USS Liberty: Accidental or Deliberate?

UPDATED: Thursday, August 17, 2006 17:16
VIEWED: 3765
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Friday, August 11, 2006 3:55 PM


In a recent discussion about Israel here in RWE, I asked whether the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was a mistake or an intentional attack. The answer was, "A mistake." I was dumbfounded. This was the first person I had ever "talked" to who believed the USS Liberty was a mistake, just another case of accidental friendly fire. In the back of my mind, I guess I had always assumed that anyone who knew about the USS Liberty would "know" it wasn't an accident.

So now I am naturally curious if that person is the only one here who thinks it's an accident, or there lots of you out there? What do RWErs think?

Here is some background info on the USS Liberty, if you need to read up before making up your mind.
Lots of links both pro and con.

From the survivors of the attack:

During the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States, the American intelligence ship USS Liberty was attacked for 75 minutes in international waters by Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats. Thirty-four men died and 174 were wounded. . .

Israel claims they mistook our ship for the out-of-service Egyptian horse carrier El Quseir and that we brought the attack upon ourselves by operating in a war zone without displaying a flag. Not so. We were in international waters, far from any fighting, and flew a bright, clean, new American flag. . .

"To suggest that they [the IDF] couldn't identify the ship is ... ridiculous. ... Anybody who could not identify the Liberty could not tell the difference between the White House and the Washington Monument."
-- Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chief of Naval Operations and later Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, quoted in The Washington Post, June 15, 1991, p. 14

(Read more here.)

From an author (Judge A. Jay Cristol, former U.S. Navy carrier pilot, and a lecturer for the Department of Defense on the Law of Naval Warfare) defending the attack as an accident:

the United States had publicly announced to the world at the United Nations Security Council only two days before June 8, 1967 that it had no warships within hundreds of miles of the combat zone. The chain of reactions were started by an Israeli army report of explosions at El Arish. Since Israel controlled the air and the ground, they made the assumption that they were being shelled from the sea and a warship was in eye view. In view of the U.S. public announcement, it seems more logical for the Israelis to have assumed that a haze grey warship sailing within eye view of the ongoing combat was an enemy vessel rather than a U.S. ship. . . .

(Read the rest here.)

"Maybe she's a lazy hooker. They can't all have hearts of gold and good work ethics." -- Jaye in Wonderfalls


Friday, August 11, 2006 5:04 PM


As usual, let's boil it down to one single question, then.

If it was a case of mistaken identity, why did they jam US Armed Forces radio frequencies during the attack ?

No accident, I say.



Saturday, August 12, 2006 4:05 AM


Another point. Even with accidents, someone is held accountable for whatever mistakes were made, esp when the accident involved the extent of damage and casualties as the USS Liberty. The accidental attack lasted 75 minutes and resulted in Capt McGonagle earning a Medal of Honor. A Medal of Honor!! (How many of those have been awarded for conduct under friendly fire?)

Here is Israel's response for their "mistake":

To sum up these last counts, my conclusion is that in all the circumstances of the case, the conduct of anyone of the naval officers concerned in this incident cannot be considered unreasonable, to an extent which justified commital for trial.

Our soldiers died and were wounded without a single person answering for it. Doesn't anyone care?


Saturday, August 12, 2006 6:12 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
As usual, let's boil it down to one single question, then.

If it was a case of mistaken identity, why did they jam US Armed Forces radio frequencies during the attack ?

It’s unclear that Israeli jamming occurred. Contrary to common myth, this is not a resolved issue, and remains controversial with some problematic discontinuities in the evidence. Though it appears quite certain that the USS Liberty did experience a communications failure, and that could have been caused by the Israelis either deliberately or unintentionally. It could also be the case that a preexisting communications problem resulted in the attack.

Although, another even more pervasive question which has never been provided a satisfactory answer either. Why would the Israelis deliberately attack the US? Some suggestions given have been the assumption that the Israelis were attempting to blind the Americans by attacking an intel boat. First of all, why did the Israelis call off the attack short of sinking the Liberty? The only way to carry out such a ruse is to completely sink the Liberty so that no one is left to testify to the action; in fact what the Israelis did do was immediately call off the attack and go to the US embassy and apologize. Another answer has been that the Israelis were attempting to draw the Americans into the war against the Egyptians, but once again, why then go to the US embassy and admit the attack.

I've never been convinced that it was anything other then an atrocious mistake.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Saturday, August 12, 2006 6:57 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
Another point. Even with accidents, someone is held accountable for whatever mistakes were made, esp when the accident involved the extent of damage and casualties as the USS Liberty. The accidental attack lasted 75 minutes and resulted in Capt McGonagle earning a Medal of Honor. A Medal of Honor!! (How many of those have been awarded for conduct under friendly fire?)

IMHO, The victims of the friendly fire incidents should all get Medal's of Honor.


Here is Israel's response for their "mistake":

To sum up these last counts, my conclusion is that in all the circumstances of the case, the conduct of anyone of the naval officers concerned in this incident cannot be considered unreasonable, to an extent which justified commital for trial.

Our soldiers died and were wounded without a single person answering for it. Doesn't anyone care?

Of course people care. Unfortunatly friendly fire incidents occur all the time in combat situations. As stated above by Finn, What could possibly be Israels rationale for deliberatly attacking their greatest ally? That would be akin to Germany attacking the Russians during WW2. I think we all know where that got Herr Hitler.

Please read the following information about the friendly fire incident in Afghanistan and tell me if Canada should stop being an ally to the U.S.A.

Fairly similar situation where the 'firees' did nothing wrong and the 'fireers' were not really held accountable.

De-lurking to stir stuff up.


Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:41 AM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:

Fairly similar situation where the 'firees' did nothing wrong and the 'fireers' were not really held accountable.

I beg to differ. From the link you posted:

On September 11, 2002, the U.S. pilots, Majors Harry Schmidt and William Umbach were officially charged with 4 counts of negligent manslaughter, 8 counts of aggravated assault, and 1 count of dereliction of duty. Umbach's charges were later dismissed. Schmidt's charges were reduced (on June 30, 2003) to just the dereliction of duty charge. On July 6, 2004 U.S. Lt.-Gen. Bruce Carlson found Schmidt guilty of dereliction of duty in what the U.S. military calls a "non-judicial hearing" before a senior officer. Schmidt was fined nearly $5,700 in pay and reprimanded. The reprimand, written by Lt. Gen. Carlson said Schmidt had "flagrantly disregarded a direct order," "exercised a total lack of basic flight discipline", and "blatantly ignored the applicable rules of engagement." Umbach was reprimanded for leadership failures and allowed to retire.
The Israelis didn't even have a trial. Doesn't anybody care?


Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:48 AM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
IMHO, The victims of the friendly fire incidents should all get Medal's of Honor.

I don't think you understand what Medals of Honor are for. It's the highest military honor in the land. You don't get it simply for being a victim, even if it is a atrocious accident. You have to DO something to earn it, something way above and beyond the call of duty.

What could possibly be Israels rationale for deliberatly attacking their greatest ally?
If you really want to know, read the links I posted. If you have a critique of posited reasons, we can discuss them here.


Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:30 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
The Israelis didn't even have a trial. Doesn't anybody care?

There were two reasons why we prosecuted that Afghan friendly fire incident. First, there are few enough casualties in Afghanistan to make such prosecutions feasible, and secondly the growing political rift between Canada and the US, created a perception that the US had to offer Canada recompense. There were a lot of people in the United States who were very upset over the prosecution of these officers, since we’ve rarely prosecuted for friendly fire incidents. There were some 20,000 friendly fire deaths in World War II, I’m not aware of any trials. There has been many other friendly fire incidents since World War II, some of them pretty nasty, again this is the only one I know that was tried.

So, why Israel should be expected to try their soldiers for friendly fire incidents, I don’t know. No one else does. Some of the officers involved were forced to resign, which is probably more then normally happens. Although, maybe Israel should have held a trial, maybe that would appease some of the anti-Israeli sentiment. But I question that, and I suspect so did Israel. And I think they were more concerned about the morale of their soldiers and their population, which was suffering from near constant threat of attack by Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.

Although soldiers were not prosecuted there were several investigations from 1967 to 1991, all of which concluded that the incident was a mistake.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Saturday, August 12, 2006 2:38 PM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
in fact what the Israelis did do was immediately call off the attack and go to the US embassy and apologize

The War Crimes Report filed by the survivors of the attack had this to say about the apology:

By patching together different systems, the ship’s radio operators had ultimately been able to send a brief distress message that was received and acknowledged by United States Sixth Fleet forces present in the Mediterranean. Upon receipt of that message the aircraft carriers USS Saratoga and USS America each launched aircraft to come to the aid of USS Liberty. The reported attacking aircraft were declared hostile and the rescue aircraft were authorized to destroy them upon arrival. The rules of engagement, authorizing destruction of the attackers, were transmitted to the rescue aircraft "in the clear" (i.e., they were not encrypted).

Shortly after the Sixth Fleet transmission of the rules of engagement to its dispatched rescue aircraft, the Israeli torpedo boats suddenly broke off their attack and transmitted messages asking if USS Liberty required assistance. At the same time, an Israeli naval officer notified the US Naval Attaché at the American Embassy in Tel Aviv that Israeli forces had mistakenly attacked a United States Navy ship and apologized. The Naval Attaché notified the United States Sixth Fleet and rescue aircraft were recalled before they arrived at the scene of the attack.


Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
Although soldiers were not prosecuted there were several investigations from 1967 to 1991, all of which concluded that the incident was a mistake.

Here are the results of another investigation.

