Daily spending limit

UPDATED: Saturday, March 1, 2008 12:15
VIEWED: 4173
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Friday, February 29, 2008 9:01 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Buckling down to "the man" may not be brave or even intellectually honest, but it has given me an opportunity to live well and raise a wonderful family.

We all have to buckle down to the man on some level to get along, and families need resources to grow, so, no judgement here on peeps that go with the necessary economic flow....

I'm there myself on many levelsisall


Friday, February 29, 2008 9:30 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
And I make my purchases with cash now. Took a while for me to get used to having to actually go inside the gas station to make a purchase, and even longer to guage just how much gas I need so I don't have to go back in to get my change. Weird.... before I started using my debit card at 18 years old to make gas purchases, people used to trust you enough to pump the gas first and pay when you were done.....

You have to pay for your petrol before you put it in your car?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Friday, February 29, 2008 9:37 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Sarge... I don't give two shits how you live your life.

OK, good, but then ...

... When you grow up, become an adult, if you want to have a better life then you need to accept things as an adult and go with all there is to offer. Otherwise you'll end up a bum and a loser.

... you go on to tell me all the things I should do to "become an adult", implying that anyone who doesn't subscribe your notion of the right way to live is naive, childish or a moron. I'm neither a bum nor loser, and I've never just accepted things, so I can say from personal experience that your claim is full of shit. Change for the better doesn't happen by accepting things.


.. if you just let go of your idealistic and hopeless fantasies about what you'd like the world to be. Time to face realities, and strive to acheive the most out of this reality. ALL the rest of it is intellectally bankrupt nonsense...mental masterbation for the miscreantic., by your accounting, the founders of the US were immature jerks who really should have just given up their childish fantasies and accepted British supremacy. Buncha whiners, they were.

Oh well, color me miscreant.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Friday, February 29, 2008 10:16 AM



Originally posted by SergeantX:
QUOTE]Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Sarge... I don't give two shits how you live your life.

OK, good, but then ...

... When you grow up, become an adult, if you want to have a better life then you need to accept things as an adult and go with all there is to offer. Otherwise you'll end up a bum and a loser.

... you go on to tell me all the things I should do to "become an adult", implying that anyone who doesn't subscribe your notion of the right way to live is naive, childish or a moron. I'm neither a bum nor loser, and I've never just accepted things, so I can say from personal experience that your claim is full of shit. Change for the better doesn't happen by accepting things.


.. if you just let go of your idealistic and hopeless fantasies about what you'd like the world to be. Time to face realities, and strive to acheive the most out of this reality. ALL the rest of it is intellectally bankrupt nonsense...mental masterbation for the miscreantic., by your accounting, the founders of the US were immature jerks who really should have just given up their childish fantasies and accepted British supremacy. Buncha whiners, they were.

Oh well, color me miscreant.


First...nice cut & paste job here!'re taking my post way too personally, 'cause nothing I wrote was directed at you. Even the openning "two shits" comment was meant to address your previous post that implied I was trying to tell you how to live. I wasn't....As I wrote to Chris in previous post, I was just trying to give some friendly advice on how to live a happier general terms. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder about all this, and the reach back to the Founding Fathers was a nice touch, but seems a little desperate to me. So go ahead and live your life any way you want, pay no attention to anyone who has other life experiences that differ from yours. In fact go on the offensive and attack them because you don't like to hear anything that sounds like someone telling you what to do, even if it's meant as benevolent.


Friday, February 29, 2008 10:21 AM



Originally posted by SergeantX:
At the core of this attitude is the notion that there is a 'right' way to live, moreover that society has a right, even a duty, to 'promote' this right way to live.

People are herd / flock / school animals. That is just a fact of life. Yet people are also inherently sovereign individuals, which is also a fact of life. The desire to faithfully follow the crowd and the ability to think for oneself causes a great deal of conflict--in both the individual and society.

Convergent people like Jong wish that mavericks would just shut up and follow along--quit disturbing the peace with that conspiracy theory bullshit. It annoys them. Just be NORMAL for once, ya know?

Similarly, divergent people like me feel annoyed that "normal" folk can't see the cliffs ahead if we continue to follow our current path. I wish they would at least quit trying to force me on that path. Just think outside the herd for once, ya know?

I don't know the answer. I've never been able to truly fit in with normal people.

Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience, then? I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward.
--Henry David Thoreau


Friday, February 29, 2008 10:36 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Convergent people like Jong wish that mavericks would just shut up and follow along--quit disturbing the peace with that conspiracy theory bullshit. It annoys them. Just be NORMAL for once, ya know?

I don't appreciate you spinning my words and using them to fit your agenda. I never said I wished for anyone to shut up. I've written enough here today for you or anyone to understand my intentions here and why. For you to twist it all around so you can inject a big word like convergent is really disappointing.


