I got up and someone stole my democracy

UPDATED: Thursday, January 12, 2006 15:48
VIEWED: 4075
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Sunday, January 1, 2006 7:26 PM


No one is opposing my senator!


The GOP doesn't even have a candidate to oppose Hillary Clinton, my senator. Gag me with a spoon.

I hope everyone takes this as further proof of my team evil theory, that the Bush Admin plans to live on as the Hillary Admin.

The best way to kill Hillary '08 is to kill Hillary '06. No one likes a loser, if she can be defeated for a senate seat, then she will be done for.

I think that someone who has announced that she's running for an election in '08 should not even be allowed to run for a six year term starting in '06. But to run unopposed?

Oh, yeah, the greens might run someone. Yay.

I'm entertaining any ideas that anyone has for someone who could run and conceivably beat Hillary in an '08 NY Senate race.

Please bear in mind these specs about New York:

Total votes will be about 5 million.
2 million will come from the city, about 1 million of those from minorities.

3 million will come form upstate, where everyone pretty much wishes McCain were their senator.

NY voted 70% for Kerry, but has a GOP Gov. and a GOP Mayor in NYC, which has almost all our democrats. People are less partisan here, you could probably run an anti-war republican with no problem. My own GOP congressman supports farm subsidies and welfare.

So far my list of candidate is short

Donald Trump. The only problem is why would he want to be a senator? I mean being the Donald by itself probably beats being the junior senator from new york, unless he wanted a presidential run. Best to have someone who actually might want the job for its own sake.

Any suggestions?


Sunday, January 1, 2006 8:50 PM


The actor Ron Silver. Seen him as the media guest on a couple of daily show current event/comment shows. He's funny, articulate, to the right but not a nut job, he's from NYC and I think he may be Jewish...

May not pass your purity test for president (perhaps too close to "team Evil") but could be a good choice for senitor


Monday, January 2, 2006 3:50 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Hillary deserves to fall into a sewer! But- I dunno about "the Donald". He's got lots of name recognition, but not much positive reaction (at least in CA). Surely there must be someone else!

BTW- Thanks for your (pl) reply to my other post. I always look forward to your opinions.

Please don't think they give a shit.


Monday, January 2, 2006 2:34 PM


How about Clint Eastwood for prez?
When HE says "Go ahead, make my day", I take it seriously.



Monday, January 2, 2006 2:43 PM


Hell will freeze over before Hilary becomes President. No one will vote for her, at least I wouldn't dream of voting for her. You never know who will be next, though some of the candidates they have already listed are John McCain(not conservative enough for me) and Guliani(his abortion issues aren't as strong as I want them to be). There could also be another Bush in office if Jeb decides to run.

Jayne: Are you saying River's a witch?
Wash: Yes, Jayne, she's a witch. She's had congress with the Beast.
Jayne: She's in Congress?
Wash: How did your brain even learn human speech? I'm just so curious!


Monday, January 2, 2006 5:54 PM


So... you'd vote for Unification then....

Chrisisall, not mindin' Gulianni for prez, come to think about it (when one considers the alternatives...)


Monday, January 2, 2006 8:28 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

(Serenity The Movie spoiler)

Someone stole the republic, as well ("USA" is not the "uSA" in Declaration of Independence). It once was a constitutional republic with "limited democracy" via elected representatives. Jew "Kerry" (Cohen) won in 2004, but was paid a $51-million bribe in "leftover campaign contributions" to take a dive for his royal cousin George Bush Jr (a famous Jewish name in Revolutionary War). Both Bush and "Kerry" brag they are related to Count Dracula Vlad the Impaler, via German Queen Elizabeth Sax Coberg Gotha "Windsor" of England (Countess Dracula Elizabeth Bathory was convicted of 600 murders of female virgins to drink their blood). Bush's cousin Albert Gore III also won but refused all recounts in US Senate. With Diebold computer voting machines, there is no longer any audit of election votes...

The North and South bost lost the US Civil War, when the European banksters summarily executed Lincoln (dictator of the North) the same week the war "ended". At least six "lone nuts" were executed for that coup d'etat. So Lincoln's martial law was never repealed, and Congress was never reinstated. The United States Municipal Corporation was chartered in 1873. Thanks to the bogus Federal Reserve Bankster Act in 1913 (same year as unratified 16th Amendment for income tax, plus charter of Khazar AshkeNAZI "Jewish" Luceiferian ADL B'Nai B'Rith Masonic Mafia), US Muni Corp went Bankrupt in 1933, and has been in forclosure ever since, as testified on the Congressional Record. Not since JFK Sr was summarily executed by coup d'etat has "US" had a valid CEO election.