The "Moorer Commission" (Chaired by Adm. Moorer) investigated the attack and made the following findings:

"We, the undersigned, having undertaken an independent investigation of Israel's attack on USS Liberty, including eyewitness testimony from surviving crewmembers, a review of naval and other official records, an examination of official statements by the Israeli and American governments, a study of the conclusions of all previous official inquiries, and a consideration of important new evidence and recent statements from individuals having direct knowledge of the attack or the cover up, hereby find the following:

1. That on June 8, 1967, after eight hours of aerial surveillance, Israel launched a two-hour air and naval attack against USS Liberty, the world's most sophisticated intelligence ship, inflicting 34 dead and 173 wounded American servicemen (a casualty rate of seventy percent, in a crew of 294);

2. That the Israeli air attack lasted approximately 25 minutes, during which time unmarked Israeli aircraft dropped napalm canisters on USS Liberty's bridge, and fired 30mm cannons and rockets into our ship, causing 821 holes, more than 100 of which were rocket-size; survivors estimate 30 or more sorties were flown over the ship by a minimum of 12 attacking Israeli planes which were jamming all five American emergency radio channels;

3. That the torpedo boat attack involved not only the firing of torpedoes, but the machine-gunning of Liberty's firefighters and stretcher-bearers as they struggled to save their ship and crew; the Israeli torpedo boats later returned to machine-gun at close range three of the Liberty's life rafts that had been lowered into the water by survivors to rescue the most seriously wounded;

4. That there is compelling evidence that Israel's attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew; evidence of such intent is supported by statements from Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Undersecretary of State George Ball, former CIA director Richard Helms, former NSA directors Lieutenant General William Odom, USA (Ret.), Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN (Ret.), and Marshal Carter; former NSA deputy directors Oliver Kirby and Major General John Morrison, USAF (Ret.); and former Ambassador Dwight Porter, U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon in 1967;

5. That in attacking USS Liberty, Israel committed acts of murder against American servicemen and an act of war against the United States;

6. That fearing conflict with Israel, the White House deliberately prevented the U.S. Navy from coming to the defense of USS Liberty by recalling Sixth Fleet military rescue support while the ship was under attack; evidence of the recall of rescue aircraft is supported by statements of Captain Joe Tully, Commanding Officer of the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga, and Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis, the Sixth Fleet carrier division commander, at the time of the attack; never before in American naval history has a rescue mission been cancelled when an American ship was under attack;

7. That although Liberty was saved from almost certain destruction through the heroic efforts of the ship's Captain, William L. McGonagle (MOH), and his brave crew, surviving crewmembers were later threatened with "court-martial, imprisonment or worse" if they exposed the truth; and were abandoned by their own government;

8. That due to the influence of Israel's powerful supporters in the United States, the White House deliberately covered up the facts of this attack from the American people;

9. That due to continuing pressure by the pro-Israel lobby in the United States, this attack remains the only serious naval incident that has never been thoroughly investigated by Congress; to this day, no surviving crewmember has been permitted to officially and publicly testify about the attack;

10. That there has been an official cover-up without precedent in American naval history; the existence of such a cover-up is now supported by statements of Rear Admiral Merlin Staring, USN (Ret.), former Judge Advocate General of the Navy; and Captain Ward Boston, USN, (Ret.), the chief counsel to the Navy's 1967 Court of Inquiry of Liberty attack;

11. That the truth about Israel's attack and subsequent White House cover-up continues to be officially concealed from the American people to the present day and is a national disgrace;

12. That a danger to our national security exists whenever our elected officials are willing to subordinate American interests to those of any foreign nation, and specifically are unwilling to challenge Israel's interests when they conflict with American interests; this policy, evidenced by the failure to defend USS Liberty and the subsequent official cover-up of the Israeli attack, endangers the safety of Americans and the security of the United States.

WHEREUPON, we, the undersigned, in order to fulfill our duty to the brave crew of USS Liberty and to all Americans who are asked to serve in our Armed Forces, hereby call upon the Department of the Navy, the Congress of the United States and the American people to immediately take the following actions:

FIRST: That a new Court of Inquiry be convened by the Department of the Navy, operating with Congressional oversight, to take public testimony from surviving crewmembers; and to thoroughly investigate the circumstances of the attack on the USS Liberty, with full cooperation from the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency and the military intelligence services, and to determine Israel's possible motive in launching said attack on a U.S. naval vessel;

SECOND: That every appropriate committee of the Congress of the United States investigate the actions of the White House and Defense Department that prevented the rescue of the USS Liberty, thereafter threatened her surviving officers and men if they exposed the truth, and covered up the true circumstances of the attack from the American people; and

THIRD: That the eighth day of June of every year be proclaimed to be hereafter known as

USS LIBERTY REMEMBRANCE DAY, in order to commemorate USS Liberty's heroic crew; and to educate the American people of the danger to our national security inherent in any passionate attachment of our elected officials for any foreign nation.

We, the undersigned, hereby affix our hands and seals, this 22nd day of October, 2003.

Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, USN, Ret.
Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

(and more undersigned abridged by me.
All emphasis mine.)


Saturday, August 12, 2006 4:27 PM


Of course the attack on the USS Liberty was intentional.

Don't tell me you thought Israel was our friend, right?

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Saturday, August 12, 2006 5:11 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Dead in the Water: Israeli Sinking of the USS Liberty

During the Six-Day war, Israel attacked and nearly sank the USS Liberty, claiming mistaken identity. The truth turns out to be more sinister... By BBC News (similar to History Channel)

Video download: TERRORSTORM

A history of false-flag psyops in world history, by Alex Jones.

When Nero burned Rome and blamed the Christians, then genocided them in the Colluseum, history censors the fact that Nero was a Jew.

Read Sun Tsu's The Art of War, written 1,000s of years ago and still in print in every bookstore.


"It is the business of a general to be quiet and thus insure secrecy. He must be able to mystify his officers and men by false reports and appearances, and thus keep them in total ignorance."
—Sun Tzu, The Art of War

"By Way of Deception, thou shalt do War."
-motto of Israeli Mossad

Israel intentionally tried to sink the USS Liberty, to blame Egypt in a "false flag" attack. Israel still has the lifeboats of USS Liberty on display in a museum, riddled with bullet holes. They used napalm, machine guns, cannon, rockets, topedos, and had special forces commandos in helicopters to land on the ship and kill all survivors. But God told Israeli to fuck off. The name "Israel" means a person is AGAINST God.



ISRAEL. The name given to Jacob by an angel at the Jabbok ford. He was on a journey to hold a reunion with his estranged brother, Esau. During the night a stranger wrestled with him till daybreak and then said to him, "Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have been strong AGAINST God." Was the stranger an angel? Jacob himself thought it was God. He named the place Peniel "because I have seen God face to face and I have survived" (Genesis 32:25-32). Later in Genesis, God appeared to Jacob once again and repeated the statement, "Your name is Jacob, but from now on, you shall be named not Jacob but Israel" (Genesis 35:9-10). This was enough in itself to show the unique niche he occupies in Jewish history: he is the personification of the nation of Israel.

Catholic Pocket Dictionary, Jewish Dell Publishing, 666 5th Avenue, NY NY

Just like Jew Adolf Hitler Schicklegruber Rothschild attacked his own Reichstag to blame the Commies, and attacked his own radio station in Operations Himmler and Canned Goods, to blame Poland and start WW2 for his trillionaire Rothschild family.

Jew LBJ had the USS Liberty changed from US Navy control to NSA control, then LBJ hired Israel to sink it, as a pretext to trick dumb Amerikans into volunteering for war to invade the Middle East (just like 9/11 today). LBJ told his admirals, to back off and not send fighter jets to defend the Liberty, "You let that goddamn ship go to the bottom!" Just like Pentagon's Operation Northwoods confession to treason, signed by Jewish Zionist General LL Lemnitzer, chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff, to hire enemy soldiers to attack US military bases:



Memo to Secretary of War Robert McNamara

Subject: Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba

March 13, 1962

"We could blow up a drone (unmannded) vessel anywhere in the Cuban waters. The presense of Cuban planes or ships merely investigating the intent of the vessel could be fairly compelling evidence that the ship was taken under attack. The US could follow with an air/sea rescue operation covered by US fighters to "evacuate" remaining members of the non-existant crew.

Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.

We could develop a Communist Cuba terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Flordia cities and even in Washington. The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States.

Use of MIG-type aircraft by US pilots could provide additional provocation. Harassment of civil air, attacks on surface shipping, and destruction of US military drone aircraft by MIG type palnes would be useful. An F-86 properly painted would convince air passengers that they saw a Cuban MIG, especially if the pilot of the transport were to announce that fact. Hijacking attampts against US civil air and surface craft should be encouraged. It is possible to create an incident which would demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked and shot down a chartered civilian airliner from the United States.

An aircraft at Eglin AFB would be painted and numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered aircraft belonging to a CIA proprietary organization in the Miami area. At a designated time the duplicate would be subsituted for the actual civil aircraft and the passengers, all boarded under carefully prepared aliases.

The actual registered aircraft would be converted to a drone.

Take off times of the drone aircraft and the actual aircraft will be scheduled to allow a rondevous. From the rondevous point the passenger-carrying aircraft will descend to minimum altitude and go directly to an auxiliary airfield at Eglin AFB where arrangements will have been made to evacuate the passengers and return the aircraft to its original status.

Meanwhile the drone aircraft will continue to fly the filed flight plan. The drone will be transmitting on the international distress frequency "MAY DAY" message stating it is under attack by Cuban MIG aircraft. The transmission will be interrupted by the destruction of aircraft which will be triggered by radio signal. This will allow IACO radio stations to tell the US what has happened to the aircraft instead of the US trying to "sell" the incident.

It is possible to create an incident that will make it appear that Communist Cuban MIGs have destroyed a USAF aircraft over international waters in an unprovoked attack. On one such flight, a pre-briefed pilot would fly Tail-end Charlie. While near the Cuban island this pilot would broadcast that he had been jumped by MIGs and was going down. This pilot would then fly at extremely low altitude and land at a secure base, an Eglin auxiliary.

The aircraft would be met by the proper people, quickly stored and given a new tail number. The pilot who performed the mission under an alias would resume his proper identity. The pilot and aircraft would then have disappeared.

A submarine or small craft would distribute F-101 parts, parachute, etc. The pilots retuning to Homestead would have a true story as far as they knew. Search ships and aircraft could be dispatched and parts of aircraft found."

(declassifed in 2000)

VIDEO - Operation Northwoods - James Bamford from ABC News

USS Liberty was part of Operation Northwoods. The assassination coup d'etat of JFK Sr was also part of Northwoods, which included Operation MONGOOSE, as shown in the documentary "JFK" by Oliver Stone, about Judge Jim Garrison's arrest, prosecution and trial of CIA agent Clay Shaw.



