Anyone seen PirateNews lately ? Ricin scare in Vegas.....

UPDATED: Monday, March 3, 2008 09:54
PAGE 1 of 1

Saturday, March 1, 2008 5:56 AM


America loves a winner!

Anarchist manual, firearms found in motel room with ricin

LAS VEGAS, Nevada (CNN) -- Officers who found the deadly poison ricin in a Las Vegas, Nevada, extended-stay hotel room also discovered firearms and an "anarchist-type textbook" with an entry about ricin bookmarked, police said Friday.

Two tests had confirmed the substance found was ricin, and that a man who was staying there has been hospitalized for more than two weeks and is in critical condition, police said Friday.

The 57-year-old man, whose name was not released, summoned authorities February 14 and asked to be transported to a hospital because of difficulty breathing, Kathy Suey, deputy chief of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, told reporters.

But police were not aware of the ricin's existence until Thursday, when a second man, who identified himself as a relative of the victim, went to the Extended Stay America room to clear the victim's possessions out and found the substance. That man brought the poison, which was in vials in a plastic bag, to the manager's office, and police were notified.

"He felt it was something that required police attention," said Las Vegas police Capt. Joe Lombardo. "He brought it to the management and said that 'I'm not comfortable with whatever this item is.'"

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, March 1, 2008 6:22 AM


I wonder if he's Bulgarian and can account for his whereabouts in 1978.

"The case is even more intriguing now that Bulgaria has admitted that its spy agency was responsible for the famed "poison umbrella" attack on Georgi I. Markov, a Bulgarian exile, in London in 1978. Markov died after he was jabbed in the back of his right thigh with the umbrella tip, which implanted a tiny pellet under his skin containing ricin, a deadly poison derived from the seeds of the castor oil plant. Former K.G.B. general Oleg Kalugin has said that he dispatched Gen. Sergei Mikhailovich Golubev of the K.G.B.'s Directorate K to Sofia to advise the Durzhavna Sigurnost on the hit, and to provide the umbrella and the poison pellet."


Saturday, March 1, 2008 6:07 PM


That's the funny thing, there's ricin, and then there's ricin, all it really is, is a waste product from castor oil production, and anyone with half a lick a sense who knows anything about it could run up a low purity batch without even kicking up a red flag - one of the prime suspects of an earlier mailing-scare was the management of a trucking company whos trucks occasionally carried bulk bean oil, it being fairly obvious they'd not have had too much trouble putting their hands on some refinable waste product.

Once it was determined the primary suspects were the "wrong" color and religion for a highly publicized bust, in spite of attempts by the suspects to implicate and play on fear of middle-easterners, the case was never really investigated publicly after that.

Short of outlawing castor beans, and castor bean oil, there's really not a lot of preventive measures that can be done - creating a total paranioa atmosphere reminiscent of moscow under the watchful gase of the KGB and GRU just feeds the frenzy and intimates to the folk inclined to do so that they better start retaliating or things will get worse, you see.

Even though we all know the current and probably future regime would then use that as an excuse to make things worse anyway.

Believe me, with what can be cooked up in the average residential kitchen in a short time with just a little know how, the key to not having it happen is not backing folks so far into a corner they feel the need to act in such a fashion.

And if you think that threat does not BELONG in america, then I suggest you go read the Federalist/Anti-Federalist papers in relation to the bearing of arms and the second amendment.

That kind of threat, be it via arms, be it via bombs, be it via poison, or what have it, is quite explicitly suppposed to be there as a bulwark against exactly the kind of tyranny we're facing now, and the failure of our current government to abide by it's Constitutional Limitations.

You start stomping all over peoples rights, backing them into corners, and depriving them of all hope of changing the system through non-violent means, this kind of thing happens.

It starts with folks who are maybe not quite right, not really stable, but as the fear, paranoia and institutional abuse of authority get ramped up by the power hungry seeking excuses to feed their fix, often using these isolated incidents as flimsy excuses, soon you start backing even ordinarly folks into a corner.

Especially with a failing infrastructure and imploding economy, on top of an idiotic war nobody in their right mind wants that is sucking up reasources we badly need here right now, and a Government that by any stretch of the imagination is out of control, I find myself surprised these kinds of incidents are not a lot more common.

But I fear they will be.

