Perverted Justice: Pedophile prosecutor arrested

UPDATED: Sunday, October 7, 2007 10:38
VIEWED: 2086
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007 1:30 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

More Republican pedophiles from Florida...


Federal Prosecutor Arrested In Child Sex Sting

Sept 17, 2007


DETROIT -- A U.S. Justice Department official has been arrested on suspicion of traveling to Detroit over the weekend to have sex with a minor.

John David R. Atchison, 53, an assistant U.S. attorney from the northern district of Florida, was arraigned in U.S. District Court in Detroit Monday afternoon.

An undercover officer posed as a mother offering her child to Atchison for sex, according to police

Prosecutors said Atchison flew from Pensacola, Fla., to Detroit on Sunday intending to have sex with the 5-year-old girl.

He was arrested at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.

He is charged with enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity.

According to authorities, Atchison made contact with a detective working undercover for the Macomb County Sheriff's department's.

The detective, acting as the child's mother, allegedly arranged a sexual encounter between Atchison and her 5-year-old daughter, police said.

In deposition, detectives said Atchison suggested the mother tell her daughter that "you found her a sweet boyfriend who will bring her presents."

The undercover detective expressed concern about physical injury to the 5-year-old girl as a result of the sexual activity. Detectives said Atchison responded, " I am always gentle and loving; not to worry, no damage ever, no rough stuff ever. I only like it soft and nice."

The undercover detective asked how Atchison can be certain of no injury. He responded, "Just gotta go slow and very easy. I've done it plenty," according to detectives.

Atchison, a member of the Florida bar association since 1984, lives in Gulf Breeze, Fla., near Pensacola.

He is president of the Gulf Breeze Sports Association, a youth athletics organization.

He described himself online as a family man. His wife is a science teacher at Gulf Breeze High School.

The Macomb County Sheriff's Department and the FBI were a part of the investigation.

Atchison remains in federal custody and a detention hearing will be held on Tuesday.

Now I know why I got a creepy feeling in fed court last week.

And it explains why 5,000 kids "disappeared" in child Protective Services in Florida, as well as the FBI/CIA Finders kidnapping for kids for kiddie porn and snuff films, as proven by Senator John DeCamp in his Franklin Coverup S&L trials.


Video banned on TV: Conspiracy of Silence

"Two words I never want to hear again in a sentence are Flash and Drive!"
-Nathan Fillion, Drive


Does that seem right to you?


Wednesday, September 19, 2007 9:45 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
More Republican pedophiles from Florida...

Nothing in the article you cited indicates what party the man is in.



Wednesday, September 19, 2007 9:59 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Republican Federal Prosecutor Arrested In Child Sex Sting UPDATED


"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Friday, September 21, 2007 12:57 PM


Heh, guess he didn't get the memo.

The wayne county internet crimes task force is very very good at their job, and they meet even MY standards for both ability and integrity.

Michigan, especially wayne county, is commonly known amongst predator scum in their sick little communities as a no-go zone, just so you know.

Oh, and in spite of what folks might think of PN, that claim of social services and CPS being complicit is indeed correct, and watch how fast NCMEC goes silent and changes the subject if you press them about it.

If y'all would like to do something about it without diving into the rabbit hole to see how deep it goes, something I would not reccommend, try getting on the case of AOL, who has turned a blind eye to the rooms where these deals are made in the first place since 1991 - yet still seems to go out of their way to kick off and ban any law enforcement who try to do something about it.

MI has actually filed against them for it, look it up, and the court ruled that the law meant exactly the opposite of what it said, then forbade us to prosecute the bastards.

Just so you know.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, September 23, 2007 3:17 AM


Geeze, and AOL generally likes to claim how squeaky clean they are. Not an AOL customer... not sure how much they'd listen to me... (Goes off to ping on the periphery anyway.)


Sunday, September 23, 2007 4:59 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Republican Federal Prosecutor Arrested In Child Sex Sting UPDATED


"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."

We should Tivo Fox news and see when they stick a (D) after his name :).


Sunday, September 23, 2007 5:19 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

I read about this when it happened, and I have to say it's absolutely disgusting.

But I wish people would stop saying it's a Republican thing. The last thing we need to do is start dividing crimes by party affiliation.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Sunday, September 23, 2007 6:39 AM



Originally posted by Fletch2:

Originally posted by rue:
Republican Federal Prosecutor Arrested In Child Sex Sting UPDATED


"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."

We should Tivo Fox news and see when they stick a (D) after his name :).