This is Israel: Qana Massacre 2006 - Uncensored photographs that are censored by the Jewish Media Mafia in Israeli-occupied territory of USA. Hate-filled psychopathic anti-Semitic Jews perp Holocaust upon Christian Semites and Arab Semites during yet another Israeli invasion of Lebannon. July 30, 2006

This is Israel: Qana Massacre 1996

Do you know what kind of weapons causes this damage?

That's this bogus bomber scare in England, putting all airliners under martial law, is merely another scam to divert attention from Israel perping genocide in Lebanon. And it takes attention off Mel Gibson's truthtelling that Jews are behind all wars for the past 100 years.


Fox News video downloads: Massive Israeli Mossad terrorist bomber army and Kosher Nostra organized crime network in USA today

Note that in the first segment of the series a highly placed US investigator states, "evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." Israeli Mossad controls all US telephone billing and all police wiretaps for Mishpucka Mafiya. Hundreds of Israeli terrorists arrested in USA since 9/11, as thousands of Israeli terrorists escape

"The FBI has issued a BOLO on suspected terrorists driving a white delivery van from New York City to Mexico. The suspects are using Israeli passports."
—Emergency 911 Dispatch, BOLO (Be On the LookOut), All-Points-Bulletin (APB), City-County Building, Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee, September 11, 2001, 11am EST

"The following is a partial list of Jews who participated in the Revolutionary War. Major George Bush, Major Louis Bush, Major Soloman Bush."
-National Jewish Welfare Board, Jewish Caalaander for Soldiers and Sailors 1943-1944, "The Jews in the Wars of the United States"

All Israeli Mossad terrorist bombers arrested in USA are immediately released and deported to Israel, instead of tortured to death at Gitmo, by the Jewish director of US Dept of Homeland Security Michael "Butcher of New Orleans" Chertoff, WHO IS A CURRENT CITIZEN OF ISRAEL, and who was a DEFENSE lawyer for "Arab terrorists".

"You can't stop the signal. Bastard stabbed me with a sword! Does that sound right to you?"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Saturday, August 12, 2006 6:07 PM



Originally posted by Hardware:
Don't tell me you thought Israel was our friend, right?

Oh no, *I* didn't think so, but there are folks on this board who do. They really, really think so.

(And oh my God. Piratenews is on my thread. Eeeeh.)

"Maybe she's a lazy hooker. They can't all have hearts of gold and good work ethics." -- Jaye in Wonderfalls


Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:59 AM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
What could possibly be Israels rationale for deliberatly attacking their greatest ally?

I've been thinking a lot about this demand for a motive before being willing to say an action was intentional and deliberate. If I may, here is another way to look at it.

Imagine you're walking alone on a deserted street at night. All of a sudden, someone is stabbing you. You try to fight, but the guy keeps stabbing and leaves you for dead. Eventually you're rescued and you go to the cops. Imagine how you might feel if the conversation went like this:

Cop: Why do you think he did it?
You: I have no idea! Maybe he wanted to rob me? I can't find my wallet anymore.
Cop: Maybe? That's conjecture! Maybe your wallet fell out during the struggle. You don't know?
You: I can make a guess, but I don't know for sure.
Cop: Well, if you don't know why he did it, I can't allow you to press charges.
You: What?! Just because I don't know why he did it doesn't mean he didn't do it!

This scenario is to illustrate only ONE point: that there is a big difference WHETHER something happened and WHY something happened. People DO commit violence without the victims knowing why.

WHETHER Liberty was attacked intentionally and WHY she was attacked are two separate questions. In the case of mistaken identity, you look at the pattern and severity of the attack vis-a-vis the information the Israeli's had before the attack.

First, pattern. See, this wasn't like most friendly fire: Bomb, Oops! This was bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, torpedo, torpedo, machine-gun, machine-gun, ooops. The extended nature and relatively close range of the attack makes the Ooops at the end a little less believable. The Ooops should have come sooner, a lot sooner. The pattern is inconsistent with other friendly fire scenarios.

Second, severity. If they made a mistake in identifying the ship, it means they did not conclusively confirm the flag or the markings of Liberty before firing. Without conclusive confirmation, did it warrant 821 holes in the ship, over 100 of which were rocket-sized? Did it warrant napalm canisters, aircraft cannons, rockets, and 5 torpedos? Did it warrant drive-by machine gun shootings on Liberty's firefighters, stretcher-bearers, and life rafts? If it was a mistake, the severity of the attack was unwarranted and someone should be accountable. The severity was inconsistent with the inconclusive information on which the attack was based.

Now the Israeli govt will say very little of that actually happened. Something like there were only 2 torpedos instead of 5. No one machine gunned the stretchers, etc.

So then it comes down to this. Who do you believe? The American soldiers who survived the attack that day, or the Israeli government? Personally, where the stories conflict, I choose to believe the American soldiers. Call me biased if you want, but I'd rather be biased towards the eyewitness testimonies of our American soldiers over the excuses of a foreign government. (Edited to add: And if that is construed as a bias, whoever believes the foreign government over our soldiers has a "bias" as well.)

Our American soldiers who got injured and died for us, for all of us, deserve that much.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:34 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
What could possibly be Israels rationale for deliberatly attacking their greatest ally?

I've been thinking a lot about this demand for a motive before being willing to say an action was intentional and deliberate.

Or you could point out that France not the US was Israel's biggest ally at the time, and prior to 1968 the US consistently refused military aid and equipment and even opposed and threatened Israel during some previous actions.

So unless USS Liberty was a French ship you don't need to come up with a rationale for the Israelis deliberately attacking their greatest ally.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 11:26 AM


Yeah, there’s the Moorer Report; that’s pretty recent. Once again, though we have that one critical piece of information that not even Admiral Moorer can explain: why would Israel attack an Americana ship? Saying that the attack was deliberate is meaningless, all attacks are deliberate. The question is whether it was a mistake. Until you can produce a motive that explains what Israel had to gain from the attack and Israel’s reaction following the attack, it’s difficult to argue that Israel wanted to attack the US.

But as far as reports go, there’s no lack of them: there is the US Navy Court of Inquiry, the CIA Report, the NSA Report, the Russ Report, the Clifford Report, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Report, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Report, the Senate Armed Services Committee Report, the House Appropriations Committee Report and two House Armed Services Committee Report. All of which arrived at a conclusion contrary to your opinion or did not provide a conclusion. And some of them seem to have been pretty critical of Israel. I get the impression that some people really wanted to believe that Israel had acted maliciously, but in the end, the evidence is simply not there to draw that conclusion.

And the US was an Israeli ally. Although I would say that their “greatest ally” at that time was probably Britain, not the US.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Sunday, August 13, 2006 11:33 AM


Pirate News

Good to see you're still around.

I don't buy that Nero was a jew. He was a member of the julio-claudians, who i thought were pagans. you have a primary source for this?

I also think that the christians were largely sentenced for crimes they were guilty of. The christian underground was the al qaeda of its day, and had many little indiscretions we would now call terrorism

I also thought the burning of rome was largely a real estate scam. But I believe you're right he blames the christians and fed them to lions.

Israel as I understand it is actually "Soldier of God" and Hezbollah is "Party of God" at least those are the definitions that one will find most often if one searches the terms, and I think scholars generally agree. The problem is, no offense. that the God in question is Yhwh, Hibiru God of War, who was led to supremacy in a monotheistic revolution led by a group of real loonies who worshiped mt. sinai, and were known for many of the sorts of things you now associate with moloch.

The core here is that God is evil, on an objective scale, which is not to say by any means that jesus by extension was evil, because i don't think he was. But any objective reading of the bible shows that God, Yahweh, Jehova, or originally written yhwh, pronounced "Yahoveha," but called he who shall not be named, committed endless acts of torture, killing, genocide, and ecoside, and saw it all and said that it was good.

An objective ourside perspective, such as any of us on the board from easrten religions, of which I think there are a fair number here, myself included, that can read the book without bias and see that YHWH is the villain of the piece.

Interesting note:

YHWH became the nameless one because His high priests believed that if the followers spoke His name, or even knew it, that it would give them power over Him. They were not being metaphorical. It's a literal truth: speaking the name created two thing:

1. To make God one of many, if He had a name, He is not the same being as Elohim or Baal or any other deity from the hebrew pantheon.

2. To speak His name one would speak His full name: Yahoveha Milchamah El or something like that, which means yhwh god of war.

Peaceniks about in any society, and they are bound to stray from worship of a god of war, esp. after a particularly bad war. So the single god idea was born, and then, over time, He claimed responsibility for more and more of the other deities purviews. Though history, He would clain their rites and customs as well, adopting such pagan traditions as Yuletide and Easter, and even Lupercus (valentines) and Samhain (samhigheen or halloween.)

If you study god with as much dilligence as you do american poltics, and regognize spin for what it is, you'll find that what i'm saying is true.

I think christians would do well to focus their faith on christ, and leave yhwh behind, as with muslims for mohammed and jews for moses.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 1:08 PM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
Until you can produce a motive that explains what Israel had to gain from the attack and Israel’s reaction following the attack, it’s difficult to argue that Israel wanted to attack the US.

Uh huh. We've been down that road before. I think it dead-ended with your comparing me to Nazis.

Let me turn the tables on you, for argument's sake. If Liberty was an accident, then her survivors lied about seeing reconnaissance flights recognizing them all morning long and all those other details.

1. What do they have to gain by lying?
2. Do you think it would reasonable for me to dismiss whatever you say with, "That's nonsense. Blah blah blah, there was no reason for them to lie."
3. Do you think it would be reasonable for me to then conclude, "You can't give me a reason for them to lie, therefore I assume such a reason doesn't exist"?
4. Do you think it would be reasonable for me to also conclude, "Unless you can give me a motive for them to lie, it is difficult to argue that they lied."

I am curious. The cardinal feature of a hypothesis is that it is falsifiable, that it sets criterion by which it can be proven wrong. Since you call yourself a rational person, is your position falsifiable? What are your criteria for being proven wrong? What are your objective standards for distinguishing motives that make sense, and motives that don't make sense? Because without objective standards, you could just be subjectively deciding that NO motives could ever make sense. I asked these questions before on the other thread, and never got a response.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:04 PM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
What could possibly be Israels rationale for deliberatly attacking their greatest ally?

