Edwards is Out

UPDATED: Monday, February 4, 2008 09:33
VIEWED: 3462
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008 9:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Too bad. Except for Kucinich, he was (I think) the best of the Dem bunch. If he'd stayed in he could have picked up more delegates and brokered the convention. He's one of the few candidates that brought up what few dared to speak of: The elite who run the show. The press totally ignored him. I think that saw Edwards' populist focus as a real threat.

When Obama said "It's not about the rich versus the poor" he totally lost my vote because that's exactly what it's about. It's all about money. It's always been about money. The OJ trial showed us that. Since we have an open primary, I'll vote for Ron Paul.

The Man! (Even if she's a woman. Or black.)

Always look upstream.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 9:46 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 9:51 AM




Wednesday, January 30, 2008 10:42 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And with Edwards and Kucinich out
Nader may be in...

Nader said he finds Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both unacceptable candidates, and he said whichever wins the party's presidential nomination will not have an impact on his decision to run.

"They are both enthralled to the corporate powers," Nader said of the two leading Democrats. "They've completely ignored the presidential pattern of illegality and accountability, they've ignored the out of control waste-fruad military expenditures, they hardly ever mention the diversion of hundreds of billions of dollars to corporate subsidies, handouts, and giveaways, and they don't talk about a living wage."

Always look upstream.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 12:14 PM


All true...

so when he runs and we get another republican in office, things are going to be much better...

what I don't understand is why he doesn't try to get his name on the democratic ticket for a primary. He could offer a choice where it would actually be a choice...that's a thought...I think he just likes playing spoiler.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 12:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, he endorsed Edwards.

Quite frankly, I'm so fed up with the Dems (and with most Americans, who're apparently content voting for an empty bag) that if the Dems lose and we get another four years of Repugs.... WE DESERVE IT AND SO DO THE DEMS!

Always look upstream.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 12:57 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I don't feel like I deserve it.

The repubicans are the ones generating, triangulating, flogging the agenda. And nearly ALL of the repubicans are behind it. That gets an accounting in my book. Sure some spineless business-as-usual democrats are going along - but a significant fraction are not. That gets an accounting in my book as well.

On the whole, there IS a difference. If you don't think so - imagine the next 4 years under another Bush.

Thoroughly planted, I might add.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 1:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yeah, but... The DNC and the party leadership need to be bitch-slapped from here to next Xmas. Remember Conyers? The guy who got stuck in the basement trying to hold hearings on Iraq? Well, now HE'S head of the Judiciary Committee and what's he doing? He's holding down Wexler! I don't know ANY way of getting the Party to discover its spine except an ignominious defeat.

Now, I know that me and the Republicans will never see eye to eye. So my options are: (1) working at the Primary stage to get the candidate I want (2) reforming the Democratic party leadership (3) creating a viable third party or (4) working thru Congress. They're not mutually exclusive.

This is the second time the Dems have flubbed a really decent candidate The first was Howard Dean, and he was the first candidate to speak out against Iraq. Edwards was their second chance, and if he hand't brought up health care and a living wage nobody else would have either.

I "threw away" my vote on a third-party candidate when it didn't matter. But if Nader runs, I'm thinking of throwing away my vote on a third-Party candidate even if it DOES matter. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of the Dems.

Always look upstream.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 2:00 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Then you will probably be even more sick and tired of the repugs.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 2:27 PM


Worst is that they actually helped sabotage Dean, a fellow Dem, for not being on-board with the current "party line" in spite of most of america agreeing with HIM, not THEM...

And I wanted to puke when Dean caved to them rolled over like a good little doggy - that was the defining moment where I considered the whole party gutless and unworthy of any support whatsoever.

Irony of that, it was a Dean rally here in Detroit where I met Conyers, and we had a very short discussion about how treating your customers as enemies will make them so.
(He's deep in the RIAA/MPAA's pocket)

Guy looks like a roach with the lights turned on about now, scurrying here, there, everywhere - he ran to his office in D.C. to get away from us and his wife reaming him nonstop, only to get cornered by Cindy Sheehan, and now he's practically hiding under the Judiciary committee table, grrrr.

