'LOST' Premiere - What'd you think? *SPOILERS*

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 07:51
VIEWED: 4706
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Thursday, September 22, 2005 3:38 PM


I saw the premiere of "Lost" last night. I admit I saw only a three or four episodes from S1 including the finale, but after last night, it's working its way into my top fifteen favorite TV shows. Still, I don't think it packed quite the punch I wanted it too.

Don't get me wrong, though: I thought the show was plenty suspenseful. The whole think with Jack trying to give people hope was nicely done with the flashbacks and all. Shannon hallucinating about Walt; they weird guy down in the hatch who Jack apparently had some history with; and Kate's disappearance...spooky stuff. I was looking for more about the mysterious "monster" though. Charlie, my 2nd fave character (after Locke) didn't get much play. And we're still left hanging as to what happened to Michael, Jin, and Sawyer after those people attacked them.

A good episode, but not a blockbuster. I imagine the juicy stuff is yet to come. Just remember: when Hurley says the numbers are bad, it's probably a good idea to listen to him.

What did you like/dislike about it?

"Mwah ha ha ha...mine is an evil laugh. Now die."


Friday, September 23, 2005 1:08 AM


Well, the first season is only just underway over here in the UK (from your post I assume your talking about season 2).
I did manage to see a few of the episodes on Shoutcast before it came out here in the UK, which was nice.
Anyway, Is it just me or are there stunning similarities between Lost and The Lord of the Flies, characters, situation etc...
Not saying its ripped off, btw, just really similar...

Zen Buddhist to the Hotdog Vendor:
"Make me one with everything."


Friday, September 23, 2005 2:20 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BlueBomber:
I saw the premiere of "Lost" last night. I admit I saw only a three or four episodes from S1 including the finale, but after last night, it's working its way into my top fifteen favorite TV shows. Still, I don't think it packed quite the punch I wanted it too.

Don't get me wrong, though: I thought the show was plenty suspenseful. The whole think with Jack trying to give people hope was nicely done with the flashbacks and all. Shannon hallucinating about Walt; they weird guy down in the hatch who Jack apparently had some history with; and Kate's disappearance...spooky stuff. I was looking for more about the mysterious "monster" though. Charlie, my 2nd fave character (after Locke) didn't get much play. And we're still left hanging as to what happened to Michael, Jin, and Sawyer after those people attacked them.

A good episode, but not a blockbuster. I imagine the juicy stuff is yet to come. Just remember: when Hurley says the numbers are bad, it's probably a good idea to listen to him.

What did you like/dislike about it?

"Mwah ha ha ha...mine is an evil laugh. Now die."

The fact that you admittedly only saw 3-4 episodes might have something to do w/ why you're not blown away w/ the premier. Even w/the 1 hr recap of last season, there is far more going on than what was shown. There are MANY sub plots going on. Some might be vital to the show, others not so much,or at all. Thats the beauty of this (imo) that so far, there's really not much we do know for sure.
The writers keep adding things on top of each other..layers and layers of stuff interacting in seemingly impossible, yet fascinating at the same time. There is the very real possibility that all things could be leading up to a Matrix like finale, where the pay off doesn't come near to the build up.

So far, it's been a great ride.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, September 23, 2005 9:10 AM


Are you sure Shannon was hallucinating? Maybe Walt escaped The Others after they brought him back to the island, or he jumped off their boat and swam ashore. He was soaking wet, remember.


Friday, September 23, 2005 11:44 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by oddness2her:
Are you sure Shannon was hallucinating? Maybe Walt escaped The Others after they brought him back to the island, or he jumped off their boat and swam ashore. He was soaking wet, remember.

Remember Jack seeing his father ? The island has a way of making folks see things which aren't there.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, September 23, 2005 11:47 AM


Now that you mention it, I'm not so sure she was now. That was my first thought though, because I couldn't think of why Shannon saw him and Sayid didn't. Just seemed doubtful that Walt could move that fast without making a sound.

But I'm learning not to take anything for grounded with this show. I've seen a few more eps on DVD...

"Mwah ha ha ha...mine is an evil laugh. Now die."


Friday, September 23, 2005 11:54 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by oddness2her:
Are you sure Shannon was hallucinating? Maybe Walt escaped The Others after they brought him back to the island, or he jumped off their boat and swam ashore. He was soaking wet, remember.

Remember Jack seeing his father ? The island has a way of making folks see things which aren't there.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

True. But when Jack saw his dad we knew he was already dead, so there had to be a supernatural explanation. Walt's fate is still up in the air. Maybe he was actually there. Maybe Shannon had a psychic vision of him. Maybe he's dead and she was visited by his spirit. Only time will tell.


Saturday, September 24, 2005 3:35 AM


I got the impresion that Walt was projecting to her. He trusted her to take care of the dog, so went to her for help? Couldn't make out what he said though.

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Saturday, September 24, 2005 4:12 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Jadehand:
I got the impresion that Walt was projecting to her. He trusted her to take care of the dog, so went to her for help? Couldn't make out what he said though.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."

Hey, good point. I didn't even think of that one....duh. But like I told my friend last season, the REAL answer to everything lies w/ the dog. Dog = God. Think about it!

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, September 25, 2005 5:53 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Hey, good point. I didn't even think of that one....duh. But like I told my friend last season, the REAL answer to everything lies w/ the dog. Dog = God. Think about it!

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

The dog has shifty eyes, man! It's the devil!