You take away a persons hope, leave them no avenue remaining of changing a situation that has turned to such misery that death would be preferable, and they WILL eventually resort to such things - just look at the guy who made that "Last Stand" over a foreclosed house recently, or the springtrap bomb at a Paypal HQ.

Those aren't just pranks or the actions of nutters, those two things were done in response to a lack of hope in resolving the issue in a nonviolent fashion, with a clear target and intent.

This isn't justification mind you, it's pure psychology, we are seeing the first little sniffle, the first hacking cough, of what could be a bad sickness, and the time for preventive measures is now or never.

And coming down with both jackboots and a totalarian lockdown is not the answer, as it will deprive those who still have any remaining hope of what they have left and accellerate the process, and damned quickly.

What we NEED to do, is start offering our own people some hope of something other than a further continuation of this misery and dearth of hope, but forgive me if I don't see any in the clenched fists of all but one of the nincompoops running for office these days.

I'm tellin ya, unless something changes in a big way, right soon now...

It ain't a matter of IF, anymore...
It's a matter of WHEN.

My concern at this point is just not being scored as a collateral when it does get to that, cause I feel that I have done all I can to prevent it in the face of disbelieving people who ignorantly cheered the abuse and paved the way for it to happen, so it's not like I have a lot of sympathy at this point either.

To borrow a quote from Dark Fury.
"Told ya that was comin. - Riddick

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, March 2, 2008 7:00 AM


America loves a winner!


Once it was determined the primary suspects were the "wrong" color and religion for a highly publicized bust, in spite of attempts by the suspects to implicate and play on fear of middle-easterners, the case was never really investigated publicly after that.

What in the world does THAT have anything to do w/ the price of tea in China? The case was never publically investigated - EVER - , regardless of the perps race or religion. I think this story is being sat on for other reasons. Anyone attempting mass murder is going to be a valid big time story, regardless of race, religion or so called 'motive'.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, March 2, 2008 7:31 AM


Well, apparently it wasn't as much of a "big time story" once it became clear that the perps were locals - they tried a couple really lame stunts to make it look like a certain other company was responsible, but those fell flat and the company they tried to implicate was immediately cleared.

As soon as it became apparent that this was the work of domestic nutters, and but certain other evidence, right-wing nutters - any further investigation was dropped like a hot brick.

They threw out a reward offer and slung it on the back burner, where it lies ignored to this day.

I don't know if it's jurisdictional, or a matter of unofficial policy, but they have a bad habit of backing off and/or dropping investigations of domestic crazies, but given their drastic fumbling when they do proceed, might be better to relay the actual arrest and processing to local authorities.

They did that with Krar and it didn't go off too bad, although they did halfass the followup.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, March 3, 2008 8:28 AM


Don't worry. PirateNews is safely monitored at all times by the highly trained members Tennessee State Royal Death Squad Highway Nazi-Zionist Patrol.

I have a little window on my computer that shows a top down satalite view of his location from the TeleStar PN-2200 PirateNews Monitoring Satalite. We also have drone coverage as needed thanks to our friends at the NSA.

Tracking him is so much easier ever since I had him tagged last year.



Monday, March 3, 2008 8:55 AM


Is PirateNews actually Dale in King of the Hill?


Monday, March 3, 2008 9:07 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


The protein ricin is a toxin extracted from the castor bean (Ricinus communis).

The United States investigated ricin for its military potential during the First World War. At that time it was being considered for use either as a toxic dust or as a coating for bullets and shrapnel. The dust cloud concept could not be adequately developed, and the coated bullet/shrapnel concept would violate the Hague Convention of 1899.

During the Second World War the United States and Canada undertook studying ricin in cluster bombs. Though there were plans for mass production and several field trials with different bomblet concepts, the end conclusion was that it was no more economical than using phosgene. Ricin was given the military symbol Whiskey (W).

OTC Antidote for Ricin:

The Summer Glau Chronicles: Free download of all episodes
Hanoi Hannity: "I voted for the Sino-American Alliance."
"US ports owned by Commie China is good for me."
"Dead and disabled US soldiers are good for me."
"Outsourcing your job is very good for me."
"Sir Rupert dines with Hillary every week."
"Ron Paul does not exist in my 'Verse."
"Vote for Billary not McCain."

"As far as Chinese goes, I resented it."
-Adam Tudyk, The Making of Firefly


Monday, March 3, 2008 9:54 AM



PN, I think you've gotten your Ricin antidote mixed up the one for NeoCon ranting...






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