YOUR political philosophy?

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Saturday, January 8, 2005 8:13 PM


I came up with "Moderate Libertarian Liberal", which made me LOL. "Moderate" yes, "Libertarian" Hell yes, but I consider myself neither Conservative nor Liberal, at least not in the "conventional wisdom" sense of the words. (My own self-description is that I am a "Heinleinian Minarchist.")

The problem is, this quiz is often poorly thought out and phrased. Just one example of many: The question "Reduce use of coal, oil, and nuclear energy": My actual stand would be "Yes on one and two, no on three,"* but there's no such option. Also, the background briefing on this subject talks about global warming -- which nuclear power has no effect on even theoretically!

In the end, I pleaded "no opinion" on the issue. Ghod only knows how that skewed my results...

* Explanatory footnote: I want us to stop burning fossil fuels - which puts pollutants into the biosphere in megaton lots - and start using more nuclear power - which admittedly has its own problems, but which concentrates its poisons in loads that can be sealed away from the ecosystem and buried deep underground -- right where the original radioactive ores were safely stored by mother nature.

Before this concept knocks this thread off-topic, I'd like to state for the record that I already knowthat this stand is both unusual and arguable in both fine and gross detail, not to mention likely to rap kneecaps on both sides of the liberal/conservative spectrum. If anyone wants to discuss this further, let me know and I'll start a fresh thread, but let's not mess overmuch with this one, okay?

"Hermanos! The Devil has built a robot! Andale!" -- Numero Cinco


Sunday, January 9, 2005 3:15 PM


I am a populist-leaning left-wing liberal. Which just confirms what i already knew. Down with authority!

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Sunday, January 9, 2005 6:20 PM


I am a Moderate Populist Conservative. I'm not sure about the populist, but I'll agree with the moderate conservative.

Packer fans welcome.
All others tolerated.


Thursday, January 13, 2005 10:14 AM


This quiz is for a comparison with different politicians and political celebrities.

It probably helped a lot of people out for the election in November.


Thursday, January 13, 2005 10:20 AM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:
I also agree that some of the survey questions were poorly phrased. However, I do generally agree with the conclusion that I am a Moderate Liberal.

I'd like to see this test re-issued with slightly different questions, e.g. "Which is more objectionable: Violent Television Program or Television Progrem With Nudity?"

One of the things that I find puzzling about some of my so-called Conservative acquaintances is that they are squeamish about frank portrayals of sex - and freaked out that young people might be exposed to nudity, even in a non-sexual context! - but have no problem with depictions of bloodletting. Whereas, many of the peacenik liberals I've known consider uberviolent programming (including graphic depictions of war) to be the REAL pornography.

Wonder where libertarians fall?

Hehe being a Libertarian.. I for one don't like to watch gory film/slashers/true to life slaughter films. I'd rather see those censored rather then a nude scene.


Thursday, January 13, 2005 5:39 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Not to further pursue an offcourse topic but, well, OK, I AM going that way just a little ... Do you know of the Hanford nuclear site in Washington state? It was a DOE-owned, contractor-operated facility that produced nuclear weapons material. They had the 'poor white trash' method of waste disposal - dump it on the ground, or put it in a barrel and put that in the ground. And then walk away.
To this day there are rusty, leaky barrels filled with highly radioactive, explosive and corrosive sludge.
I honestly don't remember why it became an 'issue', but it did. A few years back, it was in all the technical magazines, you couldn't avoid reading about it if you tried. People were designing 'boocoo bucks' robots to sample the barrels (with hardened electronics that wouldn't fry under the radiation, and acid resistant parts), and coming up with all sorts of ways to treat the waste - separate the radioactive from the merely hazardous to reduce the demand for long-term nuclear waste storage. I don't know what they eventually did settle on, but all of the ideas I was reading about were complicated and expensive. Basically these consulting firms were designing systems where money was no object. Or rather, it was the object of the whole game, but no one would openly talk about raking it in, riding the gravy train, cashing in ... it was the familiar $1,000 tiolet-seat scenario.
Then somebody wrote in to "C&E News" (Chemical & Engineering News, the official publication of the American Chemical Society) with a very credible, fast, low cost, brick-simple scheme to recrystallize the nuclear stuff out of the sludge, concentrating the radioactive waste for storage, and reducing radioactive levels in the remains to nearly undetectable levels. All without needing to do a single analysis to figure out what was in the barrels ahead of time.
Anyway, it was a brilliant solution, but not nearly expensive enough, or proprietary enough, for the consulting firms to be interested.
The lesson is: there are excellent technical solutions out there to nuclear waste handling. The problem is that they won't be used. And I can support nuclear energy only as long as the US has the will to realistically address the waste issue. But it's still in la-la land, b/c the questions being asked are: Does it make a lot of money for a corporation? Is there a way to limit corporate liability and shift it to the tax-payer? Can the government find a place to dump the problem on? etc etc etc


