Our President

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Monday, April 26, 2004 9:55 AM


"Yeah, and they all started dumping it the next day. Never mind that the result is a net reduction in pollutants and the saving of tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs located in older factories that could not afford the millions in costs to retool to meet clean air standards and faced either shut down or movement to Mexico where little things like wages, air pollution, and clean water don't mean squat next to just plain having a job. "

The Clear Skies initiative sabotages thirty years of work started by the Nixon Administration. A recent NY Times article pointed out that a small percentage (like 2%) of the billions of dollars in net profit generated by one power company in New Jersey was enough to upgrade all of their physical plants. The lobbyists are running the show, and this is not only ok with this president, it is encouraged. The EPA is losing professionals left and right because their lifes work is being destroyed to fill the coffers of the very induistries they are trying to regulate.

Not to put too fine a point on it, the foxes are running the henhouse, and I'll take my chances with Kerry, if it means that Bush and Rove and Cheney are forced to go back to being the corporate greedheads they are pandering to.

"We are exporting democracy because we have all of this unused democracy lying around at home. Why not make some money doing it?"


Monday, April 26, 2004 9:57 AM



Originally posted by Ghoulman:
Some things I know...

America declared a 'War on Terrorism' as if terrorism was another country. It isn't. A war against 'evil' is like a war against the sea. This is just Windmills and the entire world knows it.

America is the aggressor in the world.

America broke it's own laws to go to war.

America lied to it's own people to go to war.

America lied to the world to go to war.

America ignored the entire international community as well as the largest worldwide protests in HISTORY to go to war.

America killed tens of thousands of innocents in Iraq.

America is now, more than ever before (if that's possible for such a paranoid people), a nation of fear.

America (including Kerry) has changed it's policy towards Palistine and has declared it's OK to steal land and kill people in Gaza and the West Bank.

America is drafting again.

American aggression is the number one worry in recent European polls. Imagine what the Asian polls are like!

American soldiers in Iraq will pay the highest price for American pride. They always have.

Oh, and by America I mean the White House. But hey, you get the country you voted for... oh wait.

Ghoulman, I agree with everything you say, except there's no draft...yet.


Monday, April 26, 2004 10:03 AM



Originally posted by Steve580:
Ghoulman - dude, over half of the "facts" you posted were just blatently can't just write stuff and state it as truth.


A war against 'evil' is like a war against the sea.

That's true...the sea *is* evil! Invading our shores, killing WAR!

Fuck off moron.


Monday, April 26, 2004 10:03 AM


Doran and Hero, if it were not for the French, the U.S. would not exist.

I am so far from being a liberal that it would scare the piss out of you if you knew the truth. Instead, I am fed up with shitheads who run off at the mouth and make wild accusations without taking the time to look into things, just as I am fed up with worthless, corrupt government. I have, for instance, concrete proof that one of my senators lied repeatedly to me concering another major national topic. Mr. Kerry is no solution to anything. Both of you assume that anyone who does not like the Liar in Chief must therefore like Kerry. You are wrong.

Doran, you asked, "What kind of a loser thinks an airliner could be fitted with missles?" How about every U.S. Government department of any significance, including NSA, CIA, FBI, etc.? How aobut Naval Undesea Warfare Center. How about US Dept of Justice? The GSA? The Carlisle Group? Rockefeller? NY Port Authority? Microsoft, the FAA, Intel, the Pentagon, Boeing, numerous U.S. Military bases, the Chicage Tribune, Eglin AFB, JPL, Los Alamos, the DOD, NASA, major insurance companies, and on and on. Are these all LOSERS, Doran? They have all flocked to that website.

Have you looked at the Alexa rating for ""? It's a vertical line, indicating immense sudden interest.

No missile pod, eh?

Doran or Hero, tell me why Bush LIED about not having been warned about planes being used as missiles, and why he sat on his ass with four highjacked planes in the air. Why was NORAD told to stand down, and not intercept the hijacked planes? Is that your idea of good, wholesome leadership? What is the Bush administration hiding from the 9-11 commision? Why does Cheney not provide what has been subpoened from him? National security has, at this time, nothing to do with the administration's refusal to cooperate. This administration is the most corrupt in history, and NO, Kerry is no better.

And yet Hero has the inability to recognize that the terrorists in Iraq are the US forces, just as Iraquis would be in this country if the tables were turned. Boy, is Hero smart, or what?! I can't hardly believe such brilliance. He/she doesn't even know that congress gave up its right to declare war, contrary to the Constitution, BTW, and that the Bush administration went to war, not by vote of congress. That was treasonous, BTW. Yep, Hero really has the facts.

Read Ghoulman's comments for a breath of fresh air, instead of the uninformed pap of either Doran or Hero. I would hope that the purpose of this thread is to shed light on ignorance, and thereby get a better country from informed voters. Right now, we're in a mess. Don't believe me? Wait until oil runs out in a few years, or until the US debt starts taking its toll on you and your children...unless they already have died for Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice in Iraq.

There are but two classes of people in the world, those who are informed and those who are not. I am glad to see that most respondents in this forum ARE informed.


ps: Steve580, YOU are wrong, not Ghoulman. Ghoulman stated the draft was reinstated, which it's not...not yet, but strong moves are afoot to do so. EVERYTHING else Ghoulman wrote is entirely correct. YOU cannot claim he's wrong without giving facts. Don't give us meaningless b/s.


Monday, April 26, 2004 10:07 AM



56 British dead.

19 Italian dead.

26 Spanish dead.


And more from other countries. It adds up to about a 100 altogether from other contributing states. Please don't say that you Americans are the only ones fighting for peace over there.

And America has indeed paid a high price. But the Iraqi civilians have paid a terribly high price as well, an awful price. From terrorist militant attacks and misdirected or jumpy trigger-finger fire from understandably stressed American troops.

America has had the draft in the past. If a war has too high an attrition rate, it will impose it again. Volantary service are for states that can afford the losses in an existing inherited from peacetime army. Tours have already been extended.

You are entirely correct in the Al Qaida opening statement. They declared war. I was for the invasion of Afghanistan and against the invasion of Iraq, simply because I felt that more civilians would die than would under Saddam in the future (which is true) and that we should have aided the revolution after the first Gulf War, and finished it then. We lost the right to go back in when we told them to rise up and then did nothing but watch them be massacred.

War is illegal under the UN, so that law was broken. However it was a stupid law defying the nature of man and the need to fight, so no tears there.

Russia paid the highest price in WWII. 26 million dead. And they didn't even get any real political freedom out of it, but they earned the freedom not to live under the Nazis and to be their own country. American blood is precious, as is everybody elses. We all die for freedom, but we all have different beliefs as to how to acheive that freedom.

(God, that bit sounded smug and trite. Sorry.)


Monday, April 26, 2004 10:07 AM



Originally posted by Succatash:
Ghoulman, I agree with everything you say, except there's no draft...yet.

Oh really? Well, I found out last month that the U.S. National Guard is indeed drafting "off-status" soldiers, quietly. That is, not a general draft but a growing number of reports show that yes in fact there is a limited and GROWING draft. Concidering the USA is aaaaaaaallll alone and in need of about 60000 more troups ... think about it. Then go read a history of the Veitnam draft. I'm sure you will be shocked and afraid.


Monday, April 26, 2004 10:16 AM


There was no missile pod on that flight, or any of the others. I think people would have noticed boarding it. "Can I have a seat next to the missile pod, mom? It looks so cool!" I'm sorry, I just don't buy it. No agency commits murder like that in a democratic country. No matter how much I mistrust the Republicans, they would never murder thousands of their own people. Nor would anyone fit commercial airlines with missile pods. Think of the costs!

Oi! No swearing here Ghoulman. Please. Even if you think he's an idiot, don't insult him. Destroy him with slightly barbed logic if you want. This board is for people of all ages and temperments. And if anyone swears, my computer blocks the post thread off at work, thus denying me slacking time on this board - thus meaning I can only get my Firefly kicks at home. And I'm not man enough to go THAT long without Firefly kicks.

And in summary for my last post here (because I have utterly failed in my attempts to impose my beliefs) I'm off to cry into my milk. At length.



Monday, April 26, 2004 10:30 AM


Bush does not belong in the White House, he never has. He wasn't even voted to the presidency in the first place. He lost the vote but was appointed to the position by the US Supreme Court. Thus, it can be argued that his presidency is unconstitutional. Putting that aside for a second, Americans should be elevating the best and the brightest to such a high office. Bush is neither. Not even close!

Bush is an embarassment as president. Despite his alleged degrees and certificates, he has the actual intellectual level of (at best) a college dropout. He is dangerously dogmatic about his personal choice in spiritual beliefs.

