Bush sucks blood from troops and staff

UPDATED: Sunday, May 14, 2006 19:18
VIEWED: 2192
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Sunday, May 14, 2006 7:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I love predicting the future. It tells me (scientifically) that my hypotheses are correct. So, back in Nov 2004 I was making the point that CIA and State Department staffers and Pentagon mid-level command were not seeing eye to eye with Bush&Co. Mid-level people are severely unhappy with the unrealistic policies that they're expected to implement. This explains why so many generals, staffers, and even high-level appointees have come out against Bush. This also explains the recent turmoil at the CIA and the nomination of an NSA/military/Bush loyalist as its head.

Bush doesn't want good advice, he doesn't want realistic workable plans. More than ANYTHING Bush requires absolute goose-stepping loyaly on his march to the New World Order.

I have been telling folks at work and here on this board (Refer to the "Bush and Rumsfeld approved torture policy" thread) that CIA staffers hate Bush. So do military commissioned officers who are NOT within *ss-kissing distance of the President, and so do State Department staff. The President still has that outing of Valerie Plame hanging over his head, which was treason committed by someone (according to the CIA) in the Old Executive Building. They know who the person is, but they're not saying. I think Bush wants to get those CIA ppl out before they bring up enough info to indict Cheney.

Let's look at just one thing that the Bush administration does to OUR TROOPS. You suport our troops, right? Yes, I'm sure you do- you say so often enough.

I'm sure that by now you realize that many soldiers were sent out w/o adequate body or vehicle armor. Families collected money and purchased body armor (Dragon Skin and others) for their sons and daughters. The Pentagon now says that if you die wearing self-purchased armor your death benefits are voided. So our troops must make a choice- go w/o (because they STILL don't have enuf armor to go around) and face a higher chance of being killed or go with and possibly die and leave their families uncompensated. This is from "Soldiers for Truth" but it has been widely reported- you can confirm this anywhere.

Did you know that vets had to pay for their MEALS

and PHONE CALLS in VA hospitals?


Did you know that Bush would have CUT the VA budget by 1 $billion (out of about 28 $B) in his 2006 budget?

After an increase for next year, the Bush budget would turn current trends on their head. Even though the cost of providing medical care to veterans has been growing by leaps and bounds, White House budget documents assume a cutback in 2008 and further cuts thereafter. In fact, the proposed cuts are so draconian that it seems to some that the White House is simply making them up ... "Either the administration is proposing gutting VA health care over the next five years or it is not serious about its own budget,",13319,89556,00.html

Did you know that some Marine are writing home asking for food because the meals that they're provided with aren't adequate sustenance for the patrols that they're doing, and that these guys are asking Iraqis for food and losing weight?

Let's not forget that many of the troops are doing the same work as contractors, but for about 1/1000 of the pay. In addition, many of the troops are National Guard. All of their families are facing financial and emotional hardship because these troops have been redeployed over and over to active duty in Iraq.

Which bring me to the latest horror:

Report: Mentally ill troops forced into combat U.S. military troops with severe psychological problems have been sent to Iraq or kept in combat, even when superiors have been aware of signs of mental illness, a newspaper reported in its Sunday editions.

Bush& Co is sucking blood from our young men and women for Halliburton and other war profiteers. Our troops are short-changed and f*cked over trying to create the security conditions necessary for nation-building while Halliburton somehow outright misplaces 9 $billion! That alone would have made up for the VA shortfall. Meanwhile

The Bush administration refuses to publicly release nine audit reports detailing Halliburton's abuse of taxpayer money in the Middle East.

If you really give a d*mn about our troops, this should make your blood boil. If it doesn't- I guess you really don't care. When will you realize that Bush is leading you down a trail that has only gone from "bad" to "worse" to "disaster"? At the beginning... when Cheney held his Energy Commission meetings in secret, refused to release the minutes and lied about the attendees, or when Bush bucked the formation of the 9-11 Commission and then refused to testify under oath....or when 19,000 people were knocked off the voter rolls in Florida... yeah, maybe you could cover that with "politics as usual".

