real world of sci-fi

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Sunday, January 1, 2006 3:16 PM


...and that movie, Serendipity...


Uh, right, I think it's dangerous. It portrays governments as being underhanded and sometimes a direct peril to the people. Some might draw parallels to my administration and it's handling of Katrina. I don't like this Jost guy, I tell ya!


Whatever! I say he's a threat!!

Enhance your calm, G. Most will see it as just a silly action-adventure. Heck, I'm down with that, myself.
I really liked when the ship was in that tailspin, and Wash pulled her-

You mean, there is no relevancy to it, no 'message'?

Bro, there's weighty shit in it, but it'll soar like a leaf over the public's heads.
Many of the so-called Browncoats won't even get it, heh heh.

Hey Dick, you coat has sorta a brownish colour to it...

I only seen Serenity twice.


Monday, January 2, 2006 2:29 PM


Hero, please comment; I'm feeling needy again.



Monday, January 2, 2006 7:01 PM


Cute, but I don't see how you can really draw any parallels between the movie and current day politics.

The Alliance was actually benefitting from the fear induced by the Reavers to increase it's own stranglehold on the border worlds. The Browncoats attempt to convince people that the Alliance actually created the Reavers in the first place will never be believed.

In fact, the Alliance will probably just use the videos broadcast by Mal as proof that they need to step up the war against the Independents. They're clearly aligned with the Reavers and are financing their raids to disgrace the Alliance. But.. oh, wait. The war's over. Mission accomplished. hmmmm

That's a totally different situation than current daily headlines.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 8:26 AM


Just the general ability of any government to f**k up and get people killed, then blame it on something or someone else...

When it comes out how Aids was MADE, it'll cause quite a shock (momentary as it might be...).

AND the real reason David Karesh had to die in Waco,
AND how many innocent shanty town dwellers around Noriega's palace were killed by our stealth fighter,
AND how we trained Contras in Nicaragura to torture publically to sway opinion against the Sandanistas,
AND how-
I could go on and on, but Mal said it best: "Half of writing history is hiding the truth."

Chrisisall, in Reaver madness


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 11:41 AM


Oh, good, I can get in on this one before you all start putting in links with flashie thingies about lakeside resorts for psy-ops R&D. Those flashie thingies disturb my calm.


Originally posted by chrisisall:
When it comes out how Aids was MADE, it'll cause quite a shock (momentary as it might be...).
AND how-

*notices a multitude of Chrisnanos scuttling around the site... wonders if they're self-replicating*

But, but, Chris, all of this is already out, and look, hardly a ripple...except in places like this where people wear their sunglasses at night. There are plenty of other kinds of flashie thingies at the mall to keep people distracted too.

I almost wish some fan would accidentally find Joss' reading list floating down the sidewalk. I'll bet there's more on his mind than books about the Civil War.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 1:40 PM



Originally posted by liminalosity:
But, but, Chris, all of this is already out, and look, hardly a ripple...

I wouldn't say it's all OUT exactly, you have to care enough to do some exaustive digging, but I admit, I put a lot of credence into many Conspiracy Therories, and even if only 1/10 of the ones I think are true are true, that's a recipe for unpleasantness washed over right there.
Any who enjoy Joss' work have to understand part of his message of vigilance concerning the powers that be, if not, well then, that would be like me grooving to The Passion Of Christ 'cause of it's cool use of ancient language, and awsomely bloody whipping other words, I'd be missing a BIG point or two.

Chrisisall, just a terrifying space monkey in the wrench

ADDED:*notices a multitude of Chrisnanos scuttling around the site... wonders if they're self-replicating*
It's actually a tiny alien machine race that worships me trying to make me omnipresent- go figure.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 2:12 PM


Chris-what nows?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 3:02 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
Chris-what nows?

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Laboured mechanical breather Chrisisall


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 3:06 PM


Don't be so proud of this technological terror you've constructed... the ability to spread Chrisnanos is insignificant next to the power of the Farce.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 3:18 PM


Citizen, I think you take this entire very important discussion far too lightly!

Chrisisall Barris


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 4:51 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Joss' Deep Thoughts of Serenity


originally posted by Liminalosity:
I almost wish some fan would accidentally find Joss' reading list floating down the sidewalk. I'll bet there's more on his mind than books about the Civil War.

"The great thing about writing science fiction is that it's basically like writing about everything in history that interests you... A leader, by nature, has to be something of a monster... The insane optimism of the (Commie Chinese-USA) Alliance... The idea that TVs are watching you while you watch it, we are not very far off from... They tried to kill us. They did kill us. At what point does this stop being CPR and become necrophilia?"
-Joss W, STM DVD

Select to view spoiler:

"Half of writing history is hiding the truth."
-Mal, STM

"It means an Operative... That's trouble you've not known.... They'll come at you sideways. That's how They think, that's how They move. Sidle up with a smile. Hit you where you're weak. That sort of man is hard. Kills and never asks why."
-Shepherd Book (Alliance Operative, retired, in fear of assassination by Alliance "to keep his official secrets secret"), STM

"It's worse than you know."
-The Operative (Commie MI6/CIA), STM
"It usually is."
-Mal, STM

"I don't murder children."
-Mal, STM
"I do, if I have to. I'm a monster. What I do is evil. I have no allusions about that but it must be done. You will never understand how...
-The Operative (Commie MI6/CIA), STM

Yes, FF&STM are deep thoughts from history and current events, cloaked in sci-fi invisibility. A very powerful weapon of mass instruction, or mass deception. That's why I love it, because I don't have to suspend disbelief on the political/criminal part of the script. (Too bad about the bogus space physics ignoring nuke radiation, which sci-fi movie industry spends billions of dollars to lie about.) Even Joss's use of serial-killing mass-murdering fem-fatale heros is supported in history. Russian women were drafted as snipers in WW2. History Channel interviewed one old grandma sniper with 350 kills of Nazi Germany's best soldiers and snipers, during the Battle of Moscow.

River's MPD/DID is straight from the declassified files of CIA's MKULTRA Project Monarch kidnapping and torture of children (rescued like River: Cathy O'Brien's "Trance Formation of America", and "The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave" by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler). That's why Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire (CIA/MI6) bought Serinity The Movie, via military Carlyle Group's aquisition of Universal Studios.

FF is owned by Foxy Australian Sir Rupert Murdock "Jewish" Knight of the British Empire (MI6). Fox killed FF's Serenity The Pilot, and sabotaged the series, and the reasons are blatantly obvious when you read history. Way to go Joss, for trying to slam dunk the NWO with this cautionary tale of the Commie Chinese hostile takeover of USSA for the "British" Empire (that invented "Jewish" Communism/Soviet Socialism and "Jewish" fascism/National Socialism, and seized control of China - and the heroin market - in the Opium Wars).

So is Joss' dream of revealing history to the sleeping sheeple now hijacked by the NWO shadow gov't, as a $40-million weapons system, if only to spin the greatest sin? Beware the full-time pro phloggers employed by CIA/MI6, waging war against USA on the front lines of the propaganda blogs of war...

Select to view spoiler:

STM's conclusion that CIA assassins CAN be deprogrammed with mere uncensored news of reality of Gangsta Govt is a very hopeful message. I personally helped convict a US gov't hitman assassin for his second murder, but CIA got him released on parole 3 years early, CIA got the prosecutor fired, and now the drug-dealing CIA assassin with a false passport works inside that same prosecutor's office as a salaried "confidential informant" with immunity from prosecution. So I REALLY hope Joss is right, that this CIA assassin will read my websites and watch my TV show, and join the side of Constitutional Libertarian American Patriots, and stop volunteering for Commie Nazi GOPsters' and DemoRats' narcoterrorism. Maybe Joss read my websites as research for his scripts? Hmmm... I did win an award in Hollywood last year for attacking the NASA Nazis in OSS/CIA's Nazi Project Paperclip, right as STM was released...

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of
society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country."
-Edward Bernays (grandson of Dr Sigmund Freud), US Creel Commission, "Propaganda" (1928)

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
—William Colby, Director CIA, assassinated 60,000 people via CIA Death Squads in Vietnam Wars with Phoenix Project ("drowned" in a suspicious "canoe crash" while cooking dinner in Washington DC, during Congressional Hearings and court testimony about CIA's MKULTRA Project Monarch kidnapping, rape, torture and snuff kiddie porn perped by CIA and homo pedophile narcoterror kingpin traitor George Bush Sr)

Bush Jr:
...and that movie, Serendipity...


Bush Jr:
Uh, right, I think it's dangerous. It portrays governments as being underhanded and sometimes a direct peril to the people. Some might draw parallels to my administration perping 9/11, bombing the levees after Katrina, spraying chemtrails over every city and town, dumping flouride in the water, merging with Commie China, CIA assassins, CIA mind control slaves. I don't like this Jost guy, I tell ya! Daddy, go git 'im!

Bush Sr:
That's a good idea, Chosen One. I'm just glad Joust didn't make fun of Satanic Skull & Boners and fake Christians at Bohemian Grove, like he did in that damn Fluffy series.

Joss - Buffy.

Bush Jr/Sr:
Whatever! I say he's a threat to our New World Odor!!

Pop a pill, G-men. Most will see it as just a silly action-adventure. Heck, I'm down with that, myself. I really liked when the mad docs stuck that needle in that little girls brain, and she was screaming and squirming-

You mean, there is no relevancy to it, no 'message'?

Bro, there's weighty shit in it, but it'll soar like a leaf in the wind over the sheeple.
Many of the so-called Browncoats won't even get it, heh heh.

Bush Jr:
Hey Dick, your coat has sorta a brownie color to it...

I only seen Serenity 200 times, while raping and programming our latest batch of babies in cages at China Lake... Speaking of which, call Gannon and tell him to bring over his homohooker kids. Hand me that liquor, that heroin and cocaine, and let's party! Come 'ere Junior, drop yer drawers and bend over - I got yer GD Constitutional right here!

Bush Sr:
I love it when you talk dirty, Dick. Heh heh, I said Dick! Heh heh! Your're right, though. Call Baker and tell him to buy that Joss guy, I don't care what it costs. Just like we did for Eminem and Jadakiss. If ya can't spike 'em, spin 'em and cash in the chips.

Carlyle'll whip him into shape - either that, or I'll kill him with my bare hands.

Bush Sr:
Wow, think of all those pretty little kiddie superstars we can play with, now that we own Universal! It'll be better than Franklin and Dyncorp!

Bush Jr:
Fabulous! I liked that Nathan guy in a dress. Now that's my kind of man! Here's your cattle prod, Big Time. Where's that Turd Blossom when you need him?

Bush Sr:
Hey, call McCaulkin, too, tell him to get his cute butt over here asap. Schwarzennegger recommends him highly, at the Grove's Necrophilia Room... Put that Abu Grab video on. I want to see those little Iraqi kids get what Rummy ordered. Wheeeeeeee!

(Note to Gentle Readers: the previous transcript was taken from 80 frontpage newspaper articles in Washington Times, and from criminal court convictions against narco CIA Bush Gang and million-dollar civil judgments against Bush Gang for snuff kiddie porn. The Tennessee juvenile courts ordered those records of Bush Sr pedophile rapes of CIA MKULTRA mind-controlled sex slaves sealed "for reasons of National Security".)

Select to view spoiler:

"I heard they kill them, and wear their skins, and rape them for hours and hours..."
-Alliance schoolkid, STM

"There is no news - only the truth of the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 5:41 PM


Fruity Oaty Bars - Don't do it!


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 5:46 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:
kidnapping, rape, torture and * * * * by CIA * kingpin * * * * George Bush Sr

Oh, Honey, the drama.
You might get better hearing if you deleted a few of those incendiary expletives and let the bare truth shine through.

"Morbid and creepifying I got no problem with, long as she does it quiet-like."


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 6:26 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I wouldn't say it's all OUT exactly, you have to care enough to do some exaustive digging

Footage of Waco was appallingly obvious as far as what was going on with the tank slamming it's nose into the building, and...exploding...the rest of the cases you site here were covered by the regular old media. The trouble with these examples isn't that they weren't out there, it was the spin applied to the telling, which helps it slide right on by the viewer.

