Mitt Romney: Scumbag.

UPDATED: Saturday, June 30, 2007 03:22
VIEWED: 1123
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Thursday, June 28, 2007 3:10 AM


Angry Frem warning: sore subject, might be some verbal hulking out in here.

No freakin wonder he's fond of Gitmo and wants to double it in size.

If he is involved with these people, which he no doubt is - then Romney is the very worst of gutter scum, hand-in-hand with a particular subset of the forces of darkness that is, and has been, my nemesis ever since an abortive attempt by the school board to forcibly "enroll" me in one of these hellholes at Govt expense and in defiance of my rights as a human being.

I've spent over 20 years kicking their ass, throwing monkey wrenches into their death camps and the machinations of pervo-freaks is my primary hobby, and one reason I operate under so much smoke and mirrors... that hasn't made me a lotta friends.
Pathway HATES me, quite personally, to the point where they'd probably pay you if you brought em my head in a plastic sack, and yanno, i'm rather proud of that.

There is, quite literally, no possible way that words can effectively describe the horror of these places and the psychos that run them, NONE.

I do a lot of post-rescue counselling for the 'survivors' of these places, and on occasion it even does some good, but most of them still commit suicide within five years of release, rescue or escape and almost every single one exposed to these poisonous "programs" for any length of time has PTSD with satellite conditions.

It's the natural offshoot of the poisonous parenting preached by Dobson and Esso, it's sick and destructive in ways nothing short of seeing it for yourself can bring to you.

And if Romney is involved with these folk, then he's Evil, and that is NOT a word I use lightly, nor without a great deal of thought on the matter.

You wanna read up on it, take a valium first - Fair warning, NOT pleasant.

Isac is about the only one that directly hammers em, hasn't picked up that flag yet cause they have a lot on their plate already, and the irony is that the philosophical grandfather of Isac was a bunch of ex and would have been young victims monkeywrenching the works in retaliation.

I should know, given I was one of em.

Read down that list of victims, voices forever silenced by these hell spawned "programs" that even the US Corrections Dept could not visit on an ADULT in this country and tell me you could support Romney when he's party to that ?

The hell if I want such slime running MY country, no freakin way.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, June 28, 2007 6:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

God, these people are worse than corrupt politicians, they're fucking Nazis.

Always look upstream.


Thursday, June 28, 2007 6:16 AM


America loves a winner!

I'm fully in favor of Gitmo and if Romney thinks it should be doubled, then he's likely to get my vote even more. The lies and myths of the cruelty of Gitmo have been grossly overexaggerated, as Dick Durbin himself admitted. He was the one spewing lies and propaganda for the enemy by repeating the fairy tales of 'Gulag' like conditions, which have NEVER existed. Fact is, many of the terrorist are being treated far better than they deserve. But since we're better than they are, we treat them humanely and w/ respect.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, June 28, 2007 6:18 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:
God, these people are worse than corrupt politicians, they're fucking Nazis.

You show your ignorance of what NAZIs really were.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:17 AM


Why you think I call em Fascists, siggy ?
It's cause they are.

And lemme call bullshit there on ya Rap, bust on Durbin all ya want, but you try calling General Tag a liar on me and some strong words are gonna get exchanged - he's as honorable as you get in a General, even to the point of falling on his sword to get the job done.

Not to mention the damned bodycounts from these places is more proof that anyone would need to condemn them, both legally and morally - and yet they exist, cause the powers that be let them.

In light of this, that wonderful KBR contract to build those huge detention camps for putative civil unrest makes more sense now, doesn't it ?

It's a full damn circle, beginning to end, and everything within it should be scorched to the ground and the very earth salted.

Shoulda seen the riot when Jamaican authorities visited one of these places and told the kids they could NOT be held against their will, causing a bumrush for the exits, which the staff tried to forcibly stop, and got clobbered for the Jamaicans for it - eventually resulting in the Jamaicans kindly, and at their own expense, repatriating the poor kids to any of their family back in the states willing to take them in.

Oh yes, and care to remind me WHICH is the only civilized nation on the planet to have not signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Children, primarily due to shit like this ?

