Mr. Biden

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 17:31
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Sunday, November 17, 2024 1:58 AM


I am going to post what happened about 3 weeks or so before your Presidential election and all I ask is no flaming.

Mr. Biden was down in Navajo country on a reserve. There were Elders waiting for him from many Nations along with Elders and leaders of that community.

He got on the podium in front of the microphone and gave a heartfelt apology to all Nations for the injury done to them by the residential school system down there. For taking their children and breaking those important bonds. Loss of languages and loss of culture.

This is something I never thought I would ever hear from one of your Presidents.


Sunday, November 17, 2024 2:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Me neither.

And, interestingly, I don't think there was a PR/ political reason behind it. I wou,d love to know why.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Sunday, November 17, 2024 5:58 AM


Two similar guys old Biden and old Ronnie

Both old but Contrast him with Reagan with views on American Indian history, appears to have been based more on popular movies. Regan went KGB on the arts to censor Natives, in Washington, D.C., a play called Night of the First Americans was objected to because of the segments in the script, it censored heavily USSR Fascism McCarthyism style before the work was allowed to be performed, Watt urged veto saying no new reservations and that Indians should be assimilated, get rid of the languages and cultures and spiritual practice rituals so that all existing reservations can be shut down, he hinted Native Americans could be 'Commies' and that problems were because of 'socialistic government politics on the Indian reservations.' he called meetings of groups “powwow”. ...the same man caught in Nixon Tapes saying African Blacks are Monkeys in Shoes. He backed Peabody Coal against the Navajo at this time Ronnie was losing it mentally, it was going cyberpunk orwellian just like the rest of the world and Merrill Lynch was telling old Ronald to make big bucks and to 'speed it up'. Roonie even had a Task Force that wanted to get them off the land, take the minerals and dump them into cities, they reasoned that reservation Indians could be forcibly relocated to urban centers. Ben Nighthorse Campbell a Senator and Congressman both Republcian and Democrat hated the stupid crap that would come out of Ronald Reagan's mouth, unlike fictional 'hero' Ronnie this Ben Nighthorse Campbell was a war hero and Airman who fought long battles in the Korean War. In the final days President Reagan finally met with tribal leaders for twenty minutes...was it genuine...even today nobody knows.

Joe Biden is younger than Ronnie, he is the pre-Boomer almost Wartime-ish generation that probably doesn't remember much of the War, Bernie Sanders, Mitch McConnell generation. They would have grown up with the start of the ColdWar the 'Duck and Cover' ads. On tv good film but stuffed with propaganda that is seen as embarrassing like Birth of a Nation but this time it was John Wayne the 'hero' shooting the 'Indians', from Segregation to putting Japanese in Camps to bombing Dresden into Fire there were many 'paradigm shifts' he lived a time when society was in constant change in the ways of thinking in the Western World, he went from Soviets about to claim space to USA winning and putting a man on the Moon. Views on the Vietnam war was another huge change in US politics. Joe Biden often blabbed out heritage or when meeting with British there would be gaffes about what terrible stuff the past King or Queen of England did. Ronlad Reagan was a guy who said Blacks were like Monkeys trying to wear shoes and on Vietnam old senile Ronnie was saying back in the day 'We could pave the whole country and put parking stripes on it and be home by Christmas' Reagan, who blamed not the madness of the military industrial complex, not spooks, not the loss of treasure and blood, not the shooting of US unarmed college students but Ronnie blamed 'Congress' for the outcome in Vietnam and in 1978 called the conflict 'a long, bloody war which our government refused to win' he same man would take it up the anus from Iranian islamists, order US Marines to run away and give drugs and guns to Narcos of Latin America.

