Southern Russia Burns / islamo jihadi Caliphate in Progress

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 23, 2024 08:56
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Sunday, June 23, 2024 6:56 PM


Thread hijacked by SIGNYM, Russia / Putin is doing fine and islamists have nothing to do with 'islam'
or so SIGNYM will claim.

It seems Shitlamic Koranimal people are inside the Russian Duma, they are on tv with bamboozle lies, tricking their infidel Ruskie with Ukraine-Did-It propaganda
Learn these words Al-taqiyya, Kitman, Tawriya and Al-muruna
Abdulkhakim Kutbudinovich Gadzhiyev took the Rag off his head and shaved his beard but he is an islamo porpaganda mixed with a little of propaganda Russian style-ish politician from Dagestan, maybe was 'elected' to the State Duma
This topic has become a crazy SIGNYM who has never admit wrong and thread hijack just as THG, Reaverfan and Wishimay hijacked threads with their own politics. Russia - Another month goes by another terror attack on Russians as islamics target Agnostic, Jews, Atheists and Christians

Russia terror attack: Moment synagogue, church go up in flames as police close off city

The Russian has collapsed before.

Only 7 months ago

Screeching out that islamist war cry al-Lah is Superior

'A plane from Israel lands in Dagestan and the airport and runway is stormed by Palestinian rioters'

'WHERE IS JEW' some shouted

'KILL JEW' some wailed and roared

the islamo Russia jihadi mob almost acting like sick rapid dogs ready to kill each other

shouts of al Lah-hu Ackbars


even among non-islamo Russian

Absolutism and a vodka drinking slave worker class or uneducated peasant population.
The second major collapse of the Russian Empire if we set USSR as the true first, but we could also count the fall of Tsarists and other leaders, invasion of France the Battle of Paris 1814, lost Emperor Kingdom terriotry, it once tried to invade Europe and China, Tsar Russia and the Alaska purchase as declines.
Millions of Serfs and fear is what it emitted, it lacked culture, but as a 'nation'or country not respected.

Gunmen in Russia kill seven police and a priest in 'terror' attack

Authorities are blaming unspecified “militants.” CNN gives no information on who the attackers could be.


Monday, June 24, 2024 6:09 AM


Russia terror attack: Priest and 15 cops killed in attacks at synagogue & churches

Synagogue, churches targeted in ‘Islamic attack’ in Russia’s Dagestan

Suspected Islamist Terrorists Attack, Burn Synagogues and Orthodox Churches in Russia’s Dagestan

The North Caucasus conflict between locals and jihadists has been simmering for more than a decade

Gunmen in Russia’s Dagestan kill multiple police and a priest in ‘terrorist attack’

Death toll in Russian terror attack climbs to 16 including cops and a priest 'who had his throat slit'


Monday, June 24, 2024 6:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I wonder if these terrorists were like the fake Muslims who attacked Russia's Crocus City Hall.

Attacks on two cities were coordinated with each other and with Ukraine's cluster munitions attack on civilians in Crimea. Bc the USA has used terrorists before, in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Syria, Ukraine, and !Libya.

Just sayin'.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, June 24, 2024 7:29 AM


why are you kissing the anus of the dirty islamist jihadi?

Russia: Islamic jihadis attack two churches and a synagogue in Dagestan, priest had throat slit

The islamo horde is almost ready to take Russians

an old Bear is seen wounded, the wold pack and other wild dogs may try surround it as they do in nature

Somewhat Al-Qaeda style

2024 Dagestan attack nearly simultaneous and apparently coordinated terrorist attacks were launched with rifles, automatic weapons, and Molotov cocktails on targets in two cities in the Russian republic of Dagestan in the North Caucasus. A synagogue and two Eastern Orthodox churches in Derbent were attacked, and a synagogue and road police post were attacked in Makhachkala simultaneously. The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) believes that Islamic State – Caucasus Province may have been involved in the attack. The Islamic State – Khorasan Province's Al-Azaim Media account shortly after the attack praised "their brothers in the Caucasus" for showing what they were capable of. However, Al-Azaim did not directly claim responsibility for the attacks, the ISW noted.

Local Mosque-Oh politics? two sons and a nephew of Magomed Omarov, the head of Dagestan's Sergokalinsky District, were among the perpetrators of the Makhachkala attack
reports of attacks like this sometimes show degenerate islamo criminals the hookah , shisha, or waterpipe smokers, the attackers yelled "al Lahu Akbar" claiming that a pedophile terrorist Moongod is superior to other people's Gods.
Some say a Russian a mixed martial arts fighter based in Derbent was one of the attackers killed.

