'Flat-Earth' movement or Flat Earther cult is 2023 & 2024 not the 1400s

UPDATED: Thursday, October 17, 2024 05:48
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Saturday, July 8, 2023 4:30 PM


Not the 15th and 16th century, at one time religion types burn an old guy 'Bruno'...execution by burning at the stake, some were influenced by classic arts and science, Copernican heliocentrism, Galileo Galilei...people eventually sail the seas and satellites launched into space photograph a spherical Earth

yet some continue, they are in denial but less violent

These nutjobs have been around a while and I hoped all this was comedy but its not

'Fact Check-Hole drilled through Georgia Guidestones does not prove flat Earth theory'


Saturday, July 8, 2023 6:44 PM


Hollow earth theory is pretty funny too. They think that there is a sun in the core of the planet and that the lizard people like Hillary Clinton spend most of their days living there when not running failed campaigns.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Saturday, July 8, 2023 6:49 PM


Not the first time the public eats and swallows nonsense, they turn to belief for explanation or not a first time a public shows belief in magic and mystical new age metaphysical stuff. One time sensation and panic War of the Worlds broadcast was a radio dramatization of a Martian invasion of Earth, based on the novel by H.G. Wells, narrated by Orson Welles, others see UFO doomsday invasion, myth becomes real, witchcraft and monsters, Jersey Devil, Yeti monster, Chupacabra, The Wendigo, Ghostly Vampires, a 'Hat Man', Tarot Cards, Portals, Spells to other plain of existence, Shadow beings, Sea Monsters such as the Leviathan, the Lochness Monster, Big Foot etc There was also 1835 the Great Moon Hoax, a famous astronomy guy Herschel was initially amused by the hoax, noting that his own real observations could never be as exciting. He later became annoyed when he had to answer questions from people who believed the hoax was serious. Edgar Allan Poe claimed the story was a plagiarism of his earlier work "The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall". His editor at the time was Richard Adams Locke. He later published "The Balloon-Hoax" in the same newspaper.

but today we are supposed to be educated

I'm not sure how to turn this one around

with IQ you had Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, Norway, maybe Ashkenazi Jewish and China near the top...I'm sure the tests were not 100% true, there is some truth but not always accurate and there are ways to rig but I believe the tests mostly true and the Western world today has some truly dumb people.
Arabs a long time ago they had Egypt and Babylon and other wonders, they were some of the smartest on Earth, the original 'civilisation' dies then islam came and they fucked each others sisters and brothers and cousins like their prophet did and anyone with a free thought got their head chopped off by some camel rapist terrorist, they kill all their smart people.

The West is perhaps in decline as Arabia declined, it pushes 'Bacha Bazi' cross dresser weirdness and Aisha pedo stuff and transexuality on its own people, the West was already down 10 IQ points with all the tv dramas, pot heads, alcohol, video games, movie soap opera, pornography and you fill their head with political fear nonsense

then Lockdowns came and another 20 IQ points were lost

NASA will waste billions returning to the Moon with some BLM Feminist speech calling the original old dudes racists
and Flat Earth will continue


Monday, July 10, 2023 6:05 AM


Flat-earthers are overconfident about their own scientific knowledge but exhibit low scientific literacy, study finds

Some book by a "Raymond Bernard " which appeared in 1964, The Hollow Earth, exemplifies the idea of UFOs coming from inside the Earth. In ancient times, the concept of a subterranean land inside the Earth appeared in mythology, folklore and legends. The idea of subterranean realms seemed arguable, and became intertwined with the concept of "places" of origin or afterlife, such as the Greek underworld, the Nordic Svartálfaheimr, the Christian Hell, and the Jewish Sheol (with details describing inner Earth in Kabalistic literature, such as the Zohar and Hesed L'Avraham). The idea of a subterranean realm is also mentioned in Tibetan Buddhist belief.

