Dick Cheney's lesbo daughter becomes Mr Mom

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 09:46
VIEWED: 9776
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006 7:50 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Mary Cheney and Partner Are About to Be Moms

By Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts
Washington Post
Wednesday, December 6, 2006; Page C01

Mary Cheney, the vice president's openly gay daughter, is pregnant. She and her partner of 15 years, Heather Poe, are "ecstatic" about the baby, due in late spring, said a source close to the couple.

It's a baby boom for grandparents Dick and Lynne Cheney: Their older daughter, Elizabeth, went on leave as deputy assistant secretary of state before having her fifth child in July. "The vice president and Mrs. Cheney are looking forward with eager anticipation to the arrival of their sixth grandchild," spokesman Lea Anne McBride said last night.

Cheney, 37, was a key aide to her father during the 2004 reelection campaign and now is vice president for consumer advocacy at AOL. Poe, 45, a former park ranger, is renovating their Great Falls home.

News of the pregnancy will undoubtedly reignite the debate about gay marriage. During the campaign, Mary Cheney was criticized by gay activists for not being more publicly supportive of same-sex marriage. Her father said people "ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to" but deferred to the president's policy supporting a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages. Cheney herself called the proposed amendment "a gross affront to gays and lesbians everywhere" in her book, "Now It's My Turn: A Daughter's Chronicle of Political Life," which was published in May.

Cheney has described her relationship with Poe -- whom she took to last year's White House dinner honoring Prince Charles and Camilla -- as a marriage. The two met in 1988 while playing ice hockey and began dating four years later. They moved from Colorado to Virginia a year ago to be closer to Cheney's family. In an interview with the Post six months ago, when asked if she and Poe wanted children, Cheney said that was a "conversation I think I should have with Heather first."

In November, Virginia voters passed a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and civil unions; state law is unclear on whether Poe could have full legal rights as a parent of Cheney's child. The circumstances of the pregnancy will remain private, said the source close to the couple. This is the first child for both.

See also:

Novelist Lynn Cheney's lesbian love novels: SISTERS

Gay Old Pervert Party parties nekked at homosexual Boehmian Grove

Dick Cheney's history of pedophile rape and hunting nekked women and nekked little girls in The Most Dangerous Game:

Does that seem right to you?


Cuckoo bird

Cuckoos are birds of variable size with slender bodies, long tails and strong legs. Most occur in forests, but some prefer more open country. Many of the Old World species and some New World species are brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other birds. The best-known example is the European Common Cuckoo. The cuckoo egg hatches earlier than the host's, and the cuckoo chick grows faster; in most cases the chick evicts (murders) the eggs or young of the host species.

Coo coo for coco puffs...

"You can't stop the signal! Is that a sword, or are you just happy to see me?"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Does that seem right to you?


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 7:55 AM


Meh. *shrugs shoulders* Doesn't bother me.

Graphics available at
Blog available at


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 9:19 AM




Wednesday, December 6, 2006 3:02 PM


Cheney's daughter, growing up with him as a dad, became disgusted with men, I get that.

More power to her.

Flip Chrisisall


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 3:05 PM


tsk tsk
Homosexuals are born that way, not made.


Good for her!

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 3:20 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Kids are hard. So's persecution. Seems like they're handling it pretty well, and I wish them luck.

"What the world needs now is love, sweet love - it's the only thing that there's just too little of. What the world needs now is love, sweet love. No, not just for some, but for everyone." - Vote Firefly!

(by Kelai)


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 5:13 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
tsk tsk

I meant it as a slam on her dad, not a statement on her orientation. I feel like Kerry .
But not too much .

Love makes a home Chrisisall


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 5:27 PM


I am having trouble figuring everthing out here. Am I reading the village thread and this a cylon baby or 2 cylons having a human baby.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 9:55 PM


can't help myself.

Just saw the Prairie Home Companion movie. Guy Noir, the detective / security man, is talking to Molly, the assistant Stage manager, who is 8 & 1/2 months pregnant.
" How did this happen? Who did this to you?"


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 10:29 PM


The story is great. The thread topic is offensive and unfortunate, though.


Saturday, December 16, 2006 4:18 AM


The only part that doesn't seem right is that they're "marriage" can't be a real marriage.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:29 AM



The story is great. The thread topic is offensive and unfortunate, though.

I actually grimaced when I saw the topic, then again in anticipation of bigotry as I opened it. And then the whole thread just left me feeling very pleased with things (namely how pleasant and accepting the browncoats seem to be!).

Don't make faces.


Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:42 AM




Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:46 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
tsk tsk
Homosexuals are born that way, not made.


Good for her!

Tell that to Johnny Gosch aka Jeff Gannan aka James Guckert aka Bulldog. So you consider kidnap rape victims to be a "volunteers"? It's torture-based mind control brainwashing.

Dick Cheney is a pedophile bisexual rapist, serial killer, terrorist traitor and war criminal. His wife is a lesbian. They love raping little kids in Abu Ghraib, for snuff kiddie porn video in the White House. They are a family of dangerous career criminals who belong in jail on Death Row.

Why do you think they love homosexuality so much? That's called a CLUE.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Does that seem right to you?


Saturday, December 16, 2006 12:02 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:

Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
tsk tsk
Homosexuals are born that way, not made.


Good for her!

Tell that to Johnny Gosch aka Jeff Gannan aka James Guckert aka Bulldog. So you consider kidnap rape victims to be a "volunteers"? It's torture-based mind control brainwashing.

Dick Cheney is a pedophile bisexual rapist, serial killer, terrorist traitor and war criminal. His wife is a lesbian. They love raping little kids in Abu Ghraib, for snuff kiddie porn video in the White House. They are a family of dangerous career criminals who belong in jail on Death Row.

Why do you think they love homosexuality so much? That's called a CLUE.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Does that seem right to you?]

I recommend therapy.

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Saturday, December 16, 2006 12:19 PM


You are aware of some high-quality conspiracy theories, as outlined by Pirate, over in the archives of Troll Country?

Just in case anyone wanted a look-see:

A lot of opportunities for enlightenment, there.

Don't make faces.


Sunday, December 17, 2006 7:01 AM



Originally posted by marina:
(namely how pleasant and accepting the browncoats seem to be!).

Yes, they are, aren't they? Go browncoats!


Sunday, December 17, 2006 11:55 PM


Let me first state that I am not laying judgement on homosexuality in the least here. I myself have a gay friend and I've even gone to the club with him a couple of years ago. One of our lady friends came with so it made it easier for me to tag along. All I can say is I wish the ladies paid as much attention to me and I got as many looks from them at the regular bars as I had guys checkin me out that night. I probably wouldn't be such a miserable all the time then.

