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Mad scientists ignite star on Earth
Sunday, December 28, 2008 10:34 AM
John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!
Quote:Scientists plan to ignite tiny man-made star In the spring, a team will begin attempts to ignite a tiny man-made star inside a laboratory and trigger a thermonuclear reaction. Its goal is to generate temperatures of more than 100 million degrees Celsius and pressures billions of times higher than those found anywhere else on earth. Scientists at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in Livermore, nestled among the wine-producing vineyards of central California, will use a laser that concentrates 1,000 times the electric generating power of the United States into a billionth of a second. The result should be an explosion in the 32ft-wide reaction chamber which will produce at least 10 times the amount of energy used to create it. "We are creating the conditions that exist inside the sun," said Ed Moses, director of the facility. A single infrared laser will be sent through almost a mile of lenses, mirrors and amplifiers to create a beam more than 10 billion times more powerful than a household light bulb. Until now, such fusion has only been possible inside nuclear weapons and highly unstable plasmas created in incredibly strong magnetic fields.
Sunday, December 28, 2008 10:46 AM
Sunday, December 28, 2008 7:36 PM
Quote: Shiva god of Destruction at CERN "Shiva's Cosmic Dance at CERN: On June 18, 2004, an unusual new landmark was unveiled at CERN, the European Center for Research in Particle Physics in Geneva -- a 2m tall statue of the Indian deity Shiva Nataraja, the Lord of Dance. The statue, symbolizing Shiva's cosmic dance of creation and destruction, was given to CERN by the Indian government to celebrate the research center's long association with India. The sculpture is usually made in bronze, with Shiva dancing in an aureole of flames and balancing over a demon or dwarf who symbolizes ignorance." "The Large Hadron Collider might make dragons that might eat us up.” -Safety Assessment Group Pyromania. A compulsion to set things on fire. -Random House Unabridged Dictionary "Few scientifically rigorous studies have been done on the subject, but psychosocial hypotheses suggest pyromania may be a form of communication from those with few social skills, or an ungratified sexuality for which setting fires is a symbolic solution. It is also one of the supposed three early signs of developing psychopathy."
Monday, December 29, 2008 3:26 AM
Monday, December 29, 2008 5:29 AM
Monday, December 29, 2008 12:51 PM
Quote:Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE) ACHRE was created by President Clinton on January 15, 1994 to investigate and report on the use of human beings as subjects of federally funded research using ionizing radiation. 11. Intentional Releases: Lifting the Veil of Secrecy INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION OF THE EAST TENNESSEE TECHNOLOGY PARK Office of Environment, Safety and Health, U.S. Department of Energy (2000) Pollution above toxic levels surrounding Oak Ridge Nuclear Laboratory (ETTP) HTML Report (200 pages) PDF Report (200 pages) Verbatum from the declassified portion of the Report: "Conservative estimates indicated that 35,000 pounds of uranium were released into the air from all sources. 4,300 pounds of uranium a month was unaccounted for or released to the environment. ETTP operates an incinerator which handles radioactive, hazardous and uranium-contaminated PCB wastes. ETTP generated transuranic elements (isotopes with atomic numbers greater than uranium) such as neptunium-237 and plutonium-239; fission products such as techneitum-99; PCBs; toxic metals; and volatile organic compunds such as trichloroethene (TCE) and present risk to the public. Some contaminants migrated outside the Plant boundary. Waste disposal practices included direct discharge of radioactive materials, toxics and caustics to holding ponds and storm drains, and incineration and burial. Reports reflected a number of spills of nitric and hydrochloric acids, in one case 200 gallons. Numerous large fires and explosions were reported. It is impossible to characterize exposure because of inadequate surveys and incomplete records. Records indicate that as contamination levels increased, exposure controls were reduced. Contamination above limits was commonly detected. Operations have released a variety of contaminants into the environment, such as burial of low-level and hazardous waste in landfills and dumping directly into the Clinch River. Large amounts of contaminated equipment and scrap material were sold at public auction. Tens of thousands of pounds of flourine and hydrogen flouride were emitted annually. The investigation team identified over 600 releases of uranium hexaflouride, and a large, visible cloud was released outside a building. Exposure to 'intense clouds' of uranium powder dusts was prevalent and resulted in intense beta radiation fields. Each month dozens or workers were identified as having exposures exceeding plant control guides. Extensive contamination was prevalent. Recordsindicate many air samples in excess of Plant Allowable Limits. Both chemical and radiological materials have routinely been discharged from the Plant, from both sanitary sewage and storm water systems and materials were directly discharged in Mitchell Branch and Poplar Creek. One million pounds of blowdown water was discharged a day. The hexavalent chromium concentration in Poplar Creek is equal to the level regulated by the site's permit. Contents of 500 uranium hexafloride and other gas cylinders were emptied into the unlined holding pond by shooting the cylinders with high-powered rifles, and this pond discharged into Poplar Creek. Records confirm that radiation exceeded drinking water standards. Over 80,000 drums of pond sludge with low concentrations of uranium were generated in 1988. Ventilation was modified to discharge mercury fumes above the roof. Elevated levels of mercury were found in urinalyses. Records refer to the recovery of tons of mercury. Traps would blow out spilling mercury on the floor. Air sampling in the 1990s identified mercury levels several times the Threshold Limit Value. Continual and volumnous process leaks (blowoffs) were vented to the atmosphere. 