Our President

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Wednesday, May 5, 2004 9:56 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, why couldn't you do this yourself?
"I didn't have enough time"? Or maybe
"I don't know how to Google"? Or better yet! ...
"I really don't care what our leaders are thinking"?

My God, you guys are cowards! This is all from the PNAC website itself, which you could have looked up (but didn't) and I'm sure you won't look up even when it's handed to you. I should buy you each a T-shirt: "I am NOT in denial!"

I do have a question for you all, though, and it is related to Firefly- What is it that attracted you to the show? Was it Mal's desire to evade being crushed by the Alliance's military? His general scepticism of large governments? His desire to live and think independently? His "do it yourself" view of creating a moral code? His bravery? His inability to stomach jingoism and arrogance? Just curious.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004 10:52 AM



Originally posted by Ruxton:
Ghoulman, your grasp of facts is mostly irreproachable. Most of the posters here seem agree with you. I'd suggest you ignore all three major dummies, as I have, and not waste your valuable time and energy responding to them.


Thanx. :)


Thursday, May 6, 2004 8:22 AM


Doran, you said:

" appears you are condeming the Bush administration as unfeeling and caring because of a gut feeling of your own. I don't have that gut feeling."

In light of Mr. Bush's recent FAILURE to apologize for the atrocities I mentioned in my last post above, which no one has had the guts to touch, do you still feel the same about him?

Do you care that the rest of the world is pissed at us because of this?

Are you aware that the President knew of ongoing torture since January? Are you aware that the Red Cross has tried for months to get someone to do something about it? If not, you need to do some readin'. If so, how can you, or anyone, still think Bush and his henchmen are good and just persons?

Or are the torture pictures just red herrings to keep the eyes of U.S. citizens off the U.S. defeat at Fallujah, as reported by Al Jazeera?
Finally, I don't know if any rockets were fired into the towers. However, if one assumes that might have happened, one must then ask why was a rocket necessary? So far as I have been able to determine, kerosene or aircraft fuel does not normally explode like a bomb, unless some other explosion sets it off. But an on-board bomb could have done the same. My guess is, if in fact a rocket was used, there was a perceived need to "soften" the entry point so the plane with all its fuel would be sure to get inside, rather than burst on the exterior of the towers. There seems to be a great lack of debris from the aircraft flying back from the entry point.

We do know Building 7 of the center was ordered "pulled," or demolished. This has been established. (No, quaddies, I'm not going to waste my time giving sources. Do it yourself, like I did.) But it seems like the only reason to have a fireball within the towers would be to give visual evidence that might lead viewers to think the towers fell of their own accord. But we know firefighters heard bombs going off just before the towers fell, lending credence to the demolition theory. (Recordings of those conversations exist.) So it would seem that there was a need for the towers to fall. We know there was a great rush to get rid of the collapsed evidence. Again, fire-fighting teams deplored the lack of an investigation of that evidence.

I have no more time to wait for this too-long thread to load. Good luck to you all.


ps: Ghoulman, you're welcome. I recommend SignyM do the same thing.

Pps: The payoff for the towers was, I believe, three billion dollars.


Thursday, May 6, 2004 9:31 PM


I swore I wouldn't "pimp" out my website here, but I just can't help myself. There have been so many well-articulated posts here (and more than a couple obtuse ones...) that I want to invite you all to a website I'm working on with a few of my friends:

Basically it's just a place we gather to discuss whatever we want. There's a comment area for every post, so feel free to leave your thoughts there for now. I already have an idea of who I'd like to see there (hero, doran, nervouspete, soundhack, etc.) and who I'd rather not ... well, they'll figure it out.

Looking forward to seeing some of you there, and thanks for the great reading here.

(For the record, I'm currently in Kuwait, and have more than a few opinions of my own of what's going on over here)

Mal: You are very much lacking in imagination.
Zoe: I imagine that's so, sir.


Sunday, May 9, 2004 3:01 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I went over to the brain dump and the text crapped out into garbage about 1/5 of the way down. I think you're one bit off in your ASCII.


Sunday, May 9, 2004 5:49 AM


... first time I've heard this... what browser are you using. This happen to anyone else?

Mal: You are very much lacking in imagination.
Zoe: I imagine that's so, sir.


Sunday, May 9, 2004 6:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'll try again. MAybe it was just a glitch.


Sunday, May 9, 2004 7:42 AM


Just my two cents...