Friday, February 29, 2008 10:43 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:'re taking my post way too personally, 'cause nothing I wrote was directed at you.

I know that. Nor was I addressing you personally. It's the point of view that I find interesting. I was pointing out that even though the 'right-way-to-live' people will say they don't care how other people live, they have specific ideas on what those other people should do. They even support societal structures (banking policies, laws, etc..) that force those people into playing along.


You seem to have a chip on your shoulder about all this ...

Perhaps. Mostly I just want to recognize things for what they are. I think the ideological division I'm identifying is very real. There's a distinct type of person who thinks they know best and will do whatever they can to make the 'miscreants' toe the line. (not necessarily saying that's you, btw). This notion is at the heart of the political ideologies of both the Democrat and Republican parties. They just have different lists of "shoulds".

It's this divide that us libertarian crackpots see as a dangerous trend. Unchecked, it's in direct contradiction with a free society. And right now, from what I'm seeing dominate the political landscape, it's very much 'unchecked'.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Friday, February 29, 2008 10:59 AM



Originally posted by SergeantX:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:'re taking my post way too personally, 'cause nothing I wrote was directed at you.

I know that. Nor was I addressing you personally. It's the point of view that I find interesting. I was pointing out that even though the 'right-way-to-live' people will say they don't care how other people live, they have specific ideas on what those other people should do. They even support societal structures (banking policies, laws, etc..) that force those people into playing along.


You seem to have a chip on your shoulder about all this ...

Perhaps. Mostly I just want to recognize things for what they are. I think the ideological division I'm identifying is very real. There's a distinct type of person who thinks they know best and will do whatever they can to make the 'miscreants' toe the line. (not necessarily saying that's you, btw). This notion is at the heart of the political ideologies of both the Democrat and Republican parties. They just have different lists of "shoulds".

It's this divide that us libertarian crackpots see as a dangerous trend. Unchecked, it's in direct contradiction with a free society. And right now, from what I'm seeing dominate the political landscape, it's very much 'unchecked'.


Well I'm glad we cleared up the personal aspect at for the rest, I still think you don't really understand fully what I've been saying here all day......
the world 'aint perfect, but you can make "your world" perfect if you want. You can spend your energies fighting windmills or building sandcastles on the beach...whatever makes you happy, as the song goes, can't be that bad. For journey in life taught me to accept....accept and go with it,to do the best you can within the system. The odds of you changing the system are very slim, but those that try all their lives may end up with nothing except some great intentions. Life's too short to be miserable and un-satisfied.


Friday, February 29, 2008 11:02 AM



which they don't disclose to you because the agreement has changed when your original mortgage provider pawned you off. Our previous mortgage company would hold a check until the day after it was due(mind you it would come up as pending on our account) and not cash it until the day after and then say we were late.

Ah yes, another "satisfied" customer of Citigroup, I suspect.
Changing payment dates and mailing the notice after is a favorite game of theirs too, as is cashing a $1300 dollar check for $130 and screaming you underpaid them.

That kind of chicanery tends to fall flat when they try pulling it on folk who have a hefty crooked bent of their own - but playing this game with the fuckers ALL THE TIME, back and forth annoys the everlivin crap out of me.

As for the rest...

Really shows the petulant immaturity of the "get a life" crowd and the intolerance they hide behind those falsely-smiling masks... if it really worked for them, they wouldn't care what we did or thought, but they do, somewhere deep in their hearts is the guilt of inaction that spurs such mockery (a form of flattery, imop, when it comes from them) and scorn, they're simply attempting to validate their own inaction and conformity, is all.

Lemme ask em this bit then - if the status quo is so great, why is everyone so fucking miserable, so many struggling poor and homeless even though they did everything "right" by your standards, and why is it that us "crazies" have pretty much been right on every call since 2001 and the "normals" have screwed the pooch ?

Answer me that one, Bubba, and I might put a rice grains worth of stock in anything else you have to say.

Till then, don't expect me to join the congo line when I can damn well see the cliff edge from here.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, February 29, 2008 11:08 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
The odds of you changing the system are very slim, but those that try all their lives may end up with nothing except some great intentions. Life's too short to be miserable and un-satisfied.

I'm sure no one here believes you are actually a full-blown antidisestablishmentarianist, like AURaptor, for instance.

"I stretch my mouth
to let the big words come right out"isall


Friday, February 29, 2008 11:37 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
I don't appreciate you spinning my words and using them to fit your agenda. I never said I wished for anyone to shut up. I've written enough here today for you or anyone to understand my intentions here and why. For you to twist it all around so you can inject a big word like convergent is really disappointing.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood you. However, that IS the way I understood your intentions to be--that you wished we would just act normal, stop complaining (as in "shut up"), and accept things the way they are. If that is not what you meant, then you'll have to explain it to me again.