4,300 pounds of uranium hexaflouride were released per month. Losses were excessive. 10,000 union grievances were filed and management disputed grievances concerning safety in favor of economic considerations. Many storm drains were not moitored before 1992, and routine and accidental wastes have adversely impacted the environment and the aquatic habitat. Weaknesses in the sampling and monitoring of air pollutant emissions raise concerns regarding the accuracy of public dose and exposure calculations. Environmental radiological protection and surveillance are not compliant with DOE Order. Few records reflect involvement by the Atomic Energy Commission in investigations of serious events. Levels of airborne radioactivity were as high as 35,800 dpm/ft3, and far exceeded the PAL of 2 dpm/ft3. (That's radiation levels over 17,000 times the maximum limit.) Airborne radioactivity far in excess of normal background levels was measured off-site as far as five miles away. A number of criticality and sub-criticality accident experiments were performed and posed a severe radiation hazard. Bladder cancer rates were seven times higher than for the general population, and stomach ulcers were 6.5 times greater. Inhalation of airborn radiation can increase the risk of future cancer." verbatum from the Report NOTE: This report only covered the K-25 plant, not the DOE National Nuclear Security Administration's Y-12 nuclear bombs factory, not the thousands of contaminated lab rats from ORNL's Y-12 nuclear bombs factory Mouse House that are incinerated at the University of Tennessee Medical Center in downtown Knoxville, and did not cover Top Secret "criticality" pollution, "referred to as 'special hazards'" (ie, "small" explosions due to accidental nuclear reactions), and "are discussed in a separate classifed document." The GOPS government of Tennessee previously gave ETTP/ORNL a clean bill of health in 1999. RALPH NADER ON NUKES: "High-level nuclear waste will be hazardous for more than 200,000 years. An Energy Department study found that a severe accident in a rural area could contaminate a 42-square-mile area, require over a year to 'clean up', and cost $620 million." The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) contains information about more than 650 toxic chemicals that are being used, manufactured, treated, transported, or released into the environment. LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY SYS. U.S. DOE Y-12 PLANT OAK RIDGE, TN manufacturer -- release to air (1996) hydrochloric acid = 138,595 lbs/yr sulphuric acid = 53,283 lbs/yr methanol = 30,525 lbs/yr mercury = 140 lbs/yr lead = 4,923 lbs/yr KNOX COUNTY, TN Ranking in USA 1996 (latest data available for 2001) diesel particulate matter 1 2 top 95% (HIGHEST RATING) acetaldehyde (poisonous byproduct in metabolism of alcohol beverages) top 90% acrolein top 90% acrylonitrile top 75% arsenic compunds top 50% benzene top 90% beryllium compounds top 75% (Oak Ridge top 95%) 1,3 butadiene top top 95% cadmium compounds top 50% (Oak Ridge top 95%) carbon tetrachloride top 90% chloroform top 90% (Loudon County top 95%) chromium compounds top 75% (Oak Ridge top 90%) coke oven emissions below 25% (all of TN) 1,3 dichloropropene top 90% ethlylene dibromide top 75% (Loudon County top 90%) ethylene dichlroride top top 50% (Oak Ridge top 95%) ethylene oxide top 90% formaldehyde top 90% hexachlorobenzene 25% to 50% hydrazine (rocket fuel) top 75% (Cocke County top 95%) lead top 50% (Oak Ridge top 90%) manganese compounds top 75% (Roane County top 90%) mercury compounds top 75% (Oak Ridge top 95%) methylene chloride (triggers false positive in BAC DWI testing) top 75% (Roane County top 90%) nickel compounds top 75% (Oak Ridge top 90%) perchloroethylene top 90% polychlorinated biphenyle (PCB) bottom 25% (all TN) polycylic organic matter (PCM) top 75% 7-PAH top 50% propilene dichloride top 75% (Loudon County top 95%) quinolene top 75% 1,1,2,2 tetrachloroethane top 75% (Loudon County top 95%) tichloroethylene top 90% (Loudon County top 95%) vinyl chloride top 90% (Loudon County top 95%) The Municipal Waste Combustors account for over 61 percent of the total dioxin emissions and almost 19 percent of the national man-made emissions of mercury. Hospital/Medical Infectious Waste Incinerators account for 11 percent of the total dioxin emissions and 10 percent of the national man-made emissions of mercury.
Monday, December 29, 2008 2:20 PM
Monday, December 29, 2008 7:59 PM
Quote:Originally posted by dreamtrove: CERN, that would be where they developed the world wide web. Oh, about Miley Cyrus, well, now it is. Cyrus is a persian name, ie. Iranian. She has the look. I don't know what kind of name Miley is.
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