Demorats ban selves in Michigan primary

UPDATED: Thursday, January 17, 2008 09:50
VIEWED: 2181
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008 5:02 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Demoratic Party banned all voters in Michigan, perhaps because they hate Billary's NAFTA so much for exporting all the jobs in Detroit. Cheney's CFR cousin Hussein Obamasama took a dive just like Bush's cousins Kerry and Gore, and removed his name from the ballot in order to get the default VP job.

If Michigan Demorats had a brain, they'd crossover for Ron Paul. Or maybe they did, judging by the massive votefraud in NH and Ohio, and now in Michigan:


Michigan Democrats: Vote For Ron Paul! (Dem Primary Doesnt Count)

Fraud claims emerge in US presidential race

Voter #1 Genoa Township, Michigan Precinct 3. Voting problems?

Posted January 15th, 2008

First observation...

I was the first voter, I circled in Ron Paul and put my ballot into the machine. Spit it right back out and said INVALID BALLOT.

Second guy gives it a shot. INVALID BALLOT.

I begin argueing with the lady running the precinct about computer voting and people voting. This lady actually says in a room full of people that Computers are better at counting ballots than people, cause people make mistakes. who makes computers?

So to finish it up, she calls the township. she says I can keep my ballot in a secret compartment and they will put it through later once its fixed.

So they call her back. She gets off the phone. She says the manufacturer says there is a problem with a memory card. Someone from the manufacturer will be there with a new memory card soon.

Holy hell, it doesn't help that I just watched a damn documentary about DIEBOLD and MEMORY CARDS.

I immediately left and drive to the township office to voice my complaints. They must still be sleeping.

Terminator: The Summer Glau, er, Sarah Conner Chronicles
(Massacres by Govt at Battle of Lexington and Concord, Waco, OK City Bombing)
Free downloads of all TV episodes:
Official website of TTSCC with River Tam's topless torso:
Hanoi Hannity: "I voted for the Sino-American Alliance."
"US ports owned by Commie China is good for me."
"Dead and disabled US soldiers are good for me."
"Outsourcing your job is very good for me."
"Sir Rupert dines with Hillary every week."
"Ron Paul does not exist in my 'Verse."

"As far as Chinese goes, I resented it."
-Adam Tudyk, The Making of Firefly


Does that seem right to you?
Firefly Music Video: Tangerine dream - Confrontation, Thief soundtrack


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:03 PM


They did, a damn lot of em did - but as you mention, the machines had a little "problem" accepting Ron Paul votes... no one else, JUST him.

And I think the sneering disregard for our states primary is just one more indication that "The Fix Is In" so to speak - ain't much of a Democracy if some jackasses in Iowa and New Hampshire get to decide who I am *allowed* to vote for, eh ?

At least one polling center sent in a count reduced by HALF, as out of 83 voters, 38 of them voted RP, or tried to, and could NOT get their votes counted by those goddamned machines.

So they just sent in the rest and shrugged...

Had I not been on the other side of town, that woulda been an incident, even if it took getting arrested to draw media attention to it, but one can only be in one place at one time.

It's a fekkin joke, is what it is, and everybody knows, and no one takes serious action, but yanno, there's a LOT of angry, angry people here today who ain't gonna be satisfied with platitudes, and certainly will not be amused at the status quo laughing in their face about it.

Box Four looms ever closer.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 5:18 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
If Michigan Demorats had a brain, they'd crossover for Ron Paul. Or maybe they did, judging by the massive votefraud in NH and Ohio, and now in Michigan:

First of all, if Democrats had brains they'd be Republicans and as brainy Republicans they could therefore never vote for Ron Paul (since only a brainless person could vote for him in the first place).

Second...your right about the vote fraud in Ohio...after all, not one vote was cast in Ohio for Ron Paul and I find that suspicious...come to think of it no Republican votes have been cast in Ohio. BECAUSE THE FRACKING PRIMARY HASN'T HAPPENED YET! But there is a conspiracy against RP...about 97% of the Republican Party got together in private and decided NOT to vote for him.



Wednesday, January 16, 2008 5:22 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
They did, a damn lot of em did - but as you mention, the machines had a little "problem" accepting Ron Paul votes... no one else, JUST him.

If they are stupid enough to vote for Ron Paul I sincerely doubt they have the intellgence to operate the machine properly.

Perhaps he should pander to the trained chimp vote.