The Dem "Strategy" as I mockingly call it, seems at this point to just hide behind the sofa and let the Repugs own actions horrify the public into voting for them by default, and in my eyes, that just ain't good enough.... they want all this front-loaded supreme unitary executive power to fall into THEIR hands - and you know, I don't care a whit for that idea.

They should be trying to CUT that leash, not just swap the hand holding it, but a lot of them are holding back because they feel that the more power the Rethugs concentrate now, the more will be handed off to THEM to do with as they please, without even the stigma of the actions used to get it clinging to them since they can blame those Rethugs and show "clean hands".

Do NOT, for even a minute, think they are not fully willing and capable of the same sort of abuses of that power, just in different directions, and not for a second think they aren't already planning them.

Factor that in from the guy who told you they'd balk when they got a stronger foothold in Congress.

Be very, very careful what you wish for here.
You might just get it, in ways you never, EVER, wanted.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 2:33 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

But keeping the repugs in office will surely make it even worse. The repug party apparatus isn't going to go away with Bush out of office. It'll be more corrupt and more powerful and feel even more vindicated. Or maybe you want that.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 2:58 PM


While I agree with you Rue, Repubs are worse for what they do, I'm finding a hard time telling whether or not their agenda is significantly different from the likes of Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein, Schumer..etc. They're going about it differently, the dems have a base that cares about these issues so the dems have to cloak all their dirty work in capitulation or appeasement,or clever parsing,

but they aren't voting that wrong that often just because they are being bullied...the mood in the country did not demand that they kept their seats by appeasing Bush...

Powerful interests have to be at work, or else Sygm is onto something when he suggests that Repubs have dirt on them.

Yes, I'd rather have the people that have to try to hide this shit in office, because they will have no support on either side of the aisle if they start pulling this kind of crap, in theory anyway(I'm pissed at the dems and I'm still going to vote for them over republicans),

but the party is run by DINO's, any supposed liberal agenda is fairly infiltrated by big money. I'm going to vote dem and hope that they get the bump they've been saying they need to make change, but whether any change comes will be the last litmus test for me as to whether or not there are two parties.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 2:58 PM


Oh hell no, just sayin that putting the Dems in isn't gonna magically solve the problem without one holy hell of a lot of asswhup being delivered by the american public - and more forcefully than most folk have the stomach for, cause you can desire a peaceful protest march, but that doesn't mean that the powers that be will play ball.

Just warning that getting Dems in office and then resting on one's laurels is a bad, BAD idea.

I'm votin for Ron, cause I can't hold back the gag reflex enough to vote for anyone else, but I'd rather have a Dem with enough spine left to put the arm on (instead of a jellyfish like Conyers) than another freakin Rethug, that's for sure....

Oh, and good riddance to Ghouliani, too, from what I hear, if he doesn't drop today, it'll be this week for sure, word on the wire is.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 3:03 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"putting the Dems in isn't gonna magically solve the problem"

I agree !!! Frem - WE AGREE on something !!

I see it as a minor first step. First you get them in office - then you beat the crap out of them - politically speaking - in the mid-terms, if they don't behave.

BTW - Congress is a GREAT place for third parties. There, even in small numbers, they really can swing the vote.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 3:43 PM


Well, I'd say there's a place for tar and feathers in there - at least in a symbolic fashion.

I mean, many a candidate has been pie-eyed, why not have two folks, one with say... pancake syrup and one with fake feathers ?

Sure, Dept HomeSec would shit bricks, but think of the media pull from such a stunt.

"(insert candidate) Tarred and Feathered by irate homeowners!"

Hell of a headline, and agendas aside, most papers wouldn't be able to resist that one.



Wednesday, January 30, 2008 3:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So maybe the best thing to do is support a Dem for Prez, and third-party for Congress. Easy to do when you've got someone like Feinstein in office!

BTW, I NEVER give money to the Dem Party. Only to individual cadidates.