Don't push me here Rap, I'll kick your ass.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:29 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
The lies and myths of the cruelty of Gitmo have been grossly overexaggerated, as Dick Durbin himself admitted.

It's hard to overexaggerate stuff like this, man. More likely, a lot more is hidden than ever surfaces. If it happens to ONE prisoner that's too much. My America does not adopt the way of the torturer, even occasionally.



Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:33 AM


I say fuck 'em as far as Guantanamo prisoners are concerned....they're all a bunch of psychopathic maniacs who want to kill innocent women & children,...who gives a damn if they suffer or dont...and at Gitmo they really dont...3 meals a day, books, religion, hell it's a better life than any of them ever had before.

I would have rather seen them all either shot dead on the field of battle, or at least handed over to Pakistan for some REAL torture. Why anyone would give a rat's ass about them is beyond the realm of sanity.....and what do you tree-huggers want to do with them if Gitmo closes??? Any other countries willing to take them??? Not! Put them in halfway houses in your neighborhood??? Not!


Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:40 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
I say fuck 'em as far as Guantanamo prisoners are concerned....they're all a bunch of fucking psychpatic maniacs who want to kill innocent women & children

That's a LOT of faith to be putting into a government making the decisions on who's guilty or not without trial, especially government full of mental giants like Bush...

and what do you tree-huggers want to do with them if Gitmo closes???

Manson hasn't escaped has he? You make it like these alleged perps are super-villains or something...they ain't radio-active, they don't multiply with water...

Makin' it real Chrisisall


Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:53 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Manson hasn't escaped has he? You make it like these alleged perps are super-villains or something

They'd all be dead in a week...killed by the Arayan Brotherhood, or the Jungle Bunnies, or the Mexican gangs...hey maybe you actually are on to something for once Chris.


Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:53 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yeah. And somewhere between Gitmo and prison hows about a trial?

Cause ANYBODY can be deemed an illegal enemy combatant... even you Auraptor... and stuffed away in Gitmo forever.

Always look upstream.


Thursday, June 28, 2007 10:02 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Cause ANYBODY can be deemed an illegal enemy combatant... even you Auraptor...

Negative, Signy. That would presuppose the possibility of error made on the part of the Allian-er, I mean, the government.
And we know they do no wrong.

And I'm a Chinese jet pilot Chrisisall


Thursday, June 28, 2007 12:14 PM


My bad, was Costa Rica, but the Jamaicans quickly followed suit soon after, coming down on these hellholes with a hammer.
(link spaced to avoid screen stretch)

I call that one a "win" for the kids, and there have been two religious "de-programming" (bullshit, brainwashing!) facilitys on the IL/IN state line, where bread and water had to be earned by memorizing scripture by young children chained to desks in dim light with no real sanitary facilities... yanno, one of those was quite literally torn to pieces by it's victims with the help of V.I. - and the other burnt to the ground.

V.I. eventually became CoTL, but the *idea* that remained behind in V.I.'s wake became ISAC, who fights on the level, instead of evil against evil like V.I. did.

I mean, really, how did you folk ever think I stumbled ass backwards into the Franklin Coverup and Conspiracy ? - why, because we were attacking part of it's feeder system!

Romney won't EVER see significant public office again, we'll make sure of that by showing his potentive constituents what monsters him and his really are - and folks, follow the fucking money.

Right back to the same cabalistic fuckers PN hates so very much, and with good reason.

Strip the religious cover and trappings off, which is all just fluff to make any victim testimony sound too ridiculous to believe, and you have the same shit Romney here is into, connected though the same people, it's a culture of corruption I mean to stop in my lifetime - and if not, I have many capable hands to pass the torch into.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, June 28, 2007 1:34 PM


America loves a winner!

Pretty hard to have a discussion when one hops around from Gitmo, Abu Ghraib, and the original article on some drug rehab groups. One problem is, you want to connect all of them, when they're not remotely connected. There were clear abuses in Abu Ghraib, while the stories being told about Gitmo were entirely made up. Body count, Chris ? Last I checked, Gitmo had a total of 3 deaths. All suicides. Guys who had tried to off themselves before, in an attempt to turn the tide of world opinion against the U.S. Gitmo is still open.