Wednesday, January 16, 2008 9:32 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

First of all, if Democrats had brains they'd be Republicans and as brainy Republicans they could therefore never vote for Ron Paul (since only a brainless person could vote for him in the first place).

Second...your right about the vote fraud in Ohio...after all, not one vote was cast in Ohio for Ron Paul and I find that suspicious...come to think of it no Republican votes have been cast in Ohio. BECAUSE THE FRACKING PRIMARY HASN'T HAPPENED YET! But there is a conspiracy against RP...about 97% of the Republican Party got together in private and decided NOT to vote for him.


Yup, if all the poor, dumb Democrats had any brains at all, they'd be "smart" Republicans - the kind who fell all over themselves buying into the Bush regime's bullshit stories of WMD, "Fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here", "Mission Accomplished", "Stay the Course", Heckuva-Job-Brownie, fantastic Attorney General Alberto "the Geneva Conventions are Quaint" Gonzalez, Scooter Libby, et al.

Oh, and now we're supposed to believe that Iran is the real threat to world peace. Sorry, Republican fucknuts, but you guys already pulled the old boy-who-cried-wolf bit one time too often. Just because you're so fucking gullible, and just because you have an IQ that's closer to room temperature than to any actual level of real intelligence, doesn't mean the rest of us are that fucking dumb. To still support these douchebags after the last seven years, it takes a monumental effort of will to not only be stupid, but to also remain aggressively ignorant. Anyone who has a fucking pulse has to realize that this Administration (which you dipfucks on the "right" hailed as your "permanent majority" when it came into office) has fucked things up in this country beyond all recognition, and that this President WILL go down in history as one of the all-time worst. To believe otherwise isn't just sad - it's delusional!

Republicans - the party of "fiscal responsibility", who've squandered a budget surplus, more than DOUBLED our national debt, and are spending money like a college freshman with his daddy's platinum card on a Spring Break bender. The party of "personal responsibility", who absolutely, steadfastly REFUSE to take responsibility for a single thing they've ever done wrong. Republicans, who consistently refuse to acknowledge any environmental issue - until they can figure out how to make a buck off it. The party who says government should be run more like a business - but never say which business. Enron? WorldCom? Tyco? Haliburton? Merck?

If the Republicans are so smart, how is it that they're always at least 20 to 40 years behind on social issues? If they're so smart, how come they can't figure out that you can't concurrently cut taxes, start never-ending wars, and still manage to balance the budget?

Sounds pretty smart to me.

[Rant over]


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 10:49 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
If the Republicans are so smart, how is it that they're always at least 20 to 40 years behind on social issues? If they're so smart, how come they can't figure out that you can't concurrently cut taxes, start never-ending wars, and still manage to balance the budget?

I reject your premise.

Nobody balances the budget, Republican or Democrat. At least Republicans as a class of people WANT the budget balanced...even if our leadership has failed to get it done.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats are behind on social issues, they just have differing opinions, which is kinda the point of having more the one party and living in this Republic. For example, Republicans believe everyone, black or white can earn their own place in this world...Democrats believe the everyone, black or white, should be given their place in this world (which is why the Clintons don't like Obama...cause he is not gratefully staying in his place like a good black fella).

And the wars are hardly never-ending...fact is there is no such thing (even the hundred years war didn't last forever) and the wars were not started by Republicans, they were started by terrorists who attacked us first, then again, and finally again and we just recently (around mid-morning on September 11, 2001) decided we might try seriously fighting back...since neither our 'talk it out' policy, nor the 'pretend to be tuff' policy seemed to be working (not to mention the Clinton...'ignore the problem unless I'm being impeached' policy).



Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:02 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


If they are stupid enough to vote for Ron Paul I sincerely doubt they have the intellgence to operate the machine properly.

Perhaps he should pander to the trained chimp vote.

Can the chimps - or the Ron Paul supporters - correctly spell the word "intelligence"? Can they use the words "your" and "you're" (and even "yore"!) correctly in a sentence? If so, they seem to have a leg up on the "typical" Republican...


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:11 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


At least Republicans as a class of people WANT the budget balanced...even if our leadership has failed to get it done.

Seriously? That's your argument? "Vote Republican - They're Fucking Morons, but at least they WANT to balance the budget." If only *wanting* a thing made it all better. Gee, I bet Clinton *wanted* Osama Bin Laden to not attack U.S. interests. Does that make him suddenly a better leader?

