USA. 12.2% of GDP for Canada and 18.3% for the USA. If you think you get a longer life in the USA than in Canada because the USA spends more, you'd be mistaken. Life expectancy at birth, total (years) Canada 83, United States 76 (2021)

Meanwhile, military spending is 1.3% of GDP for Canada and 3.5% for the USA.

Overall health expenditure will represent 12.2% of Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2022

National Health Expenditure Data for the USA is 18.3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Military expenditure (% of GDP) – Canada 1.3%, United States 3.5%

There are many more comparisons between Canada and US where Canadian citizens have better lives than USA citizens.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, July 12, 2023 8:40 AM


So there is a 'strange' fact, Russia did not expand under Trump but it engaged in some warmongering with Bush junior and Cheney in power in the United States. During the Obama-Biden admin, Russians were involved in some wars during this period, during Obama Putin also continued some smaller conflicts.

For some reason a lot of countries were quite, terrorist groups less active and Empire was less expansionist under the years of Trump and yet Donald Trump was accused of isolationism.

Perhaps a lot of leaders seen an 'old man' elected when Trump lots, or a perception of possible old guy weakness as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris came to power.

North Korea fires intercontinental ballistic missile after threatening US

War crimes in Tigray may be covered up or forgotten

World ‘sleepwalking into another 9/11’ as Taliban welcome al-Qaeda back to Afghanistan

Republican lawmaker blasts State Dept response on US envoy for Iran


Wednesday, July 12, 2023 9:00 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

There isn't a country in Europe, or Canada for that matter, that would have "free" healthcare if they weren't able to rely on the US taxpayer military. They'd all be conquered by countries much worse than ours if they tried it.

Canada spends less on healthcare than the USA. 12.2% of GDP for Canada and 18.3% for the USA. If you think you get a longer life in the USA than in Canada because the USA spends more, you'd be mistaken. Life expectancy at birth, total (years) Canada 83, United States 76 (2021)

Meanwhile, military spending is 1.3% of GDP for Canada and 3.5% for the USA.

Overall health expenditure will represent 12.2% of Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2022

National Health Expenditure Data for the USA is 18.3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Military expenditure (% of GDP) – Canada 1.3%, United States 3.5%

There are many more comparisons between Canada and US where Canadian citizens have better lives than USA citizens.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Canada let's you walk into a doctor's office and never walk out again, after requesting to be killed. Whether or not one thinks this is a good thing is subjective. Just stating the facts.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Wednesday, July 12, 2023 9:03 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
So there is a 'strange' fact, Russia did not expand under Trump but it engaged in some warmongering with Bush junior and Cheney in power in the United States. During the Obama-Biden admin, Russians were involved in some wars during this period, during Obama Putin also continued some smaller conflicts.

For some reason a lot of countries were quite, terrorist groups less active and Empire was less expansionist under the years of Trump and yet Donald Trump was accused of isolationism.

Perhaps a lot of leaders seen an 'old man' elected when Trump lots, or a perception of possible old guy weakness as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris came to power.

North Korea fires intercontinental ballistic missile after threatening US

War crimes in Tigray may be covered up or forgotten

World ‘sleepwalking into another 9/11’ as Taliban welcome al-Qaeda back to Afghanistan

Republican lawmaker blasts State Dept response on US envoy for Iran

I'd mentioned that before several times in these boards. During Trump's Administration, you didn't hear the words ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Terrorist or Jihadist in the news for 4 years.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Wednesday, July 12, 2023 9:07 AM


There have been many What If history videos and Speculation about Future Timeline

Why did the US Join World War One?


What If: World Without the US


some of the worst 'Collapse' theory


Wednesday, July 12, 2023 4:38 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

There isn't a country in Europe, or Canada for that matter, that would have "free" healthcare if they weren't able to rely on the US taxpayer military. They'd all be conquered by countries much worse than ours if they tried it.

Canada spends less on healthcare than the USA. 12.2% of GDP for Canada and 18.3% for the USA. If you think you get a longer life in the USA than in Canada because the USA spends more, you'd be mistaken. Life expectancy at birth, total (years) Canada 83, United States 76 (2021)

Meanwhile, military spending is 1.3% of GDP for Canada and 3.5% for the USA.