I've been thinking a lot about this demand for a motive before being willing to say an action was intentional and deliberate.

Or you could point out that France not the US was Israel's biggest ally at the time, and prior to 1968 the US consistently refused military aid and equipment and even opposed and threatened Israel during some previous actions.

So unless USS Liberty was a French ship you don't need to come up with a rationale for the Israelis deliberately attacking their greatest ally.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.

Attacking ones allies happens too often

1297 French sailors were killed and about 350 were wounded.

The British Admiral Somerville was less enthusiastic about the action saying that it was “the biggest political blunder of modern times and will rouse the whole world against us…we all feel thoroughly ashamed…”

" Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom the stab in the back
Women and children and cowards attack

Run to the hills run for your lives "


Sunday, August 13, 2006 3:17 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
Uh huh. We've been down that road before. I think it dead-ended with your comparing me to Nazis.

No one compared you to the Nazis, so climb down off your cross. It’s not my fault your position on the Israelis appears to be bigoted.

Originally posted by canttakesky:
Let me turn the tables on you, for argument's sake. If Liberty was an accident, then her survivors lied about seeing reconnaissance flights recognizing them all morning long and all those other details.

Why? Israel was involved in a war with Egypt. They were flying recon flights all around the Sinai. And the Liberty, contrary to stated American instructions and statement, was within the 100 mi cordon around the Israeli/Egypt coast, just ~13 or 14 nmi off the coast of Egypt. The US Navy sent the Liberty several warnings to stay away from the Israeli/Egyptian coats. They either didn’t receive those messages, suggesting that communications problems on the Liberty existed prior to allege Israeli jamming, or they didn't follow orders. During the Six Day War Israel’s principle advantage was air superiority; in fact, this war has become an example of what air superiority can accomplish. So Israeli recon and sorties must have been flying continuously all throughout that area, and what I’ve always wondered, is why didn’t the Captain of the Liberty stop and consider that if he was seeing Israeli sorties, that maybe he was too close to the fighting. If you go wondering in-between two countries that are at war, you are taking a big risk.

So I don’t believe the crew was lying at all. I’m certain they saw Israeli recon flights. I’m certain they would have seen a lot of them. They were 13 miles away from the fighting!!

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:56 PM


Finn, read my post again. The survivors claim to have seen the recon flights recognizing them all morning long . . .

Americo Aimetti: Well, again we were in international waters. Early that morning, from 6 a.m. on, Israeli reconnaissance planes had been flying around us, so low we could see the faces of the pilots, over flights and reconnaissance. They were tipping their wings, a friendly gesture.

John Hrankowski: We heard them reporting over radio who we were and how we were sailing and where we were sailing. They saw the flag and everything else.

Here are some other eyewitness testimonies that Liberty apologists also apparently do not believe:

Jim Ennes: Men trying to aid their wounded shipmates on deck were fired upon. Men fighting fires were fired upon and recall seeing their fire hoses punctured by machinegun fire. . . .Yet I think most convincing of their deliberate intent is that they continued to fire for forty minutes after examining our markings from as close as fifty feet away, did not offer help until nearly two hours after the torpedo explosion, and then lied about it.

The survivors offer numerous details (I don't have time to post them all--these were just a few examples) that contradict the statements of the Israeli government. Since you believe the Israeli government over our soldiers, think of what motive our soldiers might have to lie. Then answer this: Would it be reasonable for me to say you can't prove these men were lying until you can state their motive for lying?

Please do not segue into details of the testimonies or possible motives--I am not looking for whether you think they are lies or what you think the motive is. I am looking for logical consistency to your assertion that motive must be known before arguing whether an event occurred. I want you to put yourself in the shoes you have placed me, and tell me if you think it is reasonable. I believe we need to get this motive hangup out of the way before we can talk about the other issues clearly.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 5:12 PM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
No one compared you to the Nazis, so climb down off your cross. It’s not my fault your position on the Israelis appears to be bigoted.


Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal to CTS on the "Get Real" thread:
First of all, your assertion that Israel as a people holds a policy of targeting civilians to satiate their collective hatred seems to close to an ethnic slur for me to be comfortable with. It sounds too much like the “baby-killing Jew” popularized by the Nazis. . .

Incidentally, here is my response again: I never asserted any such thing. I never said Israel as a people. I never said that they had a policy of targeting civilians. In fact I made it a point to clarify that they didn't have a policy, and the motives I was speaking of were that of their LEADERS.

"Maybe she's a lazy hooker. They can't all have hearts of gold and good work ethics." -- Jaye in Wonderfalls


Sunday, August 13, 2006 5:20 PM



It’s unclear that Israeli jamming occurred. Contrary to common myth, this is not a resolved issue, and remains controversial with some problematic discontinuities in the evidence.

Upon review, this is a flat lie, and furthermore, I suspect you knew this was the case when you typed it.

All FIVE of the Liberties normal operating frequencies were jammed, as well as BOTH international distress frequencies, those being 500kHz and 2182kHz, fyi.

The only time said jamming let up was during missle targeting runs by the attacking planes, presumably as to not hose their own targeting equipment via signal bleedover.

Finding of Fact #48 on the NCOI transcripts is that said jamming did occur, and this is also the position of Oliver Kirby, the NSA Sigint/Elint guy technically in charge of the USS Liberty's mission.

That means the Court of Inquiry concluded also, that said jamming did occur.

The only contrary account is by, once again, the same and only source of contrary accounts, this Cristol guy, who has a terrible reputation, little to no credibility, and what appears to be a personal axe to grind over this.

So, you have tons of easily-researchable evidence, that anyone with the slightest interest could find in about one minute with a common search engine, all of it confirming the jamming did occur, and a single wholly-discredited source that's one step short of a laughingstock, that says it didn't.

I think you lied to us Finn, and knowingly so - and I would like to know why.
Care to explain ?



Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:11 PM


Just an observation. The US has gone to war with countries for incidents that were a lot less provocative.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:42 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
Please do not segue into details of the testimonies or possible motives--I am not looking for whether you think they are lies or what you think the motive is. I am looking for logical consistency to your assertion that motive must be known before arguing whether an event occurred. I want you to put yourself in the shoes you have placed me, and tell me if you think it is reasonable. I believe we need to get this motive hangup out of the way before we can talk about the other issues clearly.

Well, I’m not sure why you think you are entitled to a response that you refused to give me in the previous thread. Instead of accusing me of making statements about your character that I never made, and trying to convince me that Israelis have a preference to kill innocent people because they are psychologically damaged, maybe you should have just admitted up front that you don’t really understand the Arab-Israeli conflict. A lot of people don’t.

I don’t understand everything about the Liberty incident, and neither do people who are experts on it. I don’t understand the timeline of events or certain testimonies. Now I suspect, that if you have dehumanized the Israelis into a bunch of psychopaths with preferences for innocent blood, it’s probably easy for you to dismiss some of the inconsistencies here, like the lack of an Israeli motive or the failed communication with Liberty prior to the incident. I’ve met Israelis, talked with them. I’ve never come across with the impression they would ever prefer killing civilians or Americans. Some of them were pretty nice, others were dicks, but that’s pretty much how I’ve seen everyone.

I don’t think former crewmen Hrankowski is lying. I think he probably did hear the Israelis identify the Liberty. Just because one Israeli sortie identified the Liberty doesn’t mean others did. And we know that one did. That wasn’t necessarily one that attacked the Liberty. Ideally, the presents of an American vessel off the coast of Egypt should have been taken into considered by the Israeli central command in target selection, but in the real world that kind of real time Command and Control is difficult even for Modern militaries. Back in 1967, it was a glass map of the theater of operations and some little pawns, or maybe just a dry-erase marker. There are plenty of ways that mistakes could have happened without assuming that the crewman of the Liberty were lying, and I certainly don’t make that assumption.

But if you do assume they are lying then one likely motive is that they are very bitter at having been attacked by an ally and perhaps even more bitter that their government appears, at times, to have ignored them. The US government definitely underplayed the whole event publicly, because they didn’t want the incident to attract attention of the American public. That bitterness might lead them to embellish or overstate their confidence in the events they remember. Furthermore, events in combat are frequently confused and one need not even assume that a crewman is lying to suspect his response might differ from the actual events. Eyewitness testimony is not always conclusive. If it were, then the Loch Ness Monster would be a fact. But as I said, I don’t assume the crewmen of the Liberty are lying about anything. They have their perspective, most of which has been pivotal in reconstructing the event, but too many questions remain for me to be certain that the incident wasn’t a mistake.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:44 PM



Originally posted by SoupCatcher:
Just an observation. The US has gone to war with countries for incidents that were a lot less provocative.

The Spanish-American War comes to mind.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:51 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
I think you lied to us Finn, and knowingly so - and I would like to know why.
Care to explain ?

You want me to explain to you why you think I lied? I have no idea why you think I lied.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Sunday, August 13, 2006 7:13 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
Incidentally, here is my response again: I never asserted any such thing. I never said Israel as a people. I never said that they had a policy of targeting civilians. In fact I made it a point to clarify that they didn't have a policy, and the motives I was speaking of were that of their LEADERS.

I didn’t compare you to the Nazis; I compared a statement you made to Nazi propaganda. And I don’t think you are anti-Semitic; I think that you just don’t understand the Arab-Israeli Conflict. But that’s common. Many people don’t understand it. Some of the same people who insist that Jews “stole” land from the Arabs will turn around and call someone racist for opposing Mexican illegal immigration to the US.

Also an anti-Semitic statement is just as anti-Semitic if it is applied to the population or to the “leaders” or an individual. It doesn’t make any different whom you’re talking about. Just FYI, it still doesn’t mean I’m calling you anti-Semitic.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Sunday, August 13, 2006 7:45 PM



Originally posted by GinoBiffaroni:
Attacking ones allies happens too often

1297 French sailors were killed and about 350 were wounded.

The British Admiral Somerville was less enthusiastic about the action saying that it was “the biggest political blunder of modern times and will rouse the whole world against us…we all feel thoroughly ashamed…”

A slightly different circumstance I think. The Royal Navy wanted to prevent those ships from falling into enemy hands, the French weren't willing to scuttle them themselves so.

