YouTube Judo.

UPDATED: Friday, February 29, 2008 17:11
VIEWED: 1778
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008 5:48 PM


Here's a good one - turning their damn surveillance society against them.

Officer Suspended After Video Shows Him Berating Teen

Nice try by the cop-symps, but he didn't just berate the kid, he laid hands on him and threw him to the ground, and prettymuch pulled a Cartman with the whole You WILL respect mah authori-tay! thing...

And this is extremely, utterly, completely typical of the BCPD, the same force that arrested the couple for asking directions, and torched their own internal affairs dept's office in hopes of covering up the huge records of their misdeeds in spite of the fact that they just get a wristslap for anything short of murder, if even then.

Original video here.

This is what we need to do, turn their own petty little surveillance society AGAINST them.

And care to take bets on how FAST the FOP and other jackboot cop-symps try to introduce legislation that makes it illegal to film or record a cop while on duty ?

But you'll still be fair game, right ?

They ain't Lords, we ain't Peons, and if they can't GET that, it's time to make it damn clear to them.

Good job, kids.



Tuesday, February 12, 2008 6:56 PM


Wow.... good news for a change. I'm seeing promising things coming from the newer generations. This will happen more and, as you said, the authorities will show their true colors by trying to outlaw it. That will make it even more fun to do.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Tuesday, February 12, 2008 6:59 PM


Hey Frem, here's another good one for the collection I just saw today. A cop actually DUMPS a paralyzed man out of his wheelchair onto the floor because she doesn't believe he's really paralyzed.

I almost hesitate to post it due to the rage-induced coronaries it's like to cause...

if this crap keeps going on, something very big and very bad is gonna happen...


Wednesday, February 13, 2008 12:46 AM


Yeah, that kinda crap is pretty common - thing is, if it really WERE just a few bad apples, then why the hell aren't the decent officers rabidly slamming on them to protect their own reputation and integrity instead of hiding being the FOP and other cop-symp orgs even when they KNOW the bastards are guilty as hell ?

You'd think they would be first in line to deliver an asskicking, if it really were a "few bad apples"... but it aint.

What it is, what it seems to be, is a few REALLY bad apples, and a whole crapload of slightly bad ones looking the other way - all poisoned by the core corruption of holding them to lower standards than the rest of us... which should not be, a cops integrity should be above reproach, they need to lead by example, rather than force, and if they believe in the law so much, they should be MORE circumspect in obeying every detail of it than us mere citizens who did not take an Oath to uphold it...

And yes, I am including weapons laws in that, and every single teensy tiny petty nitpick law there ever was - if they're gonna enforce it on US, they need to enforce it on themselves first, and if they had to do that, I bet you dimes to dollars that a lot of that crap would go by the wayside REAL quick-like, wouldn't it ?

I think holding them to the same or higher standards than we are is the key to this, because currently they are not, they get way too much slack for bending the law on or off duty, more slack than WE would get in a court, and that is the root of this corruption.

Fix THAT, and over time this issue will correct itself.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, February 16, 2008 9:57 PM


New Charges Against City Cop

Just another day at work for Rivieri...

Let me explain something about Baltimore, and the Inner Harbor, to help put this crap in context.

The city of Baltimore, stripped the education budget, even closed and boarded up libraries, and siphoned off the proceeds of the massively cost overrun Light Rail (aka Loot Rail, as the homies use to to raid the burbs and deal dope there) in order to build that hell spawned Camden Yards, closed Memorial Park, made parking an unenforceable nightmare that still pours the $$$ into the city coffers, since even the locals don't get one ounce of mercy and bought into that stupid football team - all for tourism profits.

Care to guess how many of those schools, those libraries, ever re-opened ?
How many new ones built ?
Any of those trimmed off bus routes restored ?

Largess, Graft and pay raises for the politicians and their friends ? hell yes.

And then, smack in the middle there, is the Inner Harbor, upscale tourist attraction with all the trimmings, just do NOT go three blocks away from it in any direction if you value your life.

And here's the rub, now that you are starting to get the idea - they have special cops to patrol the outskirts of the harbor, and do you know what their job is ?

To keep the locals, the residents, the hell OUT.

If you look like a local, if they suspect you actually LIVE in Baltimore, they'll run you out of there in a heartbeat, they'll FIND a reason, make one up, whatever it takes, they WILL make you leave, or take you downtown and run you up on some bullshit as an object lesson.