As for Jewess Hillary Cohen-Rodham-Clinton-Blythe (Bill is the illegitimate heir to 12-trillionaire Rockefeller bankster-oil-medical-media empire), her homo hubby bombed the WTC in 1993, when his FBI paid $1-million to Egyptian army officer Salam, then gave him the explosives, and refused to swap the bomb with inert powder, as the Egyptian "FBI informant" recorded on 100 hours of audio tape, and testified in court and NY Times. Toss in the FBI/ATF/NATO/UN massacres at Waco, Ruby Ridge and OK City, plus the coverup of Bush Gang's domestic terrorism and treason on 9/11/2001 (as currently sued in courts), and homo Hillary is just doing what the NWO banksters pay her to do. That's why her hubby Jew Bill vacations with the Bush Gang at Kennbunkport CT and with Bushes and Rockefellers at Jewish Satanic Bohemian Grove homo nudist colony for ritual human sacrifice and snuff kiddie porn (caught on videotape in 2000 by

That's why CIA homo pedophile Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire calls CIA agent Bill Clinton-Blythe IV his "son". Bill's real father is either Lawrence Rockefeller (NY) or Winthrop Rockefeller (gay governor of Arkansas). It was David Rockefeller (WTC founder) who introduced Bill to JFK Sr, and who Bill thanked in his first inaugeration. New Yorkers are morons, who elected homo transvestite Mafia mayor Sir Rudolf Giuliani Knight of the British Empire (whose daddy was a Mafia enforcer jailed in Sing Sing for armed robbery, and his uncle the Mafia hijacker was gunned down by FBI while running NY's largest stolen car ring, according to Village Voice and NY Daily News).

JFK Jr was running for US senator for NY in 2000, and for president in 2004, so he and his family were bombed out of the sky, by the Clinton/Giuliani/Bush Axis, according to PAX TV's "Mysteries of the Unexplained".

New Yorkers are castrated slaves. Slaves can never own guns, and have no right to self defense. Most slaves in NYC are immigrants, who know nothing about American history, nor American law, nor even speak "English". Perhaps a million "New Yorkers" are illegal aliens (out of 30-million criminal aliens in USA today). That makes them excellent slaves. But then, every American was born a slave, and the Media Mafia and Govt Fool System keeps the illiterate slaves in line, by alleging they are "free", in a so-called Socialist (Communist) "democracy". That's why Joss wrote that USA is merging with Commie China....

Select to view spoiler:

Plus the flourine ("flouride") added to the water supply, just like Hitler and Stalin did in their Death Camps, to keep the slaves from escaping. Flourine is the "most electronegative element on the period chart", and is the "active ingredient" in Prozac and antidepressants.

That's why Joss wrote that the Alliance added "Paxilon HCl" to the air, to tranquilize the population, causing side fx of homicidal Reavers, just like side fx of all antidepressants ("Jewish" Trenchcoat Mafia killers at Columbine High School). Paxil HCl is a current antidepressant that has fatal side fx, just like in Serenity... I think genius Joss knows far more than he admits in public, or at least his spook writers, er, ghost writers do.

And that's why George Bush Sr now owns Serenity via his Carlyle Group's ownership of Universal Studios, for their military-industrial-media-mafia complex. River was tortured and mind-kontrolled by Alliance, just like Bush's CIA/MI6 did to kidnapped children via MK-ULTRA's Project Monarch (Bush's White House homo hooker "Jeff Gannon" aka "James Guckert" aka Johnnie Gosch, and Cathy O'Brien's "Trance Formation of America"). Is Serenity a $40-million psywar weapons system?


Monday, January 2, 2006 9:03 PM


I'm just praying the post above mine (by Piratenews) is a lame-ass attempt at satire; otherwise, I have to say that it may be the single-handed most offensive post I've ever seen on this board.

I almost have to give kudos in a sick sort of way; he managed to get it all in I think - racism, religious intolerance, sexism, homophobia, crackpot conspiracy theory(s), insults, you name it.

My vote would be a kick to Troll Country, but it's DT's thread.

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Monday, January 2, 2006 9:49 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

This is the Real World section, BTW, not the FanTastic Voyage on Pax section.

I'm just praying the post above mine (by SevenPercent) is a lame-ass attempt at satire; otherwise, I have to say that it may be the single-handed most offensive post I've ever seen on this board.

I almost have to give kudos in a sick sort of way; he managed to get it all in I think - racist intolerance of every religion not "Jewish", Cabalistic hexism, heterophobia, crackpot conspiracy freak (believes the Bush Gang's conspiracy theory that Wahabi Jewish CIA/MI6 employee Bin Laden perped 9/11 after he denied it repeatedly on CNN), insults, you name it. Ouch, it hurt my feelings!

My vote would be a kick SevenPercent to Troll Country, but it's DT's thread.

SevenPercent's solution is to be illiterate, stupid, ignernt, gullible, stupid, foolish, corrupt, greedy, perverted, stupid, lazy, enslaved. He probably gits his history lessons from TeeVee. He has obviously never read a history book, nor clicked a search engine, and confesses his desire for instant censorship (like all good Commies and Nazis). Or he's just another pro phlogger for CIA/MIA/ADL, that now owns Serinity The Movie via Bush/Bin Laden's Carlyle Group, and/or Fox TV's Australian "Jewish" porn pimp Sir Rupert Murdock Knight of the British Empire (MI6). No wonder Fox made Joss sign a 10-year contract to keep FF off TV. SevenPercent is obviously working hard at 3am to police, now that Bush Gang has declared another US Civil War on the sheeple...