Do you think perhaps it would have been better to let them join the German Navy?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 7:49 PM


I agree. That’s not the same thing as friendly fire or declaring war on an ally. The British were, in point of fact, not attacking an ally, because when the French surrendered they became an extension of Germany.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, August 14, 2006 1:27 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
Well, I’m not sure why you think you are entitled to a response that you refused to give me in the previous thread.

I said very clearly, I am not asking for a motive. I asked my questions, enumerated clearly in black and white, and even underlined. You refuse to answer.

It's like this, Finn. We are at an impasse. You refuse to answer my questions. I have no way to improve on my answer for yours until you answer mine first.

So here are my questions again. I have reworded some and deleted others to simplify them and hopefully make them clearer.

-------QUESTIONS FOR FINN--------

1. What do the soldiers have to GAIN by lying? (If you read enough eyewitness testimony by enough survivors, you will find many details you cannot explain by calling it "embellishment" or "confusion" or "mistakes." Their stories are in such stark contrast to that of the Israelis that either they are lying or the Israeli govt is lying.)

2. Assuming they are lying, do you think it would be reasonable for someone to conclude, "Unless you can give me a motive for them to lie, it is difficult to argue that they lied."

3. The cardinal feature of a hypothesis is that it is falsifiable, that it sets criterion by which it can be proven wrong. Since you call yourself a rational person, is your position falsifiable? Do you have criterion by which you can be proven wrong?

4. What are your objective standards for distinguishing motives that make sense, and motives that don't make sense? Because without objective standards, you could just be subjectively deciding that NO motives could ever make sense.


Monday, August 14, 2006 1:38 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
And I don’t think you are anti-Semitic;


Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
It’s not my fault your position on the Israelis appears to be bigoted.


Instead of accusing me of making statements about your character that I never made, and trying to convince me that Israelis have a preference to kill innocent people because they are psychologically damaged,. . .

How about you don't mention anti-semitism, bigotism, or racism in our discussions about anything Israeli anymore. You know I am none of those things. It is a distraction from the real issues at hand. Thank you.


Monday, August 14, 2006 4:10 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
It's like this, Finn. We are at an impasse. You refuse to answer my questions. I have no way to improve on my answer for yours until you answer mine first.

So here are my questions again. I have reworded some and deleted others to simplify them and hopefully make them clearer.

I think I have quite clearly already answered your questions, so I can only believe that you’re issue here is that you simply don’t like my answers, but I’ll try one more time.

Originally posted by canttakesky:
1. What do the soldiers have to GAIN by lying? (If you read enough eyewitness testimony by enough survivors, you will find many details you cannot explain by calling it "embellishment" or "confusion" or "mistakes." Their stories are in such stark contrast to that of the Israelis that either they are lying or the Israeli govt is lying.)

I have never accused these sailors of lying. You’re the one who is assuming that someone must be lying, not me. The question is moot.

Originally posted by canttakesky:
2. Assuming they are lying, do you think it would be reasonable for someone to conclude, "Unless you can give me a motive for them to lie, it is difficult to argue that they lied."

If you assume they are lying, then the conclusion is drawn, and there is little reason to consider a motive.

Originally posted by canttakesky:
3. The cardinal feature of a hypothesis is that it is falsifiable, that it sets criterion by which it can be proven wrong. Since you call yourself a rational person, is your position falsifiable? Do you have criterion by which you can be proven wrong?

Sure, I do. Do you? The Israelis could have declared war following their attack, like every other country does when they attack and intend to attack. That would have proved me wrong. More pertinent, some motive for the attack, to distinction it from the likelihood of friendly-fire, could surface. I’ve said that all along.

Originally posted by canttakesky:
4. What are your objective standards for distinguishing motives that make sense, and motives that don't make sense? Because without objective standards, you could just be subjectively deciding that NO motives could ever make sense.

I don’t have any official standards for evaluating motives. I use common sense, like everyone else.

So let’s see if you can answer questions, you’ve already ignored this question once, choosing instead to hide behind accusations of anti-Semitic (despite that you can demonstrate no place where I called you anti-Semitic):

You believe that the Israelis prefer killing civilians because, for one, they receive defense money from the US. Yet the US’s stated position (and its foreign policy vis-à-vis Israel is consistent with that position) is that the US doesn’t want Israel killing civilians. So therefore how do you explain why you believe that Israelis prefer killing civilians because they will receive defense money from the US?

Originally posted by canttakesky:
How about you don't mention anti-semitism, bigotism, or racism in our discussions about anything Israeli anymore. You know I am none of those things. It is a distraction from the real issues at hand. Thank you.

No, of course not, I’m not going to censor certain words. And I believe that you are none of those things, but that's not the same thing as knowing it. I have always viewed you as a rational person, that’s true, but many of your recent argument have shocked me, particularly your position on Israelis. As I’ve told you, I’m not comfortable with some of them. I don’t think you are anti-Semitic or racist, but your arguments on Israelis killing civilians do appear to be bigoted, by definition. I don’t know why. Maybe I don’t understand what you’re trying to say, or more probably you just don’t understand the Arab-Israeli conflict and in the vacuum created by that lack of understanding, Arab propaganda has seated. I think that is a common problem throughout the western world. The popular view is that Israelis bully the Arabs. An objective analysis of Near East history generally suggests the opposite view or at least an equal degree of bullying on both sides, but Arab propaganda gets more widely disseminated then Israeli propaganda.

Your position, at least in the other thread, was that Israelis prefer killing civilians because they are a psychologically damaged people, and you appear to be holding to this view pretty intolerantly. This is the conclusion that I’ve drawn from a reading of your posts. I don’t know why that conclusion surfaces, but you ran off without explaining, so that’s the conclusion that I’m left with.

You think that Israelis prefer killing civilians, something you fail to support.


posted by canttakesky in the get real thread:
“If they (leaders) had to choose between an empty ex-terrorist village and a civilian-filled ex-terrorist village to target, they would pick the one with civilians.”

You also claimed that Israelis don’t distinguish between “Arab” and “civilian” targets, and that this is typified by some pattern of Palestinian mistreatment by Israelis, something you fail to support.


posted by canttakesky in the get real thread:
“When [Israelis] look at a house full of Arab civilians, they only see the "Arab" and not the "civilians." They don't see people anymore--just enemies. This is supported by the pattern of abuse and humiliation the IDF dishes out to Palestinian civilians going about their lives in the occupied territories.”

Your explanations for this supposed callous almost bloodthirsty behavior is that Israelis are psychologically damaged, like a serial killer I suppose. Note that you didn’t qualify this, your statement is referring to “Israel” not Israel’s leaders.


posted by canttakesky in the get real thread:
“I don't believe Israel can see anyone but as an enemy. (See my previous post to Finn about hypervigilance and paranoia.) I think Israel, as a nation, was badly damaged psychologically and cannot trust anyone. She has no friends, seeing only assets to be used and threats to be disposed of.”

I don’t know if these comments represent what you really believe, but I’m pretty sure they represent what you said in that thread. Now you can run off and jump back on the cross if you want, or you can explain yourself, or you can just admit that you didn’t really mean what you said, and as a friend I’ll believe you and dismiss the whole thing.

Alternatively, you can admit that this is the correct conclusion and you really do view Israelis as being this callous. And the truth is that I would respect you for stating this consistent argument, even though I doubt I would respect the argument. But we each have our views, and I suppose some of my views appear alien to you.

The option is yours. I’m not trying to accuse you of anything; I simply want you to understand me, and I want to understand you.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, August 14, 2006 4:34 AM


You are still refusing to answer the question. So forget about the sailors. You're hung up with content, while I keep insisting you answer for the logic. So let me try to rephrase the question again.

Answer this: Do you have to prove WHY someone would lie in order to prove THAT he lied?

It goes to the LOGIC (not content) of your demand for a motive before determining whether X happened. (X could be mistaken identity, a lie, etc.) It goes to my point that motive and occurrence are two separate issues and are not dependent on each other.

I have nothing more to say until you address this issue of LOGIC.


Monday, August 14, 2006 4:55 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
You are still refusing to answer the question: Is it reasonable, or rational to make this statement?

"Unless you can give me a motive for them to lie, it is difficult to argue that they lied."

It goes to the LOGIC (not content) of your demand for a motive before determining whether X happened. (X could be mistaken identity, a lie, etc.) It goes to my point that motive and occurrence are two separate issues and are not dependent on each other.

I have nothing more to say until you address this issue of LOGIC.

I’ve answered the question three times already. There is nothing logical about ignoring an answer three times in a row, but it’s unfortunately, consistent with the attitudes of people who refuse to listen to anything that doesn’t support what they want to hear. But I’ll answer the question again, and this will likely make the fourth time you will ignore it.

If you assume that they are lying then there is little reason to consider a motive. This is the bases of your misunderstanding. You assume that the Israelis are guilty; therefore, you have no interest in considering a motive. If you assume guilt, a motive becomes irrelevant. You assume the Israelis are guilty because in your eyes, there can be no other conclusion. From your point of view, Israelis are a psychologically damaged people; they prefer killing civilians.

I’ve never demanded that motive and occurrence weren’t two separate things. Motive and occurrence are two separate things. I’ve never denied the occurrence, so your question is moot even in that regard. Motive goes to intent, not occurrence. The question is not whether the event occurred, it most definitely occurred. The question concerns the intent of the Israelis. You’re preconceptions about the Israelis leaves you with little concern for the Israelis intent; that's not terribly logical, I think. I however would like to see a motive, and that is, I believe, a logical request.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, August 14, 2006 5:00 AM


You must have replied while I was editing my post to take the entire question of the the context of the Israelis vs. Liberty survivors.

It is a simple yes or no answer. You still haven't answered.

Yes. Or. No.


Monday, August 14, 2006 5:01 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
What could possibly be Israels rationale for deliberatly attacking their greatest ally?

I've been thinking a lot about this demand for a motive before being willing to say an action was intentional and deliberate.

