real world of sci-fi

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:10 AM



Originally posted by PirateNews:

I'm sorry I thought that's what you were. To you any tax is slavery, and you want an end to it. Without tax you have no government whatsoever, no Police, no society as we know it. Therefore you are an anarchist.

None of my cases are frivolous.
They are winnable.
The towcrime cases got over a dozen news articles published and broadcast about them.

I'm confused, who stole your car? The Government, the tow company or Jews?

You are very generous to career criminals.

No I'm not. It was your assertion that any court case brought against the government or government representatives would always fail, that's what I was alluding to, actually.

Are you a member of the mafiya?

Of coursa, ya disrespecta me'a you direspecta the familiya mama-mea!

You would trust your life to Dr Shipman?

Yes because no American doctors have ever meaningfully killed anyone...

I certainly wouldn't trust my life to the evil free market system of health care in operation in America, those that can pay may live.

You call iatrogenocide "health care"?

It can be, but I don't want to go into that with a white supremacist Christian fanatic.

Do you need permission to go to work?
Do you need permission to buy food?
Do you need permission to go to the loo?

That makes driving a right because, why?

Do you need permission to live?

No, but under your free market system you need enough money to afford the bills if you ever get ill .

What is it that you admire about ... the Alliance, The Operative, their mind kontrol and their genocide?

Ohh, I just love serving my Neo-Commie-Pinko-Nazi-Illuminati-Globalist-Jew-Islamic-MI6/5-CIA-FBI-SB-Martian masters. I especially like it when they tell me to murder people in hideous ways, I love it, obviously.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:12 AM


Citizen, one small point for Piratenews...
I got a ticket for passing on the right, and went to court to use the Police traffic rules handbook to point out why the ticket was invalid. Upon mention of this incontavertable evidence I promptly had handcuffs slapped on me by order of the judge, and was asked if I needed a night in jail. I said no. I was taken out of the courtroom and told that this was a case I wasn't going to win, and it was strongly 'suggested' that I plea-bargain. Guess what? I paid the ticket (same $, lower points on liscence).
This kind of corruption is everywhere in the U.S., I could site many, many more examples personally, and from friends and aquaintances, one that even saw a college student killed by police gunfire for asking for a policeman's badge number, and later the police got commendations for handling the affair well to cover up the incompetance.

The mountain of authority-abuse in this country could make anybody a little, er...well, on the edge, shall we say.

Pointy Chrisisall


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:54 AM


Thanks Chris.

I can only go on my own experiences though, that would be what I see in Britain. The truth is I've rarely heard of circumstances where traffic offences weren't all above board, and never anything along the lines of what you and PN are suggesting. The fact is I refute things are as bad as PN say's they are in Britain, presuming he knows more of the situation of my own country than I do, because he spent some time here over ten years ago, which I'm not all together sold on either.

I believe there's a lot of dodgy stuff going on in the governments of any nation, but to believe that every tiny thing that happens is part of some global pinko-commie-nazi-jew-Illuminati master plan carried out by the MI5/6-CIA-FBI super corporation, to enslave us all to the evil Jewish overlords is just ridiculous fantasy.

But then I'm just a slave.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:20 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

to believe that every tiny thing that happens is part of some global pinko-commie-nazi-jew-Illuminati master plan carried out by the MI5/6-CIA-FBI super corporation, to enslave us all to the evil Jewish overlords is just ridiculous fantasy.

The problem with corruption and conspiracies from the common dude's perspective, is that most of it has to be untrue, because no person or group could mastermind such an intricatly twisted mess. The truth is, of course, that corruption and conspiracies exist in patches, small and large, and mostly independent of eachother. As small as my passing on the right ticket and as large as Iran-Contra. Like our bodies producing free-radicals in the very process of living, it's an everyday reality of the human condition.

Chrisisall, conspiring with his wife to get the kid to bed before his bedtime tonight (see, we're all in on it, eh?)


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:25 AM



That's kinda what I'm trying to say. This stuff happens, but to link it together citing Jews and Nazis and Commies and MI5 did this, they're gonna do that, well like 7% said, that's just Schizophrenia...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:26 AM



Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:35 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
That's kinda what I'm trying to say. This stuff happens, but to link it together citing Jews and Nazis and Commies and MI5 did this, they're gonna do that, well like 7% said, that's just Schizophrenia...

We see eye to eye.
Now how do we get PN to defrag about it?

Chrisisall, holding the bat-gas


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:42 AM



The truth is, of course, that corruption and conspiracies exist in patches, small and large, and mostly independent of eachother.

I think this is the page that we are all on, and we would welcome PN to be on it too.

Piratenews, Everyone is a free agent. Even if someone goes to Bohemian Grove and has gay sex with Joementum (apologies for the image) that doesn't mean that every action they take in their life is part of the same plan as every action of Lieberman's.

G.H.W. Bush for example, was only recently wooed to the ways of team evil, and he's never been totally on board with it. If he'd been elected in '80 instead of '88 he would have been not at all on board with it. If Nixon had been elected in 1960 instead of '68, not only would he have been a totally different president, but the country would have been totally different.

... Oh yeah, that's right, Nixon WAS elected in '60 and then cheated out by a Kennedy conspiracy, remember Illinois? But the thing is, THAT conspiracy, which was the '60 democratic convention was not the the SAME conspiracy as my opponents on the left would allege stole the election from Gore in '00.

People are people, governed by free will, guided by evolution, not driven by a master plan. Plans are big sometimes, like PNAC, but to even say the Shachmanites are all in lockstep is stretching it, to say that collectively the Trotskyites (of whom the Shachtmanites are a subset) are all in league would be blatantly untrue, and to say that there was one unity of intent within the communists (of whom the Trotskyites are a subset) it patently absurd.

Given this, what I consider to be reasonable perspective, the idea that the Commie/Jew/Wiccan/Republicrats are a giganimous conspiracy is well, the sort of idea that we would all most likely reject out of hand as being completely and utterly irrational.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:23 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by citizen:


I'm sorry I thought that's what you were. To you any tax is slavery, and you want an end to it. Without tax you have no government whatsoever, no Police, no society as we know it. Therefore you are an anarchist.

In USA, there is zero requirement for any tax to run any part of government - local, state, federal. Those 30,000 US "governments" currently own 70% of the US stock market, plus local businesses. The profits these private businesses produce could easily fund all "govt" operations, IF gangsters in Govt quit looting $70-trillion/year from those CAFR "pension" funds. A "protective tariff" is what funded US gov'ts for most of its history, and would also restore true "free trade" by equalizing the playing field for US businesses, which can never compete with foreign slave labor.

None of the federal income taxes go to fund the US govt. The IRS is a private collection agency for the international "Jewish" banksters who own the fraudulent mortgage on US Municipal Corporation (the federal "debt" of $7-trillion), which is bankrupt since 1933, and in perpetual forclosure of its assets (so-called "privatization").

Taxation can thus be eliminated by European govt as well, IF they would destroy the Luciferian "Jewish" banksters who have bankrupted them and enslaved them.


You are very generous to career criminals.

No I'm not. It was your assertion that any court case brought against the government or government representatives would always fail, that's what I was alluding to, actually..

I never said prosecution of govt or govt employees would "always" fail, since I've done it myself. I'm physically disabled, so I lack the physical energy to simply go to court on a regular basis, so that handicaps me, but does not handicap lawyers, nor handicap healthy people.

The "traffic citation" I am currently defending would probably not have occurred in England, where you have those wonderful "roundabouts" that replace stop signs with high-speed chicanes. We are starting to get "traffic circles" again in USA, since they are cheaper than traffic lights, and give better fuel economy, better safety, lower emissions, and don't cause traffic hazards when electricity fails. Yield signs, or no signs, would have been more appropriate at the non-intersection in question.

However, since I moved away in 1993, England now has those insane GATSO robocop spy cameras suing bogus traffic citations, or whatever you call them over there. GATSOS are ilegal for several reasons, not least of which is because GATSOS KILL PEOPLE by increasing the number of crashes, as proven by every before/after survey. This is due to gangsta govt's gangsta private contractors shortening the timing of yellow lights to raise more revenues, and because people look for GATSO robocops instead of watching the road.

My town in USA started that bogus robocop spy cam scam this year, with a massive contract with an AUSTRALIAN company to take over city police and city traffic court, and to keep most or all of those profits! This illegal govt contract violates city ordinance, state statute and US code, and is probably based on bribery since the contracting process was done in secret.

In USA, these bogus frivolous robocop lawsuits are defeated simply by throwing the bogus citations in the trash (just like unconstitutional "parking tickets"), since those lawsuits lack mandatory "service of process" (personally handing it to the defendant, or mailing by certified mail), as required by all Rules of CIVIL Procedure, in ALL lawsuits.

In one ticket defense case, I pulled the personnel file of the cop. He had crashed his patrol car into innocent bystanders 4 times in this 5 years as a cop, but had no points on his license. In every case he rear-ended them at intersections. It is not safe to stop at intersections, in many cases, since this causes traffic jams. I got that cop reassigned to desk duty and that ticket dismissed, even though he was the police chief's personal driver and gofer, in a city police force of 400 copsters. That city police sues 125,000 annual "misdemeanor citations" in a city of only 160,000 residents... with zero accountability of court revenues, thanks to its Top Secret court docket.

That same city court fraudulently orders defendants to "plead guilty" or "not guilty" under Rules of Criminal Procedure (95% Burden of Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, 30 days in jail for all traffic "crimes"), when in fact the only rules allowed on appeal for all those cases is Rules of Civil Procedure (51% Burden of Proof by Preponderance of the Evidence, Counterclaims allowed, defendants attorney fees paid by govt when defendant wins, zero possibility of jail, cannot be found "guilty"). So all those slaves are defrauded, with no chance of winning in court, since they think they are playing "baseball" when in fact they are playing full-contact "football".

When I pulled the personnel file of the cop who stole my car (after admitting on police radio tape it was legally parked), his driving record included a homicide in an intersection. Yet these are the scumbags suing us for "bad driving", when we DON'T crash and DON'T kill people?

In traffic courts, "traffic control devices" have a "presumption" of being lawful, but that is a "rebutable presumption", meaing when a defendant enters evidence that the device is improperly installed, that device is invalid and can be lawfully ignored. Gangsta Govt's almost never perform the mandatory "traffic engineering surveys", which measure traffic flow at that point over a period of time. In the case of "speed limits", no speed limit is valid when it is below the "85th Percentile Speed" of 85% of traffic, which is the safest speed to drive, or faster. The most dangerous speed to drive is below the 85th percentile speed.


I certainly wouldn't trust my life to the evil free market system of health care in operation in America, those that can pay may live."?

No offense, but you seem incapable of literacy and comprehension. You might want to have a doctor take a look at that.

My point in fact is that no matter how much money you pay a doctor in USA, no person is allowed to be cured for infectous (bioweaponized) diseases, and other chronic diseases, such as cancer and poisonings (usually from gangsta govt).

