Is the United States of America a CHRISTIAN Nation and if Not...then what comes after

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 16:09
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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 10:42 AM


Was it Christian from its founding, did some still pray to Native American spirits and How long has that Freemason Bohemian Grove stuff been going on?

So Christianity dies somewhat or will continue dying seems religion is not going away so if Christianity is dying in the United States of America then what rises?

the USA will have a contest
in England or Britian another show, between a non God believer Jewish religion Starmer as Left 'Labour' and a Hindu Sunak as the Conservative

France has probably been ruled by Godless Hedonists who never admitted as much

Does the USA become like Sweden or the French, British or Canada?

What were the founding fathers, they seem to be mostly WASP. The question of the religious faith of the Founding Fathers some have generally argued that the majority of the Founders were religious rationalists or Unitarians while being Christian. Some US Pastors who identify themselves as Evangelicals have claimed not only that most of the Founders held orthodox beliefs but also that some were born-again Christians, you also had Congregationalism it also included the Society of Friends or Quakers, other Protestant groups the Lutherans, and the Dutch Reformed. Three Founders—Charles Carroll and Daniel Carroll of Maryland and Thomas Fitzsimmons of Pennsylvania—were of Roman Catholic heritage, some claim 'Deism' for a role the birth of the American republic, some popular authors regularly assert that the Founders were deists, there may have been Masonry among them, Atheism as a movement was mostly unknown at this time they did believe in something, Calvinists included Puritans, Presbyterians, Baptists, Unitarian is a follower of, or a member of an organization that follows, any of several theologies referred to as Unitarianism.

Whatever their beliefs, the Founders came from similar religious backgrounds. Most were Protestants
Was it Christian from its founding, did some still pray to Native American spirits and How long has that Freemason Bohemian Grove stuff been going on?

Native American religion might not be powerful, the Church and Colonialism might have put an end to a lot of that older culture.

Marxist Atheist expansion is possible like you see in Sweden and Canada. Eastern religion Shinto I do not see it growing, its largest expansion was by way of Japan in WW2 and those days are over, other Eastern faiths might expand Hindu or Buddhist ....Mexican gangsterism the Aztect art tattoos mixed with Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte, Occult symbols might with Christian gang tattoos, the New age Hippie stuff California break away politics the political secession, the European Paganism symbols Whites maybe praying to a Q-Anon type cult wanting their own break away kingdoms, you could class this as Neopaganism the Occult again and Paganism with personification of death.
Mohammedanism an expansion of jihadi islamist Sharia Law would probably be the end of the USA as we know it.
Zionists, Judean, Zionism...not good and there are already lots and lots of Apocalypse Holy-land types, you only need see how some Republcians care more for Israel than the USA or the perversion within the Deep State or Israel bombing the crap out of Palestinians to view that madness
A new USA breaking apart into different factions?

Previous thoughts posted about faith on fireflyfans


Originally posted by RionaEire:
Europe is a bit screwed up right now, morally and otherwise, so I wouldn't look to their trends as something to emulate.

I think that humans were basically hardwired to believe in something, to seek truth in what they see and experience, to ask cosmic questions like why we're here etc. Some people may not appear interested in these things at all times, but I think if push came to shove even the people who are normally uninterested in such things would look for something to believe in, to hope towards. Maybe not everyone, but most people.

No, I don't think that religeon will come to an end. The point about more info being out there made sense, that if people know about lots of theories and religeons they have more choices so we see a wider variety of afiliations.

part of this thread has come from a duscussion on Catholics, JFK and if Joe Biden really is Catholic or a Fake

6ixStringJack expressed concern for Second


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

But as long as I've known Second, I take him to be the type of person who's never had a good laugh in his life.

on the Eastern side we had many posters


Originally posted by yinyang:
I consider yin and yang to be Chinese philosophical concepts (although, I'll admit, it is a part of some religions). I'm an existential atheist; but, does that mean I can't assimilate religious concepts without being associated with said religion? So, does that make me a Christian Taoist, because I also believe people should "love your neighbor as yourself"? Does it take so little these days to be considered religious, as if everyone must be religious, no exceptions?

after news of an islamic terror attack


Originally posted by AURaptor:
List of protests by Muslims over this beheading ?

Anyone ?

PirateNews alexjones style TURTHER-ism another form of religion?

UFO Conspiracy-ism


Originally posted by piratenews:

Gasoline cost 5-CENTS/gallon in Iraq (FULL SERVICE), until December 2005, when Bushes' "Jewish" neoCONS raised gas prices 1,500% to 65-cents/gallon.