Many of the links in your Reavers 2.0 thread were of a different order that requires lots of spadework. I don't generally put an abundance of trust in those with the power to effect anything their hearts desire, so it gets more challenging all the time to figure how much of this is real. Even if 1% of it is real, that's too dang much that shouldn't be happening. And thanks for the spadework, Sam.
*puts the sunglasses back on her nose*


It's actually a tiny alien machine race that worships me trying to make me omnipresent- go figure.

"I'm sorry if she tipped off anyone about your cunningly concealed herd of cows."


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 7:43 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Waco is Crawford...


Footage of Waco was appallingly obvious as far as what was going on with the tank slamming it's nose into the building, and...exploding

I especially like the US flag waving from the tanks as psycho Big Brother incinerated the church with the people inside, just like the British Empire did to US churches in the Revolutionary British Civil War of 1776. Only insane people would be proud of that Police State genocide. I'm sure many "Jews" were cheering, since the Talmud declares Rabbi "Jesus" is drowning in burning excrement for eternity for the crime of blasphemy, which requires that "Jews" murder all "Christians". The Waco church practiced British Israelism, so they flew a flag of "Jewish" Star of Soloman, the ultimate blasphemy to Zionist "Jews". Bill Clinton-Blythe IV (Rockefeller), Janet Reno (transexual), General Wesley Clark (UN/NATO commander at Fort Hood in Waco), Louis Free (Waco Report) are all "Jewish". FBI director Bill Sessions was a former city councilman in Waco. Why in the world would CT-born Skull & Boner Bush Jr build his fake ranch (no cows, no farming) and bunker in Waco/Crawford, unless he is proud of the Waco Massacre? "George Bush" is the name of a famous "Jew" in Revolutionary War...


1 a : a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, AND ARABS - b : a descendant of these peoples - 2 : a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language.
—Merriam Webster Dictionary

"A 'Semite' is any person living in that area, including Arabs and Christians. It's time we start talking about 'The Other AntiSemitism'. A Semite is not a Jew living in America or Europe."
—Ralph Nader (Arab-American from Lebannon), Independnet Reform Party presidential candidate in 2004, ex-Green Party presidential candidate
in 2000, Arab-American Business conference, C-SPAN, 2003

Note that "Jews" are not Jews from "Israel", and patriotic American Jewish rabbis declare that Zionist Israel has no right to exist. Many patriot American Jewish doctors, like Dr Len Horowitz and Dr Henry Makow, warn the world about the evil "Jewish" Luciferian New World Order global shadow dictatorship to merge "Jewish" Communism and "Jewish" fascism, under control of the "Jewish" Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Jews Ron Rosenbaum and Dr Mark David Rigg reported on History Channel and CSPAN that Adolf Hitler Shicklegruber was a Rothschild "Jew" (heir to half the world's wealth, including the US "govt" via Rothschild ownership of Federal Reserve Bankster Corp that counterfeits all US "dollar bill" Federal Reserve Notes). Many Jews renounce Judaism and worship Rabbi "Jesus" (Messianic Christians). That's the Sino-Anglo Alliance Joss is talking about - the NWO shadow gov't owned by Luciferian "Jewish" banksters that controls USA, UK, Commie Russia, Commie China and every other nation on Earth. Patriotic Jews stage large protest rallies in USA against Israel, but the "Jewish" media mafia censores that video from the "news".

"Waco Rules of Engagement" showed uncensored video of the US/UN armies firing machine guns on full-auto as they rolled out of Bush/Carlyle's Bradley Fighting Vehicles, and entered the church through walls knocked down by the tanks, or fired full-auto machine guns from Bell military helicopter gunships. It showed a bomb crater where they liquified the children hiding in the concrete cellar. Photos showed FBI infantry soldiers in BDU military combat gear holding their M-16s, proudly standing on the skulls and bones of 80 genocided Christians.

Same thing is happening every day in Iraq and Afghanistan, where 50,000 US troops were killed, and 500,000 US troops disabled, to genocide 1.6-million Iraqis and turn off the supply of cheap oil to USA (80% of Alaskan oil is exported to Japan, Mexico and Commie China, with most of the oil just pumped right back into the wells, which are refilling automatically anyway). Last month, Bush's Iraqi dictatorship raised the price of gas 1,300%, from 5-cents/gallon (full service), to 65-cents/gallon (riots ensued). US troops confessed they were ordered to set the Kuwaiti oil wells on fire, under UN command, to blame Iraq, and triple the price of gas in USA.

Joss sez Big Brother is EVIL. No suspension of disbelief required.

"There is no news - only the truth of the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 7:59 PM


I understand that people can freely post what they will here, and besides I'm a newbie. But I can tell you this from past forum experiences - nothing is more divisive and harmful to the unity of a 'cause' like this fanbase, than attacking the politics of some of the members.

You will turn new members away with deliberately divisive threads like this one. While you have the freedom to post whatever, I hope you will instead opt for something that unites rather than devides and drives others away.

I'm not a big Bush fan, but I have grown really tired of being places where certain members feel the need to take cheap political potshots and thrust them in other member's faces and I won't be around long if this is one of those places. I represent other potential newcomers as well.

Do as you will, it's a free place. But at least consider this as food for thought if you really care about 'the cause' and uniting rather than deviding.

Check out my songs:


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 11:02 PM



Originally posted by PirateNews:
psycho Big Brother

Now there's something I agree with. How the hell is that show still going?

Do you go to political forums a lot and tell people to stop talking about politics?

Seriously this section, the RWED is segragated from the rest of the site for a reason, I kinda thought it was obvious, but oh well...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:10 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Check out my songs:

Do you go to political forums a lot and tell people to stop talking about politics?

Seriously this section, the RWED is segragated from the rest of the site for a reason, I kinda thought it was obvious, but oh well...

Good point, nothin personal, it's just polyticks (many blood-sucking creatures). Songs are powerful tools for mind kontrol or deprogramming. Songs that say nothing important are important tools for mind kontrol, too, since they dissociate the listener into oblivion. That's why I compose music and music videos as weapons of mass instruction, and won "Best Music Video" in Hollywood in 2005. I challenge all artists to wage war with music, like Eminim's Mosh and Jadakiss' Why (both blamed Bush for perping 9/11 - then were purchased by Bush/Carlyle/Universal), or Sir Mick Jagger Knight of the British Empire (who blamed Bush for 9/11 then lost a million dollars when CIA called in bomb threat to close his concert).

Joss had his latest BTVS/ATVS convention in my evil hometown, essentially relocating the Sunnyvale Hellmouth to a city with a grave-robbing Skull & Bones mayor who worships Nazi Swastikas (a traditional "Jewish" logo) and eats off Adolf Hitler's silverware with his fellow cheerleader and coffinmate at all-male Yale, Georgie Bush Junior.

The national TV and newspaper cartel HQed in this town, Scripps-Howard, is owned by members of Satanic Bohemian Grove presidential retreat and homosexual nudist colony for snuff kiddie porn, where the Bushes, Cheneys, Clintons and Rockefellers vacation every year together for two weeks in June on the Summer Solstice, and perform "mock" child sacrifice to a 50-foot-tall stone idol of Molech (caught on videotape at ).

Trust me when I say it's not glamourous living in a Hellmouth, where Psycho Big Brother gives us the worst air pollution in the nation, with INTENTIONAL nuke radiation releases of TONS of uranium from the nuke bomb factories, which blows downwind for 100 miles.

We are also world HQ for the "Jewish" Mishpucka Mafiya's tow-trucking car-theft, garbage and nuke waste cartel, which steals cars in USA and blows them up in car bombs in Iraq to kill US troops and blame the Arab-Semites, according to FBI.

We are also HQ for Controlled Demolitions Inc, which was paid a $7-billion govt contract to bomb, er, "demolish" the World Trade Center on 9/11, then destroy the evidence in Commie China and Knoxville.

These facts are reported in presidential reports and federal/state court cases.

They say "the people get the gov't they deserve". It's not a Left/Right issue, it's right vs wrong, it's law vs crime, it's patriotism vs treason. Anybody who still votes DemoRat or RepubliCON mafias is just voting for the lesser of 2 evils - which is still EVIL. There ARE other political parties, plus independents. Or just write in your own name. Or just run for office yourself (Jew Michael Moore was elected to county school board at age 18, where he fired the evil school principal).

Myself, I visit city council and voice my objections to the Police State hostile takeover of USA. I hand out books and videos to my Congressmen, and ask them on public radio interviews if they will vote to arrest George Bush, give him a fair trial, convict him, and sentence him to death for treason (Republican Congressman Jimmy Duncan did agree with me that he would execute GW Bush Jr for treason and mass murder for perping the 9/11 Massacres). I write letters to the White House, including asking the Clinton/Blythe White House to allow arrest of one of its drug-dealing CIA hitmen assassins, which Clinton did agree to do, and we did win a conviction for murder. You can file criminal charges against gangsters in gov't, like I did, and got over 100 gangsters fired from NOxVile's Gangsta Gov't. You can infiltrate Gangster Government yourself (like I did in USAF by filing criminal charges against commanders and a 4-star general, getting them fired), and take back your country, and do your part to make it a World Without Sin.

Or you can sit on your couch and watch TeeVee that censors FireFly, and do nothing, while your nation is devoured by the Hellmouth (which started under the Sunnyvale High School). Maybe, just maybe, watching BTVS, ATVS, FF and STM actually deprograms the sheeple, a little bit, to give them a chance to begin to wake up from their MKULTRA mind kontrol...? But fiction is NOT reality - one must still do their own research - and reality IS a rush.

"There is no news - only the truth of the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:30 AM


Piratenews, I am sorry for you. The truth of the signal has made you a bit mad.
Reality permeates all of your posts, but is trampled over by the psychosis.
If this is just your style, please re-think it.
If this is just you, free-associating-
please get help, it's far from too late.
Reality CAN be a rush, sometimes a rush that is better avoided and replaced with calm understanding.

Peace dude.



Wednesday, January 4, 2006 8:17 AM


I've been dribbling on the railroad, all the live long days...

Seriously, PirateNews, if anyone is helping Bush more than you... man you almost make it seem like supporting the nutjob is the sane option...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Pirate- Hey, I agree with you: They're all in on this together. But you know what? It's not a conspiracy of evil people bonded through child-raping rituals (Except Bush and his group, who know how important bondage is between mother and child! ) who perturb our mental functions thru fluoridation. (BTW if you're worried about the fluoride in Paxil I have two words for you: Teflon. Freon) They have something much more improtant in common. Something that keeps them on the same track, moving in the same direction, all coordinated, even if they never keep in touch. It's better than telepathy, its....


They are all motivated by the same thing. That's why the leaders in Zimbabwe behave like the leaders in Washington. This is not to say that there aren't militaristic fascist conspiracies: The Bush dynasty, Cheney, Abramoff (Boy, just watch the stuff scuttling out from under THAT kicked-over log!! ), Rumsfeld (and the little dwarves Bolton, Wolfowitz, Feith, and Abrams), "Scooter", Rove, Andy Card, and the rest of the WH staff really DO get together and plan out their next moves. But what really ties these clusters together with other clusters ("cluster is only half-a-word" ) is the all-powerful incentive of accumulating more and more money and the power that it brings. That, in an of itself, is enough to drive this whole machine forward.

Please don't think they give a shit.


Thursday, January 5, 2006 9:01 PM



Forgive me for doing on your thread what I should've done on mine.

Sgt. X.

The politics of firefly is obvious and pervasive, as it was in BTVS. The thing is it's all libertarian anti-big govt. and not specifically at any point on the left right continuum. Joss seems to specifically refrain taking a stance on the left right issue. Where most television is so incredibly left steeped I can barely stand to watch it, Joss always has characters like Anya and Jayne telling it like it is for us on the right, making the shows equally appealing to all. I would say if there's a political message here, he wants us to unite against a common enemy, which is a big govt. and it's monopolistic co-conspirators.


Don't be so proud of this technological terror you've constructed... the ability to spread Chrisnanos is insignificant next to the power of the Farce.

Are you sure I don't know you?


Rupert Murdoch: Still not jewish.
I think everyone got the references in the show.


