Hollywood vs. Terrorism

UPDATED: Monday, August 21, 2006 13:06
VIEWED: 3629
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Monday, August 21, 2006 8:48 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
You can't stand it when anyone happens to agree with, or hell, even just understands my point of view.

No I said he wasn't objective, learn to read for a change. But well done, one person, on the entire site, agrees with you.

You really don't get it do you? You don't get it that it's YOU and YOUR behaviour that degenerates just about every 'debate' you have into a flame war, and don't go on about it's only when you speak to me, because it's when you speak to anyone who doesn't drop to their knees and profess that you are, in fact god. You need to grow up, it's not the rest of the human races fault, it's yours.

Talk about being obsesssed!
Yes you are.

And as for your prior post..... you got yourself so off track so far back that it's simply not worth trying to deconstruct and reconstruct all over again. You've weren't able to contradict anything I've said on the matter of New Orleans and Katrina, so we'll just leave it at that.
I've 'weren't' huh, actually I have, you said it's as simple as the ACoE did it, I said it wasn't, I'm right and you continue to jabber on like a raving loony and changing your rhetoric every five seconds in order to be right and make everyone else 'wrong'.

Like I said you're arrogant.

I'll leave the insults for you to deal out.
Actually the only person whose actually used insults in this thread is you, and it's still you. You are however correct, in the grand scheme of things it is my turn to insult you for a change, but I refuse to lower myself to your level of 'debate'. So I won't call you stupid or a moron, that is your favorite troll.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:56 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by USBrowncoat:
In my short time here, I've come to expect your frankness. Carry on.

I apologise, what I meant to say is that there's a lot going on here which I don't think you get (because you've not been here long) and I don't trust your impartiallity here, because it's plain that AU says things you agree with. my responce was too glib.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.

Hey shit for brains, if you believe CitZ, You are as dumb as your posts. This limey is an ass to whom ever he speaks. He is the king of the trolls..Well, it's true.


Monday, August 21, 2006 11:28 AM


America loves a winner!

Clearly more than one person agrees w/ me, but then I'm not the one who tries to turn this thing into a popularity contest. That's your dept. I'm just laughing at YOU going off on someone who said they agreed w/ me. Your reply ? " You've not been here long enough! " Classic.

It's MOSTLY when I converse w/ you. Logic would dictate that you are the problem, not I.

I can't believe you'd take the position that I think 100% of the blame starts w/ the ACoE. Never once have I ever said that, but what the hell do you care ? You read 1 sentence of what I say then go off on some ridiculous tangent that has nothing to do w/ my actual post.

You're blissfully clueless,displaying a fool's pride. You say much but offer very little.

What's funny is that you insult me, and then claim you've not insulted me. You called me arrogant, when it's completely uncalled for. Your lack of knowledge does not make someone else 'arrogant' when they go on to discuss an issue.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, August 21, 2006 12:11 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Clearly more than one person agrees w/ me,

Yes there's you and the voices in your head.

but then I'm not the one who tries to turn this thing into a popularity contest.
Actually you did, but lying is something you always fall back on.

I'm just laughing at YOU going off on someone who said they agreed w/ me. Your reply ? " You've not been here long enough! " Classic.
Does mental retardation run in your family? I'll type it extra slow and try not to use big words so as not to confuse you.

Firstly I was actually telling USB not to get in between us here, obviously, contrary to your protestations about popularity contests, you want to spread our disagreement over to other members of the forum; I do not.

Secondly, as anyone capable of independent thought should be able to work out, I was referring to the vast amount of history between us, something USB wouldn't know about because he hasn't been here very long. Hence the “You’ve not been here long enough” thing, what is classic is you’re child like mind not being able to grasp even this amazingly simple concept.

Now you carry on patting yourself on the back because you've got a friend. Well done we're all very proud of you, the way you keep going on about it and bringing it up makes it plainly obvious that this is a big thing for you, but frankly I couldn't care less.

Tt probably won't last though, one day USB will disagree with you and you'll show him what you are really like...

It's MOSTLY when I converse w/ you. Logic would dictate that you are the problem, not I.
More of your famous false logic. Most people ignore you completely, I don't, I hold out hope that one day you'll grow up and be able to converse with me without resorting to "You're a big poopy pants pinhead" by the second post. So far no go, but here's hoping. That's why it's mostly with me. However a simple scan of the RWED will quickly prove that whenever ANYONE bothers to speak to you, you throw a tantrum and call them ignorant idiots. Then wonder why people flame you and insult you back. Do you not realise you're doing it? Is this some sort of cyber Tourettes?

You're blissfully clueless,displaying a fool's pride. You say much but offer very little.
Your ability to project your own attributes on others without even realising it is a source of constant amusement for me.