Europe is no better. Your slaves in Europe aren't even allowed to have vitamins, without a doctor's permission to get impotent overpriced vitamins. Your "vaccines" are poisoned just like ours.

Both USA and Europe, and the rest of the world, are scheduled for 90% genocide, perped by out gangsta govt's - The Anglo-Sino Alliance Joss is warning us about, with its Paxilon HCl genocide bomb. Is Joss the next George Orwell?


You call iatrogenocide "health care"?

It can be, but I don't want to go into that with a white supremacist Christian fanatic.?

"Jews" are the true White Supremacists. Your Lords Rothschild, the true Kings of Britian, the founders of Israel, have blond hair and blue eyes, don't they?

PHOTO: WADDESTON MANOR, ENGLAND - "Jewish" Lord Jacob Rothschild, from the hereditary House of Lords in British Parliament, and "Jewish" CIA pedophile Warren Buffet, reportedly the 2nd richest billionaire in USA (after "Jewish" CIA frontman Bill Gates), and owner of Govt Employees Insurance Company (GEICO), hire gay porn star Arnold Schwarzennegger, son of a Nazi police chief and stepson of top Nazi in Austrain parliament, and a CURRENT citizen of Austria, as next governor of California colony of the 53-nation British Empire:


Do you need permission to go to work?
Do you need permission to buy food?
Do you need permission to go to the loo?

That makes driving a right because, why?

Dude, your bias is showing. Perhaps you are lucky in your town in England, and you can walk to your work, walk to buy food, walk to visit relatives and friends, and walk to do everything that you want to do.

That is almost never possible in USA, unless a person lives on a large farm, next door to all their firends and relatives, and can drive a tractor to get their produce to market.

Apparently, your smartest ancesters fled England, and left you the defective brain genes.

At least some of my relatives killed English mercenary slaves in the US/British Revolutionary Civil War, and won their independence, at least temporarily. British Empire continued that war on USA, with the War of "1812", by burning Washington DC and New Orleans... so British Empire is the most likely suspect in bombing DC on 9/11/2001 and New Orleans levees in 2005. I'm sure Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales would agree that the "United Kingdom" is EVIL. The Inner Planets Police State of the Alliance is Joss's metaphor for England.


What is it that you admire about ... the Alliance, The Operative, their mind kontrol and their genocide?

Ohh, I just love serving my Neo-Commie-Pinko-Nazi-Illuminati-Globalist-Jew-Islamic-MI6/5-CIA-FBI-SB-Martian masters. I especially like it when they tell me to murder people in hideous ways, I love it, obviously.?

That's what I suspected.

Don't get me wrong - I enjoyed living in England, except for the part I had to deal with corruption in USAF and wage an internal war on our commanding officers - which we won, and the Gulf War Vaccine Radiation WMD Syndrome. In the 10 years I lived in England and Germany, I never got a traffic ticket, despite commuting at a LEGAL 130mph on public highways, and I was one of the slower drivers on the public highway. But that is changing fast in Europe and England. Your freedom is disappearing fast, with GPS taxation by the mile, and GPS "speeding" tickets, which are designed to kill the economies of all nations that adopt that fascist/communist "Jewish" insanity.


"Government control of Communications and Transportation."
-Communist Manifesto, 6th Plank, written by Luciferian Masonic Mafia "Jew" Karl Marx in London, England

"In your lifetime most existing roads will have tolls."
—Texas Transportation Commissioner Ric Williamson, October 11, 2004

"It opens the door to open-ended new taxation that will amount to the largest tax increase in Texas History."
-Lyle Larson, Bexar County Commissioner

FREE VIDEO DOWNLOAD: American Autobahn - As seen on History Channel TV at a LEGAL 212mph on a public highway. Discussion of the Montana Autobahn in USA. Interview with Mark Rask, author of American Autobahn at Legal commentary on voluntary driver license contracts. Soundtrack includes Kraftwork's "Autobahn", DJ Visage's "Formula" (The Michael Schumacher Song) and Bottle Rockets' "R.A.D.A.R. Gun".

"I saw two officers as before, who rode up to me, with their pistols in their hands, said God damn you stop, if go an Inch further, you are a dead Man, and swore if we did not turn in to that pasture, they would blow our brains out. Major Mitchel of the 5th Regt clapd his Pistol to my head, and said he was going to ask me some questions, if I did not tell the truth, he would blow my brains out. I told him I esteemed myself a man of truth, that he had stopped me on the highway, & made me a prisoner, I knew not by what right; I would tell him the truth; I was not afraid."
—Paul Revere, owner of RevereWare(r), sworn affidavit: "Memorandum on Events of April 18, 1775" (declassified Top Secret), while under arrest (and subsequent escape) from Redcoat martial-law traffic police at Minute Man National Historic Park, Paul Revere Capture Site, on the eve of the American Revolutionary War and kicking off the Battle of Lexington and Concord, against the army, navy and courts of King George III, heriditary dictator of England who attempted "gun control" by an Assault Weapons Ban of defensive 50-caliber muskets and cannon, "Paul Revere's Ride", by David Hackett Fischer

I'm just trying to motivate the slaves to fight for their freedom, which helps all of us, no matter where we live. What would Mal and the Browncoats do?

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:58 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Fletch2:
We "slave" types do things differently

Cowboy clampers given seven years

Two men found guilty of operating a dishonest car-clamping business have been jailed. Darren Havell, 31, and Gordon Miller, 39, who ran Aquarius Securities in Portsmouth, had been found guilty of seven counts of blackmailing motorists.

On 13 March 2004 Lynda Walsh was one of three people clamped after she had stopped briefly to pick up her son. She told the jury the tow truck had driven towards her and effectively blocked her in. Miller then told her she was clamped and "shouldn't have parked there".

He added: "It's stupid people like you that pay for my Rolex and my Mercedes."


Yes, this is the same scam I'm talking about with tow-truckers stealing my two cars, which they still have after several years. My hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee is world HQ of the CEO of MILLER Industries, William MILLER, which owns 10,000 tow trucks and 10,000 garbage trucks, and manufactures both. It is a $40-billion/year multinational cartel including nuclear waste disposal. They are the car-theft mafia, the garbage mafia, and own the scrap yards and chop chops. They are routinely prosecuted for insider trading and fraud on govt contracts, and antitrust monopolies, paying our half-billion settlements on class actions. This is a part of the "Jewish" Mishpucka Mafiya, since William MILLER is "Jewish".

The "Jewish" mafia has controlled the Italian Mafia for over 100 years in USA, starting in NY City, according to the History Channel. Village Voice and NY Daily News reported that transvestite Mafia mayor Giuliani, Sir Knight of the British Empire, had an uncle who ran NY state's largest car-theft gang, hijacked trucks, and was gunned down by FBI after he murdered many people. Rudy's father was a Mafia enforcer in Sing Sing prison for armed robbery.

Killing car thieves is a GOOD thing for police to be doing with their time, instead of robbing honest people minding their own business. Unfortunately, its safer for chicken cops to rob unarmed innocent people, instead of arresting dangerous mobsters.

And I have been wheel-clamped in London by Gangsta Govt, which is essentially the same thing as towing, while simply trying to do honest business there, which is extortion and tortuous intereferance with my business. That's the only "legal problem" I had over there.

Yes, Brits are smarter and more free than Amerikan travelers:


"Speed limiters could be fitted to cars in London under radical plans backed by the Mayor. The electronic under-bonnet 'spy' would make it impossible to exceed legal limits over the entire capital. The satellite-controlled black box would "know" the maximum permitted speed at all points along a car's journey and prevent motorists from going too fast by limiting the response from the accelerator. The tough new measure, in Transport for London's Draft Road Safety Action Plan, was unveiled at the Pan-London Road Safety Forum today. The plan calls for speed limiters be fitted initially to public service vehicles such as buses and taxis. This would dramatically reduce average speeds across the capital by forcing other vehicles to fall in line. However, experts at Transport for London's Road Safety Unit also want motorists to be encouraged to fit the limiters through incentive schemes. Motorists can take their cars to a garage to have the limiter fitted for less than £150 [$250]. In return, they would be offered cheaper insurance because they would be deemed a lower risk. But experts believe the scheme could become mandatory and all motorists would have to pay to have their cars fitted with the device. In a statement today, Mayor Ken Livingstone confirmed his support for the scheme. He said: 'The use of speed limiters could save many lives in London. We must, however, ensure it is safe and the right solution for London.' Speed limiters are already fitted to some new cars voluntarily by manufacturers but must be set by the driver. Today the AA warned that motorists would resist losing control over their cars. 'Drivers do not want to lose control taken altogether,' said the AA's Paul Watters, head of roads and transport policy. However, Jenny Jones, London Assembly Green Party spokeswoman, said: 'We have to find a way of stopping speed-related injuries and deaths in London. If this technology works as well as we think it will, we have a duty to act quickly to stop the destruction of people's lives.' The Mayor and Transport for London will now consider the proposals in detail. Ministers are also looking for experts to compile a powerful digital 'map' containing details of every speed limit in Britain."
-London Evening Standard, "'Spy' under bonnet could stop speeding," September 23, 2004

Hmmm... London copsters CRASH into innocent bystanders 4,000 times every year. Why not just eliminate all traffic copsters, and see an immediate improvement in highway safety? Why not replace traffic copsters with ambulance crews, which would radically improve highway safety? Oh, I forgot, that would interfere with the NWO's Police State genocide program.

"There is no news, only the truth of the signal. There's the puppet theatre, the parliamentary jesters, the somnolent public... They can't stop the signal! They can never stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Drowsy; sleepy. Inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific. In a condition of incomplete sleep; semicomatose.
-American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary

Ha! Good joke Joss.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:01 AM



Originally posted by PirateNews:
None of the federal income taxes go to fund the US govt. The IRS is a private collection agency for the international "Jewish" banksters who own the fraudulent mortgage on US Municipal Corporation (the federal "debt" of $7-trillion), which is bankrupt since 1933, and in perpetual forclosure of its assets (so-called "privatization").

Taxation can thus be eliminated by European govt as well, IF they would destroy the Luciferian "Jewish" banksters who have bankrupted them and enslaved them.

Governments don't need taxes, got it. They get their money by raiding the back of the sofa and the stock exchange.

I never said prosecution of govt or govt employees would "always" fail, since I've done it myself.

Then why did you say it earlier?

Most of what you say about Gatso Cameras are true. They do increase crashes, and I don't like them, but by the same token they wouldn't 'cause' a single accident if people weren't looking for them, and people wouldn't be looking for them if they weren't breaking the law by speeding. By your logic we should abolish traffic police because people are looking out for them.

Truth be known it's easy not to get caught by them, just don't drive like a tit, I've never been flashed, and I drive hundreds of miles as part of my job.

Yet these are the scumbags suing us for "bad driving", when we DON'T crash and DON'T kill people?