As I said in my thread, I think about 20% of it is true. The thing is that much of the not true is the connections between people. It's like saying Mohammed Atta met with Saddam Hussein's deputy because they were both in Prague at the same time. Turns out to be total coincidence. At any given moment there are 100,000 tourists in Prague. One might be a boeing exec and another a chinese diplomat, but that by itself says nothing.



and, yeah, we bicker and fight. I think I scared off a chinese girl, sorry about that. This a show about people who bicker and fight, what kind of fans do you think it has? Fluffy peace-hippie bunnyrabbits? Anyway, but it's all good. Point taken. I think Bush is truly awful, but I imagine that he's awfuller, or is it more awful, to our colleagues on the left. You might be interested in Cheney's connections to the far left via his PNAC group. This whole Iraq war thing was dreamt up by a group of socialist (yeah, they called themselves 'socialists') in the 60s. The joined the democrats in the early 70s and the end of this was the Carter Doctrine. The started a migration to the GOP with Ford, and much more with reagan, some trickling in as late as '87 direct from that bastion of coservatism: 'the american communist party'. (um that was sarcasm) Anyway, now they exist in both parties, and they spout this global change stuff. Bush Sr. was somewhat accepting of it over time, but it's not really why we went to war in Kuwait, it was more coincidental, we were defending and oil rich friendly ally, not preparing for an invasion of Iraq. IMHO. But anyway, when the Bush admin seems not on track for a conservative, that's because his policy think tank people come from a political spectrum of the left extreme of the democratic party through socialists to get to communists, pretty far left. It's sort of like having John Kerry as president only not as bad.


Thursday, January 5, 2006 9:19 PM



Originally posted by Chrisisall:

Piratenews, I am sorry for you. The truth of the signal has made you a bit mad.
Reality permeates all of your posts, but is trampled over by the psychosis.
If this is just your style, please re-think it.
If this is just you, free-associating-
please get help, it's far from too late.
Reality CAN be a rush, sometimes a rush that is better avoided and replaced with calm understanding.

This was well thought out, and basically true. PN, listed to Chris. I get that you would say 'I'm not taking any psychiatrist's pharmagovt.'s poison. And I agree, I wouldn't either. I know because I didn't that they don't do jack. But there are a lot of good decent herbs you can get that can help you get a little focus and perspective. Afterwords you can revisit the whole idea.

Here's the problem:

1. Your fact-filled rants are riddled with exaggerations and a few blatant inaccuracies which would be more than enough for an opponent such as the ones you rant about to take you down.

2. Your attitudes are sometimes reprehensible and make the forum look like You have to understand that some people on this forum are bound to be jewish. I'm not, but my ancestors were among the 5 million non-jews to be exterminated in camps, point of fact they died in aushwitz, where only about 1/2 those exterminated were ever even nominally jewish. So all the same I tend to greet 'evil jews' rant with hostility, or at least abbrasion.

3. There is a zionist cult that is part of the team of team evil, but that doesn't mean there is a conspiracy of all jews, it means there are a few jews in the conspiracy. So what. There are a fair number of christians there. Nazis are full of christianity, as they were then, there was a lot of fascism from the catholic church and has been for some time. There's a decent amount of evil coming out of Islam right now. No one has a monopoly, Communist China is racking up quite a score, as was the atheist soviet union.

What you need is to take a step back. Also, here's what I take. I no longer need to take it to keep sane, but I do anyway because it's good for a healthy brain:

two 100mg 5-htp (griffon seed extract)
one 500mg l-tyrosine (vegetable derived)
one 400 mcg folic acid (vegetable blend)

this is good health support in the form of the raw materials your brain need to make neurotransmitters, the same as if would derive from food, only concentrated. And it works.
Each night.
Then in the morning I take a B-Vitamin.

This is a serious suggestion. I think this would help anyone suffering from any sort of problem.

I know you probably don't think you have a problem, but if you fail to communicate with others, than there is room for improvement. You know so much about the subjects you post about, if you presented them with a proper amount of focus and perspective, we all might be saying, 'hey, this pirate news guy really understand how this stuff works.'

But you come across totally unfocused, with little objective perspective, and it just turns into a blind rant.

Oh, and don't take the l-tyrosine without the 5-htp, if you do it'll get converted into norepinephrine which is speed which is what you don't need more of.


Friday, January 6, 2006 7:11 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
As I said in my thread, I think about 20% of it is true. The thing is that much of the not true is the connections between people.

and, yeah, we bicker and fight.
This a show about people who bicker and fight, what kind of fans do you think it has? Fluffy peace-hippie bunnyrabbits?

20%? I couldn't find the thread you mentioned.
I like a fair bit of discernible fact attached to my conspiracies, so there are plenty of stories that I just bounce right out the door when I hear them, but 20% is far higher than what I'd think credible. I know how you are with wanting the facts and figures Mr., so I'm probably misunderstanding. Gaak! 20% of all available theories? True? Naah....Holy, I'm going for the tinfoil hat now. Maybe I'll get me a whole microwave to wear on my head. Maybe I can knit a Jayne hat out of tinfoil. 20% of what?

Fluffy bunnie rabbits are from the Buffyverse, but you can get there from here too...first star to the right, straight on till morning, no wait, that isn't it...this place is an lacking an instruction manual for new folk.
Century, the first time I found the realworld, I thought 'oh well, maybe this whole site is troll haven, better watch out', but even the intensity of the RW grows on you before too long. People are pretty good at answering questions about the organization of the site if you just shout it out, and there are plenty of experts here if you want to do anything tricky with pasting glittery stuff somewhere, or searching the site, or whatever.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Friday, January 6, 2006 7:14 AM


Wow DT, you are indeed a well of information.
I hope PN take it seriously.

I sense the good in him, the conflict.

Chrisisall, in need of more folic acid hisself


Friday, January 6, 2006 8:03 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Don't forget the fish oil, or at least the flax seed.

Signy- In need of natural ethanol.

Please don't think they give a shit.


Saturday, January 7, 2006 3:44 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Dreamtrove:
Your attitudes are sometimes reprehensible and make the forum look like You have to understand that some people on this forum are bound to be jewish. I'm not, but my ancestors were among the 5 million non-jews to be exterminated in camps, point of fact they died in aushwitz, where only about 1/2 those exterminated were ever even nominally jewish. So all the same I tend to greet 'evil jews' rant with hostility, or at least abbrasion.

So you read Never heard of it. Sounds like an FBI provocateur site.

You folks need to learn how to read. What makes you think my relatives aren't "Jewish"? My super-rich elitist "Jewish" relatives were invited guests at "Jewish" Bohemian Grove presidential retreat, where Bush Jr announced Cheney as his VP. Until you've watched Alex Jones' 2-hour undercover video of Bushes and Cheney worshiping Satan at BG (, then you're incompetent to be an American citizen (where the Bushes vacation with "Jew" Bill Clinton-Blythe IV - read the bio on his name change at age 18).

Never have I said that all "Jews" are evil. Only the Luciferian fake "Jews" are evil. But then again, 95% of "Jews" have zero DNA from "Israel", since their European ancestors converted to Judaism in the Dark Ages. Marranos Jews are Jews who were forced to convert to Catholicism or face Death Penalty during the Inquisition, hence their annual Kol Nidre prayer to lie, cheat and defraud all Gentiles (scary when you remember that banking is anti-Christian and invented by "Jews"). Rabbi "Jesus" was of course a Jew, as were his desciples and most of his followers, who HATED, and were HATED by, the Jewish Sanhedrin who worshipped Babylonian Kaballah witchcraft. So the elitist "Jews" HATED real Judaism and murdered "Jesus" the Jew and his Jewish followers.

Many patriotic American Jews HATE Zionist "Jews" and HATE Israel (, HATE Luciferian "Jews" at ADL B'Nai B'Rith, HATE the "Jewish" multi-trillioanire banksters like Rothschilds and Rockefellers (Dr Len Horowitz and Dr Henry Makow), HATE NeoCon "Jews" running Bush White House #2, and many Jews HATE Judaism so they converted to Messianic Christianity ( EVERY dictionary defines the word "Semite" as AN ARAB, NOT a "Jew" living in USA who speaks English. The worst anti-Semites are Jews and fake Christians who want to kill Arabs (Iraq also has millions of Christians and Jews).

My uncle was shot down over Nazi Germany in WW2, and jailed in a "Death Camp" for killing Nazis, survived the cattle cars, survived a "Death March", and was invited to Clinton-Blythe White House to represent all POW-MIAs of WW2. His worst danger was the Commie Russian "liberation", when 50,000 US/British POWs were traded to Commie Russia for 1,000 Nazi mad scientists in Project Paperclip, which created CIA MKULTRA Project Monarch (ie River Tam). His story was published in many magazines:

"Jewish" Commie Russia genocided 60-million of its own citizens, then invented the lie of 6-million "Jews" gassed in Germany (Communist Poland), which even the Aushwitz museum now admits is a lie, and that "only" 600,000 Jews died in WW2. Here's the free download of the banned and censored book that got its American publisher arrested in Tennessee, deported to Canada and now on mistrial in ZioNazi Germany today:

Jews on CSPAN and History Channel reported that Hitler was a Jew who employed 150,000 Jews in Gestapo and Nazi army, including Goering and Heidrick (who ran all Gestapo Death Camps for the Final solution). These are irrefutable facts recorded by history, and testified by "Jews". ("Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" by Dr Mark Rigg, and Ron Rosenbaum)

Sir K. Rupert Murdock, Knight of the British Empire (MI6), the monster who killed FF, is a Zionist "Jew" with a Jewish mother, making him eligible for citizenship in Israel (people with non-Jewish mothers are not allowed citizenship and are treated as slaves):

NGl's assets include the lion's share of BSkyB; Twentieth Century Fox, and major British newspapers such as The Sun, News of the World; The Times; The Sunday Times, and the Times Literary and Educational Supplements. Its Chief Executive, Rupert Murdoch, is usually regarded as a "Gentile", although he has been described as a "mamzer Jew". His father, Sir Keith Murdock (son a Christian minister), made a fortuitous marriage to the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family, Elisabeth Joy Greene. The family fortune enabled Murdoch Senior to buy himself a knighthood, a radio station and two Adelaide newspapers, as well as to educate his son at the fashionable Geelong private school and then to send him to Oxford.

A person born of relations between whom marriage was forbidden by the Mosaic law; a bastard. --Deut. xxiii. 2.
-Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary

"He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD. A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel."
-Deuteronomy, "Christian" Bible

Murdock owns The Sun tabloid daily newspaper in England, which includes daily pornography for the masses - "Page 3 girls" at, which is becoming commonplace on US TV - including FF. Jew Hugh Hefner is George Bush Jr's 9th cousin. Jews control the world porn and sex slave industry, hence DynCorp Aerospace UK Ltd's recent UN contracts which got caught kidnapping 200,000 Yugoslvian women and children into Jewish slave brothels.

The news I report on my TV broadcast is verified as fact in US courts, NY Times, Washington Post, Washington Times, US Congress, White House, et al. Just because you folks don't want to read it, or because TV talking heads don't spoon feed you like a baby don't make it true. Jewish drug addict "Rush" Limbaugh was bribed $300-million to lie on cue. Jewish Mishpucka Mafiosi Michael Eisner at Disney ABC News pays himself $200-million/year salary, while employing 20,000 slaves in Commie China. reported on Pentagon's Operation Northwoods plan, declassified in 2000, signed by psycho Jewish Zionist chairman of Joint chiefs General LL Lemnitzer, to terrorize USA by hijacking US airliners and blowing them up by remote control, to blame Cuba, to start WW3. But ABC TV and all other TV "news" networks, censored Northwoods from the sheeple, since it explains exactly how the Bush Gang perped the 9/11 terrorist massacres against USA, as they are currently sued in US courts under the RICO Act to treason, terrorism, and mass murder.

For your sake, stop ODing on flouridated water, like Hitler and Stalin used in their Death Camps to keep their slaves from escaping. Use a distiller or carbon filter. You might as well OD on Wellbutrin, Prozac, etc, which also cause side effects of vaso-constriction (seratonin is in all muscles), suicide, homicide and death (St John's Wort to a lesser degree, as proscribed during Crusades for genocidal soldiers to feel "happy"). Tyrosine is unsafe when taken without balanced amino acids, which is why Aspartame diet soda is deadly and banned by USAF for pilots (it's always superior to just eat normal foods with digestive enzymes to crack all the amino acids in perfect balance to prevent malnutrition of any essential amino acids).

