Mel Gibson staggers off the wagon

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Saturday, August 5, 2006 8:51 PM



Originally posted by TheRightStuff1:

If they are its' okay because they don't live here in our country except for a few and they are not a countrys' worth of them. There is no antiChrist just the Devil working on you from inside your heads and minds. Antimason you are an idiot and President Bush is NOT AN ANTICHRIST! You have named yourselves forsaken to be cool but God won't see it that way and you better think it over real hard!
Who are you with the evil ofr the GOOD?
You can change from being an idiot if you let President Bush alone and ask God for the way to having common sense in your life and posts.


I'm with the "not stupid" (read: against you)

I am a Christian. you, aren't acting like one
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 10:11 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


No retard, it's a decease - now stop wasting time here and get some education instead.

Next time, before calling someone a retard, try running your drivel through a spell-checker first. That way, you have a somewhat lower likelihood of looking like a true moron.

Addiction MAY be a disease (I happen to think it is), or it may be simply an excuse (as others believe), but either way, there's a choice involved. If you're afflicted with the disease of alcoholism, it's one of the very few diseases that lets you treat it yourself, by simply choosing not to give in to it. It's not an *easy* thing to do, but it's entirely possible.

AntiMason, PirateNews, TheRightStuff... What the hell is it with you guys? Is there some fundamental problem that you freaky nutjob cospiracists and fundamentalist whackos share that keeps you from achieving even a basic middle-school level of reading and writing comprehension? I know, I know... "Bad spelling and grammar aren't indicative of low intelligence..." I've heard it before. You know where I hear it most? From stupid people, people who are just not capable of learning how to spell, punctuate, or communicate effectively. But they'll be the first to tell you how "smart" they all are, even if they can't spell "cat" without you spotting them the "c" and the "t".

Listen: If you're trying to communicate with us about all the evils and dangers in the world, at least do us the service of learning to communicate EFFECTIVELY. I don't care what the hell you're trying to say; if you can't say it effectively and clearly, and if you can't decipher where, when, and how to use the words "your" and "you're", or "there", "they're" and "their" in your posts, then at some point (sooner rather than later) you've lost my interest well before your point is made.

It doesn't matter how many "facts" you've uncovered, or what website backs up your claim; if you come across like an utter moron, I'm going to give you the exact same credence I'd give a moron, which is to say, none.

So, before telling us all to "do a little research", I'd suggest you do the same. Only this time, try researching English language usage. I'm pretty sure the Zionists, the CIA, and the KGB haven't completely taken over control of the English language yet.



Saturday, August 5, 2006 10:41 PM


A quote from 'Tom Lehrer'? wow, haven't seen that in a long time


Saturday, August 5, 2006 11:39 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Drinking is an action. There is no such thing as an involuntary action. A disease is not voluntary, it's an infection. If someone can find a virus or bacteria that causes alchohol abuse, I'll retract what I say, but since that's not gonna happen I feel fine with saying that it is not a disease in any way. Percieving it that way allows people to get away with saying "I was out of control" and just be excused. That is not the way to fight a problem. If you allow someone to say they were out of control, they couldn't help themselves, whatever, and just take that at face value, how are you ever going to motivate them to help themselves? And yes, they do have to help themselves. Anyone who wants to fight any type of addiction has to make a very clear choice to do so and devote themselves to it. That's yet another way it is not a disease; you can't will yourself to get better if you have cancer. There are a number of things you can do, but you can't say, "I'm never going to a bar again and that way I'll be okay." or something similar if you have an infection. But if you have strong will, you can fight and prevent addiction. And that's the only way it will be fought and there needs to be true motivation behind that. Making excuses is the antithesis of motivation.
Ok, I know a lot of people aren't going to agree, and I'm sorry for the rant, but I have seen... WAY... too many people be hurt badly by the phrase "He just couldn't help himself." People on both sides of a bad situation never benefit from that kind of attitude in my personal experience.
Now, let me be clear, addiction does clearly have symptoms and is something that needs to be fought, though there is no medical "cure". There are tools, and obviously places that help you through the withdrawl process. In that way it's nasty and almost disease-like once it becomes an addiction. But the initial drink, the process of becoming addicted, is an action and a choice. No infection, no germs, no disease. Choice.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 12:15 AM


There tends to be a genetic component to addiction, anyone can be addicted but some people are more suceptable and this can run in famillies. But even someone who's suceptable to alcholism WON'T become an alcoholic unless they drink and drink heavilly.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 12:27 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Exactly. I've got it in my family, it's likely I have an addictive personality (Firefly, anyone?) But I haven't, won't, and don't drink because I don't want to. And I have a friend who had an alocholic father, and she drank a bit for awhile and has now made the choice not to do it anymore because she's remembering what it was like for her as a child. Her brother, though, is drinking more and more and well on his way to becoming an addict. Genetics aren't going to overrule choice. Free will is the best - and worst - thing humans have going for them.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 9:02 AM


KWICKO- your comments have got to be some of the most superficial, indifferent statements ive ever heard.

but to be honost, i wasnt really sure you missed a comma in there somewhere


Sunday, August 6, 2006 9:07 AM


I'm still a little confused as to how the Jewish people are to blame for Mel drinking again.

Oh, and Antimason - you missed an apostrophe.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 9:23 AM


you know..people say some stupid things when theyre drunk, and some times they reveal their true colors.

whats even more scary though is what is said when people are sober.

i love that we, who merely relay the words of the elite who openly state their agenda, are the ones considered "wackos"; while our opponents, who go through such pains to deny that even such words were said, hold themselves as the intelligent.

if im crazy, how much more so the people who run the world? yet instead of criticism, they recieve your praise and defense...what gives?

watch a little clip, straight from the mouths of those you deny the motives of.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 11:00 AM



Originally posted by antimason:

watch a little clip, straight from the mouths of those you deny the motives of.