As for the never-ending wars, I wasn't referring specifically to Iraq, but more to the entire Global War on Terror. How exactly do you "win" a war on a concept? How's that War on Drugs going for ya? Anyone remember Johnson's War on Poverty? Guess what: there's still poverty! Even right here in the US of motherfuckin'-A.

Nobody balances the budget. How was it that Clinton managed to do so, then? Under Clinton, we had a budget surplus, AND money was going to paying down the national debt. Under Bushie, we have not only huge budget deficits on a yearly, ongoing basis, but we have an ENORMOUS ratcheting-up of the national debt on a long-term basis, from just over 4 trillion dollars when he took office, to well over NINE AND ONE HALF TRILLION DOLLARS today.

Tell me again all about financial responsibility and living within one's means...

We won't even get into the Republicans' shocking lack of moral values. Unless you insist.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:12 PM


Now now Kwicko... it's not nice to bait the village idiot...



Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:24 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


...they were started by terrorists who attacked us first, then again, and finally again and we just recently (around mid-morning on September 11, 2001) decided we might try seriously fighting back...since neither our 'talk it out' policy, nor the 'pretend to be tuff' policy seemed to be working (not to mention the Clinton...'ignore the problem unless I'm being impeached' policy).

I reject your rejection. So there.

Please, PUH-LEEEEEZZZZE tell me you're not still one of those simpering chromosonal morons who are actually stupid enough, still, even at this late date and after literally TONS of information and proof to the contrary, to believe that Saddam Hussein and Iraq had anything whatsoever to do with 9/11. Apparently, there are exactly four people in the world who know the "real" truth: Dickless Cheney, Furious George, Tranny Giuliani, and you. I know for an uncontested fact that the other three are utterly worthless fuckwits... you I'm starting to have by doubts about!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:58 PM


Yeh I can hear the union leadership now. The democrats have always been on the side of the working man. GW is stealing your job. GW never stole my job. Bill could have vetoed NAFTA. But hey Hillary is the first woman on the board OF WALMART. And ole johnny for fast track with China. Son of mill worker but will get high tech jobs back. Never happened in the Carolinas. Michigan has real problems. These jokers want to be president. I remember this liberal couple out in Frisco all worried about fag rights quote jobs aren't important. Yet my boys in Pittsburgh will tell ya the dems are for them. They hate the working man especially if their union. And of course Pitt is closed down. HA HA. We expect Republicans to rip the working man. Have fair tariffs with India and China we will compete and win.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 6:38 PM


Frem, showing my ignorance again, but I just gotta ask. What is Box Four?

Color me not knowing :)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 9:16 PM


Nobody really seems to know the origin of the phrase, BK - but it goes way, WAY back to some time after the revolution.

Box One - The soapbox.

Bitchin, Protesting, Internet Campaigns, Petitions, that kinda thing.

Box Two - The ballot box.

That don't work, ya vote em out.

Box Three - The jury box.

This was *intended* to keep stupid, unwanted, ridiculous or unfair laws from being enforced - citizens on a Jury are supposed to refuse to convict if the LAW is bad, even if it were violated, but it's been mismangled into an "or-else" rubber stamp for convictions.
(It was common for Juries to put their foot down during prohibition and refuse to convict, for example.)

Box Four - The cartridge box.

All else fails, start shooting the bastards.

Bear in mind that I think the first set here sold us out.

Notice that each one has to have folks rabidly protecting it from the powers that be ?



Wednesday, January 16, 2008 9:27 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by piratenews:
If Michigan Demorats had a brain, they'd crossover for Ron Paul. Or maybe they did, judging by the massive votefraud in NH and Ohio, and now in Michigan:

First of all, if Democrats had brains they'd be Republicans and as brainy Republicans they could therefore never vote for Ron Paul (since only a brainless person could vote for him in the first place).



I reject your premise.

It is no more meaningful for you to call Ron Paul supporters brainless than for Ron Paul supporters to call you brainless.

It is merely an insult.

Which means your entire argument and commentary boils down to the statement: "I am rude."

And on that point, I can agree.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 10:33 PM


Thanks Frem. I kinda like that:) Gotta write that down, heh heh heh

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:28 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Can the chimps - or the Ron Paul supporters - correctly spell the word "intelligence"? Can they use the words "your" and "you're" (and even "yore"!) correctly in a sentence? If so, they seem to have a leg up on the "typical" Republican...