Is this one of the guys Gonzales DIDN'T fire?


Sunday, September 23, 2007 7:12 AM


Indeed, Anthony - but that perception comes from, in my experience, a ratio of about 12-to-1 on convictions for crime like this when you do split it by party, not to mention the recent conduct of high profile members of that party haven't exactly done em any favors in that respect.

That bein said, I couldn't give a damn as we should focus on the crime and how to prevent it rather than partisan stupidity, really.

As for AOL, squeaky clean ? HA!

I still have two handy pieces of evidence, still in the evidence bags, in my closet, one being an AOL disk with a playboy logo and "Fastest Gateway to the Playboy Website" prominently on the front, which was mailed to a minor, as many were, as part of one of their slimy massmailing campaigns.

The other was an AOL disk found in a childrens cereal box (something AOL denies, in spite of massive evidence and the testimony of the cereal manufacturere) - a form of direct marketing you might find very chilling in light of this clip.

That was during the peak of what eventually amounted to a covert war between hacker types and the freaks, as AOL would go ballistic on the slightest hint of hacks or exploits, but seemed compltely blind and stone deaf to anything dealing with child exploitation, grooming, or parents marketing thier kids to freaks for money, something that runs rampant on the service to this very day.

Jenny Granholm, our current Governor and former attorney general, tried to kick AOL's ass for this, but was rebuffed when the court decided the law meant exactly the opposite of what it said - an opinion strongly dissented against by justice renquist, but nonetheless applied, with an injuction against prosecuting them under it.

Then followed the Agincourt Documents, something prettymuch fully expunged from the net by now via embarrassed companies like AOL with far more legal might and resources than us peons, I have a copy, but on the main comp, which is down for repairs.

This ran concurrent with a crowd of us folk clamoring about AOLs bizarre accounting practices, which eventually set the stage by example for Tyco and Enron, cost Time-Warner hundreds of millions, and generally did a level of financial damage wholly out of proportion to the act itself - AOL had a habit of buying companies with "Stock" that under the byzantine and ficticious practices, actually had a NEGATIVE value, and then would fold up and liquidate the company, absorbing any non-liquid assets, and then use that liquidity to pay off - a corporate form of check floating, in essence.

I could go on and on, all with hard evidence, much of which in my personal possession, but time has proven that no one really gives a shit unless it's their kid, and even then, if they can make a buck off it, they don't give a shit even then.

And forget the ACLU, in all this time, over a decade, they have NEVER stood up even once for a predators victim when we've brought it to em, but in many of those cases, have gone so far as to turn right around and offer the predator pro-bono legal services - and their proxy defense of NAMBLA went far over the line between respecting free speech and active participation.

On the other handy, Jenny is the next best thing to archangel michael when a workable case is brought to her, and she has my utmost respect for being able to lay the smack down by the book, an option rather closed to our little collective, mind you - and with the Wayne County Internet Crimes Task Force behind her, she was a heckuva force on the good guys side as attorney general.

Now that she's Governor, well, more on her plate to be dealt with, and our current attorney general (who it *shames* me to say I voted for, cause he's related to Archibald Cox, the guy who kicked Nixons ass, and I thought he might have the balls to do the job) does nothing but commit partisan party sabotage and run party fundraisers instead of doin his job.

In spite of that, Michigan is still a no-go zone for predators, they are as likely to disappear as to be arrested, people are still not quite over the rage caused by a series of "schoolgirl snatchings" for sexual purpose, which became at one point so blatant and obvious that not only could the media not ignore it anymore, but that we were sending the kids to school in groups under armed escort - and certain grey-area porn magnates and websites have the locals seething with rage over that even now.

Like I said, I could go on, but I just mainly wanted you to understand the background here, our state is not predator-friendly, and our folk are generally quite hostile to AOL, and for good reason - too late to press it now, but if we ever coulda got anyone not on their damn payroll to care enough to bring it to the court, we coulda buried the honchos of the place in prison for centuries, I guarantee it, as I myself have enough evidence to drop em like we dropped Tom Reedy, who as I recall is doin 1400 years, consecutive, for his part in this kind of trade.

And, as mentioned above, CPS is all too often complicit, bought off, or even an active participant in the feeder system for use-and-lose "disposables", TX and FL being the worst for it - draw your own conclusions from THAT one.