Let me see the quotes in context, many sounded like they could well be talking about something else entirely and used out of context. I won't prescribe anymore trust in this source than I do in any other. I also won't prescribe the level of trust you tell me to merely because it happens to say the 'right' things by your view.

The source is dubious at best, it can't even get simple facts right which throws its compilers into question, Disraeli was far from the first British Prime Minister, I mean I know some Americans have trouble believing the world existed before the war of Independence but Robert Walpole is the correct answer.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 11:23 AM


friend these quotes are available anywhere, ive posted numerous links already with even more quotes, of even more people!

and the list literally goes on and on. ill agree, some of them could well have been taken out of context, but when was the last time you casually referred to global government, stealing peoples freedoms, or many of the other things being spoken of, with a tone of intent, i mean..these werent arguements, these poeple are politicians, our leaders, and these are their beliefs! and the fact is, just as Jesus says, you will know them by their fruit: and its corrupt, fascist, (occultic)bigoted and hateful contempt for everything but the ultra elite.

i just cannot fathom why everything being told to you all is completely disgarded. yet any run of the mill anchor, talk radio host, gossip magazine or blatant propoganda, is given a piece of your time; let alone considered to be legitimate. ive seen convictions with less evidence to go off of!

refute me! refute this evidence, let me hear your best speculative guesses as to what ALL OF THIS MEANS! we are working with whats out there, not outright denying everything outside our knowledge or comfort zones.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 12:34 PM


To bad for him but I'm sure we are not getting the whole story just the Liberal version of it.

As with most reports involving some religious flavor we only get a skewed read.

I've been through the system.
It don't work.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 12:45 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Oh, and Antimason - you missed an apostrophe.


Remember, Kiddies, you can't spell "QUAGMIRE" without "I", "R", "A", & "Q"!


Sunday, August 6, 2006 1:47 PM



Originally posted by antimason:

Within minutes of going to these sites I'd found half the quotes I read were either taken out of context "creatively edited" or had nothing supporting their existence. You're telling me that modern media is not to be trusted so I'm hardly likely to prescribe more faith to your sources than you'd have me prescribe to others.

ill agree, some of them could well have been taken out of context, but when was the last time you casually referred to global government, stealing peoples freedoms, or many of the other things being spoken of,
Many of the quotes had nothing to do with world governments, for instance:

Tony Blair Labour conference speech. October 1st, 1996:
At the time of the election, there will just be 1,000 days to the new millennium - 1,000 days to prepare for 1,000 years, a moment of destiny for us.

Says nothing about a new world government and it's links to a 'New World Order' are tenuous at best. Seems like fairly simple everyday political crap to me.

How often have I talked casually about a one world government? Often actually, like when I was discussing the idea I had for a Sci-Fi universe that included a government of Earth and it's colonies.

with a tone of intent, i mean..these werent arguements, these poeple are politicians, our leaders, and these are their beliefs!
What tone of intent? If you read a tone of intent then maybe you read that into it.

and the fact is, just as Jesus says, you will know them by their fruit:
Lets run with Jesus for a second, why is it that the biggest antidisestablishmentarian pretty much ever is the focus for the largest establishment? Why don't all the 'Christians against global Fascist Government' have anything to say against the catholic church?

i just cannot fathom why everything being told to you all is completely disgarded. yet any run of the mill anchor, talk radio host, gossip magazine or blatant propoganda, is given a piece of your time; let alone considered to be legitimate. ive seen convictions with less evidence to go off of!
Because these source tend not to base their entire article on the fact that some state official said the word 'Government' and the word 'Global' in the same speech as proving that the NWO-British-Commie-Nazi-Jews have taken over.

Why do you magic connections for disparate dots out of thin air and assume that you've proven the existence of an inhuman globalist cabal?

refute this evidence,
One cannot refute what is not there.

let me hear your best speculative guesses as to what ALL OF THIS MEANS!
That the schizophrenic aren't banned from using the internet, yay for freedom of speech.

we are working with whats out there, not outright denying everything outside our knowledge or comfort zones.
Except that’s exactly what you're doing, for some their comfort zone is that their government is altruistic, and whenever it does something questionable it didn't really do it or it had absolutely no choice and the alternatives were worse. For others their comfort zone is that there's a global conspiracy out to get them and that Christians are incapable of doing wrong, that it's all the occultists under the power of the big red hoofy one.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 4:43 PM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by antimason:

Within minutes of going to these sites I'd found half the quotes I read were either taken out of context "creatively edited" or had nothing supporting their existence. You're telling me that modern media is not to be trusted so I'm hardly likely to prescribe more faith to your sources than you'd have me prescribe to others.

ill agree, some of them could well have been taken out of context, but when was the last time you casually referred to global government, stealing peoples freedoms, or many of the other things being spoken of,
Many of the quotes had nothing to do with world governments, for instance:

Tony Blair Labour conference speech. October 1st, 1996:
At the time of the election, there will just be 1,000 days to the new millennium - 1,000 days to prepare for 1,000 years, a moment of destiny for us.

Says nothing about a new world government and it's links to a 'New World Order' are tenuous at best. Seems like fairly simple everyday political crap to me.

How often have I talked casually about a one world government? Often actually, like when I was discussing the idea I had for a Sci-Fi universe that included a government of Earth and it's colonies.

with a tone of intent, i mean..these werent arguements, these poeple are politicians, our leaders, and these are their beliefs!
What tone of intent? If you read a tone of intent then maybe you read that into it.

and the fact is, just as Jesus says, you will know them by their fruit:
Lets run with Jesus for a second, why is it that the biggest antidisestablishmentarian pretty much ever is the focus for the largest establishment? Why don't all the 'Christians against global Fascist Government' have anything to say against the catholic church?

i just cannot fathom why everything being told to you all is completely disgarded. yet any run of the mill anchor, talk radio host, gossip magazine or blatant propoganda, is given a piece of your time; let alone considered to be legitimate. ive seen convictions with less evidence to go off of!
Because these source tend not to base their entire article on the fact that some state official said the word 'Government' and the word 'Global' in the same speech as proving that the NWO-British-Commie-Nazi-Jews have taken over.