Abu Ghraib ? Those who were guilty of abuse were punished, and rightfully so.

As for the story link listed above, so what ? Sounds like many stories were unsubstantiated, while others weren't. But how's that really connect to Romney being a scumbag? Seems a pretty far reach that Romney could be held accountable for what some fundraisers have been ACCUSED of promoting.

"Two of his top fundraisers, however, have long supported using tactics that have been likened to torture for troubled teenagers.

Sorry, but that's heresay, and not fact. There's no evidence either of these 2 guys 'supported' the tactics in any way. This is yellow journalism at its finest.....or worst. It's an op/ed column, not a genuine news article, for starters.


Cause ANYBODY can be deemed an illegal enemy combatant... even you Auraptor... and stuffed away in Gitmo forever.

Well, because I'm a US citizen, I doubt I would classify as an 'illegal' enemy combatant. Add to the fact that I'm not combating the U.S., don't own a gun and have no plans of traveling over seas to shoot at U.S. troops any time....EVER. I'm secure in the fact that I'll never see the inside of Gitmo. Even if Hitlary steals the election in '08.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, June 28, 2007 2:16 PM


"The lies and myths of the cruelty of Gitmo have been grossly overexaggerated,"

Didn't Michael Moore already prove this in SICKO... Free health care not torture.....Well, it's true....


Thursday, June 28, 2007 2:19 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Pretty hard to have a discussion when one hops around from Gitmo, Abu Ghraib, and the original article on some drug rehab groups. One problem is, you want to connect all of them, when they're not remotely connected. There were clear abuses in Abu Ghraib, while the stories being told about Gitmo were entirely made up. Body count, Chris ? Last I checked, Gitmo had a total of 3 deaths. All suicides. Guys who had tried to off themselves before, in an attempt to turn the tide of world opinion against the U.S. Gitmo is still open.

Abu Ghraib ? Those who were guilty of abuse were punished, and rightfully so.

As for the story link listed above, so what ? Sounds like many stories were unsubstantiated, while others weren't. But how's that really connect to Romney being a scumbag? Seems a pretty far reach that Romney could be held accountable for what some fundraisers have been ACCUSED of promoting.

"Two of his top fundraisers, however, have long supported using tactics that have been likened to torture for troubled teenagers.

Sorry, but that's heresay, and not fact. There's no evidence either of these 2 guys 'supported' the tactics in any way. This is yellow journalism at its finest.....or worst. It's an op/ed column, not a genuine news article, for starters.


Cause ANYBODY can be deemed an illegal enemy combatant... even you Auraptor... and stuffed away in Gitmo forever.

Well, because I'm a US citizen, I doubt I would classify as an 'illegal' enemy combatant. Add to the fact that I'm not combating the U.S., don't own a gun and have no plans of traveling over seas to shoot at U.S. troops any time....EVER. I'm secure in the fact that I'll never see the inside of Gitmo. Even if Hitlary steals the election in '08.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, June 29, 2007 3:16 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
There were clear abuses in Abu Ghraib, while the stories being told about Gitmo were entirely made up.

You KNOW this eh? I have wittnessed, first and second hand, abuse of power on AMERICAN soil. And it's not quantifiable, officially. For everything you hear of there's an equal amount (at least) that's not heard of.

Abu Ghraib ? Those who were guilty of abuse were punished, and rightfully so.

ENNNNH! Wrong answer, Hans.
The peeps at the top are responsible for the conditions they allow to exist below. They set up a structure that allowed for, and even invited, the abuse. And they have not been punished.

But how's that really connect to Romney being a scumbag?

Because he supports that which he does not personally wittness or have any substantive knowledge concerning. He demonstrates Bush-like thinking.

I'm secure in the fact that I'll never see the inside of Gitmo.

That's a projection, not a fact. However, you're probably correct.

Injustice only happens to them anyway. Them usually deserves it. Them is evil. Blacks and whites are security, comfort. Simplicity is...simple.