That's what I like most about FF&STM, that Mal wages civil war on the Commie Alliance. Mal for President! SevenPercent for Gitmo!

DREAMTROVE, don't feel left out. Here in Tennessee, our senator, Dr CanniBill Frist MD, is a heart transplant surgeon (who cut beating hearts out of living people in order to cannibalize them for $500,000 each). He owns Hospital Corp of America (the world's largest Death Camp, er, "hospital" cartel), a convicted corporate felon, whose family paid an $840-million criminal fine for Medicare/Medicaid fraud, so he was immediately elected to US Senate, and was promoted to speaker of the Senate in his freshman year. So please don't feel so bad about Hillary, who is merely a Wiccan Cabalistic cocaine dealer with Bush Gang at Mena Arkansas during Iran-Contra. Our Tennessee congressman, Zack Wamp, is already a convicted dope dealer. Then there is Tennessee's US senator Lamar Alexander, who even Clinton and Gore named in public as "the sleaziest politician in America". That why they call it "poly ticks" - "many bloodsucking creatures". And yes, many members of my family are lawyers, judges, politicians, "Jews", homos, GOPsters, DemoRats, Masonic Mafia, Skull & Boners, Bohemian Grovers, and very, very "rich" (financially). My wife and I are just disabled Gulf War vets, with Gulf War Sabotaged Vaccine Radiation Syndrome, who worked on nuke bombs for Uncle Scam (the evil Commie Alliance that genocided 1.6-million Iraqis in Bush/Clinton/Bush's 15-year war), whose gov't pensions were stolen by Gangsta Gov't, who filed criminal charges against a 4-star general, Skull & Bones mayor and Jewish Mishpucka Mafia gangsters, and got a US gov't hitman assassin convicted for his 2nd murder, so what do I know?

"There is no news - only the truth of the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Monday, January 2, 2006 10:12 PM


Y'know, you said in your rant earlier they were putting Prozac ingredients in the water - maybe you should drink some, because you're obviously off your meds.

Oh - and check out any grocery store, they usually sell the aluminum foil your types use to make your hats in Aisle 5 or 6.

After checking out your post and your site, I have to ask: Did Jewish homosexuals break into your house and forcibly administer you drain cleaner while sodomizing your dog? Because that's about the only way I can explain your hostility towards them.

Insult me all you want - I can take it, and dish it back. But if you want to hatemonger, stick to your own p.o.s. website, don't bring it to Haken's.


Oh - and

working hard at 3am to police

It's only 3 AM in Looney-toon Town, where you're typing. It isn't quite that late here.

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Monday, January 2, 2006 10:40 PM


Don't bother, 7%. Take a look at some of his other posts; it's always long-winded, incomprehensible tripe aimed at pissing somebody off. I feel sorry for Dreamtrove that Piratenews decided to make his comeback on this thread.

I have to say that some of what he says is quite funny actually, if one doesn't take it seriously. "So please don't feel so bad about Hillary, who is merely a Wiccan Cabalistic cocaine dealer with Bush Gang at Mena Arkansas during Iran-Contra" - pmsl! Comedy gold.

--- Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.


Monday, January 2, 2006 10:53 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Thanks for clicking on my free CATV news site. It's guaranteed to raise your IQ or your money back. Hope it wasn't too strenuous for ya. But be careful, you might want your Death Camp Dr to sign a waiver for you, just in case you have a stroke from thinking. No pain no gain.

BTW, another reality check for ya: Over 7,000 Amerikans are iatrogenocided in Death Camps in USSA every day. Do the math - that's over 2.5-million/year, conservatively. Over 45-million Amerikans have been holocausted since US Supreme Court legalized genocide in 1973 with Roe v Wade. For every aborticide, and adult must also be genocided to balance the books of the Ponzi pensions schemes and the medical mafia.

Select to view spoiler:

That's more than the 30-million holocausted by Alliance's Pax. What's Joss trying to tell his gentile viewers?

"There is no news - only the truth of the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Monday, January 2, 2006 11:46 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Select to view spoiler:

"Half of writing history is hiding the truth."
-Mal, STM

"Why shouldn't fact be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense."
-Mark Twain (aka Sam Clemens)


Originally posted by Khyron:
I have to say that some of what he says is quite funny actually, if one doesn't take it seriously. "So please don't feel so bad about Hillary, who is merely a cocaine dealer with Bush Gang at Mena Arkansas during Iran-Contra" - pmsl! Comedy gold.

I didn't say that Clinton and Bush were narcoterror kingpins, Skull & Bones Senator John Kerry/Kohn did, in his 35-volume Senate report on Iran-Contra (the House report is still classified Top Secret). You can read a copy at your local university law library. The bogus Warren Report to cover up CIA/FBI/DIA/Mafia Bush Gang's murder of JFK Sr was only 25-volumes. Read Special Prosecutor Walsh's Iran-Contra felony convictions file, or Christic Institute's Avirgan v Hull RICO narcoterror bombing class action vs Bush Sr White House, that my dad was on the Dream Team, that first started the Iran-Contra investigation. That was the CIA/MI6 cocaine coups in South America.