Why do you magic connections for disparate dots out of thin air and assume that you've proven the existence of an inhuman globalist cabal?

refute this evidence,
One cannot refute what is not there.

let me hear your best speculative guesses as to what ALL OF THIS MEANS!
That the schizophrenic aren't banned from using the internet, yay for freedom of speech.

we are working with whats out there, not outright denying everything outside our knowledge or comfort zones.
Except that’s exactly what you're doing, for some their comfort zone is that their government is altruistic, and whenever it does something questionable it didn't really do it or it had absolutely no choice and the alternatives were worse. For others their comfort zone is that there's a global conspiracy out to get them and that Christians are incapable of doing wrong, that it's all the occultists under the power of the big red hoofy one.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Citizen the troll killer.

Hope you like some Catholics (I prefer that to christians) because I'm one. But I'm also one of the rare few out there who believe in the Big Bang as well as Creationism (is that what it's called?) I walk a very balanced tightrope which these idiots obviously do not.

BTW.... does Antimason sound familiar to anyone? Methinks someone got a new account.

I say let PN... I mean Antiman and TRS duke it out themselves. I'll get the popcorn.

This is going to be interesting.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Sunday, August 6, 2006 7:24 PM


yah im an idiot..and your the true believer.

you know, i could beat a dead horse about this all day, but i think we all know where i stand.

and we know where the rest of you stand; which is, none of this exists, period. its there, its in print, its visible for the world to see..but it doesnt really exist. and if it does, its only because people like me read too much into it.

your right! its a perfectly normal thing, for leave church on sunday, and head over to your local Masonic lodge and worhsip the all seeing eye of Horus. is that idolatry? who cares!

do i have that right?

Citizen..if you dont believe in Jesus, just say so, and ill stop wasting my time on you.

but Misstressa, if you call yourself a Catholic, you had better recognize Satanic symbolism when you see it, or you take the risk of being decieved by the system of the beast.

speaking of should such a system arise? if there is no occult elitist conspiracy, who then is responsible for the establishment of the reign of antiChrist?

does it just happen randomly? the entire world will come under the control of one being, one government, one religion...yet it all happens randomly, without anyones knowledge..?

is that your best guess? because i am willing to consider work that other people have devoted their lives to uncovering and exposing...i dont hold myself above everyone on this planet, or above knowledge acquired in fields(apparently) some know nothing about whatsoever. i a bad speller? i too lazy to punctuate properly sometimes...yes. does that make me a bad person though? or lend any less credence to a topic that i am not alone in exposing?

thank God that Jesus was not so superficial as to limit his word to only the literate, because aparently im in the company of the intellectual elite; i better work on my grammar! nevermind the substance of my argument..what does that matter? i need to add apostraphes where apostraphes are do, first and foremost. warning people of a conspiracy that effects there lives is ultimately an afterthought i guess

why dont you just tell me that governments are benevolent, that there is no proof whatsover that any establishment has ever tried to suppress its populace? tell me that global government is a benign term, and that when they speak of population control and concentration camps, theyre being flippant and ironic


Monday, August 7, 2006 7:35 AM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Hope you like some Catholics (I prefer that to christians) because I'm one. But I'm also one of the rare few out there who believe in the Big Bang as well as Creationism (is that what it's called?) I walk a very balanced tightrope which these idiots obviously do not.

Catholics, not especially, the crusade starting, Aids spreading, Nazi sympathising paedophile protecting Roman Catholic establishment is really another matter...

I think it says it all that the current Pope was a member of the Hitler Youth, I also think it's a shame that *some* Catholics are blind to the evils at the centre of their Church (not faith).

I hope I haven't caused you offence, it really wasn't my intention, and I happen to consider Catholics and the Catholic Church as two wildly different things, but I find it hard to keep my silence on the subject of the Vatican.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, August 7, 2006 8:05 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
Citizen..if you dont believe in Jesus, just say so, and ill stop wasting my time on you.

Are you implying non-Christians aren't worth talking too? Good to know you hold the unwashed non-believer scum in such high regard that even speaking to them is a waste of time.

Or is this a ploy so you don't have to answer me?
Quote: i a bad speller? i too lazy to punctuate properly sometimes...yes. does that make me a bad person though? or lend any less credence to a topic that i am not alone in exposing?
No it makes it harder to read what you’re trying to transmit and makes people not bother. If you can’t be arsed to use a spell checker why should bother to read it?

why dont you just tell me that governments are benevolent, that there is no proof whatsover that any establishment has ever tried to suppress its populace? tell me that global government is a benign term, and that when they speak of population control and concentration camps, theyre being flippant and ironic
Why don't you just tell me all governments are run by Satanic Cultists, that there is no proof whatsoever that any establishment has ever been anything but fascist. Tell me that a global organisation has to be a government and has to be malicious, and when politicians speak of population control and concentration camps that they're outlining their evil plans for world domination like some bad James Bond villain.

"Do you expect us to cooperate, Mr Blair?"
"No I expect you to ignore me and my completely secret evil plans that are blatantly obvious and well hidden to the point I talk about them all the time in public, Muwhahaha!"

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, August 7, 2006 8:07 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
yah im an idiot..and your the true believer.

you know, i could beat a dead horse about this all day, but i think we all know where i stand.

and we know where the rest of you stand; which is, none of this exists, period. its there, its in print, its visible for the world to see..but it doesnt really exist. and if it does, its only because people like me read too much into it.

your right! its a perfectly normal thing, for leave church on sunday, and head over to your local Masonic lodge and worhsip the all seeing eye of Horus. is that idolatry? who cares!

do i have that right?