But we've come a long way from that. A long, long, looooong way. (See angry liberal guy rant)

Don't piss in my face and tell me it's raining.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 7:36 AM


My blood was already boiling concerning everything Bush. This just gives more reason for those Browncoats here that still support him to really, REALLY re-think their position.

Our troops are our people. Not debtors, or customers.

Chrisisall, not caring for Bush at the century


Sunday, May 14, 2006 7:58 AM


My blood hasn’t stopped boiling concerning Bush when America in all of its stupidity reelected him. I honestly could not believe it.

I'm not going to lie. Since Bush has been in office I've made some serious profits, but it's not worth it if the country itself suffers.

All of what is happening now to our country and our troops, and our people...we deserve it because we let it happen. It's our fault, so don't totally blame the puppet, blame the people.



Sunday, May 14, 2006 8:15 AM


Hey, LOOK!


27% of Americans polled say they plan to vote for George Bush in the next Presidential election, even tho



Sunday, May 14, 2006 8:15 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
All of what is happening now to our country and our troops, and our people...we deserve it because we let it happen. It's our fault, so don't totally blame the puppet, blame the people.

sad but true. this is the kind of bedlam that our bipartisan system enables by creating an "Us vs. Them" mentality among the American voters, which leads to astounding levels of denial.

how many times on these political threads have we seen Bush supporters try to defend Bush's actions by bringing up the shortcomings of Clinton? They react to everyone who talks bad about Bush as if they are a bitter Democrat simply trying to discredit the Republicans enough to win the next election. This blanket-denial is what allows all these little twisted situations to pass. C'mon, how many billions are we spending on this war, and we can't get sufficient body armor?

Look, we already know from the Enron scandal and others that most of the Big Business leaders see numbers, not people, when they plan how to increase their profits another few billion. Have we forgotten where Bush and Co. came from??
Power is a disease, and they don't want the cure. And most people don't seem to want to give it to them.

"I'd be totally hacked if Stimutacs wasn't so . . ."
"Outrageously chill?"


Sunday, May 14, 2006 9:43 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
This just gives more reason for those Browncoats here that still support him to really, REALLY re-think their position.

Jesus chris, are you really that naive to think that they are even capable of such a thing?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 10:58 AM


Sometimes, the troop's well being, or lack thereof, can wake up the sleepy status-quoers (or so I'd hoped).



Sunday, May 14, 2006 11:09 AM


Maybe I'm jaded, I've been speaking to AU...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 12:23 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Hey, LOOK!


27% of Americans polled say they plan to vote for George Bush in the next Presidential election, even tho


From John Rogers blog, KungFu Monkey, The Crazification Factor...


John: ... I mean, what will it take? That last speech literally made no sense. It was crazy drunken bar talk! Islamic radicals are like COMMUNISM?! (gets speech on laptop) If we don't fight terrorists in Iraq they'll build a fundamentalist terrorist state stretching from Spain to Indonesia? What the fuck? Even assuming Spain, which last time I checked is 95% Roman Catholic, goes down, you gotta assume France, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, all eight hundred million Hindus in India, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore would be somewhat of an obstacle.

Tyrone: To be fair, you're going west-to-east. Maybe he meant a fundamentalist terrorist state stretching from Spain to Indonesia going east-to-west. Going that way, there's only the U.S. The President could be warning us that if we don't prevail in Iraq, the United States will become a fundamentalist Islamic terrorist state.

John: ... a little oblique, isn't it?

Tyrone: The man is nothing if not subtle.

John: (calling up map on laptop) You know, I guess if you start in Spain, swing hard south through northern Africa, you got Algeria, Libya there, Egypt, cross the Red Sea and you're in the Middle East ...

Tyrone: From there, if you spot him the Indian Ocean and India, you're in Indonesia.

John: I am not spotting him eight hundred million Hindus. I call shenanigans.

Tyrone: And again, I must point out Bush said "the militants believe that controlling one country will rally the Muslim masses, allowing them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region." That's what the militants believe. They may just be delusional. He says that himself: "Some might be tempted to dismiss these goals as fanatical or extreme. Well, they are fanatical and extreme -- and they should not be dismissed. Our enemy is utterly committed."