Mobs of muslims have gone Jew-Hunting already in Putin's russia, trying to find a Jew, distrupt aiports and pull the Jew off an Airplane. Christians are under attack in Russia, Russia's Jewish community has faced increasing threats of violence.

Anti-Israel mob storms Dagestan airport in Russia


15 Cops dead, 15 police and Rosgvardiya officers...rookies almost unarmed while everyone else is sent to war.

Why do people who have never read that shitty-islamobook say they are experts on the islamic culture, they know the Quran or Koran but have never read it?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Bc the USA has used terrorists before

and so has Russia, they give weapons to Iranians who chase writers like Rushide across the world

they pay Chechen to kill Christians in Ukraine while radical Mosques expand across Russia and while claiming to save 'Christianity' or some nonsense


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I wonder if these terrorists were like the fake Muslims

don't hurt yourself

continue exposing your ignorance

This religion is a pedophile Death Cult and even though you have years of information on it here, news articles etc you still you seem to be largely ignorant of it or have yur head burried in the sand like an Arab camel?

the founder of the religion was a pervert who dressed in women's clothes, sucked on little boys tongues, had sex with his dead aunt, married and six year old and terrorized Arabia.

Are you doing drugs now, taking too many pill or smoking strong pot that makes you paranoid, or maybe just parroting Ruskie propaganda or the Alt-media tinfoil headed stuff, maybe you read from some pro-islamo account blogger pretending to be a Westerner, why are you burrying your head in the sand?

The islamics have been on a jihad for about 1424 years

it is not the same mindset as the current West, there are infidels everywhere in history, hatred of Christians, Hatred of Jews, Hatred of Hinud, killing of infidels from Asia to Africa, 'Death to America', Death to Israel, Death to Russia you name it.
it is more like Stone Age superstition, Medieval savagery and the type who would put on a show of the Salem Witch Trials, if you read back on Province of Massachusetts Bay was a colony in New England maybe just maybe you might begin to understand them

I know you will probably NEVER read their books, the islamo texts
that is who you are
and you will log back on here and be 'AN EXPERT' on islam

when islamics are not killing an outsider infidel
perhaps the good news is sometimes they can focus on each other
other times they are busy killing themselves just as Mahomet was at war with his own family

the true conspiracy?
Putin has sent hundreds of thousands of his own men to die in Ukraine and now Russians are being replaced by islamics, that is the true conspiracy


Monday, June 24, 2024 9:01 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

JAYNZE, just because somebody SAYS they were radical Muslims doesn't mean they really were. Look at the Crocus terrorists. They didn't attack for religion, they were paid.

Even if these guys really WERE (or are, some may still be alive) religious terrorists doesn't mean they didn't get outside help.

And just bc someone is anti-Israel doesn't make them Muslims. Hell. I'M anti-Israel* and I'm not Muslim. (*But if Israel stops its genocide then I'll stop being anti-Israel)

For you, everything is about Muslims. It's your bete noir, and you cast everything those terms.

But there does seem to be a geopolitical aspect to this event. More forces may be at work than just sheer religious fanaticism.

I'm waiting for more info.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, June 24, 2024 9:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, a word of advice -

Judging by your posts, Muslim terrorists have won. Bc you sound pretty terrorized to me. So stop REACTING and start THINKING.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, June 24, 2024 10:25 AM


Why do people feel the need to defend islamo barabarism, they defend jihadi pedophiles and they support criminal jihadi killers

Every time an islamist jihadi muslim blows someone up, everytime the jihadi rapes an islamic rapes women to death, people defend the Koranimal culture
everytime an islamo does a mass shooting terror attack there will be an idiot ready to defend them, they can be Libertarian, Right like Lindey Graham or Left like an illhan omar but in our idiotic political universe it is inevitable that idiotic people defend the savage islamist hordes.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

they were paid.

War Booty is Part of islamism and the jihadist way of life,

One-fifth of Booty to the Cause of the pedophile Moongod demon named al-Lah

Narrated Abu Huraira: The pedophile terrorist Prophet Moohammad said, "The person who participates in Jihadi Holy Islamist battles in the pedophile demon Moonfod al-Lah's cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Moongod al-Lah and His Apostles, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or cash, coin, booty if he survives

Book 53, Number 379
The terrorist pedo Prophet gave Az-Zubair a piece of land from the property of Bani An-Nadir stolen as loot or gained as war booty

The jihadi pedophile terrorist Muslim raiders encouraged each other, and decided to kill as many as they could of them and take what they had. Waqid shot Amr bin al-Hadrami with an arrow and killed him... Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 425; see also Ibn Kathir V.2 p.243

Book 34, Number 432:
Abu Said Al-Khudri:
that while he was sitting with the demon al-Lah's Anti-Christ Apostle he said, "O demon al-Lah's Apostle! We get female captives as our share of booty, and we are interested in their prices, what is your opinion about coitus interrupt us?" The pedo terror man who muslims believe a Prophet said, "Do you really do that? It is better for you not to do it. No soul that which the devil Moongod al-Lah has destined to exist, but will surely come into existence.