Just putting my two cents in though... I don't buy for a second that homosexuality is genetic, no matter what anyone says. That's never been proven, and it's just another way for people to not take responsibility for their choices and actions in life. I don't think any man or woman has gone through life without fleeting sexual thoughts about the same sex at one time or another. I believe that the Christians would call this a form of temptation. It is or was, however, their own choice to bring these thoughts into their own reality. Homosexuality, for better or for worse, is purely derived from your environment and your own life choices.

Like I said... being a crusader for freedom of choice and freedom of speech I would never condemn somebody on their choices. Good for you if you're gay. Good for you if you're straight. But let me ask you something... If somebody were to be gay and to be proud of it, wouldn't you rather think them proud for making a choice rather than just being the random product of rolling the dice?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, December 18, 2006 12:22 AM


Speaking of free speech... I do find it funny that somebody renamed this thread. I thought Cheeny's Lesbo Daughter Becomes Mr. Mom was pretty funny.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, December 18, 2006 3:36 AM


There's a great amount of evidence for a genetic component to homosexuality, studies have shown differences in brain structure in Homosexuals that do not appear in Heterosexuals, specifically size of the Hypothalamus which is connected to the limbic system which is primarily involved with sexual activity. A study by Dr Dean Hamer found a correlation between homosexuality and polymorphic markers on the X chromosome. There's some strange autonomic behaviours too, for instance Lesbians blink in away more like heterosexual Men than heterosexual Women, do they choose to blink like men?

That's not to say that there isn't an environmental factor. The old nature vs nurture debate is crap because pretty much everything is both nature and nurture. Though there being a component of environment in homosexuality hardly means that gay couples will bring up a gay child any more than straight couples defiantly bring up straight children, nor does it mean, I think, that Homosexuality is a choice. I find it hard to believe that people would choose it, the relatively mild ostracism in the western world is one thing, but in places some countries homosexuality is a capital offence. Why would people choose that?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, December 18, 2006 5:55 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
Dick Cheney is a pedophile bisexual rapist, serial killer, terrorist traitor and war criminal. His wife is a lesbian. They love raping little kids in Abu Ghraib, for snuff kiddie porn video in the White House. They are a family of dangerous career criminals who belong in jail on Death Row.

Really, PirateNews. Thanks for the laugh.

As for Mary Cheney and her partner, congratulations on the pregnancy.


Monday, December 18, 2006 9:05 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Let me first state that I am not laying judgement on homosexuality in the least here. I myself have a gay friend and I've even gone to the club with him a couple of years ago. One of our lady friends came with so it made it easier for me to tag along. All I can say is I wish the ladies paid as much attention to me and I got as many looks from them at the regular bars as I had guys checkin me out that night. I probably wouldn't be such a miserable all the time then.

Just putting my two cents in though... I don't buy for a second that homosexuality is genetic, no matter what anyone says. That's never been proven, and it's just another way for people to not take responsibility for their choices and actions in life. I don't think any man or woman has gone through life without fleeting sexual thoughts about the same sex at one time or another. I believe that the Christians would call this a form of temptation. It is or was, however, their own choice to bring these thoughts into their own reality. Homosexuality, for better or for worse, is purely derived from your environment and your own life choices.

Like I said... being a crusader for freedom of choice and freedom of speech I would never condemn somebody on their choices. Good for you if you're gay. Good for you if you're straight. But let me ask you something... If somebody were to be gay and to be proud of it, wouldn't you rather think them proud for making a choice rather than just being the random product of rolling the dice?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."]

You haven't the slightest clue what you are talking about. Perhaps you should stick to topics you have knowledge about. I happen to live with a gay male. He was born that way, he didn't choose it. Who in their right mind would choose to be something that most of the rest of society treats as less than human?

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Monday, December 18, 2006 10:33 AM


I would like to thank Piratenews.

With all the partisan bickering and flat-out hostility that permeates this Real World Discussion fourm - at least we can all (well, most of us) come together and agree on one thing:

Piratenews is a tool.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, December 18, 2006 3:40 PM


He wasn't born that way, and just because you or him say that he was doesn't make it true. Thanks for replying again though FMF. As always, your input is good for a laugh.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, December 18, 2006 4:33 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I don't think any man or woman has gone through life without fleeting sexual thoughts about the same sex at one time or another.

6SJ, does your gay friend know about any of this you're slinging?

Do you honestly believe that human sexual orientation is a matter of "fleeting sexual thoughts?"

Is all sexuality the result of such diffident forces?

Was your own presumptive heterosexuality a choice as well, or was it genetic, and what proof do you have? Did you choose your heterosexuality based on some "fleeting sexual thoughts" about the opposite sex? Or did your sexuality hit you like a mac truck about the time your voice cracked like it did the rest of us boys?

What do you think happens to gay kids? If your heterosexuality is genetic, what went wrong with the gay kids? Do such kids simply not have strong sexual urges and so are prey to their "fleeting sexual thoughts?"

In case you simply haven't noticed, sexuality is one of the strongest biological impulses any living creature has. And yet, according to you, gay people don't have anything more compelling to guide their sexual development than the "fleeting sexual thoughts about the same sex" which anyone might have. Do you really think gay people are so defective?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Monday, December 18, 2006 4:43 PM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
6SJ, does your gay friend know about any of this you're slinging?

As a matter of fact he does, thanks for asking. He's proud about being gay and he says that it is his choice. His pride allows him to have the feelings he does without having to blame it on genetics because deep down he is not ashamed of who he is.


Originally posted by HKCavalier:
What do you think happens to gay kids? If your heterosexuality is genetic, what went wrong with the gay kids?

This is also part of the problem, because for some reason you believe that I'm attacking the lifestyle simply because I say that it is a choice and not genetics. I would like for you to point out to me where, if at all, I said that something "went wrong" with them.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, December 18, 2006 5:57 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I would like for you to point out to me where, if at all, I said that something "went wrong" with them.

It's implied in your assertion that people become gay based on "fleeting thoughts." Unless you believe that heterosexuality is the result of similar "fleeting thoughts" (and I'm waiting for some answers to my questions, 6) you're saying that gays lack something heterosexuals have.

I don't think you're criticizing any "life styles" I think you got some mixed up notions about the nature of human sexuality.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Monday, December 18, 2006 7:49 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:
I would like to thank Piratenews.

With all the partisan bickering and flat-out hostility that permeates this Real World Discussion fourm - at least we can all (well, most of us) come together and agree on one thing:

Piratenews is a tool.


Don't make faces.