Now that Bush promoted a Knight of the British empire as president/dictator of Afghanistan, poppy/opium/heroin farming is up 10,000%, and Afghan parliament is now legalizing the farming of poppy for Sir George "Poppy" Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire.

Heroin has a retail price of a billion dollars per ton. Which is why many large corporations are owned by narco kingpins, and why Wall street and large banks haven't collapsed, thanks to the underground US economy of money laundering for the CIA narco kingpins. Jewish Mishpucka Mafia allegedly took over Hollywood long ago, such as Disney/ABC, run by Jew Michael Eisner, who pays himself a $200-million/year salary, while employing 20,000 slaves in Commie China.

At least Eisner did hire Jew Michael Moore to make his Fahrenheit 9/11 documentary, that reported Bush is a business partner of the Bin Ladens, which made Moore and Disney $100,000,000 gross revenue, 2.5-times more gross profit than Serenty The Movie. Disney, BTW, is named by survivors of CIA MKULTRA Project Monarch slaves as a site for mind-kontrol torture of children, just like River Tam...

Who did Bush Jr promote to first run the 9/11 Commission - Jewish Sir Heinz "Henry" Kissinger Knight of the British Empire, whose BNL Bank was raided by FBI and shut down for giving Saddam Husseing $2-billion in Weapons of Mass Destruction to kill US troops. All of Bush Jr's "neocons" are AshkeNAZI Khazar "Jews", who looted $4.5-trillion from Pentagon CAFR "pensions" since 2001: Dick Cheney (2-time convicted drunk driver), Scooter Libby (indicted and facing 30 years in prison), Colin Powell (My Lai Massacre in Nam), Paul Wolfowitz (World Bankster Corp), Richard "Prince of Darkness" Pearl, Rabbi Dov Zakhaim (sells killer robot jetplanes), etc. Bush Jr's director of US Dept of Homeland Security is Michael Chertoff, a Jew born in Commie Czechoslovakia, who is a defense lawyer for Arab terrorists, who is a CURRENT citizen of Israel, who has wide open US borders, and who grants immunity from arrest for 30-million criminal alien terrorists, rapists, murders, drug dealers and robbers. Jewish US senator Joe Lieberman is running for president again in 2008, and he is a CURRENT citizen of Israel. Over 200 Israeli Mossad terrorist bombers and spies were arrested in USA after 9/11/2001, but all were released without trial, instead of tortured at Gitmo. Mossad was granted a License to Kill American citizens in USA by George Bush Jr, without arrest, without trial, without appeal. George Bush Jr worships Satan/Moloch at Jewish Bohemian Grove, performs "mock" child sacrifice, and runs around nekked in the woods with 3,000 nekked world leaders, which is NOT very "Christian" (as caught on videotape by Alex Jones - I hope Joss doesn't go there, even if he's invited).

If "Jews" (95% who have zero DNA from "Israel") are so nice, why does Israel prosecute Christians for the felony of preaching christianity? (Is that why Serinity Pilot was cencored by Jewish-owned Fox, because Mal kissed his crucifix, which is blasphemy punishable by death in "Jewish" Talmud?) Why does Israel genocide its Palistinean citzens with Martial Law, and build a 30-foot-tall concrete wall with built in machine gun turrets to enslave its own citizens INSIDE its own borders? Why does Israel ban all Christians, Arabs, Buddists, Wiccans, pagans, atheists, etc from citizenship, unless they have a "Jewish" mother (like Usama Bin Laden and the Saudi royal family who are Wahabi "Jews")? Why does EVERY dictionary define "Semite" as an ARAB, NOT a "Jew" living in USA speaking English, as Arab Ralph Nader (Reform Party and Green Party presidential candidate) pointed out on CSPAN when speaking to Arab-American business owners. Why do encyclopedias define AshkeNAZI as a German "Khazar "Jew" (NAZI is defined as German "Jew")? Hitler employed 150,000 Jews to run Gestapo and military during WW2, including Goering and Gestapo Death Camp Final Solution director, Reinhart Heidrich. NAZI fascism is defined in dictionaries as "National Socialist Workers Party", a name given the party by German intel agent Hitler, who was assigned to infiltrate it and take it over. Why do anti-zionist rabbis say that Isarael is not Jewish and has no right to exist ( Why do so many whistleblowing patriotic American Jews attack the ADL and "Jewish" neocons as traiters for the Luciferian New World Order shadow gov't?

"Socialism" is a Jewish invention from Karl Marx, who wrote Commie Manifesto while living in London, England, for Jews Lenin, Trotski and "Stalin" (who had 3 Jewish wives), and genocided 60-million of their own Russian citizens. "Democracy" was defined as Communism and Mobocracy, since 51% of the sheeple can be conned into doing anything, like lemmings running over cliff to "volunteer" for suicidal wars.