When the pedophile terroristic Apostle heard about Abu Sufyan coming from Syria, he summoned the Muslims and said, “This is the Quraish caravan containing their property. Go out to attack it, perhaps Allah will give it as a prey.”
Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 428

The jihadi islamic 'Abdullah writing On the day of the battle of Hunain, al Lah's Apostle favored some people in the distribution of the booty to the exclusion of others; he gave Al-Aqra' bin Habis one-hundred camels and he gave 'Uyaina the same amount, and also gave to some of the eminent Arabs, giving them preference in this stolen loot or war booty in regard.

Salama bin Al-Akwa:
The pedophile terrorist Prophet then gave him the belongings of the killed spy in addition to his share of the war booty.

Volume 8, Book 80, Number 720:
Narrated Malik bin Aus:
'Umar said, 'I beseech you by the pedophile terror Moongod al-Llah by Whose permission islamics believe both the heaven and the earth exist, do you know that pedophile Moongod al Lah's Apostle said, 'Our or the Apostles' property will not be inherited, and whatever we leave after our death is to be spent in charity?' And by that pedophile tettorist demon al Lah's Apostle meant himself.' The group said, 'No doubt, he the pedophile terrorist said so.' 'Umar then faced 'Ali and 'Abbas and said, 'Do you both know that pedophile Moongod al-Lah's Apostle said that?' They replied, 'No doubt, he said so.' 'Umar said, 'So let me talk to you about this matter. The demonic pedophile demon god al-Lah favored His Apostle with something of this Fai' i.e. booty won by the Muslims at war without fighting which He did not give to anybody else.

Narrated Ibn Umar:
In our holy jihadi terror battles, we used to get honey and grapes, as war booty which we would eat and would not store.

There is a reward for people who kill Rushdie

yes PAID reward

Also in the Quran or Korea

the Sunnah, Hadiths, Sahih Bukhari, Al-Kutub Al-Arb'ah-, doctrines of Sunni Kutub al-Sittah, Tafsir, Sahih Muslim, Kalam and Theology of Shi'a ...the Sunni and Shiite will kill each otehr over what bits of writing are acceptable and canon


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

just because somebody SAYS they were radical Muslims doesn't mean they really were

Of course they are

THEY THEMSELVES SAY IT, they themselves say they are radical good muslim terrorists

they literally make selfies as they slowly chop the heads of Americans or Russians or whomever

they will upload their faces to Telegram or Facebooks or whatever channel while doing the beheadings, while raping Yezidi girls to Death, while Iranians attack blashpemers while Saudi backed terrorists kill infidels

they literally upload videos saying they have tricked the west after immigrating and openly admitting they are terrorists

If someone in came up to you and said they were a killer and stabbed you in the stomach and said they were part of a cult and a criminal killer
Would you refuse to believe them??? Would your paranoid brain start thinking there is always some other conspiracy tinfoil hat crap going on

Occam's razor, lex parsimoniae, the most straightforward explanation a muslim terrorist tells you they are a muslim terrorist you better believe them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

And just bc someone is anti-Israel doesn't make them Muslims.

I am highly critical of the culture of ChristKillers, the Zionists and the weirdo spook Mossad types that linked to stange events like that Epstein pedophile island,

the one thing I will say for them is they are smarter and more educated than an islamist

but very often they are not the USA's friend, they care for themselves

very often that 'Greatest Ally' stuff is a lot of BS


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Judging by your posts, Muslim terrorists have won. Bc you sound pretty terrorized to me. So stop REACTING and start THINKING.

How-the-fuck would I be terrorized by islamics, they are low IQ morons who bang their head on the floor of a Mosque five times a day. I will offer some level of respect seen that they have agression and they breed a lot, turning their women into baby making machines for that pedophile Moongod of theirs. I am in a far off location far away from people, they have no Space Force, most of them don't have a Navy, most fo them they do not have an Airforce of any significance.

There are exceptions, Pakistan may have significant forces but there are not too many other countries that can threaten others in traditional war
that is really it
its they do-good'ers bringing them in and making excuses for their culture that are the worst enemies
and that is not to say all muslims are terrorists
because depite having such an evil, backward, pedophile, terroristic religion you can find an individual muslim with a quality

They require help that is idiot Russians or idiots of the USA giving them weapons and technology.