Monday, December 18, 2006 8:34 PM


Thank you for your opinion HKC, but I do believe that you're as mixed up as I think you believe me to be mixed up about the nature of human sexuality.

However you choose to infer my words is completely up to you. And I really don't understand what you mean by saying that I said "...gays lack something that hetrosexuals have". Physically, we're exactly the same is what I've said. If anything, I'm saying that homosexuals neither possess anything less nor anything extra than hetrosexuals do.

There are many reasons one could turn to homosexuality in life, and I won't go into them here because there are many psychology books that you could pick up which could give you case studies on this and do a much better job describing these than I ever could here.

I am under the belief that even the most hard-core homophobic hetrosexuals have it in them to be homosexual. Quite possibly it is their own fear of that, say the embarassing hardon they got in the locker room when they were in highschool, that is enough to make them act out so vehemently against homosexuality in the first place. I think there is a much more thin line between homo and hetrosexuality than most people on either side of the issue would care to admit, and legitimately so, considering the way that homosexuals have been treated thruought history.

I can guarantee you that as homosexuality becomes more accepted over the years, particularly on television, you are going to see a much larger increase in homosexual activity between both sexes, not due at all of course to genetics, but because the environment will come to allow what was once so taboo. MTV already shows openly gay couples during it's lineups. More and more of their dating TV shows are centered around gay relationships. They're usually the icebreakers over there at MTV. There's also the fact to consider that less and less people are going to church... an influence whom up until recent years and their own revelations of homosexuality hypocracy and rape, were very respected and spoke out loudly against homosexuality.

10 or 15 years from now you're going to see homosexuality everywhere and two people of the same sex holding hands while walking down the street won't look anymore queer (pardon the pun) than two straight people in even the most backwoods parts of America if you give it another generation or two from then.

I really don't imagine it will be too much longer than that that you will actually see men walking women down the street on leashes and vice-versa... but that will probably be reserved for cities in California for a while before it too becomes a little more mainstream. I already know one woman in California who does this, but I won't be leaving her name here. I will say, however, that Dave Attell did stop her and talk to her on the street while she was walking one of her "pets" on a leash on his show Insomniac a few years back. We've all got kinks... None of them are genetic.

Did Marv Albert eat the panties because his chromosomes told him to?

So, I guess what I'm saying is that not a single person in the world is more genetically predisposed to homosexual tendancies than another. Unless there is some serious physical maladies or the parents did drugs while the baby was concieved and was carried, then there is very little difference between us all genetically.

To say that homosexuality is genetic is like saying that homosexuality is a genetic flaw such as Downs Syndrome or Sicle Cell disease and I think that THAT would be much more offensive. I'm sure that certain individuals in the past who were interested in racial cleansing would revel in the fact that homosexuality was genetic and the knowledge that they would be able to eradicate homosexuality simply by eliminating all of the homosexuals in existance.

Too many people on these boards are willing to give up much of their freedom of thought and choice to the government because of the unfounded notion that government is better at deciding what is good for us than we are. Now you would have us give more of that free will away to genetics? I guess that would be nice... not having to be responsible for any of our actions, wouldn't it?

I truly don't see how that alternative is any better, and I see us all turning into robots a little more everyday.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, December 18, 2006 9:06 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
He wasn't born that way, and just because you or him say that he was doesn't make it true. Thanks for replying again though FMF. As always, your input is good for a laugh.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."]

And your input shows, once again, that you are completely full of and a pompous . MY CHILD was born gay. He has known he was gay since he was 8. He didnt choose it, it chose him.

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Monday, December 18, 2006 9:16 PM


If that helps you sleep at night FMF. I don't know why you need to console yourself in the genetic arguement though. You're not ashamed of your son, are you?

No. I don't believe that that's it. I just think that you feel the need to pick a fight with me again. I really don't know what I did to you FMF, but it is obvious you have issues with me that you need to go work out on your own.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, December 18, 2006 11:08 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by marina:

Originally posted by Storymark:
I would like to thank Piratenews.

With all the partisan bickering and flat-out hostility that permeates this Real World Discussion fourm - at least we can all (well, most of us) come together and agree on one thing:

Piratenews is a tool.


Here's the point you folks are overlooking - DICK CHENEY IS A PSYCHO RAPIST. Lynn cheney is a lesbo who writes lezbo love novels. Perhaps she raped her daughter? Thus it's understandable their daughter is insane, and hates men. That's perhaps a "normal" reaction in her situation, since she never got psychological counseling to deal with her perverted parents.

What's not acceptable is that she does not redeem herself by testifying against her homicidal parents, who deserve immediate arrest, torture rendition to Gitmo, waterboarding, rape, electrocution, dog bites, death and rescucitation over and over, secret martial law trial without jury and without counsel, and summary execution without appeal.

Here's the relevant unrebutted proof, as testified in US courts, including in my hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee. CIA employees O'Brien and Phillips give lectures on this topic, all over the world, and have testified in many courts.


Drunk Dick Cheney shoots Republican trial lawyer in head


by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips

Uncle Bob was a pilot in Air Force intelligence and boasted he worked for the Vatican, and was also a commercial pornographer, producing kiddie porn for the Michigan Mafia, which looped back to Mafia porn king and US Representative, and unelected US president, Jerry Ford (born/aka Leslie Lynch King Jr [a Jewish name]). My father also was involved in drug sales.

My father was caught sending kiddie porn through the US mail - a beastiality film of me with my Uncle Sam's boxer dog. Uncle Bob, implicated in manuafacturing the porn, informed my father of a US Government Defense Intelligence Agency TOP SECRET Project - Project Monarch. Monarch was recruiting multigenerational incest abused children with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD/DID) for its mind-control studies. I was a 'prime candidate' a 'CHOSEN ONE'. My father seized the opporunity for immunity from prosecution. In the midst of this pandemonium, Jerry Ford arrived at our house. Ford went inside to seal my fate....

Dick Cheney, then White House chief of staff to President Ford, later secretary of defense to president George Bush Sr, member of Council on Foreign Relations Corporation (CFR), was Wyoming's only congressman. Cheney was the reason my family traveled to Wyoming where I endured yet another form of brutality, his version of 'The Most Dangerous Game', or human hunting.

A Most Dangerous Game was devised to condition military personnel in survival and combat maneuvers. Yet it was used on me and other slaves as a means of conditioning the mind that there was no place to hide, as well as to traumatize the victim for programming. The primary theme was being stripped naked and turned loose in the wilderness while being hunted by men and dogs. It was only a matter of time until I was caught, repeatedly raped, and tortured.