Thansk. Are you an Anglish teacher or a spellchecker?

I note for the record that sometimes I mispell or mistype on porpoise and sometimes I'm just in a hurry, but thanks for the obersevation.



Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:40 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Tell me again all about financial responsibility and living within one's means...

We won't even get into the Republicans' shocking lack of moral values. Unless you insist.

First of all financial responsibility and living within one's means is a problem that ALL Americans seem to be having lately. Democrats, as an institution, approach the problem by raising taxes and raising spending. Republicans, as an institution, seek controlled spending and increased revenue (by lowering taxes to stimulate economic growth). Democrats fail because they lower revenue and spend more. Republicans fail because while they raise more revenue they are likewise unable to curb spending.

It seems to me that of the two choices it makes more sense to earn more and spend less. This is a lesson that can help on both the national economic front as well as our own personal finances.

As for a shocking lack of moral values, it seems that such things are all best judged on an individual basis. However, as a class both Democrats and Republicans share more values then they don't. Likewise, on the individual level, you will find little difference between people whose values are lacking or suspect be they Republican or Democrat. People are people, generally good, sometimes not and party generally is a small factor in that determination.

I note for the record that a legitimate difference on social issues is not an example of a shocking lack of values. In fact, such differences suggest the opposite for both sides.



Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:46 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Please, PUH-LEEEEEZZZZE tell me you're not still one of those simpering chromosonal morons who are actually stupid enough, still, even at this late date and after literally TONS of information and proof to the contrary, to believe that Saddam Hussein and Iraq had anything whatsoever to do with 9/11.

Never said that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11. We do know he at least on speaking terms with Al Queda. We know he was actively supporting other terrorist operations, including against American interests. We know he was routinely firing on American and Britsh planes. We know he violated the terms of the Cease Fire that ended the first war. We know he had a program to conceal his development of WMD (or lack thereof). We know, now, he was torturing and killing his people on a scale only PirateNews can imagine. We know he had a record of using weapons of mass destruction.

President Bush said this was a War on Terror, not just one organization, but any nation that would support such activities.

Guess you opposed the war against Hitler since there is no evidence he had anything to do with Pearl Harbor.



Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:51 AM


THANK you Anthony!!!

I was gunna say, folks... we all choose to support whichever side we feel is right... Politics in America is a fuckin' verbal battle ground, and always will be... I personally choose to stay out of it because of people (who I think are yahoos) won't "listen to reason and vote for Republicans" which is MY personal opinion... In politics nobody wins and everybody looses.

Also, I would like to point out that I am a Republican and I probably have a higher IQ than half the folks on this board, so I would take it as a kindness if EVERYBODY were to stop say "Dems/Republicans are fucktards" because there is no defendable FACT behind that. If you feel that your party is better, give us actual examples of things that that party does well, then we can get into a philosopyhcal debat on that fact


Thursday, January 17, 2008 7:12 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
It is no more meaningful for you to call Ron Paul supporters brainless than for Ron Paul supporters to call you brainless.

It is merely an insult.

Yeah. Thats about right.

Hell, I've been waving the Ron Paul idiot banner since the start...all in good election year fun. I've tried poking the Kucinich supporters...but I can't find any.

And it is in good fun. A careful review of the record will indicate that all of my Ron Paul commentary is pretty much along the silly lines with little true viciousness in it. Also, I did give a serious analysis of Mr. Dr. Congressman Paul after a debate last summer. I concluded that he was running what I condidered to be one of the smartest campaigns ever run by a third essence using the stage provided by the Republican Primary process to advance his Libertarian Party message. It'd be like Ralph Nader running as a Democrat.

And you can't tell me it isnt all very funny. I mean people give him money, then they vote for him and he has NO chance and now certain folks on this board are claiming fraud and threatening Box Four armed rebellion. He is a non-entity...a 2-5% at best in a general election. If he was a contender we'd get a good look at him and suddenly his racist and anti-semitic writings would be all over the place instead of buried at the University of Kansas.

So vote Ron Paul...suckers!



Thursday, January 17, 2008 8:46 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


... I mean people give him money, then they vote for him and he has NO chance...

So I take it you're not a Rudy, Fred, Mike, Mitt, or McCain fan, either.