Understand that this is Rivieri's JOB, that's what he does, he's one of the border patrol that keeps the people squeezed dry for the money to build it, OUT of the places their tax money built.

By any means necessary.

And all the while they never see a penny of the proceeds, nor is it possible to find employment there, such jobs are doled out as political favors to the connected.

So now you understand the full context of the situation, and why the BCPD are so universally despised.

Some day, there will be a riot there, and when it happens I hope to hell the first thing they torch is those goddamn tourist traps.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, February 16, 2008 10:33 PM



Originally posted by Eric:
Hey Frem, here's another good one for the collection I just saw today. A cop actually DUMPS a paralyzed man out of his wheelchair onto the floor because she doesn't believe he's really paralyzed.

I almost hesitate to post it due to the rage-induced coronaries it's like to cause...

if this crap keeps going on, something very big and very bad is gonna happen...


That's not your mother, IT'S A MAN, BABY!

Only minus any shred of the humor.


Yeah, that kinda crap is pretty common - thing is, if it really WERE just a few bad apples, then why the hell aren't the decent officers rabidly slamming on them to protect their own reputation and integrity instead of hiding being the FOP and other cop-symp orgs even when they KNOW the bastards are guilty as hell ?

A lot like what the Catholic church did for the pedo-priests. In fact, EXACTLY what the church did for the pedo-priests. Ain't no way that they're going to allow recording a police officer legal 5 years from now if this shit keeps popping up. Wouldn't want the idiot sheep mistrusting the police force like they do the Catholic church and its preists today.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Saturday, February 16, 2008 10:41 PM


Nailed his ass.

You figure it out.
also resigned yesterday from his post as executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County, a child mentorship program where he has worked for 29 years.

One less pipeline of the feeder system to worry about - but watch just how fast the coverup happens.

We ain't done yet, not by far.


Saturday, February 16, 2008 10:52 PM


"I hope and pray that my work in the local community for the last three decades will speak louder than the challenges I now face." ~ Republican Del. Robert McKee

An epitaph that suits him very well after the public lynching he deserves.

Sigh.... if there were justice in America, that's how it would go down.

What's going to happen is he's going to take some of that money I have no doubt he syphoned from his constituants and get some high priced lawyer fucks that have no souls to protect him and he'll be out in no time. Making things even more unfair to the people dumb enough (honest enough) to be in the private sector, he'll never have to worry about securing another job..... even if he is to spend the rest of his days as a post man in Alaska.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Saturday, February 16, 2008 11:10 PM


Oh little doubt he's gonna get bagged for possession only, with probation and a fine, maybe a token house arrest for a little while, since the prosecutor is without a doubt one of the clients of his brand of special services.

But we're gonna put the hot plate under em the whole lot of em anyway.



Saturday, February 16, 2008 11:19 PM


Men like you are worth 10,000 of those assholes in office and their two-faced "for the children" rhetoric. Good luck Frem.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, February 17, 2008 12:06 AM


I noticed earlier today that the woman cop who dumped the paralytic man outta his wheelchair is now charged with felony assault.

Felony assualt on a disabled person, in fact, which makes it a higher grade of felony, I think.

I wonder if a federal prosecutor could make a federal case against her, at least for civil rights violations, or something along those lines.

Hell, for my money, she's a terrorist, to be frank about it. I know that being treated that way by local law enforcement types, and me diabled like that, would terrorize me.

It's funny, though, how these badge heavy cops, (that's what good cops call those who abuse their authority, letting the badge go to their head) always pick on someone who can't fight back. Cowards at heart, IMO.

But, what do I know? Right?

I hope she gets ten years.

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Sunday, February 17, 2008 7:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Maybe HERO could prosecute, huh? He never loses a case, right?

But... oh yeah, he's a symp.


Tase me, bro!

Always look upstream.


Sunday, February 17, 2008 2:53 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
"I hope and pray that my work in the local community for the last three decades will speak louder than the challenges I now face." ~ Republican Del. Robert McKee

An epitaph that suits him very well after the public lynching he deserves.

Sigh.... if there were justice in America, that's how it would go down.

IF is a very dangerous word, Jack. If there was actual justice, if the Neo-cons all suffered simultaneous strokes, if Bush never got the presidency...
If is a word of longing or, in the case of the present context, complacency. If you do or do not do something to change what you believe is a corrupt system.