Ronnie 1911 was the same generation as Castro, Ayatollah Khomeini, Bettie Page, Hugh Hefner, Elizabeth Short the "Black Dahlia", Sammy Davis Jr, Robert Mugabe, Enoch Powell, Alan Greenspan, Walter Cronkite, dumbass Ford with the Rockefeller VP, Bonnie and Clyde, Henry Kissinger, Prince Philip, Hirohito, Pinochet, Pol Pot, tyrant Nicolae Ceausescu and it shows he is of that generation...Biden was not Ronnie.
Since political leaders can act, lie, and at times be a little crazy, Narcissistic personality disorder, manipulative Sociopathy-like with their script writers, it's difficult to know know what they really think but I do think some of them truly believed the stuff they said, especially when they repeated the almost same answer at different times it goes beyond politics and exposes their core values. Joe Biden is the John Lennon, Saddam Hussein, Milosevic, Dustin Hoffman, Charlie Watts, Yrui Gagarin, Buzz Aldrin, Anthony Fauci, Joni Mitchell, Bob Marley, George Lucas, Rupert Murdoch 'Silent Generation' of people. They seem less extreme than other guys that were from Ronnies time but they also had good and bad people
what is it they say..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions"
Ronald Reagan sold America its soap, its bread, he was a Sportbal commentator, went to Iowa, told the guy to watch their football as a sports broadcaster sells Baraxo Soap - Old Commercial

a channel called 'Propaganda Time'

Biden in Iraq policy he called his own role of support a "mistake", but did not push for withdrawal. He is not like psycho Hillary, but the Uni-party or Deep Sate or party controlled him his core? he was probably closer to an old school Democrat back in his time before he joined that whole Barack Obama / Soros / Pelosi faction of the modern Democrats. If you listen to him as a Senator from Delaware and his current role its like two different people speaking, he looks more energetic, mentally sharper and happier now that he is no longer running.

At the end of it all Joe Biden he is the US President, when he wants to lead he can be the leader and can do what he wishes. He was probably thinking about this for a while and this was on one of his 'TO DO' lists.

to Ronnie's credit he also met First Nation Native American Elders Natives or whatever they call themselves.

You can say Ronald Reagan was a step backward, that even in the 1890s and 1900s and 1910s and 1920s they were more forward thinking guys like
John Quincy Adams, Richard Nixon, Calvin Coolidge
Ronald Reagan did meet Natives even if he only spoke for a few seconds at the very very end of his term and maybe that started something

but maybe Biden is more 'genuine'


Sunday, November 17, 2024 1:25 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Me neither.

And, interestingly, I don't think there was a PR/ political reason behind it. I wou,d love to know why.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


No PR, no politics just the right thing to do.

As I remember he said this apology was long over due and that sitting Presidents for the last 50 years had the ability to do it but wouldn't. He had been corrected by an Elder not to say tribes but Nations.

And he is right.


Sunday, November 17, 2024 1:32 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Two similar guys old Biden and old Ronnie

Both old but Contrast him with Reagan with views on American Indian history, appears to have been based more on popular movies. Regan went KGB on the arts to censor Natives, in Washington, D.C., a play called Night of the First Americans was objected to because of the segments in the script, it censored heavily USSR Fascism McCarthyism style before the work was allowed to be performed, Watt urged veto saying no new reservations and that Indians should be assimilated, get rid of the languages and cultures and spiritual practice rituals so that all existing reservations can be shut down, he hinted Native Americans could be 'Commies' and that problems were because of 'socialistic government politics on the Indian reservations.' he called meetings of groups “powwow”. ...the same man caught in Nixon Tapes saying African Blacks are Monkeys in Shoes. He backed Peabody Coal against the Navajo at this time Ronnie was losing it mentally, it was going cyberpunk orwellian just like the rest of the world and Merrill Lynch was telling old Ronald to make big bucks and to 'speed it up'. Roonie even had a Task Force that wanted to get them off the land, take the minerals and dump them into cities, they reasoned that reservation Indians could be forcibly relocated to urban centers. Ben Nighthorse Campbell a Senator and Congressman both Republcian and Democrat hated the stupid crap that would come out of Ronald Reagan's mouth, unlike fictional 'hero' Ronnie this Ben Nighthorse Campbell was a war hero and Airman who fought long battles in the Korean War. In the final days President Reagan finally met with tribal leaders for twenty minutes...was it genuine...even today nobody knows.