CNN reported religion in decline but


Originally posted by mincingbeast:
It is worth noting that, according to Fox News, 1/3 of Americans believe in UFOs and ghosts.

Leftism itself as a cult religion?


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
It must be really hard to be a psycho Leftist these days. So many, oh sooooo many perceived micro-agression rages, infinite injustices, and volumes of pc dogma tenets to remember all the time ... how do they do it?



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

The truth is, I don't know there is a god anymore than I know there isn't a god, and I have equal distain for people who are blindly on one side or another. I wish them no offense and, I hope them none on me, but anybody here who's absolutely sure about anything that happened before their born, in my eyes, is a close-minded idiot.

From a person who religiously worships their own posts prays to the anus of Peter Zeihan and declares anyone who says different is a Russia-Troll


Originally posted by THG:

Poor comrade signym. On these threads she has been exposed as having zero morals or values.

Another Anti-Republican postion not fully part of faith and maybe less radical...during a time of government 'Shut Downs' and Tea Party Politics


Originally posted by second:

They are only trying to survive another day, hoping to maintain unity as long as possible so that when the Republican position collapses, they can capitulate on two issues at once — financing the government and raising the debt ceiling — and head off any internal party backlash against Boehner.

trying to explain Mohammedan savagery as 'logic'


Originally posted by second:

Honor killing is tightly interwoven with abstract thought and has a cold logic of its own. See Chapter 6, "Hotheads", from the book How the Mind Works by Steven Pinker.

maybe a better post,

but perhaps copied some other person's writing


Originally posted by second:

Until people recognize and admit that all of these are, in fact, “real Islam”, the issues underlying the problem of jihadi militancy cannot be addressed. If the violence is “not real Islam”, the implication is that Islam – as practiced by most Muslims – needs no reform. But that is manifestly not the case. The scourge of violence in the name of Islam will be removed only when Muslims in general come to reject all instances of violence in the name of Islam, including those that are celebrated in scripture and history. When conquerors who killed “infidels” are regarded as heroes of the faith; when the world is seen as divided into the “house of Islam” and the “house of war”

Some thoughts by SIGNYM


Originally posted by SIGNYM: if yiu want to destroy a nation you must first destroy its foundational associations:

Church, or at least ethics
Philosophy (eg science/ belief based? rational/ emotional? etc)

And find and expand wedges in society; divide on

Sexual orientation

What better way to program an entire generation than social media! It sucks up inordinate amounts of time, turning its devotees into self- absorbed narcissists who are vastly ignorant that there is a "real world" out there that involves work, learning, joy, pain, doubt, love, confidence, responsibility ...

A Ethnic Biological Sex element and its not just about religion?


Originally posted by SIGNYM: I despair of many women today!

But I think the reason why women are more easily programmed is biological, not cultural. In culture after culture, most men are more aggressive than most women. I see that in many species too. If female reproduction is the rate-limiting step, a species can survive the loss of its males (in many cases actually does better) from male- male competition, risky behavior, extreme physical effort, even defending the herd/ group.

Male mammals are almost always programmed for individual aggression and risk taking.


Thursday, July 4, 2024 4:52 AM


Cultures of the French and British destroyed, mass immigration into Germany, Canada, Sweden.

it could be different in the USA

The irony of it all

because not all are jihadi islamists from Libya, Syria etc instead the world arrives at the USA Mexico border, they claim a lot of Latin America is Christian but the world arrives at the US Border

Do the Jewish groups Jews involved in immigration groups, trafficking, smuggling, people movement do they know a lot of Latin America is Very Anti-Jewish
and what of idiots within British and French culture supporting open borders, the Swedish have they not seen the cultural damage done?

The Effects of Immigration in Denmark


Thursday, July 4, 2024 5:17 AM


Why is Paganism Booming in Europe and Beyond?