Dick Cheney had an addiction to the thrill of the sport. He was obsessed with traumatizing mind-control victims, as well as to satisfy his own perverse sexual kinks. My introlduction to the game occurred upon arrival at the hunting lodge near Greybull, Wyoming, and it physically and psychologically devastated me. I stood naked in his hunting lodge office after being hunted down and caught. Cheney was talking as he paced around me, 'I could stuff you and mount you like a jackolope and call you a two legged dear. Or I could stuff you with this (he unzipped his pants to reveal his oversized penis) right down your throat, and then mount you. Which do you prefer?'

'You don't get a choice anyway, I make up your mind for you. That's why you're here. For me to make you a mind, and make you mine/mind. You lost your mind a long time ago. Now I'm going to give you one. Just like the Wizard of Oz [AUStralia] gave Scarecrow a brain, the Yellow Brick Road led you here to me.'

Cheney's face turned red with rage. He was on me in an instant, slamming my back into the wall with one arm across my chest and his hand on my throat choking me while applying pressure to the coratid artery in my neck with his thumb. His eyes bulged and he spit as he growled, 'If you don't mind me, I will kill you. I could kill you - Kill you - with my bare hands. You're not the first and you won't be the last. I'll kill you any time I goddamn well please.' He flung me on the cot-type bed and finished taking out his rage on me sexually....

George Bush Sr stood up and took my 6-year-old daughter Kelly by the hand. 'C'mon. Let me show you the Neighborhood.' Kelly became violently ill after her induction into George Bush's 'Neighborhood', and from every sexual encounter she had with him thereafter. She ran 106-degree temperatures, vomited and endured immobilizing headaches for three days, as evidence of high-voltage trauma and scarring burns. Her rectum usually bled for a day or two after Bush sexually abused her. My own mind-control victimization rendered me unable to protect her. Seeing my own child in such horrible condition drove my own wedge of insanity deeper, until our rescure by Mark Phillips in 1988.

Like his ultra-secret Pentagon Bunkhouse, use of leather was in abundance. Heroin, Bush's drug of choice, was in abundance, and Cheney joined him in using it. The smorgasborg of drugs included opium, cocaine, and Wonderland Wafers (MDMHA-XYC aka Ecstacy). I had seen Cheney stumbling drunk before, but this was the only time I saw him use heroin. Kelly too, was subjected to the drugs.

Bush attempted to sell Cheney on pedophilia through graphic descriptions of sex with Kelly. Both were sexaully aroused from drugs and anticipation. Cheney demonstrated to Bush why he did not have sex with kids by exposing himself to Kelly and saying 'Come here'. Kelly reeled back in horror and said 'No!' which made them both laugh. Bush got up and took Kelly to the bedroom....

'Well, Kitten,' Ronald Reagan said to me, 'this is your death sentence. You'll go out in a blaze of glory.' I had heard about death by fire from everyone involved in 'free trade' through Mexico, of our nation's children for drugs. I had witnessed the criminal foundations of NAFTA, which in turn could threaten the foundation of the New World Order should these secrets ever be revealed. 'Free Trade' included drugs and white slavery. It routed traumatized, robotic, mind-controlled children to Saudi Arabia, while building weapons stockpiles in Nicaragua and Iraq. I was nearly 'used up' anyway, and recording my death via 'snuff film' was agreed upon as proof to Mexican president de la Madrid and other leaders at risk, that I had indeed been silenced by death.



"But it's not just the ratty part of town. The upper class in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time--it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd. It's terrible! I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco. It's a different set of values, that has been induced into that. I don't mind the homosexuality. I understand it. Nevertheless, goddamn, I don't think you glorify it on public television, homosexuality, even more than you glorify whores. We all know we have weaknesses. But, goddammit, what do you think that does to kids? You know what happened to the Greeks! Homosexuality destroyed them. Sure, Aristotle was a homo. We all know that. So was Socrates. You know what happened to the Romans? The last six Roman emperors were fags. Neither in a public way. You know what happened to the popes? They were layin' the nuns; that's been goin' on for years, centuries. But the Catholic Church went to hell three or four centuries ago. It was homosexual, and it had to be cleaned out. That's what's happened to Britain. It happened earlier to France. Let's look at the strong societies. The Russians. Goddamn, they root 'em out. They don't let 'em around at all. I don't know what they do with them. Look at this country. You think the Russians allow dope? Homosexuality, dope, immorality, are the enemies of strong societies. That's why the Communists and left-wingers are clinging to one another. They're trying to destroy us. But, goddamn, we have to stand up to this."
-President "Tricky" Dick Nixon, Bohemian Club member who worships Molech/Satan at Jewish Bohemian Grove homosexual nudist compound, White House hidden audiotape, May 13, 1971

Many folks are born with screwed up hormones and genetics. But for healthy people to go gay, that's just self-destructive. When our dictators are gay, that's the end of the nation.

And remember, Cathy O'Brien and her daughter Kelly were composite characters for River Tam, in CIA's MKULTRA Project Monarch slave program... That's why Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire purchased Universal via Carlyle Group (aka Blue Sun), and why Sir Rupert Murdock Knight of the British Empire at Fox killed Firefly before its first episode.

TV shows about homosexual witches are rewarded, but shows about Real World covert ops are punished. Joss tried to pull a Mel Gibson, and got bitchslapped for his efforts. But at least he tried.

"How can I get the Captain to shoot a cop in the face, and make it right? That extra moment of sadism - that's the thing that says it's okay, buddy, you're not up to spec, you're going down!"
-Joss the Boss, Firefly DVD, censored Episode 1 "Serenity"

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Does that seem right to you?


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:57 AM


Thanks for proving my point, PirateNews.

Your posts are the epic operas of psycho-bigot-paranoia.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 8:33 AM


But there is evidence for a genetic component in Homosexuallity, and even if there wasn't, a purely enviromental cause would still not be a choice.

To say that homosexuality is genetic is like saying that homosexuality is a genetic flaw such as Downs Syndrome or Sicle Cell disease and I think that THAT would be much more offensive.
I have blue eyes, because I have a blue 'flavour' Bey2 Gene on my fifteenth chromosome, a friend of mine has Brown eyes because she has a brown 'flavour' Bey2 Gene on her fifteenth Chromosome. Our eye colours differ because of our genetics. So is it correct to say I am ashamed of my eye colour because I wish to 'blame' genetics because I have blue eyes? Is it right to say that eye colour is a genetic disease like Downs Syndrome or Sicle Cell? I rather think not, and Homosexuallity having a genetic component does not make it a genetic disease UNLESS you already see it as a disease.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 8:49 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I chose to be right-handed at a very early age, like almost everyone else. My oldest sibling OTOH perversely chose to be left-handed early-on despite all the scolding and awkwardness it earned. And proudly continues with that choice decades later.