A variation one of the more amusing and idiotic arguments as to why someone should be let off for dangerous driving. "Oh but officer I haven't killed anyone yet."
Oh well that's okay then, carry on.

No offense, but you seem incapable of literacy and comprehension. You might want to have a doctor take a look at that.

Yes, I don't agree with you, what a heinous crime, I must be a moron, to not agree with you and your white supremacist Christian fundamentalist rhetoric. No offence, arse.

Your slaves in Europe aren't even allowed to have vitamins, without a doctor's permission to get impotent overpriced vitamins.

Erm no. Vitamins are over the counter, don't need to go anywhere near a doctor. You might want to know what you're talking about in future.

"Jews" are the true White Supremacists.

But of course they would be .

Perhaps you are lucky in your town in England, and you can walk to your work, walk to buy food, walk to visit relatives and friends, and walk to do everything that you want to do.

Driving is a privilege, not a right. But you carry on labouring the point.
But since you believe that driving is a right how’s your campaign for getting everyone who can’t afford a car a free one?

Apparently, your smartest ancesters fled England, and left you the defective brain genes.

That’s pretty funny. Actually the people who couldn’t make it in other countries went to America . You’re the descendent of British Trash, haha. I’m sorry but you started that. Though it’s actually believable of you, unlike the other American’s on these boards…

At least some of my relatives killed English mercenary slaves in the US/British Revolutionary Civil War, and won their independence, at least temporarily. British Empire continued that war on USA, with the War of "1812", by burning Washington DC and New Orleans... so British Empire is the most likely suspect in bombing DC on 9/11/2001 and New Orleans levees in 2005. I'm sure Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales would agree that the "United Kingdom" is EVIL. The Inner Planets Police State of the Alliance is Joss's metaphor for England.

Oh, now I know who you are, you're that guy who stands on street corners rambling incoherently about how people are stealing your thoughts.

That's what I suspected.

The sad thing is that you're probably not joking.

But I've really been lying all along. I'm using the latest stealth technology, I'm outside your house right now, and we have bugs everywhere. We're coming to get you, get out, get out now!

And I have been wheel-clamped in London by Gangsta Govt, which is essentially the same thing as towing, while simply trying to do honest business there, which is extortion and tortuous intereferance with my business. That's the only "legal problem" I had over there.

I only blocked a main road for a few hours, what, what?

Here's where the inconsistenies from you're lies creep in...
I don't think you have ever steped foot in Britian, especially since you know fuck all about the place.

I'm just trying to motivate the slaves to fight for their freedom, which helps all of us, no matter where we live.

No, what you're doing is hiding the truth by making Bush and his cronies sound like the sane option compared toyou and your psychotic rants.

You're getting really boring now.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness.
PirateNews, that's you.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:27 AM


Could everyone kindly be a little less trollish (says the troll.) But serious, people. Edit your posts and try to be somewhat civil. We're all friends here. It's not like we're running for an election.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:40 AM


Citizen, I tend to agree with a lot that you have posted, but I must take issue when you lump together the term "White Supremacist" and "Christian Fundamentalist". While I don't tend to use the latter term to describe myself, it more or less fits. [having said that, I DEFINITELY wish to separate myself from the likes of Pat Robertson, who has a more severe case of Athlete's Tongue than Dan Quayle ever did, and Jerry Falwell, who seems to forget the basic tenets of being kind and not being rude]. The two are not affiliated, though I will admit that quite a few White Supremacists call themselves Christian Fundamentalists. The Bible very clearly says, "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, slave nor free, Barbarian nor Scythian..." which flies in the face of racism, sexism, a whole host of isms. Also, Christians are warned against anti-Semitism in that the Jews are the "natural branch" of the vine, whereas the Christians are the "grafted branch". What the association between the two groups is designed to do is to disparage the latter group, to get the public to hate them as Hitler got Germans to hate Jews. Next is to exclude them from any public forum, and after that is to pass discriminatory laws, ie: hate speech laws, so that POLITICALLY INCORRECT SPEECH is now a crime. I don't agree with Nazis or the Flat Earth Society, but they HAVE A RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH. I believe that the reason the Klan is so weak now is specifically because people find their ideas stupid. Let them hang themselves!

So Christians have been and will fall under that form of attack; the Patriot Act has actually named Christians as potential terrorists. And that, my friends, was signed by are allegedly Christian President. It's the same technique the Secularist/Pantheist crowd in our country has used while covering the "War on Terror": call them Islamic Fundamentalists rather than terrorists. Then, you slide it into Fundamentalists as a whole. Then anybody who gets in the way politically can be branded, then ostracized. According to the new global paradigm, anyone who claims to have the truth will be ostracized: the Christians, the Muslims, and the Jews. They say, "Don't push your values on us." Well, what are THEY doing but pushing THAT VALUE on us? They say, you're not being tolerant. We want tolerance and diversity. Really? They don't tolerate anything that disagrees with their definition of tolerance and diversity. Real tolerant.

I hate to bring up a decidedly inferior form of Science Fiction, but there is a really good analogy to this in the Borg of the Star Trek 'verse. Theoretically, they should be the most diverse of any civilization, except that they are by far the most homogenous and intolerant. For a good run-down on this, check out the website:

and look for the article on the Borg. It says it much better than I do here.

"....also, I can kill you with my brain."


Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:48 AM



Pat Robertson is a political hack. He was basically created by the neocons to feed their agenda to the Christian right back when that gay marriage was formed in the late 70s.

Basically I agree with your post. I always so the global social revolution as the Borg. China is currently trying to take over Nepal, and after it does, Himalayan culture will be irradicated and replaced with a copy of Chinese communism. This is how it is all over the world. I support the Chirstian right's right to do their own thing, and strongly so. I am not a big basher of the xtians, but when I do, it's when their agenda is applied in the same oppressive fashion to everyone else, like a la Bush.

Anyway, well said.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 7:19 AM


A few more thoughts/responses to yesterday's thread content....

What PN is referring to regarding vitamins is the Codex Alimentarius, which does indeed exist and does indeed define vitamins, supplements and homeopathic/alternative remedies as "toxins". [??!!]and is indeed law in Europe. What he may or may not know is that the Codex was piggy-backed onto CAFTA recently, and so it is now also law in the USA [that's the new deal, sign treaties rather than vote on laws]...
This is designed to give the Biotech/Pharmaceu-tical crowd a whole bunch more authority than they already have [NOTE: check out the Bush Administration as to how many of the non-Oil people have backgrounds in Biotech or Pharmaceuticals; it will BLOW YOUR MIND] You see, healthy people are bad for business.

FORTUNATELY FOR US...they have a snowball's chance in Hell actually ENFORCING these laws; in my neck o' the woods [Northern Indiana]we have a company called Eli Lilly [remember MK Ultra? That's them]which was formerly run by our present governor "My Man Mitch" Daniels...but we also have a whole heck of a lot of really pissed-off people who practice holistic/alternative medicine because, horror of horrors, they're actually GETTING BETTER WITHOUT POISONS. And they're not going to take this lying down, 'cause we got Judy Cole on our side!!!!

And, to steal a phrase, Now for Something Completely Different....

It was said by someone earlier that we in the US of A do not live in a socialist country. I'm not exactly sure I buy that. What John Loeffler [] and Dr. Stan Monteith []have been saying for years is that we now have Socialist Party D and Socialist Party R, BOTH claiming that the answer to everything is more laws and more government control, BOTH trying to psychosocialize and indoctrinate us into thinking along politically correct lines, whether we agree to it or not [Central Planets, anyone?] and BOTH actively destroying our Constitution and Bill of Rights. The BIG difference here [aside from the whole "good cop, bad cop" motif] is that Socialist Party R tends to attack our freedoms from illegal search & seizure, habias corpus, and seizure of property [eminent domain run amok]while Socialist Party D tends to attack free speech and the right to bear arms [disarming the citizens of New Orleans while ignoring the roving bands of thugs--what part of "shall not be infringed" did they not understand?]. When you look at things closely, you'll find that the paradigm is now nationalism vs. globalism. You'll find Environmental organizations with members on the board being CEO's of oil companies. You'll find a good deal of Hillary Clinton's programs signed into law by George W. Bush. You'll find Clinton, while campaigning against China's position as Most Favored Nation, designating them as Most Favored Nation, then selling them technology for campaign contributions. You'll find Republicans embracing FDR's New Deal. By comparison, JFK looks like a staunch conservative. And I don't even LIKE Jack. Conservative, Liberal, Neocon....these terms mean much less today that do the terms Transnationalist, Globalist, or Nationalist.

...So, if you doubt that we're becoming Socialists, pick up a copy of the Communist Manifesto, and see how many of their objectives are now Federal Law. Then ask someone in their early to mid twenties what they think of Socialism. You'll find very few that think it's wrong. Facism they hate, but Socialism is okay.
I think that Communism is Socialism in a hurry with a gun.

Sorry I'm going on for such a long rant, but I'll just put some song lyrics up to end this...

...tell me it’s raining






Disillusion me...

Orwell wrote a little book
A most profound, prophetic look
How governments become the rook
Reality is pluralized
Society lobotomized
Socialism in disguise
Went to bed in the Land of the Free
I woke up in Nazi Germany
I can’t believe what they tell me
Disillusioned me...

Caught between the ists & isms
Add the latest cataclysms
Narcoleptic euphemisms
Set Al Qaeda in our sights
Wave our flags & fly our kites
Strike a match to the Bill of Rights
You might think me paranoid
Suggest that I could use some Freud
But when my way of life’s destroyed
It disillusions me...
The media’s Scheherazade
Spins a gossamer facade
Around the truth we promenade
Placing my complete aplomb
In the hands of Peter, Dan & Tom
I might as well have dropped the bomb.
Scales are falling from my eyes
The truth is not a pack of lies
I will not be sodomized

heck, I'll give you one more; my apologies to the Republicans & Democrats...

Bow to your Partner! Now Bow to your Corner!
Now bow to the New World Order!
I’m W, and I was born to rule
cause all my life has been a school
of dynasty, conspiracy and political turpitude
Well I eat my pretzels & bang my drum,
the whole dern country skips along.
I’ll take this land with sleight of hand; you might think that’s kind of crude...
...oil that is: black gold; Texas tea!
Now allemande with communism
Promenade towards socialism
New World Order’s lookin’ like it’s just around the bend...
Now do si do with the legal system
Make a bunch o’ laws, and then you twist ‘em
Suddenly private property is just about to end, cause
Don’t pay no mind to no dimpled chad;
You all think I’m Galahad,
& all my fascist policies are bound to be ignored...
Just watch me botch my elocution
While I shred the Constitution
I’ll play the fool & pull the wool; hey, it worked for Gerald Ford! ...and
Republican and Democrat
Are arm in arm with all their charm to put you all in hock
There’ll be no child left behind;
We’ll keep ‘em all fat, dumb and blind,
Cause sheep don’t ever think to question why they’re on the block! ...cause
Now every terrorist explosion
Brings Democracy’s erosion;
Freedom is an airplane, and it’s just about to crash...
& with the Stalin Left and the Hitler Right
You won’t give up without a fright;
The only difference here is how you trim the damned moustache, ...cause

"....also, I can kill you with my brain."