Always look upstream.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 10:48 PM


Was never that impressed with Edwards, it seems truly sad that he's the best the "left" has to offer.

As stated many times before there are only two real differences between the Dems and the Reps, what businesses pay the bills and which group of activists they use to do the legwork.

I'm reminded of the monkey planet from one of Douglas Adam's Hitchhikers books. There's a planet of monkeys ruled over by lizards and the lizards abuse the monkey's terribly, using them as slave labour and even eating them and yet every few years the monkeys hold an election and vote the lizards into power. When asked why they don't vote for a monkey they said they can't take the risk the "wrong lizard" might get in.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 1:50 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Too bad. Except for Kucinich, he was (I think) the best of the Dem bunch. If he'd stayed in he could have picked up more delegates and brokered the convention. He's one of the few candidates that brought up what few dared to speak of: The elite who run the show. The press totally ignored him. I think that saw Edwards' populist focus as a real threat.

When Obama said "It's not about the rich versus the poor" he totally lost my vote because that's exactly what it's about. It's all about money. It's always been about money. The OJ trial showed us that. Since we have an open primary, I'll vote for Ron Paul.

The Man! (Even if she's a woman. Or black.)

Always look upstream.

Yeah... the only two Dems I liked (at least a little) are out of of the race.

I wasn't a fan of Edwards "The Government should pay for your college" rhetoric though. Why should it? More taxes for me and I never got a free ride with my straight A's, being a white male and all. And believe me, I tried. Even though I was on my own without parental support at 18 years old and claiming myself as a dependent on my taxes, I couldn't even get any help from the FAFSA for college without going to members of my community such as the local Minister, Police, Teachers and the like slamming both of my parents in written notes from them, or waiting until I was 24 to get assistance, and by that time I didn't care about college at all. (I did get a letter from my social worker, but decided that I never wanted to go through with that. I still have that letter to this day.) Big Bro said that my parents made too much money for me to get any assistance. My Dad was the one I was worried about more, tarnishing their reputation and all, and a few years back when I told him about all that he said to me "Hell, you should have done it. I don't mind." But I'd never have gone and done that to either of my parents, no matter how much one of them might have deserved it.

Good for me not going to college though.... 4-10 less years of indoctrination, I figure.

Besides, these dummies that would be getting free college today would just paying for it the rest of their lives with increased taxes going to pay for future generations college funds. Sounds a lot like the bankrupt Social Security system to me. Do we really need Big Bro handling another LARGE chunk of our finances for us like that? I don't reckon so....

But on the up-side.... ONE MORE VOTE FOR RP! Glad to have you on board Signy. I take back some of the nasty stuff I said in the smoking thread, or that one time I hijacked that thread and made it a smoking thread, or that other time I turned a thread about about kittens into a rant against the racist smoke Nazis.

Oh... double up-side. Looks like Ghouliani might drop out too! Yay! Now we just gotta make sure that McCain or the pair of Religious nutjobs don't get the nod and we're gold. Well.... assuming also that neither Obama or Clinton are fit for office anymore by the time the election draws near after they've physically and psychically ripped each other to shreads and ruined their own reps in the process.

I swear, that Hillary is twice the man Obama is.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, January 31, 2008 3:11 AM


It honestly seems a though the dynamic of the system is to put forward the worst candidate from each party.

I think that it has to do with the voters who are paying attention at each successive step in the process. Early on, it's only the very motivated and relatively knowledgeable people who are even interested. So, early on, you get at least a few candidates that aren't total Madison Avenue cocksuckers.

But as the campaigns expand, and draw the attention of the mouth-breathers, things go downhill in hurry. That's why McCain wasn't worried that his numbers sucked last summer. Ultimately, the voting is dominated by the morons who spend their time sitting on the couch waiting for the TV to tell them what to do.

Maybe we should start with the moron vote. Then things would at least get better as they go instead of worse. It's just depressing as hell to see the best candidates disregarded and knocked off until only the most vapid, soulless candidates prevail.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Thursday, January 31, 2008 5:42 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Since we have an open primary, I'll vote for Ron Paul.