If anything its the idiots making apologies for islamists that are miost dangerous to Western civilisation

if anyone is reacting its you
why do you claim to be an expert on islam when you have never ever read their shithate-book, you claim to know it all yet you have never read any of their terroristic pedophile jihadist book?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

For you, everything is about Muslims. It's your bete noir, and you cast everything those terms.

Not at all, you are completely wrong, totally incorrect again

WTF are you talkiong about kissing islamic ass again!?
Why are you SIGNYM
obsessed with kiss the dirty islamist jihadi anus?

I have threads on Fusion, Thorium, 3d printing, Nanotechnology
Not at all I have threads about Brexit and the decline of the EU
the rise of South Korean and Japan entertainment products and indie Euro American film
I have threads on old money in America, Masonry, Catholic, Jews, Athiets, Freemasons
Made posts on the Occult and Hollywood 'culture'
I have posts on Leftists, Q-Anon, Marxism, non islamic Asia or Western Religion
posts on North Korea, Cuba and Belarus and other Communists
I have replied to many Firefly threads on Joss
posted on Drugs, Immigration and crime
I have a number of AI topics Artificial Intelligence threads
the Prediction threads
Posted inside thread on Trade, Shipping, Economics
I have many replies and responses to the Horror Genre threads, the Western, the Scifi
Been posting on aircraft, rockets, ships, posts on Oceans and Space Science
Made reply, books or Novels, the Arts, Music and Video Game culture
Many posts in the Flu vaccine or 1st Amendment or Covid jab and Corona lockdown threads
I have posted very often in YOUR Elon Musk thread

You are completely fucking wrong, your statement is beyond stupid

but here is what I want to know

Can you explain why you insist on kissing the anus of a dirty jihadi islamic???


Monday, June 24, 2024 12:09 PM


Is Russia almost becoming a failed state?

Russia is crumbling from within
the North Caucasus region of Dagestan was rocked by a series of brutal terrorist attacks

Russia media monitor

Head of RT bemoans Russia's lack of allies


Russian propagandists on state TV say life is overrated


Monday, June 24, 2024 12:41 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

JAYNZE, well, I've been called a lot of names, but this is the first time I've been called a jihadi apologist!


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Why do people feel the need to defend islamo barabarism, they defend jihadi pedophiles and they support criminal jihadi killers

Every time an islamist jihadi muslim blows someone up, everytime the jihadi rapes an islamic rapes women to death, people defend the Koranimal culture
everytime an islamo does a mass shooting terror attack there will be an idiot ready to defend them, they can be Libertarian, Right like Lindey Graham or Left like an illhan omar but in our idiotic political universe it is inevitable that idiotic people defend the savage islamist hordes.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
they were paid.

War Booty is Part of islamism and the jihadist way of life,

No, you low- information shrieker. They were paid AHEAD OF TIME. Like contractors. Half first, the other half for completed job. They didn't behave like jihadi terrorists either. Apparently they pointed to heaven with the wrong hand. And most importantly, they didn't die in a blaze of glory shouting "Alahu akbar!" They ran away. They wanted to collect the rest of their $$, or at least survive.




Originally posted by SIGNYM:
just because somebody SAYS they were radical Muslims doesn't mean they really were

Of course they are

THEY THEMSELVES SAY IT, they themselves say they are radical good muslim terrorists


Anybody have a cellphone video of these terrorists doing what jihadi terrorists usually do when they're dying for "the cause"?


JAYNZE They literally make selfies as they slowly chop the heads of Americans or Russians or whomever

they will upload their faces to Telegram or Facebooks or whatever channel while doing the beheadings, while raping Yezidi girls to Death, while Iranians attack blashpemers while Saudi backed terrorists kill infidels

they literally upload videos saying they have tricked the west after immigrating and openly admitting they are terrorists

Again, I'm talking about THESE SPECIFIC TERRORISTS.
Any selfies?
Any bystander videos?
Any claims from any jihadi terror groups taking "credit" ('Cause, yanno, they ALWAYS want to take credit, even if they don't deserve it!)


If someone in came up to you and said they were a killer and stabbed you in the stomach and said they were part of a cult and a criminal killer
Would you refuse to believe them???



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And just bc someone is anti-Israel doesn't make them Muslims.

I am highly critical of the culture of ChristKillers, the Zionists and the weirdo spook Mossad types that linked to stange events like that Epstein pedophile island,

the one thing I will say for them is they are smarter and more educated than an islamist

but very often they are not the USA's friend, they care for themselves

very often that 'Greatest Ally' stuff is a lot of BS




Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Judging by your posts, Muslim terrorists have won. Bc you sound pretty terrorized to me. So stop REACTING and start THINKING.