Thursday, January 12, 2006 7:22 AM



I'm saying PN is a white supremacist AND a Christian Fundamentalist in the vein that Osama Bin Laden is a Muslim fundamentalist. No link between the two is meant.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:46 PM


The Bush Cabal:

Anyone who doesn't believe they're every bit as mean, underhanded, nasty, dirty, scheming, deceptive, power hungry, and greedy, as the Alliance, is an ignorant fool.

"You can't take the sky from me..."


Thursday, January 12, 2006 4:58 PM


Sure, granted, but in all fairness, it was the Clinton Cabal before it was the Bush cabal, since Clinton was the one who first started making deals with the devil. The devil in this case is played by Dick Cheney. Unless you want to pull G.H.W. Bush into it, who I guess had Cheney as top hawk. But the main sin that Bush Jr. the chimp has over Waco Wacko Clinton is incompetence. Still, let's be bi-partisan about this, because in a couple of years the same evil run by the same people from the same think tanks from the same secret societies from the same ivy league universities will still be in power, only they will be calling themselves Clinton again.

The Clinton/Bush cabal, or if you're a democrat, the Bush/Clinton cabal.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:11 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by citizen:
I'm saying PN is a white supremacist AND a Christian Fundamentalist in the vein that Osama Bin Laden is a Muslim fundamentalist. No link between the two is meant.

And you're a "Jewish" Mishpucka Commie terrorist who worships Big Brother as God. What death oath did you swear when you joined the Luciferian "Jewish" Masonic Mafia? See folks, how evil these fake "Jews" are?

Or perhaps you're one of David Icke's shapeshifting lizard people (aka "Jews" according to ADL in Canada)? Just like Firefly owner Rupert Murdoch/Moloch/Satan?


Moloch, Molech.
god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians to whom parents sacrificed their children. A deity worshipped by the ancient Semites. A tyrannical power to be propitiated by human subservience or sacrifice; "the great Moloch of war"; "duty has become the Moloch of modern life"- Norman Douglas.

from Hebrew Gai-Ben-Hinnom meaning Valley of the Son of Hinnom. Originally it referred to a garbage dump in a deep narrow valley right outside the walls of Jerusalem (in modern-day Israel) where fires were kept burning to consume the refuse and keep down the stench. It is also the location where bodies of executed criminals, or individuals denied a proper burial, would be dumped. Today, "Gehenna" is often used as a synonym for Hell. Pagans once sacrificed their children to pagan idols in the fires in Gehenna, and this was an abomination; in 2 Kings, 23:10, King Josiah forbade the sacrificing of children to Moloch at Gehenna. Since priests would bang on drums so that the father would not hear the groans of the child when he would be burned by the hands of the pagan image, Molech, they called it Topheth. Jesus used the word gehenna, not hell.

a spiny, brownish, ant-eating Australian lizard (Moloch horridus) similar to a horned toad but of another family (Agamidae)
-Webster's New World dictionary

"Hi Mr M, Have just read and loved King of the City, and am halfway through Mother London. Moloch is preseumably Murdoch."
-Fraser Marshall

"Another greed bucket. The younger Begg is also based on someone I know well and dislike. The irony is, of course, that Moloch published the book in the US. I learned later that a moloch is a horny Australian lizard with poisonous venom."
-Michael Moorcock,

Yes I do have greedy rich white-supremacist "Jewish" relatives who vacation at "Jewish" Bohemian Grove AND Wahabi Jewish CIA/OSS/MI6 employee USAma bin Laden has been the Bush family's business partner since at least their 1947 Trust agreement. USAma's CIA "Jewish" codename was "Tim OSSman" when in California buying Surface-to-Air Missiles from CIA. GW Bush Jr's first business partner was [Jeru]Salem Bin Laden in Arbusto Oil in Texas. Where was GHW Bush Sr (CIA/MI6), Sir Knight of the British Empire on 9/11/2001? He was dining with Safig Bin Laden at Carlyle Group meeting in Washington DC, along with former British prime minister John Major (MI6), who is also an owner of Carlyle Group.

You really should research your insults a little better, you bloody bloke. But then, you presume your readers can't read or drive a search engine. Didn't you say your job is sadistic mind-kontrol propaganda torturer, er, gov't school teacher, like stuck that needle in River's brain?


"Islamic militant leader Osama bin Laden, the man the United States considers the prime suspect in last week's terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, denied any role Sunday in the actions believed to have killed thousands. In a statement issued to the Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, bin Laden said, 'The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it. I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons,' bin Laden's statement said. 'I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations,' bin Laden said."
-CNN, "Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks,"
September 17, 2001

"I have already said that I am not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other human beings as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people."
-Usama Bin Laden, Ummat magazine, September 28, 2001

"I don't give a goddamn. I'm the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way. Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It's just a goddamned piece of paper!"
-Georgie Walker Bush Junior, Capitol Hill Blue, "Bush - Constitution 'Just A Goddamned Piece Of Paper'," Dec 9, 2005

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."
-President-Select George "Texascutioner" Bush Jr., transvestite, convicted drunk driver, convicted cocaine dealer, arrested for theft and vandlaism, sued for rape, sued under RICO Act for perping the 9/11 Massacres, who performs ritual human sacrifice to Satan/Molech at "Jewish" Bohemian Grove homosexual nudist colony and presidential compound, who eats off Adolf Hitler Shicklegruber Rothschild's silverware and worships the "Jewish" Nazi Swastika at Skull & Bones, whose father was sued for narcoterror bombings under RICO Act, whose graverobbing grandfather was arrested and handcuffed 3 times and paid a $750,000 forfeiture for treason by arming Hitler during WW2, whose ancester Thomas Percy was gunned down and summarily executed for the Gunpowder Plot to bomb British Parliament, CNN News, December 18, 2000

"A 'con man', a 'confidence man', is the best-dressed, the best-spoken. He has to be since his intention is to separate you from your money, from your freedom. This is his 'M.O.' - his modus operandi. Our representatives in Washington DC remind me of the best conmen. This is a lesson we all have to learn."
-Detective Frank Serpico, NYPD,, GCN Radio Network,, 2002

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

VIDEO: All London train travelers stip-searched by pervert Big Brother

Citizen's Prayer:


Palm 23

The Government is my Shepherd Book; I shall not have.

It maketh me to lie down spead eagle: It X-rays my naked body in train and plane stations.

It controlleth my soul: It leadeth me in the paths of corruption for Pete's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Police State, I will fear evil: for It Tasers me; Its rod and its staff they beat me.

It poisons my table before me in the presence of mine enemies: It anointest my head with clubs; my brains runneth over.

Surely statutes and taxes shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the Big House of Big Brother for ever.

Bush/Bin Laden's Carlyle Group Pentagon contractor owns Universal Studios and Serenity The Movie. No, the genocidal Anglo/British Alliance has nothing in common with the genocidal Anglo/British Empire. Under British/Jewish "hate-speech" laws, Joss should be serving time in the Tower of London. Thank God USA defeated the Jewish/Luciferian ADL B'Rith N'Rith Masonic Mafia's hate-speech legislation in 2005, but it'll rise from the dead like a vampyre every year to the end of time, just like "Jewish" hate-laws have already destroyed free-speech and history in Europe.

Jewish Takeover of USA via "Hate Laws" ends free speech and Constitutional rights

Are ADL BNai B'Rith Masonic, not Jewish?


VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Hateful Jewish Luciferian Masonic ADL B'Nai B'rith writing "Hate Laws" to Make Criminals of Christians

Select to view spoiler:

"This is how it is. (BAM - SHOOTS TRAFFIC COP DEAD) I mean to confound these 'bungers'. So I hear a word out of any of you that ain't helpin' me out or takin' your leave, I will shoot you down! Get to work!"
-Mal, STM

"Ghosts in the Machine"
by John Lee
Secret history of American Nazi-killers at Snetterton Racing Circuit, Attleborough, England

Secret History of RAF Upper Heyford, England
How to win a lawful Mutiny and frag your commanding officers by filing criminal charges then get promoted to Pentagon
by John Lee


"I don't think you have ever steped foot in Britian, especially since you know fuck all about the place."
-Citizen Insane

a hoodlum or lout: also yobbo
-Webster's New World dictionary


Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:33 PM


As usual PN you show yourself to be a twat.

A very very very boring twat.

Go away and rape a baby or whatever it is you like to do you sick arsehole.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Friday, January 13, 2006 12:47 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I notice your avatar is Simon, a nice "Jewish" actor, who I admire for his excellent work on FF & STM.

So how come you don't agree with all the whistleblowing Jews who hate the Luciferian ADL Zionist banksters of the genocidal "British" Empire?

Or are you just terrified of being arrested under ADL's "hate speech" laws in Britian?

Or are you just freaked out by your rabbi sucking your willie like a vampyre during circumcision bris?


"A circumcision ritual practiced by some Orthodox Jews has alarmed city health officials, who say it may have led to three cases of herpes - one of them fatal - in infants. The practice is known as oral suction, or in Hebrew, metzitzah b'peh: after removing the foreskin of the penis, the practitioner, or mohel, sucks the blood from the wound to clean it.

"It became a health issue after a boy in Staten Island and twins in Brooklyn, circumcised by the same mohel in 2003 and 2004, contracted Type-1 herpes. Most adults carry the disease, which causes the common cold sore, but it can be life-threatening for infants. One of the twins died.

"Since February, the mohel, Rabbi Yitzchok Fischer, 57, has been under court order not to perform the ritual in New York City while the health department is investigating whether he spread the infection to the infants."
-Andy Neuman, New York Times, "City Questions Circumcision Ritual After Baby Dies," August 26, 2005

I wonder why the "Jewish" owned TV networks NEVER report this perversion, like they do the Catholic pedophile priests?

It's okay to be "Jewish", just don't be nuts about it. Rabbi "Jesus" was a Jew, BTW. But I doubt he perfomed "oral suction" on bloody penises. Sounds like something Reavers would enjoy...


Friday, January 13, 2006 3:32 AM


PN, I'm sorry I don't agree with you view that every little thing that happens anywhere is a huge conspiracy made up by Commie-Nazi-Jews.

I'm sorry that I don't agree that every nation on Earth is genocidal.

You see I'm sane. I don't have Schizophrenia, so its not likely that I'll ever be able to agree with you.

So I'll make you a deal, I'll go and smoke copious amounts of cannabis in the hope that it makes me go as crazy as you, and you collate all your damning evidence into a coherent sentence or two so that another human-being has a chance of understanding it.

Oh, and I'm not Jewish, and no amount of ranting and raving, talking about people stealing your thoughts, or bring up proof from as evidence that the Jews really are to blame for everything that’s ever gone wrong in your life (because your screw ups and problems could never be YOUR fault now could they) is going to change that.