His policies (The very flawed US Patriot Act being the most significant) have eroded the protections we as citizens are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Our constitutional rights, yo!!

Bush's education reforms are atrocious... just talk to a school teacher who's school is in danger of losing federal funding because his/her school's overall improvement is lower than that required by the so-called "no child left behind" program. Improving schools losing money?! What the?!!

Bush's environmental record is a joke. Hard won environmental victories re: clean air and water, and de-forestation were quickly (and cynically) overturned by this administration so that big corporations no longer give a crap about EPA guidelines.

Unless you are exactly like Bush (wealthy, white, male, christian, conservative) the likelyhood of him giving two shits about you or your concerns is very low.

If you are not outraged by the Bush presidency then you are not paying attention.


PS: To put it in Firefly terms... Bush is Alliance all the way, baby. He'd make a cowardly Browncoat.


Monday, April 26, 2004 10:39 AM


NervousPete, the thought was that the planes were switched. The sole video of the plane striking the other tower apparently also shows the flash of a missile or several missiles just before impact.

The idea, I guess, was to ensure penetration of the firebomb/aircraft.



Monday, April 26, 2004 10:55 AM



Ghoulman was entirely correct and you are wrong.

The US planned its invasion of Afghanistan well over six months prior to 9-11.

There is vast evidence that Al Quida does not exist, but is instead only a useful boogeyman.

The motto of the Mossad is something like "By way of deception thou shalt make war." Unmarked Israeli planes attacked the USS Liberty, as has recently been acknowledged by FOIA documents. Yes, governments DO kill thousands of their own people, or their allies, to further their adventures. This too is well documented. If you or anyone believes governments, any of them, are squeaky clean, I have a bridge for sale.... Let us not forget the Northwoods papers.

Where, by the way, is Osama Bin Laden? He too was installed by the US.

Constitutional law was in fact broken to begin war in Iraq.

Here's just one Bush lie. Bush said, right after 9-11,:
"But I knew I needed to act. I knew that if the nation's under attack, the role of the commander-in-chief is to respond forcefully to prevent other attacks from happening. And so I talked to the secretary of Defense, and one of the first acts I did was put our military on alert."
NORAD acts automatically to intercept errant aircraft. They were on Payne Stewart's plane within 10 minutes of its failure to respond. But it was over 40 minutes before planes got near the 9-11 hijackings. No lies, eh? Norad does not need Bush to ask for help. Did Bush expect us to believe this b/s? Here's one analysis:
[From Joseph Ehrlich, Sender, Berl & Sons, 4-25-4]
Analysis 3: Our President, who has told us he would move heaven and earth to protect this country, did not even circumvent entering a classroom when he well knew that America was under attack. He didn't need Andrew Card to tell him that America was under attack after the second plane went into the south World Trade Center tower, but he and his administration acted that way thinking that the truth would be permanently hidden from the American people under the cover of "national security." Yes, by his own admission, under the known facts, now known to the American people, he needed to act. He needed to send up jets to intercept the plane, leave a known target area and stand ready to make presidential decisions regarding planes headed for major metropolitan areas. The only matter of national security for the Bush administration to protect is the sad inescapable reality that the barn door was left completely open to allow the events of 9-11 to take place as they did. President Bush did not put the military on alert. [Instead] he and administration did everything to assure that no one who could impede 9-11 knew anything to stop the events that unfolded. After they did unfold, the President brazenly took the position that he quickly and timely put the military on alert to protect the country.
Bush claimed TWICE to have seen the first plane hit the towers. Either he was privy to closed-circuit TV and was thus complicit, or he is a liar. The only video of that event surfaced many hours later, the Glaubert [sp?] film, which also shows a suspicious ball of flame just before impact. Alternatively, Bush is so out of touch with reality that he ought to be removed from office. Don't claim there were NO LIES. There were many more to start the preemptive and illegal war in Iraq.


ps: Hjermsted, you're right on the money. Again, I'm pleased so many here are of the informed catagory. gfr


Monday, April 26, 2004 11:25 AM


There seem to be many people here who hate the French, why? What's so terrible about the French? Is it about that "They died for France, but France has forgotten!" thing (they being American Soldiers in WWII)? Because that is just the silliest thing ever. Yes Europe is in the US's debt for stepping in in WWII, but that doesn't mean they should follow them blindly anywhere. Countries like France have a right to make their own decisions, isn't that the freedom you are all so keen on? The government of France made a decision that many people in the US (including apparently many on this board) disliked; learn to live with it!

I think a little more respect for other nationalities, their cultures, beliefs, rights and freedom is seriously needed on these boards.

BTW... Germany opposed the war on Iraq much more firmly than France (mostly because it says in the German constitution that Germany must not be in any way involved in any war, except if forced to defend herself)

As for the debate... Unless there is a very dramatic twist to this story: there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that much we know. The UN Inspectors had not found any weapons of mass destruction before the war started, that was the only factual evidence presented before the war. Everything else (e.g. Powell's speech before the UN etc.) was based on speculation. Now doesn't that make a good case for NOT going to war?

[sarcasm ]As for the smoking gun thing, I think the US should invade Mexico and Canada. Sure, they're no threat now, but they're in a strategically very dangerous position and, hey, why wait till it's to late?[/sarcasm ]



Monday, April 26, 2004 12:10 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Ruxton:

Ghoulman was entirely correct and you are wrong

*Nope, Ghoulman was entirely wrong, I was correct.*


Originally posted by Ruxton:

The US planned its invasion of Afghanistan well over six months prior to 9-11.

*Got any proof for that? I'd like to see it. But then, after al Qaida attacked the US no less than 5 times in the last 8 yrs, attacking them seemed like a good idea. Even Clinton lobbed a few cruise missles at al Qaida. *


Originally posted by Ruxton:

There is vast evidence that Al Quida does not exist, but is instead only a useful boogeyman.

* There is no such evidence. No need to prove a negative. You should stop listening to Art Bell so much, it's affecting your sleep.*


Originally posted by Ruxton:

The motto of the Mossad is something like "By way of deception thou shalt make war." Unmarked Israeli planes attacked the USS Liberty, as has recently been acknowledged by FOIA documents.

* Yeah, 30 yrs ago ? So, you're trying to tell everyone that Israel intentionlly shot at the only ally it has, and that reason would be...... ? Sometimes mistakes happen. Friendly fire occurs even with the best precautions put in place... your point?*


Originally posted by Ruxton:

Where, by the way, is Osama Bin Laden? He too was installed by the US.

*Wrong, he wasn't 'INSTALLED' in any way. He is self financed religious zealot. One does not 'install' a monster like that. What the U.S. DID do was assist in the war against the Soviet Union, which was LITERALLY trying to colonize Afghanistan, much as it did the Eastern Block countrys. In short, the US tried to win an potential ally over by helping them, and they bit our hand. Fool me once... *


Originally posted by Ruxton:

Constitutional law was in fact broken to begin war in Iraq.

*Cite where it was broken. The Congress voted for it, and we were attacked. *


Originally posted by Ruxton:

Here's just one Bush lie. Bush said, right after 9-11,:
"But I knew I needed to act. I knew that if the nation's under attack, the role of the commander-in-chief is to respond forcefully to prevent other attacks from happening. And so I talked to the secretary of Defense, and one of the first acts I did was put our military on alert."

*There is no lie there, what so ever. It's just a matter of policy and of fact.*


Originally posted by Ruxton:


Bush claimed TWICE to have seen the first plane hit the towers. Either he was privy to closed-circuit TV and was thus complicit, or he is a liar. The only video of that event surfaced many hours later, the Glaubert [sp?] film, which also shows a suspicious ball of flame just before impact. Alternatively, Bush is so out of touch with reality that he ought to be removed from office. Don't claim there were NO LIES. There were many more to start the preemptive and illegal war in Iraq.

* There were no lies. I saw the 1st plane hit the towers too..eventually. Sorry, but your rambling,specious conclusions leave much to be desired. Much of what you AREN'T saying is when did Bush say it, was he talking about the 1st plane ? , or the 2nd ? , was it after the fact while he was being forth and so on. You really do make WILD leaps with your assuptions. *

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, April 26, 2004 1:51 PM


Coward! I don't actually hate the French at all!

Sorry, I was just being silly and ironic, which was a deeply stupid idea on this forum. After all, the French...

Fought alongside us in two world wars plus Korea. (And the war of Independence!)

Are responsible for one of the greatest and most influential explosions of novelists...
Emile Zola
Alexandre Dumas
Pierre Boulle
Victor Hugo
Gustav Flaubert
Jean Paul-Satre...