Overall health expenditure will represent 12.2% of Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2022

National Health Expenditure Data for the USA is 18.3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Military expenditure (% of GDP) – Canada 1.3%, United States 3.5%

There are many more comparisons between Canada and US where Canadian citizens have better lives than USA citizens.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Canada let's you walk into a doctor's office and never walk out again, after requesting to be killed. Whether or not one thinks this is a good thing is subjective. Just stating the facts.

What fact? That Canadians live many years longer than Americans, but don't go bankrupt from medical bills? Or that if you are an American who craves a gun for suicide, there will be a convenient gun store nearby to provide all your needs, especially if you intend murder/suicide.

If the US had the same suicide rates as in Canada, we estimate there would be approximately 25.9% fewer US suicide fatalities, equivalent to 11,630 suicide fatalities averted each year. This decline would be driven by a 79.3% lower rate of firearm-specific suicide fatalities.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, July 13, 2023 7:29 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
What happens?
The world gets screwed. Most of the World knows this. Not sure howmany Americans do in this age of Fake News.


JSF: We are all familiar with your negativity,constantly.
How many nations are in the world today?

193, and two UN observer states.


How many of those nations do not have citizens who dream of immigrating to the United States of America?


JSF: I understand that you believe that America conquered France - twice - and absorbed it.
When have I posted about France??
What's your point?

It is called Liberation.


JSF: Yet France does not currently speak English from border to border. Nor German. Same with most Yurpeen nations. And Japan, South Korea, Middle East.
Sure, Libtards and other Democrats love to tinker with the governments of other nations,

I think you mean "overthrow, and install compliant dictatorships


just like Ike warned against, but America still supposedly elected more and more Libtards to start up these wars and coups.
It's been a bipartisan project. Just look at GWB

cleaning up Clinton's mess, and Libtard RINOs

John McCain and Lindsey Graham.


JSF: But the folks who live in those nations are able to see around the nonsense, to some degree.
I don't think Iraqis or Libyans or Syrians or Serbians or Iranians or Chinese or Russians or Venezuelans or Nicaraguans are in a very forgiving mood.

The Belligerents of the world are not expected to be rational or reasonable, hence Kaiser Wilhelm and Hitler.


JSF: They know that the world would be screwed. Particularly when the world is all speaking Chinese and it is too late to reconsider how good it was when America wasn't Unconstitutionally Woke.

it seems that, according to you, China isn't part of the world? Bc when you say "the world" would be screwed I think you mean to say "the world... except China". Bc in your scenario, CHINA would be doing quite well!

Are you confused?
I said speaking Chinese. You translate this into "all residents of China want to never leave China, nor go anywhere else, and know the Communist Dictatorship is the greatest Utopia on Earth" in your delusions. When I clearly implied that the vast majority of China resident slaves are already screwed by their own country.


Thursday, July 13, 2023 7:55 PM


Spanish invasion of immigrants and speakers are far more likely to dominate English speaker culture, its happens in Puerto Rico. Only in Spain do you see English tourists arrive and try to buy up local Spain property, in the USA the Spanish culture expands and foreign-born population residing in the U.S. reached a record 45 million most are Hispanic. I don't get why people think 'Chinese' as a language would spread so easy it has always been culturally stuck around regions in Asia, the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Pearl River, the Huaihe River and rarely ever spread past its borders, ok you see it in a scifi tv show and movie 'Firefly' but do you guys not know what kind of a pain in the ass it was for the Cast to look at symbolism they knew little of or pronounce words, grammar, phrases and sentences they had little connection to? There are Chinatowns, Koreatowns, Little Tokyo, Little Italy but after a while a community can be a natural citizen after generations, the Spanish culture seems to be less able to become American English speaking. It is far more difficult for Chinese to spread because it is not easy to learn like Spanish. Without exposure and good effort it can take almost a life time to learn Mandarin Chinese, it has no real direct link or connection to English, Alphabets and Script a totally different like Mongolian script is different, Georgian scripts, Greek alphabet, Korean Hangul, Russian Cyrillic script, tough if you don't read their alphabet script you can see writing and know absolutely nothing and these 'Alphabets' are far easier than Chinese you only have to learn a few in other languages and they are all tone based.. Chinese is a series of pictures, thousands of different characters before you read, almost endless idea picture stacked into another idea picture. Hong Kong people the Cantonese readers and speakers or Japanese readers and speakers share so kind of root with Chinese Mandarin but not always, they have also changed to pictures to more simple forms to improve reading and writing so even Asian languages that know 'Chinese' characters might not read everything. It also has thing bending of notes, a kind of rise and fall of singing notes up or down or 'flat'. There is no way Chinese is going to spread among a population outside its border as quick as an immigrant Spanish population spreads inside the USA. Spanish or Norwegian or Afrikaans or German or French or Portuguese or Filipino Tagalog or Italian are far more easier languages to adapt to for a person of English speaking heritage, the USA has far more Spanish speaking immigrants. The immigrant population might no longer speak the original Spanish the language might even change to a mix of Spanglish, a mix of dialect from Spanish speaking regions mixed with English, new and old Spanish and Jive creole ebonics and Spanish slang. A Mexico origin foreign-born population of Ten Million plus comes to the USA each year 10,550,000 + every year moving across the border.