Citizen..if you dont believe in Jesus, just say so, and ill stop wasting my time on you.

but Misstressa, if you call yourself a Catholic, you had better recognize Satanic symbolism when you see it, or you take the risk of being decieved by the system of the beast.

speaking of should such a system arise? if there is no occult elitist conspiracy, who then is responsible for the establishment of the reign of antiChrist?

does it just happen randomly? the entire world will come under the control of one being, one government, one religion...yet it all happens randomly, without anyones knowledge..?

is that your best guess? because i am willing to consider work that other people have devoted their lives to uncovering and exposing...i dont hold myself above everyone on this planet, or above knowledge acquired in fields(apparently) some know nothing about whatsoever. i a bad speller? i too lazy to punctuate properly sometimes...yes. does that make me a bad person though? or lend any less credence to a topic that i am not alone in exposing?

thank God that Jesus was not so superficial as to limit his word to only the literate, because aparently im in the company of the intellectual elite; i better work on my grammar! nevermind the substance of my argument..what does that matter? i need to add apostraphes where apostraphes are do, first and foremost. warning people of a conspiracy that effects there lives is ultimately an afterthought i guess

why dont you just tell me that governments are benevolent, that there is no proof whatsover that any establishment has ever tried to suppress its populace? tell me that global government is a benign term, and that when they speak of population control and concentration camps, theyre being flippant and ironic

Get help son before you fall into your own little personal abys.
No I dont believe in Jeeeyyzusss, no I'm not a Christian and no, I dont give a toss about the so called New world order because there is'nt one. The old world order does a perfectly good job of fucking people over so a new one is'nt necessary.
How dya like them Onions God botherer?


Monday, August 7, 2006 8:58 AM


Citizen--i never said you were scum, and not worth the effort; but i cannot convince you that there is a conspiracy of evil taking place, if you do not believe evil exists to begin with.

id believe that there is a direct relation between the 9/11 and london 7/7 coverups, the Iraq war, the war on Terror, etc. and the agenda to create a global government. there is sufficient evidence to atleast suspect that there is such agenda being orchestrated at the highest levels of western governments; whether you want to believe it will be successfull is another story, but its definately occurring.

the thing is, it fits in the Bible hand in glove! the antiChrist rules over the system of the Beast, a global government, global monetary system, and a global religion. there is no denying the relationship between secret societies, and the elite who wish to establish this NWO agenda.

there is soo many correlations that can be drawn, that i would be a fool to ignore it all as extremist garbage; we've become extremists because we believe that such an agenda is actually being fullfilled, and that time is running short to pursuade the public that this is a nefarious plot to control the power structures of the world.

look..we know the Freemasons founded America, to the extent that their symbolism is widespread; its on our money, its seen throughout Washington DC...wherever the Freemason are present, so to is their symbolism. the problem is, it is indistinguishable from Satanic, Luciferian, ancient Babylonian symbols. so why is there no connection being made? of everyone here, Christians would obviously read the most into why arent they? that is my biggest question...there is no denying the relationships.

i think its significant that in 1871, Albert Pike, a 33rd degree Mason, had this to say about the 3 world wars which must occur before the reign of their Idol, Lucifer, the "light bringer":

"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions." 2

Students of history will recognize that the political alliances of England on one side and Germany on the other, forged between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were instrumental in bringing about the First World War.

"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm." 3

After this Second World War, Communism was made strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to Russia, and on the other side of the world, the aftermath of the war with Japan helped to sweep the tide of Communism into China.

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4

quotes taken from this site:

now, he was uncannilly accurate no? either he was a gifted prophet..beyond even Nostrodamus, or this is a literal agenda that has been fullfilled to the T. so which is it?

i think its worthwile to understand the prophecies regarding the Man of Lawlesness, and the reign of the Beast in the Bible..because we are being foretold of the circumstances which proceed the tribulation. if your not a believer, fine..this may not make sense to you, but to us it makes perfect sense


Monday, August 7, 2006 8:58 AM

ANTIMASON computer was acting up and i sent this post like 3 times


Monday, August 7, 2006 8:59 AM


sorry..double post


Monday, August 7, 2006 9:00 AM


double post..mistake.


Monday, August 7, 2006 10:03 AM



Originally posted by Antimason:
Citizen--i never said you were scum, and not worth the effort; but i cannot convince you that there is a conspiracy of evil taking place, if you do not believe evil exists to begin with.

I was unaware that not being a Christian meant you were not equipped to discuss fascism.

id believe that there is a direct relation between the 9/11 and london 7/7 coverups, the Iraq war, the war on Terror, etc. and the agenda to create a global government. there is sufficient evidence to atleast suspect that there is such agenda being orchestrated at the highest levels of western governments; whether you want to believe it will be successfull is another story, but its definately occurring.
Well yeah, doesn't really matter who’s version of events you believe really does it, there's a direct link between 9/11, 7/7 the Iraq war and the war on terror in all versions. The global government part is the part that needs some evidence, and some evidence of malice of forethought which you prescribe. All you've done is provide a few cut out and edited quotes then you say "See proof! Now provide evidence I'm wrong!!".

You don't get to say "its definitely occurring".

look..we know the Freemasons founded America, to the extent that their symbolism is widespread; its on our money, its seen throughout Washington DC...wherever the Freemason are present, so to is their symbolism. the problem is, it is indistinguishable from Satanic, Luciferian, ancient Babylonian symbols. so why is there no connection being made? of everyone here, Christians would obviously read the most into why arent they? that is my biggest question...there is no denying the relationships.
I keep a pet snake does that mean I care for the devil? The swastika is an Ancient Roman symbol to ward of evil spirits; does that mean the Nazis were Roman? I like Celtic symbols, and I sometimes use them in my artwork, does that mean I'm a Celt?

i think its significant that in 1871, Albert Pike, a 33rd degree Mason, had this to say about the 3 world wars which must occur before the reign of their Idol, Lucifer, the "light bringer":
now, he was uncannilly accurate no? either he was a gifted prophet..beyond even Nostrodamus, or this is a literal agenda that has been fullfilled to the T. so which is it?