Are among the greatest cooks in the world. And rather tasty (though not as great as they were 10 years ago, sadly) wine. And such cheeses! *Argle Argle*

Make amazingly cool films - 400 Blows, Delicatessan, La Haine, Le Triplets Du Bellesville...

Have always possesed a greater sense of style and sophistication than the English (gagh, chargrin)

And are responsible for a surprising number of good bands. Air, Daft Punk, and a host of others they never play on the radio over here... gagh.

And have substantially advanced art, science and medicine as well.

France has the right to decide what it wants to do. It is not betraying anyone by taking the path its people chose. They have to do what they think is right. And I resent the implications that they are somehow morally de-evolved from the coalition for that decision. And they don't owe America anything other than the upkeep of the war graves, the rememberence of the dead and keeping the memory of her sacrifice close. The US went to war to defeat the evil of facism in Europe and free France. It wasn't a favour to be traded in on later.

I apologise to anyone offended by my stupid flip comment, and beg their forgiveness and understanding. I cannot abide racism or xenophobia.

Oh, and I wish those Israeli fighters hadn't attacked that US destroyer under orders... but they had. I did a lot of research, and the conclusions upset me. But I still don't think that an American government could commit such a slaughter of its own people unless the entire country was a facist dictatorship, and as hysterical as the land is looking, it is still mercifully far from that. And I still nix the missile pod plane idea under all interpretations.


Monday, April 26, 2004 2:12 PM



The plans to invade Afgh. were posted on Jane's Defence Weekly about six months prior to 9-11. Look it up. I did, and I read the whole thing many months ago.

I never listen to Art Bell. That's just another stupid assumption by a stupid poster.
You said:
"So, you're trying to tell everyone that Israel intentionlly shot at the only ally it has...?"

I'm not trying to tell anyone anything, just reporting facts some are too lazy to look up:

"Israel insists that the deadly attack, which occured in
international waters off the Sinai coast while the Liberty
eavesdropped on combatants' communications during the
Arab-Israeli Six Day War, was a tragic case of mistaken

Clearly Israel DID attack the USS Liberty. Was it on purpose? Apparently:

[Same source]
"Oliver Kirby, a former operations director for the super-secret
National Security Agency (for which the Liberty was collecting
intelligence), was assigned by NSA in 1967 to review classified
information on the attack. In a recent telephone interview with
Jim Ennes, a retired naval officer and Liberty survivor, Kirby's
first words were, "I can tell you for an absolute certainty that
they (the Israelis) knew they were attacking an American ship."

Want more? Here:
"Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested. Later, a dual-citizen Israeli major told survivors that he was in an Israeli war room where he heard that pilot's radio report. The attacking pilots and everyone in the Israeli war room knew that they were attacking an American ship, the major said. He recanted the statement only after he received threatening phone calls from Israel."

From AP:
"WASHINGTON (AP) Retired Adm. Thomas Moorer accused the U.S. and Israeli governments yesterday of covering up evidence surrounding the 1967 Israeli attack on the American intelligence ship USS Liberty.

"Thirty-four American crewmen were killed and 171 wounded in the combined air and sea attack June 8, 1967, against the reconnaissance ship, cruising in international waters 15 miles off the Sinai Peninsula during the SixDay War.

"Israel maintains its fighter pilots, who buzzed the ship for eight hours [EIGHT HOURS!!] before the attack, and torpedo boat crews, mistook the Liberty for an Egyptian ship.

"The Israelis maintain this was simply a case of mistaken identity, but this clearly does not hold water," said Moorer, who was chief of naval operations at the time of the attack. "In clear visibility, this unique ship was very easy to identify. The Israeli forces circled the ship and then proceeded to attack over an extended period of time. There is simply no way the fighter pilots and torpedo-boat crews could have come to such a conclusion," he said."
Want more:
"Torpedo boats soon arrived and continued the attack, firing five torpedoes, with one hitting and killing 25 men. They then leisurely circled the defenseless ship for 40 minutes, pumping hundreds of 40mm, 20mm, and 50cal. rounds at wounded men on deck, stretcher bearers and fire fighters. Thinking the ship was about to sink, the crew threw life rafts over the side; the attackers machinegunned those too."

These pleasantries were the acts of our so-called ally, the Israeli Defense Forces, against a clearly identified and unique-profiled US vessel.

Yes, dolt, just as Sharon screws with the US gov't today, the IDF intentionally fired on its so-called ally. LBJ tried to cover it up, again clearly documented, but I've already taken too much space in slapping one silly poster on the face over his stupid claim about how the IDF are the good guys.
Next item:
It voted against the will of millions of people nationwide to give the President power to declare war. The vote took place without there being enough time for anyone to have read the huge document pertaining to this giving over of power. Per our Constitution, Congress must vote to begin a war. Congress NEVER VOTED FOR WAR!
"I saw the 1st plane hit the towers too..eventually."

Bush claimed to have seen it BEFORE the second plane hit. Read his quote.

FYI, I make no leaps nor any assumptions. I research the hell out of what I'm told to believe. How about you? Do you get your news from TV?

As I've said, there are but two classes of people, the informed -- who look stuff up in various sources, and the totally uninformed, who take the pap they're fed by TV reporters at face value, and spout drivel in public forums.

Unfortunately, there is no hope for most of the latter, which in a nutshell is exactly what is wrong with this country.



Monday, April 26, 2004 2:30 PM


Ruxton. You're playing a dangerous game here.

The Israelis most likely did illegally attack the Liberty in a fast attack run. This was to justify and highlight a real threat in the eyes of the neighbouring nations invading. Their government ordered a criminal attack to try to bring other nations on their side - the only way they thought they could survive the oncoming war.

However from the point onwards past your 'Want More?' comment it is complete guff. The casualties would have been far higher under such a sustained attack, and I cannot believe that the attacking forces would have had the stomach to do a prolonged and bloodthirsty attack aiming at survivors. There are dark chapters in every nation's history - and murky dealings are still afoot. Yet you seem intent on piling on shaky and hysterical additional condemnatory facts that cannot be taken seriously - thus belittling the true fact - did Israeli planes attack the Liberty? Yes. Were they aware of what they were doing? Yes. Did they do it to try and save their country? Yes. Was it a criminal and indecent act? Yes. Were the casualties horrific? Yes. Do the pilots and members involved feel guilt? Yes. Was it a clinical attack over in minutes? Yes. The deception could never work otherwise. It had to be fast and significant and confusing for there to be a good chance on blaming it on Egypt. Possibly Israel never intended there to be so many casualites and their fire was more deadly than expected. But it was a long time ago. Let us forget it and look to the Palastine problem. But not here. Please. Let's end this.

I'm not posting on this thread anymore. Even if I get really angry with the replies. I bruise to easily, and I know I can do nothing to change your minds. But you seriously need to reign in your paranoid theories and look to the true, bumbling, greedy little conspiracies of our governments - and stop focusing on these stupid big lies. They distract us from what we should be looking at.

Bye and see you all with mindless fripperies on other Firefly-related threads.


P.S: I'm really sleepy now.


Monday, April 26, 2004 4:22 PM


America loves a winner!

Ruxton.. you're just f-ing delusional. Gather all the gorram clippings you want, you still have not made your claim. Reread my post, brainless, I never denied the Liberty was attacked. You're just ticked off that I'm not a nut case conspiracy freak like you are. Watch out for them black helicopters.... moron.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:59 AM


^^^ So you are in favour of George "Dubya" Bush remaining in the White House so much you are willing to lie to the people on this board by posting the above sillyness.

Pal, everything I've mentioned has appeared in at least a few news stories over the lines. That's how I know... I read the news. It's not so hard, really.

See, I actually went out and looked for answers. You're just doing a Condi Rice impression.

Liars like you seem to think 'maintaining order' is more important than human rights... like the right to live without bombs dropping on ya.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:42 AM



Originally posted by Kugelblitz:

The Clear Skies initiative sabotages thirty years of work started by the Nixon Administration. A recent NY Times article pointed out that a small percentage (like 2%) of the billions of dollars in net profit generated by one power company in New Jersey was enough to upgrade all of their physical plants. The lobbyists are running the show, and this is not only ok with this president, it is encouraged. The EPA is losing professionals left and right because their lifes work is being destroyed to fill the coffers of the very induistries they are trying to regulate.

What industries? I live in Northeast Ohio which last week was labled the dirtiest air in the State. This came as a great surprise to me as I looked out over the beautiful green trees of Summit County and saw the sky of of the deepest blue.

Oh, I know its the steel mills. Never mind that most have closed in the last 10 years since NAFTA. They can't afford to compete with foriegn steel, pay union wages, and retool to meet Clinton era clean air standards.