Good for you. (One less vote to mean one less vote that less vote).



Thursday, January 31, 2008 7:53 AM


Seems like some folks are finally getting a taste of reality....that reality being that their far-left, fringe looniness only appeals to less than 5% of voting Americans. Must be tought to deal with that sort of harsh blow to one's set of ideals. If it's any solace, we Conservatives are none-too-thrilled about John McCain being the likely Republican nominee for President, but if he's gonna be our horse, I'll vote for him....just like you all will eventually vote for your nominee, Hillary.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 8:40 AM


My main concern with McCain is his stance on immigration. I think he's honest enough, at least in as far as the word 'honest' can be applied to any politician from any party.

Otherwise, I don't think he'd make a bad president. His choice of a running mate, should he get the nomination, is of some concern, considering his health.

I think he'd certainly be better for the country than Billary or Obamasama, though.

Cup holder of the Disillusioned


Thursday, January 31, 2008 8:43 AM



Originally posted by SergantX:
So, early on, you get at least a few candidates that aren't total Madison Avenue cocksuckers.

Being a fan of both reality as many choose not to regard, and as of recent, a fan of the prematurely ended "Deadwood", that quote holds a special place for me on these boards...


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
....just like you all will eventually vote for your nominee, Hillary.

And I know you wouldn't be referring to me here, wouldja?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, January 31, 2008 8:56 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SergantX:
So, early on, you get at least a few candidates that aren't total Madison Avenue cocksuckers.

Being a fan of both reality as many choose not to regard, and as of recent, a fan of the prematurely ended "Deadwood", that quote holds a special place for me on these boards...


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
....just like you all will eventually vote for your nominee, Hillary.

And I know you wouldn't be referring to me here, wouldja?

Just making a general statement here buddy.
Would you vote for Nader if he decides to run?
You know that folks like me would love for him to run, and you know why.
If not Nader for you, who would you support?


Thursday, January 31, 2008 9:00 AM



Originally posted by badkarma00:
My main concern with McCain is his stance on immigration. I think he's honest enough, at least in as far as the word 'honest' can be applied to any politician from any party.

Otherwise, I don't think he'd make a bad president. His choice of a running mate, should he get the nomination, is of some concern, considering his health.

I think he'd certainly be better for the country than Billary or Obamasama, though.

Cup holder of the Disillusioned

I think the Primaries and polls are clearly showing that Moderates are winning the day. Extremism on either side is a losing formula. McCain has positions I like, and some I detest. No one is gonna get everything they want or hope for from either party's candidate.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 9:09 AM



Just making a general statement here buddy.
Would you vote for Nader if he decides to run?
You know that folks like me would love for him to run, and you know why.
If not Nader for you, who would you support?

Not looking for a quarrel with you here, just saying that since I'm happier than a pig in shit that Mr 911 is going down and I'm not a fan of McCain anyday, I'd never be caught dead voting for a Demoncrat unless they were as Democratic as Dr. Paul is Republican.

I'd have voted for Nader the last two times if my head hadn't been so far up my ass in my youth. As it were, I'm glad I didn't vote Demon like my "American Government" junior college teacher preached to us to do all semester and I didn't vote Rethug like my ex-boss used to tell me to do. I didn't vote, and although I realize that gives me less ground to stand on in a debate about which one of those assholes would have done better, I don't feel anyone who voted either "way" last time did their American duty either, so there...

I'm proud as hell of Nader's 6% showing as an third party and my dream would be to vote Paul in under a third party dubbed something along the lines of the "Constitutionalist's" party... minus all the rhetoric and double speak we'd get from any of the swine we have left to choose from on either side, Dr. Paul withstanding.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, January 31, 2008 9:18 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Just making a general statement here buddy.
Would you vote for Nader if he decides to run?
You know that folks like me would love for him to run, and you know why.
If not Nader for you, who would you support?