Joe Biden is younger than Ronnie, he is the pre-Boomer almost Wartime-ish generation that probably doesn't remember much of the War, Bernie Sanders, Mitch McConnell generation. They would have grown up with the start of the ColdWar the 'Duck and Cover' ads. On tv good film but stuffed with propaganda that is seen as embarrassing like Birth of a Nation but this time it was John Wayne the 'hero' shooting the 'Indians', from Segregation to putting Japanese in Camps to bombing Dresden into Fire there were many 'paradigm shifts' he lived a time when society was in constant change in the ways of thinking in the Western World, he went from Soviets about to claim space to USA winning and putting a man on the Moon. Views on the Vietnam war was another huge change in US politics. Joe Biden often blabbed out heritage or when meeting with British there would be gaffes about what terrible stuff the past King or Queen of England did. Ronlad Reagan was a guy who said Blacks were like Monkeys trying to wear shoes and on Vietnam old senile Ronnie was saying back in the day 'We could pave the whole country and put parking stripes on it and be home by Christmas' Reagan, who blamed not the madness of the military industrial complex, not spooks, not the loss of treasure and blood, not the shooting of US unarmed college students but Ronnie blamed 'Congress' for the outcome in Vietnam and in 1978 called the conflict 'a long, bloody war which our government refused to win' he same man would take it up the anus from Iranian islamists, order US Marines to run away and give drugs and guns to Narcos of Latin America. Ronnie 1911 was the same generation as Castro, Ayatollah Khomeini, Bettie Page, Hugh Hefner, Elizabeth Short the "Black Dahlia", Sammy Davis Jr, Robert Mugabe, Enoch Powell, Alan Greenspan, Walter Cronkite, dumbass Ford with the Rockefeller VP, Bonnie and Clyde, Henry Kissinger, Prince Philip, Hirohito, Pinochet, Pol Pot, tyrant Nicolae Ceausescu and it shows he is of that generation...Biden was not Ronnie.
Since political leaders can act, lie, and at times be a little crazy, Narcissistic personality disorder, manipulative Sociopathy-like with their script writers, it's difficult to know know what they really think but I do think some of them truly believed the stuff they said, especially when they repeated the almost same answer at different times it goes beyond politics and exposes their core values. Joe Biden is the John Lennon, Saddam Hussein, Milosevic, Dustin Hoffman, Charlie Watts, Yrui Gagarin, Buzz Aldrin, Anthony Fauci, Joni Mitchell, Bob Marley, George Lucas, Rupert Murdoch 'Silent Generation' of people. They seem less extreme than other guys that were from Ronnies time but they also had good and bad people
what is it they say..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

Biden in Iraq policy he called his own role of support a "mistake", but did not push for withdrawal. He is not like psycho Hillary, but the Uni-party or Deep Sate or party controlled him his core? he was probably closer to an old school Democrat back in his time before he joined that whole Barack Obama / Soros / Pelosi faction of the modern Democrats. If you listen to him as a Senator from Delaware and his current role its like two different people speaking, he looks more energetic, mentally sharper and happier now that he is no longer running.

At the end of it all Joe Biden he is the US President, when he wants to lead he can be the leader and can do what he wishes. He was probably thinking about this for a while and this was on one of his 'TO DO' lists.

to Ronnie's credit he also met First Nation Native American Elders Natives or whatever they call themselves.

but maybe Biden is more 'genuine'

I don't remember Reagan meeting with Native American Elders and I do believe Mr. Biden is more genuine. His secretary of the Interior is a member of the Pueblo Nation, Deb Haagland.

He has given us respect and no it won't change the past but maybe just maybe it can pave a new way forward at some point for rebuilding relationships with the Nations.