Maybe the rubber plants in Akron. Sure Goodyear and Firestone still have their offices in Akron, but the plants are twenty years gone.

The biggest domestic manufacturing problem for the last 30 years has been the Enviromentalists. Now I've got no problem with clean industry. But a reasonable approach that keeps in mind the needs for millions of workers is more important then drastic and immediate reduction in domestic pollution. Especially when countries like Mexico and China have little or no pollution or labor standards.

Maybe the enviromentalists are all just racists. Maybe they want to send all the dirty industry to Mexico and China because they simply don't care about the parts of the planet they can't see. I'm sure thats a part of it, but the worst are those who want it all gone, and humanity be damned.



Tuesday, April 27, 2004 5:55 AM


I dfon't see the same skies where I live in Maryland. The industry I specifically refer to is the power generation sector, wherein they have been systematically stalling for over a decade the LAWS that would bring their emissions down. The example I used was based in New Jersey, by the way. So my focus is on domestic industries that really cannot be shifted to third world countries, and which are being lobbied for extensively and successfully.

Of course we all know that the power generation sector is self regulating, right California?

The proposed cap and credit system would allow a great deal of pollutants to enter into the environment, specifically, mercury. This is a bad plan. As a father, I cannot see that as being acceptable. Heavy metal poisoning does not go away.

The electric generation industries have demonstrated the profit margins that could easily afford the stack scrubbers and other on the shelf technologies that would produce cleaner emissions. The costs are less than five percent of their net profits in some cases. Their obduracy in the face of demonstrated solutions boils down to simple greed, which this administration is allowing by not challenging them in the federal courts. Cases are being "reexamined" or put on hiatus. That is inexcusable. But hey, read the article in the NY Times Sunday magazine and tell me what you think then, that really got my interest, not Noam Chomsky ranting about something he knows nothing about.

Unfortunately the archive the NYT has charges for access after six days. I will try and get my copy out tonight and post the date it was printed, maybe your local library would have one. It is a very good report.

"We are exporting democracy because we have all of this unused democracy lying around at home. Why not make some money doing it?"


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 5:56 AM



Originally posted by Ruxton:
Doran and Hero, if it were not for the French, the U.S. would not exist.

Yeah. But those were different French. The good French. They show up every now and then, especially when all the bad French have managed to screw things up. Think Revolution, Napoleon, Revolution, Napoleon III, War, Resitance, and the '80s. Thats not the whole list, but certainly covers the highlights of recent French history.

Instead, I am fed up with shitheads who run off at the mouth and make wild accusations without taking the time to look into things,

I haven't really looked into it, but I say you are a transplanted Frenchman who currently stars in an off Broadway production of Oklahoma! and hated Firefly and only come here to engage in meaningless political hatemongering. And you have big feet. Like clown feet. But, like I said, I can't know for sure.


Doran, you asked, "What kind of a loser thinks an airliner could be fitted with missles?" How about every U.S. Government department of any significance, including NSA, CIA, FBI, etc.? How aobut Naval Undesea Warfare Center. How about US Dept of Justice? The GSA? The Carlisle Group? Rockefeller? NY Port Authority? Microsoft, the FAA, Intel, the Pentagon, Boeing, numerous U.S. Military bases, the Chicage Tribune, Eglin AFB, JPL, Los Alamos, the DOD, NASA, major insurance companies, and on and on. Are these all LOSERS, Doran? They have all flocked to that website.

Wow. Sure got me there. Now tell me how the Govt is using aliens to develop a TESLA device to find Atlantis in our brains.

No missile pod, eh?

Well guys, its on the internet...must be true.


Doran or Hero, tell me why Bush...

Because he does not subscribe to conspiracy websites or confuse speculative fiction as national intelligence.


This administration is the most corrupt in history

I doubt that. What about Rutherford B. Hayes?


And yet Hero has the inability to recognize that the terrorists in Iraq are the US forces

My GOD. You are right. What could be more terrifying to a Muslim extremeist then an Army come to liberate women and establish Democracy while taking away the right to torture, rape, and murder in the name of Saddam and Allah. If this be terror, then lets make the most of it.


Boy, is Hero smart, or what?! I can't hardly believe such brilliance.

I have a hard time myself. I find the trick is just to let the brilliance flow through you. Don't fight it. It'll be okay.


He/she doesn't even know that congress gave up its right to declare war, contrary to the Constitution

Not sure if you mean the War Powers Act, which limits the President war making power. It has never been acknowleded or challenged by any President. Its just kind of there, waiting to be overturned by the Supreme Court.

Or, if you mean the Congressional votes to authorize the use of force, there is ample precident going back about 200 years for this type of action, meaning a military conflict outside the bounds of declared war.

Maybe you found some kind of conspiracy website where we have two Constitutions or the Council on Foriegn Relations is running everything. Be more specific and I'll give you a better answer.


BTW, and that the Bush administration went to war, not by vote of congress.

Public Law 107-243. "Joint Resolution to To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq." October 16, 2002.

That was treasonous, BTW.

How? Maybe Bush levied war against the US. Or maybe he provided aid and comfort to our enemies. Read Article 3, treason is the only crime defined by the Contitution. The US Constitution, not the funny Conspiracy one you've been reading.


Yep, Hero really has the facts.

Naw, no facts here. How bout: "The terrorists are all good fellows and they'll leave us all alone...oops where did all the Jews go...oh well, guess they deserved it, having kids and building a country and allowing their women to vote and go to school."

Or: "We hold these truths to be self evident. That a chosen few men shall dictate how all should live. That women are slaves and the lives of those who think for themselves or are born of the wrong race are worthless. That no child is innocent and anyone can be tortured, murdered, raped, or otherwise treated very poory."

Maybe you prefer those facts.


Read Ghoulman's comments for a breath of fresh air, instead of the uninformed pap of either Doran or Hero.

Try reading them all and deciding for yourself.

Or just read Hero's. That guy knows his stuff.


ps: Steve580, YOU are wrong, not Ghoulman. Ghoulman stated the draft was reinstated, which it's not...not yet, but strong moves are afoot to do so.

Yeah, by Democratic Congressmen opposed to the war. They need the draft so they can say "HEY THERE's A DRAFT!" and go out and protest the draft. They want another Vietnam almost as bad as Bin Ladden does.



Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:18 AM


Aw man...

So richardecheandia posts a url directing the interested forum viewer to go to a webpage where there's this li'l movie showing Rumpsfelt (sp?) caught on T.V. in a lie. He never said "immediate threat," oh actually he did, more than once, etc. And then what happens? The heavy hitters on this thread who had only moments ago said that the liberal media had created a myth that the administration claimed that Saddam was an immediate threat, vanish (gotta love the internet). Seriously, does it really take one solid proof that one of their many assertions is simply wrong for them to run and hide?

Nervouspete, I'm sorry to read that you will be absenting yourself from this thread, but I certainly don't blame you. Your very eloquent first post didn't even make a dent in the vehement rhetoric being bandied about here. I agree with you that when your primary form of political action is to shout people down you pave the way for fascism. Being a student of history, It has always sickened me to hear lefties calling our republican presidents fascists, f'rinstance. History teaches that there is no fascist leader without a fascist people. From the evidence on this thread however, the democratic spirit in this country is in serious trouble.

Recent history has been teaching me that liberalism and fear just don't mix. Our country was able to build its excellent human rights record and impressive environmental standards because of our prosperity and our sense of safety in the world and mutual trust of our allies. Now our country is sunk in fear, fear and rage over the 9/11 attacks. People have begun to believe that there are things far more important than social justice and democratic values. Is democracy truly a luxury that we can no longer afford? More importantly, is our new found fear warranted? Are we fundamentally less safe than before 9/11?

I don't really think we're in any greater danger today than we were before 9/11. And I don't think we're any safer. True, nobody's gonna be taking over a plane with box cutters any time soon, but where there's a will, there's a way--as long as people hate, they will find ways to express it. One way to express hate is to post it on the internet. I guess it's better than a letter bomb, but when do we start to work on actually getting rid of the hate, once and for all? Do we even believe that it's possible or desireable to stop hating? Of course it is. Grief, healing, growth, compassion--these are the ways out of fear and rage. How 'bout we work on them?

P.S: Oh, while I was writing this post hero's come back with a diatribe about how environmentalists have destroyed the economy (I'll be sure to let my environmentalist friends know just how powerful they really are). But, as you see, nothing about that pretty important point concerning the current administration's lie that Saddam Hussein presented an immedediate threat to the United States. Hm. I guess he just forgot.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:32 AM



Originally posted by HERO:
Yeah. But those were different French. The good French. They show up every now and then, especially when all the bad French have managed to screw things up. Think Revolution, Napoleon, Revolution, Napoleon III, War, Resitance, and the '80s. Thats not the whole list, but certainly covers the highlights of recent French history.