And together there
In a shroud of frost, the mountain air
Began to pass from every pane of weathered glass
And I held you closer than anyone would ever get

Do you remember the JAMC?
And reading aloud from magazines
I don't know about you but I swear on my name they could smell it on me
I've never been too good with secrets.

The Band of the week is... Death Cab for Cutie
Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein.


Sunday, February 17, 2008 3:17 PM



Originally posted by SergeantX:
the authorities will show their true colors by trying to outlaw it.

Unfortunately, I see it coming-

"Surveillance cameras are being removed from police cars and jail cells in an attempt to unclog the courts with suits", Chrisisall reports from City Hall. He was later taken away and beaten, but no video was able to back up his claims, and he left the hospital the next day.
No suit was filed.



Monday, February 18, 2008 6:13 AM


Oh I was afraid of this...

To the Tens of Thousands of Rogue Cops

Not that I give a shit about the police, they got it coming, but this whole concept and aspect will accellerate the downhill slide - cause if joe sixpacks start whacking cops as a retaliatory or pro-active defense against their bullshit, the cops will then start ramping it up in the other direction too, with the rabid authoritarianism of THIS administration behind em, it's a sure bet they'll get authorised to do anything they damn well please...

And then it'll get ugly.
Not puppy ugly either, rabid slavering monster ugly.

I hope to bloody hell the few cops with any decency left are damn scared, they need to be, they need to start cleaning house in an all fired hurry in order to avoid becoming a statistic via guilt by association - fuck the thin blue line, put some of these assholes they KNOW are dirty and have been for years in jail, and do it VERY publicly.

But the core corruption, letting it slide, holding them to a lower standard or none at all has let it go pretty downhill at this point, and I am not entirely sure even that would put the brakes on it.

We're lookin down the barrel of another major inner city riot, I think, and soon, pooled gasoline at this point, and just waiting for the unfortunate spark that sets it off.

If you DO live in a major city, I advise taking some precautions...
No need to freak out, or get all TEOTWAWKI, just sayin, you might wanna have some defense, fire suppression, and a decent stash of canned goods and bottled water, just in case.

Cause I can almost *feel* a riot building, don't ask me how, why or where, but all the predictive indexes are ringing like a belltower, and that's something I am not inclined to ignore.

Update: Nephew is doing much better, apparently they managed to save a hell of a lot more than they thought they could, and who'd thunk it...

The physical therapist got snarled right out of the room, but the girls brought him his playstation and that's been MORE theraputic than anything she likely woulda thought up anyhow - he's a stubborn little cuss, doesn't care how bad it hurts as long as he can still play.

Oh but video games are "bad for kids", uh-huh, I don't see anyone gonna successfully shovelling THAT line of bolus at his mother ever again.

Even if I did reccommend she hold off on buying GTA:San Andreas when he was 10 because ain't no WAY I was gonna explain what more or less amounts to BDSM to him when it comes time to get the casino keys.
(I got him the keys on his savegame while was at school one day, circumventing THAT little problem before it became one..whew.)


Monday, February 18, 2008 10:01 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

To the Tens of Thousands of Rogue Cops

Oh boy.
I can't say I'm REAL surprised to read something like that, but it's SIGNED...

It's almost Escape From LA these days....



Wednesday, February 20, 2008 6:57 AM


Some things I wanna add here...

Firstly, another BIG issue in MD is that the force considers anyone below the age of 25 to be less than human, and is downright notorious for abuse of teens...

The juvie judges got so sick of cops "throwing the book" at kids over nothing, and hoping something would stick, back in the early 80's that they just pitch any charges that look iffy, that usually being 90% of them, and pitch anything whatsoever by the BCPD.

So MD cops tend to resort to "street justice" against these kids, counting on the (completely justified) fear of further harrassment and less effective testimony on the grounds of age to keep them out of trouble - which these kids NEED to start circumventing with cameras and recorders.

I am going to watch this one, because Sarge Kempel did the RIGHT thing, his asshole buddy wanted some street justice, and delivered it in direct defiance of policy....

Now in the aftermath I wanna see if Kempel stands up, or hides behind the FOP and Police Union to protect the jerk who defied his orders for the sheer sake of sadism.

That will be revealing, will it not ?