This would be the letter that has no proof of it's existence yeah.

Look it's easy:

July 5th 1762

Dear King George

I've got this great idea. We pretend to split away from The Kingdom of Great Britain and go it alone for a bit. Before you rip this letter up let me explain, I know it sounds crazy but think about it, you won't have to protect us or pay for anything anymore, but here's the kicker.

Someday Britain may not be so great any more, if that happens we set stage two of the plan in motion. We start putting tyrants in power, until the people want Britain to take over, then you roll in and we become the United States of Britain. If you think about it it's a great plan and those bastard French will never see it coming, hell we might even be able to con them into helping!

Yours faithfully, your old pal George Washington.

I mean we know the letters authentic, it’s dated prior to the War of Independence and is obviously talking about it.

So Britain taking over the reigns again, how's a week next Tuesday sound? I mean it was the original plan of the founding fathers, get the Tea on.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 8:50 AM


Citizen, let me give you an example:

i, and many others have argued relentlessly that the American governmnet orchestrated 9/11..and we have our details to support complicity. given the past 5 years of policy, i would say that the possibility that 9/11 fullfilled a prior agenda, IMO for global governnance, is likely, in combination with all the other bits of information thats been given regarding this subject. espcecially considering that we know we were lied to about Iraq and the WMDs..i mean, does anyone really trust Bush, or even Blair for that matter?

the only explanation i ever hear is that our government is incompetent, and that they are merely fumbling their way around this whole situation. well..if we randomly, coincidentally stumble into WW3 and a scenario of global governance, am i to believe that it just happened that way, given everything we've talked about? thats what your asking me to believe!

ill admit we cannot prove this conclusively beyond a shadow of a doubt, yet..but we also have the majority of the populace, the media, and the establishment purpetrating a myth contrary to our opinion, on their own behalf. how are we to prove ourselves, if everything we say is disgarded or relegated to coincidence, chance or hocus-pocus? the odds that we'll ever see an independant investigation is not in our favor..since in the past, these commissions have clearly been whitewashes. Fox news certainly isnt going to break the story 5 years later

we will always have our supporting evidence, which we believe raises enough questions to atleast raise suspicion in the eyes of the public. but its difficult when nothing you say is taken into consideration. there will always be people, like yourself, who will throw away ever last bit of it, and deny it all to the very end! now why? does it literally have to come from their own mouths..when the agenda is becoming so clearly visible? actually, ive shown you cases where theyve personally admitted it, as evidenced by the thousands of quotes that are available..only no one accepts them as real, accurate, or even in context.

so what more do you want from me? i gave a link of an entire archive of sources who revealed government prior knowledge of the attacks, and even what appears to be direct envolvement, and no one even bothers to go through it. what would tip the balance in our favor, when the establishment is clearly winning the propoganda war, due to the mechanisms already under their control?

i think your being unrealistic, and havent fully thought through the possibility that this is true. the mere fact that no mainstream networks even cover our perspective, let alone with any legitimate scrutiny, suggests that either its soo beyond rediculous that its not worth even considering, or that this is a perspective that they do not wish to be made known! i assume you believe its the latter?

and that quote from Albert Pike was take from a book that he wrote! its not as if it was made up to support our premise. lets just be honost bit of information i give you will suffice; so what do you want from me? i could give you leads and accounts all day long, but you will find someway to justify your way around it; even if it means denying volumes of historical accounts

if you wont accept statements from the people behind it, then no bit of research i give you will be acceptable! i just think thats telling...the fact that we know even this much is a testament to our resolve and dedication in exposing this, but this is a conspiracy, and it will not be made known to the public, in any legitimate form, with all our supporting evidence; and it hasnt. is that not the least bit curious at all to you?


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 11:42 AM


I just don't find a few disparate quotes from world leaders that happen to contain the words 'Global' and 'Government' as particularly compelling. Governments and groups are getting larger all the time, the USA, EU, UN so on and so forth are showing a clear progression towards world government, and barring a nuclear war that ends us all someday there will be a government in charge of the entire planet. Organisations get bigger, for better or worse, that's just how we as a species work. Hey I'm sure there were people who made similar overtones when England was amalgamated from disparate kingdoms.

World Government doesn't worry me, because even a world war isn't going to bring it about in my life time or the life times of my children, what worries me is global commercialism, and that doesn’t need any conspiracies to bring it about, it's almost here and we're accepting it because it gives us Dolby Surround Sound 7.1 while enslaving us to the mega-multinationals through debt. They don't need a conspiracy or even fore thought to bring this about, just a whole bunch of people who have similar goals and Human nature. If you show most people the TX9000 that's *JUST* out side of their price range but they've got the TX7500 then a hell of a lot of people are going to put themselves in debt to get the TX9000, not the work of the devil, not the work of some shadowy secret society, just Human nature. We want to keep ahead of the Smiths, capitalism exploits this desire, but it doesn’t create it, it’s always been with us.

Albert Pike's statements WERE NOT taken from a book he wrote, they were taken from a letter he was supposed to have written to Markow(?) in the 1870's. This letter wasn't published until 1925, but still there is no evidence for the existence of the letter. I'd also like to remind you that the term Nazi is short for the German Nationaler Sozialismus (National Socialism) a term that DID not exist in the 1870's, but DID exist in 1925. Also in 1925 the Russian October Revolution and the First World War had already happened, and many saw the spectre of another war in the Nazis (I believe Churchill was warning about the Nazis right from their conception).

Add to this that I have never seen proof that this letter was even published in 1925 and you begin to see why I may be sceptical.

Why can't you accept the possibility that this letter is nothing more than a really clever fake?