So are we ignoring the Civil War, slavery, Jim Crowe laws, encampment of the Japanese, and slaughter of Native Americans? Every coountry has negative history and every country has positive history. Lay off the French. If you study the history, the language, and the culture and you understand the French, you can see their perspective. But the French are not responsible for everything wrong with America.

And please everybody lay off the press. Every reporter I know gets calls of bias from both sides, often on the same story. Sometimes a story feels biased because it is. But more often a story feels biased because you don't like the facts that make your argument look bad. And sometimes people are so biased against the press that they won't talk to them, so the article only gets one side of the story.

I have a friend who called to ask how many employees a store had for an economic story, and they wouldn't tell him. The manager wouldn't even give her last name, because she said it was "private" information. When people react like that to reporters, it's impossible for them to get at the truth. So lay off the press.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:57 AM



Thanks for the calm (not enough of that in this thread), reasoned posting. Yeah... that URL is one of my favorites to address Rummy's attempts at revisionist history.

Regarding environmental laws ruining the economy:

One of the things that concerns me is the formula for the financial impact on society. I've never been able to find one of the reports that includes its sources of information and the formulae used to calculate the costs. When calculating the costs of environmental regulations it seems as if the compliance costs are always included but not the impact of failing to control pollution. Its perfectly legitimate for businesses to estimate their costs to comply but why do we never seem to include the costs of:
a. Increased mortality due to pollution
b. Increased health care problems in people
c. Damage caused to human property (acid rain, lost agriculture production, etc.),
d. Lost worker productivity due to increased sickness
e. Lost value of natural resources
etc, etc.

I suspect some of this may be the difficulty in estimating these items. While I imagine its comparatively easy for an electric utility to estimate the cost of scrubbers and such, calculating/estimating the items listed above are much more complex and (I suspect) subjective.

Also - what about the fact that its just wrong morally? How do you calculate that financially? And as a society are we so devoid of morality that ALL our questions should be decided based on purely economic considerations? Hello? What's the moral at the end of the Train Job. Sometimes the right thing to do is personally inconvenient but you still need to do it.

Anyway, just 'cuz Hero types something doesn't mean its true. If he has any information to quote that bolsters his assertion (including the formula - not just a bottom line number) then I for one might find his increasing strident argument a little bit believeable.

I think we've got a handle on the "immediate threat" thing, now let's deal with the environment.

After that we can all tackle world hunger together

"Let's get on with this increasingly eerie-ass day"


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:58 AM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
P.S: Oh, while I was writing this post hero's come back with a diatribe about how environmentalists have destroyed the economy (I'll be sure to let my environmentalist friends know just how powerful they really are). But, as you see, nothing about that pretty important point concerning the current administration's lie that Saddam Hussein presented an immedediate threat to the United States. Hm. I guess he just forgot.

I take requests. Arguing the Saddam/threat issue wasn't my beef, but like any good lawyer, I can argue anything.

Here goes.

Saddam was a bad man. Did he play a role in 9/11? Probably a minor one. Like a movie extra, or that stairway on Serenity's bridge that doesn't really go anywhere.

Immediate threat. Well he violated the 1991 cease fire which pretty much meant that the original war was back on anytime he wanted. Thats why he used to shoot at our planes EVERY DAY. His weapons program was pretty much in the toilet, but not because he didn't want them, have them, or plan to make them as soon as possible. He was giving money to families of suicide bombers and was generally being a bad man every chance he got.

But, as I may have mentioned before, if mass graves, torture chambers, and rape as instruments of government don't justify war, nothing does. Some people believe nothing justifies war, those people should be killed and their stuff given to me.

I guess you are one of those people who are mad we fought Hitler, after all he never attacked us and clearly was no immediate threat to North America.

I think you are just mad because your share of the 'oil for food' money has stopped coming in.



Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:28 AM



Originally posted by CapnHarbatkin:

Anyway, just 'cuz Hero types something doesn't mean its true. If he has any information to quote that bolsters his assertion (including the formula - not just a bottom line number) then I for one might find his increasing strident argument a little bit believeable.

I never claimed to be an economist. I hate numbers and formulas, thats why I studied criminal law, so the only numbers I worry about is how long will the guilty man be in jail. And yes, they are all guilty, otherwise I would not charge them.

Now, not being an economist I can't give you numbers or formulas. Yet Akron is filled with shut down rubber plants, Cleveland has shut down steel mills. Why? Because it is cheaper to make those goods in foreign countries. Labor costs are one issue, another is the cost of retooling to meet clean air standards. In Mexico, for example, you pay your best workers a fraction of what the worst American workers make and the enviroment is not even a concern.

Maybe we should blame NAFTA. Maybe we should blame the unions. But for thirty years the enviromentalists have been attacking big industry. So at least some of the blame belongs to them.

As for energy. Maybe they should retool their plants to be cleaner. Can they afford it? Maybe. But if not they will simply shut down. This is not good since new plants are not being built. All the while demand is increasing.

California is a great example, increased demand and static supply. Then price controls caused domestic production to be reduced below the demand level forcing the state to buy outside power at premium prices. All the while 7 new powerplants stood ready to go but waiting, some as long as 10 years, for the EPA to issue final approval, which was being actively opposed by enviromentalists. Then everthing caught on fire because they would not allow underbrush to be properly cleared...a field mouse was the issue. Then the porn industry shut down and American Idol is caught in a blackout induced scandal.

So riddle me this my French loving liberal friends:

Is your perfect world of clean air, French wine, no Jews, and no jobs really what you want?

If so, then you should be willing to fight for it.

BTW, my perfect world is freedom, deomcracy, and a new Firefly TV series. I'd fight for that, in fact I play my part every day.



Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:36 AM




In the spirit of Browncoatism let me agree with you on a couple of your points:

1. Saddam was a very bad man
2. He was in violation of one or more UN resolutions

I take both of those as a fact.

Where I would (respectfully) disagree with you is on how those translate into an immediate threat and our nation's selective conciousness regarding these issues.

Sure, bad guy, killed his own people with chemical weapons (which I believe we supplied him the seed stocks for BTW) had his jets try to circumvent the no fly zones in Iraq, etc. etc.

Do you think Saddam is THAT much worse than someone like Pinnochet in Chile that as a nation we supported for close to 20 years?

Is he really worse than Rios Mott in Guatemala who's accused of a scorched earth policy that's estimated to have killed 19,000 in his 18 month reign? (BTW, he ran for re-election (!) last year).

Was Saddam more dangerous with his alledged WMD than North Korea that has admitted to working with nuclear weapons programs. The north Korean regime must surely be counted as repressive to its people as well (not sure on the death count there... need to go look that up).

Why aren't we marching into PyonYang like we did in Bagdad? If we as a nation are going to use that as a justification for war, don't you think it needs to be applied uniformly? What do we really stand for as a people?

Finally - quoting his violation of UN resolutions. I agree he was a pest but are you really saying that he wasn't contained in Iraq? I seem to recall that everytime he tried to lock any surface to air weapons on any of our jets, we took out that installation pretty immediately. His jets were absolutely no match to the best that the US had in the region in the time as shown by the number of times they managed to shoot down one of our jets (If memory serves, 1 time in 12 years of enforcing the NFZone).

If he's a bad guy for giving money to terrorists, why aren't we in Saudi Arabia's face (remember? 15 out of 19 terrorists?)

Finally, as I sit here and type this I'm wondering how many UN resolutions the US is currently in violation of.... Hmmmm I'm going to spring for $10 and get an answer to that question on Google Answers. I'll be sure to post the final number here.

Anyway Hero, you're obviously very passionate about this. Its good to have convictions. Don't you think those convictions need to be applied consistently though?


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:44 AM


You're saying a field mouse was the issue in the energy crisis in California?

Wow - that's a stretch. Hope your arguments are better for your clients when you're in front of a jury.

Maybe you've missed the topic of the energy companies artifically manipulating the prices in CA. Reliant Energy has already been formally charged (you know what that means right?)

Unlike you though I won't just make the claim:

Check out
for a lot of the links.

This one link has some good details:


"The vast majority of corporate executives are honest, hardworking people," Attorney General John Ashcroft said. "But when a company conducts itself in the manner Reliant Energy Services is alleged to have acted here, it will face severe consequences."