Also, lemme explain to you why YOU must have a camera.
You'll note that officer Rivieri probably WOULD have confiscated that kids recorder and pitched it into the harbor if he thought it was live, and things would have turned out differently, yes ?

Also worthy of note is how Sergeant Kuehnleins cruiser camera either "malfunctioned" or the footage "turned up missing" (the dept has changed their story a couple times, mind) on the night he chose to verbally abuse and threaten Brent Darrow.

Don't count on thier cameras to protect you, most especially when every ounce of the footage is in their hands for editing, to be "lost" or buried, and since prosecutors routinely violate discovery without so much as a verbal reprimand, the chances of being able to use it in your defense are not good odds to bet on.

That is, IF the camera is even rolling, case in point.

Which brings up something else.

Many folks rely on the old saw
"Just put up with it, the side of the road is no place to argue with a cop, he's going to win that every time, so just knuckle under and let the lawyers sort it out..."
I call bullshit.

Firstly, that doesn't help you one bit if you "have an accident" or "commit suicide" or just (and this is a popular favorite) up and die out of the blue of *giggle,snicker* "excited delirium", which seems like it must be a medical reaction to police custody as not one death from it has ever been reported otherwise.

Second, it sends the wrong goddamn message to these goons, most people DON'T follow the three R's of dealing with a bad cop, they just knuckle under, and accept it because I think we ALL know and admit they will be subject to further harrassment if they press the issue, just like resisting any other street gang.


Record everything possible, if on audio, get names, get badge numbers... SOP in Baltimore is to cover the badge number with black electrical tape and claim it's in mourning for a downed cop.

Make them TELL you their name and badge number, because a great many of them will lie, and this makes it easier to blow their testimony to hell when they shovel it to the prosecutor - some of which even coined a term for it since they depend on it to do their job at all...

When they ask your consent to be searched, say NO.
When they ask to search your vehicle, say NO.
When they ask you to step out of the vehicle, LOCK IT UP.... an unlocked vehicle is a damned invitation to plant stuff, and some cops with their little prosecutor buddies accept this as express "consent to search".

Don't make it easy for them, don't hand them a gimme - be aware you can DO this without talking smack or being verbally aggressive, it's almost assured the officer is going to be practically throwing a tantrum, and it's important to keep YOUR cool so the Jury sees a cop throwing a tantrum AT you, rather than an altercation between two jerks.

IF you feel the arrest is bullshit, or they have not proper cause to make one, it's up to you to decide whether to resist or not - but folks, if you know DAMN WELL they are going to kick the shit out of you as soon as they get you out of sight, don't go easy, MAKE them do it in public, make them HAVE to do it in public, more witnesses and possible media attention can bring down pressure that might be the difference between your day in court, and one more case of "excited delirium" in custody.

Show of hands, how many of you know folk who have been "arrested for resisting arrest" and similar cockamamie bullshit over the years?

At all times be aware that the officer is NOT your friend - they are no longer "peace officers", they are "law enforcement" and their whole job and purpose once they have you at arms length is to FIND a reason, an excuse, to drag you off to lockup.

When they are talking to YOU, dude, shut your mouth, ok... they don't give a shit about finding some suspect, or whether you saw anything or not, what they WANT is YOUR ASS, and don't let your mouth hand it to them - you tell em NOTHING, clam up and refuse to say word ONE.

Don't bother askin for a lawyer or one phone call, they know your rights as well as you do, and if they give a fuck they're BRING you a phone, and a public defender (complete with recorder to tape your imminent confession, after which, he will bail your case, have another appointed and hand the prosecutor the tape) whom you order to go get YOUR lawyer, and then get out of your sight.

And don't tell the freakin bail commissioner a damned thing either, he'll roll you just as quick, he's only playin friendly to get you to admit to stuff - and when it starts lookin like you won't, he'll start jacking your bail as a slap in your face.

So you don't give him nothing to work with, and for sure don't hand him an excuse to fuck you over when he has your balls in his hand ready to crush em.

AND, the one thing you do, you make SURE to do, IN THE COMPANY OF YOUR LAWYER, is visit Internal Affairs on your way out of the building, and make damn sure to file a report, get two copies, and give one to him, IN FRONT OF THEM.