Stoned Drunk Rogan and Eddie Bravo

and Space is Fake or an illusion or an alien hologram

Sleepy Eyes and a stoned MonkeyApe Grin on their face

Nobody went into orbit or the Moon and "Space is Fake"

most of the rest is the group speaking gibberish like an uneducated pre schooler, or dude I'm sooo stoned soooo high, dude I gotta pee pee

but these guys who are respected in entertainment and news radio helped spread the modern 'Flat Earther' trend


Monday, July 10, 2023 10:02 AM


New ChatGPT Code Interpreter Can Prove to Flat Earthers That the Earth Is Round


Monday, July 10, 2023 10:07 AM


I give everything 50/50. Maybe everything is exactly the way we learned that it was, and maybe the earth is somehow flat and hollow at the same time.

At the end of the day, who gives a shit? Think whatever you want. We're all probably living in a simulation anyhow.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, July 10, 2023 10:46 AM


You guys are so stupid. Can you see me laughing?



Monday, July 10, 2023 11:04 AM



Originally posted by THG:
You guys are so stupid. Can you see me laughing?

Why's that, Ted?

Jaynez is straight up saying that anybody who believes the earth is hollow or flat is stupid.

You're not one of those Flat Earther types, are you dummy?

NOTE: This self-own brought to you once again by the stupidest person to post on the RWED boards in the last decade.



How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, July 10, 2023 11:14 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:
You guys are so stupid. Can you see me laughing?

Why's that, Ted?

Jaynez is straight up saying that anybody who believes the earth is hollow or flat is stupid.

You're not one of those Flat Earther types, are you dummy?

NOTE: This self-own brought to you once again by the stupidest person to post on the RWED boards in the last decade.



How you do anything is how you do everything.

Yeah no, you gave it a 50/50 chance dummy. And my comment is not based on this one thread. It's based on the never ending posts you guys provide that show your ignorance.



Monday, July 10, 2023 11:20 AM



Originally posted by THG:
Yeah no, you gave it a 50/50 chance dummy. And my comment is not based on this one thread.

OK Groomer.

Whatever keeps you away from kids is alright with me.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, July 10, 2023 11:24 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:
Yeah no, you gave it a 50/50 chance dummy. And my comment is not based on this one thread.

OK Groomer.

Whatever keeps you away from kids is alright with me.


How you do anything is how you do everything.

Yep, and you always talk about grooming children. You can't get it off your mind. Like my post said that you never responded to. The way you would talk here about your niece used to make some of our stomachs crawl. And here you are posting about grooming children in two out of three of your posts. Did you hurt your niece Jack?

You are a sick fuck.



Monday, July 10, 2023 11:32 AM



Originally posted by THG:
Yep, and you always talk about grooming children.

You absolutely refuse to denounce those in the LGBTQIA+ community who put on drag queen story hour at children's libraries, put highly sexualized and homosexual books in grade school libraries, dance around naked in June parades in front of children and march around chanting "we're coming for your children".

You are a pedophile.


Like I posted and you never responded to, the way you would talk here about your niece used to make some of our stomachs crawl.

Show me an example you stupid little fuck. You've pulled up posts from my past here. And I don't ever delete anything that I've said either. I'm waiting motherfucker.

YOU are the one who said sick shit about my niece. And I told you then what I'll tell you now... I'd love to beat the everloving shit out of you for the gross thoughts you have about children, especially when you put the idea of my niece in your dirty little pedophile mouth.


And here you are posting about grooming children in two thirds of your post.

No. 3/4ths of my posts, easily, are about entertainment and watching Woke die. 3/4 of the rest of my posts here are either "Fuck Ukraine" or "Trump will be fine".

When a story comes out that displays Democrats indoctrinating, grooming and raping children, I post it. And you avoid them like the plague because you're on board with it all.

YOU are a sick fuck.

And you'd better consider yourself VERY lucky that we will never meet in person.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, July 10, 2023 11:38 AM


Answer the question. Did you hurt your niece, Jack?



Monday, July 10, 2023 11:41 AM



Originally posted by THG:
Answer the question. Did you hurt your niece, Jack?

No. I did not.

I'd love to hurt you though.

I stopped posting about her here because of the sick shit that you would say about her.

Now you answer the question.

Are you on board with drag queen story hour and highly sexualized books in children's libraries?


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, July 10, 2023 12:05 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

Answer the question. Did you hurt your niece, Jack?

No. I did not.

I'd love to hurt you though.

I stopped posting about her here because of the sick shit that you would say about her.

Now you answer the question.

Are you on board with drag queen story hour and highly sexualized books in children's libraries?