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Sunday, May 9, 2004 7:55 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

oops double post


Sunday, May 9, 2004 7:56 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

That's not nice, especially to the parent of a retarded child. Here's my "other" internet home:

Read it and gain some humility.


Sunday, May 9, 2004 8:12 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
That's not nice, especially to the parent of a retarded child. Here's my "other" internet home:

Read it and gain some humility.

P.C. or not, you never said if it was an apt comparison...

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Sunday, May 9, 2004 8:15 AM


ECMorgan, that's pretty harsh.


Sunday, May 9, 2004 10:46 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

OK, not only is is not PC, it's... uh...

That's like saying that people shouldn't discuss things by email or letter. In fact, internet, letter, and email discussions tend to be on a higher plane because the participants can't get away with the physical intimidation, interruption, and outshouting that tends to happen face to face. Not only that, because it's written, people have time to reflect. It's posted, so nobody can say "I didn't say that" - unless they edit their post, which will be obvious to at least SOME of the ppl who read it previosly. And finally, you can provide direct links to other sources of info to back up your point.

I've seen internet discussions where people have actually reached profound insights.

So, did you look at the other website?


Sunday, May 9, 2004 2:04 PM


Ok, here comes the soapbox.

First off, Succatash, you're darn right it's harsh. But then again, so are these discussions. Supposedly, we're all a bunch of Browncoats and FF lovers. Political discussions, like religious disagreements, most often do not change anyone's opinions, as they are already formed way before the post is being written. All that results is name-calling, hate-filled bile, and flaming back and forth. I think, in my not-so-humble opinion, that these discussions really have more of a place elsewhere because people really seem to be unable to keep it to an impersonal, intellectual level.

SignyM, I wish I could agree about Internet "discussions" being of a higher caliber, and of a less personal nature, than face-to-face confrontations. However, after reading a rather large number of these political threads, I can only conclude that they are only quieter, but no less angry. Politically, this country is sharply divided, with no clear middle ground in sight. People are diametrically opposed to the notion of hearing what the other side in a debate has to say. As a result, these "discussions" or "debates" (whichever term you prefer) devolve into a shouting match, not much more intellectually advanced than "He sucks", and "He does not suck."

BTW, yes I did look at the site. Having a couple of cousins who are, for lack of a better word retarded, I'm quite familiar with interacting with them and the special situations they face daily. However, if you're expecting a little P.C. remorse, well, sorry, but I have none. I did not take the snapshot, add the text to the snapshot, or put the snapshot up on a website for everybody to view. All I did was apply it to an appropriate situation. If it's offensive, oh well. So are quasi-political arguments that fail to raise the debate level beyond that of the variety of dung-flinging monkeys that watch "Survivor", "The Simple Life" and negate my vote every November.

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Sunday, May 9, 2004 2:24 PM


I can't believe that you are so annoyed with political posts that you would continue to show disrespect for disabled children while talking to a parent with such a child.

You're a real asshole, all political views aside. Don't you have a fucking soul?


Sunday, May 9, 2004 2:48 PM



Originally posted by Succatash:

I can't belive you are so annoyed with political posts that you would continue to show disrespect for disabled children while talking to a parent with such a child.

You're a real asshole, all political views aside. Don't you have a fucking soul?

Ok, to address the first paragraph, read my previous post. I think I explained myself fairly well, without breaking into profanity. To clarify one part though, as I mentioned, I'm quite familiar with dealing with the trials of having to deal with disabled children, and I definitely don't wish that hardship on anyone. While there's a lot of love there on both sides of the equation, it's still a lot of hard work and requires constant attention.

You know, I'd feel a smidgen more remorse for displaying that little jpeg if it wasn't for the fact that we all take ourselves a little too seriously, and take offense far too easily, and that smacks of P.C. Nazism. Mel Brooks and the Farrelly brothers probably get a lot less abuse about their humor than I am now.

As far as the "asshole" part, uh sorry, but I've got an ex-wife and a present wife who've shared that little nugget of info with me with far less tact and with far less provocation. That line doesn't even rate as a blip on my radar anymore. Next.

As far as the soul part, I had to give up a considerable fraction of that just to get rid of Wife #1 and her lawyer quickly. Divorce papers really are comprehensive these days

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Sunday, May 9, 2004 2:54 PM


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention...

I thought it would be a lot harder to piss somebody off here. Had I known it could be accomplished so easily, I might have thrown up a few more Apples of Discord masquerading as posts a lot sooner. Before the word "asshole" pops out, see my previous post.