Here would be a good start if you can explain the following:
1) I start a super secret society for world domination, the last thing I'd do is print my flaming symbol on legal tender, so why did the New World Order scatter their symbol over American Dollar Bills?
2) My super powerful conspiracy can sway nations, but it can't take a couple of websites exposing all my plans down?
3) My Secret society is so secret everyone's heard about it?
4) My secret society can compel world leaders to kill millions but can't silence the conspiracy theorists?
5) I've worked for companies and the government, neither could organise a piss up in a brewery, how do these secret societies infiltrate governments, manipulate and control the manifest destines of millions of people over centuries of time and keep this all secret from the general population? This sort of level of organisation is inhuman.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 7:00 PM


my Fear Citizen is that the global elite want a one world government, and will use any and all means neccessary to achieve it..even if that means sacrificing a few for the good of the whole.

and sure, theoretically, its a good idea: all resources can be relocated and allocated properly; no more borders to protect or nations to fight with; a single currency, and universal legal/ethical standards etc. in principle, it sounds effecient and quite frankly like common sense; after all, we are one humanity, and we need to start acting like it.

the problem is that in this age, Satans age, i dont believe we can trust one single governmental body to protect the rights of individuals, once it has unchallenged control; no government in history has proven to be responsible with even a fraction of such authority! given the sinful nature of man and the cravings of absolute power, for such a body to possess the mechanisms to control every aspect of peoples lives is a depressingly sober thought

i agree wtih you about the threat of commercialism; people have become enslaved by the progress of technology and keeping up with the Jones'. all the vital assets on the planet, water, food, land..have all been stolen from the public, and sold back to us at a price; and what was never a neccessity to begin with, has become so conditioned into our sub-consciousness as desirefull that we have lost all sight of reason, and what makes us human beings. we've traded the freedom of sovereign beings to become slaves to an economy.

im totally with you on that, because Jesus warns us of this very thing when he says "do not love the world, or anything in the world; for he who loves the world does not love the Father".

its just that now we are reaching a point where peoples lives can be micromanaged beyond the point of personal freedom, and i fear that the powers that be are engineering pretexts to exact this final stage of governance. and lets be honost, theres no politician in the world who hasnt concieved such an elitist utopia, where the elite few rule over a global plantation, perfectly contained my the wonders of 21st century technology.

whether this NWO rises out of the ashes of a third world war, where people, desperate for stability and peace, accept the concept of a unified humanity with one representative government; or it be the threat of "Global Warming", and the measures needed to insure the survival of humanity. i just see a scenario being created where those who seek total global dictatorship have enough tools at their disposal to initiate this final step.

and being the extremist Christian i am, i see the signs of the Beast, and the reign of AntiChrist, who then possesses this perfect mechanism of control. that is all i fear...and when i see the members of secret societies, with motives to do just that, i try to do everything within my power to expose them, right or wrong, true or false; better safe then sorry!

this is my sole intention of alerting you all to this. Freemasonry, the visible 95% that the public is aware of, is a front for the inner 5% with luciferian motives; the outer core is lied to about the true meanings of the symbolism and doctrines, while the inner core is busy fullfilling their agenda to make way for their CHrist, their messiah, Lucifer. in the same way, i believe that the white house and its western allies, and institutions such as the Fed, CFR, TRI-Lateral grp., NSA, CIA etc are now actively seeking a NWO, without the consent of the(outer) masses

and i want you on my side, not on the side of those who believe that this future system of global governance is what humanity has truly lacked..because it will become a nightmare in every sense of the word. especially now that we possess the technology to track someones every move or decision. that is scary to me, but is the inevitable direction that our societies are taking us; and in many ways, we are being lied into accepting it

you dont have to agree with me now, because if im right, then you will see for yourself when the time comes, and then you will know what you must do. that is sufficient for me, because i do not know if i am capable of proving my arguement to you now, i can only paint you a picture of what i believe to be true


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:31 PM


Hey Antimason,

Could you explain something to me that I've never quite understood from your "extremist" point of view: What were the last 2000 years for from a Christian standpoint? Why did there have to be a second coming? Why couldn't Jesus have taken care of business on his first trip? What's the delay?

If WWIII is inevitable, if the world's domination by Lucifer is a fait accompli fully documented in the First Century A.D., then why leave us here to suffer for 2000 wasted years? Why not pull the plug when you see that the patient is terminal, end the experiment when no new, meaningful data can be collected?

Unless it's because we have the chance to change our fate. Unless God hopes that he doesn't have to interfere with our developement except as a last resort. Couldn't Revelation simply be the conditions under which God would halt the experiment? Not when, but if; if things get that effed up, I'm pulling the plug?

So here we are on the eve of the eschaton, and you're telling us that all this is gonna go down.

And I say, maybe not. Maybe you're dead wrong. Maybe you're serving Lucifer's will when you attempt to frighten people so completely and conclusively over the internet. Maybe you oughta be preaching love and gentleness and let God deal with the Satanists and the NWO.

Humankind seems to be attracted to the "brink of destruction" and we always seem to make it back a little sadder but a little wiser (and not without a little help, wouldn't you say?). Why will this be any different?

Has man's capacity for good reached its limit? Has Christianity reached as many people as it possibly can? What is it about the current geo-political scene that will make it necessary for God to show His hand before another generation perishes from the Earth?

Here's what I see. I see a prophecy, a pretty nasty one. Pretty compelling too. It may be, for all I know, entirely accurate. But what does it have to do with the teachings of Christ? What does it have to do with God's plan? It's all so freakin' Norse, y'know? What does all this tribulation really have to do with the Good News?

Again, as we come to the end of days, can you tell me what was the point of the last 2000 years of mayhem?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 5:16 PM

ANTIMASON no theologian, let me get that out right off the bat..your pastor may disagree with me, ok; but this is to the best of MY knowledge.

i was trying to avoid making this too lengthy, but some back story is neccessary:

God created Man, Adam, in the garden of Eden, in which he existed in a nearly perfect state; i believe immortally, because it is said that when we are redeemed by Christ, we will conquer death.