Sunday, November 17, 2024 2:27 PM


Ronald Reagan, there are news reports saying he did meet them

there are people worship Regan like a hero but I would argue and many agree he was 'a bad President' I see his Native policy as a failure. He failed in many places, supported Iranian terrorists. Under Reagan Nukes spread across the world 1983 Kirana-I type implosion in Pakistan, non-fissioned plutonium. Reagan wasn't much of a traditionalist although he claimed to be, he didn't look to the future either, Reagan did not invest in Thorium or Fusion or Green Energy, he wasn't much of a futurist either and seem to only support things like StarWars Satellite Wars, he claimed he was cutting back on America's energy use. Yet he sold political kool-aid Reagan's message could be boiled down to the old reggae lyric, "Don't worry, be happy." Rather than pressing Detroit to build smaller, fuel-efficient cars, Reagan made clear that the auto industry could manufacture gas-guzzlers, Reagan favored Mega Corps taking over during Anarchy and declared that "government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." Nixon built the EPA to protest the land and rivers but Reagan intentionally staffed the Environmental Protection Agency and the Interior with officials who were hostile to Green, the Earth or liked to pollute the Land and Waters of the USA. Some of his coldWar policy left the Latin American region and South American Natives with a legacy of anti-Americanism that is now resurfacing. He was very like mini-Bush, critics were called 'Commies' the Lefttard slur thrown around or Communist any reports of drug gangs, pollution, murder was replaced by tv images of flag waving and the propaganda of 'feel-good optimism' just sing support crony Capitalism, ignore the murdering and economy mess and watch the soap operas or watch sportsball games. Reagan had tv and radio propaganda which tried to change drug-tainted terrorist thugs from Afghanistan to the torture camps of Latin America into noble "freedom-fighters."
Reagan gave us mini-Bush part of the Bush family dynasty,

It was lucky the USSR was a failed system and it turned out to be such a nut house and collapsed

on Reagan meetings, I don't remember ever seeing any photos with Native Americans but here is an article

but there are reports he met Natives


In the final days of his administration, President Reagan met with tribal leaders for twenty minutes.


Sunday, November 17, 2024 4:11 PM


I don't believe Joe Biden* has ever said a genuine thing in his life until he was senile and started saying true stuff on accident at inappropriate times.

I also don't believe that anybody has the power to apologize for other people, especially people who lived hundreds of years before you were born.

I'm sorry that bad things happen to people.


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.


Sunday, November 17, 2024 7:27 PM


yes as Biden got old it seems stuff would slip out

Reagan and Biden, both very old but Why are these two men so different.
Both of them career politicians
Reagan was the radio tv man working for GE then a B-movie actor
Biden was law, first as a public defender
Where Reagan is from there seems to be a denial people existed before, almost a Hatred of the pre-Columbian Mississippian culture.

Both of them were reported as 'senile'

Regan is so ancient, so old he was from a time when the Western movie wasn't even a thing and people didn't even have cars, Hawaii and Alaska still wild
When Reagan was young the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution did not exist, in Reagan's time the government thought it was ok to poison alcohol, sabotage drink and kill people, an Amendment that Prohibits the manufacturing or sale of alcohol
the 17th Amendment did not exist, the direct election of United States senators by popular vote.
Blacks were segregated, Ronnie is from a Baseball time of "Negro Major Leagues", although in Radio Sports Ronald Reagan expressed his opposition to racism . Biden at least grew up in a time of satellite, Civil Rights, Scifi and Revisionist Westerns.

Where Reagan was from
did anything exist before a White man they asked?
Was there a Civilisation of sorts in the State, on the site of the city, Occupied from 700 to 1400

a dead Native civilization, and its collapse is somewhat of a mystery

maybe disease or natural disaster or murder, what happened at the Cahokia Mounds?

but forget the Native man Hollywood movies said, the new world was so much better and modern, than a world of 'Savage' a movie would say.