*throws hands in air* Chrisisall


Friday, June 29, 2007 4:43 AM


Remember Chris, what yer dealing with in Rap's case is the same idiotic mindset that up till almost the 80's called both this and other forms of child exploitation a "Myth" that "Did not even exist" - a denial that stifled any progress on that front for decades.

The same kind of outraged denial practiced by say.. the Catholic Church, for example.

I don't fault people for ignorance, but when it becomes willfull, that's another story.

Ignorance is curable, stupidity's eternal.

Romney's involved to the degree that he actively supports such actions, as witnessed by his statements in regards to Gitmo, and in that these are his closest compadres, if he is ignorant of their connections, then he is incompetent as a politician beyond all reckoning, and since they're still part of his staff, and not disavowed, then by default he supports their position as well.

As for Gitmo, if extensive corroborated evidence including photographic records of extreme continuous abuse doesn't convince em, nothing short of a stint in the place themselves would.

As far as how this pattern of behavior connects, it's simple - these are people born and raised to react a certain way to *ANY* defiance of their will, because that is what they were exposed to, and thus pass down to those under them, a poisonous power structure at many times sparked on by religion although not always...

And now we're seeing it in politics, that whole how-dare-you-defy-me bullshit from the top of our current administration, and both the root and the end point are exactly the same.

Does anybody *really* believe this crazy fuckers would NOT sling protesters into these ad-hoc deathcamps if only they could get away with it ?

Does anybody *really* believe they will not eventually try ?

As for how connected, this is but ONE chart, of but ONE faction of the above.

There's a MUCH larger one in use, taking into account the factions relations and exchanges of personnel with each other, but it is not in a readily available format online.

"If you have taken the King's shilling, then you are the King's man, and thus no friend of mine.

ANYONE who knowingly takes money from these people is guilty, and I call em as I see him.

Romney is slime.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, June 29, 2007 4:51 AM


I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with making a child keep a piece of wood in her mouth until her tongue bleeds


Friday, June 29, 2007 3:45 PM


America loves a winner!


You KNOW this eh? I have wittnessed, first and second hand, abuse of power on AMERICAN soil. And it's not quantifiable, officially. For everything you hear of there's an equal amount (at least) that's not heard of.

Your anecdotal accounts aside, the facts about Gitmo are well known. The lies about Korans being flushed down toilets ( which is an impossible feat, btw ) set off riots acorss the mid east and cost a few people their lives. And for what ?? Senator Dick Durbin made all sorts of headlines whining about OUR soldiers being like NAZIS, and running Gitmo like a Soviet Gulag were far more reported than the quiet retraction he gave after he went down there to see things for himself. Funny how that is, huh? Not really.

And about these 'abuses of power'. BFD. They happen. Hopefully, we catch those who do the abusing, but we don't crucify the Gov. of a state if one of the prison guards does something bad to a prisoner. And we sure as hell don't vilify a President either. So spare me this crap about 'going all the way to the top', because it's a fucking load. It's no secret that those against the war will try to do or say anything which makes the war look bad and makes US look like the bad guy. Newsflash, we aren't.


Because he supports that which he does not personally wittness or have any substantive knowledge concerning. He demonstrates Bush-like thinking.
More bullshit. You're just falling for the muck raking by those who don't like Romney and don't want him kicking Hillary's ass come Nov. '08. You have no idea that he 'supports' the mistreatment, but you'll sure as hell spread that rumor because it's a means to an end. Simply gutless.


That's a projection, not a fact. However, you're probably correct.

Injustice only happens to them anyway. Them usually deserves it. Them is evil. Blacks and whites are security, comfort. Simplicity is...simple.

No, it's an absolute fact. Sorry if you don't like me being so sure and confident about that, but...tough. For you, abuses of power are with out question the norm, and can ONLY occur from orders by those at the top. What a delusional mindset by which you live.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, June 29, 2007 4:12 PM


America loves a winner!


As for Gitmo, if extensive corroborated evidence including photographic records of extreme continuous abuse doesn't convince em, nothing short of a stint in the place themselves would.