Just because you can't pay attention long enough to read a short series of words and comprehend their meaning, then do your own research to verify them, doesn't mean those words aren't telling the truth.

Medical doctors genocide 7,000 Americans every day in Death Camps in USA - that's 2.5-million/year (according to 5 doctors in Life Extention Magazine, March 2004, Joss described a genocide program that "only" killed 30-million (allegedly by "accidental medical experiment"), but USA genocided 45-million US babies since US Supreme Court relegalized genocide in Roe v Wade. Add to that 10-million genocided Native "Americans" (from Asia who discovered "America" and had "high-tech" metal-smelting civilizations), 300-million genocided African Americans, and 1,000 Americans summarily executed by Police State Death Squads every year in USA, for alleged breach of contract of civil voluntary driver license contract, including genocide of 1/3rd innocent bystanders.

Can YOU survive the CURRENT holocaust in USA TODAY? Are you intelligent enough to read the LAW that declares YOU a slave TODAY? Are YOU smart enought to find the escape route from the global New World Order plantation? All I do is report reported facts - it's YOUR job to double-check those facts, as if your life depended on it.

No wonder Joss is "Libertarian" in his scripts, and anti-Gangsta Gov't. Unfortunately, most people are sheeple who worship gov't as their god (Communism). So Joss' TV and films don't resonate with the majority of consumers, and are spiked by the media mafia, and are thus not as profitable as they would otherwise be. Joss even had to cut the Christianity out of Serinity, and put in in the DVD extras, to censor it from movie patrons. So Joss has to add vampires, demons and sci-fi, otherwise the media mafia would never allow Joss' truth to trickle out. Like BBC's David Icke adds reptilian shape-shifters to keep from going to prison for his books on history ("reptiles" are code for "Jews", according to Canadian police and ADL who banned his entry), ignoring Cathy O'Brien's eyewitness account that's it's just a mask and LSD.

River was "disassociated" (sic, as Joss calls it) to avoid the reality of her torture by Alliance (Dissociative Identity Disorder, aka Multiple Personality Disorder). But most sheeple also dissociate into a fantasy world of TV, video games, fantasy books, spectator sports, antidepressants (alcohol, hemp, speed, meds), narcotics etc. That insanity is what led sheeple to volunteer for Hitler's and Stalin's Death Camps. At least most of the Native Americans fought back against the genocidal US "Alliance" - so the British Empire gave then bioweaponized blankets infiltrated with vampire fleas infected with smallpox.


Originally posted by Chrisisall:
Piratenews, I am sorry for you. The truth of the signal has made you a bit mad.
Reality permeates all of your posts, but is trampled over by the psychosis.
If this is just your style, please re-think it.
If this is just you, free-associating-
please get help, it's far from too late.

I guess that's why US gov't hired me to work on its nuke bombs, missiles, gatling guns and supersonic bombers targeted at WESTERN Europe... Read my book:


Originally posted by Chrisisall:
When it comes out how Aids was MADE, it'll cause quite a shock (momentary as it might be...).

Yes, true. My mother-in-law was genocided by HIV/AIDS. She was a nurse who got it from blood transfusion, when she was conned into volunteering for heart bypass surgery. She was tortured to death by AZT with its heinous side effects. The coup d'grat came from the "hospice" Death Camp which bans all medical cures, and brainwashes its depressed victims into volunteering for "euthenasia" for non-terminal diseases - and/or just murders them with morphine, like Serinity... Now I've got Gulf War Syndrome, thanks to sabotaged vaccines gene-spliced with AIDS mycoplasma, and radiation poisoning (there is no radiation testing in the military).

It is very suspicious that Serinity starts with Mal getting "vaccinated" by Simon - is it supposed to brainwash the masses to volunteer to be stabbed/shot with bioweaponized live diseases, and/or Bush Gang's and British Empire's opium/heroin/speedball wars, BOTH of which are currently MANDATORY for all US combat troops in Afghanistan and Iraq (Go Pills and APAC)?

"Why shouldn't fact be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense."
-Mark Twain

"There is no news - only the truth of the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Saturday, January 7, 2006 4:57 AM


Here we see the flimsy attempt at rationalisation of blaming Jews for the evils of the world. The fact is your inserting the word Jew or Jewish before any name that you wish to denigrate. You'd be pulled up on it if you had said "Islamic" instead of or before any mention of Terrorists, or "Christian" or any group you care to mention.

Let's try it "Islamic" IRA terrorists...
But I'm not saying all Muslims are terrorists, just the fake ones, blah, blah, blah, I have a Muslim cousin twice removed, blah, blah, blah.

Originally posted by PirateNews:
scary when you remember that banking is anti-Christian and invented by "Jews"

Jews didn't invent banking there fella, might want to start reading your history, rather than that copy of Mein Kampf.
Banking existed in pretty much all the Civilisations of Antiquity, Egypt, Greece and Rome to name a few. It originated from the Sumerians, who weren't Jewish. That is the Sumerians, who weren't Jews, were the people who invented banking. Did I mention they weren’t Jewish.

Banking in Europe re-emerged during the crusades, and was largely attributed to the Knights Templar and Italian city states. The knights Templar and the Italian city states were Christian BTW. Part of the banking scheme used were bills of exchange, which may have been used by Jews in the tenth century, but even then the Arabs beat them too it by two hundred years.

Joss described a genocide program that "only" killed 30-million (allegedly by "accidental medical experiment"), but USA genocided 45-million US babies since US Supreme Court relegalized genocide in Roe v Wade

Guess someone's anti-choice then. Your actually suggesting government restrictions here, I find that quite funny.

For your sake, stop ODing on flouridated water

All water has fluorine in it. Get over it. Fluorine doesn't do any of the things you say. You need to check YOUR facts before passing out the latest e-mailed 'facts' from tin-foil hat brigade monthly.

300-million genocided African Americans

That's nearly three times the total population of America.

so the British Empire gave then bioweaponized blankets infiltrated with vampire fleas infected with smallpox.

Baseless accusations stated as fact. You must be a lawyer.

Cue – “your just a tool of Government oppression, blah, blah, blah, can’t think for yourself, blah, blah, blah, too stupid, blah, blah, blah, “Jew”, blah, blah, blah…” response.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Saturday, January 7, 2006 5:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Jews didn't invent banking there fella, might want to start reading your history, rather than that copy of Mein Kampf. Banking existed in pretty much all the Civilisations of Antiquity, Egypt, Greece and Rome to name a few. It originated from the Sumerians, who weren't Jewish. That is the Sumerians, who weren't Jews, were the people who invented banking. Did I mention they weren’t Jewish.

Banking in Europe re-emerged during the crusades, and was largely attributed to the Knights Templar and Italian city states. The knights Templar and the Italian city states were Christian BTW. Part of the banking scheme used were bills of exchange, which may have been used by Jews in the tenth century, but even then the Arabs beat them too it by two hundred years.

No no no Citizen, you don't get it! They were "Jews", all of them! (You need the quotation marks.)

Please don't think they give a shit.


Saturday, January 7, 2006 5:52 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

But seriously... Does anyone happen to notice something about many of the neocons? Feith, Perle, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Abrams, Wurmser? Abrams wrote a book decrying the dilution of Jewish blood in America. Feith, Perle, and David and Meyrav Wurmser have close ties to JINSA and the Likud, and wrote a position paper for Netanyhau urging a break with the Oslo accord and destruction of Iraq and Syria. Rumsfeld was responsible for bringing all of them in.

While I'm not one to find Jewish conspiracy in every corner I'm also not about to overlook the obvious: Militant Zionism is ONE of the motivations behind the Iraq invasion. For the rest of the maggots in the Administration, there is all that lovely geopolitical oil. And may as well pick up some nice no-bid contracts on while you're shopping for oil. (Finally, there are some paleolithic- Christians like Bush who believe in hastening Armaggedon.)

Why the Clintons are clinging to the underbelly of the Bush family I have no idea. But if you look at what they screwed up (universal health care) and what they actually achieved (NAFTA) it's pretty clear that they are deeply, deeply into the money.

Is there an analog in the Firefly world for all of this? If there is, it's not abvious.

Please don't think they give a shit.


Saturday, January 7, 2006 6:05 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by citizen:
Jews didn't invent banking there fella, might want to start reading your history, rather than that copy of Mein Kampf... Banking in Europe re-emerged during the crusades, and was largely attributed to the Knights Templar and Italian city states.

Why did "Hitler" have a Jewish rabbi?

I'm referring to "modern" Euro history, when by "Christian" law, only "Jews" were licensed to run banking businesses, since the Christian Bible expressly forbid usury. Then the elitist Luciferian "Jews" like Rothschilds (Red Sheilds aka Bauers) got into the war-making business (tricking boths sides into borrowing money for "fake" wars), then got into the counterfeiting business via fake "gov't banks" (Federal Reserve Bank Corporation that prints all US "dollar" FRNs).


"The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages...will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without suspecting that the system is inimical to their best interests."
-Rothschild Brothers' of London communiqué to associates in New York June 25, 1863 (quoted in book "Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution",

Knights Templar were exterminated for worshipping Lucifer, and loaning money to gov'ts for "Jewish" usury, then changed their name to Freemasons, and are infiltrating gov'ts and churches, and still worship Lucifer, according to Jewish Masonic "pope" General Albert Pike, founder of KKK, in the Masonic bible "Morals and Dogma".


"The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the 19th Degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!"
-General Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma" page 321

"All religions have issued from Kabalah: everything scientific and grand in the dreams of the illuminati is borrowed from Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and Symbols. The Kabalah alone consecrates the alliance of the Universal Reason and the Devine Word."
-General Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma" page 744

I paid $200 for a stack of new and old Masonic Mafia books, purchased from the official HQ of Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, in Washington DC, where Albert Pike is rotting in its House of the Temple along with his museum and statue. Masonic Mafia rituals include beatings and "mock" killings, and oaths to kill any member who disobeys a higher ranking Mason or reveals the Secrets. Torture is called the "Third Degree", based on Masonic initiation torture into the Third Degree. Masonic initiates wear a "cable tow" around their neck, which is a hangman's noose (now called a "necktie" as a fashion accessory). Masons were trying to recruit me, probably because many of my wealthy relatives are Masons, and they wanted to shut me up and stop my writing about Secret Societies, by sending me subscriptions to the Masonic newsletters, with titles like "I Was Called A Satanist Today":


Originally posted by citizen:
300-million genocided African Americans.
That's nearly three times the total population of America.

US population is currently 300-million, but that doesn't count any of the dead "Americans" for the past 10,000 years.

Under current US law, when a victim is kidnapped, then subsequently dies during the kidnapping, that crime is always prosecuted as murder. The 300-million number is what black-skinned professors report as the number of genocided African slaves. Perhaps they simply count all the dead slaves, no matter what the cause of death? The original number I heard quoted by professors was 50-million. Up to 90% of each US state was populated by African slaves, such as Virginia.

US Supreme Court did not count slaves as "slaves", but as "voluntary indentured servants". Documentary films from 100 years ago show REAL African slaves tricked into visiting a slave ship then trapped below decks, and US gov't considered that a "voluntary contract", just like today when YOU volunteered for slave contracts, like Social Security (which volunteers you automatically for military draft), Driver License, Vehicle Registration, IRS forms, etc.


US Constitution, Article I, Section 10:
"No State shall pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts."

US Constitution legalized voluntary slavery via its "Contract Clause" ("indentured servitude" aka "voluntary servitude"). "Involuntary servitude" WAS specifically allowed by the Constitution, for suspected or convicted "criminals" (African slaves were often purchased by slave traders from black Africans as "prisoners").

But the first slaves stripped naked and sold on auction blocks in USA were WHITE Europeans...


"Half of writing history is hiding the truth."
-Mal, STM

"Soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will effect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call Social Insurance. Without realizing it, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America."
-Edward Mandell House, in a private meeting with President Woodrow Wilson (who signed the Federal Reserve Act, and the unratified 16th Amendment for Income Tax)

The "Jewish" banksters who counterfeit the world's currencies, then loan paper scrip to bankrupt gov'ts as if it were gold, have created the new global slave plantation, and call it their New World Order.