Not looking for a quarrel with you here, just saying that since I'm happier than a pig in shit that Mr 911 is going down and I'm not a fan of McCain anyday, I'd never be caught dead voting for a Demoncrat unless they were as Democratic as Dr. Paul is Republican.

I'd have voted for Nader the last two times if my head hadn't been so far up my ass in my youth. As it were, I'm glad I didn't vote Demon like my "American Government" junior college teacher preached to us to do all semester and I didn't vote Rethug like my ex-boss used to tell me to do. I didn't vote, and although I realize that gives me less ground to stand on in a debate about which one of those assholes would have done better, I don't feel anyone who voted either "way" last time did their American duty either, so there...

I'm proud as hell of Nader's 6% showing as an third party and my dream would be to vote Paul in under a third party dubbed something along the lines of the "Constitutionalist's" party... minus all the rhetoric and double speak we'd get from any of the swine we have left to choose from on either side, Dr. Paul withstanding.

Ralph Nader is a smart man, and I respect him. Unfortunately, when he runs he has the same effect on a Presidential Election as when Ross Perot ran...they both cause their kindred major Party candidate to lose. I really don't know what happened to third parties over the last century or so, but ultimately if the country is so polarized on so many issues, it at least seems reasonable to me to vote for the lesser of two evils....I know that's a hackneyed cop-out, but what else ya got? Open insurrection in the streets? Violence?


Thursday, January 31, 2008 9:27 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Seems like some folks are finally getting a taste of reality....that reality being that their far-left, fringe looniness only appeals to less than 5% of voting Americans. Must be tought to deal with that sort of harsh blow to one's set of ideals. If it's any solace, we Conservatives are none-too-thrilled about John McCain being the likely Republican nominee for President, but if he's gonna be our horse, I'll vote for him....just like you all will eventually vote for your nominee, Hillary.

Edwards was not a far-left anything, which is part of the problem. Both parties need the center to win, which means that both parties will eventually field canidates who's public image has been carefully crafted by Madison Avenue to appeal to middle class swing voters. That's not necessarily a bad thing because you at least have to outline your platform to a swing voter rather than take that vote for granted. However that demographic has a very tiny set of concerns compared to the American people as a whole, so entire areas will go largely untouched.

In a healthy system you need Ron Paul's and Denis Kucinich's to give more than one viewpoint, having two parties doing all they can to appeal to the same viewpoint is a bad thing.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 9:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Edwards, Kucinich, Ron Paul, and the other alternate candidates were getting NO press. Big media has absolutely no interest in change. And saying that Edwards is to the far left of anything just shows how narrow your outlook is.

Always look upstream.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 9:41 AM



Originally posted by Fletch2:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Seems like some folks are finally getting a taste of reality....that reality being that their far-left, fringe looniness only appeals to less than 5% of voting Americans. Must be tought to deal with that sort of harsh blow to one's set of ideals. If it's any solace, we Conservatives are none-too-thrilled about John McCain being the likely Republican nominee for President, but if he's gonna be our horse, I'll vote for him....just like you all will eventually vote for your nominee, Hillary.

Edwards was not a far-left anything, which is part of the problem. Both parties need the center to win, which means that both parties will eventually field canidates who's public image has been carefully crafted by Madison Avenue to appeal to middle class swing voters. That's not necessarily a bad thing because you at least have to outline your platform to a swing voter rather than take that vote for granted. However that demographic has a very tiny set of concerns compared to the American people as a whole, so entire areas will go largely untouched.

In a healthy system you need Ron Paul's and Denis Kucinich's to give more than one viewpoint, having two parties doing all they can to appeal to the same viewpoint is a bad thing.

I didn't mean to imply that Edwards was far-left...I believe he appealed to approx. 15-20% of Dems & was a former VP candidate, so he's definitely considered somewhat mainstream. I was refering to Paul & Kucinich primarily. Their voices appeal to a very narrow, but quite vocal fringe...but in the end, it's the party moderates that get nominated. Maybe America needs many more "3rd parties"...not just Independent & Greens...but way more, with some mass appeal like those guys have. Maybe 6-8 viable candidates from 3rd parties, each getting 2-5% would put and end to the dominance of the 2 party system we have now.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 9:48 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Edwards, Kucinich, Ron Paul, and the other alternate candidates were getting NO press. Big media has absolutely no interest in change. And saying that Edwards is to the far left of anything just shows how narrow your outlook is.