California's power crisis caused rolling blackouts, sent the state's utility companies heavily into debt and forced sharp increases in state electricity prices. Houston-based Reliant Resources is among several energy companies that have paid regulatory fines stemming from the crisis.

The six-count indictment was returned by a federal grand jury in San Francisco and released by the Justice Department in Washington, D.C. It accuses the company of withholding power from the market and purchasing electricity instead of producing it, then selling power at artificially high prices.

Three former Enron Corp. traders have been charged with wire fraud related to price manipulation in California. Two of them pleaded guilty and a third awaits trial in October.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:28 AM



But, as I may have mentioned before, if mass graves, torture chambers, and rape as instruments of government don't justify war, nothing does. Some people believe nothing justifies war, those people should be killed and their stuff given to me.

I guess you are one of those people who are mad we fought Hitler, after all he never attacked us and clearly was no immediate threat to North America.

Comparing the war on Iraq to WWII does not hold up. Hitler marched into the de-militarized zone in the Rhineland in 1935 (if memory serves). He annexed Austria in 1937, invaded "Sudetenland" (don't know the English name) in 1939. Up until this point no one in the international community lifted a finger to stop him, despite Hitler having expressively stated his intention to take over eastern Europe in "Mein Kampf" in the '20s. Even when Hitler invaded Czechia (also in '39) the international community did nothing. Only after Germany's invasion of Poland a few weeks later did the war start, the US refuse to join this war before being directly attacked at Pearl Harbor. This hesitation cost Millions of Britons, Frenchmen and Russians their lives (and even Germans, though mentioning them in this context isn't very sensible).

Germany had shown aggressive and expansionist tendencies for six years, Germany had a human rights record MUCH worse than the Iraqi regime under Saddam and Poland was an ally of France and England.

Oh and Hero and Auraptor... if you don't know how to behave and properly conduct a debate and refrain from calling people morons and being racist towards other nationalities, maybe you shouldn't be partaking in this discussion. (And Hero you certainly shouldn't be accusing people of being racist or antisemitic if you are so obviously racist (towards the French) yourself)

Thank you nervouspete for introducing a calm and sensible tone into this discussion.

(runs and hides (chuckles while everyone else kicks the crap out of each other))

P.S. I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of the French ethniticity or nationality.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:31 AM



Coward wrote:
(runs and hides (chuckles while everyone else kicks the crap out of each other))



Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:32 AM


CAPNHARBATKIN (sorry, had to fix since I got all confused as to who's who!) -

I don't know a whole lot about this, but here you go. A group known as Redefining Progress has an alternative way of measuring, well, progress - it's called the GPI, or Genuine Progress Indicator.

I guess it's a way of measuring the quality of our environment/lives, as opposed to putting a dollar sign on everything.

I know your name, Jackass.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 9:01 AM


Thanks MiloraDell.

Ecological footprint... an interesting concept - I like it.

My wife and I have just recently purchased 58 acres of pretty uncultured property in far, far north Texas so I'll be looking to fit my feet into the smallest shoes possible .

Thanks for sending along the link. I'll be reading it this evening.


Now, how's about we get on with this increasingly eerie-ass day


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 9:35 AM


CAPNHARBATKIN - no problem! Took me a while to locate it, because I couldn't remember what it was called.

Sigh...footprints. A question I'm struggling with now - do I get the car I really really like? Or do I get something with decent gas mileage/emissions? Sigh...I think I'll just drive what I have until it dies. Which hopefully won't be for a very long while. Doesn't answer the question, but puts it off for a spell.

I know your name, Jackass.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:08 AM



One last thing. You mentioned that:


How? Maybe Bush levied war against the US. Or maybe he provided aid and comfort to our enemies. Read Article 3, treason is the only crime defined by the Contitution. The US Constitution, not the funny Conspiracy one you've been reading.

Actually Hero, I believe you need to review Article II, Section 4:

Section 4. The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

So I think its pretty hard to argue that treason is the only impeachable offense. If you're gonna try to flame fellow posters with the constitution, you really should get it right.

Here's a link to the relevant Article:

Here's a suggestion - Let's all take a really deep breath and relax a little bit. I know I sure could use a break from all this internet research

Now, how's about we get on with this increasingly eerie-ass day


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:39 AM


I agree, this isn't the place for political debate, but I just had to share this poem, which is circulating round the web lately:

This is a short poem made up entirely of actual quotations from George W. Bush. These have been arranged, only for aesthetic purposes, by Washington Post writer, Richard Thompson. A wonderful poem like this is too good not to share.


I think we all agree, the past is over.
This is still a dangerous world.
It's a world of madmen and uncertainty
And potential mental losses.

Rarely is the question asked
Is our children learning?
Will the highways of the Internet
Become more few?

How many hands have I shaked?
They misunderestimate me.
I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.

I know that the human being
And the fish can coexist.
Families is where our nation finds hope,
Where our wings take dream.

Put food on your family!
Knock down the tollbooth!
Vulcanize society!
Make the pie higher!
Make the pie higher!


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:40 AM



Originally posted by CapnHarbatkin:
Actually Hero, I believe you need to review Article II, Section 4:

Section 4. The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

So I think its pretty hard to argue that treason is the only impeachable offense. If you're gonna try to flame fellow posters with the constituion, you really should get it right.[\b]

Ok. What is bribery? According to the Constitution the crime of bribery is...sorry its not there. Same with high crimes and misdemeanors. But treason is specifically defined in Article 3. Hence treason is the ONLY crime specifically defined by the Constitution.

Thats why when Clinton was impeached we could all argue about whether what he did was a "high crime". Because it was left open to interpritation. Treason was not.

And I wasn't trying to flame anyone. Merely using the Constitutional definition of treason to question the accurracy of an assertion by a fellow traveller as to the legal status of President Bush with regards to the issue of treason. The fellow was simply incorrect. Whatever he may or may not have done, his actions by definition cannot constitute treason by any standard acceptable in American courts.

France, as I understand it, has a different standard.



Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:01 AM



I understand your point - only treason is defined in the Constitution. Point taken. My point was that there are other things that a president can be impeached for besides treason.

As an aside, the framers have left us with an interesting connundrum(sp?) - "high crimes and misdemeanors". Don't those two seem somewhat at odds with one another? I'm no lawyer but it seems as if misdemeanors can be pretty trivial nowadays. You can probably share some examples of misdemeanors that anyone that posts on this board has probably committed. (not from personal experience, just what kind of dumb laws are there that most people have committed at one time or another like driving barefoot, etc.)

It seems like such an obvious tripwire I can't believe it was incorporated. Perhaps the goals was to set the bar very, very, very high for the listed officials.


BTW: Have you heard the stories (pretty well documented - don't make me load google yet again today ) about 2 plane loads of Saudi Arabians being flown out of the US a couple of days after 9/11? One of the supposedly was OBL's sister.

I've seen several threads on other more politically intense boards that were trying to equate that action as being treasonous. While I believe the flights themselves are well documented enough (passenger lists, flight plans etc) to believe they really happened, I have yet to see any serious facts regarding who it was exactly that allowed the planes be in US airspace when all civilian airline activity was deader than Dobson.

Assuming for a moment that it was Dubya is that Treason? Probably not in a legal sense. Interference with a criminal investigation? I don't know - you're the lawyer - you tell me.

Its an interesting question but I'm not sure we'll ever know for sure.

Certainly does make one wonder though.

Now, how's about we get on with this increasingly eerie-ass day


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:04 AM



Originally posted by NervousPete:
Oi! No swearing here Ghoulman. Please. Even if you think he's an idiot, don't insult him. Destroy him with slightly barbed logic if you want. This board is for people of all ages and temperments. And if anyone swears, my computer blocks the post thread off at work, thus denying me slacking time on this board - thus meaning I can only get my Firefly kicks at home. And I'm not man enough to go THAT long without Firefly kicks.

Was wondering about language on this board. If it keeps you from my posts certainly I wouldn't want that!

To EVERYONE --> About my foul post...
Proper Net etiquette states that any one line post that just says 'you're wrong' is a TROLL. So I told the troll where to go. Worse, that jerk did it twice. <Bugs Bunny Voice>What a maroon!