Or you could point out that France not the US was Israel's biggest ally at the time, and prior to 1968 the US consistently refused military aid and equipment and even opposed and threatened Israel during some previous actions.

So unless USS Liberty was a French ship you don't need to come up with a rationale for the Israelis deliberately attacking their greatest ally.

From the Wikipedia article referenced by canttakesky:

Proponents of the accident explanation add that mistakes were inevitable in the tense atmosphere of the Six-Day War, and that no concrete motive existed for Israel to initiate a surprise attack against a country that was quickly becoming its most powerful and important ally.

Just wanted to clarify my statement since you called it into question. Thanks for keeping me honest, I forgot just how detail oriented some people are in this forum.

De-lurking to stir stuff up.


Monday, August 14, 2006 5:08 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
You must have replied while I was editing my post to take the entire question of the the context of the Israelis vs. Liberty survivors.

It is a simple yes or no answer. You still haven't answered.

Yes. Or. No.

I think I've played this game enough. I've answered your questions, even your trick question about motive, and I've answered them consistently and continuously; you've still refuse to answer my questions or even address my opinion. You run off in a huff when you find yourself unable to respond, after dolling out all kinds of vicious comments towards Israelis. And now you want me to answer a question over and over again, until you get the answer you want to hear. You need to respond to the points I’ve made, and then if we have time, we’ll get back to repeatedly answering your trick question.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, August 14, 2006 5:21 AM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
From the Wikipedia article referenced by canttakesky:

Proponents of the accident explanation add that mistakes were inevitable in the tense atmosphere of the Six-Day War, and that no concrete motive existed for Israel to initiate a surprise attack against a country that was quickly becoming its most powerful and important ally.
Just wanted to clarify my statement since you called it into question. Thanks for keeping me honest, I forgot just how detail oriented some people are in this forum.

A triumph for post modern analysis...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, August 14, 2006 5:44 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

What could possibly be Israels rationale for deliberatly attacking their greatest ally?
If you really want to know, read the links I posted. If you have a critique of posited reasons, we can discuss them here.

Okay, let's try to get back on topic here. All quotes have been lifted from the Wikipedia article.


Several books and the BBC documentary USS Liberty: Dead in the Water tried to prove Liberty was attacked on purpose. They claim that the ship was attacked to prevent the U.S. from knowing about the forthcoming attack in the Golan Heights, which apparently would violate a cease-fire to which Israel's government had agreed.

If the Americans were not there to witness this attack in the Golan Heights, Who do you think would have been blamed? Besides, the article goes on to disprove this point anyways.


Critics claim many of the books and documentaries include incorrect assumptions and use fuzzy reasoning. For example, critics note that a document declassified in 1997 indicated that the U.S. Ambassador at the time had reported on the day of the Liberty attack that he "would not be surprised" by an Israeli attack on Syria, and that the IDF Intelligence chief had told a White House aide then in Israel that "there still remained the Syria problem and perhaps it would be necessary to give Syria a blow," which, the critics argue, indicate that Israel was not trying to conceal the planned invasion of Syria from the U.S.


"to cover up a massacre of 1,000 Egyptian prisoners of war" that was supposedly taking place at the same time in the nearby town of El-Arish.

Not to sure how the USS Liberty was going to find out about this considering their distance from the incident and their documented radio problems. Once again, the article mentions this.


In any event, the possibility of a ship at sea discovering such a crime on land, at or beyond the limit of its visual range, is questionable (according to U.S. accounts, the ship was 14 nautical miles (26 km) from shore at the time of the attack, and did not get much closer to it previously).


In 2003, journalist Peter Hounam wrote Operation Cyanide: How the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III, which proposes a completely different theory regarding the incident. In an attempt to explain why there was no support by U.S. forces as backup, Hounam claims that Israel and U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson had secretly agreed on day four of the Six Day War that Liberty would be sunk with complete loss of life. The attack would be blamed on Egypt, allowing the U.S. in turn to attack Egypt, thus helping out Israel. However, according to Hounam's theory, because the Liberty did not sink after two hours, the plan was quickly reversed, Israel apologized for the case of mistaken identity, and a cover-up put into place.

That's the great thing about conspiracy theories, the lack of concrete proof. That this 'lack of proof' fact is argued away by stating that all notable sources are 'in on it' let's the theorists come up with any story they want.
Wasn't the U.S. already up to their necks in Vietnam? Why would they want another conflict brewing in Egypt? Once again, the article also sets up a conflicting position.


The 1981 book Weapons by Russell Warren Howe asserts that Liberty was accompanied by the Polaris submarine USS Andrew Jackson, which filmed the entire episode through its periscope but was unable to provide assistance. According to Howe: "Two hundred feet below the ship, on a parallel course, was its 'shadow'- the Polaris strategic submarine Andrew Jackson, whose job was to take out all the Israeli long-range missile sites in the Negev if Tel Aviv decided to attack Cairo, Damascus or Baghdad. This was in order that Moscow would not have to perform this task itself and thus trigger World War Three."

Now I have put forth three possible motives for a deliberate attack on the USS Liberty by the IDF from the Wikipedia article. I have stated why I do not think these were legitimate reasons and backed up my position with items in the article. You're up.

De-lurking to stir stuff up.


Monday, August 14, 2006 6:07 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

First, pattern. See, this wasn't like most friendly fire: Bomb, Oops! This was bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, torpedo, torpedo, machine-gun, machine-gun, ooops. The extended nature and relatively close range of the attack makes the Ooops at the end a little less believable. The Ooops should have come sooner, a lot sooner. The pattern is inconsistent with other friendly fire scenarios.

Second, severity. If they made a mistake in identifying the ship, it means they did not conclusively confirm the flag or the markings of Liberty before firing. Without conclusive confirmation, did it warrant 821 holes in the ship, over 100 of which were rocket-sized? Did it warrant napalm canisters, aircraft cannons, rockets, and 5 torpedos? Did it warrant drive-by machine gun shootings on Liberty's firefighters, stretcher-bearers, and life rafts? If it was a mistake, the severity of the attack was unwarranted and someone should be accountable. The severity was inconsistent with the inconclusive information on which the attack was based.

According to the Wikipedia article, The most loss of life/damage occured from the Israeli torpedo boats. The same ones which were fired upon by the USS Liberty. Not to say that what occured before was not bad, just not as bad.


About twenty minutes after the aircraft attack, the ship was approached by three torpedo boats bearing Israeli flags and identification signs. Initially, McGonagle, who perceived that the torpedo boats "were approaching the ship in a torpedo launch attitude,"[1] ordered a machine gun to engage the boats. After recognizing the Israeli standard and seeing apparent Morse code signalling attempts by one of the boats (but being unable to see what was being sent, due to the smoke of the fire started by the earlier aircraft attack), McGonagle gave the order to cease fire. This order was apparently misunderstood in the confusion, and two heavy machine guns opened fire. Subsequently, the Israeli boats responded with fire and launched at least two torpedoes at Liberty (five according to the 1982 IDF History Department report). One hit Liberty on the starboard side forward of the superstructure, creating a large hole in what had been a former cargo hold converted to the ships research spaces, causing the majority of the casualties in the incident.

De-lurking to stir stuff up.


Monday, August 14, 2006 10:48 AM



I don’t think you are anti-Semitic or racist, but your arguments on Israelis killing civilians do appear to be bigoted, by definition.
I will respond this once, for the record, regarding your accusation that my arguments appear bigoted. I will try my best to clarify any misunderstanding.

To be clear, all references to "Israel" denote the Israeli leadership and military, the state of Israel, NOT the Israeli people and citizenry.

I made most of these comments in response to your demand for a motive for why Israeli leaders and military would target civilians. I qualified when making these comments that these are speculations, and POSSIBLE motives, POSSIBLE gains. I don't know for certain why Israeli leaders and military target civilians; I simply have observed that they do.

You believe that the Israelis prefer killing civilians because, for one, they receive defense money from the US. Yet the US’s stated position (and its foreign policy vis-à-vis Israel is consistent with that position) is that the US doesn’t want Israel killing civilians. So therefore how do you explain why you believe that Israelis prefer killing civilians because they will receive defense money from the US?
I don't believe, I suspect. I cited money as a possible motive. The US doesn't want civilian killing, but never penalizes the state of Israel financially when she does kill civilians. Whether the Israeli military kills civilians or not, the state of Israel gets the SAME amount of money from the US. However, the more civilians they happen to kill, the deeper ingrained becomes the hatred of their enemies, the LONGER the war will continue, and the LONGER the state of Israel will continue to receive the SAME amount of money.

The popular view is that Israelis bully the Arabs. An objective analysis of Near East history generally suggests the opposite view or at least an equal degree of bullying on both sides,
I have repeated stated that my position is there is an equal degree of bullying on both sides of Israeli and Arab leadership. When it comes to bullying Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Territories, the Israeli state and military has a well documented history of human rights violations with organizations such as Amnesty and Human Rights Watch. Incidentally, the Palestinian Authority has its own record of human rights abuses towards Palestinian civilians. (Palestinian civilians just get the raw end of the stick all around.)

Note that you didn’t qualify this, your statement is referring to “Israel” not Israel’s leaders.

posted by canttakesky in the get real thread:
I don't believe Israel can see anyone but as an enemy. (See my previous post to Finn about hypervigilance and paranoia.) I think Israel, as a nation, was badly damaged psychologically and cannot trust anyone. She has no friends, seeing only assets to be used and threats to be disposed of.

You are right to call me on this one. (I got sloppy on the qualifiers because I had switched topics to spies.) I'd like to clarify and restate. I believe Israel, as a nation, was psychologically damaged--who wouldn't be after the holocaust? I believe, as a nation, Israel does not trust any foreign powers--and who could blame them? The state of Israel, I believe, takes this distrust to an extreme: having no friends, seeing only enemies, seeing only assets and threats. The state of Israel is hypervigilant and paranoid, not the people. I do not believe the Israeli people have no friends, see only enemies, etc. I have met Israelis who are warm and wonderful people, and very trustworthy friends. Many of them, including soldiers in the IDF, do not support the hypervigilant and paranoid actions of their state. Many Israelis do not support the dehumanization of enemies exercised by their military and state.