Having an Open border with Mexico means the Hispanic culture of Latin America will be the largest immigrant culture, the Latin culture is going to cross the USA's border.


Thursday, July 13, 2023 8:04 PM


'The resurgence of America First isolationism: the far-right’s opposition to NATO and the Ukraine war'

Biden: 'I absolutely guarantee' US commitment to NATO


Tuesday, August 1, 2023 6:14 PM


This seems to be partially continued in this thread:


Tuesday, August 1, 2023 6:16 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
What happens?
The world gets screwed. Most of the World knows this. Not sure howmany Americans do in this age of Fake News.

SIGNY: Nah. Since nearly everywhere we go we make war and create instability and failed states, my guess is that MOST of the world would be better off without us.

For example, since we bailed on our Mideast wars to foment war in Ukraine, peace has broken out all over. Turkey and Syria are talking, Syria was welcomed back into the League of Arab Nations, and Iran and Saudi Arabia are making nice with each other.

Isn't the world so much better off without all of that sturm und drang (storm and strife)?

JSF: We are all familiar with your negativity,constantly.
How many nations are in the world today?

193, and two UN observer states.


How many of those nations do not have citizens who dream of immigrating to the United States of America?
Believe it or not, the USA is NOT the best place in the world, and it's getting worse by the year. There are many people in many nations who want to stay where they are. .

Yes, your negativity and/or ignorance reveals that you believe that humans strive to remain enslaved, are repelled from seeking Liberty or Freedom, and grovel for the chance to be ruled by evil Dictators.
They never yearn for the opportunity to Immigrate to America, become Free with Liberty, or choose their own destiny, have the option to pursue their dreams. Because there are so many Democracies in the world, and so many Democratic Republics in the world - even though United States has provided a template to emulate.
You must be right.


JSF: I understand that you believe that America conquered France - twice - and absorbed it.
When have I posted about France??
What's your point?

JSF: Yet France does not currently speak English from border to border. Nor German. Same with most Yurpeen nations. And Japan, South Korea, Middle East.
Sure, Libtards and other Democrats love to tinker with the governments of other nations,


JSF: But the folks who live in those nations are able to see around the nonsense, to some degree.
I don't think Iraqis or Libyans or Syrians or Serbians or Iranians or Chinese or Russians or Venezuelans or Nicaraguans are in a very forgiving mood. And once people see that America can be defeated you might be surprised to find out just how many people hate the USA.
NO, we're not universally hated, but we're not universally tolerated either.


Monday, August 7, 2023 3:00 PM


I'm not an America but perhaps if there a person can influence, do soemthing positive like Musk did building a company, or one could become citizen part of a movement, or maybe write a postive poem or make a cartoon that would open people'sThat said mind

No delusion of being a 'President'

Said I think if the USA falls a lot of the rest of the Anglo-American Empire might crumble, it won't die instantly but it could fade away like the Spanish or Dutch and be less of a player on the world stage

Defending borders seems a wise choice, lots of human trafficking and drugs plus if you do not have a border you do not have a nation



Monday, August 7, 2023 3:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
What happens?
The world gets screwed. Most of the World knows this. Not sure howmany Americans do in this age of Fake News.

SIGNY: Nah. Since nearly everywhere we go we make war and create instability and failed states, my guess is that MOST of the world would be better off without us.