Imma shut up now, but pray, earnestly, and eagerly, that you never, EVER, know as much as I do, cause you'll prolly never sleep again.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, September 23, 2007 7:20 PM



Originally posted by leadb:
Geeze, and AOL generally likes to claim how squeaky clean they are. Not an AOL customer... not sure how much they'd listen to me... (Goes off to ping on the periphery anyway.)

They'd say "Thanks for calling AOL" and then they'd offer you two free months of AOL.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, September 23, 2007 7:22 PM


And don't go fooling yourselves, Democrats on the board. The only reason there aren't as many closet freaks on your end of the wacky political spectrum is because half of them walk in parades like congo lines with everyone's dick attached to an asshole.

There are plenty of closet freaks on the Dem side. They're just better hidden behind the gay pride flags.

This is a human condition. Not a partisan condition.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, September 23, 2007 9:05 PM


Jack, I am quite sure that assertion holds, but that 12-to-1 ratio is straight up from years of active work against these types, and to be completely honest, I really do NOT understand why.

I don't mean sexual crimes or deviance in general, but the specific crime of predatory sexual conduct towards children comes down at about 12-to-1, if you split it by party line R/D, which is something that makes NO logical or mathematical sense whatsoever and has always completely baffled me.

I dunno, maybe they're more sexually repressed or something, like catholic priests, always seems the holier than thou types are worst for it I dunno... but the evidence, denying all logic, is still there, in my face, undeniable.

I bet if you split ALL crimes by party line and totalled em, it'd prolly balance out, so I guess there are social factors involved outside the scope of my work - the same way it comes across as very strange to me that other than incest, predatory sexual conduct towards children is primarily commited by us honkeys, and predatory conduct towards the children of strangers (operating outside the "circle of trust") is almost exclusively so.

Like I said, doesn't make sense, but there you have it, not that it matters to me what race, color, or religion a predator is to me - as little as what exact type of cockroach matters to someone stomping on it.

My interest is prevention of the crime in the first place, and squashing attempts to excuse or legalise it, you understand, but it's not a 1-1 ratio if split by party affiliation, and I cannot even pretend it would be.

I know daddy bush(via Franklin) and jeb(subversion of CPS) are in it up to the armpits, too.. dunno about shrub, other than his adventures with jeffie gannon, but that's a whole different can of worms there, and yet you've got guys like Ron Paul who are prettymuch squeaky clean on the other end.

So it's not a party thing, but when you DO split it that way, like I said.. 12-to-1, and if you ever find a logical explaination for that, please feel free to share it with me, cause I sure as hell don't have one.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, September 24, 2007 12:53 AM


It's along the same lines as why there are really only white sereal killers. I'll give you two reasons:

1) Until the last 50 or so years, nobody who had enough money to pay for news and entertainment (see: white people) gave a shit about anybody but those who had at least as much money as they did (see: white people). Right there, you've eliminated tens of thousands of years that black or mexican or whatever people had been serial killers from the history books, because nobody gave a shit. (Roughly 5950 years if you're a Christian extremist)

2) Ever since then, when people with money enough to pay for entertainment and news gave those with less the ability to vote and finally make something of themselves, a very large part of them are still, to this day, villianizing them for being ruthless, drug abusing, drug dealing killers. Needless to say, many assholes of their own kind like 50 Cent are more than happy to smile on their way to the bank and perpetuate that unfortunate stereotype, but it's there. Sad but true.

It's all public perception. Nothing more. The best boss I had was a retired house rep. 8 or so years ago, he was fed to the sharks in a Republican witch hunt and was one of many men who toppled like dominoes and ratted each other out, basically exterminating any Repblicanism in Illinois. Did he do things that probalby should have put himself in the clink? Possibly... but he was like a father to me. Is Illinois any better today? Mayor Daley... Ron Blowjobovich? It's practically a communist state.

20 years ago, the Dems woudn't have dared come after pedophelia with Republicans because they would have thrown closet faggotry back in their faces.

You gotta admit that ever since they managed to gradually turn the general opinion of homosexuality (between conscenting adults) that the Demons have gained a very large amount of leverage when it comes to villianizing the Rethugs....

Try to keep in mind that I hate the R's just as much as I hate the D's. I just hate listening to the Dems saying that they're holier than thou, and a lot of people are starting to buy that shit because Bush is the worst thing that has ever happened to a Conservative base who should be concerned about keeping Communism and Globalism out of America instead of promoting it.