(because of this, i also take the lifespans of the early generations of Adams offspring as literally 900 yrs etc, because prior to Sin, there was no we are dealing with near perfect, right off the line beings.)

once we knew of Sin, we still had yet to be exposed to a relationship with God was still attainable.

before Man was created, Gods angelic beings ruled the heavens, or the universe, and their dominion was the other planets in our solar system. im not sure of the timeline, but the Bible constantly refers to Satan as the prince of this world, or the prince of the kingdom of the air, so he has clearly been with Man from day one.

it has beens Satans goal to prove Man unworthy of a relationship with God, to persuade Man to worship him, to pervert the bloodline of Mans redeemer, and then to pervert Gods message

in Genesis 6, it says certain angels, of whom rebelled against the Father, chose wives among the daughters of Man, and had offspring, which were called the Nephilim. these fallen angels, along with their hybrid offspring, so corrupted Man, by teaching him knowledge which we were not ready for, that it pained God that he had made Man on the earth, because the desire of our hearts was evil all the time. so he chose Noah, whos bloodline was uncorrupted, and who was considered righteous among his time, to be the new Adam; and he sent a flood to remove the evil influences.

i believe that God intended to send a redeemer, who would sacrifice his life for the sins of the world, and in doing so would conquer death for those who believe and follow his teachings. but this Christ had to be of the bloodline of Seth, and then of Noah, since the fallen angels had perverted the early generations.

Now Noahs sons, because of mans sinful nature, were led astray by the same forces prior to the flood, as Gen. 6 indicates, both before and afterwards were these angelic beings present.

Noahs offspring eventually build the Tower of Babel, reaching into the heavens, in defiance of God, in the belief that Man was his own god, and that he ruled the earth.

this eventually leads to Abraham, who God chooses to initiate his covenant with; Gods way of re-instituting the belief in the ultimate God, the Father and creator of the universe; rather then created beings(angels) who appeared as gods to early man, such as the Canaanites(Canaan was the offspring of Ham, one of Noahs sons).

i think this is the reason for Jesus first coming; without getting into the details of the early Patriarchs, Mans redemption arrived in phases: Gods covenant with Noah, Gods covenant with Abraham, the Law introduced through Moses...and all these prophecies leading up to the appearance of their messiah, and his death; which was prophesied in the OT.

Now, it was foretold that their Messiah must die first, before he came back to defeat Satan and sin for ever. the early Jews skipped these prophesies, and went straight to the end; they were expecting Jesus to be all conquering, not the submissive Lamb, so they denied him.

i believe that Man wasnt ready when Jesus first arrived. the Jews, who of all people should have recognized their own messiah, murdered the guy, just as they had done all their previous prophets. Jesus said "if you knew me, you would know my Father"; if this was a test, then Man failed. the Jews had the Law, but they lacked the Holy spirit, which was the spirit of God, the spirit the partriarchs possessed aswell.

Jesus said that when he left, he would send the spirit of God, or the holy spirit, as a guide for his believers..i think this was the final catalyst of our redemption

the past 2000yrs were neccessary is spreading the gospel of Jesus, as a fullfillment of the Law of the patriarchs

i believe Jesus was what Adam should have been, a model of perfection, without Sin, so that we may know what our destiny was to be

Man has free will, so God wanted Man to choose God out of his own discretion. Jesus' appearance, death and ressurection showed Man that death can be conquered through righteousness! Man then was no different then now..."show me God, show me a miracle?" well, Gods glory should be obvious by now!

the second coming couldnt come any time before the nation of Israel regained its sovereignty and its homeland..which was 1947(8). this point would mark the countdown of the final generation, of which the final battle of good and evil was to take place on the earth. the bible even says that those rebellious angels will be gathered, along with Satan, as prisoners in a dungeon, for Gods judgement against Sin on earth

that brings us up to now. we have forces, secret societies, who worship Lucifer as the light bringer, as the one who gave Man the knowledge that God supposedly denied us(for our own well being!). well these occultists are preparing the way for the appearance of Satans messiah, the antiChrist, and his reign, which is the system of the Beast; the antithesis of Gods will on earth

exposing this agenda only benefits God, and warning people of the coming diception can only help those who are unsure themselves. i am not a pastor, so i leave positive spiritual messages to those who are most effective at delivering them. but where politics are envolved, so is prophecy, and so is this conspiracy of good and evil. and i believe the internet is as good a place as any to expose this agenda.

and for the record, i dont believe Jesus' second coming marks the end of many ways it is the beginning; it is Christs millennial rule where he will rule on earth with Man, as was intended by God from the beginning.

now i dont know why God allowed all this to happen as it did, and frankly im not qualified to dissect his motives; but i do believe, as in evolution, that it had to occur in phases, naturally, just as human will or nature would dictate it. i mean..if its soo hard to believe in God, why is it expected of him to intercede constantly?

it does say that if God hadnt cut the time short, for the sake of the elect, that no life on earth would survive; and i believe that is because sin will reach its pinnacle during this upcoming period of antichrist.

im not sure if that was helpfull, or just a whole-lotta earfull, and i apologize, it is not the easiest subject to grasp, let alone articulate short and concisely


Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:48 AM


Politician rejects Gibson support

Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic remarks have caused a furore Senator Tom McClintock, a candidate to become Californian lieutenant governor, has said he will no longer use a fundraising letter from Mel Gibson.

The decision was made after the actor's drink-drive arrest, during which he made derogatory remarks about Jews.

The three-page letter endorsed the Republican candidate's campaign and praised his stand for "principles that might not be politically correct".

The politician's spokesman said he was "disillusioned" by Mr Gibson's arrest.

"Tom saw the news and the situation as it was unfolding with Mel Gibson and made a conscious decision to direct people not to use the letter any further," campaign spokesman Stan Devereaux said.