Alas, there is no such evidence, and you're left with confusing the issue between Gitmo and Abu Ghraib. And as for serving a 'short stint' down there, I'm about due for a tropical vacation. I've heard the fine dining those guys get, 3 squares a day, prayer times, ( not that I'd need it, of course), the best medical and dental plans ( Michael Moore even says so! ), outdoor fun time...... sounds like a decent enough place. And it's all FREE! Where do I sign up ?


Romney's involved to the degree that he actively supports such actions...
You know this how ? Oh, you don't....pure, blind speculation.


, as witnessed by his statements in regards to Gitmo,
What,that Gitmo should be larger? Wooooooo!! How damning !


and in that these are his closest compadres, if he is ignorant of their connections, then he is incompetent as a politician beyond all reckoning,
Yeah, because every candidate knows the entirety of every single person working on their campaign, right ? Give me a break.


and since they're still part of his staff, and not disavowed, then by default he supports their position as well
Presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Rembember ? That's how it's done here in the USA.


As far as how this pattern of behavior connects, it's simple - these are people born and raised to react a certain way to *ANY* defiance of their will, because that is what they were exposed to, and thus pass down to those under them, a poisonous power structure at many times sparked on by religion although not always...

And now we're seeing it in politics, that whole how-dare-you-defy-me bullshit from the top of our current administration, and both the root and the end point are exactly the same.

Well, per the Immigration bill, we'll agree on this view. But to be honest, it comes from BOTH parties, not just one or t'other. Guilty of this stuff are the likes of Bush to Pelosi. Chertoff to Reid. From Graham to Kennedy. Thankfully most Senators heard the 80% of Americans who were against the bill.


Does anybody *really* believe this crazy fuckers would NOT sling protesters into these ad-hoc deathcamps if only they could get away with it ?

'Deathcamps' ?? Oh please, the hyperbole is tickling me!! Make is stop!! The fact of the matter is, they've NOT slung any protestors anywhere near Gitmo or anywhere else. And after 6.5 yrs in office, Bush is still searching for his 1st protestor to send to Cuba. Boy, he'd better hurry up!!

As for Romney, he might be the most decent and honest of any candidate running, Democrat OR Republican. Can't say I'll definatly vote for him or not, but he's right up there in the top 2 or 3. If you'd put down your crack pot conspiracy flow chart and stop listening for the black helicopters long enough, you might figure it out.


People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, June 29, 2007 5:35 PM



how is Mitt Romney better then Ron Paul? give me a serious analysis

do you honostly believe any candidate represents the constitution better then Paul? if so, please detail, because my inspection of the records says otherwise

it will be impossible for any of these guys to be fiscal conservatives, because they are not challenging the entitlement machine of washington. if Romney wants to cut spending, how about 2 billion a day in Iraq. since peace is off the table, what does Romney propose to do to minimize the size and scope of (what has become a socialist)government?

to me, Romney is so visibly a saleout, who is doing this for his own personal agendas, and to bask in the eminence of 'commander in chief'


Saturday, June 30, 2007 1:10 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by antimason:

how is Mitt Romney better then Ron Paul? give me a serious analysis

do you honostly believe any candidate represents the constitution better then Paul? if so, please detail, because my inspection of the records says otherwise

it will be impossible for any of these guys to be fiscal conservatives, because they are not challenging the entitlement machine of washington. if Romney wants to cut spending, how about 2 billion a day in Iraq. since peace is off the table, what does Romney propose to do to minimize the size and scope of (what has become a socialist)government?

to me, Romney is so visibly a saleout, who is doing this for his own personal agendas, and to bask in the eminence of 'commander in chief'

With respect to the original posters overall point, I'll not hijack this thread by veering off into a pro/con of the various candidates. I'd gladly reply in another thread, or even in P.M.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, June 30, 2007 3:22 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

And about these 'abuses of power'. BFD.

Unless they happen to you. Which they won't. So you and yours are safe.
It was thinking like that let Hitler do what he wanted.
We must agree to COMPLETELY disagree on this matter, sir.






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