You've admitted here to what I said. You would post about your niece. That's the first step towards atonement. Although there is no atonement for pedophiles. Still, it might make you feel better if you confess. And, seek help, stop posting about children and grooming.



Monday, July 10, 2023 1:12 PM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

Answer the question. Did you hurt your niece, Jack?

No. I did not.

I'd love to hurt you though.

I stopped posting about her here because of the sick shit that you would say about her.

Now you answer the question.

Are you on board with drag queen story hour and highly sexualized books in children's libraries?

You've admitted here to what I said. You would post about your niece. That's the first step towards atonement. Although there is no atonement for pedophiles. Still, it might make you feel better if you confess. And, seek help, stop posting about children and grooming.


Yeah, dipshit.

I post about pretty much anything going on in my life in the Garden. I posted about spending time with her and my brother. I posted about how I would worry about what she'd think of me when she was old enough to understand that I was an alcoholic and how that got me to wake up one day and stop drinking cold turkey. Going on 7 years now.

It was YOU and WISH, the two fucking degenerates on the board that put any gross readings into any of that because you are both pure gutter trash. I never said anything even remotely on the same planet to what you're insinuating that I said, and that all came from both of your depraved and fucked up minds. We already know that Wish was a full on sexual deviant. She had threads stating as much.

I answered your question, pedophile.

Now answer mine.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, July 10, 2023 1:21 PM


Also, by your logic, you post non-stop every single day about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. That means that you're secretly Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin, or you secretly agree with everything they've ever done.

You should either confess your love for them, or you should stop posting about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin and atone at the altar of the Democratic Party for your sins of loving Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

You see how your logic works in the real world, idiot?

Now answer the fucking question.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, July 10, 2023 2:17 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There are a couple of reasons why flat earth may be making a resurgence (if indeed it is) .

One of them is that people are uneducated and brainwashed. TPTB don't want anyone with basic knowledge and critical thinking skills bc such people can't be manipulated. And one thing TPTB NEED, in order to stay in power, is a manipulable population!

Once [some] people realized how thoroughly and maliciously they've been lied to, they bolt into opposite-land on some -any, many- widely accepted "truths". Again, lack of critical thinking skills: they can't question and look for evidence, instead they react oppositionally to what they've been told and create an alternate narrative that could be just as far from reality as the BS they're reacting to.

Now, TPTB still need scientists and technically-trained people to make for them what they can't make for themselves. But these highly-educated people are de-fanged in two ways

First, people are highly adept at holding self-contradictory thoughts:
Scientists who supposedly work in the real world with evidence and hypotheses and testing who believe in supernatural powers?
Scientists who don't apply their logic and research skills outside of their narrow sphere of work? Worse, scientists who think they can opine on ANY topic in the absence without having thought about it critically themselves, like Mishiu Kaku (physicist) believing he can say anything meaningful.about the future of human development ("We shall become as gods". Er.. Mishiu, hate to tell you this but the energy required for that level of advancement necessarily limits it to just a few people. "What mean this 'we', kimosabe?")

And finally, scientists whose JOB it is to ASK QUESTIONS treating science like some sort of religion, creating a dogma instead of doubt. Scientists can be just as doctrinaire as anyone, and nobody responds to a doctrinaire twit.

THUGR: The most ignorant people in the world are those who believe they already know everything. Unless you doubt even your own knowledge, you'll never be able to learn. Instead of a thinking brain, you will have a read-only memory.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, July 10, 2023 2:31 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

Answer the question. Did you hurt your niece, Jack?

No. I did not.

I'd love to hurt you though.

I stopped posting about her here because of the sick shit that you would say about her.

Now you answer the question.

Are you on board with drag queen story hour and highly sexualized books in children's libraries?

You've admitted here to what I said. You would post about your niece. That's the first step towards atonement. Although there is no atonement for pedophiles. Still, it might make you feel better if you confess. And, seek help, stop posting about children and grooming.


Yeah, dipshit.

I post about pretty much anything going on in my life in the Garden. I posted about spending time with her and my brother. I posted about how I would worry about what she'd think of me when she was old enough to understand that I was an alcoholic and how that got me to wake up one day and stop drinking cold turkey. Going on 7 years now.