I hope that clears things up.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 9:07 AM


Caution: sexuality is discussed below. Nothing very exciting, just frank and all that.

Hey Jack.

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
However you choose to infer my words is completely up to you.

Uh, no. Sorry, this is a pet peeve of mine. Of course, I can choose to think and believe any number of things, but words have meaning which go beyond the purely subjective. In reality, what your words mean is not completely up to me--nore are their meanings entirely within your conscious control (kinda like sexuality ). Language is reflective of linear thought and therefore subject to the rules of logic and consistency.

You have yet to come right out and say what you believe the sources of homosexuality are. You talk about "fleeting sexual thoughts about the same sex" and now "the embarassing the locker highschool." These examples suggest that homosexuality is a pretty vague, possibly arbitrary fixation. If, as you believe, everyone has these kinds of experiences, what is it that makes most people heterosexual?

For the third time, please answer my questions: is heterosexuality genetic, or is it just as much a "choice" as homosexuality. Did you choose heterosexuality, yourself?

And I really don't understand what you mean by saying that I said "...gays lack something that hetrosexuals have". Physically, we're exactly the same is what I've said. If anything, I'm saying that homosexuals neither possess anything less nor anything extra than hetrosexuals do.
It is my personal experience that sexuality is the result of far more powerful forces than some "fleeting thoughts" and an "embarrasssing hardon." My sexuality is a pretty all pervasive thing. I didn't just decide one day to sign up with the heterosexual team because they had the best benefit package.

There are many reasons one could turn to homosexuality in life, and I won't go into them here because there are many psychology books that you could pick up which could give you case studies on this and do a much better job describing these than I ever could here.
I've read such books, studied Freud pretty extensively, but can you name one such book that isn't over 30 years old? Or even less than 50? Just give me a couple titles, Jack, that's all I'm asking.

I am under the belief that even the most hard-core homophobic hetrosexuals have it in them to be homosexual. Quite possibly it is their own fear of that, say the embarassing hardon they got in the locker room when they were in highschool, that is enough to make them act out so vehemently against homosexuality in the first place.
It's always been my understanding that all homophobia is caused by fear of one's own homoerotic feelings. I think that's why they call it "homophobia." The homophobe isn't afraid gay people are going to steel his car, he's afraid of being gay, or becoming gay if he spends to much time with "them."

I think there is a much more thin line between homo and hetrosexuality than most people on either side of the issue would care to admit, and legitimately so, considering the way that homosexuals have been treated thruought history.
Homosexuality at various times and in different cultures has been treated just fine throughout history (other cultures, of course, most notably the Biblical cultures of Jedaism, Christianity and Islam, have demonized homosexuality with horrific results). Most famously, in Ancient Greece, homosexuality was seen as purer and more civilized than heterosexuality; love between a man and a woman back then was considered to be simply an animal necessity like using the toilet. And among the ancient Celts, bisexuality was the expected norm and people who consistently prefered one sex or the other were seen as "special." And among the Sioux people the birth of a homosexual child (yeah, among the Sioux, sexuality is understood to be inborn, not chosen) was to be celebrated as a sign that the tribe had reached a high level of stability and civilization.

I really don't imagine it will be too much longer than that that you will actually see men walking women down the street on leashes and vice-versa... but that will probably be reserved for cities in California for a while before it too becomes a little more mainstream. I already know one woman in California who does this, but I won't be leaving her name here. I will say, however, that Dave Attell did stop her and talk to her on the street while she was walking one of her "pets" on a leash on his show Insomniac a few years back. We've all got kinks... None of them are genetic.

Did Marv Albert eat the panties because his chromosomes told him to?

Okay, here's where you equate homosexuality with real sexual pathology and paraphilia. (I'm beginning to get the idea here that you don't even believe in such a thing as sexual pathology--do you?)

Do you really think that Marv Albert chose to be sexually aroused by panties? Certainly he had the choice to act out on his urges or not, but his urges themselves weren't chosen, were they? When you say homosexuality is a choice are you simply making the silly, self-evident argument that whether or not one has sex with another person of the same gender is a matter of choice?

So, I guess what I'm saying is that not a single person in the world is more genetically predisposed to homosexual tendancies than another.
"Homosexual tendancies." One's sexuality is not the result of mere "tendancies." When I discovered that I was sexually attracted to girls it wasn't just a random tendancy--it was an utterly unavoidable, overwhelming and unasked for truth of my nature. For the many gay men I've known, it was the same only they fell desperately in love with other boys. You act as if puberty is some sleepy, dream-like period of vague sexual experimentation and decision making, instead of a hormone-fueled hell of sexual discovery.

To say that homosexuality is genetic is like saying that homosexuality is a genetic flaw such as Downs Syndrome or Sicle Cell disease and I think that THAT would be much more offensive.
Holy crap! Look what you just wrote! My hair color's genetic, is that a flaw? Your comment here makes no logical sense, but it adds further evidence that you have some pretty deep-seated judgements about being gay.

I'm sure that certain individuals in the past who were interested in racial cleansing would revel in the fact that homosexuality was genetic and the knowledge that they would be able to eradicate homosexuality simply by eliminating all of the homosexuals in existance.
Another window into your peculiar fantasy life, Jack.

Too many people on these boards are willing to give up much of their freedom of thought and choice to the government because of the unfounded notion that government is better at deciding what is good for us than we are.
Total non sequitur. And that "too many people" gambit is coy--who you talking about?

Now you would have us give more of that free will away to genetics? I guess that would be nice... not having to be responsible for any of our actions, wouldn't it?
ROFL! There are some givens in life, Jack. You didn't choose to be born male did you? Or what color your hair grows out of your head? Or whether you like chocolate ice cream? Accepting reality is not an abdication of responsibility.

I'm sorry, this is totally unfair of me, but I really gotta wonder why you are so adamant about sexuality being a choice. Are there some unchosen aspects of your own sexuality that you'd rather not deal with, so you convince yourself that sexuality is all a matter of choice and justify supressing your unwanted urges that way?

I truly don't see how that alternative is any better, and I see us all turning into robots a little more everyday.
It's not an alternative, Jack, it's what they call "the facts of life."

Y'know, I'll tell you. My father was very sexually violent. He molested me when I was little. He had sex with underage girls. He raped at least one woman I know of. That's a tough, tough legacy to deal with. It made me not want to have any kind of sexuality at all. As a teenager I convinced myself that I was not a sexual person, in spite of the fact that I masturbated compulsively every night and every morning. The more I tried to suppress it, the more extreme and overwhelming it became.

