Somebody Please 'Splain This !

UPDATED: Sunday, March 16, 2008 13:07
VIEWED: 2901
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008 4:37 PM


WARNING!.......This post contains vulgarity and bad words.

1) How did it come to be that the fucking terrorist Achmidinehad just fucking waltzed into Baghdad yesterday?
2) How could the fucking Iraqi Govt. allow that piece of human filth to come to Iraq and proceeds to bash America?
3) How could fucking America just sit by like fucking retards and allow that to occur?
4) Does anyone in this fucked-up absurd situation think it's fucking insane to spend a billion dollars a month, and lose dozens of soldiers a month in an effort to "help" Iraq with security, and then the fucking KING of fucking terrorism, and the direct person of responsibility for countless American deaths comes in under the fucking protection we are providing? And then proceeds to shit all over America?!
This is absolutely the last straw! Any last, faint scintilla of rationale for this Iraq occupation, or protection, or nation building , or whatever the fuck you want to call it...NOW more than ever it's fucking absurdly moot. Why wasn't Achimjerkoff arrested the minute he hit Iraqi soil and tried for war crimes against the people of Iraq during the Tanker War of the 80's, or at least for crimes being committed now by supplying arms & money to the insurgents, Al Qaida,and Sadr Army? Fucking Bush, fucking Petraeus, fucking McCain, fucking INGRATEFUL fucking Iraqi scumbag neaderthals, and all the other jerkoffs supporting this can kiss my fucking ass...or better...go suck that terrorist's dick, because by not saying a fucking word about what occurred yesterday, they have shown just how fucklng clueless and hopelessly pathetic they are.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 4:46 PM


1) He wanted to come and the Iraqis were fine with it, hell we didn't stop him when he wanted to come here nor should we have.
2) They believe in freedom of speech perhaps? He's the head of a government, it would be very impolitic to deny him a visit even if they wanted to, and in truth they don't have a lot of reason to want to deny him a visit.
3) Because it's not our call, we are trying to get the Iraqis to run their own government so we don't have to make these decision, stepping in and insisting that they do what WE want regarding diplomatic issues would be a step backwards.
4) I think it's insane that we are there yes, but again it's not our call.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 4:50 PM


It's possible that the visit was planned with hopes that some action of some kind would give Iran the justification it needed to commit some act of their own.

And, regardless of what we think, and no, I don't like it a damn bit myself, the jerk is Iran's president. And Iraq is a neighbor.

I understand you anger, feel it myself. But there's not much of a way you can turn down a request from the head of state of a neighboring nation to visit. At least not without causing 'offense', lol.

And we certainly don't want to offend anyone, ( insert sarcasm here )

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 5:19 PM


The Iraqis can do whatever they want, it's their country. Though I do sympathize with your sentiment.

I do appreciate the way you have used profanity as an art form. Some use clays and oils.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 5:52 PM



....i'm going to call it fucking Nation Building... because that's exactly what this fucking administration wants. In fact I believe that Racoon...i mean NeoCon City is being constructed as we speak...

as for any faint scintilla of rationale... honest to god, i never saw it from day one... this whole mess has been a horrible mistake - but that's just my opinion.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 6:10 PM


It is in Iraq's best interest to make nice with their neighbors. I was more upset when he came to the US, but I was pretty glad when he got booed.

When there are no heroes where will we turn?


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 6:40 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
4) Does anyone in this fucked-up absurd situation think it's fucking insane to spend a billion dollars a month, and lose dozens of soldiers a month in an effort to "help" Iraq with security,...

I'm still trying to understand why we are spending a fucking billion dollars a month there, and losing a fucking dozen good American soldiers a month there, to begin with.


...and then the fucking KING of fucking terrorism, and the direct person of responsibility for countless American deaths comes in under the fucking protection we are providing? And then proceeds to shit all over America?!
First, let me say that Ahmadinejad is a fuckhead. But do we have hard proof that he is directly responsible for American deaths? Or do we just think he's a fuckhead?

Cause, you know, being a fuckhead is not yet a crime.

I'm still trying to figure who the real terrorists are. I have doubts that it was the low-rent fuckheads that our govt blames it on.

In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination.
-- Mark Twain


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 8:46 PM


Couple more things.


Originally posted by Riverlove:
Why wasn't Achimjerkoff arrested the minute he hit Iraqi soil and tried for war crimes against the people of Iraq during the Tanker War of the 80's

Because that would be like Bush getting arrested on visiting Japan for the bombing of Hiroshima, Ahmadinejad was a mayor during the Iran-Iraq war he had nothing to do with it.


or at least for crimes being committed now by supplying arms & money to the insurgents, Al Qaida,and Sadr Army?