Why did Georgie Bush Jr arrest and jail 3 presidential candidates in election 2004: Green Party nominee, Libertarian Party nominee, and a GOP primary frontrunner John Buchanan, a journalist who reported on Prescott Bush's 3 arrests under Trading With The enemy Act for arming "Jew" Adolf Hitler Shicklegruber (Rothschild) during WW2, and paid a $750,000 forfeiture (trillionaire "Jewish" Rockefellers also gave oil and weapons to Hitler, but were powerful enough to avoid arrest for treason).


Do what Joss does, and read history books. Joss loves Civil War history, and based FF&STM on it. Dictator Lincoln was a "Jew" who destroyed USA and enslaved every US citizen, black, white, native, North and South. Lincoln waged genocide on US citizens, murdering 1-million, and burned entire cities, like Atlanta and New Orleans (so why wouldn't the Bush Gang bomb NY City and New Orleans?). The largest riots in US history were in NY City to protest the Civil War military draft (white slavery). BRitish Empire burned Washington DC and the White House in British-American Civil/Revolutionary War (so why wouldn't British Empire MI6/Mossad/CIA bomb DC Pentagon and WTC?) FF&STM does mesh with history, to those who can dare to read it. Joss does pit Serenity vs the British/Communist "Anglo-Sino Alliance", and British Empire of 50 Commonwealth Nations does currently outvote US in United Nations Corporation 50:1. That's why USA never wins wars, and why we invade nations that never attacked us, while ignoring nations that do attack USA, like Mexico, Queen of England, and fascist King Spain (which has seized all streets and highways in Texas to use as GPS toll roads for taxation-by-the-mile for every car - and

And Mal(strom) does what any good patriot does, he never, never quits defending his "nation" against the Evil Empire, rather than worship it like a god.

"Jew" Spielberg wrote his last Star Wars episode with the Empire's politicians conspiring to attack its own citizens with fake terrorism, to falsely blame enemy patriots, just like Hitler did in Operation Himmler and Canned Goods to blame Poland, and Jew LBJ did with Israel to sink USS Liberty to blame Egypt, and Jewish Zionist General LL Lemnitzer did at Pentagon to blame Cuba with declassified Operation Northwoods - which became X-Files spinoff Lone Gunmen's pilot episode, of Pentagon/CIA hijacking a US airliner by remote control to crash it into WTC, 6 months prior to 9/11/2001, so Fox/MI6 cancelled the series, just like Firefly...

Lone Gunmen Operation Northwoods Video Download:

"There is no news - only the truth of the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 1:34 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by SevenPercent:
Y'know, you said in your rant earlier they were putting Prozac ingredients in the water - maybe you should drink some, because you're obviously off your meds.

Obviously you need to cut back on your water intoxication. It's causing you brain damage. I live 10 miles from Alcoa, Tennessee, where ALCOA corporation first conned Gangsta Govt into buying cancer-causing toxic waste sludge for "Approved Flouridated Water Supply". To quote ALCOA's CEO Paul O'Neil, Bush Jr's Secretary of Treasury, author of "The Price of Loyalty" who Bush fired: "Bush planned the invasion of Iraq from his first day in office. This is complete BULLSHIT!" O'Neil is no angel - he fired 1,500 employees then sent the jobs to Mexico, buldozed the executive resort and golf course then built a Top Secret airport in ALCOA's 25,000-acre Tapaco Wilderness Area (CIA narco drops?), then paid himself a $15-million bonus...


Oh - and check out any grocery store, they usually sell the aluminum foil your types use to make your hats in Aisle 5 or 6.

It's called "Faraday Cage" - look it up in a dictionary. It's right before "Faraday Hat". Professor Faraday discovered electro-magnetic induction, electro-magnetic rotations, the magneto-optical effect, diamagnetism, field theory, etc. He invented the words electrode, electrolyte, anode, cathode and ion. Are you calling Dr Faraday a conspiracy freak?

I especially like your homebrewed theory on "logic", of providing ZERO facts to back up your unproven allegations. Don't quit your day job to become a lawyer. But you might find employment as a pathological liar, er, "news broadcaster". Like Jew Rusty "Oxycontin Rush" Limbaugh, paid a $300-million contract to herd the sheeple to the slaughterhouse. $300,000,000 bought him a lot of "Hillbilly Heroin"... This is yer brain on (CIA) drugs:

"There is no news - only the truth of the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 2:53 AM



(aka "Fruity Oaty Bars")


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 5:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Think of it as a game. It's like the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, only with political figures.

Please don't think they give a shit.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 12:10 PM


Hehe. This guy's funny. Incomprehensible, but funny.

It's kinda like that character Damon Wayans used to play on In Living Colour. The prison inmate who spoke entirely in huge, complicated, multi-sylabic words - but made no sence.

Squish that guy together with Oliver Stone having a very bad acid trip, and I think you'd end up with something like this...


"Jew" Spielberg wrote his last Star Wars episode with the Empire's politicians conspiring to attack its own citizens with fake terrorism, to falsely blame enemy patriots, just like Hitler did in Operation Himmler and Canned Goods to blame Poland, and Jew LBJ did with Israel to sink USS Liberty to blame Egypt, and Jewish Zionist General LL Lemnitzer did at Pentagon to blame Cuba with declassified Operation Northwoods - which became X-Files spinoff Lone Gunmen's pilot episode, of Pentagon/CIA hijacking a US airliner by remote control to crash it into WTC, 6 months prior to 9/11/2001, so Fox/MI6 cancelled the series, just like Firefly...