"The Persian Gulf crisis is a rare opportunity to forge new bonds with old enemies (the Soviet Union)... Out of these troubled times a New World Order can emerge under a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders."
-President Sir George Bush Sr, Knight of the British Empire, September 11, 1990

"What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea - a New World Order."
-President Sir George Bush Sr, Knight of the British Empire, former ambassador to Communist China, former "ambasssador" to United Nations Corporation, former director of CIA Secret Police, State of the Union Address, 1991

"Major George Bush"
-"Calendar for Jewish Soldiers and Sailors - Jewish participants in Revolutionary War", page 16

"NAFTA is a major stepping stone to the New World Order."
-Jewish Sir Heinz "Henry" Kissinger, Knight of the British Empire (Bush Jr's first nominee to investigate the 9/11 Massacres)

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
-trillionare Jewish bankster David Rockefeller, "Bilderberg Group" Super Secret Society, Baden-Baden, Germany, 1991

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."
-David Rockefeller, founder of WTC

"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history."
-David Rockefeller, statement in 1973 about Mao Tse-tung: (NY Times 8-10-73)

I wonder where Joss got the crazy idea USA will merge with Commie China? I'm just surprised he called the "Anglo-Sino Alliance" instead of HG Well's book titled "The New World Order".

And a space ship ain't gonna fly you outa here, since God's Van Allen Radiation Belt force field will atom-smash you, then God's nuke solar/cosmic x-ray & gamma radiation will charbroil you. And no illegal aliens from outer space will rescue you. And no fake Rapture is gonna transporter ya out of here either. This is OUR assigned planet, take care of it, and remember to take out the "Jewish" Eurotrash. Deal with it.

WWMD - What Would Mal Do?

WDGWD - What Did George Washington Do?

I apologize for the excessive quotes, however I must defend my honor with maximum prejudice.

"There is no news - only the truth of the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Saturday, January 7, 2006 7:44 AM



Knights Templar were exterminated for worshipping Lucifer,

The phrase "Half of writing history is hiding the truth." works well on this one. The Knights Templar were hunted and killed by numerous European states, on the orders of the Pope, who said they worshipped Lucifer. Still no evidence to suggest they did.

US population is currently 300-million, but that doesn't count any of the dead "Americans" for the past 10,000 years.

Yeah, you’re right, about population, my mistake, though the American Nation hasn't existed for ten thousand years.

How about the numbers murdered, and the genocides committed by Christianity over the years. Digging up the number of Slaves who died (though its less than 300 Million I'd bet) doesn't seem to have all that much bearing.

How about the fact that the Popes a Nazi, oh sorry, he was just a Nazi by accident, right.

just like today when YOU volunteered for slave contracts, like Social Security (which volunteers you automatically for military draft), Driver License, Vehicle Registration, IRS forms, etc.

I'm not American.

US Constitution, Article I, Section 10:
"No State shall pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts."

Sounds like something you can expect from a country that believes in the virtues of the free market as completely as America does.

God's Van Allen Radiation Belt force field will atom-smash you

Actually it’s perfectly possible to pass through the Van Allen Radiation Belt without receiving a lethal dose of radiation. It's not a force field either. The Van Allen Belt is not spread over the entire planet, it's concentrated at the equator. There's a second radiation belt that is far weaker than the inner belt that forms a bubble around most of the planet.

then God's nuke solar/cosmic radiation will charbroil you

That's essentially what the Van Allen Belts are, except trapped and concentrated by the Earths Magnetosphere.

and remember to take out the "Jewish" Eurotrash

Why not stick them in camps and gas them, seems to work well. Call it the final solution.

This is OUR assigned planet, take care of it

I agree with that. Unfortunately caring for the planet doesn't make the rich richer, which is opposed to the goals of the Free Market system.

Deal with it.

Deal with what?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Saturday, January 7, 2006 8:39 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

How's your arsenal? You off the grid yet? Stocked up for food, fuel, ammo and antibiotics? Are you READY?

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Saturday, January 7, 2006 8:43 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by citizen:

How about the numbers murdered, and the genocides committed by Christianity over the years.

Catholicism was never "Christianity" - it's a pagan religion, and is currently run by pedophile homosexuals and sex slave traders. Vatican City is a nation, and the pope is its king. If he fails to do what the "Jewish" banksters, Italian Mafia and Freemasons demand, he is quickly assassinated, like Pope John Paul was killed on his 33rd day (33 degrees in "Jewish" Masonic Mafia).


How about the fact that the Popes a Nazi

Nazi Youth and IG Farben chemist. Probably helped the Nazi warcriminals flee after WW2, as part of OSS/CIA Project Paperclip, with Nazis recruited by OSS/CIA Commie spy Heinz Kissinger. The pope is a homosexual pedophile currently sued in Texas courts. He looks exactly like the evil emperor in Star Wars... separated at birth? Even real Catholics hate him, like Hutton Gibson. My wife was raised Catholic and attended Catholic schools for 12 years, so she hates Catholicism. Catholic nuns are often robbed, tortured, raped and murdered in convents, that helped write the books on mind kontrol.


just like today when YOU volunteered for slave contracts, like Social Security (which volunteers you automatically for military draft), Driver License, Vehicle Registration, IRS forms, etc.

I'm not American.

As if you don't have equivalent slave contracts in your country? Tell us where you live so we can move there! I lived in Germany and England with USAF, and Europe certainly has the same system as USA, except worse, since the NWO got a 1,000 year head start over there. Canada and Australia are just as bad, as part of the British Commonwealth ruled by the German Queen of England.


US Constitution, Article I, Section 10:
"No State shall pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts."

Sounds like something you can expect from a country that believes in the virtues of the free market as completely as America does.

USA has no free markets under NAFTA/WTO/GATT, which have been exported along with our factories and farms, for the profit of NWO. Even 80% of Hollywood and TV jobs have been exported out of USA. All Texas streets and highways have now been given to the King of Spain, as toll roads taxed by the mile via GPS satellites. Traffic Courts in USA have been given to Australia (probably owned by the German Queen of England), via contracts for robocop spy cameras mailing automated traffic citations (a voluntary tax on stupid illiterate sheeple).


God's Van Allen Radiation Belt force field will atom-smash you

Actually it’s perfectly possible to pass through the Van Allen Radiation Belt without receiving a lethal dose of radiation. It's not a force field either. The Van Allen Belt is not spread over the entire planet, it's concentrated at the equator. There's a second radiation belt that is far weaker than the inner belt that forms a bubble around most of the planet.

When was the last time YOU passed through the Van Allen Belts? ALL manned spacecraft are carefull to stay below the deadly Radiation Belts. It protects Earth from deadly solar and cosmic radiation particles (protons and electrons), thanks to the molten radioactive liquid core (spinning dynamo run on nuke fission), plus the 100+ miles of dense air. The belts actually touch the surface of Earth at the poles, causing auroras, and cause cancer in airline pilots on polar routes.

The Moon has a solid core, so it has no radiation belt force field, so the lunar surface can be mapped by measuring GAMMA RAYS reflected from the surface of the Moon, according to recent NASA maps. The Moon actually has a HIGHER Gamma Radiation count than the Sun, since the Moon also gets bombed by Cosmic Radiation, and the Sun's Solar Wind repels Cosmic Radiation. The temperature of the Sun's corona is 3.5-million degrees F. The Sun's solar wind speed is 6-million mph. Does that sound like a fun day at the beach to you? AstroNots require 10-foot-thick lead sheilding to survive the Radiation Belts and Solar/Cosmic Nuke Radiation, which no current spacecraft has... That's why Apollo astroNots refuse to swear on a Bible that they walked on the Moon, and even punched Bart sibrel in the face for daring to pay them to swear to God they walked on the Moon. Christian Bible's Revelation 9:11 named Satan as "APOLLO"...


and remember to take out the "Jewish" Eurotrash

Why not stick them in camps and gas them, seems to work well. Call it the final solution.

That's why many "average" Jews hate the elitist "Jews", because the elitist Zionist "Jews" often RUN the "Death Camps", or refused to allow Jews to escape by immigration, in order to create a "need" to invent the nation of "Israel", with Jerusalem as capital for the Luciferian New World Order... Even the Satanic Nazi pope agrees with that.

Joss had Mal's evil nemesis as an African-Englishman from the 50-nation British Empire (MI6). The NWO uses psychos from every racial background, just so long as they are evil enough to "kill without questioning why", as Shepherd Book warned.

General Colin Powell is a "Jew", from Jewish slave traders in Jamaica, and he's accused of treason in USA by US military veterans. I personally got the 4-star general fired while leading Gulf War #1, USAF chief of staff General Mike Dugan. We wondered why we couldn't nail Powell, but if he's Jewish then he's a member of the ultimate secret society, and is (almost) untouchable. Read my book on how to file criminal charges against military commanders, then get promoted to Pentagon to work for Jewish Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney:

Right now, most of US is still waging Civil War via an Infomation War, not a shooting war. But psycho "Jewish" NeoCon Bush Gang (including Clinton-Blythe-Rockefeller) IS waging a killing Civil War against USA. Just ask NYC, DC, OKC, Waco, New Orleans, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, thanks to Bush's director of "Homeland Security", Jew Michael Chertoff, born in Commie Czechoslovakia, who is a CURRENT ISRAELI CITIZEN, and looks exactly like Commie Jew "Vlad The Impaler" Lenin...


Saturday, January 7, 2006 8:48 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


But seriously... Does anyone happen to notice something about many of the neocons? Feith, Perle, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Abrams, Wurmser? ... Militant Zionism is ONE of the motivations behind the Iraq invasion. For the rest of the maggots in the Administration, there is all that lovely geopolitical oil. And may as well pick up some nice no-bid contracts on while you're shopping for oil. (Finally, there are some paleolithic- Christians like Bush who believe in hastening Armaggedon.)
I've always thought the attack on Iraq was overdetermined. What is remarkable is the Bush/warmongering supporters' blind faith. All Bush needs is to wave the flag, say 'America!' and people goose-step right behind.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Saturday, January 7, 2006 9:04 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by rue:

All Bush needs is to wave the flag, say 'America!' and people goose-step right behind.

Waving "US" flags manufactured in Commie China...


Saturday, January 7, 2006 9:47 AM



Originally posted by PirateNews:
Catholicism was never "Christianity" - it's a pagan religion, and is currently run by pedophile homosexuals and sex slave traders. Vatican City is a nation, and the pope is its king.

Good out, I'm well aware that Catholicism isn't the same thing as Christianity if you want to be pedantic, the same as the Bible has nothing to do with Christianity. Taking what Christianity is now and saying that it's not Christianity because it's different too what it was 2000 years ago doesn't make it sense. What Christianity was doesn't exist anymore.

Nazi Youth and IG Farben chemist.

Then we agree on something.

As if you don't have equivalent slave contracts in your country? Tell us where you live so we can move there! I lived in Germany and England with USAF, and Eurpoe certainly has the same system as USA, except worse, since the NWO got a 1,000 year head start over there.

I'm British. We don't have a social security system that automatically enters you into the Military draft. We don't have a military draft. Yeah we have Drivers Licences, they prove you've passed the driving test, we have Road Tax and MOT's, one pays for the roads, one ensures the car won't fall apart at 70mph on the motorway. Yes there is vehicle registration. I don't see how any of this constitutes a voluntary slavery contract.

USA has no free markets

When the Free Market fails, shows it self to be flawed, anything but the perfect system it's always because it wasn't free enough, right.

When was the last time YOU passed through the Van Allen Belts?

When was the last time YOU passed through the Van Allen Belts? How do you know they’ll kill anyone who tried?

It protects Earth from deadly solar and cosmic radiation particles (protons and electrons), thanks to the molten radioactive liquid core (spinning dynamo run on nuke fission), plus the 100+ miles of dense air.

No. The Van Allen Belts are areas where the solar wind is trapped by the magnetosphere, which is what protects us from the majority of the solar wind and cosmic radiation. This is a magnetic field similar to what you'll find with a bar magnet, generated by the Earths molten Iron core. It's kept at temperature by Nuclear Fission. There is a gap between the two belts because of low frequency radio waves most likely caused by Lightning.

You might be right about the Apollo 11 mission, but man has landed and orbited the moon.

Christian Bible's Revelation 9:11 named Satan as "APOLLO"...

Using an ancient Jewish encoding technique the number 666 can be read as the name of the president of Syria, Bashar Al-Assad.