Can you prove it? That's why. Even if we can prove that Iran is supplying weapons and money we almost certainly can't prove that Ahmadinejad actually has a hand in it and he'd have to be fucking retarded to have put his name on anything. If he is actually doing anything he's probably just pulling aside his aides and saying "Did you hear about the 10 tons of dynamite that went missing on the 10th?" "But sir it's only the 5th!" "Exactly, we should be hearing about missing explosives on the 10th shouldn't we?".


Thursday, March 6, 2008 12:46 PM


But a real artist uses a variety of colors and textures to make his or her art form come alive. While I find this attempt bold and edgy, more practice with a wider palette would bring more life to this work of art.


Thursday, March 6, 2008 4:17 PM



Originally posted by startroop:
But a real artist uses a variety of colors and textures to make his or her art form come alive. While I find this attempt bold and edgy, more practice with a wider palette would bring more life to this work of art.



Thursday, March 6, 2008 4:50 PM


He meant a wider vocabulary woulda made that more interesting.

I might not have liked ole Buckley (who capped it just a little while ago, for them that care) that man could really pull out some heavy conversational artillery, couldn't he ?



Thursday, March 6, 2008 4:51 PM



Originally posted by startroop:
But a real artist uses a variety of colors and textures to make his or her art form come alive. While I find this attempt bold and edgy, more practice with a wider palette would bring more life to this work of art.

I totally understand what you are saying here, and your way of saying it is quite unique & admirable. I thought about what I wanted to say, and I intentionally put in all those vile words because I felt they appropriately fit this most vile situation. I just wanted to go a bit neaderthal about it. I hope my warning steered away anyone who would be offended reading it.


Thursday, March 6, 2008 5:09 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

I might not have liked ole Buckley (who capped it just a little while ago, for them that care) that man could really pull out some heavy conversational artillery, couldn't he ?


As you might imagine, he was one of my heroes. The man was a brilliant writer. I read his book Overdrive, it's just a description of a day in his own life, but he had an amazing life and I read it straight through. We won't be seeing any more like him unfortunately due to the liberalization of academia. Even if it wasn't for that, guys like him don't come around to often now days.


Thursday, March 6, 2008 8:23 PM


Yeah, Buckley and Gygax, within a span of days, it's been a bit of a sad time for wordsmiths with real imagination.

Never thought much of what Buckley said, myself, but damn he did have an interestin way of puttin it, didn't he ?

As for the other, I don't think it's any particular brand, it is the infusion of political bent of ANY kind into education that demeans it so, because it leads to indoctrination instead of education - real education is teaching people to think, to question, and frankly neither end of the political spectrum much cares for that, it's like a pair of cars that done sideswiped each other trying to take a lane by force, rendering both inoperable.

Which is really kinda funny, cause the thing that caused me to TRULY start learning and questioning was being lied to.

I loved to read, as a kid, kept me outta all manner of trouble since I never liked other people prettymuch from the moment I popped out, just hand me a book and go lookin for me when ya needed me, right ?

So, back in the days of yore before internet access, if you wanted information you had to go to the treeware and get it the hard way - and encylopedias are cursed expensive.

Well, momma found a set for sale at the local weekly yard sale, and her beloved little pest spent the rest of the day carting it home by the armload, and then proceeded to read them cover to cover, including the atlas...

And so when the "History" being taught in class came up against Encylopedia Britannica, and didn't match, red flags started flyin in my little head, and pure cussedness took over from there, leading to some downright fiery exchanges with the history teacher which never *quite* got me booted from his class, although no doubt it was a near thing a couple of times.

I've found in my own experience, the best way to teach a kid to LEARN anything, is to put a book in their hands - but it better be a right good book, mind you... and once you have captured their attention that way, they will handle the rest themselves.

Although I warn ya, it's likely to really piss off your school administrator when they start asking *questions*... meh heh heh.

I gave my niece my Stainless Steel Rat collection, which she enjoyed immensely, it's done wonders for her reading skills and comprehension, which up to that point had been pretty far behind, but given the crap they assign these days it's hard to blame a kid for lack of interest.

Even in our technological age, there's a place for treeware, and that place is in the hands of a kid you think might enjoy the book in question.