Was Reagan an Illinois street shitter on occupied scared lands, who ran from one city to California and a young lost man sold himself to GE movie makers?
Did Ronald Reagan and his family shit and pee into a bucket when they wanted to go to the toilet? and then throw their toilet business onto the streets of Illinois, before Reagan Illinois was known as the "Land of Lincoln" laws were passed to prohibit all African Americans, including freedmen, from settling in the state but after 1865 Logan reversed positions, there is a big history with Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, after this much of the history is around Chicago, the Blues music, Chicago World's Fair, Chicago race riots, the Black Belt or Black Chicagoans dates back to Jean Baptiste Point du Sable's trading activities International Exposition World's Fair, Manufacturing and Unions and Socialism a nd Revolts, Workers Alliance of America...maybe Ronnie did not like where it was all going?
Biden was born in a time when people had cars and flushing toilets, the USA had won both wars and streets were less dirty.
Reagan from another timeline
but maybe not, Reagan seems to share things in common with Hillary Clinton, he weaponized the FBI to take out rivals? Actor Reagan, phone calls, he rings up the FBI and he provided them with the names of actors whom he believed to be communist sympathizers.
Reagan did military commercials, hundreds of propaganda clips and training films.
She will Marry if he will take names off Blacklists? Reagan met Nancy Davis after she contacted him in his capacity as the SAG president about her name appearing on a communist blacklist in Hollywood.
Tinsel town people.
What was 'inner Biden' what was his inner dream? who would have inspired him Lyndon B Johnson, MLK, JFK? it is often said Vietnam-era demonstrations influenced him

Who influenced Ronnie as a kid...Jessie James? Napoleon?
the Spanish Empire had declined it, Mexicans, the Caribbean, all was coming to an end with the Philippine–American War 1902 and a new USA growing stronger.
maybe War stories of Americans killing each other to free slaves would have inspired Ronnie...the other team was totally bad an intolerable evil? Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant vs Jefferson Davis and the Confederate States of America Robert E. Lee Surrendered
Were the stories of Kings and Rebellion and Cowboy and Sultanate inspiring to Ronnie as a child and young man?
Was he a simple Ronald Reagan a street shitter who dreamed of acting a role as President? what were the toilets, the plumbing and sewage system of Illinois like at this time. We know Eureka has a lot of masonic stuff happening for such a small school, Male students are in social Lodge fraternities and Female students are in Sisterhood Masonic social sororities, we know the Masonic Lodge has chapters throughout the United States and Canada.

agree with Biden being more honest and letting things slip out as he aged. There is still a lot of Park Reserved and area to be explored there, free lands at one with the land to explore or for Recreation in place like Delaware and Pennsylvania. The United States Government’s Relationship with Natives has been mixed, sometimes good sometimes terrible but the Native influence is forever lasting. Reagan who did so much wrong I have no idea why Reagan is worshiped as a 'War Hero' but he did talk to them even if it was only at the last few dying mins of his lame duck Presidency he did talk with Natives...when Reagan called Black Africans Monkeys in Shoes I believe he truly did feel this way. Ronnie himself grew up in a time when people of a city rode on horse and were street shitters.

I'm not saying everything Natives did were good either, they had a very different life and culturally its started to swing the other way sometimes with a lot of mythology behind the 'Noble Savage' however the frontier and the Wild West was not long ago, if Lakota Crazy Horse had kids before he died and IF they grew to be 100 years, 1877 that would be 1977 well within Reagan's life time and his fake Hollyweirdo the stereotypes from violent barbarians to the Johyn Wayne image of the world, when Reagan was born on tv and cinema you had 'Birth of a Nation' 'Adolf Hitler' 'Joe Stalin', Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton and Marxists and Imperialists and Fascist writing books to give Ronnie entertainment and guidance and some local preacher in 1920s Illinois to give him guidance before he moved off to tinsel town Gay Lesbian land to sell himself and make tv and radio commercials for his Overlords at General Electric. Actor Ronnie sellingt himself fitted right into California life as he already interests in theatrical fakery and puppets and making drama...although you might see them both as 'Old' culturally they are from very different times with very different life experiences. When Reagan was young the British Empires and French Empires still existed, the USA was an exception to this rule of people crushed under old Empires but there were no time of 'nation states' WW1, WW2, Germany, Japan attack and lost the war, USA, Russia declared a ColdWar loomed... then Biden when he was a kid post WW2 he was the guy who got to see the old Empires break up after WW2. Joe Biden was 15 when Sputnik Happened, when Ronnie was 15 New Mexico Territory, Arizona Territory had just stopped being Wild West and part of new USA and admitted to the Union..Alaska and Hawaii were still 'wild' with Yupik the Aleut, Russians, Eskimos and Hawaiians, people in major cities could be seen throwing a Toilet Bucket onto the streets, Horses would poop in streets there were mostly no cars, Cars were experiments in Germany, USA, France, Britain, the Motor-Car wasn't really a thing and Ford Motor Company only just started to build its first automobile assembly lines, horsecar were in service, Ronnie was a Dinosaur Fossil.