I can't believe you'd take the position that I think 100% of the blame starts w/ the ACoE. Never once have I ever said that, but what the hell do you care ? You read 1 sentence of what I say then go off on some ridiculous tangent that has nothing to do w/ my actual post.
Not as ridiculous as you making out as I was blaming Bush for everything, you still haven't replied to one of my posts yet BTW, you're still screaming at the voices in your head .

Sooo much easier to make up what people are saying and then argue against that isn't it.

What are you on anyway; the only person who went off on a tangent was you. I stated there was more to it than you said and all of a sudden you're going off on one about how I'm an ignorant idiot (that must have been the Tourettes, since you didn't realise you were doing it) and blaming all the worlds ills on Bush. I flat out tell you that's not what I was saying and YOU continue to babble on against this strawman you've created in your head.

What's funny is that you insult me, and then claim you've not insulted me. You called me arrogant, when it's completely uncalled for. Your lack of knowledge does not make someone else 'arrogant' when they go on to discuss an issue.
No what's funny is that you thinking your opinion is always right and everyone else is always wrong, unless they agree with you, is not arrogant. That's hilarious.

Get a clue, I called you arrogant because you act arrogantly. Very simple concept, though I understand why you would miss it.

Completely uncalled for? This after a long stream of unsolicited insults from you, I get it, it's okay for you to insult all and sundry, but anyone doing it back to you and it's uncalled for.

This was completely uncalled for:
Sorry, but for you or anyone to quip that all this can be laid at the feet of Bush, or even his administration, is quite simply ignorance on a colossal level.
Not only that but you were calling me colossally ignorant for something I wasn't even saying. This is in YOUR very first post. The MOMENT I spoke to you, YOU started throwing insults around. YOU and YOU alone, as per usual, and as per usual you don't even realise you are doing it. Cyber Tourettes, a whole new condition just for you, it would seem.

The best thing you could possibly do is stick to the non real-world forums here. At least there you act like a Human being rather than a rabid Bush lover on a mission to insult all opposition in to submission. It’ll be a lot easier to have an actual discussion without your vitriol filled borderline trolling, thanks awfully.

Or mystery third option, you could just stop insulting anyone who has a different opinion or outlook like some crazed xenophobe, but that’s not particularly likely is it.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, August 21, 2006 12:31 PM


America loves a winner!


It's my understanding that the levees were not designed to withstand a hurricane as powerful as Katrina, and that the army corps of engineers wanted to improve the levee system, but Bush wouldn't authorise the funds necessary (only authorising 20%).

Blaming the Army Corps of Engineers is worse than blaming the New Orleans city founders for building a city below sea level.

For starters, you DID intimate that Bush not funding the structurally unsound levees leaves very little room for doubt, adding w/ your historical view of Bush and all he's done ( check your own sig )that he was largly to blame. You adding in that piece of irrelevent info w/ out looking at the whole story in context, including the history of the leveess and the graft that has gone on in Louisiana over DECADES, it's clear to me what was your intent.

" Sorry, but for you or anyone to quip that all this can be laid at the feet of Bush, or even his administration, is quite simply ignorance on a colossal level "

It was a simple statement that IF those who fit the described description, then you're an idiot.If you DIDN'T fit the description, then you have nothing to worry about. Obviously, you took the bait, as you got all bent out of shape. Which would never have happened if my statement didn't apply to you. But of course, you think EVERYTHING is about you. How silly of me. You said I was insulting you even before you posted ? Wow. You ARE special!

Your fav crazed xenophobe....

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, August 21, 2006 12:47 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
It was a simple statement that IF those who fit the described description, then you're an idiot.If you DIDN'T fit the description, then you have nothing to worry about. Obviously, you took the bait, as you got all bent out of shape. Which would never have happened if my statement didn't apply to you. But of course, you think EVERYTHING is about you. How silly of me. You said I was insulting you even before you posted ? Wow. You ARE special!

Your fav crazed xenophobe....

Yes and I never called you arrogant, I said that attitude was arrogant, and you got all bent out of shape, which never would have happened if the statement didn't apply to you.

But I didn't 'get bent out of shape' did I. I didn't throw one insult at you until much later, despite provocation. And what’s this about me saying you were insulting me before I even posted? More lies AU . I notice you don’t quote me

What's most amusing is what a big thing you make of it, saying it was uncalled for, ignoring the reams of insults before hand.

But then anything you do is okay isn't it. It's only bad if someone does it to you. You have a direct line to the truth after all, your mind transcends the human race, wow you are SPECIAL.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, August 21, 2006 12:58 PM


America loves a winner!


You have a direct line to the truth after all, your mind transcends the human race, wow you are SPECIAL.

Finally, we agree on something!

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, August 21, 2006 1:06 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Finally, we agree on something!

Nope, can't think where I got the arrogant idea from

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.






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