There was a time when I would have loved to buy into your notion that sexuality is entirely a matter of choice because then I wouldn't have had to deal with all the really messed up feelings that had gotten mixed in with my sexuality by my father. After some excellent therapy in my twenties, discovering my real, natural sexuality has been one of the most liberating experiences of my life.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 9:22 AM


* edited to quote Rue's post, since I took so long coming up with my throwaway comments that HK' well thought out one got in the way .

Originally posted by Rue:
I chose to be right-handed at a very early age, like almost everyone else. My oldest sibling OTOH perversely chose to be left-handed early-on despite all the scolding and awkwardness it earned. And proudly continues with that choice decades later.

I hope that clears things up.

Funny you should mention that, Rue. My brother's early teachers tried to train his left-handedness out of him (at least as far as writing goes). I'm not sure how common this was but there was definitely an attitude among the teachers that left-handed was bad. Of course, the second grade teacher liked to enforce discipline with a ping pong paddle so this wasn't the most progressive of environments.

I see parallels between that attitude and the one behind these homosexual re-education camps that the lunatics run.

I'm not sure it's ever a good idea to screw with a person's hard-wiring.

More generally, I am fascinated by how important it is to some people that sexuality is chosen rather than innate. I wonder if it's cover for desiring a return to a more regressive time. (* edited to add: Okay, per HK, I was being coy here , the sentence should read, I am fascinated by how important it is to 6ixStringJack that sexuality is chosen rather than innate *).

Oh, and Citizen, I also got that vibe that 6ixStringJack considered homosexuality a VERY BAD THING.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 10:16 AM



Originally posted by rue:
I chose to be right-handed at a very early age, like almost everyone else. My oldest sibling OTOH perversely chose to be left-handed early-on despite all the scolding and awkwardness it earned. And proudly continues with that choice decades later.

I hope that clears things up.


You reminded me of an article I read not long after I found out my sister-in-law forced my neice away from her left-hand dominance when she was a baby. I was disturbed by this and have to agree with Soup that going against a persons hardwiring (be it dextrousness or sexuality) is a bad thing. Anyway, your sibling (*edited from "brother") made the right choice as this article can attest. Left handers make more money than us right handers!

"There is not such a cradle of democracy upon the earth as the Free Public Library, this republic of letters, where neither rank, office, nor wealth receives the slightest consideration."
---Andrew Carnegie

"Doing research on the Web is like using a library assembled piecemeal by pack rats and vandalized nightly."
---Roger Ebert


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 10:27 AM



Originally posted by Razza:
Left handers make more money than us right handers!

I'm told it's because they're the only ones in their right minds.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 11:10 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I'm told it's because they're the only ones in their right minds.
OUCH HA HA HA ha ouch ha ha ...


Anyway, 6-string, do you belive animals 'decide' to be homosexual?
Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:19 PM


I choose to believe that homosexuality is a choice because I choose to believe that anything that we do is our choice. Those of you who have agreed or argued with me on other threads before should have picked up on the pattern that I've never waivered from that stance once on any thread in here. This has nothing to do with my viewpoint on Homosexuality, and I would think that those who know me would know by now that I am 100% behind anybody who chooses that lifestyle.

I do not buy into anybody being a slave to ones genetics. Genetics is simply a cop out, a means for somebody who, for whatever reason, feels ashamed of the choices they're making by blaming them on their chromosomes. This train of thought will only lead us to a world where we are all taking pills to deal with our problems and I'm 100% against mood/behavioral altering pills.

Back when we owned black slaves in America, a majority white people truly believed they were superior over black people. You all know this, as I'm assuming you all went to school. Nobody in here comes off as stupid or uneducated to me. Obviously, this belief that blacks were inferior was nonsense, but many black slaves who had been treated that way all of their lives and grew up watching thier parents treated that way bought into that train of thought as well. Some, who were treated decently, even went as far as to love their "Masters". This was years of mental and physical conditioning (one would imagine even sexual conditioning in some cases) and external stimuli, having nothing at all to do with genetics. Aside from the color of their skin dictating, in the public eye at the time, that they would be one of the slave class, there was no genetic code which made them inferior any way. This slavery was not a direct effect of thier genetics, but an indirect effect steming from their outside stimuli.

Take some responsibility for your choices and actions. Be loud and proud about them. Don't walk through life believing that choices you make are just things you do because you can't help yourself. That is pathetic. I have no distain for someone who is gay. I do however hold contempt for anyone who believes that they are what they are, no matter what that is, due to circumstances out of their control.

And since we are being so honest here... I'll just say that I would imagine that many of you would be afraid to delve into the darkness of my sexual realm. There is no way any of you could even come close to guessing my sexual tendancies. Homosexuality is pure vanilla compared to the kinks I have running around in my head. I would be 100% hypocritical if I were to sit back and lay any judgement on the choices that a homosexual has made. I don't think I've ever once painted myself out to be any kind of saint who can lay judgement on others. After reading my last post, did anybody bother to ask themselves why I would even know of a woman who lives 2,000 miles from me who takes men for walks on all fours with barely any clothes and a leash? I've been places and seen things that many of you have never even dreamed about before. I've been D, I've been s. Though everything has always been legal, consentual & between adults, I'd be lying if I said I was proud of it all, but that's part of the attraction and the fun. However, I refuse to blame this on genetics. This is my choice, and the deeper I get involved, the further away I am from the person I use to be. The person who a normal, vanilla relationship was good enough for. Which, again, is purely conditioning which I chose, and continue to choose to endure.

So FMF.... tell me about your gay son or friend again.

To say any of this is genetic, would be ammo for any politician with an agenda to try to stamp "controvercial" sexual behavior out completely, and if it is genetics, they could probably do that with drugs. I gather nobody in here believes that homosexuality is a disease, with the exception of one who's name needs no mentioning. Is it really so hard to imagine a real life scenario where after having successfully forced vaccinations upon us, we have pills or shots forced on us to ensure no "unconventional" sexual desires in our minds? This is all I meant by the comments about a fasist trying to eradicate homosexuality. It certainly wasn't a fantasy of mine or some such nonsense somebody mentioned earlier.

By the way "too many people" in this context was refering to you, and anybody who thinks like you do. I would think that was very apparent, in fact I know without a doubt that you knew very well who I was refering to. You do such an excellent job infering from my other comments, so dazzle me with that amazing intellect and do us both a favor and never bother me with such a petty question again.