Joss had Mal's evil nemesis as an African-Englishman from the 50-nation British Empire (MI6).

You seem to be throwing words together that have a very slight association. What's your point.

Commie Jew "Vlad The Impaler" Lenin

Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Dracul lived in Transylvania, which is now part of Romania, in the 1400's and is the basis of Bram Stoker's Count Dracula. He wasn't a Jew or a Communist. He was a member of a Christian order of Knights.

Lenin was a communist but lived in Russia, and was born in 1870.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Saturday, January 7, 2006 3:40 PM


Holy Friuty Oaty Bars, Batman! You're actually forcing PN to communicate! A definite step up from pure ranting.
Very impressed.

Chrisisall, busting out of his blouse


Saturday, January 7, 2006 3:42 PM


I put it down to being an infuriating Bar-steward who people want to shout down

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Saturday, January 7, 2006 4:02 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
infuriating Bar-steward who people want to shout down

Could you repeat that in Dummy-Yank talk, please?
(Does that have anything to do w/Mudder's Milk...?)

Very un-spot-on Chrisisall


Saturday, January 7, 2006 8:57 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Citizen:
I'm British. We don't have a social security system that automatically enters you into the Military draft. We don't have a military draft. Yeah we have Drivers Licences, they prove you've passed the driving test, we have Road Tax and MOT's, one pays for the roads, one ensures the car won't fall apart at 70mph on the motorway. Yes there is vehicle registration. I don't see how any of this constitutes a voluntary slavery contract.

You have The Dole which is the same thing as Welfare here. I'm sure you have some kind of gov't "pension" for all citizens IF they live to be old enough, or if they get disabled before then. These are "voluntary" contracts that require some kind of signature to start the contract. ALL contracts MUST be voluntary or they are void. Duress voids any signature of "consent". EVERY person should study the law for their own survival, especially the law of contracts, since we sign so many contracts, especially "Jewish" bankster contracts, which nobody would sign if they knew how to read a contract (if property prices drop, the bank can seize a house, even if you never missed a payment).

In USA, when a person is not registered at birth for Social Security, and doesn't get conned into singing an SS contract as condition to get a job or driver license, then that person is never automatically "registered" (volunteered) to "Selective Service for the Draft", and there is no way for Gangsta Gov't to force him to go to war. Since USA is based on English Common Law, you probably have a similar scam over there.

I guarantee you, if Britian were invaded, OR, if British Govt nuked a British City, like it did in 7/7 London Bombings and "IRA" (MI6) bombings ("Shaylergate"), then you would face a draft, for both military and civilian "service" (slavery), just like WW1 and WW2, etc.

When I lived in England for 10 years, I noticed the British subjects were extremely docile and enslaved compared to USA, paying at least double taxation for everything (USA is also extremely enslaved, far worse than I knew at the time, and now our taxes are rising FAST to the Euro level of 80% to 100%).

Queen Elizabeth is officially "the richest woman in the world". The British monarchy pays itself $500-million/year tax-free salary (1980s currency rate), and British slaves, er, subjects don't rebel, and, point in fact, worship the Queen as a god - even after she mass-murdered her own ex-daughter-in-law, Princess Diana, to prevent a black-skinned Arab King of England. Bohemiam Grove has a statue of goddess "Diana", so it's possible Diana was born to be a human sacrifice, as David Icke wrote.

Now British Big Brother has 2-million robocop spy cams and insane toll roads in London, with GPS tracking of all vehicles on all roads for 2006, in preparation to turn every private car into a gov't TAXicab. That's SLAVERY. (US Gangsta Govt is catching up FAST.)

All the guns have been seized from British slaves, er, subjects, to make it harder to rebel against the feudal lords. (US Gangsta Govt is catching up FAST, as the federal city of New Orleans found out when Blackwater USA, the CIA's illegal-alien mercenaries in Iraq arrested for treason for attacking US troops, were deputized by FEMA to raid mansions in New Orleans to seize guns from people who were never flooded by Hurricane Katrina or the bombed levees.)

I loved England at the time, but it was very different than today. I was in USAF, with a high-paying challenging job, driving semi-pro race cars at British racetracks against drivers who are now (aging or retired) Formula One and Indycar superstars. But I didn't know I was getting poisoned by the US "Jewish" Gangsta Govt of Bush Sr, via sabotaged military vaccines, radioactive dust on nuke bombs, and JP8 kerosine jet exhaust.

I'm glad I left England in 1993, but it was jumping from the fry pan into the fire. It's non-stop "fun" battling with Gangsta Govt over here in USA, with the current US Civil War - fomented by "City of London" "Jewish" financial district (not the entire metro "London" which is a collection of small "towns"), led by "Jewish" House of Lord Rothschild (NM Rothschild & Sons investment banksters), in the hereditary unelected British House of Lords. Bankster Lord Rothschild tried to buy the London Stock Exchange in 2005 (maybe he succeeded?), and who handpicked Nazi gay porn star Arnold Schwarzennegger for governor of California, holding hands with "Jewish" billionaire homo pedophile pervert Warren Buffet (officially the 2nd richest robber baron in USA, not counting the trillionaire Bushes and Rockefellers), in a meeting at Rothschild's Waddeston Manor in England.


When the Free Market fails, shows it self to be flawed, anything but the perfect system it's always because it wasn't free enough, right.

Spoken like a true Communist/Socialist, in the birthplace of the "Jewish" Communist Manifesto, where Luciferian Masonic Mafia "Jew" Karl Marx's table is proudly on display in the London Museum. You need to figure out that Communism (British Fabian Socialism) is a scam by the "Jewish" elite to enslave the sheeple with a totalitarian world gov't plantation, as predicted by the "Jewish" Babylonian Talmud bible. Socialism is why taxes are so high, and good jobs are so scarce: the middle class must be crushed and forced back on the Reservation Death Camp.

Europe has NEVER seen real "free markets", and "capitalism" is "Jewish" banksterism, as Henry Ford pointed out, with "Jewish" banksters (counterfeiters) daring to compete with manufacturers, who actually PRODUCE something besides printed paper. Now the banksters have won, with a $300-trillion war chest, rising by a trillion-dollars/day, to bribe any politician or copster, and hire any assassin or army. The UN Inc will be their world "gov't" dictatorship Alliance to tax the world to death.

Vladimir Lenin was a "Jewish" Luciferian Freemason who helped genocide 60-million Russian citizens, mainly "Greek" Orthodox Christians. His rotting corpse is still on public display for worship as a god.

Tony Bliar, barrister at law (MI6), went to super-elitist "public" (private) school Eaton with the royal family - how is that representative of the workers in the "Labor Party"? Suckers! That's just as stupid as DemoRatic Party's "representative of the working class", billionaire John "Kerry", laying in a coffin with his cousin George Bush Jr at Yale's Skull & Bones Senior Secret Society, which is the US equivalent of Eaton. Amerikans are suckers, too.

Kerry was paid a $51-million bribe ("leftover campaign contributions") to let Bush "win" in 2004. Win/win for Skull & Bones, which is the opium-running Russell Trust chartered in England (company flag was the Pirate Flag: black flag with white Skull % Crossbones). US Municipal Corporation replaced the Republic of uSA, after US Civil War martial law, so US Inc is now the British Virginia Company, as it was before the Revolutionary War of 1776. So USA is now a part of the "British" Empire again, which certainly explains why our politicians refuse to listen to the "voters", why our military does nothing to defend USA, while invading 3rd world nations across the globe, and why King George II, er, George Bush Jr is 3rd cousin to Queen Elizabeth of England, and probably why Prince Charles wants to change his name to King George, to remind USA who's boss (dictator King George attacked USA in Revolutionary War of 1776).

Select to view spoiler:

Hence Joss' script that USA is dead, replaced by the Anglo (British) Sino (Commie Chinese) Alliance, which routinely genocided 30-million people, and manufactured homicidal Reavers (accidental or on-purpose), then covered it up with lies and PR, like fresh paint on a turd. George Orwell (aka Secret Copster Eric Blair - related to Tony Bliar?) would have been proud. And "Orwell" was murdered right after "1984" was published, so Joss better watch his back.

Tony Bliar reportedly enjoyed the homohooker services of CIA MKULTRA Project Monarch Mind Kontrol sex slave "Jeff Gannon" (aka kidnapped Johnny Gosch), when he visited Bush Jr at White House. Gannon "visited" Bush WH over 200 times, including overnight visits, according to WH logs by Secret Service. Gannon/Gosch was kidnapped in 1980s, in CIA/FBI's Washington DC "Finders" child sex slave and CIA Iran-Contra narco ring, directed by convicted $40-million bank robber Larry King at Franklin Credit Union, in Buffet's hometown of Omaha Nebraska. King sang at 2 Republican National Conventions for Bush Sr. That's when Washington Times published 80 front page stories about homohooker children visiting Bush Sr White House on "midnight tours". All the WTC CEOs were "coincidentally" playing golf with Lord Rothschild's buddy Warren Buffet on 9/11/2001 at Strategic Air Command's HQ in Omaha Nebraska, where Bush Jr joined them in the bunker cave on 9/11/2001.


"It's worse than you know."
-The Operative (Commie MI6/CIA), STM
"It usually is."
-Mal, STM

Transvestite Bush Jr and transvestite mafia heir Sir Rudy Giuliani Knight of the British Empire visited Bliar at G8 in Scotland, coincidentally on 7/7/2005 London Bombings (perped by confessed MI6 "Arab" asset, in bombs planted under the trains, on same day at same time in same location as "coincidental" MI6 "wargames" to bomb London trains).

Bush family's ancesor, Constable Thomas Percy, was gunned down and summarily executed exactly 400 years ago, during his Gunpowder Plot to bomb British Parliament (Guy Fawkes Day). Percy was the "lucky" one - the other conspirators were tortured, castrated in public, drawn and quarted, then beheaded on spikes, for purpose of terrorizing the slaves, er, "amusement of the citizens". I wish USA had that legal system for Bush Gang today, but then again, we do, just ship Bush to Gitmo for "torture to death by natural causes", as legalized by Bush's U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act...


When was the last time YOU passed through the Van Allen Belts? How do you know they’ll kill anyone who tried?

You can climb inside a cyclotron and flip the switch, and see what happens when atoms get smashed at nearly the speed of light. Hint: it's worse than cooking your cat in a microwave oven. A tiny atomic nucleus at that speed has the energy of a 100mph baseball/cricket ball (but concentrated into a tiny point, making it far more powerful), and causes a chain reaction: 1 proton collides with two protons, then four protons, then 16 protons, exponentially, etc, so space ships need very thick and dense armor plating, which none have. Robot satellites fail routinely from solar storms and Radiation Belts, which extend to the Moon's orbit in the tail (darkside) of the Earth's magnetosphere.

An example of how US Gangsta Govt uses the sheeple's ignorance of the dangers of nuke radiation, is "Depleted" Uranium bullets, bombs and tanks in Iraq. "DU" degrades to other elements (fission), then gives off GAMMA RAYS, X-RAYS, BETA PARTICLES, and ALPHA PARTICLES FOR 45-BILLION YEARS. When its dust is inhaled or swallowed, its like getting a medical X-ray EVERY SECOND FOR THE REST OF YOUR SHORT LIFE. "DU" = WMD. It's destroying Iraq (Babylon) FOREVER, and destroying every practice bomb range and weapons manufacturing town in USA and around the world. It causes heinous birth defects for Iraqis and US troops, and British troops. Yet the Media Mafia keeps this Top Secret. When I loaded nukes on F-111s in England, targeted at WESTERN Europe, we NEVER got tested for radiation, nor did I ever see the bombs tested for radiation. We never wore radiation film badges. Yet USAF Security Police had orders to shoot us, if our hands so much as got out of sight of another bomb loader. Now THAT'S mind kontrol.

Sir Patrick Moore KBE of BBC's Sky at (K)Night knows all about NASA's Apollo Moon/moon scam, since he was employed by NASA at the time. As reward for his keeping the official secrets, he holds the world record for hosting a TV show (50 years). I really liked that show, BTW.

Moore: "Did you see any stars in the Moon sky?"

Apollo 11 crew: "No, we did not see any stars in space."