Also, after spending the last year being called a 'liberal' as if it's an insult I just don't have any patience for liars.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:05 AM



Originally posted by Coward:
Comparing the war on Iraq to WWII does not hold up. Hitler marched into the de-militarized zone in the Rhineland in 1935 (if memory serves). He annexed Austria in 1937, invaded "Sudetenland" (don't know the English name) in 1939. Up until this point no one in the international community lifted a finger to stop him, despite Hitler having expressively stated his intention to take over eastern Europe in "Mein Kampf" in the '20s. Even when Hitler invaded Czechia (also in '39) the international community did nothing. Only after Germany's invasion of Poland a few weeks later did the war start, the US refuse to join this war before being directly attacked at Pearl Harbor. This hesitation cost Millions of Britons, Frenchmen and Russians their lives (and even Germans, though mentioning them in this context isn't very sensible).[\b]

Sounds pretty comparable to me. In WW2 our hesitation was merely a manifestation of our legacy of isolationism. Yet it cost countless lives. Now we go foreward to stop the madmen, and France holds back. France seeks compromise and peace with an enemy bent upon global domination, ideological extremism, and the destruction of the Jews.


Oh and Hero and Auraptor... if you don't know how to behave and properly conduct a debate and refrain from calling people morons and being racist towards other nationalities, maybe you shouldn't be partaking in this discussion. (And Hero you certainly shouldn't be accusing people of being racist or antisemitic if you are so obviously racist (towards the French) yourself)[\b]

I may hate the French, but there's nothing racist about it. I don't hate them for their race, I hate them for their politics. I hate them because they spit on 50 years of alliance. I hate them because they gave aid and support to our enemies by fostering inaction and backchannel deals. I hate them because the seek to exploit a changing world dynamic by creating a block of nations to challenge American supremacy. I hate them because they are arrogent and dismissive to former eastern Block nations who flock to our banner to stand side by side against those who threaten civilization.

But I love the good French. The ones who come foreward in times of great need. Who show courage and leadership and all the things that serve to make France great. They are there, waiting. They'll be there when France's policies come crashing down in fire and blood. It will happen. Why? Because terrorists can't be trusted.

I hate Canada too (mainly over the 1992 World Series). But not the French-Canadians. Isn't that odd?


P.S. I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of the French ethniticity or nationality.

I just assumed you were French. Guess it was your name.

I don't call people morons, although many ideas of a moronic nature have been expressed (not the legitimate disagreements such as this one). I apologize if anyone thought I had called them a moron simply by disagreeing with them.

I didn't call anyone a racist either. I did however claim that some enviromentalists may be motitvated by racist designs. It is one of several explanations about why its ok to pollute in Mexico or , but not in their own back yard.

Ok, I do take unfair shots at France. I call them cowards and make fun of their manhood. I apologize.

I just wish they'd stop trying to surrender to me.



Tuesday, April 27, 2004 3:21 PM


on malfeasance

Doubters of that judgment should read the report from the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) that accompanies the statement, "Restoring Scientific Integrity in Policy Making" (available at Among the affronts that it details: The administration misrepresented the findings of the National Academy of Sciences and other experts on climate change. It meddled with the discussion of climate change in an Environmental Protection Agency report until the EPA eliminated that section. It suppressed another EPA study that showed that the administration's proposed Clear Skies Act would do less than current law to reduce air pollution and mercury contamination of fish. It even dropped independent scientists from advisory committees on lead poisoning and drug abuse in favor of ones with ties to industry.

taken from

"We are exporting democracy because we have all of this unused democracy lying around at home. Why not make some money doing it?"


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:08 PM


There is an "ethnic" French now? There's language French, Nation French, Country French, (and thank God for the US of A) place French, Fries French, (of course) wine French, cheese French, and a couple of other things... What's this French ethnicity you speak of.... up until some years past the 100 year war - the French didn't even know they were French or such a thing as French... the Denmark, English, "French" were all too busy interbreeding each other to figure out these Ethnicity and too worry about the daily bread to figure out Nationality.

"You white people all look alike to me"

And what the heck is wrong with a little "French hating". What is this? Only the French can have a little smug attitude? You don't have to be a racist to "hate", tease, belittle, and "poke fun at their expense".

But sir, you are correct. There isn't any real honor in making fun of the French, what? they will just surrender immediately. What's the point?


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:14 PM



Originally posted by Jasonzzz:

There is an "ethnic" French now? There's language French, Nation French, Country French, (and thank God for the US of A) place French, Fries French, (of course) wine French, cheese French, and a couple of other things... What's this French ethnicity you speak of.... up until some years past the 100 year war - the French didn't even know they were French or such a thing as French... the Denmark, English, "French" were all too busy interbreeding each other to figure out these Ethnicity and too worry about the daily bread to figure out Nationality.

There's a new game called "Crusader Kings" by Paradox Entertainment out of Sweden. Try it, I think you'd like it.



Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:50 PM


OK, now that everyone's making fun of the French, it's not cool enough anymore. I have to find a NEW country to be prejudiced against. Hey - I've got it! The BELGIANS!! Yeah! And my new catchphrase will be
Fat Ugly Belgian Húndàn (being a family board and all.....)

With much thanks to the eternal Pythons!

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:31 PM


Oh boy.. Ruxton. I'm really doubting that you are someone with whom I should be talking. You seem a little.. paranoid isn't quite extreme enough a word. But I'm going to attempt to answer your.. odd reply as best I can.

In regard to letsroll911 website, it is absolutely fringe nutty. I saw these kinds of conspiracy theories coming out of France immediately after 911 before they had any supposed photographic proof. This tells me that there is a cause and effect relationship to these theories, that they thought up this scenario based on their prejudice and sought even the barest of corroboration and accepted such as proof. Any blurry pixel became a missile.. any fuzzy blob a plot to make poor unfortunate Muslims look bad.

As for the pictured "evidence", I'm afraid it's just not there. I don't see missiles they claim to show. They are making something out of nothing. The fact that people go to the site I believe can be explained by the fact that it is so outlandish as to be unbelievable to most people.. they pull the site up and gawk.. incredulously. They think like I did, "who in their right mind would believe this stuff much less make a web page about it?" The justice dept or any other agency going to the site could be interpreted the same way or could be a sign that they are hoping to find some way to shut the offensive and tasteless site down.

That you recite the web page's vacuous claims as if they are fact tells me that you are too easily sucked in to conspiracy bs.. and I'll probably not be able to help you. I have a friend who is almost as far gone as you are. He sees the city dump and calls it a 'compound' used secretly by the government. He sees contrails a jet is leaving in the sky and says it's some kind of a chemical the government is using to control us. There's a lot more that he's obsessed with.. but I believe he and you could possibly be helped by some medication and life long therapy.

I just don't believe Bush would sit by and let something like the 9/11 attack happen if he had really known it was going to happen. To say that he would is ludicrous hated showing. I dislike Bill Clinton as an unethical, lying, and philandering fool but I would have a hard time believing that even he could do something like you've described here.

I accept that you think you are not liberal.. but your attitudes and stance are so far from conservative that I have to think of you as being in the far far left.

I do not believe your claims that our administration is the most corrupt in history.. not even just the history of the US.. there were other amazing corruptions in the past if you take some time with history.. which it seems unlikely you've done given your statement about corruption. Do you know what separation of powers is? Do you understand why it's important? Or does it not matter now because a republican is in office?

"There are but two classes of people in the world, those who are informed and those who are not. I am glad to see that most respondents in this forum ARE informed."

I would add a third type of person as an extreme subtype of the 'informed people", those would be the type who believe everything they read on the internet.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 5:14 AM


Good morning...

So yesterday morning I mentioned richardecheandia's sound bite of Rumsfeld lying, claiming that neither he nor the president had said that Saddam Hussein was an immediate threat to the U.S. and then being shown that at an earlier time he had said precisely that there was "no more immediate threat to the U.S. or the world than Saddam Hussein." I mentioned that the fellas who'd been making all that noise higher up in this thread paraphrasing Rumsfeld saying that the liberal media had made it all up--the administration had never said Saddam Hussein was an immediate threat to the U.S.-- these fellas I said, had made themselves scarce.

Then hero posted about the terrible toll the environmentalists have taken on the economy and I quipped that he musta forgot the part about Rumsfeld being caught in a lie.

Okay, then hero responded (after a fashion) by reiterating that Saddam tortured a lot of people.

I wish I could remember my forensic league days more clearly because there's a name for that kind of misdirection. Someone makes a valid point and the opposition totally sidesteps the issue and brings up some horrible crime that supports their argument. The first guy says, "But that's irrelevant," and the opposition cries, "How can you say that this horrible crime is irrelevant?!?!"

Gawd, I hated forensic league, 'cause that's all it ever was. Hit and run artists perfecting their craft.

Anyway, here's what it's made me think about: after 9/11 America was filled with rage. We, as a people, wanted to lash out and hurt someone. So when the president says Afghanistan, we said, "Hayull yeah!" But after pummelling those poor devils even further into the dust than the Russians had before us, we were still angry. Afghanistan was too easy, it was like making your little sister cry. We felt no relief and we certainly didn't feel any safer. So when the president said Iraq, we said, "Now, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!" And we laid the proverbial "smack down" on Bagdhad.