It was YOU and WISH, the two fucking degenerates on the board that put any gross readings into any of that because you are both pure gutter trash. I never said anything even remotely on the same planet to what you're insinuating that I said, and that all came from both of your depraved and fucked up minds. We already know that Wish was a full on sexual deviant. She had threads stating as much.

I answered your question, pedophile.

Now answer mine

I'd expect you to claim you had only the best intentions towards your niece. Based on what I remember of your posts though I don't believe You. Atone, make amends for your sins pervert. Better yet, stay away from her. Or is she too old for you now?

Yep, pervert is the nick name others here tagged you with back then? You won't find any perverted or inappropriate posts from me, towards children, adults or topics. Your posting history here though is peppered with them.



Monday, July 10, 2023 2:41 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
There are a couple of reasons why flat earth may be making a resurgence (if indeed it is) .

One of them is that people are uneducated and brainwashed. TPTB don't want anyone with basic knowledge and critical thinking skills bc such people can't be manipulated. And one thing TPTB NEED, in order to stay in power, is a manipulable population!

Once [some] people realized how thoroughly and maliciously they've been lied to, they bolt into opposite-land on some -any, many- widely accepted "truths". Again, lack of critical thinking skills: they can't question and look for evidence, instead they react oppositionally to what they've been told and create an alternate narrative that could be just as far from reality as the BS they're reacting to.

Now, TPTB still need scientists and technically-trained people to make for them what they can't make for themselves. But these highly-educated people are de-fanged in two ways

First, people are highly adept at holding self-contradictory thoughts:

Scientists who supposedly work in the real world with evidence and hypotheses and testing who believe in supernatural powers?

Scientists who don't apply their logic and research skills outside of their narrow sphere of work?

And finally, scientists whose JOB it is to ASK QUESTIONS treating science like some sort of religion, creating a dogma instead of doubt.

THUGR: The most ignorant people in the world are those who believe they already know everything. Unless you doubt even your own knowledge, you'll never be able to learn. Instead of a thinking brain, you will have a read-only memory.

Yep, stupid people, or idiots as he would say. Hey guys, he's speaking to you. Comrade signym, I've seen you post too many conspiracy theories and lies to let you lecture me. Thats just too funny. And surfing around for news that fits your narrative is not the same as learning from respected news outlets.

Say, how's Putin doing? Can you see me laughing?



Monday, July 10, 2023 2:48 PM


Ok, I've had my fun. My work here is done.



Monday, July 10, 2023 3:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
There are a couple of reasons why flat earth may be making a resurgence (if indeed it is) .

One of them is that people are uneducated and brainwashed. TPTB don't want anyone with basic knowledge and critical thinking skills bc such people can't be manipulated. And one thing TPTB NEED, in order to stay in power, is a manipulable population!

Once [some] people realized how thoroughly and maliciously they've been lied to, they bolt into opposite-land on some -any, many- widely accepted "truths". Again, lack of critical thinking skills: they can't question and look for evidence, instead they react oppositionally to what they've been told and create an alternate narrative that could be just as far from reality as the BS they're reacting to.

Now, TPTB still need scientists and technically-trained people to make for them what they can't make for themselves. But these highly-educated people are de-fanged in two ways

First, people are highly adept at holding self-contradictory thoughts:
Scientists who supposedly work in the real world with evidence and hypotheses and testing who believe in supernatural powers?
Scientists who don't apply their logic and research skills outside of their narrow sphere of work? Worse, scientists who think they can opine on ANY topic in the absence without having thought about it critically themselves, like Mishiu Kaku (physicist) believing he can say anything meaningful.about the future of human development ("We shall become as gods". Er.. Mishiu, hate to tell you this but the energy required for that level of advancement necessarily limits it to just a few people. "What mean this 'we', kimosabe?")

And finally, scientists whose JOB it is to ASK QUESTIONS treating science like some sort of religion, creating a dogma instead of doubt. Scientists can be just as doctrinaire as anyone, and nobody responds to a doctrinaire twit.

THUGR: The most ignorant people in the world are those who believe they already know everything. Unless you doubt even your own knowledge, you'll never be able to learn. Instead of a thinking brain, you will have a read-only memory.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, July 10, 2023 3:17 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

"Respected" news outlets?