How-the-fuck would I be terrorized by islamics,

You sound like a baboon screeching "leopard! leopard!"
You would not be reacting so strongly if you didn't see Muslims ... ALL Muslims... as an imminent threat, if not to you directly then to western civilization.


JAYNZE If anything its the idiots making apologies for islamists that are miost dangerous to Western civilisation

Like I said.


JAYNZE if anyone is reacting its you
why do you claim to be an expert on islam when you have never ever read their shithate-book, you claim to know it all yet you have never read any of their terroristic pedophile jihadist book?

I'm not claiming to be an expert, and I think it's time you stopped insulting me wrongly.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
For you, everything is about Muslims. It's your bete noir, and you cast everything those terms.

Not at all, you are completely wrong, totally incorrect again

WTF are you talkiong about kissing islamic ass again!?
Why are you SIGNYM obsessed with kiss the dirty islamist jihadi anus?



I have threads on Fusion, Thorium, 3d printing, Nanotechnology
Not at all I have threads about Brexit and the decline of the EU
the rise of South Korean and Japan entertainment products and indie Euro American film
I have threads on old money in America, Masonry, Catholic, Jews, Athiets, Freemasons
Made posts on the Occult and Hollywood 'culture'
I have posts on Leftists, Q-Anon, Marxism, non islamic Asia or Western Religion
posts on North Korea, Cuba and Belarus and other Communists
I have replied to many Firefly threads on Joss
posted on Drugs, Immigration and crime
I have a number of AI topics Artificial Intelligence threads
the Prediction threads
Posted inside thread on Trade, Shipping, Economics
I have many replies and responses to the Horror Genre threads, the Western, the Scifi
Been posting on aircraft, rockets, ships, posts on Oceans and Space Science
Made reply, books or Novels, the Arts, Music and Video Game culture
Many posts in the Flu vaccine or 1st Amendment or Covid jab and Corona lockdown threads
I have posted very often in YOUR Elon Musk thread

You are completely fucking wrong, your statement is beyond stupid

but here is what I want to know

Can you explain why you insist on kissing the anus of a dirty jihadi islamic???

True. You post about many things, and I appreciate your posts.
But this is the one topic where you go completely nuts.
The above is a great example.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, June 24, 2024 12:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, from RT (Russia Today)


Dagestan attackers identified – investigators

Russia’s Investigative Committee has announced that it has established the identities of five militants who were “eliminated” after a series of deadly terrorist attacks in the Republic of Dagestan over the weekend.

The statement comes after several groups of gunmen launched assaults in the Russian republic’s regional capital of Makhachkala and the city of Derbent on Sunday. The groups attacked an Orthodox church, set fire to a Jewish synagogue, and initiated a shootout at a traffic police outpost. According to local health authorities, at least 20 people were killed in the attacks, including over a dozen officers

wow,they must be terrible in a gunfight! Need more practice and better weapons!


and several civilians, including an Orthodox priest who had his throat slit during the attack on his church. Another 46 people were also injured.

In a statement on its official Telegram channel on Monday, the Investigative Committee said the attackers are believed to have belonged to an organized group.

Yeah, no shit. I thoughtthat immediately. But WHAT KIND of organized group??


Criminal investigations have been launched under the articles for terrorism and the unlawful possession of firearms, it added.

The department also said five individuals involved in the attacks have been “eliminated” during counterterrorism operations, and that their identities have been confirmed. Investigators did not provide further information as to who the assailants were.

RIA Novosti has reported that one of the eliminated assailants, Ali Zakarigaev, had previously served as chairman of a local branch of the Spravedlivaya Rossiya (A Just Russia) political party. According to party members, he left his position two years ago but remained a member of the group.

Additionally, the regional branch of the United Russia party has also announced the expulsion of the head of Dagestan’s Sergokalinsky district, Magomed Omarov, after media reports cited local security officials as suggesting that his sons were among the attackers. According to unconfirmed reports, Zakarigaev was his nephew.

The committee said it will continue working to establish the identities of other people involved with the attackers. Criminal experts and forensic investigators are also operating to determine all the details of the shootings.

Previously, Russia’s National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) released footage of its counterterrorism efforts following the attacks, announcing that two militants had been neutralized in the city of Derbent, while three were killed in Makhachkala. In a statement on Monday, the NAC also said it had seized small arms and ammunition on sites where the suspected criminals were operating from.

Terrorists commit terror for political or ideological reasons, not just religion.
Environmental activists/ extremists.
Incite a color revolution.
Targeting civilians with cluster munitions, like Ukraine just did (clearly a terror attack)

Any strongly held belief that engages extreme emotions.