I didn't mean to put words in your mouth. I hate it when others do it to me, so I apologize.


Friday, February 29, 2008 11:48 AM


Oh, yeah...

The whole live and let live thing breaks down when I have no interest in running your life for you - but that same respect is not whatever paid in kind, by folk who run to big daddy gov to enact legislation to do so unto me.

Doin it by proxy doesn't mean you ain't doin it.

Grant me the same respect I grant thee, or expect none in return.



Friday, February 29, 2008 12:03 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
folk who run to big daddy gov to enact legislation

At work management is always askin' me why I never write anyone up for stuff and follow up with weekly written evaluations to see if the problem has been solved . I say why waste time & paperwork when you can walk up to someone's face & just say, "Do what we're payin' ya for or please go home."
I guess that's to say I don't believe in big daddy government.

Oops, I'm not sure that was on topic...tired, back hurts...



Friday, February 29, 2008 12:40 PM


QUOTE]You have to pay for your petrol before you put it in your car?

Yes - Pay before you pump. Sort of like prostitution really.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Friday, February 29, 2008 1:01 PM


WoW ChrisisaStarisAll

You are obtuse AND flippant. Dude, have you been working out?


I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Friday, February 29, 2008 2:57 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
I do have an account--it is simply not interest-bearing.

(Scroll up to my post with the Douglas Adams quotation.)

You seemed to imply, at least to me, that there is little to no benefit for having an account. Just saying that at least in some circumstances that there is benefit even if you don't use it. Well, at least if the cost of cashing a cheque without an account is greater than cashing a cheque with an account plus any service fees, etc.


Indeed. Too much can be tracked and WAY too much is done in the name of fighting something that arguably isn't a problem.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, February 29, 2008 4:52 PM


(Off Topic: But Amusing)
You might like this one, then, Chris.

Way back in the days of yore when I was young and hale - according to some that being right after they invented dirt...

I worked for a light construction/demolition company, and we were taking down a condemned rural house.

We'd taken the 2nd floor out before, and were on the ground floor, my job was to knock down the south wall and break it down so that the remains would fit manageably into the truck, and Jerk was to take out the west wall in same fashion - only Jerk was a little too stoned to do it, and yes, I called him Jerk.

He was this big Jamaican dude, and I couldn't pronounce his name for the life of me, generally a mellow dude but with the bad habit of getting torqued on the job, so when I saw "Carribean Jerk Seasoning" at the store and bought him a bottle as a joke, forevermore we called him Jerk.

So, he was too wasted to do the west wall, and I was done a bit early on my side, and I flat told him, yelled at him more like "If I do your job, imma take your money too, see if I don't!" and proceeded to obliterate the west wall in a furious rage, my preferred manner was a long handled geology hammer leftie and a four pound estwing maul rightie - you'd be amazed how fast you can take a residential house apart with that combo...

Bobby, the boss, at the end of the day took me at my word - paid me mine, and then paid me Jerk's share on top of it, a rather stiff lesson but a welcome one, cause Jerk showing up too bombed to work was quite a bit rarer after that, good ganja's expensive, yanno.

*FMF, LoL, Ouch, that was a good one!


Saturday, March 1, 2008 7:42 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I bailed out of BoA many years ago. At the time we had moved to LA, found a house that was worth buying and wanted to take money out of a CD early for a down. So the teller keeps giving us the runaround... "But you know you'll have to pay a penalty ..." "Yes, we know that. We're willing to pay". "But I can't do that because you have to pay a penalty" "Yes we know that, we're willing to pay." This gets louder and louder. Manager is called over, gives us the same BS, until rather quietly SO says... "what do you mean I can't have my money?" More manager BS. SO, a little louder... "What do you mean you won't give me my money?" The nearest people start looking around nervously. Hemming and hawing, more temporizing... until SO said, loud enough for half of the bank to hear: "Are you telling me I can't withdraw my money?"

Needless to say we got our money, and closed out accounts within a few days.

However, the background, if you recall, was a similar finanacial crisis that even prompted the movie Rollover and BoA was a just a little short of cash.

Just like they are now.

Let's party like it's 1929.


Saturday, March 1, 2008 12:10 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
You seemed to imply, at least to me, that there is little to no benefit for having an account.

Nah... it's more like, the risks of not having access to my money when I want/need it outweighs its few benefits. The way I get around that is to HAVE an account, but keep very, very little in it.

Best O' Both Worlds Bank O' Mattress.

All generalizations are false, including this one.
--Mark Twain


Saturday, March 1, 2008 12:15 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Just like they are now.

And that's the undercurrent of my worrisome-ness.

It's not just one little thing. It's one little thing, and then another, and then another, and then Reuters talking about the 2nd Great Depression. After a while, if you don't step back and start looking at the big picture, it's just denial.

A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen.
--Sir Winston Churchill






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