EDITED TO ADD: No disrespect, of course, Frem. I know that I can come off pretty abrasive in my posts.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, September 24, 2007 2:35 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Republican Federal Prosecutor Arrested In Child Sex Sting UPDATED


Not Republican but rather Anti-War Democrat Gay Activist Global Warming Scientist Loving Hillary Clinton Fundraiser Federal Prosecutor Arrested In Child Sex Sting UPDATED UPDATED



Monday, September 24, 2007 5:41 AM


I know that I can come off pretty abrasive in my posts.

And I don't ?

Your input is as always, appreciated.

If I had to guess at the reasons, having thought about it a while, I would surmise it's something to do with money and power, cause the more you concentrate THAT, the worse the deviances get.
(the movie 8mm explores that one pretty good)

I figure it for something between "Cause I CAN!" and diminishing returns needing more and more stimulation to get their kicks - one reason it always escalates if unchecked.

I'm still waiting to see who's gonna move into the vaccuum created by Franklin, then Ambramoff, to provide services to the upper political echelons this time around, cause if I get hooks into em before they get off the ground, the possibility exists of frying them AND their entire contact list in the court of public opinion, although if I do that I'll prolly have to leave this board - it was the Landslide, Inc. case and busting Tom Reedys chops which sent me deep underground in the first place, a lot of other third-party billing sites had their fingers in that pie too, and we're scared shitless, and since they couldn't go after Marcus (that being Marcus Lawson, of US Customs, and as stand-up a guy as you could ever ask for, which of course got him early retirement..) they went after the asshole who painted a bullseye on the weak point of their logistics chain for all the world to see, something used to great effect some time after by Jenny Granholm, thereby destroying a collective I had been working for ten YEARS to shut down, something that earned her a place in my heart forever.
= / www/story/09-12-2002/0001798903&EDATE=THU+Sep+12+2002,+03:00+PM
(link spaced to avoid screen stretch)

She hacked em off at the knees, mano, cut off the money and strangled em, and in the following six weeks most of the sites folded up and dissappeared, effectively ending their reign of horror.

Key to that is, IF the third party billing site is complicit, or fails to comply - they can be served with subpeanos and warrants, and in such a case, that is the cleanest, clearest prosecution case you could ever hope for, hard evidence of credit card payment for unlawful material... and failing a stolen card report, which one had damn well better have filed, the perps go down hard and quick, bang bang bang - although sentancing is usually laughable, it still does prevent further victimization.

Anyhows, let's just say that if someone moves into Abramoffs old game and I get wind of it early enough to plant the groundwork, some of these asswipes are really gonna fry for it, but I learned some hard lessons over Landslide, when Tom Reedy went down for 1400 years and the folks at Adult Check were shitting bricks and trying like hell to find my ass, it became immediately apparent just how damned important the smoke and mirrors defense really is, cause scared folks with money and power, when pushed, can push back pretty damn hard, both legally and illegaly.

I hate both major parties myself, and there's a very special places in hell for Libertarians who knowingly took money from NAMBLA freak fronts (usually named such-and-such "fund" or "foundation" with fairly innocent sounding names) and then started sliding a freak-friendly agenda into their free speech push, imma never forgive or forget THAT one, and as such, I hate the Libertarian party too.

Oh, yeah, and one REASON the ACLU was so hot to defend freaks and shunned their victims ?
Guess who one of the folks we were dealing with at the time was ?
Charles Rust-Tierney.
And guess how his ass got busted ?
Audit trail of his credit card via them third-party billing sites, poetic fuckin justice, that.

Anyhows imma shut up for now, mostly I am just ranting/venting so you can comprehend the gist and the depth of my hatred for these predators, and maybe catch a glimpse of the crucible in which that steel was forged without stepping into the fire yourself.

It takes a damn nasty person to wage this kind of war without being crushed by it, and most people are too "good" to effectively do it without being mentally and emotionally destroyed - sometimes it's better to fight an evil with a different evil, you know ?


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, September 24, 2007 8:26 AM



what the hell does that even mean?

There aren't as many closet freaks on the dem side because they don't have to be in the closet. They have come to terms. They have accepted themselves and have chosen a party that does, also. (for the most part.)

The very reality of the differing platforms puts them on totally different terms. The very fact that current Republicanism demonizes homosexuality, is the force that drives many into self-hatred and denial, and that is where the perversion happens...that is the source of the deviance.

I think that very few catholic priests, as an example, decide to become priests because they want to molest little boys. I think they do it because they are running away from the reality of their wiring. What better way than to embrace god, and choose a life of celibacy? They aren't going to be missing women anyway. So once they get there, and they find they can't control their urges, they act them out on children who are more controlable, less likely to talk.