One possibility is that this is a separatist group hoping to inflame religious tensions in Dagestan.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, June 24, 2024 1:19 PM


2024 the islamic Russia and Dagestan attacks, coordinated terrorist attacks were launched with rifles, automatic weapons, and Molotov cocktails on targets in two cities in the Russian republic of Dagestan in the North Caucasus. A synagogue, two Eastern Orthodox churches in Derbent, and a road police post in Makhachkala were attacked simultaneously.

some interesting quotes

Breaking the illusion and breaking the pedo death cult religion spells?

People have to realize that having an imaginary friend may be dangerous. When 9/11 hit, the second thing I said to myself was, “This really is what religious people do.” Those people flying the plane were very good, very pious, truly faithful believers. There’s no other way to paint them. Of course, they are extremists by definition, but they certainly aren’t going against Islam in any real way

George S. Patton
after reading mohammednaism
To me it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of Muhammad and the utter degradation of women is the outstanding cause for the arrested development of the Arab. He is exactly as he was around the year 700, while we have kept on developing

Frank Miller an American comic book artist, writer and film director.

We're constantly told all cultures are equal, and every belief system is as good as the next. And generally that America was to be known for its flaws rather than its virtues. When you think about what Americans accomplished, building these amazing cities, and all the good its done in the world, it's kind of disheartening to hear so much hatred of America, not just from abroad, but internally... For some reason, nobody seems to be talking about who we're up against, and the sixth century barbarism that they actually represent. These people saw people's heads off. They enslave women, they genitally mutilate their daughters, they do not behave by any cultural norms that are sensible to us. I'm speaking into a microphone that never could have been a product of their culture, and I'm living in a city where three thousand of my neighbors were killed by thieves of airplanes they never could have built

Carl Gustav Jung the Swiss founder of analytical psychology.
We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Muhammad. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with a wild god

John Quincy Adams the sixth President of the United States, was also an American diplomat and seen it as perhaps the Anti-Christ religion.
he Muhammad declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind…The precept of the Koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the prophet of the Moon God

Bill Maher comedian talk show host
There’s only one faith, for example, that kills you or wants to kill you if you draw a bad cartoon of the prophet. There’s only one faith that kills you or wants to kill you if you renounce the faith... obviously, most Muslim people are not terrorists. But ask most Muslim people in the world, if you insult the prophet, do you have what’s coming to you? It’s more than just a fringe element.

Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662) a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and Catholic philosopher.

Mahomet established a religion by putting his enemies to death; Jesus Christ by commanding his followers to lay down their lives

Oriana Fallaci (1929 – 2006) an Italian journalist, author, and political interviewer, former partisan during World War II, she had a long and successful journalistic career,
she said

The problem is that the solution does not depend upon the death of Osama bin Laden. Because the Osama bin Ladens are too many, by now: as cloned as the sheep of our research laboratories

scoop out the brain with an islamo serving sppon fill the head with jihadi nonsense and violence


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

But WHAT KIND of organized group??

the Mohammedan group, the jihadi Mussulman, they follow the Pagan Arab Vedic curses which Mohammedanism, the group who pray to a demonic Moongod
it was always be reported by a new name after a new decade, but its always the same the jihadi Muslim a new flavor of the islamist Moslems
There are slightly different flavors Chechens, Saudi, Iranians, the Barbary states, Afghans, Turks and Arabs but its all the same
who is the group
the people who follow an islamic terrorist Madman, what old America and its founding fathers might have once described as the 'Anti-Christ' a murderous man Mahomet, whop raped kids, terrorized and who was unsure if he was talking with the angel Gabriel or Possessed by a Demonic entity
the islamic Sharia Law people religious and ethnic hatred in their books that has become a problem for the entire world, they hate North America, Africa, Europe and Asia, a loathing of modern society in general unless its a weapon, an American gun, a Russian AK-47 they can use to execute the infidel, the aircraft to hijack the RPG.
they in this group have done this type of culture war for about 1,424 years