Uhm... Spielberg didn't do Star Wars. That was George Lucas.

Or, to speak you language, should I saw Jew Lucas?

And, as far as the Lone Gunmem pilot, don't you think if they had that much problem with the episode, that if it revealed too much of their insidious plan, they would have just NOT aired that episode? It's not like they don't get to see them before they air. And Fox doesn't seem to have a problem not airing the pilot of a new show...

But it begins to make sense now. You think you're one of the Lone Gunmen. Who are you? Byers? Frohike? Or Langley?

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 2:09 PM


Piratenews is makin' me dizzy agin * !@@* & !



Tuesday, January 3, 2006 2:21 PM


PirateNews is right!
It's all a Jewish commie-pinko-nazi-capitalist plot to wipe out the world!

In fact the only person who isn't in on it is PirateNews.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 3:43 PM


Ahhh, the old 'Wipe out the world' ploy.



Thursday, January 5, 2006 7:53 PM





Okay, when I looked at the responses and saw 19 I thought that either Mr. Farrahkhan was in town, or maybe I'd have a lot of suggestions for people to run against Hillary Clinton.

Ron Silver. Thats a thought. If he wants the job. I thought of another one: Christie Whitman. Anyone have any thoughts on her? Like whether she gurgles pigs blood in the nude?


McCain is 88 on the conservometer from right to left. I put myself at about a 75, but I have no problem voting for McCain. I think Giuliani is over there around 90. Jeb Bush is off in Looney Land. (Jewliani? Um, he's Italian, or is that just a cover? jk, btw)
Seriously, even if we're not going for a moderate, can't we have someone a little closer to sanity, like George Voinovich, John Warner or Richard Lugar?

Okay. Next, I'll skip the whole bit about herbal alternatives to medications that might help the afflicted, and the part where I say PN is insane, very well informed, but insane.

I thought maybe I could waste some space answering things I thought were innaccurate, that might be a good well...

1. John Kerry may have lost the election. Bush cheated, true, but Kerry was actively trying to lose, and that has to count for something.


Khazar AshkeNAZI "Jewish" Luceiferian ADL B'Nai B'Rith Masonic Mafia

Serotonin supplements would help.


her homo hubby bombed the WTC in 1993

Oh, this is nonsense. Does that even bear saying? Clinton was the antichrist, but he didn't bomb WTC, that was Bin Laden.


Bohemian Grove

This looks like the googlable phrase from this rant. Interesting sites might come up.


New Yorkers are morons...
New Yorkers are castrated slaves.

Since my post clearly identifies me as a New Yorker, I have to assume that this was directed at me. Hrm.


USA is merging with Commie China

This is probably the truest statement in this rant.


You wrote something here. thanks. It was like revisiting planet Earth. I don't want to kick it to troll country though. Pirate Jews has a point, there is a lot of conspiracy going on, and there might be important actual information in his pseudo-nazi rant that we wouldn't want to conspire to cover up.

Plus, it's entertaining.


Ouch, it hurt my feelings!

Whoa!? Really!? I'm amazed.

There was a lot of anti-7% stuff here.
7% is a level headed individual with his feet on the ground. Sometimes we disagree. This is what should happen. In a non-bush/conspiracy world.


If Hillary were half the things you said she was, I'd vote for her. But alas she's just a boring old tool of the machine I like to call team evil.


the evil Commie Alliance that genocided 1.6-million Iraqis in Bush/Clinton/Bush's 15-year war

I think this figure is a little too high, but only a hair. just quibbling. I'd be tempted to hack it in half, and then settle somewhere in the middle.

Fluorine is an abundant element. As a halogen is it both corrosive and chemically not very complex. It helps us not get cavities. An organic compound containing fluorine is not really related to fluorine in its action. Chemical compounds take on different electrochemical properties as a result of the merger, which is why water has very little in common with its atomic constituents, and their corresponding dimers, molecular oxygen and molecular hydrogen.


But if you want to hatemonger, stick to your own p.o.s. website, don't bring it to Haken's.

This is Haken's site? I had been wondering. That kind of makes sense. Anyway, moving on.


Richard "Prince of Darkness" Pearl

This was pretty funny actually.


If "Jews" (95% who have zero DNA from "Israel") are so nice, why does Israel prosecute Christians for the felony of preaching christianity?

Good point. The jewish race is extinct, the idea that there was a jewish race, or is now, is pure fantasy. Very true. A point which really kills the whole nazi line of logic.

But I can answer that question: Because Jesus was a two bit charlatan?

:) Just shootin' a clay pigeon, hope no one minds.


Wahabi "Jews"

Clearly PN has no concept of the whole idea that unsupported assertions are like pinning paper tigers on clouds. Wahabism isn't really very jewish, it reminds me more of mohammed, and well, oh forget it.