Europeans Are Returning to Paganism

A controversial Pagan Third Choice Religion the Thulean Perspective Varg Vikernes - Paganism,'Varg' was into Rock and Heavy Metal and then one of the most influential figures in the early Norwegian black metal scene., he fought some guy and killed him, he was convicted of murder and arson, Varg Vikernes or also known as Kristian Vikernes has changed his story a few times, he once said it was a leftwing attack he also said the killing was self-defense and unsuccessfully argued for the charge to be reduced to voluntary manslaughter. A fan of classical music as a child (Tchaikovsky in particular), Vikernes started listening to heavy metal at 12, citing Iron Maiden as his biggest inspiration. Later, he discovered other metal bands whose sound would be influential on his own band, such as Kreator, Sodom, Celtic Frost, Bathory, Destruction, Megadeth, Slayer, Pestilence, Deicide and Von. Although Venom are widely considered the primary influence on black metal, Vikernes has always denied to be influenced by them, as well as defining the band as "a joke". In a 2004 interview, Vikernes said his mother was "working in a large oil company". His father is an electronics engineer, and his older brother is a civil engineer. In the Lords of Chaos interview, Vikernes recalls that when he was 6 years old, the family moved for about a year to Baghdad, Iraq, because Vikernes' "father was working for Saddam Hussein" developing a computer program
Some accused him of being a Crypto Nazi he was described by Canadian musician and film maker Sam Dunn as "the most notorious metal musician of all time" he has been accused of promoting Odinism. Vikernes calls his beliefs "Odalism" and defends a "pre-industrial European pagan society" that opposes the Abrahamic religions and systems such as capitalism, communism, materialism, and socialism.

He seems to be influential on the European American alt religion scene

Blabs for a while on The Ancient Religion, Germanic, Nordic culture Viking Scandinavian, Celtic, Slavic, Roman religions, South East European Hellenistic, The Holy Grail, The One Ring, Ultima Thule.

Some Whites involved in Gangs or White Nationalist groups seem to have European Pagan Viking Symbol Tattoos

although some people just get tattoos because they like the design and it has no link to a criminal 'gang' or political group


Thursday, July 4, 2024 5:24 AM


Indian-American philanthropist Ramesh Bhutada donates USD 1 million to Hindu American Foundation

Canada the multi culture Empire

"As we mark Diwali, we also recognize the many contributions of Canadians from Hindu, Jain, Sikh, and Buddhist communities to our country's cultural fabric, and we celebrate their role in making Canada the diverse

Poson Celebrations at Parliament Hill, Canada
Ambassador of Nepal to Canada Bharat Raj Paudyal highlighted the importance of Buddhism

Other parts of the world

What is the Christian position on Buddhism?

'A Nigerian mother-of-five is to be tried for blasphemy after she condemned the stoning to death of a Christian student.'

Deborah Samuel Yakubu was stoned to death and her body then set on fire by a mob of Muslim students in Sokoto, Nigeria, in May 2022.

how to change from islam to atheist

'If Afghanistan never got islamized...'

I always wonder how a buddhist afghanistan would look like today, with AI Art I'm now getting a glimpse of that.

Why Atheists Can’t Be Republicans?

quote 'What makes somebody atheist and not a theist?'

Question for Christians from a confirmed Atheist (Buddhists, hell, America)

A Hindu, Agnostic Atheist, vegetarian, Capitalist here! Hi y'all

What Is Agnosticism?

They spend more time on video games today than Church?


Thursday, July 4, 2024 5:34 AM


40% of Us Buddhists are living in Southern California but by percentage percentage, Hawaii has the most Buddhists at 8% of the population, due to its large East Asian population, an overseas territory or protectorate the Northern Mariana Islands has a large percentage of Buddhists, the Asian cultures and Buddhism were first introduced into the US by Asian immigrants, celebrities such as George Lucas, Goldie Hawn, Steve Jobs and Tina Turner have said Buddhism became part of their life. The majority of American Hindus are immigrants, mainly from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and the Caribbean, Afghan Hindus have also settled in United States, mainly after Carter and Reagan supported the jihadis in the Soviet–Afghan War and the world seen the rise of the Taliban. Hindu culture has also spread during the hippie counter culture movement, it has celebrities such as Beatles member George Harrison.

Some old vids

Buddhism in America



Thursday, July 4, 2024 5:45 AM


One people do not publicly talk of in media is how Masonry and the Occult is very much part of US political life, the Lodges, weird drugged out drunken Sisterhood parties, the Bohemian Grove in the woods of California, the Freemason stuff is a whole other rabbit whole and the rituals are indeed religious, they have a bunch of weird mix of bible and occult books also to be read by Freemason memembers.

as for other religions

Keir Starmer hits back at 'part-time PM' attack – suggests it is ignorant of Jewish faith


Thursday, July 4, 2024 5:46 AM


Small hats they will bomb the Palestinians when they fail to defend against terror attacks, the ChristKiller bunch who will tell you about how oppressed they are and Moses had to flee Egypt

Keir Starmer discusses the meaning of Rosh Hashanah

many also believe they can transfer all their crimes and sins inside 'A Chicken' wave the chicken around in some voodoo hoodoo ritual then kill the Chicken and they say this trick will send the Chicken to Hell instead or the person who committed the crimes

Vegans and Animal Rights Activists started to protest in NYC because the "Kapparot" ritual was unhygienic and the ritual was covering streets in Blood


Thursday, July 4, 2024 6:07 AM


a religion culture with one of the worst caste systems on Earth?