It should tell you something, that someone like me, who has no particular love for the current regimes operating in America or Britain, and who is also well aware there are conspiracies in operation in government, can be so quickly and efficiently alienated by you. How you can actually push me to start defending the American and British Governments. If you can do that to me, then you're delusional if you think that your psychotic rhetoric will 'help' any of the 'sheeple'.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Friday, January 13, 2006 6:03 AM


Piratenews, you are as steeped in the wild conspiracy connections (true as some may be) as many 'sheeple' are in the denial of ANY conspiracies.
You've turned it into your own personal religion.
You should look to that.
Being concerned with EVERYTHING can be as bad as being concerned with NOTHING, both lead you to being egocentric.
Take some time off, and see a comedy, or play with a child.
Peace (hopefully).



Friday, January 13, 2006 6:46 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Chrisisall:
Citizen, I think you take this entire very important discussion far too lightly!.

Roger that.


Originally posted by citizen:
I'll make you a deal, I'll go and smoke copious amounts of cannabis, to start defending the American and British Governments.

If you love your Central Planet UK so much, why waste time with this thread? Who are you, the forum police?

Enjoy your GPS taxation-by-the-mile, your GPS speed limiters and GPS speed tickets, your perverted strip searches when you ride a train, bus or plane, your contagious vaccines, your 95% tax rate, your govt-perped terror bombings, your homosexual genocidal Satanic wife-killing masters, and your slavery. You're too damn lazy, ignorant, stupid and corrupt to pull your head out of your bum, resulting in copius shite in your ears.

If I could shut down your little brain with just a few keystrokes in less than a week, imagine what the Tavistock Institute did to you your entire life...

And what's up with the nekked men on your favorite banner? Did I miss any buttons? It sure is a good thing your queen took away your guns, or you might go psycho and kill somebody today.

But wait, yes you can get a gun and go kill somebody - just join the MOD and go to Iraq and kill little babies. I'm sure you'd love that, and as a bonus you get to run around nekked on video beating off the other soldiers with big sticks, and rape little babies on videotape to show off to your mates. Worship your worshipful masters and they will surely "take care" of you.

Oh yeah, that's right, you already work for Ministry Of Defense (aka The Alliance).


Citizen: Most dangerous job

"Now I work for the British MOD. The most dangerous place I've been doing that was Germany."

So you have REAL blood on your hands. What's your exact job, BTW? Operative?

Have a nice day.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Friday, January 13, 2006 7:33 AM


[But wait, yes you can get a gun and go kill somebody - just join the MOD and go to Iraq and kill little babies. I'm sure you'd love that, and as a bonus you get to run around nekked on video beating off the other soldiers with big sticks, and rape little babies on videotape to show off to your mates. Worship your worshipful masters and they will surely "take care" of you.]

PN, you are part of the problem.
You learned nothing from Serenity.
You are an Operative.
Enjoy your world without sin.

Not funny Chrisisall


Friday, January 13, 2006 7:41 AM


You worked for the USAF PN, what does that prove. My signicture is satire, you probably haven't heard of it, the 'nekkid' men as you call it (you know what they say about homophobes, right?) is about how nothings really changed since we were living in trees, I understand if you missed the point.

Good bye, and please put serious thought in to getting some form, any form, of mental help.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Friday, January 13, 2006 7:43 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Ex-Operative. It takes one to smell one. Now I'm a Shepherd Book. At least I was one of the relatively good guys, not an ate-up brown-nosing butt-kisser skeert of his own shadow.


"I killed the ship that killed us!"
-Book, STM


Friday, January 13, 2006 10:56 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by reallykaylee:
point of intrest.

i was just online and found a link to

forgive me if you exahusted the topic but this is a faux documentary talking about the possibility (or rather making the statement) that what the people want will overpower what they need. the commercial side with dominate the media and democracy.

basically making us one unified nation with different ideas about the state of our nation. it was creepifying.

but anyway, i was thinking on it and couldn't help but see this as a precursor to the anglo-sino alliance in the verse. once one nation totally agrees they seek other alliances. without internal strife groups rise to power and gain still more influence.

here's the link

i'd like to hear what y'all see in it.

shakespeare: more words than God.

Yes, Google's the perfect CIA/MI6 hostile takeover using insider trading and NSA espionage, just like Microsoft. Then mergers to eclipse OSS/CIA agent Alexander Pope's $400-million National Enquirer propaganda billboard (HQ bombed by US military grade anthrax, condemned and purchased by transvetite mobster Rudy Giuliani Sir Knight of the British Empire, to confiscate nude photos of Georgie Bush Jr). Now that's creepifying.

Media Museum 2014 did leave out one thing. In 2005, Pirate News TV went online, broadcasting video plus a dozen blogbots running on autopilot to assemble the largest collection of news on planet Earth. Also in 2004, PNTV attacked the media mafia via cable television in a Skull & Bones city, where Bohemian Grove members run their national TV and newspaper monopoly. By 2015, PNTV was the dominant media empire on the planet, by using the revolutionary marketing plan of telling the truth.

"For whole on a year now I haven't had nothin betwixt my nethers that didn't have batteries!"
-Joss, er, Kaylee

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Friday, January 13, 2006 1:11 PM



Ex-Operative. It takes one to smell one. Now I'm a Shepherd Book. At least I was one of the relatively good guys, not an ate-up brown-nosing butt-kisser skeert of his own shadow.

Then you might want to check you offactory sensor. I can say in all honesty and sincerity that I have no blood on my hands directly or indirectly from my work.

Can you?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Friday, January 13, 2006 1:55 PM


This is actually for everybody...

[And please interpret this in the most gentle and shiny way possible]

Um, I've only been on this site less than a week, and I got on this thread with the hopes of discussing the connections between the Firefly/Serenity 'verse with our own times and cultures with some people from differnt points of view. Does anyone remember Firefly or Serenity? You know, the Joss Whedon thing? That we're supposed to be discussing? Along with our own troubled world and its complex socio-religio-politics?

Instead, I've unfortunately been spending all this time reading [on dial-up, no less]tit-for-tat insults and counter-insults that aren't getting to the core of anything besides trying to get the latest jibe in.

So I'm going to try to start the thread anew here...Here are some topics we might try:

*The Central Planets are seen as "enlightened", but this faux enlightenment is depicted as coming at too great a cost, if not downright evil. Yet the Outer Planets seem to be depicted as equally bad, just on a local level. Could this infer [or is it imply? I forget] our trouble reconciling problems both at home and abroad in these "interesting times"--are there good guys anywhere?--, or is this the human condition where everything seems a vast wasteland of iniquity, depravity and hopelessness? How does this relate to the American/Anti-American sentiment? [or UK or Canadian, etc. etc.]

*Other Sci-Fi movies/etc. that deal with the same types of issues [ie: Gattaca, trying to create the "perfect world", through genetics instead of pharmaceuticals]and any parallels we might draw...and lo and behold, our own 'verse trying the same with both.

*The struggle of Malcolm Reynolds and his fall from faith [in the 2 hour "pilot", before the battle of Serenity, Mal kisses a cross in an obviously habitual manner, yet afterwards he is actively hostile towards God, but not Book] he really set against his former faith, or is he really seeking for someone to restore his faith? Are there real-life parallels here?

* Which female aboard Serenity has the greatest rack?

* The Reavers were the fault of the Central Planets. Is our present-day situation with terrorists the same situation: did we, with our policies, create Bin Laden and those like him, or are they more like the unruly outer planets with a right to war against the Superpowers?

[I put in number four to see if anyone can draw present day sociopolitical parallels with boobs.]

"....also, I can kill you with my brain."


Friday, January 13, 2006 1:59 PM


For my part in that I appologise.

At this stage it may be better to start another thread, I'm on broadband and it takes some time to load.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Friday, January 13, 2006 3:04 PM


I see Pirate News is off his meds again.

Serious, Mr. News. I think I know what's causing you to rant. You're antibiotics might be shutting down the conversion of L-Tryp to 5-htp by killing the native bacteria to your system. So, I go back to the 5-htp supplement idea, assuming that you're sure you need the antibiotics. There's a decent chance that those ABs killed the bug you picked up in the gulf years ago, and what's making you sick (physically) now is the drugs you're taking to kill the bug which is long dead. You really should look into that possibility because it seems somewhat likely.

You were quite lucid for a while, and now you've returned to shaking your finger and shouting JEW! JEW! JEW!


Friday, January 13, 2006 3:06 PM



* Which female aboard Serenity has the greatest rack?

Zoe. Maybe this will help avoid an entire thread on the subject.


Friday, January 13, 2006 3:36 PM



This forum is RWED, it's for real world events, aka, non-firefly specific items. the general discuss board is for firefly stuff.

This board is getting a little hectic, maybe it's time we gravitate back to the the firefly board. I'm a bit worn out on this stuff anyway.


Friday, January 13, 2006 11:30 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by citizen:
I can say in all honesty and sincerity that I have no blood on my hands directly or indirectly from my work.

Can you?

Spoken like a true sociopath. I notice you fail to mention what your job description is with the Alliance, er, British Ministry of War, er "Defense" (MOD). The same MOD run by be same British Empire that genocided 1.6-million Iraqis in the British Empire's "former" colony of "Iraq".

In 1987 I was loading the bombs at RAF Upper Heyford, Oxfordshire, England, during a "routine wargame", when US and UK bombers perped a first strike unprovoked raid on Libya, in Operation El Dorado Canyon. This was reportedly an attempt to assassinate the president of Libya. Instead, it assassinated the little daughter of Qadaffi, and 40 other innocent people as they slept in their beds. It also got a US F-111 shot down and death of 2 crew. While all that mahem was going on, US special forces (US Marine Corps and Navy Seals) were tasked with rescuing Qadaffi from his home before the bombings, to "prevent an international incident", if other world leaders had been visiting. So the whole thing was a fake dog and pony show for the sheeple. Pan Am 107 was bombed by Bush and Queen's gang of heroin-dealing CIA/MI6 gangsters, to kill the Pentagon cops trying to arrest them, in the 100-year Anglo-Sino Opium Wars. 107 was not bombed by Libya, so no justification for war. So I woke up that day and turned on BBC TV, and watched a Libyan woman's brains splattered on the ground as I ate my scrambled eggs. Then I went to work on the returning blood-soaked F-111 ECM jammers for our NATO/UN "wargame". A day in the life on Airstrip One.

Read Pentagon's declassified Operation Northwoods, and history of Israel's attempt to sink USS Liberty, to comprehend the psychosis of monsters who hijacked our "governments" a long time ago.


"Half of writing history is hiding the truth."
-Mal, STM

I was out of USAF by Gulf War #1, but my wife was still in, so that blood is on our hands. At least we personally fired the 4-star general USAF chief of staff who was leading the war in Iraq, by filing criminal charges against him. Read about it on my websites, if you dare.