"Socialism" is a Jewish invention from Karl Marx

I am with you on the whole 'socialism is the ultimate evil' theme, but it's not really a jewish invention. I thought Robert Owen, a not jew, was the father of socialism. Just shootin' another clay pigeon. The sky seems full of 'em tofay. Can't really catch 'em all. Even if pikachu says I gotta.


Why did Georgie Bush Jr arrest and jail 3 presidential candidates in election 2004: Green Party nominee, Libertarian Party nominee, and a GOP primary frontrunner John Buchanan

What? this is news. I liked Buchanan. I actually campaigned for him for the RPUSA nomination, which went to Nader. And Badnarik was not bad. Cobb was maybe a flake. Unless someone has something in his defense.



What Would Joss Do? I like this :)


"Jew" Spielberg wrote his last Star Wars episode

Fortunately I don't have to touch this one, but I would add this: Jew Jewcas, creator of jewbaca. Hans Solomon and Princess Yhwh ride off in the millenium fulcrum oh damn, this looney rant thing is harder than I thought. oh well. nevermind.

Lay off O'Neill, he's one of the good guys :) I know he's not perfect, but people who hold out for perfect end up voting for Nader, and nobody else follows and they have some third party patch ticket with no funding which doesn't bring in enough votes to even effect the outcome of one of the closest elections ever.

Waah, it ran out. Right there with the defense of the actual wearing of actual tinfoil hats.


Yeah, conspiracy theories are 6 degrees of separation. Connect someone to the Carlyle Group and you're golden. Only problem is the Carlyle Group is not particularly evil. This is because the Carlyle Group really doesn't care about NWO global social revolution, they only care about making money. Unless you believe the love of money is... oh, maybe this helps explain why christians are always poor.

Anyway, there was a lot of truth in the mids of that insanity, maybe about 20% truth about 60% varying degrees of exaggeration and 20% utter hogwash.

Storymark. Good idea, I think someone should steal PN and use him as a character in a story.


Probably so



How about Clint Eastwood for prez?

This was scary :) looking for a senator for new york to run against the Hillary senatorial '06, not a prez against Hillary presidential '08, sorry if that wasn't clear.


So... you'd vote for Unification then....

This was very funny.


Chrisisall, not mindin' Gulianni for prez, come to think about it (when one considers the alternatives...)

This was a little scary. Giuliani is a paranoid freak, imho. He walled people off with cops on new years millenium, I was there and almost being shot, and he welded shut the manhole covers. Bloomberg, also being a republican mayor of new york, would be a much better president.

Well, this is just ... fun.


Friday, January 6, 2006 7:28 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:


Chrisisall, not mindin' Gulianni for prez, come to think about it (when one considers the alternatives...)

This was a little scary. Giuliani is a paranoid freak, imho. He walled people off with cops on new years millenium, I was there and almost being shot, and he welded shut the manhole covers. Bloomberg, also being a republican mayor of new york, would be a much better president.

Good point, I sometimes shoot from the hip, and miss the Operative entirely.

Quick Draw McGraw Chrisisall


Friday, January 6, 2006 11:40 AM


Okay, back to the subject at hand, we HAD a perfectly good candidate, an Arab-American DA from NYC, Jeanine Pirro

Until she was yanked by Bush and Co. after being ridiculed in the media over not being able to find her notes for an infamous 32 seconds. WTF? It's not like she failed to act for 7 min while someone attacked the pentagon. Even Jon Stewart sadly took part in this. Anyway, Bush and Co don't want her running against Hillary because she might win. They don't want anyone running against Hillary.

It really does support the whole Ben is Glory idea. Bush is Clinton, Clinton is Bush. And yet whenever you tell someone they get it, and then they forget it. So when the election comes around People will be so angry with Bush, not realizing he's just the frontman for PNAC and team evil, and so they'll go and vote for Hillary, the new frontwoman for PNAC and team evil, to show their disapproval of Bush.

It really does boggle the mind. The old bait and switch and working like a charm. Does anyone remember how for three years in Iraq from 1994 to 1997, Clinton maintained no fly zones, ran bombing runs, and barracaded the country in with a blockade which prevented food and medical supplies from reaching the Iraqis and 600,000 people died?

Why would they think a vote back to Clinton would be a show of disaproval for Bush's insane war in Iraq, which has killed 100,000 people even by the most liberal estimates, and 30,000 by but still is evil and out of control. But what's the statement here? Down with Bush, he's just not efficient enough at being evil?

Here's a novel idea: Why don't we support someone who isn't evil?


Friday, January 6, 2006 1:33 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Until she was yanked by Bush and Co. after being ridiculed in the media over not being able to find her notes for an infamous 32 seconds. WTF?

As I understood it (bear in mind I don't live there, just what I got from the news) her pull had nothing to do with the 32 secs (I never heard about that, myself). I heard she and her campaign manager began to attack Hillary on her marital woes, which backfired when Pirro was revealed to have married a crook of her own, which sank her in the polls and in the party (because say what you want, the new GOP base is evangelicals who frown on that sorta thing). That's all I really got though, to be honest as I said I don't follow NY politics; it's usually a Dem lock anyway, so why bother (esp. if Hillary is going to make a Presidential run).