Ron Paul doesn't expect to win. His supporters don't expect him to win. What they DO expect is that he'll have enough support that they'll have to sit down with him and actually LISTEN to his views.

He's consistently finishing ahead of Giuliani. Does that mean that Rudy should shut up, step aside, and let a "real" candidate have the stage? I mean, on his BEST day, Rudy's not pulling any more than, ohhhh, 9-11 percent of the vote. ;)


Thursday, January 17, 2008 8:58 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Thansk. Are you an Anglish teacher or a spellchecker?

I note for the record that sometimes I mispell or mistype on porpoise and sometimes I'm just in a hurry, but thanks for the obersevation.


I'm neither. You hold yourself up as someone who's "intellgent", and accuse people with different viewpoints of being "dumb" and "brainless". I just think it should be pointed out that an intelligent person should probably at least be able to spell the word he's calling himself.

You say you're in a hurry, or do it on purpose. Evidence indicates that's just not true. I can't recall a single post of yours, ever, that hasn't been overrun with spelling and grammatical errors. If you're trying to convince people that you're just not very bright, you've succeeded, in spades.


Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:30 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
So I take it you're not a Rudy, Fred, Mike, Mitt, or McCain fan, either.

Huckabee and Rudy are my two picks. I might take McCain over Hillary, but I'd take Obama over Mitt...cause I really, really dislike Mitt. Anywho, everybody on your list save Fred has a real chance of winning the nomination. We wont know about Rudy until after Florida (it'd be something if his strategy works, I don't think its been tried this way before, but this is the year for it).

Ron Paul doesn't expect to win. His supporters don't expect him to win. What they DO expect is that he'll have enough support that they'll have to sit down with him and actually LISTEN to his views.

He's consistently finishing ahead of Giuliani. Does that mean that Rudy should shut up, step aside, and let a "real" candidate have the stage?
I mean, on his BEST day, Rudy's not pulling any more than, ohhhh, 9-11 percent of the vote. ;)

You make good points, and thats a rare thing when talking about Ron Paul. The difference between RP and Rudy is that Rudy has consistantly polled very high in national polls and in many statewide polls (like Florida) but has declined to campaign in the early primaries. It is also notable that early primaries like New Hampshire allow just about anybody to vote rather then allowing Republicans to choose Republicans as primaries should be.

But I do respect a desire to have folks sit down and listen to a candidate's views. Paul has had his opportunity getting press time, debate time, and all the commerical time his money can afford. Now its time to just go away, although I understand his wanting to stick it out through the next couple weeks. And I note for the record that although I promised him a fair hearing and I listened to what he had to say, I never promised not to laugh at him or those who support him. In the end he's just another crazy talker with a bigger microphone.



Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:37 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I promised him a fair hearing and I listened to what he had to say, I never promised not to laugh at him or those who support him. In the end he's just another crazy talker with a bigger microphone.

Fair enough. Truth be told, *I* think he's a freaking wing-nut, too. But that didn't stop me from voting for Ross Perot back in '92...

I used to think that voting for the craziest fuck in the race was just good fun. Then came 2000, and the most seriously fucked up candidate actually WON - or at least was awarded the job. Hard to justify voting the "straight crazy ticket" after that. ;)

It *will* be interesting to see if Rudy's crazy-ass strategy works. My feeling is that he's barking up the wrong tree. The New Yorkers that he's hoping to woo in Florida are generally Jewish New Yorkers, who typically lean Democratic in their voting tendencies. And the middle-of-the-state Republicans would take Huckabee in a heartbeat over a "big-city-East-Coast-liberal" like Rudy. It's a nutty strategy, but nuttier things have happened in Florida...


Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:50 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
You say you're in a hurry, or do it on purpose. Evidence indicates that's just not true.

Yup, thats purdy mu'ch w'a I says I do, yup.

So your saying that the evidence is that I'm neither in a hurry nor doing it on purpose. So I'm slowly making mistakes, but not on purpose.

I guess I can live with that conclusion, although I don't think it makes the slightest bit of difference. Hmm...actually, liberal philosophy requires they overlook any unintentional errors...

In conversational writing, such as this, I don't consider it worthy of the precision, time, or attention with which I file legal documents.

I note for the record that I have never once been critical of the spelling or grammer of Ron Paul or his supporters. Given the fact that they support Ron Paul in the first place...I just didn't feel like piling on.







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