John: But he's citing that desire as a basis for our strategy. You can't cite your enemy's delusional hopes as a basis for a rational strategy. Goals don't exist in a vacuum, they're linked to capability. David Koresh was utterly committed to being Jesus Christ. See how far that got him.

Either Bush is making strategy based on a delusional goal of his opponent, which is idiotic; or he's saying he believes his opponent has the capability of achieving this delusional goal, which is idiotic. Neither bodes well for the republic.

Tyrone: Reading here, the speech boiled down to two points --

John: Who cares? The Spain-to-Indonesia thing should automatically invalidate the whole speech. I don't care how good your investment advisor is, he can spend three hours reviewing mutual funds, as soon as he says "And of course, we can put your money into the Easter Bunny's Egg Upgrades", he is out of --

Tyrone: -- two points. First, Iraq is the keystone in the struggle between the West and Islamic Fundamentalism.

John: Which, if we accept the Administration's own argument, means that invading and destabilizing Iraq with insufficent post-war planning (and all that entails), not enough personnel, and shitty equipment for that personnel was the biggest screw-up in the War on Terror.

Tyrone: He's the President: if he says it, it must be true. Second, Bush says we have made a lot of progress in stopping al-Queda plots. Look: "Overall, the United States and our partners have disrupted at least ten serious al Qaeda terrorist plots since September the 11th, including three al Qaeda plots to attack inside the United States. We've stopped at least five more al-Qaeda efforts to case targets in the United States, or infiltrate operatives into our country."

John: What are they counting for those wins? Are they counting guys like Padilla?* This is all very gooey, like how we've killed like, nine of Osama Bin Laden's #3 guys.

Tyrone: Being #3 in Al-queda is like being a "creative vice president" at a Hollywood studio. There are dozens of them ... and they are expendable. Listen, don't do this, you're just getting worked up. Have another mozzarella stick.

John: Hey, Bush is now at 37% approval. I feel much less like Kevin McCarthy screaming in traffic. But I wonder what his base is --

Tyrone: 27%.

John: ... you said that immmediately, and with some authority.

Tyrone: Obama vs. Alan Keyes. Keyes was from out of state, so you can eliminate any established political base; both candidates were black, so you can factor out racism; and Keyes was plainly, obviously, completely crazy. Batshit crazy. Head-trauma crazy. But 27% of the population of Illinois voted for him. They put party identification, personal prejudice, whatever ahead of rational judgement. Hell, even like 5% of Democrats voted for him. That's crazy behaviour. I think you have to assume a 27% Crazification Factor in any population.

John: Objectively crazy or crazy vis-a-vis my own inertial reference frame for rational behaviour? I mean, are you creating the Theory of Special Crazification or General Crazification?

Tyrone: Hadn't thought about it. Let's split the difference. Half just have worldviews which lead them to disagree with what you consider rationality even though they arrive at their positions through rational means, and the other half are the core of the Crazification -- either genuinely crazy; or so woefully misinformed about how the world works, the bases for their decision making is so flawed they may as well be crazy.

John: You realize this leads to there being over 30 million crazy people in the US?

Tyrone: Does that seem wrong?

John: ... a bit low, actually.

Tyrone: (shrugs) Probably right, then. Speaking of Obama, I need to get t-shirts printed up to sell.

John: I can do that on the web. What do they say?

Tyrone: Don't You Dare Kill Obama

John: How about Don't You Dare Kill Obama (... and we know you're thinking about it)

Tyrone: Niiiiice.

John: Or You Kill Obama and WE WILL BURN SHIT DOWN

Tyrone: Even better. Nobody wants their shit burned down.

John: Glad to help.

Tyrone: I'm having you taken off the list for when the revolution comes.

John: ... there's really a list --

Tyrone: Oh yeah. Hell yeah.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 7:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh MY!!!!! I haven't laughed so hard since... I don't know when!

Don't piss in my face and tell me it's raining.