For example, since we bailed on our Mideast wars to foment war in Ukraine, peace has broken out all over. Turkey and Syria are talking, Syria was welcomed back into the League of Arab Nations, and Iran and Saudi Arabia are making nice with each other.
Isn't the world so much better off without all of that sturm und drang (storm and strife)?

JSF: We are all familiar with your negativity,constantly.
How many nations are in the world today?

SIGNY: 193, and two UN observer states.

Besides, how is this negative? Isn't it a GOOD thing that people aren't running around, killing each other?


JSF: How many of those nations do not have citizens who dream of immigrating to the United States of America?

SIGNY: Believe it or not, the USA is NOT the best place in the world, and it's getting worse by the year. There are many people in many nations who want to stay where they are.

JSF: Yes, your negativity and/or ignorance reveals that you believe that humans strive to remain enslaved, are repelled from seeking Liberty or Freedom, and grovel for the chance to be ruled by evil Dictators.

How is it negative that people are satisfied with their lives and their government? China, for instance... it's not for me, but apparently the Chinese are pretty happy with their lives and their government, because there government has materially raised their standard of living, lifting almost a billion people out of poverty.

India should be so lucky!


JSF: They never yearn for the opportunity to Immigrate to America, become Free with Liberty, or choose their own destiny, have the option to pursue their dreams. Because there are so many Democracies in the world, and so many Democratic Republics in the world - even though United States has provided a template to emulate.

EVEN YOU can't argue that we have all the freedoms that our Constitution supposedly enshrined. AFA making a life here... Thanks to our movies and other propaganda which portrays a living standard here THAT DOESN'T EXIST... many people in other nations believe that life here is better than it is. They should visit LA or San Francisco or Baltimore or Philly or Chicago or NYC or Appalachia.


JSF: I understand that you believe that America conquered France - twice - and absorbed it.

When have I posted about France??
What's your point?

JSF: Yet France does not currently speak English from border to border. Nor German. Same with most Yurpeen nations. And Japan, South Korea, Middle East.
Sure, Libtards and other Democrats love to tinker with the governments of other nations,

I never said we conquered France. We HAVE turned them into vassal states, tho.


JSF: But the folks who live in those nations are able to see around the nonsense, to some degree.

SIGNY: I don't think Iraqis or Libyans or Syrians or Serbians or Iranians or Chinese or Russians or Venezuelans or Nicaraguans are in a very forgiving mood. And once people see that America can be defeated you might be surprised to find out just how many people hate the USA.
NO, we're not universally hated, but we're not universally tolerated either.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, August 7, 2023 3:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
I'm not an America but perhaps if there a person can influence, do soemthing positive like Musk did

Musk BTW was born and raised in S Africa to a S African father and a Canadian mother. He got a Canadian passport when he was 17 bc he didn't want to be inducted into their army.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, August 7, 2023 5:46 PM


I would argue the France have a level of political independence, they didn't go back into Nam they were already there and defeated then the United States of America, british and Australian go there, they spoke against fake WMD reasons for Iraq. The French do mess things up but it often is their own self, Bad Economics, Open Borders, a Socialism Utopia going to is all one them.

French might feel closer to Canada or Quebec or their island colonies than typical France–United States relations.

Washington probably does not trust their ability to fight, WW1 and another World War, USA was shocked by the sudden collapse of France, North African terrorists in the Postwar years, they are in NATO but out of NATO, say they will fight for NATO but always offering an alternative to NATO or mainstream European Anglo-American culture. They did join the bombing of Afghanistan for Bush administration's War on Terror, in most polls French adults surveyed held a negative opinion of 'Trump'...although this could be French just being miserable the past few years, Trump threatened tariffs against France but they also seem to dislike Biden.

America functioned as the "other" in configuring French identity. To be French was not to be American. Americans were conformists, materialists, racists, violent, and vulgar. The French were individualists, idealists, tolerant, and civilized. Americans adored wealth; the French worshiped la douceur de vivre. This caricature of America, which was already broadly endorsed at the beginning of the century, served to essentialize French national identity. At the end of the twentieth century, the French strategy [was to use] America as a foil, as a way of defining themselves as well as everything from their social policies to their notion of what constituted culture.

the United States of America and its city seen as 'Go' but France almost nothing go them angry, but they riot over win, cheese, pensions, they wanted softer relaxed rhythms of life


Saturday, August 12, 2023 9:25 PM


'Democracy Now' you could class them as Left, they are controversial so taken them with a pinch of salt. During the 2008 Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota, several of Goodman's colleagues from Democracy Now! were arrested and detained by police while reporting on an anti-war protest outside the RNC. In year 2009, Goodman and her two colleagues, Denis Moynihan and Chuck Scurich, were detained for approximately 90 minutes by Canadian agents at the Douglas, British Columbia border crossing into Canada while en route to a scheduled meeting at the Vancouver Public Library. Immigration officials asked questions pertaining to the intended topics of discussion at the meeting.