Always look upstream.

Well once again you feel compelled to burst into a civilized converstion I was having with some fellow Browncoats and hurl personal insults at me...and I've been sooooo good lately. I guess I'll have to say it again..piss off a-hole!


Thursday, January 31, 2008 10:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Awww, pobrecito!

Anyway, you WERE being good. My bad.

Always look upstream.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 11:38 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Awww, pobrecito!

Anyway, you WERE being good. My bad.

Always look upstream.

I re-read your post, and I need to apologize to you. You did not really hurl any insult at me; was just a little poke...really no big deal considering some of the other spats I've seen or been involved with here.

And thanks for recognizing that I'm trying, really trying, not to flame these days. If I make a little poke at something, I'll balance it as much as possible. Again, sorry for jumping when there was no reason to.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 11:49 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

I didn't mean to imply that Edwards was far-left...I believe he appealed to approx. 15-20% of Dems & was a former VP candidate, so he's definitely considered somewhat mainstream. I was refering to Paul & Kucinich primarily. Their voices appeal to a very narrow, but quite vocal fringe...but in the end, it's the party moderates that get nominated. Maybe America needs many more "3rd parties"...not just Independent & Greens...but way more, with some mass appeal like those guys have. Maybe 6-8 viable candidates from 3rd parties, each getting 2-5% would put and end to the dominance of the 2 party system we have now.

Well there are smaller parties, lots of them but they get zero attention. I saw an "alternative debate" on CSPAN during the 2004 election with representatives of the Libertarians, Socialists and Green parties. I didn't even know there was a Socialist party in America and the only reason I knew the Libertarians were organized was because I happened upon their conference on CSPAN.

So they are out there but they get probably less that 2% of the vote which is part of the reason they get no airplay. One thing I think Howard Dean and Ron Paul prove is that people want there to be new ideas in the debate. Both parties are part of the "establishment" and anyone outside that mainstream get's support because I think most people are sick of it. Now translating that into a meaningful third party without the resources of a Ross Perot, now that's the challenge.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 11:54 AM


"I know that's a hackneyed cop-out, but what else ya got? Open insurrection in the streets? Violence?"

Why not ?
Seeing as how the batting avg on that is .500
Surely better than grin, bear it and hope for a reach-around, innit ?

One thing history will teach you about situations like this, is that the lid WILL come off with a bang eventually, and the longer it takes for that to happen, the worse the damage is gonna be.

A pretty good book I read recently, based on Keith Laumers BOLO series.

"The Road to Damascus" by John Ringo.

It paints a pretty clear picture of where and how these things go, and the antagonists embody the worst elements of BOTH of our current political mainstreams, rather than singling out the flaws of one or the other.

It's available in the Baen Free Library, if anyone's interested - I review it at 6.5/10, so it's not as good in storytelling aspect as the stuff I usually suggest, but it does do a fair enough job of it.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, January 31, 2008 3:07 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
"I know that's a hackneyed cop-out, but what else ya got? Open insurrection in the streets? Violence?"

Why not ?
Seeing as how the batting avg on that is .500
Surely better than grin, bear it and hope for a reach-around, innit ?