I must say though, I do have respect your ability to tell a bunch of people you barely know about your masturbation addiction, even if it is a thing of the past. I'm not sure if that was justified in your mind as a price to pay in order to win an arguement with me. Whatever the reason, it was pretty courageous. I tip my hat to ya.

It is apparent that everyone is cemented in their beliefs here, and I'm not in a maschochistic mood right now, so I feel no need to continue on this thread. This topic isn't all that important to me compared to others in this forum, other than the ideals of freedom of choice, wheather it be freedom from governmental control or the ill-informed belief that we are slaves to our chromosomes.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:39 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I don't think people are saying gender sex preferences are 100% genetic any more than they are 100% - well - here's the confusion.

If something is genetic (nature) it's not a choice. It's also possible for something to be developmental (nurture) without it being a choice. And you can have effects that are both nature and nurture without either being a choice. So there is room for influence which is not a choice.

But you never quite answered the question - what do you think of homosexuality in animals? It's clearly not a decision on their part.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:03 PM


Sorry, I didn't answer your question Rue, and that is a good point.

Now, let me state that though I've never bought into a particular religion of any type, I do believe that there is more to man than basic animal instinct. Call it free will, call it whatever you will. Did this come from "God" or some other omnipotient being(s)? I do not know and this is not the place to discuss such matters. Suffice it to say I do believe in our ability to think and do for ourselves and I prize that decision making ability above any possessions that I own.

My point here, is that we have free will to make choices. Animals, however, are driven by instinct. I've said in a previous post that I believe the line between homosexuality and hetrosexuality is MUCH thinner than anyone on either side of the debate cares to admit, and I mean just that. I also believe that this very thin line extends within the animal species as well.

One very common instance of animal homosexuality is when the dominant Alpha male gets the pick of the best females, the lesser males are left with a much smaller pool of females, if any at all, to choose from and often revert to homosexuality out of little or no other way to satisfy that deep seeded instinctual urge. I believe that this is very well the case in some of the instances of human homosexuality.

Again, let me state that I'm not judging here at all, but I am simply stating one possible scenario of outside influence promoting homosexuality. Of course this isn't the most optomistic or healty example, and I'm not trying to say here that all instances of homosexuality is derived from deviousness, but I am simply speaking to the question that you asked me.

Why do you think a woman has a higher chance of "experementing" when she goes away to college? I would say it is because we are all naturally and genetically prone to this behavior, but for whatever reason, it is more socially acceptable at this point in time for women to behave that way then for men to. This "exparimentation" doesn't necesessarily even mean that they're gay or that they will choose to be in the future. Maybe they tried it out and they didn't like it. Maybe they tried it out and they will never sleep with a man again. Maybe, they'll choose not to choose and just to have sex with men and women the rest of their lives.

Again, it is their choice.

I have a question for you, Rue. Why do you think that women are much more prone to being bi-sexual, rather than 100% gay, while men are usually one or the other?

I feel that lies directly with the social climate of today and outside stimuli. Girls are almost taught by celebrities today that it's fun and it's sexy and naughty to do it. When do you ever see that on TV with males, directed at males?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:08 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I choose to believe that homosexuality is a choice because I choose to believe that anything that we do is our choice. Those of you who have agreed or argued with me on other threads before should have picked up on the pattern that I've never waivered from that stance once on any thread in here. This has nothing to do with my viewpoint on Homosexuality, and I would think that those who know me would know by now that I am 100% behind anybody who chooses that lifestyle.

I do not buy into anybody being a slave to ones genetics. Genetics is simply a cop out, a means for somebody who, for whatever reason, feels ashamed of the choices they're making by blaming them on their chromosomes. This train of thought will only lead us to a world where we are all taking pills to deal with our problems and I'm 100% against mood/behavioral altering pills.

Back when we owned black slaves in America, a majority white people truly believed they were superior over black people. You all know this, as I'm assuming you all went to school. Nobody in here comes off as stupid or uneducated to me. Obviously, this belief that blacks were inferior was nonsense, but many black slaves who had been treated that way all of their lives and grew up watching thier parents treated that way bought into that train of thought as well. Some, who were treated decently, even went as far as to love their "Masters". This was years of mental and physical conditioning (one would imagine even sexual conditioning in some cases) and external stimuli, having nothing at all to do with genetics. Aside from the color of their skin dictating, in the public eye at the time, that they would be one of the slave class, there was no genetic code which made them inferior any way. This slavery was not a direct effect of thier genetics, but an indirect effect steming from their outside stimuli.

Take some responsibility for your choices and actions. Be loud and proud about them. Don't walk through life believing that choices you make are just things you do because you can't help yourself. That is pathetic. I have no distain for someone who is gay. I do however hold contempt for anyone who believes that they are what they are, no matter what that is, due to circumstances out of their control.

And since we are being so honest here... I'll just say that I would imagine that many of you would be afraid to delve into the darkness of my sexual realm. There is no way any of you could even come close to guessing my sexual tendancies. Homosexuality is pure vanilla compared to the kinks I have running around in my head. I would be 100% hypocritical if I were to sit back and lay any judgement on the choices that a homosexual has made. I don't think I've ever once painted myself out to be any kind of saint who can lay judgement on others. After reading my last post, did anybody bother to ask themselves why I would even know of a woman who lives 2,000 miles from me who takes men for walks on all fours with barely any clothes and a leash? I've been places and seen things that many of you have never even dreamed about before. I've been D, I've been s. Though everything has always been legal, consentual & between adults, I'd be lying if I said I was proud of it all, but that's part of the attraction and the fun. However, I refuse to blame this on genetics. This is my choice, and the deeper I get involved, the further away I am from the person I use to be. The person who a normal, vanilla relationship was good enough for. Which, again, is purely conditioning which I chose, and continue to choose to endure.

So FMF.... tell me about your gay son or friend again.

To say any of this is genetic, would be ammo for any politician with an agenda to try to stamp "controvercial" sexual behavior out completely, and if it is genetics, they could probably do that with drugs. I gather nobody in here believes that homosexuality is a disease, with the exception of one who's name needs no mentioning. Is it really so hard to imagine a real life scenario where after having successfully forced vaccinations upon us, we have pills or shots forced on us to ensure no "unconventional" sexual desires in our minds? This is all I meant by the comments about a fasist trying to eradicate homosexuality. It certainly wasn't a fantasy of mine or some such nonsense somebody mentioned earlier.

By the way "too many people" in this context was refering to you, and anybody who thinks like you do. I would think that was very apparent, in fact I know without a doubt that you knew very well who I was refering to. You do such an excellent job infering from my other comments, so dazzle me with that amazing intellect and do us both a favor and never bother me with such a petty question again.