Here's a novel idea: Why don't we support someone who isn't evil?

I'm unelectable. I'd put quality in over cronies, and I don't think you giving me a dollar to get me elected entitles you to jack shiznit. Companies would go nuts when I pulled out of trade deals with despotic countries, and the oil magnates would have me assassinated when I took away their money and invested in new technology.

Besides, I'm not 35.

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Friday, January 6, 2006 2:03 PM



Yes and no. This whole catfight stuff did happen, but I don't think Pirro struck the first blow. There's really no evangelical base in NY. What we have for a christian right are mennonites, and they really could care less about what the rest of us do as long as we don't do it to them. New York is where we say 'WTF it is a megachurch?'

The major base that a republican needs to worry about in NY is democrats. Registered democrats vote republican with surprising regularity here, which is a sign of how well organized our state democrats are. But seriously, a GOP nominee has to show that she's better than the democrat from a democrat perspective in order to win, and then they pick up the republican vote for free.

I'm with you on the unelectable. I mean really to be elected president a man has to keep an actual sex slave locked in his actual bedroom. None of this pussyfooting around with interns, though that helps. But you only need to be 35 to run for president, 30 to be senator and 25 to be a congressoid.


Friday, January 6, 2006 3:10 PM



Originally posted by Dreamtrove:

Probably so

Masonic Jew Overlord Dreamtrove Commander of the nine legions, I have completed my task, PirateNews's drink water has been doped with fluride that as we all know will force PirateNews to become a mindless zombie controlled through the Jewish Chinese Communist Voodoo.

You know talking like a nut can be fun. .

I really will start taking this all more seriously soon, but at the moment PirateNews's overactive dopamine levels are making my head hurt.

But for now I'm going to go back to talking like a pirate and boarding random threads for plunder, have fun Arrr.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:55 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
So... you'd vote for Unification then....

Chrisisall, not mindin' Gulianni for prez, come to think about it (when one considers the alternatives...)

Pardon my saying so, but I don't think Mal would have been a Democrat. Or a Republican. Or a Libertarian. Or a pro-lifer. Or a pro-choicer. I think Mal would've said, "Keep your damned government to yourself and let me run my ranch, thank you very much." Because let's be honest. Apart from some domestic issues, these parties have the same goal in mind: power, the maintenance of held power, and the acquisition of more power. Let's not forget, the U.S. made up one half of the Alliance, and if history is any indication, the Dems and Repubs were squabbling over who'd pay for health care, or somesuch.

Seriously, so sick of hearing how this party or that party is the Alliance. Christ.

Don't forget, I still love you, Chris.
Just venting is all.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:52 AM



I think Mal would've set keep your damned government to yourself and let me run my ranch, thank you very much.

This defines him as a libertarian. I assume that when everyone says libertarian they are not talking about the American political party called Libertarian, but a philosophy like conservative or liberal. I know at least there is a political party called "Conservative" which is not what people mean when they use the term. Maybe we should set up a rule regarding upper and lower case for this to be clear. And correct me if I'm wrong and someone meant the political party and not the ideology.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:57 AM


I meant the political party (hence the upper case "L" in my post above). Philosophically, I suppose Mal would be of the libertarian stripe, but so much so that he might not even self-identify that way.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 4:23 AM


Yeah, I got that. I meant I didn't think other people such as me meant that when we said he was one, which was my point.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:24 AM


I can see the point of your point, though did you have to be so pointed? I mean, it does point up the point, but honestly--was that the point?

I'm not actually arguing w/you DT. We seem to be talking about two diff things: I'm talking about Mal, you seem to be talking about the diff between libertarian philosophy and the Libertarian party.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:53 AM



I was just saying Mal was not a member of the Libertarian party, that's absurd, when people, such as me, said Mal was a libertarian, they meant in his philosophy.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:22 AM



Originally posted by Causal:

Seriously, so sick of hearing how this party or that party is the Alliance. Christ.

A rose by any other name...

Vent away, mi amigo!



Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:40 PM


Unfortunately, it seems that most Americans were all to willing to cheerfully hand it over to the Bush Cabal. I sincerely hope we don't live to regret it.

"You can't take the sky from me..."


Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:48 PM


And not just the Bush admin, but the whole lot of them voters are going to get all riled up about how bad Bush is an vote for Hillary in protest, and then they will have showed there disgust at Bush policies, (which are actually made up by neocon think tanks,) by voting those same think tanks back into office under Hillary. Argh. I find like the Ben is Glory thing, I talk to people about this and try to get them to work for a real opposition, whether in the Democrat or Republican party, and they get it, and then next week they're back to "oh, once Hillary is in it will be all better."

Yeah, because Bill was so different from Cheney. So different he gave control over the US military to then Halliburton CEO Dick Cheney, and then he went and fought wars for pipelines and then gave those contracts to Cheney also. Oh yeah, the Hillary Clinton administration is going to be *real* different from the Bush/Cheney administration.






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