Thursday, January 13, 2005 10:56 PM


Just took it again.

Hard-Core Conservative...again!

Personal Score 0%
Economic Score 100%




Friday, January 14, 2005 10:22 AM


100% Personal
75% Economic

Left-leaning libertarian.

Guess that makes me the most 'freedom loving' of the lot.

And the ones that lost me points where the ones where I said, in my skull, "Since this test presupposes government I guess I'd rather vote against government sponsored and protected corporations than against idividual taxpayers."

Try this one:

On the censorship issue... IMO libertarians generally say no to censorship. In a nutshell libertarianism means no limitation on consensual actions that cause no harm to third parties.


If voting mattered, they'd make it illegal.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 6:30 AM


For all you proud American Conservatives; a little comparative article on the Economic Freedom of the USA.

I know how you all are fond of limited personal freedom, but still love personal freedom. China may be a good place for you. They are up and coming with economic freedom but they keep pesky things like speech about as limited as can be. Rat with his 0/100 rating might especially enjoy a visit!


If voting mattered, they'd make it illegal.


Friday, April 1, 2005 6:18 PM


I'm a conservative libertarian. I'm just like to say i've taken about a dozen political quizes. I one i'd recommmend above all the other crappy ones would be "Political quiz in 2d" on google, when you type it in. Rightist-libertarians rock!!!


Friday, April 1, 2005 6:34 PM


Dude, healthcare isn't a right. The constitution founder intended the laws and constitution and government to protect the right's of citizens, and their property. I much as i'd feel for the poor folks , private charities are much efficent and caring for the unfortunate. Besides If the government did control healthcare they'd violate my privacy, and could control what drugs I'd be given. NO THANks for the Control state. I much rather get a private supply with my tax dollars that were supposed to be for national health care for my private health care, something closer to the individual and less unhumanly large. I also advocate for giving lots of public researchs funds to charities to supporty the needy. Let the scientific institutes support themselves, not lab testing which leads to more dead rats, and less food for the poor in charities as in the way I'd have it, and please be open-minded about this tangent. I apologize for talking too much or any offenses i've might of incured upon you.

Thank you for your time. More freedom, less government. People live better, when they choose to put their own money towards better ends, then involuntary taxes.


Friday, April 1, 2005 10:06 PM



Originally posted by Deutschmannecros:
Dude, healthcare isn't a right. The constitution founder intended the laws and constitution and government to protect the right's of citizens, and their property. I much as i'd feel for the poor folks , private charities are much efficent and caring for the unfortunate. Besides If the government did control healthcare they'd violate my privacy, and could control what drugs I'd be given. NO THANks for the Control state. I much rather get a private supply with my tax dollars that were supposed to be for national health care for my private health care, something closer to the individual and less unhumanly large. I also advocate for giving lots of public researchs funds to charities to supporty the needy. Let the scientific institutes support themselves, not lab testing which leads to more dead rats, and less food for the poor in charities as in the way I'd have it, and please be open-minded about this tangent. I apologize for talking too much or any offenses i've might of incured upon you.

Thank you for your time. More freedom, less government. People live better, when they choose to put their own money towards better ends, then involuntary taxes.

Deutschmannecros, to put it as bluntly as possible, you're DAMN RIGHT.


Saturday, April 2, 2005 8:26 AM


Moderate liberal populist I am?

It was fixed, I tell ya!!

I am a hard core CONSPIRACY THEORIST!!!!



Thursday, May 12, 2005 12:51 PM


"Populist-leaning COnservative" here. 10/72

I also did not like the inability to argue with the test. :)






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