How many criminal charges have YOU filed against YOUR commanders during this 15-year war in Iraq? Since you've done nothing but profit from murder and armed robbery, you're nothing but a terrorist and a criminal.


Citizen: Most dangerous job

"Now I work for the British MOD. The most dangerous place I've been doing that was Germany."

How can there be anything dangerous in Germany, which is our ally, unless you are an 80-year-old geezer who fought in WW2? The only recent "dangerous job" in Germany is MI6 running the "Nazi skinhead" provocateur gangs, in order to justify a NATO/UN ZioNazi Police State.


"Germany's most notorious postwar neo-Nazi party was led by an intelligence agent working for the British, according to both published and unpublished German sources.
The alleged agent - the late Adolf von Thadden - came closer than anyone to giving the far-right real influence over postwar German politics. Yet, according to a report earlier this year in the Cologne daily, the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, the man dubbed "the New Führer" was working for British intelligence throughout the four years he led the NPD, from 1967 to 1971. However, a former senior officer in German intelligence told the Guardian this week that he had been informed of a much longer-standing link between Von Thadden and British intelligence. His recollection raises the question of whether the German far-right-winger was under the sway of M16 when he and others founded the NPD in 1964. Dr Hans Josef Horchem, who was the head of the Hamburg office of the Verfassungsschutz - the West German security service - from 1969 to 1981, said he received regular visits from British intelligence liaison officers. Germany's government is currently trying to ban the NPD on the basis that its policies violate the constitution.
But the government's case is in danger of collapse after the disclosure that some senior NPD members were agents of the Verfassungsschutz. This has sparked debate about the extent to which counter-intelligence officers were sustaining the far right. The question also arises of whether MI6 was seeking help from the neo-Nazi movement when far-left militancy was sweeping Europe after the uprising of May 1968 in Paris. They had an English grandmother, and Ms Fox von Thadden said her brother 'did like coming to Britain, and did like Britain very much'."
-John Hooper in Berlin, London Guardian, "Neo-Nazi leader 'was MI6 agent'," August 13, 2002

"This means an operative. That's trouble you've not known. They'll come at you sideways. That's how they think - that's how they move. Sidle up with a smile. Hit you where you're weak. Sort of man is hard - kills and never asks why."
-Shepherd Book, STM

Mr Citizen, were you employed as a "dangerous" neoNazi provocateur in Germany? That would explain your fixation on neoNazi websites that are proven to be provocatuers owned by intel agenies and ADL/Mossad. And why you are harassing the folks on this board with your Police State tactics of divide and conquer?


Originally posted by Faramond:
Um, I've only been on this site less than a week, and I got on this thread with the hopes of discussing the connections between the Firefly/Serenity 'verse with our own times and cultures with some people from differnt points of view. Does anyone remember Firefly or Serenity? You know, the Joss Whedon thing? That we're supposed to be discussing? Along with our own troubled world and its complex socio-religio-politics?

To get "back" on topic (versus defending the topic), I'm amazed at how much history of covert ops and Gangsta Govt Joss worked into his scripts on FF&STM. I've read over 1,000 history books, especially modern history, and Joss is on target with every script, or as much as he an be with sci-fi westerns. Even more so than BTVS & ATVS. (Are Satanic demons, vampires, cannibals and witches "real"? Just watch our dictators worshipping Molech and perping "mock" human sacrifice at Bohemian Grove.)

Mal is still waging the war of underground resistance against the Anglo/British Alliance. If the Alliance were so good for its citizens, why would Mal choose to be a "gangster" - if a benevolent gangster - rather than settle down and raise a family and run a 100% legit business? He's obviously a competent business owner with Firefly transport operations. He does pay taxes, just not the full amount demanded by the Alliance, hence his prior "bound by law" for tax evasion. His employers tend to be upper-crust gangsters, implying the Alliance has zero control over organized crime, just like the Real World today. In the Real World, gagstas and Gangsta Govts work hand in hand, via bribery on looted govt contracts and police protection rackets that literally license career criminals (aka "confidential informants").

Is Joss implying the Alliance is taxing its slaves to death, rendering them unable to survive if they "pay their fair share" of socialist taxation, ie rob from the middle class and give to the elite?

It's curious Joss chose a Canadian to play Mal, implying the Canadians hate their enslavement to the "British" Empire even more than "Americans", since Canada is still a member of the British Commonwealth, run the the German queen of England. All their counterfeit money is printed with the dogface of the queen, which must be very annoying to every person who does not consider themselves slaves, er, "subjects". US "dollars" (FRN debt certificates) are morphing into Eurostyle "dollars", displaying multicolored oversized faces of infamous dictators along with illuminati pyramids and all-seeing eyes of Satan, er, Lucifer. How long before USA gets to spend "dollar bills" counterfeited with Queen Elizabeth's and King Charles' ugly face? Why is Prince Charles discussing changing his name to King George (his middle name), like King George who declared war on USA 200 years ago? Like his cousins, King George Bush I & II, the current co-dictators of USA?

Now USA is merging with Canada via NAFTA, and products like cars, manufactured in Canada, are labeled "Made In USA". Canadian troops are enforcing martial law in the federal/UN city of New Orleans. As Joss warns us, we are ALL merging into this evil Alliance "parliamentary" totalitarian dictatorship. Commie China has a "parliament" too - and they cannibalize their own citizens on a daily basis, just like Reavers. Every day, British cosmetic stores sell human flesh from Commie China in its "beuaty products". America too.

The only "bright side" to Joss' nightmare Alliance is that almost no Chinese actors appear in the shows, implying somebody genocided 90% of 1-billion (probably the Alliance itself, like Miranda). The Commie Chinese govt has already genocided and cannibalized 60-million of its own citizens, in the real world, in just 50 years. Imagine what they can do in 500 years?

I hope George Bush Sr Sir Knight of the British Empire, owner of STM, and Rupert Molech Murdock Sir Knight of the British Empire, owner of FF, allow Joss to extrapolate his scripts to show how horrific their Angla-Sino Alliance may become. If only for them to watch and enjoy their own evil, and for us to marvel that fantasy history gets a $100-million budget, but real history does not.

As for:


Originally posted by Faramond:
The Reavers were the fault of the Central Planets. Is our present-day situation with terrorists the same situation: did we, with our policies, create Bin Laden and those like him, or are they more like the unruly outer planets with a right to war against the Superpowers?

Yes, Reavers were engineered by the Alliance, but not by accident. Read the history from the past 100 years of modern medicine, and you will notice a constant theme of intentional disasters and "medical experiments run amok". The low-level "useful idiots" employed by Alliance, USA, UK, Nazi Germany et al are never told the entire covert agenda of their elite dictators (read Sun Tsu's book "The Art of War" from ancient China, and Machivelli's "The Prince", both of which are still in print and online for free). This is exactly what I've been discussing on this entire thread! Faramond's statement censors the choices, in true Communist change-agent "consensus" protocol, as done in every "democratic" legislature, govt-contracted school and media "poll".

Bin Laden and ALL other "famous terrorists" are employed by our own "intelligence" covert agencies, to attack our own citizens (or to falsely blame them for attacking), to blame a foreign enemy and "justify" perpetual war, and perpetual taxation, and perpetual Police State, as confessed in writing by our own governments, and reported by our own mainline media.

Once again, your homework assignment is download Pentagon's "Operation Northwoods", declassified in 2000, "fictionalized" by Fox TV's Lone Gunmen pilot episode in March 2001 (CIA hijacks a US airliner by remote control to crash into WTC), reported by ABC News in May 2001 and ABC producer James Banford in, where US goverment signed a confession that it intended to bomb US cities, hire enemy soldiers to attack US bases, to hijack US airliners by remote control and blow up fake passengers, to "justify" war to remove a Commie dictator the CIA hired in the first place.

So Reavers, when compared to the facts presented by Joss, are an Alliance "medical experiment", just like River, only different. Reavers are barbarian "terrorists", yes, but are they used by the Alliance as cover for its own genocide programs, like Mal used Reavers as cover for his bank robbery in STM?

Are Iraqis Reavers? No. There is no "Al CIAda", it's just a CIA database of its employees fighting the Commie Ruskies in for the British opium crops and oil wells in Afghanistan. The people of Iraq, and people of every other nation "we" invade, have every right to defend themselves against "our" agression, including the right to escalation of force and justifiable homicide in self defense, as allowed by law. US soldiers have every right to defend US borders, but that is all, and in point of fact, US troops make ZERO attempt to defend US borders. Hence 10,000 criminal terrorists invade USA every day, with full permission of "our" gangster govts, with 99% immunity from arrest and deportation. If the Alliance perps such crimes against its Central Planets, then those people will perhaps join Mal's War in future episodes?

As Officer Jack McLamb, a retired cop and soldier ( points out on his daily radio show, ALL US/UK soldiers in Iraq are obeying illegal orders, which is a crime. Under Uniform Code of Military Justice, it is never a valid defense to claim "I vas only vollowing orders." Meanwhile, USA is invaded by 30-million criminal invaders, soon to be 100-million. Even the US Coast Guard is protecting the borders of Iraq, not USA. The real question is, are Mexican invaders "Reavers"?

Obviously, the Alliance is equally "ineffective" in protecting the Outer Planets from Reavers and organized crime, hence Mal's necessity to use deadly force and justifiable homicide in self defense, including killings of Alliance "traffic cops" and Alliance soldiers, which is always allowed by law. Especially maritime "law of the sea", where a ship's captain in international waters is literally "king" of his own "nation", which also applies in space.

Yes, Serenity is a very "subversive" script, but it serves a propaganda purpose for the real-world Alliance, in that it allows impotent couch potatos to live in a dream world of using imaginary guns to defend themselves from their real-world gangsta govts. This "mental masturbation" releases the neurotransmitter juices of impotent masses, without govt gangstas fearing arrest by lawful lynch mobs. If The news actually told the truth, then daily news would be 100-times as exciting as the most thrilling Hollywood movie. Why do you think the Media Mafia makes "news" as boring as possible?

An interesting thread would be naming all the propaganda purposes that FF&STM serve for the NWO. Such as the "benefit" of the lack of border controls for illegal aliens, ie Firefly's crew of smugglers. And the benefits of the licensing of companion prostitutes, as currently The Law in Europe, where lonely streetwalkers stand on many a streetcorner, and DynCorp sells 200,000 sex slaves kidnapped by UN troops from the deconstructed nation of Yugoslavia (that formerly built the most-affordable cars on the planet).

Poll - Revenge for Battle of Serenity Valley:

What was the minimum number of Alliance police/soldiers killed by Mal in Serenity The Movie?

a) 1
b) 10
c) 100
d) 1,000
e) 10,000

You go Joss!

"You can't stop the signal. You can never stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Saturday, January 14, 2006 2:54 AM



Spoken like a true sociopath.

What a bizarre and ridiculous assertion.
I haven't killed anyone, where as you have, so I'm the sociopath?