Biden was Sputnik kid but Ronnie was ancient when people had Lizard brains, it was still 'Wild West folk of the civilized world rushed to find fortunes and urinated and pooped int the streets. Revisionist Westerns were only the late 60s and 70s...Ronnie growing missed this era, when he grow up Ronnie had his preacher, Birth of a Nation, Hitler propaganda coming from Europe, Stalin propaganda, then his masters at General Electric, when Ronnie was getting older a young adult and older adult Buster Keaton was a thing although he seems ancient to us, this was cool and new for Ronnie Raygun, a film Battleship Potemkin was new and some wanted it banned for socialism messages, Louise Brooks was a pin-up girl, the first Dracula Nosferatu by F.W. Murnau came out, Metropolis 1927 by Director Fritz Lang, The Last of the Mohicans 1920 a film later remade was way ahead of its time and now deemed "culturally significant" by the Library of Congress .
and Ronnie only would have only mostly watched movies where Hollyweird had Cowboys killing Barbarian 'Savages'.

Ronnie was an antique from another time, by the time he was elected President he was already a Dinosaur fossil with his mind almost going back to the 1800s, his parents Nelle and Jack were 1883 a mix of Scottish Irish English immigrant family, her mother was from Surrey with Greater London to the northeast, you moved by boat or horse, people started to invent things like wires as a communications cable there was no Airplane as the Wright Brothers had to invent it in the future in December 1903 just before this Aircraft invention they only had Balloons that flew briefly, people like Marconi, Nikola Tesla were starting to figure out new science, radio waves, something transmitted without wires...Ronnie 1911 was an ancient antique before he got into political office
Scotland was poor, almost everyone was unemployed American Civil War suddenly cut off the supplies of raw cotton and the industry never recovered, Ireland invaded by Royals of England had just left a famine killing millions and the streets of London were filthy, probably smelling worse than India of today...the British Empire would attack and be imperialists and plunder the world as it knew civilization could probably smell the stench of London from Surrey...this is Reagan's family.
and kids beyond the next 100 years after 'Crazy Horse', that would make them only 47 years old today.

Ronald Reagan probably was not a street shitter, he probably did not shit in a bucket but Illinois and Chicago were going through great changes and he decided to flee to California. Although his parents probably arrived with nothing into a new USA, he seems be unaware of the struggles of other groups of people and to have a somewhat privileged upbringing in "The Catfish Capital of Illinois" Ronald Reagan's boy home, the building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.

How Reagan’s Childhood Home Gave Up on Reaganism

For decades, the foundation maintaining the home rejected government funding. Now, it has no other choice.
The Reagans lived in Chicago, Galesburg, Monmouth and Tampico, but the story about the Boyhood Home might have a movie dramatization romantic element to it a nice feel good story. The Reagan home three-bedroom, one-bathroom, very modest but not everyone during this time lived this comfortable.

Taking away other people's land and homes?