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, from RT (Russia Today)

a literal propaganda news station, called for a hunt on journalists, its Western face might have seemed free but Liz Wahl the Russian funded RT-America formerly known as Russia Today, resigned live on air in protest over the network’s coverage of the Ukraine crisis. She said: “I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government, that whitewashes the actions of Putin”. RT was criticized for spreading fake news...when both are selling poison which is the worst? Not that I support Trudeau but Canada formally banned RT and independent service providers in over 10 countries suspended broadcasts of RT it seems RT's doesn't go full 'Pirate News' but the preferred methods of disinformation are lying by omission and treating rumors as fact, the Russian Circus many from former USSR countries are familiar with. Heidi Brown wrote in Forbes that "the Kremlin is using charm, good photography and a healthy dose of sex appeal to appeal to a diverse, skeptical audience. The result is entertaining – and ineffably Russian." She added that Russia Today has managed to "get foreigners to at least consider the Russian viewpoint – however eccentric it may be..." Before Russia Today there was Soviet Russia Today was a monthly magazine published from 1932 to 1951 by the Friends of the Soviet Union, later shown to be a part of the Communist Party. After EU and USA sanctions from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, RT America (their American branch) ceased production and laid off most of their staff, RT's license to broadcast in the United Kingdom was revoked, RT would regularly feature interviews with cranks charlatan crackpots as 'experts' RT's sources the news articles have sourced fake news websites such as David Ray Griffin or Alex Jones InfoWars as 'facts' RT Kermlin funded, it was allocated Russian government funding of 11 billion rubles (approx. $365 million). TV presenter Anton Krasovsky in RT said on public TV that Ukraine should not exist, and that Ukrainian children who complained about Russian occupation should be drowned or burnt alive.

The attack - which comes after gunmen killed some 145 people in a massacre at a Moscow concert hall in March - unfolded in several locations in the tinderbox region of Dagestan, a largely Muslim region that borders Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Fr Nikolai, an Orthodox priest who helped everyone, has his throat cut in Dagestan,-an-Orthodox-priest-who-hel


a 'believe nothing' comment?


Not the first time there were threats

Dagestan attacks ...some Hindu India conspiracy talk

....a video game roleplay cosplay board game might be equally as accurate as 'propaganda'?

'Thoughts on Dagestan'



possible propaganda on 'RT'


The bearded terrorists dressed in black were reportedly shouting “Allah Akbar” during the attacks.


15 cops dead say Russian media


A priest and security guard have been brutally killed in an Orthodox church in Dagestan


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Terrorists commit terror for political or ideological reasons, not just religion.

an inside job it seems connecting to islamist-Russian jihadi politicans

Magomed Omarov, 64, secretary of Putin's United Russia party in Dagestan and a district head, was arrested after two of his sons reportedly took part in the attacks

Death toll in Russian gun rampage climbs to 20 including priest as MP tries to blame the West for atrocity in Dagestan region known for Islamist attacks - despite father of shooters admitting sons had 'extremist ideas'

The attack - which comes after gunmen killed some 145 people in a massacre at a Moscow concert hall in March - unfolded in several locations in the tinderbox region of Dagestan, a largely Muslim region that borders Georgia and Azerbaijan.


Before he was gunned down, Osman posted a chilling video showing the synagogue in Makhachkala on fire, declaring: 'Behold, inshallah….Here is their synagogue burning.

'Inshallah, Allah be praised, let these infidels… be humiliated. We will kill them like this, humiliate them, and the word of Allah will be exalted.

'Inshallah, Allahu Akbar!'


Monday, June 24, 2024 1:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
But WHAT KIND of organized group??

JAYNZE: the Mohammedan group, the jihadi Mussulman,...blah blah blah

You're ASSUMING that this group is/was jihadist.

It may have been separatist.
It may have been reformist.
It may have been paid by western spy agencies to foment trouble.
It may have been jihadist.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, from RT (Russia Today)

JAYNZE: a literal propaganda news station, called for a hunt on journalists ... blah blah blah

Of course it's a propaganda news station. Just like our MSM.
So, which way would the Kremlin want to spin this??

Given that Dagestan is apparently a powder keg of religious tension, and this attack was CLEARLY aimed at stoking that tension, IMHO, the Kremlin would probably want to de-
emphasize the religious aspect.

OTOH, Dagestan may also be a rat's nest of corruption. So overall I don't know.

If you find any SPECIFIC information on the event... Telegram posts from eyewitnesses for example ... please post it here.

BTW, I didn't hijack your thread. I'm posting about exactly what was in your original title.

So childish ...

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, June 24, 2024 2:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The head of the Russian Orthodox Church was cited in the NY Times as follows:

The mayhem highlighted the long-running ethnic and religious tensions in Russia, particularly in the country’s southern Caucasus region, which includes Dagestan. Patriarch Kirill I, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, said it was “no coincidence” that the attack took place on the day Orthodox Christians observe Pentecost.

“We see that the enemy is not giving up on attempts to destroy interreligious peace and harmony within our society,” Kirill said in a statement.

The same report also notes that it was been "Left unsaid was who, exactly, the enemy was. There was no comment from the Kremlin and the authorities said little about the identities of the attackers, though some state media reports said some of the gunmen may have been sons of a local official."