If I may draw a parallel to illustrate, America, as a nation, is also psychologically damaged--by 9/11. America, as a nation, has become distrustful. Yet many Americans do not support the hypervigilant and paranoid actions of our state. Many Americans do not support the killing and/or dehumanization of the civilians our military has attacked.


Your position, at least in the other thread, was that Israelis prefer killing civilians because they are a psychologically damaged people, and you appear to be holding to this view pretty intolerantly. . . Your explanations for this supposed callous almost bloodthirsty behavior is that Israelis are psychologically damaged, like a serial killer I suppose.
Yes, I believe Israeli leaders hate and dehumanize their enemies and are not willing to distinguish between military and civilian targets. I believe the Israeli leadership fosters a climate of hatred and dehumanization within its military. This conclusion is based on the history and pattern of civilian targeting of the Israeli armed forces from 1940's to present. It is based on the many human rights violations of Palestinian civilians within the Occupied Territories, for which the state holds no one accountable. Yes, I am pretty firm in this position. You wanted some support, there are oodles out there. Read Amnesty Intl or HRW. Here is a link you might not have found, so I'll share it.

This is from the website of the "Refusniks," the conscientious objectors in the IDF who have refused to carry out what they consider immoral commands. These are Jews and Israelis, and some of the bravest people I've ever heard of. They have my utmost respect and unreserved admiration.

We, who sensed how the commands issued to us in the Territories, destroy all the values we had absorbed while growing up in this country.
We, who understand now that the price of Occupation is the loss of IDF’s human character and the corruption of the entire Israeli society.
We, who know that the Territories are not Israel, and that all settlements are bound to be evacuated in the end.
We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the Settlements.
We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders in order to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people.

Here is another example of the hatred and dehumanization evident in the IDF. I encourage everyone to browse this site.

Prohibiting Palestinians from travelling along roads without providing alternative routes, the never-ending delays at roadblocks, the many hours required to travel short distances, the humiliation, the destruction of homes, the incessant searches, the need to aim weapons at innocent women and children - all these actions turn the Israeli Defence Force into an immoral occupying force, and in these I refuse to participate . . .
In addition to the great harm we are causing daily to Palestinians, we damage ourselves as a society. Our society is based on moral precepts in Judaism, which states that "loved is a person created in God's image". Instead, we are raising a generation of violent young people immune to pain and human suffering, a generation who don't see in the Palestinian a human being, only part of a mass to be avoided and feared. We are raising a generation that stops pregnant women, old people and children from getting to hospital.

Edited to add one more quote I just found. Oron's comment about "greenhouse for terror" comes close to my own assessment. I quote these IDF soldiers not only because they say what I am thinking much better than I can, but also because it illustrates that these comments are made by Israelis as well.

By Assaf Oron:
The Israeli government, in its policies of Occupation, has turned the Territories into a greenhouse for growing terror!!!" We have sown the seeds, grown them, nurtured them - and then our blood is spilled, and the centrist-right-wing politicians reap the benefits. Indeed, terror is the right-wing politician's best friend.
. . .In the meanwhile, I refuse to be a terrorist in my tribe's name. Because that's what it is: not a "war against terror", as our propaganda machine tries to sell. This is a war OF terror, a war in which, in return for Palestinian guerrilla and terror, we employ the IDF in two types of terror. The more visible one are the violent acts of killing and destruction, those which some people still try to explain away as 'surgical acts of defense.' The worse type of terror is the silent one, which has continued unabated since 1967 and through the entire Oslo process. It is the terror of Occupation, of humiliation on a personal and collective basis, of deprivation and legalized robbery, of alternating exploitation and starvation. This is the mass of the iceberg, the terror that is itself a long-term greenhouse for counter-terror. And I simply refuse to be a terrorist and criminal, even if the entire tribe denounces me.

Why do Israeli leaders and military hate and dehumanize their enemies so? Here, I am not so firm. I speculate (yes, I speculate because motive involves speculation) that the Israeli leadership, throughout her history, has embodied the most bitter and hateful scars of the holocaust. Either these individuals were psychologically damaged BEFORE rising to leadership, or they have internalized their nation's psychological wounds to an extreme BECAUSE they rose to leadership. Maybe now that they are protecting the only sanctuary for all Jewish people, they have become rabid and irrational in their determination to survive. I don't know why they are so hateful; I just know that they are.

My final comment is that if there is any bigotry on my part, it is against the Israeli military and leadership. I am sure not all Israeli elected public servants are malicious and not all IDF are immoral (as refusniks prove). I just read about 2 Israeli pilots who refused to fire on the Liberty after identifying it as American, who were reportedly court-martialed. There are good people in these positions, and to them I apologize for my generalizations.

I hope that makes things clearer. If not to you, at least to anyone else who might browse this board. Now I am done defending myself on this issue of racism and bigotry.


Monday, August 14, 2006 11:02 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
I think I've played this game enough. I've answered your questions, even your trick question about motive...

I asked a yes or no question 4 times, and never got a yes or no. You responded with every roundabout tangent you could find, but you never answered the question. And there was no "trick" to the question; I stated up front I was turning the tables so you can see things from my perspective.

Yes, my position is falsifiable. I could be entirely wrong about Israeli leadership and military. If they were to return all the Occupied Territories to the Palestinians, recognize Palestian sovereignty, apologize for all civilian deaths, injuries, and humiliations, AND pay reparations to those attacked, I will publically flog myself on RWE for being wrong about them. To date, I have seen no such gesture. I interpret that to mean, no they are NOT sorry for all the harm they've caused.

I'm done with this game too.


Monday, August 14, 2006 2:02 PM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
According to the Wikipedia article, The most loss of life/damage occured from the Israeli torpedo boats. The same ones which were fired upon by the USS Liberty. Not to say that what occured before was not bad, just not as bad.

Yeah, see, the survivors disagree with the Wikipedia article. So it comes down to who you believe. I believe the survivors. They were there. The Israeli govt wasn't. The Navy Court of Inquiry wasn't. Wikipedia wasn't.

Maybe the survivors are wrong, or lying, or both. Then I would be wrong to believe them. But until I see physical or material evidence that proves their eyewitness accounts were wrong, without their being able to account for the inconsistency, I'm sticking by them. If the Israeli soldiers who were there that day spoke up, I'd given them serious consideration--cause they were there too.

Our soldiers believe without a doubt that they were attacked without any mistaken identity. I believe them. I feel they deserve it--sort of a they're not lying til proven guilty of lying sort of thing. I haven't seen anything that has proved they are lying yet.

Jim Ennes, a Liberty survivor puts it better than I can:

Yet despite these things a few Americans seem to accept the preposterous claim that the attack was a mistake and that firing stopped with the torpedo explosion. One can accept and understand this attitude from an Israeli, as he would have a natural tendency to believe his country's version of events and to disbelieve contrary versions -- especially since he has no personal experience to draw upon. But how can an American disbelieve the virtually identical eyewitness reports of scores of surviving fellow Americans and accept instead the undocumented claims of the foreign power that tried to kill them? That is very difficult to understand or to accept.


Monday, August 14, 2006 3:39 PM



The only time said jamming let up was during missle targeting runs by the attacking planes, presumably as to not hose their own targeting equipment via signal bleedover.

Frem, thanks. I did not know this. Do you have a link, by any chance? I'd like to read more.


Monday, August 14, 2006 3:57 PM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by GinoBiffaroni:
Attacking ones allies happens too often

1297 French sailors were killed and about 350 were wounded.

The British Admiral Somerville was less enthusiastic about the action saying that it was “the biggest political blunder of modern times and will rouse the whole world against us…we all feel thoroughly ashamed…”

A slightly different circumstance I think. The Royal Navy wanted to prevent those ships from falling into enemy hands, the French weren't willing to scuttle them themselves so.

Do you think perhaps it would have been better to let them join the German Navy?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.

But the thing is they didn't join the German navy,
and when the Germans tried to force the issue they scuttled them theirselves at that point. I also disagree with Finn's assertion that they were an extention of Germany... there was a government in exile formed in Britain.

Would you feel differently if it had been British sailors dying intentionally at the hand of an " allie "... or Americans ?

There is a theory with the Liberty incident that the Israelis eliminated the Liberty to prevent the Liberty from passing intell to the Egypt....

Accepting that theory, would you rather had Egypt aware of Israeli movements in the area ?

" Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom the stab in the back
Women and children and cowards attack

Run to the hills run for your lives "


Monday, August 14, 2006 7:31 PM



Frem, thanks. I did not know this. Do you have a link, by any chance? I'd like to read more.

The testimony in question comes two of the radio operators, who related it to Jimmy Ennes for a book detailing what happened from the viewpoint of the crew itself.

Radiomen Joseph Ward and Radiomen James Halman both stated without question that there was jamming, and this was entirely corroborated by radio personnel from the USS Saratoga in respect to the Liberty's attempts to transmit through the "gaps" as the fighters lined up for missle strikes.

Captain McGonagle's testimony was that yes, american frequencies only, and specifically the operating freqs of USS Liberty in particular, in addition to international distress, were jammed.

Two interesting notes about McGonagle, one is that his MoH was damned near insultingly tossed in his face by the fact that it was NOT handed over by the president in official ceremony, but backhandedly by the secretary of the navy at at washington yards - it reeked of "buying silence" to the crew, and the captain himself was very careful to never express an opinion on the matter.

Also, when the Israeli forces did finally stop firing, and offered "assistance", McGonagle, not trusting them one damned bit, went up on deck and reportedly gave them the finger as his only reply.

Also, regarding Contact X, supposedly a US naval submarine present at the time of the attack - for technical reasons that would take too long to explain, it would very likely not have been a diesel (excluding most of the subs it was suspected to have been) AND it would have had to have been equipped with the PeriViz device in order to have actual footage rather than still photographs, and that limits suspects to very few submarines indeed.

That being said, clips of said footage *were* mentioned and discussed by folks on some of those investigative boards, as well as at least one member of congress, thus lending credence to their existence.

