Katrina-related accusations and the info behind them

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 17:57
VIEWED: 4408
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006 6:12 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
The report- which will be released Wednesday- will certainly find plenty of blame to go around at all levels. But the little President and all his band of little men will not be unscathed. I'm going to add that the President resisted this commission and told appointees NOT to release emails etc to the members.

But I didn't see anything in the leaks so far identifying the Katrina response as being a plot to "de-chocolatize" New Orleans or supporting any of the other conspiracy theories noted above. Just instances of ineptitude and lack of communications, which I expected. I won't be surprised if the full report (authored by a Congressional committee) will end up blaming everyone except the Congress.

So, where do we put hundreds of thousands of displaced poor? How do we guarantee 100% evacuation? Where do the money and resources come to rebuild un-insured houses and apartments?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Just instances of ineptitude and lack of communications, which I expected.
Do we just add Katrina to the list of "oopses": Iraq, Medicare drug coverage, fiscal-tax policy, etc? Do you really accept an Administration being that inept w/o looking for an underlying reason why they consistently screw up? Unlike others, I don't think there was a deliberate plot to "dechocolatize" NOLA during Katrina. (Altho I wouldn't put it past the Admin to take advantage afterwards. "Gentrification" displaces the poor unless managed otherwise.) But what drives that ineptitude is that Bush&Co really don't give a shit about you, me and the typical US person. On his agenda EVERYTHING ELSE comes first: College roommates' and contributors' job security, Halliburton's bottom line, the poor underpriviledged top 1% and their tax concerns... If they think of us at all (besides how to winkle us politically) it is how to screw us in the long run. Somehow, you're still under the delusion that they care. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! An appropriate thought for Valentine's Day I guess.


So, where do we put hundreds of thousands of displaced poor? How do we guarantee 100% evacuation? Where do the money and resources come to rebuild un-insured houses and apartments.
Well, among other things, by NOT PASSING tax cuts that primarily benefit the wealthy. In fact, INSTITUTING a one-time tax increase to pay for the reconstruciton would help. By NOT REMOVING the "prevailing wage" clause on construction work in the area. By requiring that ALL contractors go through an open bid process. I shouldn't need to tell you how that would help, but just in case... not passing tax cuts/ instituting a recovery tax will relieve budgetary pressure. Paying prevailing wages will make sure that decent-paying jobs will pull people to that area and revitalize the local economy. Going through a bid process will ensure that Federal money will not make a quick detour into the coffers of out-of-area contractors like Halliburton and Blackwater. I realize that some of these steps have already been taken, but it was necessary to rescind Bush's/Rove's/Cheney's inital responses in order to do so.

It's simple, really, if you want to solve the problem. But if your alleigances are elsewhere- to the poor underprivledged top 1% for example- then the problem becomes insoluble.

Please don't think they give a shit.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:58 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
Going through a bid process will ensure that Federal money will not make a quick detour into the coffers of out-of-area contractors like Halliburton and Blackwater.

You've apparently never had to deal with an open bid process for a government contract. After the submissions, original award, appeals by non-selectees, litigation, etc... there'd be folks sitting on rooftops awaiting rescue until this day.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I know you're not so stupid to suggest we do rescue operations by open-bid, and you should know by now I'm not that stupid either.

Do you have anything insightful to say? Or do you intend to just keep diverting criticism with straw-men arguments?
Please don't think they give a shit.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 12:02 PM


I support open bids. I think if there was an oben bid, Halliburton would still win it. But there should be an open bid.

It's like back in '03 when the Iranians banned the reform party from elections. It was a stupid move. As luck would have it, we invaded Iraq, making the idea that pro-American sentiment would be on the rise, and that the pro-American reformers would sweep the elections an absurd concept. Had they not rigged the election, the radical theocrats would have won in a landslide anyway.

People should have less fear. Halliburton shouldn't be afraid of competition. It's supposed to be a free market, and it's possible someone will beat them, eventually. As long as it's legal to do so.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:57 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

"Michael Brown, head of the federal disaster agency at the time of Hurricane Katrina, has reopened a painful wound for President George Bush, charging that the White House knew New Orleans’ protective levees had broken far earlier than it had acknowledged. Testifying to a Senate committee yesterday, Mr Brown said that by the evening of Monday 29 August, his Fema agency had reported to superiors that catastrophic floodwaters were pouring into the city, that fires were breaking out and large numbers of people were stranded. Conditions, a Fema message said that evening, were "far more serious" than media reports suggested. Nonetheless the following morning, Mr Bush told the country from his ranch in Texas that New Orleans had 'dodged the bullet'."
-Rupert Cornwell, RINF, "Ex head of disaster Agency: Bush lied over Katrina," February 12th, 2006

"Bureaucracy has committed murder here in the greater New Orleans area, and bureaucracy has to stand trial."
-Aaron Broussard, president Jefferson Parish council, MSNBC, TRANSCRIPT Meet the Press with Tim Russert, VIDEO: "Feds criticized for slow response," and VIDEO: "She drowned Friday night," September 4, 2005


"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing."

(try again later if server is crashed)

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