I'll be clear though. Homosexuality is not equatable with pedophilia. It is the very unnatural pressures that these priests put themselves under, the very fucked up things twisting them around that I suspect causes their sense of erotica to become warped. And, maybe some of them were molested themselves, for that matter.

Homosexuality may be a human condition, but lying about it(of all things to themselves), hiding it, and acting out on it against children....well that's a Republican condition.


Monday, September 24, 2007 10:17 AM


I wish I had a clue what you were talking about. There is being cryptic to the point it makes no sense you know?


Monday, September 24, 2007 11:37 AM



are you asking me?

my post was in response to 6ixstringjack's


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

There are plenty of closet freaks on the Dem side. They're just better hidden behind the gay pride flags.

This is a human condition. Not a partisan condition.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, September 24, 2007 4:28 PM



Originally posted by Righteous9:
Homosexuality may be a human condition, but lying about it(of all things to themselves), hiding it, and acting out on it against children....well that's a Republican condition.

That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it. There are many people, and it is a very unpartisan thing if you don't watch the news 24/7, that believe that homosexuality is very equitable with pedophelia.

Yuck.... poopie dick.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, September 24, 2007 4:46 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
I hate both major parties myself, and there's a very special places in hell for Libertarians who knowingly took money from NAMBLA freak fronts (usually named such-and-such "fund" or "foundation" with fairly innocent sounding names) and then started sliding a freak-friendly agenda into their free speech push, imma never forgive or forget THAT one, and as such, I hate the Libertarian party too.

Of everyone you mention and what they did, this is the only one that suprises me and comes as a real bummer to me. I guess I figured they were just too small time to have the decadence that usually accompanies over the top sexual deviances... most especially pedophilia. I hate labels, and I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a Libertarian, but I think it's obvious that if we all must be pigeonholed somewhere that this would be my best fit. Shameful act, supporting Nambla in any way. The balls on those fucking nambla creeps. The first time I heard about Nambla it was a joke on "Mr. Show with Bob and Dave" about 8 or so years ago. I didn't even give it a second thought because I thought they made it up for sick laughs. I think I vomited in my throat years later when I found out they were actually real....

And all you dem types... you think that homosexuality is the only sexual kink and perversion that the Dems got going for them? Not hardly.... just like pedophilia or closet homosexuality isn't the only things the Rethugs are a part of. Can we please quit this stupid partisan bullshit?

You want to talk about a rabbit hole you really don't want to go down? Inside and out of politics, no matter what their political affiliations, people run the entire gambit of sexual depravity behind closed doors. The more decadent they become, and as Frem mentioned, the greater fix they need because of diminishing returns, the more twisted and hideous it can become.

Just give it a few years.... they broke us all in with the acceptance of homosexuality. Pedophilia, though it will never become accepted is just the pushing of the envelope that much further... just a little more desensitizaton to the sheep. Mark my words it won't be long before you see people walking their pet humans around on leashes on Sunday in the middle of Idaho.... it already happens every night in L.A.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, September 24, 2007 6:17 PM


Jack, the really effed up part was that it wasn't even about freak sympathizers in the party, it was about money - the Libs were totally desperate for it, and short of kowtowing to AIPAC, something which would have ruined them, cause that behavior from the other parties is what sent many folks to them in the first place, there was only one place to get it without severely compromising their agenda for it.

I guess they thought they could claim innocence, or pull it off if they were subtle enough, but they failed to account for someone actively montioring the money stream OUT of those fronts, and to be honest, even I almost missed it, they were real slick about it.

As far as other sexual deviances go, meh, if it's between consenting adults, by all means do what you do - just have the decency to do it in private... I don't mean stuff like gay pride parades, wearing drag or a leash in public, for whatever reason it doesn't offend or outrage me, but makin it in a public restroom is kind of annoying no matter what alignment and combination you are, for crying out loud, I hadda take a leak, yanno!

Anyhow, it was never about sympathy, it was about money, and in that respect, the Lib party betrayed us - I'll never trust em again.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, October 6, 2007 9:21 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Another Hunter S Thompson Gannongate murder/suicide?

Florida Prosecutor Accused of Seeking Sex With 5-Year-Old Girl Kills Himself in Prison Cell

DETROIT — A federal prosecutor accused of flying to Detroit last month to have sex with a 5-year-old girl committed suicide Friday in his cell in a Milan federal prison.