People and Nations grab and steal land all the time, any new Native island in the world where they had a new base or tested bombs could have become "the 51st state" and the next Natives forced out and a new government pushed in. Natives had a unique spiritual respect for the land that new arrived colonial people did not have over time it influenced US culture, there are parks in Alaska, Florida, Arizona, NewYork, Montana, California that are the envy of the world maybe thanks to the Natives when other parts of Earth destroyed their environment turning it to pollution, death and dust.

There is Native American influence deep inside the USA even when city people don't know it, the modern high tech weapons having the same name as Indigenous peoples weapons, the names of sports teams, the Native musical Pentatonic Scales and instruments probably had strong early influence on the mix of White and Black music that was becoming this new fusion of sound. Music it still influence some of that space rock or ambient trance electronic sound people try to make with a new remix for a song or sound track or video game score and the Art that cartoonists or new-age hippies paint can be very 'Native'. Exploring, Paddling in a small boat or paddling a canoe wasn't really a thing as the world starts to industrialize with bigger and bigger ships, the Swedish still did it but it was becoming a dying art, sport and pastime. In the US 'Canoeing' is common to be with Nature but how often do you see people in Asia or Europe or Arabia do this. Even today you see 'Big Game' people going back to hunt with a traditional bow to give more spiritual respect to the animal because they feel using a modern military weapon is not a fair hunt. Even the idea of using tents to go to the next music festival, that way of life was starting to vanish, the life of people moved into a big stone house, there were wagons for 'freedom', people stayed in homes or military forts, the Native showed another culture not just wagons not just carts, freight, carriages or a heavy four-wheeled vehicle pulled but something even more wild and free and a new generation of Americans started having overnight stays with a basic temporary shelter such as a tent to go to their next outdoor festival. The canoe camping expedition canoeing almost vanished from Earth I think Native culture revived this way of life, don't you? From Native culture the US got ideas of Using a unique Native Tongue to talk in 'Code' so the Germans or Japanese or other tribe and Clans did not know what you were doing even when they heard and intercepted talk they still could not understand any messages in war.

Hawaii only became the 50th state of the United States on 1959, some of the modern US mythology deep within America's blood and DNA such as the modern 'Mothman' sightings in West Virginian folklore, reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area the locals started seeing spooky things in the nighttime, they trace that back to a curse from Chief 'Cornstalk' the European colonialists arrived on new lands and they signed a truce or treaty, he was going to remain neutral in the US War of Independence, he attacked the British and that original it was broken angry soldiers brutally executed Cornstalk and his family...some say leaving a curse behind, a Native family murdered shot in cold blood! Events which may have evolved into people seeing a Spirit or Moth-Man creature evolving into modern West Virginian folklore, people today believe Mothman Prophecies of today is part of the spirit of Chief 'Cornstalk'. The environmental movement and respect for nature was probably first a Native thing where in parts of Europe and Asia they already conquered their lands or hunted their animals into extinction rather than living with nature. Natives were not always nomadic they knew what foods got people through the Winter Early European settlers learned from various native tribes how to effectively farm the land, there is now a Rethinking of 'Thanksgiving Celebrations' from the Native Perspectives, explaining what to farm or animals could be hunted on the land or the cultivating crops unfamiliar to the Europeans, many names names of regions or people or such as city and state have Native influence, even the US political structure is like a mix of European and Native the European Mayor and Scottish Chieftain, the Eagle of Rome but Natives also had a Chief and so the U.S. adopted a model similar to that of the Iroquois, and even adopted the Iroquois scared symbol, the Bald Eagle.


Sunday, November 17, 2024 8:27 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I don't believe Joe Biden* has ever said a genuine thing in his life until he was senile and started saying true stuff on accident at inappropriate times.

I also don't believe that anybody has the power to apologize for other people, especially people who lived hundreds of years before you were born.

I'm sorry that bad things happen to people.


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.

Jack, that system went down in the late 70s into the early 80s when I was a child and becoming a teenager.

He said 50years worth of Presidents had the ability to apologize and they didn't. That's the majority of my lifetime. In my opinion he was apologizing that it was allowed to go on for so long.