WHO respects them? Seems like it's a self-referencing mutual stroking but they can't seem to be bothered looking for actual EVIDENCE. They just make shit up or knowingly pass along lies that were made up for them

So why do YOU respect them if they lie so often?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, July 10, 2023 3:49 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
"Respected" news outlets?

WHO respects them? Seems like it's a self-referencing mutual stroking but they can't seem to be bothered looking for actual EVIDENCE. They just make shit up or knowingly pass along lies that were made up for them

So why do YOU respect them if they lie so often?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

You say they lie but they don’t. They may make an occasional mistake but respectable news outlets don’t lie. And when they do make a mistake, it is pointed out. Their very existence depends on them being fair and honest. Are they perfect, nope, who is.

You post shit from sites that deliberately state lies. It’s what they are in business for. You have been proven to do this for years now. It’s hilarious how you keep acting like you have any credibility at all. Really, it's pure entertainment.

OH yeah comrade. Turkey just OK'd Sweden entering NATO. So, how's it going for Putin?

Too funny



Monday, July 10, 2023 4:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
"Respected" news outlets?

WHO respects them? Seems like it's a self-referencing mutual stroking but they can't seem to be bothered looking for actual EVIDENCE. They just make shit up or knowingly pass along lies that were made up for them

So why do YOU respect them if they lie so often?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

THUGR: You say they lie but they don’t. They may make an occasional mistake but respectable news outlets don’t lie. And when they do make a mistake, it is pointed out. Their very existence depends on them being fair and honest. Are they perfect, nope, who is.

Three conspiracy theories pumped by the M$M and one long-term lie that went on for months if not YEARS that you believe(d):

Went on for a year. But none of that, literally none of that, was true. And the WMD!!! conspiracy theory was pushed EVEN AS Hans Blix and his team were invasively inspecting every possible manufacture, storage, or dual-use site. Of course, you didn't hear about how they were doing what they were doing, but I listened (on one of these alt sites that you trash) to Scott Ritter, former Marine and experienced weapons inspector, describe in great detail HOW they went about making sure their inspections were surprises, despite Saddam's surveillance, and I came away reassured that they were achieving legitimate results. Didn't you find it unusual that the closer Blix came to finding Iraq in compliance with the UN mandate, the more frantic Bush got to invade? It was our bombing that literally drove out UN inspectors.

This was a deliberate fabrication where the CIA and FBI and MI6 worked hand-in-glove to leak and then disseminate accusations and "facts" that THEY KNEW were fabrications. Not gonna go over that shit again, but it was a deliberate lie made up and disseminated at the highest levels.

Son, even the clips that were posted early on showed NO SUCH THING. Yanno, a REAL insurrection involves planning and weapons. Where is the evidence showing that large numbers of people brought arms and planned to occupy BY ARMED FORCE a television station, a radio station, police headquarters, and the White House? Jan 6 was exactly what most people recognize: a protest that got out of hand, with a little bit of incompetence and entrapment thrown in. Do you have evidence for anything else? Or do you have just froth and emotion?

MOSTLY PEACEFUL PROTESTS: 'Nuf said. But the M$M pushed this obvious lie for a whole summer. The thing that had me busting up? The reporter with the chyron about "mostly peaceful protests" as a large building was happily burning to the ground behind him.

I could post at least a DOZEN examples of M$M bullshit, but these went on for months if not years when evidence pointed firmly in the other direction. If they had been simple honest mistakes, they would have been corrected early on.


Monday, July 10, 2023 4:48 PM


Nope, bye. I'm not going to go down that rabbit hole of bullshit.



Monday, July 10, 2023 5:02 PM


Ted still won't denounce Drag Queen Story Hour for Hop on Pop aged kids, highly sexualized and homosexual books in elementary school libraries or naked men dancing in June parades in front of kids in the middle of the street while chanting "we're coming for your children".

He's been given many, many opportunities to do so now, but he still won't do it.

Even Second was able to do so when pressed, illustrating that even one of the most Left-leaning people on the internet can draw this line.

Not Ted though. Because Ted is a child rapist.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, July 10, 2023 9:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG:
Nope, bye

THAT'S an adequate response???