Assistant U.S. Attorney John D.R. Atchison was found unresponsive, taken to a local hospital and pronounced dead at 10:17 a.m., Federal Bureau of Prisons spokeswoman Felicia Ponce said.

Atchison, of Gulf Breeze, Fla., was being held in a special housing unit in the prison, about 36 miles southwest of Detroit.

The administrative detention area houses all levels of prisoners, and Atchison had a cell to himself, Ponce said.

An investigation into his death is under way, she said.

He was charged with three felonies, the most serious of which was crossing state lines with intent to have sex with someone under 12. A conviction had carried a minimum of 30 years in prison.

A statement released Friday by his lawyer, James Thomas, said Atchison had "done a lot of good in his life."

"Unfortunately, he is going to be judged by his most recent charges and what we have read in the media, and not by the goodness, hard work or by the love of his family."

The statement also said Thomas would file a request to have the case dismissed.

Atchison had attempted to hang himself with a bedsheet last month in a Sanilac county jail, but another inmate alerted guards who stopped the suicide attempt. He later was taken by U.S. Marshals to the Milan prison.

Three days before that suicide attempt, Atchison had assured a judge he would not harm himself.

The married father of three was a respected figure who coached girls' softball and basketball in a park a few blocks from his Gulf Breeze home. His office was in Pensacola.

But authorities say he had been communicating with an undercover sheriff's detective from Macomb County, Mich., who was posing online as the fictitious girl's mother and arranged for him to have sex with the child.

He was arrested Sept. 16 at Detroit Metro Airport carrying presents, including a doll and earrings, and sexual materials, officials said.

As a federal prosecutor, Atchison mostly worked on tax and financial crime cases. According to court records, it appears he never prosecuted child sex abuse cases.,2933,299801,00.html

Was he suicided to shut him up, to stop revelation of his co-conspirators in Gangsta Govt? 1,000s of kids are "missing" in Florida govt's foster kid program.

The federal Finders kidnapping child rape ring was run by CIA, FBI, Pentagonand White House. With full cooperation from the prosecutors in US Dept of Justice. The Finders were first arrested in Florida. A raid on the DC HQ found a kiddie porn studio, Satanic altar, brainwashing equipment, intelligence files on target families, international money transfers and medical butchery to dispose of bodies. It was/is an MKULTRA program for Uncle Scam.

"Two words I never want to hear again in a sentence are Flash and Drive!"
-Nathan Fillion, Drive

Firefly music video censored by Hero

Does that seem right to you?


Saturday, October 6, 2007 11:53 AM




Saturday, October 6, 2007 1:41 PM


He's not kiddin folks, I wish to hell he was.

Some of the connections are tenous, dubious even, but the relationship between our intel agencies, CPS, and these sick bastards ain't one of em.

"I am the Whistler, and I know many things, for I walk by night. I know many strange tales, many secrets hidden in the hearts of men and women who have stepped into the shadows. Yes, I know the nameless terrors of which they dare not speak."


Saturday, October 6, 2007 3:33 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Another hero bites the dust.


Saturday, October 6, 2007 7:54 PM


So here's the question and it's a biggie and it's bugged me for some time.

General psychological consensus says that this kind of behavior is tied in to power and self esteme issues. IE the folks that do this with kids have self image problems that stop them developing proper relations with adults OR they have power issues and chose children because they are easier to dominate.

So if that's true why the sudden increase in cases? I know that a couple of minor cellebs have been arrested in the UK for pedo porn in the last few years and I'm sure there was nothing like this happening "back in my day."

So let's ask it

1) Is pedophelia more common now than it was and if so why (eg does modern life cause the psych issues that lead to pedophilic behavior.

2) Are the numbers of pedophiles the same but now it's easier to uncover? (ie the numbers of pedophiles are the same as ever but we detect more of them where in the past they were hidden)

3) Are we more sensatized to it now than we were, ie where these people seen as one off nut jobs and not given the attention they are now?



Sunday, October 7, 2007 3:51 AM


I believe there used to be a lot more denial about it; I believe things like the internet make it -much- more difficult for folks to ignore it.


Sunday, October 7, 2007 10:38 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

NAMBLA, ACLU, Barney Frank and Hillary Clinton are paid big money to lobby Congress to legalize pedophilia. All they have to do is sneak it thru without any votes in the middle of the night on a holiday weekend, like they did the private Federal Reserve Act.

The pedophiles are coming out of the closet. Frank was a pedophile pimp blackmailing Congress, so he's ready for promotion to the Senate, where the big criminals play.

Does that seem right to you?