Something worth considerin, if you know any rugrats who could benefit that way.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, March 7, 2008 6:24 AM


Well .... you got the Neanderthal part down ;-) But it's not a case of being offended. I was an Air Force Officer and I heard that particluar word used many times as a friendly greating.

Here is the deal. I had a Chief Master Sgt working for me who could cuss in three languages besides English. I once heard him dress down a young ariman in my squadron for not making a required formation. The command of invective and adjective was truly an art form. He went on for a full minute and half and never once repeated himself. I never cussed much primarily because I could never do it that well. It would be like doing oil painting as a hobby and getting depressed after seeing Maxfield Parish work or something.


Sunday, March 9, 2008 4:13 AM


Gygax died! Arg. Once again, it is Frem with the key and critical news. K. I admit it, may not be important to a lot folks, but it is to me.

I think everyone should keep on old print encyclopedia around. I plan to keep the copy my folks bought when I was in grade school. I love the net, but it's too easy for folks to 'color' the data made available on it. In fact, I should probably keep an eye open for a set perhaps 10 years old.

Please vote for Firefly hourly:

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Sunday, March 9, 2008 10:16 AM


Then you might be interested to know, Leadb - that since the age of fourteen I have been collecting discarded and cheaply sold history books, and now possess a rather interesting set, some of which date back to 1946 original printing.

And the reason ?

To compare them to each other and see how "history", as taught, evolves politically to glorify/vilify other countries and cultures depending on who we're backing at the time, and if you read through them from 1946 to present, you will see the increasing bias, and notice real fast that it's anything but "liberal", that's just an excuse, as it is with the newsmedia, to make people fear standing up to the folks who wish to bias it for their own gains.

My favorite of the lot ?

1968 Silver Burdett Social Studies, 2nd edition.
Not only was it the trigger for my original interest, it was also my primary weapon, as it's heavy enough to really land a good one if you get some swing into it.



Monday, March 10, 2008 10:03 AM


It would be interesting to see that evolution laid out Frem. Like a website showing each step in the changing of the spin.


Monday, March 10, 2008 10:16 AM


It might also be interesting to look at other cultures moving through something similar. Old Soviet Era textbooks might be really interesting.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, March 12, 2008 7:13 PM


Actually, I stumbled across an article you two might find fascinating, then...

It's a downright shredding, to the tiniest piece, of a novel that got rave reviews even before it was actually printed because it supported the political agenda of folk who desperately wanted to believe - but this article actually probes beyond the fact that the author shovelled a load, they actually started digging to see how DEEP the lies and false information go, with a few hints to how and why.

And history plays a big part in this one, cause the author was very much attempting to retcon american history itself in an attempt to make firearms ownership something sinister, by recasting widespread ownership as a recent development - only, he got caught.

All too often these folks are showered with cheers when they publish, by folks who wanna believe the tripe they are writing and so take extra care not to probe too deeply into the sources.

And a LOT of folks like this, write textbooks, or influance people who do.

Consider the effort it took to expose this, and ponder whether anyone is really gonna bother to expend that level of it to prove and strip just a few biases from a textbook ?

On top of a few, on top of a few, on top of a few more...

Anyone care to take bets on whether I could find an american textbook from say, 1935-1937 downright praising National Socialism as one of the better forms of government, and one we should strive to emulate ?

It's funny however, I was flipping through the collection in nostalgia after discussing it here, and came across a passage from a 1965 work detailing the horrors of life under the communist heel - you know, the constant surveillence, the gulags, repression of free speech, political corruption, that sort of thing.

Color me curious, but you know, I would LOVE to know what they were saying about US, in THEIR textbooks, in 1965.

Just to know it, you know ?

Imma ask Big C (I can't spell or pronounce his name, russian friend of mine, civil engineer) if he could possibly find any, if I do, I will let you know.



Sunday, March 16, 2008 5:47 AM



First, let me say that Ahmadinejad is a fuckhead. But do we have hard proof that he is directly responsible for American deaths? Or do we just think he's a fuckhead?

Cause, you know, being a fuckhead is not yet a crime.

I'm still trying to figure who the real terrorists are. I have doubts that it was the low-rent fuckheads that our govt blames it on.

In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination.
-- Mark Twain

Good lord...can you imagine if it were a crime to be a fuckhead?

we'd need bigger prisons...much much bigger prisons


Sunday, March 16, 2008 1:07 PM


Sheeeit, if they made THAT a crime they'd be burying me and Jack UNDER the freakin prison.

If mere Fuckheadery was criminalized, we'd be walkin talkin capital offenses!






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