Thursday, October 19, 2023 11:39 AM


Biden’s Israel trip reflects a deeply flawed and hypocritical foreign policy

Israel-Gaza, live: Sunak warned of 'long war ahead' by Netanyahu


Sunday, April 14, 2024 5:15 PM


Afghanistan a waste of time but other lessons?

The Neville Chamberlain Diary Letters, Volume IV: The Downing Street Years, 1934–1940

The Triumph and Tragedy of Woodrow Wilson I


Sunday, April 21, 2024 12:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


However in a ways sometimes America offers 'Stablity' like a hardass Teacher in the Classroom, kids with grudges fight, there is violence and mayhem and any number of regional conflicts break out. The 'Pirates' might return and lobal trade goes up as the safety of commercial shipping can't be provided, a combo of Canada, Australia, Germany, France, EU etc stepping up as world police seems wishful thinking and for now they are too busy with Eastern Europe and the War in Ukraine.

You're not the only European (you ARE European, right?) to think that the USA provides "stability".

Could you be more specific and give us examples of where the USA created stability?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Tuesday, May 21, 2024 5:48 PM


I would argue the USA created relative stability in with the French and British, in Canada, in Germany, not so much in Eastern Europe which was mixed but maybe leading to the decline of old Empires and the formation of the EU a strong trading bloc also in Japan, Australia, New Zealand.

a big element of Globalization probably died after 911, having an open borders to the trojan horse of jihadis will not help your civilization or culture.

the influence in Latin America or Asia or Africa is debatable, Asia going either neutral non-aligned or Soviet/Communist leaning

There is a return to ColdWar Politics and a lack of scientific cooperation, the days of shared material study might be over, super computer projects, the ISS, Cold Fusion some international research efforts will continue but a lot of it is coming to an end

working with others who are reasonable in a scientific positive way might be keeping hope in the future alive

even skeptical admit one of these days soon they may make fusion practical.

Technology and Optimism


Monday, May 27, 2024 9:16 AM


Alaskans are planning a patriotic convoy to Denali National Park in response to the park manager saying workers couldn’t fly the American Flag

Now Haitian gangs are threatening to stop the transport of Davy and Natalie Lloyd’s bodies home to Missouri. President Biden should guarantee their safe transfer home. The government failed the Lloyds two days ago. The least it can do now is bring home their remains

invader immigrant youth in Germany: “Foreigners in, Germans out!”

"Ausländer rein! Deutsche raus!"


Thursday, September 19, 2024 7:36 AM


Can you really withdraw?

Some talk of resources at Ukraine the Grain, Metals in the ground, the Gas pipeplines, the Gold

Russians currently still hold a significant stronghold on resoruces

on Resources they said buy Gold, others want to control Uranium Investments, the Natural Gas and Liquid Oil, Apple Phones, the Royal Bank Of Canada its been around forever like the British Royal family, Toyota brand is here beating GM don't work Musk can save everyone, Microsoft Computers and Bill Gates Vaccines, the Jew Banker families got good at that gamble and move money game then Saudi and other Arabs and muslim family are learning from Jews, some Hindu guy in India sells a Life Insurance Corporation, Brazil Oil and Gas and then Food and Banks and then Mining, Sony and Nintendo Game player gizmos, the Swiss Nestlé that owns California water and land, invest in a French Cheese or Chocolate and Wine maker, South Korea grows Samsung phones, Walmart brand, buy Netflix, Pepsico vs Coca Cola, buy Silver they say at least its real, Bitcoin Among Top 10 Most Valuable Global Assets?


Saturday, October 5, 2024 5:43 AM


Britbongistan News the tax payer funded BBC

BBC livestreams Khamenei propaganda speech: Oct. 7 jihad massacre was ‘logical and legal’






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