Ted, you're as in denial as a flat earther.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 6:43 AM


6IXSTRING and THG you are driving this thread way off topic with personal attacks

THG, never did I ever say I believe in any of this Flater BS

read and use your brain before responding, it seems you are responding emotionally to my posts because I wrote a post a while back critical of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris or something?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

One of them is that people are uneducated and brainwashed. TPTB don't want anyone with basic knowledge and critical thinking skills bc such people can't be manipulated. And one thing TPTB NEED, in order to stay in power, is a manipulable population!

You posted a number of times in a personality test thread - it is interesting how people are broken down and put into boxes. You might not be so interested in it but a lot of people put feelings ahead of logic, they look at the world like poetry and symbolism, some love to be part of a group think even if its a cult. Even guys who go out and earn good money and they claim to be 'men' they can be as emotional and passionate and crazy like women. Then on top of all this add a Neo new age society that is constantly stimulated by nonsense on tv, magazines, internet, drugs, alcohol and legal prescription meds and you have a people with their minds transported to another realm.

I agree a government likes its populated to remain dumb and easy to manipulate, however what happens when they stop believing everything?


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 11:32 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
You posted a number of times in a personality test thread - it is interesting how people are broken down and put into boxes. You might not be so interested in it but a lot of people put feelings ahead of logic, they look at the world like poetry and symbolism, some love to be part of a group think even if its a cult. Even guys who go out and earn good money and they claim to be 'men' they can be as emotional and passionate and crazy like women. Then on top of all this add a Neo new age society that is constantly stimulated by nonsense on tv, magazines, internet, drugs, alcohol and legal prescription meds and you have a people with their minds transported to another realm.

That's the path of least resistance. Reality, for most people, sucks. At the same time, mostly due to technology, life has never been so easy for most people for the last 60 or so years than any other point in time in history.

Human beings, in general, don't work right. We've got a whole lot of history in our genes and die-hard instinctual behaviors that are going to take infinitely longer to remove from the species than the speed at which the winds of change in society swing. We should be FAR happier, successful, innovative and motivated than people who used to toil out in the farmland or hunt all day long, just for sustenance and with little in the way to preserve all of that work for long, only to come back home at night to the relative darkness of candlelight and torches to go to bed and wake up and do it all over again. But here we are... bored, grumpy and unhappy. Ungrateful... and in many, many cases, completely without real purpose.

For the most part, we're just consumers now. And for the most part, that's what we're happy being. No... Happy isn't the right word at all. Content? Safe? Certainly not happy, but at the same time most of us don't ever find the will to pursue our dreams anymore when you can just spend your free time playing video games or binge watching netflix and ordering take out food before you go to sleep to go back to your likely unfulfilling job in the morning.

And I've got a feeling that there has been some EXTENSIVE research done by people in power to figure out exactly what staring at a bright shiny rectangle 8 to 16 hours per day does to the human mind that was created long ago and has existed for many, many thousands of years without ever staring at a single bright shiny rectangle. But we're not privy to that information. And that might be for the best. We'd probably be mortified at the findings.

At least we'd be mortified for about two weeks, before we collectively forgot all about it and went back to staring at our bright shiny rectangles all day long.


I agree a government likes its populated to remain dumb and easy to manipulate, however what happens when they stop believing everything?

Read Job.

Eventually everything is going to be taken away from us. All of us. I don't think it will happen in my lifetime, but the kids today who are growing up with tiny rectangles in their hands the moment the pacifier comes out of their mouths are going to be very much different adults than people like you and I who were born before answering machines and call waiting. Actually, it's kind of terrifying to think that we're about 10 to 12 years away from the first batch of them graduating college and running things.

People are going to need something to believe in when they have nothing and their daily life is otherwise completely without purpose and not even worth living. When they "own nothing and are happy."

The only question is, will it be one of the traditional gods, or will that idea have been stamped out completely 100 years from now, so they'll turn to some sort of AI god?


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 6:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Interesting POV.

The reason why people are so unfulfilled and fundamentally insecure, IMHO, is that we lack genuine control over anything important in our lives.

Drats... duty calls!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 9:47 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Interesting POV.

The reason why people are so unfulfilled and fundamentally insecure, IMHO, is that we lack genuine control over anything important in our lives.