And you don't move more than 3 feet from your attorney till you are AT LEAST five miles away, no matter what - if you have to take a piss, hold it or bring him with you, TRUST me on this, as my former attorney had a client "Assault an officer" and wind up with a bullet in his forehead that way, and it was the officers word against nobody at all.

Remember the three R's folks, say it with me now.


Oh, and one final note - that whole "cooperate and we'll go easy on you" lie...

First, the cops have no legal authority to adjust charges, suggest sentencing or anything of that nature - that is the judges job, and they're gonna tell him you're a scumbag and a perp no matter what...

And when the prosecutor shovels that same brand of shit at you, remember what kind of monster you are dealing with their, this is a guy who is rabidly, utterly and completely on the side of the folk who just abused you and your rights, who also has no LEGAL, HONEST authority over your sentencing - any influance he might have is strictly illegal and back room, and if you think you can trust mercy from a snake like that, think again.

It's the Judge and Jury you have to convince, not the jackboots.

But good backup will ensure you live to GET that chance in one piece without permanently crippling injuries - make sure to have some.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, February 20, 2008 7:21 AM


All good advice Frem. I had a bad experience with a corrupt judge & PO in GLEN COVE LONG ISLAND (not to name names or anything), and I can verify personally some of what you talked about.



Friday, February 22, 2008 4:00 PM


Here's another one for the hitbox.

"A Harris County sheriff's deputy did not have the authority to go to the home of a man who had photographed an officer at a drug raid or to destroy film in that man's camera, a former local prosecutor testified Thursday.

The testimony surfaced in U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt's court, where a jury is considering a civil rights lawsuit filed by brothers Sean and Erik Ibarra, who were taken to jail six years ago on charges of resisting arrest, but later cleared of any wrongdoing. The Ibarras are suing the four deputies involved in their arrests, Sheriff Tommy Thomas and Harris County for $5 million.

The brothers were arrested at their southeast Houston home on Jan. 4, 2002, when Sean Ibarra took pictures of an officer during a drug raid at their next-door neighbor's house after a neighbor asked him to document how deputies were treating the children there."

Sounds like these two have previous experience with police BS, like being "Arrested for Resisting Arrest" and wanted to counteract it, only to get stomped down.



Friday, February 22, 2008 4:16 PM


On a humorous note...

In NYC once I zoomed into a parking spot that a guy was taking too long to decide if he wanted or not (yeah, not great manners, but it WAS NYC). As I got out of my car, two guys stepped out, one my size and one noticeably bigger, and the big one threatened to kick my ass. I was late to a comic convention, so I said "Whatever you're gonna do, do it fast, okay? I'm running late."
Then the guy my size pointed to his friend & said, "Hey man, He's a COP!"
So I said, "ummm...sorry." But I made no move to move my car, City Rules said I got that space fair & square.
So the big guy kicks a dent in my door and turns and leaves. I run in to the con. I gots my priorities....



Friday, February 29, 2008 5:11 PM


Well goddamn, THAT didn't take long!

do-gooder who recorded abusive Boston police officers was himself arrested under a controversial ‘wiretapping’ law.

And yes, I saw the dashcam of the cops roughing up and siccing the dog on that dude and then planting dope on him - it's just that it's so common there's really no need to post em all or we'd be doing little else, yes ?

Relay-sourcing is a good counter to this, make sure that whatever storage device the audio/video is ported to is NOT on your person - because "bad things" can and WILL happen to it the moment it enters the officers possession, and then it's just your word against his scummy, lying ass with the court mostly in his pocket because they're afraid of the FOP and Police Unions (read: Mafia).

My actions would depend on whether I was armed at the time or not, since I usually am, I prolly woulda went silent non-compliance, as five rounds of .380 is a losing bet against a pair of armored up, overgunned state jackboots from a toe-to-toe standpoint, and although you are legally allowed to, and supposed to, use lethal force if you must to prevent a false arrest - in practice the only thing you'll get that way is dead, as the rest of their street gang in blue will make sure of you and fuck the law they supposedly uphold.

Had I not been armed, I would indeed have made an issue of it, and then sued individually for each injury starting with the tiniest scratch, since the arrest was indeed false and thus a felonious assault at the hands of criminals representing the city of Boston by their conduct - I'd make quite sure Boston got a sharp lesson in what it means to employ a street gang to enforce it's whims, as they would then be legally and financially liable for every single injury inflicted by their goons in the commission of an intentional crime.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it






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