But what I'm seeing now, as Bush's approval ratings continue to fall, is that America isn't so pissed off anymore. After all, we're essentially good, kind people and we don't like to murder tens of thousands of innocent folk. "We hadda do something!" and we did, and now we're paying for it. I think that's why Bush is not going to be reelected. Not so much because people oppose his policies or were against the war, but because we Americans really don't like to think of ourselves as aggressive bullies ("We're the good guys!"). So we'll sacrifice Bush and scapegoat him for the mess in Iraq, so that we can go on thinking that we're good and kind.

Just a thought...


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:19 AM


Blaming the French was an old comedy gag from the 80s. Since American culture eats itself like a blood caked zombie, this joke appeared over and over in various forms over the years. It became a standard joke common to most comedians.

Two decades later, when France decided rightly not to send thier troops into Iraq there was an upsurge in 'anti-French' sentiment in the USA. Freedom Fries and all that. Not sure if it was Limbaugh or whoever started that craze... anyho'...

... it just goes to show how hurtful, incestuous, and insane, American culture is. Reading certain posts above I gotta wonder if lobotomies are dirt cheap below the 49th.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 7:07 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Ghoulman wrote:


... it just goes to show how hurtful, incestuous, and insane, American culture is. Reading certain posts above I gotta wonder if lobotomies are dirt cheap below the 49th.

Isn't this statement the same type of stereotypical nonsense you are opposed to from some Americans about the French above?

Seems to me that maybe the U.S. has not cornered the market on stereotypes.

Just sayin'.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 7:50 AM


I don't hate the French, I don't hate the people, the country, or the land. I like French Fries, French wine, cheese, etc, etc. But that flippant "Idiot Americane" attitude I can do without. Seems like some (not just the French themselves) think that the French have the market cornered on having an attitude. So, with every ounce of strength and will that I have - I *hate* "The French" - but there's not much point in it - hating them more just makes them surrender even more.


Originally posted by Ghoulman:

... it just goes to show how hurtful, incestuous, and insane, American culture is. Reading certain posts above I gotta wonder if lobotomies are dirt cheap below the 49th.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:08 AM


Doran, thank you for your time. I appreciate your thoughtful response. Because of that, I'll briefly (fat chance!) attempt to respond to your response.

Maybe I can do so by examining just one point you mentioned, about a friend of yours:
"He sees contrails a jet is leaving in the sky and says it's some kind of a chemical the government is using to control us." This suggests you doubt anything like that can be going on, and also hints at a blind trust in government. I doubted anything like aerosol spraying could be happening myself, at first, because we are all conditioned from a very young age to trust our government, and all of its agencies. Such a thing seemed to be absurd.

While I don't know the INTENT, there is no doubt that aircraft are putting aerosols into the atmosphere on a regular basis. This may be confirmed by watching the sky, and may be verified by looking at satellite images that show the long=lasting trails as right-angle checkerboard patterns of thin clouds all over the country. The effect may also be seen in the jetstream pattern, which is distorted regularly into impossible configurations. It is one thing to jump to conclusions based on what someone tells you. That is the mark of the fool. It is quite another to look seriously into something, which often leads to conclusions that we may not want to accept, because they go against what we've been brought up to believe. It's easier to not want to know the truth, and most take that path.

I hope you will open your mind and look carefully at available facts instead of blindly clinging to rhetoric and establishment dicatates.

Contrary to your claim of believing everything I read on the Internet, I do quite the opposite. My education and experience has taught me to ask questions about EVERYTHING someone tries to tell me. To that end, I have spent countless hours over the past five years trying to find out what had, quite suddenly, caused my personal health to go into the cellar. This happened shortly after I moved to an area that was far from any city pollution, and is one of the most pristine-wilderness areas of the country. When I moved into my dream house, I naturally expected to breathe good air and experience good health in the latter part of my sixth decade. Instead, after a hike in fine, blue-sky weather that was marred by criss-crossed persistent contrails, I got deathly sick in my upper respiratory tract. I went looking for the cause.

More observations and more sickness over the succeeding months caused me to observe a close correlation between the trails in the sky and my breathing problems. It could surely not be that these clouds were causing my distress? I could not believe it. I went looking, photographing, observing, taking extensive notes, and even bought a microscope to look at the fallout from those aerosol trails. After nearly six years of intense observation, research, and after the deaths of three of my local friends from unexplained sudden lung problems, I came to the inescapable conclusion that these aerosols seemed to be a prime cause of my health problems. I have all the symptoms of barium poisoning, and it has been determined by other researchers (Note well: RESEARCHERS, not conspiracy theorists) that barium salts are part of the aerosols. There is no doubt these aerosols exist. There is huge doubt about their purpose.

If you have taken time to read this, thank you. I hope you realize that I'm not afraid of trying to find out things, no matter how unpopular they may be. By now, I hope you perceive that I don't take anything at face value, and surely don't believe everything I read on the Internet. While I normally take statements such as yours as gross insults, because they are indicative of a general lack of time spent looking into things and often of a grand lack of intelligence, I appreciated your taking time to respond, and sincerely hope this does not insult you. Instead, I hope it causes you, or perhaps other readers, to open your minds, to shut down your fears, to question your entrenched beliefs, and to ask some serious questions about how things work, and to go looking, really looking, for answers.

The Internet is nothing more, but NOTHING LESS than the biggest library in the world. For those who know how to use it, it gives insight into things that people (including you, apparently) don't WANT to believe, i.e., that Bush is a liar, that the French had the facts and listened to the largest international antiwar demonstrations in history, and that Saddam was no reason at all to have invaded Iraq.

Thanks to all of you for your time, and to this forum for providing space for such as me to write.

There are but two classes of people: those who are afraid to seek the truth; and those who MUST know it, no matter how contrary to established ideas it may be, and no matter how fearsome.



Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:21 AM


I have to agree with Browncoat1, it's best to avoid talking politics or religions with friends and family...

but..I'm also a patriotic American who hates to see America's defense and armed forces politicized and ridiculed, and to see those on the outside of the country acting like they have any better knowledge of what's going in the world. Unfortunately the majority of the dribble normally fed to those of us who sit in the majority (centrist minded folks), is exactly that..100% pure dribble.

I'm very well read. I make up my own mind, built upon information and personal research, from many reliable non-propagandist publications.
I'm familiar with the many UN resolutions against Israel, against Iraq (12 years worth..but hey..ya know , we didnt give Saddam a chance to comply). I've read the majority of them. I'm familiar with the fact that we shook the hand of Saddam and gave him WMD's (yet they don't and never existed according to some), because we used the rationale that he was the lesser of the 2 evils (Iraq Vs. Iran).

I hate seeing one group say that Bush is the root of all that is Evil and Wrong with the world, regardless of who commits the crimes. I hate seeing the Right blame everything that has occurred up to and including 9/11 on the Clinton Administration.

Regardless of all that has been said, the main thing that has been constantly placed on the wayside,all in the name of who won or lost the last election and the bad feelings that followed, is the fact that Militant Islamafascism, is evil. I didn't say Islam, I said Islamafascism and the horrific ilk that it spawns. Only they are to blame for what they have brought down upon themselves and their children.

I watched CNN the other day, and saw a Palestinian say " Our Children were born to be Martyrs". Here's to hoping he doesn't get his wish. Sadly however, I see that as inevitable.

Unfortunately, in the Middle East diplomacy is viewed as a weakness. Only brute force is accepted as Strength. Here's to hoping democracy gains a foothold.

God Bless America and her Sons and Daughters abroad, and may those who seek her destruction come to a painful demise.

If you don't like our President, Democratic, Republican or whatever is left( pun intended).."Tough dookey". They are still Our President, and I'm gonna support them 100% when it comes to defending our Homeland and supporting our Sons and daughters abroad.

If thats not good enough, well, In the proverbial words of Monty Python's Frenchman " I flaunt my genitals in your generale directionne!!"

As for France , well..we'll have to wait and see how this so-called "Oil for Food" probe pans out.


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:24 AM



Originally posted by Ruxton:
There are but two classes of people: those who are afraid to seek the truth; and those who MUST know it, no matter how contrary to established ideas it may be, and no matter how fearsome.

I think I'll steer clear of the political discussion. I'd just like to add some categories of people to the above.

There are those that will passively acquire knowledge.

There are those that will seek knowledge from time to time, but, no constant thirst.

Just saying that there are areas of grey when it comes to pretty much everything. The world is very rarely black and white.

"Hello, my name is SigmaNunki and I'm addicted to s"
"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show






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