Case in point, a letter to a constituent from Congressman Gary Ackerman dated Nov 14th 1986 - EXCERPT (emphasis mine)
"However, submarine photography taken during the incident
indicates that the Liberty may have been under siege for approximately
two hours. Further, it was later discovered that the Israelis had
warned the U.S. to keep all intelligence ships away from their coast
during the war. In fact, after the arrival of the Liberty, the Israelis
warned Washington to order the ship to leave the area."

So presumably said tapes exist, probably in the NURO or NSA archives, and likely classified for a million years or so.

All of this info is easily obtained via common websearch, and fairly easy to verify.
Do *NOT* take anyones word for it, do your own research, that being said, one link in particular, I will share.

It's pretty clear that jamming of the sort did occur, and is confirmed six ways to sunday via every account but one, and Cristol has been thoroughly discredited as a source, which is why Finn's immediate reply to the contrary strikes me as so odd, as does his inability to deliver a straight answer on anything when pressed.

It seems like every discussion that certain folk involve themselves in devolves into nitpicking that has jack diddly to do with the topic at hand, doesn't it ?

I've said my piece on it, far as that goes.



Monday, August 14, 2006 7:39 PM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
Now I have put forth three possible motives for a deliberate attack on the USS Liberty by the IDF from the Wikipedia article. I have stated why I do not think these were legitimate reasons and backed up my position with items in the article. You're up.

Fair enough!

I don't know. I don't know the motive.

Of course, I want to reiterate that not being able to establish a motive does not mean there was no motive. And not knowing the motive doesn't mean a crime was not committed.

I'm still putting together the pieces of this motive puzzle. I think I have a few intriguing pieces, but I can't see the big picture yet.

Here's what I believe to be a piece of the puzzle.

It is a statement made by Capt. Ward Boston on January 8, 2004.

. . .In June of 1967, while serving as a Captain in the Judge Advocate General Corps, Department of the Navy, I was assigned as senior legal counsel for the Navy’s Court of Inquiry into the brutal attack on USS Liberty, which had occurred on June 8th.

The late Admiral Isaac C. Kidd, president of the Court, and I were given only one week to gather evidence for the Navy’s official investigation into the attack, despite the fact that we both had estimated that a proper Court of Inquiry into an attack of this magnitude would take at least six months to conduct. . . .

The evidence was clear. Both Admiral Kidd and I believed with certainty that this attack, which killed 34 American sailors and injured 172 others, was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew. Each evening, after hearing testimony all day, we often spoke our private thoughts concerning what we had seen and heard. I recall Admiral Kidd repeatedly referring to the Israeli forces responsible for the attack as “murderous bastards.” It was our shared belief, based on the documentary evidence and testimony we received first hand, that the Israeli attack was planned and deliberate, and could not possibly have been an accident. . . .

I know from personal conversations I had with Admiral Kidd that President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered him to conclude that the attack was a case of “mistaken identity” despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Admiral Kidd told me, after returning from Washington, D.C. that he had been ordered to sit down with two civilians from either the White House or the Defense Department, and rewrite portions of the court’s findings.

Admiral Kidd also told me that he had been ordered to “put the lid” on everything having to do with the attack on USS Liberty. We were never to speak of it and we were to caution everyone else involved that they could never speak of it again.

I have no reason to doubt the accuracy of that statement as I know that the Court of Inquiry transcript that has been released to the public is not the same one that I certified and sent off to Washington.

I know this because it was necessary, due to the exigencies of time, to hand correct and initial a substantial number of pages. I have examined the released version of the transcript and I did not see any pages that bore my hand corrections and initials. Also, the original did not have any deliberately blank pages, as the released version does. Finally, the testimony of Lt. Painter concerning the deliberate machine gunning of the life rafts by the Israeli torpedo boat crews, which I distinctly recall being given at the Court of Inquiry and included in the original transcript, is now missing and has been excised.

Following the conclusion of the Court of Inquiry, Admiral Kidd and I remained in contact. Though we never spoke of the attack in public, we did discuss it between ourselves, on occasion. Every time we discussed the attack, Admiral Kidd was adamant that it was a deliberate, planned attack on an American ship.

If Boston is to be believed (and I have no reason not to believe him), Johnson and McNamara conspired to cover-up the Liberty attack. Why? This is conjecture of course, but my hunch is Johnson/McNamara's motive for the cover-up is related to Israel's motive for the attack.

There is another piece of the puzzle I am looking into. (I'm looking for confirmation.) Supposedly, in the May 30th, 1997 issue of Ha'aretz, Meir Amit, director of the Mossad (Israeli Intelligence) gave an interview in which he said the Six Day War was known and concurred by Johnson and his intelligence advisors. Supposedly, the interview indicated that no aspect of the Six Day War was a surprise to Johnson's inner circle.

(Maybe PirateNews is right--Johnson ordered the attack himself. and *ducking*)

That same day, Ha'aretz apparently posthumously published a private interview by Moshe Dayan, in which he revealed that Israel intentionally provoked Syria in order to invade the Golan Heights.

The NYT supposedly also did a story around this time, in which Dayan is reported to have said this about Israeli settlers: "They didn't even try to hide their greed for the land... We would send a tractor to plow some area where it wasn't possible to do anything, in the demilitarized area, and knew in advance that the Syrians would start to shoot. If they didn't shoot, we would tell the tractor to advance further, until in the end the Syrians would get annoyed and shoot. And then we would use artillery and later the air force also, and that's how it was... The Syrians, on the fourth day of the war, were not a threat to us." (The New York Times, May 11, 1997)

My feeling is that there are a lot of secrets regarding the Six Day War and USS Liberty. Some of these secrets are being revealed more than 30 years after the incident. Some will probably never be revealed. Maybe the motive for the Israeli attacks is among these.


Monday, August 14, 2006 7:49 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
I've said my piece on it, far as that goes.

Ah, don't stop. I'm learning new and interesting details.

I should get me a copy of Ennes' book.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky
(Putting my old sig back.)


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 2:04 AM



Originally posted by GinoBiffaroni:
But the thing is they didn't join the German navy, and when the Germans tried to force the issue they scuttled them theirselves at that point. I also disagree with Finn's assertion that they were an extention of Germany... there was a government in exile formed in Britain.

Well from your own article the French didn't trust the British enough to join the British navy to help with the Liberation of France, seeing it as an attempt by a foreign power to take over their ships. Why do you expect the British to put more trust in their fallen ally than their fallen ally would put in the only nation that at the time had any chance or will to liberate them?

As you point out there was a government in exile in Britain, so essentially one of the British ultimatums was that they'd escort them back to the closest thing they had to a home port. Why didn't the French trust their only ally or their own exiled government? Why should the British have put more trust in them than they were willing to show?

You make the point that when the Germans pushed for French ships in Vichy France to join the German navy (ignoring I notice the sentiments of Admirals such as Jean de Laborde to sail on the allies) that the French scuttled their ships. Unfortunately we hadn't yet invented the Crystal ball in 1940 so the British Admiralty had no chance of knowing what the French were going to do in 1942, so it's really inadmissible evidence.

The British didn't sink any French vessels in British controlled ports, a clear indication that the sinking of the vessels was the last possible option.

Here's what the British knew:
France had fallen to Nazi Germany.
Many French vessels were now in ports under direct or indirect German control.
If these ships fell into German hands the British wouldn't stand a chance. And despite how you try to paint this with all the ships in German controlled ports this was a very real possibility, perhaps even a certainty that some would have fallen in too German hands. It also only takes an Admiral Jean de Laborde.
The French fleet had refused some pretty reasonable ultimatums (whether the one about escort to America was received or not).

So you tell me, you're the British Admiral, an Ally is unwilling to join your fleet, a fleet which at the same time as securing your nation is the only fleet currently operating for the liberation of your ally. You have two choices, either sail away and say "oh well chaps, lets just leave it too chance, if we lose the bet we're doomed but far more sporting this way what" or you sink the ships ensuring they don't fall into German hands.

Would you feel differently if it had been British sailors dying intentionally at the hand of an " allie "... or Americans ?
Depends on the situation, and I find it hard to see a time when any British ally would be in the same situation. But maybe you can explain how the feelings of the French changed the only logical course of action open to the British in a time they were fighting for their very existence, and also how damaging one ship of a party with no demonstratable connection to the enemy compares to sinking ships that were just as likely to join the enemy as not.

Accepting that theory, would you rather had Egypt aware of Israeli movements in the area ?
Why do I have to accept that theory? Are you now saying that's what happened? Okay America was spying on Israel, so Israel did purposefully attack the ship, they attacked a ship of a country that had essentially declared war on Israel.

I'd say in those circumstances Israel was probably in its rights to attack the USS Liberty.

Since you want to foster a polarised view here's the opposite:
Those in charge of the fleet at Mers-el-Kebir saw the Germans as the winning side, and decided to join them, wanting to win a war rather than fight on the losing side. They were awaiting the envoy when the British showed up. Accepting this theory why weren’t the British well within their rights to sink the French ships?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:36 AM


"In fact, after the arrival of the Liberty, the Israelis warned Washington to order the ship to leave the area."

You know, it has been suggested that maybe Israel's motive was simple. They didn't want intelligence ships in the area. They said so. We seemingly ignored them, so ally or not, they fired. That'll teach the US to ignore their wishes.

Perhaps they had dirt on Johnson that they could blackmail him with, that gave them the confidence to attack without fear of repercussions. Maybe they threatened him with telling the world about US complicity and endorsement of the Six Day War.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky






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Schumer says he will vote to advance GOP spending bill, lowering threat of shutdown
Sat, March 15, 2025 12:32 - 5 posts
Sat, March 15, 2025 12:25 - 351 posts
A Columbia Professor Marched for Hamas—and Received over $100 million in Public Funding
Sat, March 15, 2025 12:20 - 1 posts
Russia Invades Ukraine. Again
Sat, March 15, 2025 07:48 - 8024 posts
The predictions thread
Fri, March 14, 2025 15:51 - 1216 posts
Rep. Maxine Waters: Trump Expects Violence and Confrontation, "He's Working Toward A Civil War"
Fri, March 14, 2025 15:43 - 3 posts
We may have the money to buy Greenland, but not the money for Social Security and Medicare??
Fri, March 14, 2025 15:18 - 13 posts