Yeah... I dunno.

First off, what is "control"?

If you took my lifetime earnings and compared it to 1 million Americans who are doing way worse than me financially, I guaranty you that no less than 950,000 of them have made many multitudes more money than I've made in my life. They just didn't make that money work for them... Buying stuff they don't need, paying full price for cable and cell phones, driving around new cars and paying full coverage on insurance, buying more house than they need, having an expensive wedding ceremony, going into lifelong college debt, letting their credit cards rack up crazy balances to buy things they can't afford...

They had control. They had the income. They could have done better. They still could do better. But they won't.

And I'll flip it right back on me. I've more or less been retired since I was 32 years old, and what did I do with that free time? Sure, after years of destroying myself I'm doing things now that should have been done a long time ago, but I could be doing much better. I make good use of some of my time, but I probably have more free time than anybody and a lot of it just gets wasted on the meaningless.

I'm happy when I'm working and creating things. I'm miserable when I'm not. That doesn't keep me from falling right back into time periods where I do nothing, like I'm doing right now and have been for about a week.

Most people don't want control anyway. Most people aren't leaders.

I don't think it's a lack of control that makes people unfulfilled.

Going back to how people had to live before electricity... I think a lot of them were actually "happier" than most of us are today. They were simple times and they were simple people. You just did what you did to survive, or you didn't survive.

Sure, the work was menial, but you were doing it for yourself and the people you cared about. You weren't giving away your time for a pittance to make somebody else rich. You also didn't have a semi-charmed childhood full of playing video games, watching TV and having 3 months with nothing to do and no responsibilities during the summer. The minute you were old enough to work in the fields or learn how to hunt, you were working the fields or learning how to hunt. There were always plenty of things to do, and they all had purpose.

And that's how our species lived for many, many, many years. And we've still got that hard-coded into our genes.

When you love what you do, you're alive.

I think the unhappiness and uncertainty mostly comes from a purposeless life. Too little worthwhile things to be done with far too many people on the planet.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 10:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Most people don't want control anyway. Most people aren't leaders.

That's not what I meant by control. What I meant was... most people lack control over the most important aspects of their lives.


SIX: I don't think it's a lack of control that makes people unfulfilled.

Going back to how people had to live before electricity... I think a lot of them were actually "happier" than most of us are today. They were simple times and they were simple people. You just did what you did to survive, or you didn't survive.

Sure, the work was menial, but you were doing it for yourself and the people you cared about. You weren't giving away your time for a pittance to make somebody else rich. You also didn't have a semi-charmed childhood full of playing video games, watching TV and having 3 months with nothing to do and no responsibilities during the summer. The minute you were old enough to work in the fields or learn how to hunt, you were working the fields or learning how to hunt. There were always plenty of things to do, and they all had purpose.

And that's how our species lived for many, many, many years. And we've still got that hard-coded into our genes.

When you love what you do, you're alive.

That's closer to what I meant. Evolutionarily, animals were honed by nature to seek out ways to ensure their own, and their species' survival.

Drats... duty calls again.


...OK! Where was I...?

Animals need to feel that there is something they can do to survive.
Imagine an animal ... a dog, for instance. Put it in a cage. The person who feeds it .. sometimes beats it, sometimes pets it, sometimes ignores it. Food and water show up any hour if day or night. Sometimes nobody comes for days at a time. No matter how it tries to dig thru the concrete or chew thru the bars, or how it howls, or barks, or growls, or cries... nothing it does affects anything. Do that, and you'll have a neurotic or psychotic dog.

We're like that in a way. We're dependent on an economy and social system set up by TPTB who really only want to scrape us off . The reason why so many of us feel like useless eaters is bc we are. It used to be that we owned the rewards of our effort. But the reward was taken away and, eventually, so was the ability to find meaningful work. TPTB have been working assiduously to remove workers from their money-making schemes for over 200 years, first by eliminating craftsmen and reducing work to assembly-lines, then by automating assembly lines, and then (they hope) to substitute the technicians, scientists doctors and inventors etc with AI.

So, what can you do to earn your place in society? Not by being really skilled at something . Not by working hard. Not by being smart. Not even by playing the investment game, bc the game is rigged and value is constantly shifted from real estate to stocks to commodities to fiat to ...