When I was 18 in 1971 I was headed off to college in Ohio...but first I had to get through the dreaded draft lottery. I grew up with that war, for almost half my life up to that point. I was a suburban middle-class "radical"...I made "speeches" in my high school, I had long hair and smoked pot, and I hated Nixon like I couldn't even tell you now. You think I was gonna go into that meatgrinder? F no! I was lucky and didn't get drafted...I went off to college, got a job, got married, had kids, and now I'm an old fart who just wants to have a comfortable and peaceful retirement. It would be hypocritical for me to not understand what many like you feel today. As they said in my day, "We are forces of chaos and anarchy, everything they say we are, we are...and we are very proud of ourselves...Up against the wall motherfu**er!"....J.A.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 4:06 PM


I'm very impressed with this debate and the general overall tone of the thread. Could the Big 2 be screwing things up so royally as to unite those they've been so good about keeping at each other's throats for so long?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, January 31, 2008 4:23 PM


As they said in my day, "We are forces of chaos and anarchy, everything they say we are, we are...and we are very proud of ourselves...Up against the wall motherfu**er!"

Yes, but our day comes and goes, and our mortality catches up with us, or our health does... as my capacity for physical action rapidly diminishes, it comes clear to me that much of what I do must be placed in other hands if it is to continue at all.

At least I have the benefit of knowing it's placed in good hands, although it pains me greatly to watch someone else do what I feel I should be doing.

"There are those who say I have no more mercy than a surgeon treating cancer.

There are those who say that even such as I must retire, as a blade is retired when grinding use wears it to a sliver—be that sliver ever so sharp.

They say, they say . . .

And they are all of them correct."

-Paraphrase from David Drake's "Redliners"


Thursday, January 31, 2008 4:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Jongsstraw- If you can belvei it, I'm you're age.

Not a cranky old fart, just a Buddahisall.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 4:25 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

S'wenyways, I'm thinking of writing in Edwards on super Tuesday. Just because neither remaining candidate should feel comfortable.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Thursday, January 31, 2008 6:25 PM


Like I said I don't feel sorry for Edwards, he was positioning himself to be VP rather than actively going for President like Howard Dean did. Like I said, seems a shame he was considered the best the "left" had.

Well it's y'all's country, I pay taxes but they don't let me vote so if you want to change it do something, I'll make the tea.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 7:02 PM



Originally posted by Fletch2:
Well it's y'all's country, I pay taxes but they don't let me vote so if you want to change it do something, I'll make the tea.

What do you mean?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, January 31, 2008 7:38 PM


I'm a European, I just live here.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 7:52 PM


Thank you for paying your taxes Fletch and supporting the welfare and healthcare of illegal immigrants and for funding our continuing efforts in the war on terror

So.... Europe isn't something that was made up for our history books and great comedy's like Eurotrip and National Lampoon's European Vacation?

Who'da thunk it?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, January 31, 2008 7:59 PM


No it's the single largest economic block in the world. has some of the world's fastest and nicest trains, has lots and lots of people and great food and chocolate (in Belgium.)


Thursday, January 31, 2008 9:03 PM


Ain't never been on a train before either, but I'd reckon I'd want to be on a fast one. Nice doesn't "do" anything for me though. I prefer the dark seedy places myself, with a little dirt and that lived in feel, rather than a sterilized smoke-free enviornment. Can say the same for people as well.

I have had fudge and cheese from Holland and all I can say is Kraft don't know shit about cheese.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, February 1, 2008 2:20 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Could the Big 2 be screwing things up so royally as to unite those they've been so good about keeping at each other's throats for so long?

Interesting, could be...but more likely the Primary posturing & pandering is making it only seem that way. When the real race begins after the Conventions this summer I think we're gonna see blood & guts on the campaign trail and in the media & blogs at an unprecedented level. I think that by the time we've all been bombarded with endless commercials of their bullshit, we're all gonna be sick to death of it.


Friday, February 1, 2008 2:31 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Jongsstraw- If you can believe it, I'm you're age.

I think I knew that from previous posts, but it is quite fascinating. I was a suburban hippie-radical, then I evolved over time into part of the Establishment. I'm gonna be a grandfather in a few weeks, and it's a bit overwhelming for me to deal with that reality. I guess you still have that fire in your belly for causes and change, and you're not gonna give up the fight. I wish us all good luck and happiness.


Friday, February 1, 2008 3:17 AM


Yeah.... you're probably right Jongs.... one can only hope though, right?