Sunday, November 17, 2024 10:22 PM


My mistake.

Well... if he said something that pleased you, I'm glad he said it.

And for him to say it now, that means that I think maybe it actually meant something to him, personally. There was zero political motivation for him to say it after the election.

And he's right. Saying sorry for stuff that you didn't do a very easy thing to do and any one of them should have already done it a long time ago.


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.


Sunday, November 17, 2024 11:44 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
My mistake.

Well... if he said something that pleased you, I'm glad he said it.

And for him to say it now, that means that I think maybe it actually meant something to him, personally. There was zero political motivation for him to say it after the election.

And he's right. Saying sorry for stuff that you didn't do a very easy thing to do and any one of them should have already done it a long time ago.


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.

It did please me and it pleased the Elders who were there to hear. Many others along with myself have been wanting and waiting for an acknowledgement of what happened.

I think it did as he got angry on our behalf as he spoke. He was given a number of 1,000 children that didn't make it home from those places and he said that number is too low. I agree with that as there were double the number of those places in the States than were in Canada.

Yes, it should have come sooner. But I am grateful that Mr. Biden did it.


Monday, November 18, 2024 1:41 AM


I think if you told 1,000 random people the story of those schools 999 of them are going to be aghast about it. And 990 of them are going to tell you that it was the first time they ever heard about this because somebody did a hell of a job not talking about it for a long time.

We can't look at history through the lens of 2024 and hold it to those standards. And even if it doesn't feel like it should be, 50 years ago is still history even if we were alive when it was happening. Something like this could never happen today with the internet.

I think what I'm trying to get around to saying is that of course I would never have been down with any of this happening, and most Americans wouldn't. Not to Natives or anybody.

I just hope you're not viewing this issue from a perspective where you think your average American in 2024 thinks that this was in any way acceptable. I'm pretty sure most folk 50 years ago wouldn't have approved of it back then either had they known it was happening in the first place.


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.


Monday, November 18, 2024 1:59 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I think if you told 1,000 random people the story of those schools 999 of them are going to be aghast about it. And 990 of them are going to tell you that it was the first time they ever heard about this because somebody did a hell of a job not talking about it for a long time.

We can't look at history through the lens of 2024 and hold it to those standards. And even if it doesn't feel like it should be, 50 years ago is still history even if we were alive when it was happening. Something like this could never happen today with the internet.

I think what I'm trying to get around to saying is that of course I would never have been down with any of this happening, and most Americans wouldn't. Not to Natives or anybody.

I just hope you're not viewing this issue from a perspective where you think your average American in 2024 thinks that this was in any way acceptable. I'm pretty sure most folk 50 years ago wouldn't have approved of it back then either had they known it was happening in the first place.


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.

You are probably right and I just hope that any hearing the stories don't go into denial as that has happened up here.


Tuesday, November 19, 2024 10:14 AM


Biden visits Native Country and apologizes for the 'sin' of a 150-year-old boarding school policy

Language Death: How do languages die?


Tuesday, November 19, 2024 5:31 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Biden visits Native Country and apologizes for the 'sin' of a 150-year-old boarding school policy

Language Death: How do languages die?

When there aren't enough speakers left and that usually means Elders. When they go and if the language hasn't been passed down then it dies. Or if there is no written version. To my knowledge was no written languages in either Canada or the US.

The languages of a lot of Nations on both sides of the border are being taught to the young, so they won't die. Inuk which is the mother tongue of the Inuit of the North West Territories, Yukon and Nunavut is being recorded and programs are being made now to teach the young of that Nation to speak their language and write it.

Cree is taught here in Canada along with coastal languages in BC. Algonquin is a language from the eastern part of Canada and spoken by the Iroquois and other members of that Confederacy known as the 6 Nations. It is a protected language. The Navajo have their own schools where they teach their language, history and culture.

My own the Shoshoni have a website where I could go and learn my great grandmother's language.

This is how languages of First Nations on both sides of the Canadian-US border DON'T DIE.