Joss would like this little trivia: Colonel Michael Collins was on the Apollo 11 crew. Collins is one of the 13 top-ranking illuminati bloodlines, according to Fritz Springmier. Collins is a Satanic witchcraft family from Scotland. USA had a TV series in the 1960s, "Dark Shadows", whose "hero" was a vampire named Barnabus Collins, which is apparently where Joss got some of the idea for Angel TVS. No violent action like angel, just a blak and white soap opera for lonely housewives (back when US families could afford the wife to not have to work to pay the slave taxes).


You might be right about the Apollo 11 mission, but man has landed and orbited the moon.

Russians allegedly sent live humans to the real Moon, using technology that was only slightly better than NASA's alluminum foil LEM. But the radio evidence shows they died before they completed one lunar orbit, due to cooking by gamma rays and x-rays, and their atom-splicing one-way trip through VARB. If a live human did land in a Russian lunar lander, he died on the surface for same reason.

But it's very doubtful that human or autopilot or robot could land a rocket on the Moon, since such rockets are simply not controllable, and simply run out of fuel before they can slow down from orbital speed, plus massive amounts of fuel required for continuous thruster attitude control. IMPOSSIBLE! Watch my music video "We Never Went to the Moon", to see Neil Armstrong eject and crash in a fireball on Earth while trying to land a jet-engined LEM simulator from an altitude of a mere 100 feet. And he didn't have to slow down from 1,000s of mph first, using an autopilot computer with 32kb RAM (KILO bytes), on an planet unmapped for masscons (variable mass concentrations of gravity).

Russians mostly used expendable anonymous astronaut slaves as replacement for their "offical" astroNots, to avoid adverse publicity after the inevitable disasters. Not even Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space (he never went to space and then was murdered to shut him up, just like the 11 murdered Apollo astroNots), so if they lied about that, you can't believe anything they say. British book "Dark Moon" and its 4-hour video goes into great detail on Russian fake astroNot Moon program, which launched the same week as Apollo 11 ( ).

Hundreds of Russian astronauts and "military volunteers" died for the Russian NAZI mad scientists, which were doing most of the dirty research for NASA Nazi mad scientists (who also genocided dozens of US soldiers in NASA space physics experiments at 400 degrees F), both controlled by MI6/CIA for the NWO banksters based in London.

If the details of the "successful" Moon landings are not revealed publicly, listing names of the real astronaughts who died on the Moon, then by international aviation law, the "world record" does NOT count.

Just because an army of dead cosmonauts are cooking in space or were splattered on the lunar surface does NOT mean NASA Apollo (Satan) landed the named human American astroNots on The Moon and returned then safely to Earth.

Nor do we need to continue paying trillions of dollars in taxes for that continuing scam: Mars rovers photographed BLUE skies, are never affected by "Martian dust storms", and never run out of electricity, despite Mars being too far from the Sun to use tiny solar panels, and Mars landers use parachutes in an atmosphere too thin for parachutes... It's called "bank robbery" in legal statutes.

The NASA Apollo photos and video were clearly faked, as confessed by Apollo astronot Dr Brian O'Leary.

This is the propaganda value to Carlyle Group for STM and other sci-fi inventions, especially HG Wells' "War of the Worlds", to brainwash the unscientific masses that NASA space travel was/is possible, and to prepare the sheeple for a fake alien invasion from outer space, as the coup d'grat for NWO's hostile takeover of planet Earth.


Christian Bible's Revelation 9:11 named Satan as "APOLLO"...

Using an ancient Jewish encoding technique the number 666 can be read as the name of the president of Syria, Bashar Al-Assad.

No need for Kabalistic numerology:

"And they had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew was Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon. Abaddon and Apollyon mean Destroyer."
-Revelation 9:11, Christian Bible


Joss had Mal's evil nemesis as an African-Englishman from the 50-nation British Empire (MI6).

You seem to be throwing words together that have a very slight association. What's your point.

The Bad Guy had a "posh" English accent, not an Eastender's white-trash yob accent, implying British elite schooling, not a London mobster hired as a hitman by the Alliance.

I'm trying to speak/write using the dozens of dialects found in england, but I could barely speak "English" while I lived there, and forgot how to speak "American" when I came back.

Joss could have used the Eastender's accent for the Operative, (Dirty Den I think he was called on TV?), but since he deliberately chose an "English" actor, or an actor who could do a great imitation of posh English accent, then Joss had a point to make. Or is it merely a $40-million coincidence?

In 1990s British Empire in Rowanda genocided 700,000 people, with help from British Empire-controlled United Nations Corporation troops (Brit Commwealth has 50 votes in UN Inc). So idea for The Operative could easily have been drawn from the black genocide in British Rowanda, with most of them hacked to death by SWORDS - coincidence? Very evil, but it keeps the colonial slaves in their place on the plantation.


Commie Jew "Vlad The Impaler" Lenin

Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Dracul lived in Transylvania, which is now part of Romania, in the 1400's and is the basis of Bram Stoker's Count Dracula. He wasn't a Jew or a Communist. He was a member of a Christian order of Knights.

Lenin was a communist but lived in Russia, and was born in 1870.

German Queen Elizabeth of England is from German Sax Coberg Gotha family, which changed its name to House of Windsor during WW1 as a public relations gimmick, since English soldiers were getting slaughtered by German soldiers at the time. Queen Elizabeth claims direct lineage from King David (British Israelism), making her, by her own definition, a "Jew", and this "theory" has been officially approved for over 1,000 years by the Anglican Church of England and its predecessors in England, which was the first "Christian" nation, preceeding Italy's Catholic Holy Roman Empire by 300 years. Anglican Arch Bishop of Cantebury is a pagan Druid priest, founded on human sacrifice cult, but that's another story.

Queen Elizabeth is related to Count Dracula Prince Vlad the Impaler of Transylvania, and related to his kissing cousin, Countess Dracula Elizabeth Bathory, a Satanic witch (the pagan religion not the metaphysical demon world) who was arrested and convicted for ritual serial murders and cannibalism to drink the blood of 600 female virgins, and literally bathed in their blood. Her "eternal life" rituals failed to keep her alive, after she was sentenced to life under "house arrest", and sealed alive inside her own castle's bedroom. Both George Bush and his cousin John Kerry (Kohn) are proudly incestuously related to Queen Elizabeth and Prince Dracula.

"Satanic family values" - that's why George Bush and Queen Elizabeth perform ritual "mock" human sacrifice at Bohemian Grove, where Elizabeth played the "Queen of Babylon" (aka "Queen of Iraq") in a theatrical play at The Grove in 1980s.

Fascinating yet bizzare history of The Real World, with psychopaths in charge of the global asylum.

History is a scriptwriter's paradise.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Saturday, January 7, 2006 9:42 PM


PirateNews, you should really check out this site:

It supports a lot of your positions here and might provide you with additional evidence.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Sunday, January 8, 2006 7:30 AM



Originally posted by PirateNews:
You have The Dole which is the same thing as Welfare here. I'm sure you have some kind of gov't "pension" for all citizens IF they live to be old enough, or if they get diabled before then. These are "voluntary" contracts that require some kind of signature to start the contract.

Yeah, I’ve never signed on to the dole myself, but I’m curious as to how that is a contract of slavery? By those criteria surely doing anything other than living in the wilderness and trapping your own food could be considered slavery. If I work for a company that pays me cashy money for turning up between the hours of 9 and 5 am I then a slave?

How is the government pension scheme any different to a private pension, accept it could be cheaper because it’s not run for profit?

I guarantee you, if Britian were invaded, OR, if British Govt nuked a British City, like it did in 7/7 London Bombings and "IRA" (MI6) bombings, then you would face a draft, for both military and civilian "service" (slavery), just like WW1 and WW2, etc.

I assume you don’t mean nuked, and I’m fairly sure the IRA weren’t MI6. Even if the IRA and the 7/7 bombings were a government plot I’d of thought it would have been perpetrated by MI5 . As for the draft issue, yeah of course, name one country that would press civilians into service under those extreme conditions. I’d like to point out though that even during World War One there was conscientious objectors, there was still a choice during World War One and there would still be a choice now.

When I lived in England for 10 years, I noticed the British subjects were extremely docile and enslaved compared to USA, paying at least double taxation for everything (USA is also extremely enslaved, far worse than I knew at the time, and now out taxes are rising FAST to the Euro level of 80% to 100%).

I’m sorry, where were you posted? Eastbourne? Because the British public accept slightly higher taxes in return for many more services, you know like health care for all instead of letting those that can’t pay die in a gutter, doesn’t mean we’re docile.

How many Americans marched on Washington to protest the Iraq war? How many sometimes violent mass demonstrations are there against any law passed by Congress, because we have them over here?

As for taxes we pay between 25% and 40% depending on earnings (tax bracket). A quick bit of research shows that the American tax contribution isn’t actually much less than that, yet we get so much more for our money. So erm, who’s the docile slaves?

Queen Elizabeth is officially "the richest woman in the world". The British monarchy pays itself $500-million/year tax-free salary (1980s currency rate), and British slaves, er, subjects don't rebel, and, point in fact, worship the Queen as a god - even after she mass-murdered her own ex-daughter-in-law, Princess Diana, to prevent a black-skinned Arab King of England. Boheiam Grove has a statue of goddess "Diana", so it's possible Diana was born to be a human sacrifice, as David Icke wrote.

The Queen isn’t officially the richest woman in the world, I’m not sure where you heard that. Estimates of her personal wealth vary wildly. The British Monarchies sole source of income is their private holdings, and taking those away from the Royals would be a rather communist thing to do, wouldn’t it? Plus the queen and the royal familly do pay tax. Also I believe a large amount of their money comes from tourism, the lion’s share of which comes from a certain superpower…

I don’t know where to begin with your statement about worshiping the royal family as gods, to be honest. I couldn’t care less about the royals, but I’ve never seen anyone praying at the gates of Buckingham palace.

As for Diana, fk the self serving media whore bitch. I care even less about her than I do about the rest of the royal family. The fact the entire nation thinks she’s the ‘queen of hearts’ because she played the popular media really gets to me. Now there’s a fair few unanswered questions about her death, but there’s no really evidence that the royal family or the queen ordered her death. Also there would be no reason to murder her to prevent Dodi al Faed to become king. He could never become King, because he’d have to marry a Queen and for Diana to become Queen she’d have to marry a King. It would be actually more likely that I could become King than Dodi al Faed.

Now British Big Brother has 2-million robocop spy cams and insane toll roads in London, with GPS tracking of all vehicles on all roads, in preparation to turn every private car into a gov't TAXicab. That is SLAVERY. (US Gangsta Govt is catching up FAST.)

Yep, I don’t like the cameras myself. The toll roads are the congestion charge which was an attempt to reduce private vehicles in extremely congested central London. But GPS doesn’t track all vehicles on the Roads. There is a proposed plan by the minister of transport to bring such a scheme in, but it’s not been well received and I really doubt it’ll get in. But then isn’t all car ownership under those criteria slavery, I’m sure even Americans pay tax on fuel.

All the guns have been seized from British slaves, er, subjects, to make it harder to rebel against the feudal lords.

Erm no. Not all the guns. Weapons whose only purpose is to shoot people have been made illegal, anyone with a reason to own a weapon, for instance farmers, still do. But let’s go down on the issue of the right to bear arms. There were two police officers shot this year in Britain. How many were there in America?

But I’m sure that responsible gun ownership includes people who own a gun on the off chance they may want to shoot someone.

Spoken like a true Communist/Socialst, in the birthplace of the "Jewish" Communist Manifesto, where Luciferian Masonic Mafia "Jew" Karl Marx's table is proudly on display in the London Museum.

Spoken like a true capitalist. I see flaws in the Free market system and the truth that it’s designed to keep the Rich, Rich (the “Jews” as you seem to call them) and I’m shouted down as a crazy Pinko-Socialist-Communist pig. I’m not a Socialist; socialism doesn’t work in the real world. I’m not a Communist; communism doesn’t work in the real world. I’m not a capitalist; capitalism allows those in power to stay in power even better than feudalism does, while giving those at the bottom hope by occasionally letting one of them up into the exclusive club, in such a way as it will never damage the power or fortunes of those already there, of course.

Socialism is why taxes are so high, and good jobs are so scarce

Capitalist propaganda, it’s not the free market that’s failing, it’s the socialists that are sabotaging the perfect system of the free market. GWB would be proud .