I think my own problem is that I wasn't rebellious at all as a youth. Being the oldest brother carted between 3 different houses for years during school and a latchkey kid when I was old enough, I was pretty much the model kid growing up. Hardest part of that now is how little I've actually made of myself when the expectations around me growing up were so great. The person you talk to on this board isn't the same person that I was only 4 years or so ago when I was 23 or 24... mind I had a good run getting into some trouble once I was out on my own, but save a knife literally buried several inches in my back one night at a party, it was just your normal kid stuff then. I even invited the police into my apartment after I recieved several noise complaints one night and they tore my bedroom apart looking for whatever they decided they wanted to look for. I ended up knowing them by name after the months went by, and noise complaints started to pile on and in the end they really weren't bad guys and I never had do "come in" for anything. It was just a hassle and I've really grown to resent the way that I was treated that first night when I invited them in to look around. I don't remember saying "Please, tear my apartment apart while you're here".

It's completely weird for me to be on the other side and to be honest this duplicity has not been very good on my nerves. That's why I thank ya'all for being here. I'd like to think that the brawls we sometimes get into are theraputic for othersin here as well, including you too. I don't like being an ass or being considered an ass by other people, and I know it's not fair how I treat people here sometimes. Really, most people I know in life I get along with pretty well. One could hardly believe that I really am the introvert I've become if they were watching me at work or on the ever lessening occasion I do go out when I'm not required by life's duties to go out.

I wish I could go back a lot of the time. I know it's cliche now, but I want to take the blue pill and taste the steak again. But once you've opened your eyes I fear it's impossible to close them again. Here's hoping we all find whatever it is we're looking for and we can make the best of this brave new world staring us in the face.

Even Citizen.... You've been quiet lately, if ya been around. Love ya bro

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, February 1, 2008 3:30 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Yeah.... you're probably right Jongs.... one can only hope though, right?

I think my own problem is that I wasn't rebellious at all as a youth. Being the oldest brother carted between 3 different houses for years during school and a latchkey kid when I was old enough, I was pretty much the model kid growing up. Hardest part of that now is how little I've actually made of myself when the expectations around me growing up were so great. The person you talk to on this board isn't the same person that I was only 4 years or so ago when I was 23 or 24... mind I had a good run getting into some trouble once I was out on my own, but save a knife literally buried several inches in my back one night at a party, it was just your normal kid stuff then. I even invited the police into my apartment after I recieved several noise complaints one night and they tore my bedroom apart looking for whatever they decided they wanted to look for. I ended up knowing them by name after the months went by, and noise complaints started to pile on and in the end they really weren't bad guys and I never had do "come in" for anything. It was just a hassle and I've really grown to resent the way that I was treated that first night when I invited them in to look around. I don't remember saying "Please, tear my apartment apart while you're here".

It's completely weird for me to be on the other side and to be honest this duplicity has not been very good on my nerves. That's why I thank ya'all for being here. I'd like to think that the brawls we sometimes get into are theraputic for othersin here as well, including you too. I don't like being an ass or being considered an ass by other people, and I know it's not fair how I treat people here sometimes. Really, most people I know in life I get along with pretty well. One could hardly believe that I really am the introvert I've become if they were watching me at work or on the ever lessening occasion I do go out when I'm not required by life's duties to go out.

I wish I could go back a lot of the time. I know it's cliche now, but I want to take the blue pill and taste the steak again. But once you've opened your eyes I fear it's impossible to close them again. Here's hoping we all find whatever it is we're looking for and we can make the best of this brave new world staring us in the face.

Even Citizen.... You've been quiet lately, if ya been around. Love ya bro

6ix...never sell yourself short. You are an important voice always in all these thread debates, and I always read and value your writings. I disgaree with just about everyone here on something at some time, and I've hammered and been hammered back pretty good. I set a mental goal this year not to let my emotions eat at me during this election year. Just within my own family, I've learned to be more tolerant lately of their ideas, as much as it used to pain me, it does not anymore. So keep your postings going strong, and most importantly be honest to your feelings.






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