How can there be anything dangerous in Germany, which is our ally, unless you are an 80-year-old geezer who fought in WW2? The only recent "dangerous job" in Germany is MI6 running the "Nazi skinhead" provocateur gangs, in order to justify a NATO/UN ZioNazi Police State.

That was kind of my point, Germany's not dangerous. I was saying my Job wasn't dangerous.

PN I don't think you're stupid enough to have not understood that.

As for filing criminal charges none of my 'commanders' are involved with the Iraq war. I have no combat role, neither directly or indirectly.

I am also not a direct civil servant.

The truth is PN, not everything is a conspiracy. The conspiracies there are, and there are a lot of them, are not part of some over arcing "Jewish" plan.

I mean for Heaven sake PN, if you don't believe that on a philosophical point think about it on a logistical one. How the hell is a 'project' of that magnitude to be created and operated, let alone kept secret?

Not everyone who agrees with you is fighting the good fight and not everyone who disagrees with you is an enemy, a "Jew" or fighting for the 'forces of darkness'.

Your problem is that you expect everyone to agree with you fully on every point, or they are a “Jew” and they are the enemy. Heaven forbid you were to ever get into a position of power over anyone then we’d really have a nasty dictatorship on our hands, thought police and all.

Crazy people don’t think they’re going crazy, they think they’re getting saner.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Saturday, January 14, 2006 4:26 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by citizen:
That was kind of my point, Germany's not dangerous. I was saying my Job wasn't dangerous.

WTF is your job?


I am also not a direct civil servant.

WTF is your job? A bureauRat can still "do their job" and by doing so, help the organization perpetrate the most heinous crimes. Even the Operative had to admit that.


"Tasks are typically divided into small parts, and no single person can complete any job alone. Moreover, people are generally not encouraged or rewarded for doing other than their assigned jobs or for undertaking actions independent of their supervisors. It is possible for individuals. to do their jobs well and still produce a deviant action."
-Prof M. David Erman and Prof Richard J. Lundman, "Corporate and Governmental Deviance",

The Central Planets must be full of citizens who look the other way when they see govt/corp corruption, in order to collect a paycheck and perhaps a pension. That's how Evil Empires survive. Evil fourishes when good men and women do nothing.


As for filing criminal charges none of my 'commanders' are involved with the Iraq war. I have no combat role, neither directly or indirectly.

Only a blind person never sees a crime that's right in front of their face. Contracting fraud is the big moneymaker, along with bribery and embezzlement. There's plenty of crime to go around, mainly far from combat zones. I GUARANTEE you somebody is stealing your pension fund. Either you're part of the solution or part of the problem. I concede that those at the bottom of the totem pole rarely see the corruption, unless they're a cop or soldier in combat. "Young and dumb" is Gangsta Govt's favorite employee. But in management, it becomes increasingly impossible to ignore institutionalized crime.


"An officer goes through three different stages while working on the force: first, they're gung-ho, then they become very cynical, then they get to the point where I am - you just don't give a shit."
-anonymous police officer, "Police on Patrol - The Other Side of the Story", by Linda Kleinschmidt

I've talked to career cops who saw their supervisors robbing stores during "theft investigations", but did nothing to arrest the crooked cops. Thus their entire career is filled with such choices in "selective enforcement". That same cop whined to me to solve a cop killing of his best friend. Both of them were very large football players at a major university. The cop killers confessed on videotape to the murder of the unarmed, off-duty cop they shot in the back "just for fun" in a random act of violence. Police arrested them the same day with the murder gun. One of the drug-dealing killers had a prior murder conviction. But all charges were dropped in the cop-killings... because they were employed by Gangsta Govt as "confidential informants" with immunity from prosecution. That's why my first car was stolen by police, because I wrote an article about that case, published in our local newspaper, which "embarassed" the police chief, prosecutor, Skull & Bones mayor and their boss the drug-dealing CIA/DEA (according to an assistant prosecutor in another homicide trial of a CIA govt hitman, where we got his 2nd murder conviction, but now he's free again running amok for Uncle Scam).

How does that fit with Serenity? Just that the corruption doesn't get any better in the future of the Alliance.

History of the Roman Empire included summary execution of 20,000 slaves per day in "mock" battles, by flooding an arena then pitting two armies of slaves against each other, with orders to fight to the last man, woman and child. That's not a theory of conspiracy, that's a conspiracy factory. Just like "wars" today, where the "Jewish" banksters in UK and USA finance both sides in every war, at least since WW1. And yes, Emperor Nero was a Jew who burned Rome to blame the Christians. That's a fact. PS - the word "conspiracy" is defined as "crime". To allege that "conspiracies don't exist" is the same as alleging "crime doesn't exist".

It'll be interesting to see how corrupt the Alliance is in future episodes. Brilliant use of sci-fi, sans aliens and demons, just psycho humans. Cannibal Reaver madness? Well, USA is currently invaded by 30-million criminal invaders from Mexico, with its history of cannibalizing 20,000 slaves in 3-day festivals... Current speaker of the US Senate, CanniBill Frist MD, cut the beating hearts out of living people to murder them and cannibalize their body parts for profit, just like the bloody Aztecs. We have met the enemy and it is US. Yes, Joss used history of Gangsta Govt as a skeleton for his scripts. Get over it.

Prisons, rehabs and loony bins are full of people in denial, which is classified as insanity by The Govt.

I agree, we've probably beat this thread to death. I'm just glad Joss wrote about CIA's MKULTRA Project Monarch slaves, even if 99% of Browncoats will never get it. Or perhaps, that's the 2-million people who love the show? Ha.

"I start fighting a war, and I guarantee you'll see something new."
-Mal, STM

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:09 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I have a stupid question for PN-

Why don't we all just stop watching TV??? That's what I've done. I rarely watch TV - I almost missed Firefly because of it. I almost never go to movies (except thos my daughter wants to see) and I rarely listen to radio.

Please don't think they give a shit.


Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:29 AM


SignyM, don't start him up again, I beg you...



Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:36 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

HAHAHAHA!!!! Sorry! I just don't read most of his posts either. (wry smile) I try to be selective about what I mentally ingest.

Please don't think they give a shit.


Sunday, January 15, 2006 3:29 PM


I don't have a TV, a life long boonie affliction. We have cable now, for about 20 years, in town, but we don't actually subscribe. Not-TV is very addicting. Actually, I find when there is TV there's always something to watch and nothing gets done.

Anyway, I did miss firefly, my sister told me about it, and I had to buy it on DVD, just like I got Buffy on the recommendation of a friend. I figure anything decent will bounce about by word of mouth.

Which brings me to this point. I haven't commented on the BSG thread because I haven't seen it. I only seen the pilot because I was at someone's house, and I've seen a couple eps of the original many years ago. I was unimpressed by the original, and not stunned by the pilot of the remake, but my question is this: Is it worth watching? Or rather, is it worth me getting some on DVD? It'll probably set me back about $30 if it's out, so I want to know if it's any good first.

I've taken to not reading PN, and he seems to totally ignore me. I think he has a lot of good points in his saner moments, and they he starts shaking that finger and yelling JEW at everyone again, particularly at citizen...

Which reminds me, I have to go create some threads.


Monday, January 16, 2006 8:24 AM


wow, this this is deep...and apparently unreachable by conventional methods of travel. I will link it to the new thread and turn it into a verbal equivalent of a black hole!
New chorus ===>

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!
Aztecs used the term firefly metaphorically, meaning a spark of knowledge in a world of ignorance or darkness.


Monday, January 16, 2006 10:07 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I haven't commented on the BSG thread because I haven't seen it. I only seen the pilot because I was at someone's house, but my question is this: Is it worth watching? Or rather, is it worth me getting some on DVD? It'll probably set me back about $30 if it's out, so I want to know if it's any good first.

It started out as hard sci-fi, and has reverted back into Trek-like adventure + soap, but that's not necessarly a bad thing.
I find it highly entertaining, just not on the level of Firefly or Dark Angel (at least not DA's first season, anyway).
Still, it's the best NEW stuff out there at the moment, I say go for it.

Apollo Chrisisall


Monday, January 16, 2006 12:54 PM



Originally posted by Chrisisall:
Apollo Chrisisall

Apollo is the name of the devil, PN said so!!

Not only do you have CIA as a name but you're drawing comparisions with the devil now, my eye is well and truely on.

Shocked, CitizenIsA(CIA)Jew(apparently)

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Monday, January 16, 2006 2:48 PM



Originally posted by citizen:

Shocked, CitizenIsA(CIA)Jew(apparently)

lol, Citizen, your about a half a plumb off the tree, that's for sure and that's for certain.

Chrisisall Quigly


Monday, January 16, 2006 4:08 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Glad to see you guys have been enjoying your usual deep thoughts on the Reality of Serenity.

Reverse-engineering The Verse, is this on Joss' reading list as model for The Operative? His autobiography includes a long one-on-one mortal combat (like STM), and was mainly assigned to killing other US govt hitmen and govt/military whistleblowers (like STM). This particular US operative was ordered to assassinate a priest (like Book) who protested against the Vietnam Wars, then the assassin changed his mind right before he was to do the deed, sort of like Mal shifting the paradigm of The Operative....