But what happens when there are no more socialists to blame?

the middle class must be crushed.

Yes, then we just have the working class supporting the Upper class, and the wealth of the middle class would be properly redistributed to the rich and powerful upper class, as it should be in a free market system.

Tony Bliar, barrister at law (MI6)

Is everything to do with Britain really MI6?

You can climb inside a cyclotron and flip the switch, and see what happens when atoms get smashed at nearly the speed of light. Hint: it's worse than cooking your cat in a microwave oven. A tiny atomic nucleus at that speed has the energy of a 100mph baseball/cricket ball (but concentrated into a tiny point, making it far more powerful), and causes a chain reaction: 1 proton collides with two protons, then four protons, then 16 protons, etc, so space ships need very thick and dense armor plating, which none have. Robot satellites fail routinely from solar storms and Radiation Belts, which extend to the Moon's orbit in the tail (darkside) of the Earth's magnetosphere.

It’s levels and time of exposure. We’re exposed to ionising radiation all the time, but people who have an X-Ray for instance don’t drop dead before they leave the room. The satellites that fail tend to do so after years of exposure, which isn’t what we’re talking about.

Sir Patrick Moore KBE of BBC's Sky at (K)Night knows all about NASA's Apollo Moon/moon scam, since he was employed by NASA at the time. As reward for his keeping the official secrets, he holds the world record for hosting a TV show (50 years). I really liked that show, BTW.

The Sky at night.

Moore: "Did you see any stars in the Moon sky?"

Apollo 11 crew: "No we did not see any stars in space."

It’s perfectly possible that the Apollo(I believe named after the ancient Greek god of the Sun, Apollo) 11 mission never landed on the Moon, the 60’s were drawing to a close, Kennedy had made that promise…

But why keep going back there?

Why not have stars? That’s what everyone expects to see so show it to them. Convincing people that something is real is about showing them what they want/expect to see, not what is really there.

"And they had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew was Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon. Abaddon and Apollyon mean Destroyer."
-Revelation 9:11, Christian Bible

I don’t see Apollo in that list.

The Bad Guy had a "posh" English accent, not an Eastender's white-trash yob accent, implying British elite schooling, not a London mobster hired as a hitman by the Alliance.

You mean like pretty much every British person in every film ever produced in America? Just like 80% of all bad guys in American films he had an upper class English accent! Shock Horror!

I'm trying to speak/write using the dozens of dialects found in england, but I could barely speak "English" while I lived there, and forgot how to speak "American" when I came back.

Yeah, there are hundreds of accents, but you find me a film that has the British using an accent other than upper class and I’ll show you the laughable ‘cockney’ from Mary Poppins, because that’s about all there is. Dick Van Dyke has a lot to answer for.

You know I was speaking to a Canadian the other day, who’s only knowledge of how the British speak is through American films, and he was somewhat surprised to learn that not every one talks like Hugh Grant.

In 1990s British Empire in Rowanda genocided 700,000 people, with help from British Empire-controlled United Nations Corporation troops

Rwanda isn’t part of the British Empire. I believe the US actually has more control over the UN than anyone else. I’d like to see your evidence as to the UN troops committing this genocide.

The fact that the entire European aristocracy is interrelated, or that the British Royal family is partly of German descent and changed their name during the 1st world war is not new to me.

I’d like to address some more of this but real life beckons.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Sunday, January 8, 2006 10:48 AM


point of intrest.

i was just online and found a link to

forgive me if you exahusted the topic but this is a faux documentary talking about the possibility (or rather making the statement) that what the people want will overpower what they need. the commercial side with dominate the media and democracy.

basically making us one unified nation with different ideas about the state of our nation. it was creepifying.

but anyway, i was thinking on it and couldn't help but see this as a precursor to the anglo-sino alliance in the verse. once one nation totally agrees they seek other alliances. without internal strife groups rise to power and gain still more influence.

here's the link

i'd like to hear what y'all see in it.

shakespeare: more words than God.


Sunday, January 8, 2006 12:56 PM



So you read Never heard of it.

This cracked me up. PN, you're not a moron, don't pretend to be one, it just comes off as a lie. No, I don't post there, not being a white supremacist, but I'm beginning to suspect you do.


So the elitist "Jews" HATED real Judaism and murdered "Jesus" the Jew and his Jewish followers.

This is just patently false. Jesus was executed by the Romans for the crime of treason of which he was guilty.

I'm going to start enumerating PirateNews' BS talking points: (none of these phrases means anything)

1. Luciferian fake "Jews"


(Iraq also has millions of Christians and Jews).

This is an exaggeration. Iraq has upwards of one million christians and very few jews.

2. Clinton-Blythe White House

3. "Jewish" Commie Russia

WTF? Anything that has a jew touch it at any point is infected by jew cooties? Because marx was a jew, suddenly not just communism, but socialism, a western wasp pre-marx invention is jewed because theories of marx were integrated into it? What a load of jewey. Sorry, no offense to actual jews, just making fun of the jew-cootie concept.


Russia genocided 60-million of its own citizens, then invented the lie of 6-million "Jews" gassed in Germany.

Oh give me a break. or take one yourself. I actually know these wwii historians you riducule and I've seen their data reports and photos first hand. I've read the deny-er argument too, which is pale by comparison. Here's the real truth:

11 million civilians were killed via various means, gassing and burning did occur, as well as disease experiments, but mostly they were worked to death, starved and shot, particularly in systematic cleaning operations. Typical German encampment in an eastern front town would involve extremination of the populous.

Total holocaust casualties therefore represent the figure, 6 million of who were nominally jewish at least on German rolls. Of those, it's safe to say at least half were jewish, the Germans had a great tendency to exaggerate jewishness, labelling crimes of convenience as being commited against jews to be consistant with their policy, which they didn't actually hold to. 3 million of the 11 million were nominally christian, and the remainder were of other faiths.

If someone thinks that 6 million jews were gassed, they're just not very well informed, it's an absurd idea, most jews were shot or starved. If someone thinks that 6 million jews were not killed, they're just not looking.

Russia did not genocide 60 million of its people. They lost over 40 million in wars, which means someone else, usually the Germans, killed those people. 5-10 million were killed in the Ukrainian genocide.

I'm no defender of Soviets, Nazis, or any other kind of socialist. I think absolutely everyone here can attest to that. But get your facts straight. And certainly under no circumstances am I going to accept a judgement which says 'Nazi's, not as bad as Soviets.' That's pattently rediculous.

That quote is not available, nor was it ever, on the site you posted, You should know I have a reputation as a skeet shooter here, and there's some clay pigeons waiting to be taking down, begging for it.

The info you posted is available on 19 sites, all of which are neonazi sites, and the first match was

Okay, back to Rupert Murdoch is not a jew, I want to point out the idiocy of this line of reasoning. If you want to connect Rupert Murdoch to these people, do it through the scottish rite, or the rhodes-milner circle.

Also, if you read something on the web posting by a random Nazi, that doesn't make it fact. If you do somehow manage to connect Rupert Murdoch to a jew, you could probably connect anyone to a jew if it served your purposes, this would prove nothing. Jews are not a unithought group consciousness bent on converting the world into a giant bagel.


You might as well OD on Wellbutrin, Prozac, etc, which also cause side effects of vaso-constriction (seratonin is in all muscles), suicide, homicide and death (St John's Wort to a lesser degree, as proscribed during Crusades for genocidal soldiers to feel "happy"). Tyrosine is unsafe when taken without balanced amino acids, which is why Aspartame diet soda is deadly and banned by USAF for pilots (it's always superior to just eat normal foods with digestive enzymes to crack all the amino acids in perfect balance to prevent malnutrition of any essential amino acids).

It strikes me that here you have stepped into an area where I know far far more that you do, so I'll drop it. You want to stay stupid, your loss, no one's stopping you. Hell, no one cares.


DynCorps' recent UN contracts which got caught kidnapping 200,000 Yugoslvian women and children into Jewish slave brothels.

And no one noticed 200,000 missing girls. Huh, I guess people are getting less observant. I remember this case, the missing girls turned up in arranged marriages to muslims, but there were nowhere near that number.


300-million genocided African Americans

Ah yes, my old friends.

300 million African Americans. Hmmm. genocide.

gen·o·cide ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jn-sd)

The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.

That ought to clear things up. I think I've never seen such a number fly out of an ass before. Until quite recently, there weren't 300 million Africans to kill, and there are only 300 million Americans, there have never been 300 million African Americans. There are about 40 million African Americans.


Sunday, January 8, 2006 1:09 PM



Let's try it "Islamic" IRA terrorists...
But I'm not saying all Muslims are terrorists, just the fake ones, blah, blah, blah, I have a Muslim cousin twice removed, blah, blah, blah.


The sad thing is that this dupe has fallen for a set of lies put out by the Nazis to reel him in and make him hate America, rather than actually deal with the golf war poisoning he has endured by taking stuff to cleanse his system. Miring in the chemical toxin, clinging to the ever-giving death, he wallows in self pity forever.



300-million genocided African Americans
That's nearly three times the total population of America.

Citizen. It pains me to say it, because I really kind of like you, but... Don't be a moron. This was a moronic this to say. It wasn't moronic because it was wrong, it was moronic because you didn't know the population of America, and you were online, which meant in under 5 seconds you could have gotten the population of America, which is about 300,000. And while I'm at it...


Baseless accusations stated as fact. You must be a lawyer.

Don't offend lawyers.


Sunday, January 8, 2006 1:10 PM



Space:1999 could REALLY never be, now...

*throws his Eagle model in the garbage, as well as his LM*

Capricorn One-like Chrisisall


Sunday, January 8, 2006 1:25 PM


Just off the top of my head, the free masons predate the knights templar by 200 years. Knights Templar are a sect of the masonic order, and oh yeah, the good guys. Let's not forget this. The masons are the good guys. They founded the illuminati, created America, overthrew the rule of the church and established our modern capitalist democracy, so "Yay them!" Ben Franklin was the head of the masons, and head of our founding fathers. Yay him. Go America! Yay us! Unless you preferred we all lived under the rule of the Christian Taliban equivalent and were executed if we tried to move outside of the social rank we were born into.

The truth is that Hitler was a Christian, plain and simple, a creationist, and also a national socialist. He had a delusion that he was Holy Roman Emperor and he went insane while dying of syphilis, and as a socialist totalitarian dictator of the total co-operative society, everyone quickly fell inline to obey his total dissent into madness, which is exactly what's wrong with cooperative systems.

That's my nutshell case of what really happened. Everything else is pure spin. The Roman Catholic Church was behind him if anyone remembers. I'm not saying everything is a Christian conspiracy, I have nothing against Christians, most are a decent sort.


that doesn't count any of the dead "Americans" for the past 10,000 years.

Another moronic comment. Africans have been here 300 years.

I do wonder why Jewpert Murdoch paid Joss' bills for so many years, and then handed him $25M to finish off Firefly after it had been cancelled. It must've been a zionist plot to get the truth out there.


Sunday, January 8, 2006 1:30 PM



Unfortunately caring for the planet doesn't make the rich richer, which is opposed to the goals of the Free Market system.

I took offense at this, because it was there. As a free market capitalist and an environment conservationist, I assure you that there is far more profit in environmental conservation than in destruction. Petty two bit thieves are destroying the world, not the big money masters. It's high time the mighty hand of America weilded its weight in the direction of smiting them down.

I might point out that the environmental conservation movement in this country owes its start to TR, himself a free market capitalist.


Sunday, January 8, 2006 1:44 PM



Citizen. It pains me to say it, because I really kind of like you, but... Don't be a moron. This was a moronic this to say. It wasn't moronic because it was wrong, it was moronic because you didn't know the population of America, and you were online, which meant in under 5 seconds you could have gotten the population of America, which is about 300,000. And while I'm at it...

Yeah, I know, I thought the population was 160,000,000, I forget where I heard it, but I was wrong. (Yeah 300,000,000 isn't x3 of 160,000,000, I didn't sleep Friday night at all...).

My point was somewhere along the line of the one you made, there weren't that many to kill in the first place...

So basically I'm playing the I was too tired to make a coherent argument card ...

Don't offend lawyers.

Couldn't think of a better punch line.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.






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