Seriously, I'm continually blown away by how impressive this show is. You wouldn't believe all the minutae that's been crammed into every single episode -- I watch for it and still can't find everything. The threads over at has people who spend ungodly amounts of time working through it, and it just blows my mind away. This might be the most ambitious television show ever made.

"Be ashamed to die before you have scored some victory for humanity." -- Horace Mann


Sunday, September 25, 2005 11:41 AM



Originally posted by oddness2her:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by oddness2her:
Are you sure Shannon was hallucinating? Maybe Walt escaped The Others after they brought him back to the island, or he jumped off their boat and swam ashore. He was soaking wet, remember.

Remember Jack seeing his father ? The island has a way of making folks see things which aren't there.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

True. But when Jack saw his dad we knew he was already dead, so there had to be a supernatural explanation. Walt's fate is still up in the air. Maybe he was actually there. Maybe Shannon had a psychic vision of him. Maybe he's dead and she was visited by his spirit. Only time will tell.

Don't forget, Jack's dead Dad is on the island.

ByteTheBullet (-:


Sunday, September 25, 2005 12:06 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
I got the impresion that Walt was projecting to her. He trusted her to take care of the dog, so went to her for help? Couldn't make out what he said though.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."

When played in reverse, Walt says, "Press the button. No, buttons bad." There was a link to it somewhere, but I can't find it anymore.

As for what that means, I have no idea. Although, I do suspect it has something to do with Desmond's computer.


Sunday, September 25, 2005 1:20 PM


here's the link:

It also has a script page for the first episode (not one they actually used) wherein Jack into his twin. Weird. The script page can be found on LOST's website,, if you click on the barcode at the bottom of the screen and type in "theislandiswaiting" for the password when it prompts you to enter one.

"Be ashamed to die before you have scored some victory for humanity." -- Horace Mann


Sunday, September 25, 2005 3:30 PM



AURaptor wrote:
Saturday, September 24, 2005 04:12

the REAL answer to everything lies w/ the dog. Dog = God. Think about it!

Which leads me to one of my favourite jokes.

Q: Did you hear about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac?

A: He would lie awake at night wondering if there really was a dog.


Monday, September 26, 2005 12:02 AM


America loves a winner!


Don't forget, Jack's dead Dad is on the island.

ByteTheBullet (-:

Are we sure his dead dad is on the island? The casket was on the plane, but do we know where it ended up?

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, September 26, 2005 3:44 AM



We'll see more this week, undoubtably.

IMO, the dog is a manifestation. It's not particularly sure whether or not the Dog's real. It seems to always be disappearing and isn't, in my memory, doing anything particularly dog-like other than sitting and being better.

Walt seems capable of, at the very least, of somehow impressing his imagination on the world around him. Remember the polar bear from the first couple eps in Season One? Walt was reading a comic book with a polar bear in it either earlier than episode or the episode prior to it.

I also do recall another incident later in S1, the episode specifically dealing with Walt, where he was reading or drawing a picture of a bird and the exact same bird showed up suddenly. If my memory serves me right, anyways.

Walt's a special kid and I'm willing to bet the dog is in some effect a product of this. So, IMO, Walt was a hallucination but a purposeful one done unconciously by Walt to the dog (Remember, he was 'seen' while Sayid and the girl were looking for the animal) as a way to warn, etc.

The Irishman(?) in the cavern? Still no clue 'bout him. Got some guess. The more interesting question we should be asking is: Does the computer control the massive magnetic source Jack encountered when first entering the space? Maybe an electromagnetic device used to 'trap' things in nearby airspace that distorts light and gravity to the point that the island is "cloaked" from modern day technology?

If not, then why is this 'magnetic' source behind what appears to be a hastily erected and solidly reinforced wall? Who knows. :)



Monday, September 26, 2005 3:51 AM


this is all leading me more towards a thought I had after this ep. 2.1. At first I thought the hatch was a fallout shelter, or something similar. and that the peopple within had been there for many years (30ish), This is based on the music, hairstyle, furniture style, and the injection(some vaccine, vitamin boost??). Maybe they thought WWIII had happened??. Notice the word "Quarantine" on the hatch? Notice it was printed on the inside, indicating that the outside of the hatch was quarantine? (Reminds me of the Hitchhiker's Guide, the guy who built his house inside out and placed the sign "Asylum" above the exit)
However we then see that Jack has met this guy in the recent past, so the guy inside couldn't have been there for 30ish years. Two possibilities (that I see, sure there's more) Clones. Twins, seperated at birth for experiment.
So was the "Wet backwards talking Walt" a projection as I thought before, or maybe an escaped clone? who knows, ready for the next ep.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005 5:23 AM


I still didn't like it. They never reveal anything real. If we could get through at least one of the mysteries that would give me hope that the show is going to answer things.

I guess we did get some answers from little mysteries in the first season. But, the big ones are just annoying. Tell us what Kate did already. That's the easiest one that they keep avoiding. It's annoying.

Yet, I'll still keep watching because I want answers. (*&#@$#@ lost


Tuesday, September 27, 2005 7:51 AM


But to tell us what Kate did they'd have to subject us to another Kate flashback! Noooooooo!!

The stuff Desmond was injecting (that had the numbers on it) was probably some vaccine from "the sickness".

I'm satisfied that they're revealing SOMETHING. As to what it means, well... I've got theories. Lots of them. Things almost seem to be fitting together. Can't wait.

Next episode:

Select to view spoiler:

The raft!

"Be ashamed to die before you have scored some victory for humanity." -- Horace Mann






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