And the frustrating thing is, there is PLENTY of meaningful work to be done. You have ask yourself, with so many homeless, so many sick, an environment to heal, and infrastructure rebuild, children to educate, manufacturing to restore, and a universe to learn about .. why are there so many unemployed? There are a lot of things that need doing.


SIX: I think the unhappiness and uncertainty mostly comes from a purposeless life. Too little worthwhile things to be done with far too many people on the planet.

like i posted, there are far too many things that need doing, for immediate individual survival, and for long-term species survival. but the people who need to be reforesting their country, or cleaning plastic out of their waterways, or building better homes and municipal sewage treatment are mining cobalt by hand or burning down forests for palm oil or 'servicing' foreign miliary or drugged out of their minds or lost in that shiny rectangle. having work made meaningless alientates people, men in particular, from self-worth.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, July 25, 2023 11:13 AM


The 'NukesAreFake' Crowd

Rogan guest questions atomic bomb footage:


Sunday, August 20, 2023 5:14 PM


Engineers deflate flat-earth funnyman’s theory

'GOP Official Kandiss Taylor Doubles Down On Flat Earth'

People believe this map was created by flat earthers and shows what lies beyond Earth's 'ice wall'

Wrong, but not Stupid


Thursday, May 23, 2024 7:11 AM


they want to rewrite Chemistry because its 'wrong' they say

are they doing A LOT of drink and drugs

Terrence Howard on Joe Rogan, the most popular internet show out there

its not a joke...fringe incorrect theory of bad-logic developed by American actor Terrence Dashon Howard

and the Bible man, Antifa BLM dude, 'Conservative' Zionist

Mike Johnson’s woes continue after exodus of staff in run-up to elections

calls himself "a wartime Speaker"

He strongly believes in Young Earth creationism and Biblical literalism


Monday, June 17, 2024 10:26 AM


'Flat as a pancake': Trump supporters claim Earth isn't round in viral video

maybe not just Trump I've also seen a few crazy Biden supporters

Interstellar movie - Useless Machines (2014) ...ten years later


Monday, June 17, 2024 10:30 AM


PREVIEW: Brokenomics | Moon Man with Bart Sibrel

Rogan "It looks like it's waving in a breeze"
Joe Rogan & Bart Sibrel


Monday, July 8, 2024 12:06 PM



Thursday, July 18, 2024 6:56 PM


Flat Earthers Are Getting Their Own Reality TV Show

The world's stupidest conspiracy theory is coming to a streaming platform near you.

Candace Owens: “I'm not a flat earther. I'm not a round earther. Actually, what I am is I am somebody who has left the cult of science.”

Johnny Harris described as an Independent journalist


social media vid maybe he's backed up in other places if you-tube deletes


Tuesday, July 23, 2024 5:02 AM


Jewish Israeli Media

Earth Is Flat as a Pita: The Israelis Who Push the Ultimate Conspiracy Theory

In their eyes, the moon landing never happened. Another sign of the post-truth era?


After acquiring surprising support worldwide, the ultimate conspiracy theory – that the Earth is flat and not round – has found a support group in Israel too. The Israeli community operates around their website, which started about a year ago. The website offers unequivocal proof of the huge deception that began with Galileo and Copernicus and ended with NASA and the manufacturers of globes. The managers of the site, who identify themselves by the assumed names Guy Mass and Richard Byrd, post translated videos, maps and various proofs that the Earth is flat and doesn’t revolve around the sun, and that the moon landing is a huge fraud. We’re alone on a huge and stable surface – the fact is that things don’t move in your room – as people believed in ancient times.


Saturday, August 24, 2024 7:29 AM


Peter Thiel tells Joe Rogan why California is 'kind of like Saudi Arabia' and hasn’t self-destructed despite ‘wokeism'

Dom Joly reveals what happened when he took flat Earther to the ‘edge of the Earth’

AJ Styles Is Not A 'Flat-Earther,' He Just Maybe Believes Other Planets Don't Exist


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 12:51 PM


Flat Earth Dave's app leaking every users email address and location


Thursday, October 17, 2024 5:48 AM


Tim Dillon




JAYNEZTOWN 10.17 05:48


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