The letter has been sent to potential donors four times over the past year.

Mr Devereaux added that there had been no plans to use it again, even before Gibson's arrest.


In the letter, the actor said he was impressed by Senator McClintock when he ran against Arnold Schwarzenegger to be governor of California in 2003.

"When someone like Senator Tom McClintock steps forward and is willing to fight for basic American principles for all Californians, I intend to stand with him," Gibson wrote.

Mr Gibson is expected to appear in court on charges related to drink-driving on 28 September.

He is accused of driving under the influence, having a raised blood-alcohol level and having an open alcohol bottle in the car.

In a statement released last week, Gibson admitted making "harmful" comments during his arrest but insisted he was not an anti-Semite.

Wow, even Republicans are running from this guy.

And a side note, South Park replayed "The Passion of the Jew" last night. What great timing!


Thursday, August 10, 2006 5:02 AM


I'd say we are all influenced by our parents and though Gibson may generally have risen above his parents racism it's impossible to eradicate early conditioning completely. He did something stupid and said some bad things, but lets face it can a single person here honestly say they have never, in the heat of the moment drunk or sober, said something mean, cruel and horribly untrue just because they were angry?

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, August 10, 2006 5:29 AM


Um, well, I have never, even when I was a real asshole back in college, engaged in hate speech--that's a whole level of "mean" I've never felt the urge to get into. I have never blamed an ethnicity to which I did not belong for any of my problems, let alone "all the wars in the world." Furthermore, no one I have ever, ever known or befriended has done such a thing.

MSG, do you or any of your friends launch into an anti-Semitic tirade when you've had a few too many?

To the best of my knowledge, alcohol doesn't put ideas in your head, it just makes you more likely to express thoughts and feelings you'd rather other people didn't know about.

Who can say that they have never, in the heat of the moment drunk or sober, said something they truly believed but didn't want others to know about?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:49 PM


I'm glad that everyone isn't jumping on the bandwagon to burn Mel at the stake. My own ancestors were killed in the holocaust, burned at auschwitz, in fact, and Mel has yet to offend me. He's just a guy, he comes from that side of the political spectrum, so what. It's not like a lot of sides haven't gotten into their side of evil, and denied it, defended it, etc. I mean, if I were to count the total number of defenses of Hiroshima, which has roughly the same long term casualities as Auschwitz proper, (not as the holocaust mind you, I think for actually in auschwitz we're talk 1.2 mil vs. 1.1 mil) ...and add to that that I've never heard someone actually defend auschwitz (in person, there's some looney webpage which tries to) ... and that daily I hear people that defend the slaughter in Iraq, either by Bill Clinton or George W. Bush. Altogether, Mel's political points of view, like his religion, are his own business. They don't mesh with mine, but so what, he's not my Guru. All I want Mel to do is be a badass an blow things up (err on screen) and he doesn't have to agree with me to do that.

And btw, to know that you grew up eating woodchips and learn that your great grandfathers billions were stolen by nazis to make bombs doesn't give you any kind feelings towards them, as to my various rants at socialism and pirate news and where is he anyway?


Friday, January 10, 2025 8:13 AM


Joe Rogan and Mel Gibson speak the hard truths about California: "Things are dangerous now. We were just talking about the wildfire situation and how crazy it is they spent $24B on the homeless and $0 on preventing wildfires."
Mel Gibson: "In 2019, Newsom said he would take care of the forest and he didn't do anything. I think all our tax dollars went to Gavin's hair gel. It's sad. The whole place is on fire."

His praise of Michael Moore

This is Gibson's exact quote, "I feel a strange kinship with Michael. They're trying to pit us against each other in the press, but it's a hologram. They really have got nothing to do with one another. It's just some kind of device, some left-right. He makes some salient points. There was some very expert, elliptical editing going on. However, what the hell are we doing in Iraq? No one can explain to me in a reasonable manner that I can accept why we're there, why we went there, and why we're still there."


Friday, January 10, 2025 8:03 PM


Mel Gibson Predicts 'End of Civilization' for LA on Joe Rogan Podcast

Actor Mel Gibson suggested that "the end of civilization" is near during an interview with podcaster Joe Rogan as Los Angeles continued to face a series of devastating wildfires.
Why It Matters
The ongoing fires in California have killed at least five people so far, while burning tens of thousands of acres and destroying thousands of structures, including the homes of many celebrities who live in affluent areas that quickly became engulfed in flames.
Gibson, who owns a home in Malibu, spoke about the fires and what he believes are "earmarks" for the end of civilization while appearing Thursday on an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, which is taped in Austin, Texas.
What To Know
"I would be surprised if my home is still there," Gibson said during the podcast. "I've got a son, he's a sort of volunteer firefighter. Milo, I call him 'the mayor of Malibu,' and he's running around. I asked him, 'How's things looking there, Milo?' He says, 'Not good, Pops.'"
"He sent me a video of my neighborhood," he added. "And it's in flames. It looks like an inferno. So, not good."
Gibson, an outspoken conservative who also endorsed Trump, agreed with Rogan. He went on to claim that Newsom was responsible for San Francisco supposedly becoming "apocalyptic" and "a mess" because homeless people live there. He then suggested that civilization itself was ready to "cave in and collapse."
"I read a book once by Jared Diamond called Collapse," Gibson said. "It says all the things you need for a civilization to cave in and collapse. And a lot of those things are present, all those earmarks, the precursors of a collapse. They're present in our time. So, it's an interesting observation."

banned comedians?

Why cities burn and how to spot the threats

LA Descends Into Chaos as Looters Exploit Wildfires


Saturday, January 11, 2025 6:25 AM


Mel Gibson says he knows they were “messing with the water” in L.A.
“In the events like this, you sort of look is it on purpose? Which it's an insane thing to think. But one begins to ponder.”






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