Rishi Sunak Becomes The First British Hindu Prime Minister

the brainwashing by Gurus, the rigid social hierarchy enforced by the Brahmins, the Practicing Hindus have a holier than thou attitude, some Hindus wanted to abolish caste and class but many say it is part of Hinduism, some Ex-Hindus criticize their own say its culture is wrong and the religion backward and firmly believe it is worse than even the oppressive Abrahamic religions.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024 7:57 PM


France less religion a spread of islamics and social unrest, Sweden slowly decaying to Swedistani

Parts of Europe some of the most Atheist Countries in the World but with growing islamo jihadi populations

Why France Is Banning the Hijab for Their Olympic Athletes

TikTok growing in popularity among young adults in Sweden

J. D. Vance from Evangelical to Catholic and a Hindu wife?


the social media people

Kris Tyson from Mr. Beast left his wife & child to pretend to be a woman and talk to minors.
Chandler Hallow from Mr. Beast has converted to Christianity and follows the Bible.
Which way, Western man?


Wednesday, July 24, 2024 1:33 PM


Mexicans can claim to have Christian culture but they also have a lot of Voodoo Aztec death cult symbols as tattoos on their bodies, a violent corrupt Nation and State run by Narco Gangs.

in London England, cultrue changes with jihadi islamo Arab Pakistani types then Indian Hindu and Indian Sikh

Britain once the major influence on US culture has now changed


Saturday, July 27, 2024 5:59 AM


The Hedonist Open Border French, a country of France slowly becoming more islamist jihad but not before the freak throw one last party.

Olympics 2024 Opening Ceremony Sparks Outrage after Drag Queens Perform Parody of 'Last Supper'


Drag queens parodied Leonardo da Vinci’s rendition of the Last Supper during the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Paris Olympics on Friday evening, creating international outrage.

During the Olympic ceremonies, 18 performers re-created the scene, a depiction of Jesus Christ’s final meal with his disciples before his crucifixion.


Monday, August 5, 2024 6:01 PM


The Eternal Word Television Network

Shamanic ritual at World Economic Forum: ‘What spirit rules in Davos?’ priest asks

Kirill becoming a spokes man for a God of War delivering well-wishes to Orthodox believers which were broadcast on Russian TV changing from Atheists in the USSR who wage war to a new Russian Church of War

a split within Eastern Orthodox Churches

The Eastern Schism, also known as the 2018 Moscow–Constantinople schism,

objections in the Greek church

Europe’s Orthodox world is in moral turmoil
As Patriarch Kirill of Moscow grows increasingly radical, Orthodox priests and their congregations in Moldova and Estonia have starting severing ties with their Russian leadership.

Putin honoured by Patriarch Kirill during service

Hungary: Russian Metropolitan Hilarion removed from office


Friday, August 16, 2024 5:45 AM


the Bible seems to have mixed messages on Diversity but it is mpore open minded perhaps than other religion books

Richard Dreyfuss' remarks an Actor, family is Jewish, descended from immigrants from Russia and Poland, very famous Hollywood films such as 'Jaws' and Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Mr. Holland's Opus

‘Diversity rules make me vomit’: Richard Dreyfuss’s history of controversy


Friday, August 16, 2024 9:59 AM


He also says Japan Anime is the work of 'The Devil'?

You have a moral obligation to vote against this regime. As a Christian you must vote against Kamala Harris. Period.


Thursday, August 22, 2024 5:43 AM


Russia Targeting Evangelical churches in Occupied Region
of Ukraine

Deccan Chronicle is an Indian English-language daily newspaper

90-Foot Hanuman Statue Unveiled in Houston, Third Largest in U.S.


Thursday, August 29, 2024 8:03 AM


Koreans sometimes not so different to the USA or Copts the Christian ethnoreligious groups of North Africa and the Middle East or European Western person

Some 180 S. Koreans enter Israel for religious event amid escalating war


Tuesday, September 24, 2024 4:09 PM


This is how Lebanon went from being a prosperous Christian country to being ruled by Islamists. Pay close attention!
“As Christians, we opened our doors to Muslims, and welcomed them into our country. We wanted to be inclusive and even made them part of the government.
But due to having several wives and many children, Muslims became the majority. Once they were the majority, they thought they could do whatever they wanted, and began massacring the Christians who welcomed them.”






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