"As a member of the FBI execution squad, and of the OSS before that, I was a professional killer. I dealt with both sides, the government and the Families, La Familia, or The Good People, put aside all their differences with Uncle Sam, and even local authorities. That was the type of alliance J. Edgar Hoover had with the Familes. We used the ways of evil. First of all, I'm Jewish. I made my bones for the Luchese Family in 1944, just before I went into the Navy. They were holding a rat in the drunk tank at the Lower East Side precinct house. The cops tossed me in the lockup with the rest of the drunks, then slipped a knife into my pocket. Then I cut him. They let me out of the lockup, packed me in a [patrol] car, and we [the cops] ditched the knife in the East River. I went down to Atlanta for Mr. Hoover to turn up informants who'd testify against the Ku Klux Klan. I had to join them, fight along side them, carry a baseball bat and bust windows in Baptist churches and synagogues. The most lucrative work I had was for the boys in the Fortune 500 who wanted jobs done but couldn't get the police to do them. The real news never hits the Wall Street Journal. I could pretend I was a homicide dick when I was really going over the police intelligence files to make secret hits for Mr. Hoover. 'Jews are damn smart people, Little Mike,' Brannel said. 'They control everything. Lot's of hebes look like decent white people. That's what makes 'em so dangerous.' 'There's only one thing worse than a nigger,' I said. 'And that's a goddamn fucking Jew! And what do you call a Jew fag? A fuckin' Jew cocksucker,' I said. The Big Man was dead serious: 'Mister, you sure can throw shit. Even I can tell that's pure shit, hot and smokin' right out of the goddamn bull. I'd swear you're a Jew rat sent down here from the government. You're gonna use your hands on somebody and I'm gonna watch.' The car stopped across the street from Temple Israel. I began to pray to myself. I knew God was watching me. We got out of the car and broke into the temple. There was the torah right in front of me. I wanted to kiss it like I was taught to do. I remembered how the rabbi loved the torah. I remembered how my father and brother carried it through the synagogoue. I had learned to read it and revere it. And now I was spitting on their graves. I could hear the Kol Nidra chant as I was committing the gravest of sins. Ray took the silver crowns and carried them away as booty. 'What's going on?' the rabbatical student demanded. 'I'm calling the police,' Cooper said. 'Get him Mike', the Big Man said. I knew this was my test, How could I hurt a rabbi? How could I have gone this far? I caught Mark Cooper by the neck and spun him down the stairs. I jumped on him and gave him a few sharp jabs to his ribs. Then I gave him a sharp rabbit punch to the back of his neck. I threw a hard right to Cooper's stomach, and then a left to his jaw. Then I put more body shots to his ribs. As he dropped to his knees I heard him chanting Kaddish, our prayor for the dead. I threw a right straight to his jaw. Cooper's head snapped out of the Big Man's hands and he flipped over backwards. He lay there unconscious. 'That's only a warning, Jew Boy,' he said to the rabbi. We got into the station wagon and drove off. I just kept asking God for forgiveness in the same breath I cursed J. Edgar Hoover. By the time we reached the temple in Westgate, they had set up a huge cross and set it aflame. Soon the giant windows in the sanctuary began to shatter and it was Kristallnacht all over again. Only this time, I was throwing the bricks and cursing the name of the God of my fathers. To my astonishment, the police just stood there. I tossed a torch through the open window of a police car. Nobody saw me do it, even the asshole cop standing in front of it and screaming, 'Jew, Jew, Jew!' Then the whole police car exploded. Hoover of the FBI had a message for me. My assignment in Atlanta was finished. I was proud of what I did. So what if I was a hitter? I saw what the cops were doing, and the FBI, CIA, and plenty of other government agencies with lots of lettrs that really stand for 'Blow their brains out and don't tell nobody.' I'll tell you something about the law and what it means to be inside it and outside of it. I was both at the same time and you can't tell one from the other. Because law is made by the lawyers for lawyers. It ain't made for people. When you wanna take something that's outside the law and bring it inside the law, you simply change the law. They did the same thing with the numbers racket, and called it a 'lottery'. The Old Man was crazed over an appellate judge out in Kansas. Knew he was bought and paid for. The judge had a real weak spot for little girls, buying and selling them like commodities futures. The local cops couldn't touch him. LBJ threw up his hands and told the Old Man the judge would be in office for 'the rest of his life', then winked. That was all the Old Man needed. They sent me down to do the hit. I gave this Kansas judge hs money's worth. Gun goes right in his mouth and ba-da-boom: the judge's brains are all over the cleaning locker. What a mess. I was an artist. When a guy got hit, he knew he was getting a hit. That's why they call it a hit."
—"Michael Milan" (alias, "MI-KUL" = victim/survivor of MK/ULTRA Mafia/CIA-KGB/NAZI Mind-Kontrol lobotomy program by US Veterans Administration's "hospital" Death-Camp Gulag), OSS-CIA agent, FBI-NYPD homicide detective, Jewish enforcer and hitman for Sicilian-Mafia, FBI assassin of CIA-KGB agents for homosexual African-American Director of FBI J. Edgar Hoover, from his autobiography: "The Squad - the Shocking True Story of J. Edgar Hoover's Private Hit Team, and the US Government's Secret Alliance with Organized Crime", 1989 by Rose Ann Levy and Shadow Lawn Press, Shapolski Publishers, a Berkley Book,

Knoxville News Sentinel banner headline: FBI assassinated Martin Luther King. "Ellsberg ties FBI to King shooting."
-Knoxville News-Sentinel, Nov 12, 1978.

Happy MLK Day...

"Mike Milan" got a dose of his own medicine to make sure he took his official secrets to the grave, when US govt mad doctors (Dr Mengele types) kidnapped him into the VA hospital and tried to fry and lobotomize his brain, like River. So he killed the doctor by running over him in a parking lot. Sort of like The Operative killing the mad doc in STM.

Many of these US govt hitmen are writing memoirs, like Chuck Barris, host of The Gong Show on TV, author of "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind". "Milan" was also a Hollywood actor, like Barris, and looked like James Cagney. The fact that "Milan" was a "Jew" was just a coincidence, since we all know "Jews" are such perfect little angels who would never do anything illegal.

If you ever find yourself face to face with an Alliance hitman, here's what to do:

How to Catch a Government Hitman

Or you can do it the hard way and do what Mal did. Or you can just talk about other peoples' boobs.

"They just float out there, sending out Raper breeding parties!"
-Wash, STM DVD

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Monday, January 16, 2006 7:22 PM


I didn't make it through Dark Angel partially due to finding what I took to be Ms. Alba's inability to act as a major setback. Her character was complex which needed to be implied by her performance, but what I saw was more of the typical flat tv fashion model persona. An additional snag was a lot of Xena fight scenes.

I figure there are two types of combat on TV: Xena and X-files. In Xena combat, the hero is always going to win through a series of excessively unrealistic combat moves. In X-files combat, the character is going to lose by being knocked on the head by a thug with a shovel. Buffy suffers a little from Xena combat, but Buffy is really only as good in combat as Gabrielle, she's nowhere near Xena's level, and then everyone else has to endure x-files combat. River could become a Xena problem, but as long as she's insane and attacking fellow characters, it's all good.

Anyway, that meaningless diversion led to this quesiton. Is DA worth watching? Should it be above BSG on my watch list? Are either of these of interest. I used to be into star trek. After encountering Buffy, Firefly and Farscape, all of which have been exceptional on a level that makes star trek look like happy days. The only other thing I've caught lately of interest was the new Dr. Who which I thought was quite entertaining.

My main demand of a show is that characters not be unimaginative stereotypes who can be relied on for a bland mix of proper moral behavior, never disobey they're ethical directives and serve as servants to the idea of a rather bland cliche hollywood television method about right and wrong. To this end, Farscape succeeds exceedingly well, and Joss usually does a decent shake. Lately I've been rewatching regular pseudo-joss Angel which I find falling a little flat into cliche. It's looking sadly like regular Tv. I also recently tried watching Sliders, which I enjoyed some years back. I trudged through two seasons before giving up entirely. It was a neat idea but the show might be blatantly terrible. Characters never change, they never develop, they're cliched archetypes which could be defined in a 30 second ad spot, and they exist primarily to give us completely unnecessary exposition. The thing I did enjoy recent was cowboy bebop.


Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:59 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Joss' vision of life in the future includes another Civil War in the US-Alliance (New World Order). That's not that far-fetched, since USA is currently experiencing a Civil War against the NWO global dictatorship (Waco, 9/11, New Orleans, NAFTA, WTO etc). Is Joss saying it's impossible for the good guys to win any war against the Alliance-NWO parliamentary dictatorship?


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
The thing I did enjoy recent was cowboy bebop.

Great animation, complex Yakuza mafia storyline. Cowboy Bebop, Gungrave, Witchhunter Robin, Ghost in the Shell, Trigun and other Japanese/Hong Kong (Commie China) anime have totally outsourced US cartoon animation, as weapons of the NWO hostile takeover of USA (by the "British" Empire). I was shocked to see national bookstores banning all US comic books, and replacing them with Asian-Alliance anime. The overthrow of USA is nearly complete, when you can't even buy a Superman comics at Borders bookstore. I don't buy the presumption that US animators can't draw superheros for the US TV viewer. There is a lot of propaganda in anime, just like in virtually all TV shows. Did Trigun preceed Firefly with the space cowboy theme, or vice versa?

Yes, TV sucks, which I exactly why I now manufacture my own TV show, using video and computers sold by Best Buy and made by slaves in Commie China. I even use computer-generated Japanime as a weapon of mass instruction. Maybe someday PNTV will be in multinational competition with the Alliance NWO on network TV?

As for TV combat, did you know it's just WWF without the steroids? It's not really real, altho I bet Joss' stars get A LOT of pain, just like WWF. Maybe that's why Joss loves his job...?

As for Angel, it's hilarious to me that the heros ran an evil lawfirm, since my family are all lawyers, who are members of secret societies that officially worship Lucifer and enforce the the NWO. No suspension of disbelief required. If anyone thinks evil isn't real, they need to volunteer to join the Freemasons and experience the initiation "Third Degree" and homicidal death oaths.

Is it just me, or are fewer people able to afford internet, computers and cable/satellite TV these days? I can't even afford going to the "dollar" movie anymore. I can't even afford the Firefly DVD yet, since I'm investing $100s to stay of of jail for the Alliance crime of Christmas shopping. Thank God for Limewire.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:26 PM


Pirate News,

It's not that expensive. Anyway, I know that Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star preceded firefly. Joss has many times said "All my work is derivative." His philosophical approach is sort of, 'I liked that, I think I'll use it,' rather than any originalist purity thing. It's a choice, but one he feels very comfortable with. I think in his defense, he always takes things he appropriates and twists them into something new, less predictable and less mainstream.


Thursday, January 19, 2006 7:20 PM



Originally posted by DreamTrove:
My main demand of a show is that characters not be unimaginative stereotypes who can be relied on for a bland mix of proper moral behavior, never disobey they're ethical directives and serve as servants to the idea of a rather bland cliche hollywood television method about right and wrong.

I don’t know much about DA, Chrisisall is the expert on that one, but if that’s your criteria, then the reimagined “Battlestar Galactica” won’t disappoint. Much like “Firefly,” it’s a character-driven drama. The characters are deeply flawed human beings forced by circumstance and their own mistakes to make often murky ethical choices. They are not unimaginative stereotypes; in a few cases the writers took what had been unimaginative stereotypes in the original series and actually examined them as real people. (ex: the dashing, rogue pilot who doesn’t play by the rules. It’s a classic sci-fi stereotype, but the writers ask why a person would really behave like that. Their answer: because the “rogue pilot” is a deeply messed up individual. And so we get to see both the entertaining bravado and the deep psychological problems it’s rooted in). The characters grow and change as the show progresses; even the minor recurring characters have their own story arcs.

With a goal of presenting their characters as flawed human beings, the writers generally avoid black and white presentations of morality. Everything is nuanced and multifaceted. They avoid the pat endings and irritating moral superiority that can often plague traditional space opera. And they really do a great job avoiding other clichés (ex: the “planet-of-the-week” that looks exactly like every other planet, because they’re all filmed in the same place. “Firefly” explained it with terraforming. BSG simply says that inhabitable planets are--as one would expect--incredibly rare; we’ve only been on two so far and they manage to feel like distinctly different worlds). So, I really feel BSG would be of great interest to you and recommend you put it high on your list of things to get.

Also, the special effects are pretty. Really, really pretty.

Sorry to hear that “Angel” isn’t quite cutting it for you. Personally, it’s my favorite of Joss’ three shows, especially season five. Such a tragedy the WB axed it.






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