I must say though, I do have respect your ability to tell a bunch of people you barely know about your masturbation addiction, even if it is a thing of the past. I'm not sure if that was justified in your mind as a price to pay in order to win an arguement with me. Whatever the reason, it was pretty courageous. I tip my hat to ya.

It is apparent that everyone is cemented in their beliefs here, and I'm not in a maschochistic mood right now, so I feel no need to continue on this thread. This topic isn't all that important to me compared to others in this forum, other than the ideals of freedom of choice, wheather it be freedom from governmental control or the ill-informed belief that we are slaves to our chromosomes.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."]

So because you say so, and because you know everything to know about everything, we should all just follow in with your thinking? Yeah right. It must be really nice to be the only one in the world that knows anything.

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Wednesday, December 20, 2006 7:54 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I do not buy into anybody being a slave to ones genetics. Genetics is simply a cop out, a means for somebody who, for whatever reason, feels ashamed of the choices they're making by blaming them on their chromosomes. This train of thought will only lead us to a world where we are all taking pills to deal with our problems and I'm 100% against mood/behavioral altering pills.

Monkeys behave like Monkeys, people behave like people, a great deal of behavoral aspects are down to genetics, there's ussually an enviromental factor, but the fact that people are drawn into societies and certain behavoral types the world over irregardless of enviroment is a provable indicator that there is a genetic component to behaviour. Not 'excusing' someones behaviour because of genetics is one thing, but saying genetics has no role to play is pure lunacy, it's like saying genetics has no role to play in eye or hair colour.

To say any of this is genetic, would be ammo for any politician with an agenda to try to stamp "controvercial" sexual behavior out completely, and if it is genetics, they could probably do that with drugs.
It was also the reason for Eugenics, are you denying that the differences between the races or those with genetic diseases or disabillities is genetics? That a baby chooses it's race prior to Birth? The fact that some fascist may jump on a genetic component in Homosexuallity is not a reason to deny it, it's a reason to jump on fascists. Denying something because of what a fascist might do if we recognise it is cowardice.

Genetics determines a great deal, you wanting to believe genetics determines nothing is your own failing. I really can not see the big problem with recognising that genetics and enviroment create our situation, it doesn't prevent us making choices, merely gives us choices to make. The need to believe that EVERYTHING in life is a choice seems more indicative to me of a god complex than anything else.

One very common instance of animal homosexuality is when the dominant Alpha male gets the pick of the best females, the lesser males are left with a much smaller pool of females, if any at all, to choose from and often revert to homosexuality out of little or no other way to satisfy that deep seeded instinctual urge. I believe that this is very well the case in some of the instances of human homosexuality.
Homosexuallity is born out of desperation? I don't get much (well any really) interest of women, yet I've not "turned gay". How do you account for that? Saying homosexuallity is the last resort of the desperate seems to be much more of an attack than saying it is a genetic trait.

People are different because of their genetics, that's a fact, to assume automatically that those differences are a disease because they are genetic would be to predispose that everyone is supposed to be a carbon copy of each other.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006 2:07 PM


For those of us that are gay/lesbian etc. who also have other close gay family members (in my case my late older brother, and two female cousins on my mother's side of the family), it's a little hard to completely dismiss a genetic link.

That's not about relying on an 'excuse' - it's about acknowledging a possibility.

As far as choices go, for me, the only choice involved was not to lie to my family and say that I was not a lesbian when it came to light. Everything else I deal with as it comes along.

The headline of the thread, however, that's just juvenile and totally unnecessary.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006 2:45 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I have some time so ...

"I do believe that there is more to man than basic animal instinct." It's probably language. Language takes our ideas and puts them 'out there' as if they were real, objective things. And with langauge we can mix and match words - color with object with number, to model something we may never have seen before. B/c of that, we feel there's some 'ideal' form out there and then generalize to other hypothetical ideals.

"I prize that decision making ability above any possessions that I own."
And yet, many decisions are made due to subtle factors large and small of which we are completely unaware. SignyM posted something a while back that I'll try to outline. One example is a person sitting watching TV even though there's nothing really interesting on. Now they might just continue to sit there, or they could turn off the TV and get up. Some things that might go into either decision are: are they hungry, cold, or do they need to go to the bathroom? If so they might be more inclined to get up. Are they anxious and restless? Or are they tired or depressed? Are they comfortable? And so on.
You may think you're deciding, while in fact you're responding to internal and external cues you are not even aware of.

"One very common instance of animal homosexuality is when the dominant Alpha male gets the pick of the best females, the lesser males are left with a much smaller pool of females, if any at all, to choose from ..."
This is a model of behavior that isn't supported by observation. If you look at primates for example, the 'alpha male' doesn't mate with all the females or even most of them. And the females often prefer the other males, where they both go off to quiet trysts together.
In fact, the 'alpha male' model of behavior is so fruitless scientists are trying to figure out why it even exists.

"Again, it is their choice."
I tried posting an analogy about right handed v left handed v ambidexterous but apparently it was too subtle. It is exactly analogous to sexual preference. You don't 'decide' to be more comfortable using your left hand or right, or either, you just are. The same is true of sexual preference - you just are more comfortable with one or the other , or either. (Which often happen at an early age BTW - far before going off to college or even puberty.)

"I have a question for you, Rue. Why do you think that women are much more prone to being bi-sexual, rather than 100% gay, while men are usually one or the other? "
There are a lot of 'closet' gays out there - married family men who stop off at the park to 'relieve stress' who would never identify themselves as gay. There are also a lot of 'closet bi's' who would never admit that part of themselves, even to themselves. It's double-think hammered in by cultural attitudes. If you are male and gay or bi you are weak and a target for abuse. Best not to be either.


Saturday, December 23, 2006 3:52 PM


Wow! This post has been liberating!

I'm not in control of anything I do, because it's going to happen without my consent anyhow. I shall feel no guilt about the consequences that arise out of this knowledge.

....Obviously I'm not a big fan of Government, but sometimes it's a good thing there is a government keeping people in line who really believe they have no control over their actions.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, December 24, 2006 5:08 AM


6, what are you doing here if your not willing to actually talk?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Sunday, December 24, 2006 7:04 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Wow! This post has been liberating!

I'm not in control of anything I do, because it's going to happen without my consent anyhow. I shall feel no guilt about the consequences that arise out of this knowledge.

....Obviously I'm not a big fan of Government, but sometimes it's a good thing there is a government keeping people in line who really believe they have no control over their actions.

It's sad and a little amazing to me that this is all you've gotten out of this discussion.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.






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