Given the country is still reeling from the even bigger March 22 Crocus City Hall attack in Moscow,

which was a paid-for attempt to destabilize Russia

which killed at least 145 and wounded hundreds more, naturally suspicion has fall on ISIS-K or another radical Islamist terror group.

Having looked at a map, I see Dagestan is part of the north- south transportation corridor that runs thru Russia (Dagestan), Azerbaijan, and Iran.
I'm sure the west would LOVE to derail that project, since it would in essence give Russia a warm water port bypassing the Black Sea and Mediterranean.
And, as we know, the CIA is not above using terrorists of all sorts [jihadists, Contras, terrorist nation states etc] to achieve its goals.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, June 24, 2024 2:25 PM


Guess we didn't have enough Russia threads in here already.

I swear to god the only 4 people in the world who give a shit about Ukraine and Russia post here everyday.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, June 24, 2024 3:50 PM


Southern Russia Burns / islamo jihadi Caliphate in Progress

Dagestani official sacked after sons implicated


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

It may have been reformist.

wow really getting crazy here, really reaching

Refomring by bombing Churches, destorying and burning Orthodox places of worship, destroyed a Jewish Synagogue, slit people's throats while screeching al-Lahu Ackbars, shot innocent people, shoot traffic and bomb cars, shot Cops, attack checkpoints, make selfie videos while saying islamist jihadi slogans

even the islamist jihadi local politician father admits his kids might be terrorists and are perhaps crazy

they arrest the local Duma islamo guys

Let me quote the above again



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Terrorists commit terror for political or ideological reasons, not just religion.

an inside job it seems connecting to islamist-Russian jihadi politicans

Magomed Omarov, 64, secretary of Putin's United Russia party in Dagestan and a district head, was arrested after two of his sons reportedly took part in the attacks

Death toll in Russian gun rampage climbs to 20 including priest as MP tries to blame the West for atrocity in Dagestan region known for Islamist attacks - despite father of shooters admitting sons had 'extremist ideas'

The attack - which comes after gunmen killed some 145 people in a massacre at a Moscow concert hall in March - unfolded in several locations in the tinderbox region of Dagestan, a largely Muslim region that borders Georgia and Azerbaijan.


Before he was gunned down, Osman posted a chilling video showing the synagogue in Makhachkala on fire, declaring: 'Behold, inshallah….Here is their synagogue burning.

'Inshallah, Allah be praised, let these infidels… be humiliated. We will kill them like this, humiliate them, and the word of Allah will be exalted.

'Inshallah, Allahu Akbar!'

yes lots of footage they selfie themselves on mobile cell phone not that tinfoil heads will believe anything anyhow


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Anybody have a cellphone video of these terrorists doing what jihadi terrorists usually do when they're dying for "the cause"?

Russia linked islamo terrorists film themselves, yes lots of film

Let me ask you again!

Can you explain why you insist on kissing the anus of a dirty jihadi shitlamic???

so then well....!?


Monday, June 24, 2024 4:20 PM


Nineteen dead in attacks on churches and synagogue in southern Russia

Osman and Adil. Mr Omarov was detained by police.


Monday, June 24, 2024 5:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Before he was gunned down, Osman posted a chilling video showing the synagogue in Makhachkala on fire, declaring: 'Behold, inshallah….Here is their synagogue burning.
'Inshallah, Allah be praised, let these infidels… be humiliated. We will kill them like this, humiliate them, and the word of Allah will be exalted.
'Inshallah, Allahu Akbar!'

In this world of fake "news“ everywhere, I'd be more confident if you could post a link of the video. That's why I treat EVERY news story as one that needs validation.

You're usually good at scraping info from the corners of the internet. I'm counting on you.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024 8:56 AM


not sure what is propaganda or not but when you get enough reports and phone footage of multiple angles you start to add up an undeniable truth?

reports say a lot are dead in this war, Russians and Ukranian both of them killing Christians, destroying Christ-Domains but Russia invaded another country with soldiers and was the aggressor who started the war and invaded.

Russia: The fascists sent stolen Ukrainian children to Chechnya, dressed them in military uniforms and forced to yell 'Akhmat Strength!' & 'Allahu Akbar!'
If the war continues for years, these kids will be eventually sent to die in Ukraine.
Over 700,000 Ukrainian kids stolen.

a culture erased with a tactic of cultural of genocide


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

In this world of fake "news“ everywhere, I'd be more confident if you could post a link of the video. That's why I treat EVERY news story as one that needs validation.

its mostly a waste of time with you, as you don't even believe previous attacks to be real

anyways if you want to see War and Shooting footage there are sites like Funker530 which have replaced 'Liveleak' etc






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