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Sunday, May 9, 2004 3:24 PM


While I'm busy being an "asshole", I think I will annoy bunny-huggers and people who like to be "master of their domain"

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Sunday, May 9, 2004 3:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Succatash- thanks for defending me, but it's OK. ECMorgan apparently has a lot to be bitter about, as do I. Bitter people aren't nice. The BEST I get is coldly pedantic.

ECMorgan- taking YOURSELF a little too seriously too, aren't you? Well, that's OK. I just wanted to share an experience on the other board, where we DID break into political dicussion immediately after 9/11. I was defending my usual position (minority) and one woman who is otherwise a tenderhearted mom and a moral person got so frustrated with me she posted "I don't care how many innocent people we have to kill!!" Then after a half hour of reflection, she quietly erased the post. But, she understands herself better now, neh? Sometimes, realizations are reached through internet discussion. One moment of insight is worth a thousand wrangles, neh?


Sunday, May 9, 2004 6:32 PM



Originally posted by Succatash:

I can't believe that you are so annoyed with political posts that you would continue to show disrespect for disabled children while talking to a parent with such a child.

You're a real asshole, all political views aside. Don't you have a fucking soul?

Hey 'Tash, I say just ignore him, he's already proven himself to be a . He has time to troll his way around and piss people off, so, let's show him that we don't have the time to feed the likes of him.

IMHO, I think those of us that like having these little discussions should continue and ignore such harassment. I believe that we can keep things civil and I think we've proven that in the past. Let's just continue on our marry way

We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz...

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Sunday, May 9, 2004 6:48 PM


May is Masturbation month!
There is going to be a Masturbate-a-thon on
May 16! How many kittens will die (much deserved deaths, mind you)


Originally posted by ecmorgan69:
While I'm busy being an "asshole", I think I will annoy bunny-huggers and people who like to be "master of their domain"

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Sunday, May 9, 2004 6:50 PM


Ouch! touche...

I guess arguing on the internet and calling conspiracy theories that they are nut-jobs are about at the same level.

Boy, do I feel retarded now.

Q: What is better than getting gold in the Special Olympics?
A: Not being retarded.



Arguing On The Internet

By - Rosencrantz

I’m sure we have all seen the same picture a thousand times. A mentally retarded boy is so happy to be running his little legs off. He makes his way as fast as he can down the track towards the finish line. Meanwhile someone takes a picture and puts it on the internet. It only takes one genius to find the picture and put this caption on it:

Now if you are like me you look at that picture and laugh your ass off. It isn’t because you are mean and cruel. It isn’t just because the mentally handicapped are a source of internet-nerd humour along with other politically-incorrect topics. It is because that statement couldn’t be more true. Arguing on the internet makes any person look like a complete idiot. It is unavoidable. However, that doesn’t stop anyone from doing it.

I know I frequently get sucked into fighting with people on many chat boards. The most common being the videogame chat board. Each time I post, I KNOW that some jackass is going to try and call me an idiot or prove me wrong. It doesn’t even matter what I am talking about. I could just say, “I like this game. It is fun,” and there would be a 100 replies calling me a moron because there is another game that is exactly the same but much better. In fact, when it comes to that genre of gaming, the game I like is the worst and I must only like it because I am an idiot or just uneducated in the way of videogame greatness.

What can you say to that? You basically can sit there and have all these little 12 year old, know it all, cry-baby bitches cut you down…or you can try to defend yourself. Option 1 is unacceptable because you know that most of those people are losers who have nothing better to do than sit in front of their computer anxiously waiting for the next post. They get a rush from trying to be the first to respond no matter what the topic. If they have nothing to say, they just post some stupid smiley or “LOL” or something equally as pointless. These people are so desperate for contact they never leave the house and meet real people. Their only friends are online personalities who, in this case, are named after game characters.

Your other option is to give into the insanity and try to fight back. You will start off being polite and trying to defend your statement as logically as you possibly can. You will point out that you were not trying to put down any other games or people or system and only trying to state your enjoyment of the game. You will post that message feeling good about yourself because you have helped other people see things from your point of view…or so you thought.

Instead you will end up with even more flame mail. People will ignore your entire post and start arguments about completely unrelated things. They will misread something you wrote and then attack that so fiercely your head will spin. Plus you will get more mail calling you an ignorant, uneducated dumb-ass who should never show their face in public again. Oh yeah, you also suXXors and X-box rules all!

The problem with the internet, as I have said in the past, is that any inbred, dumb-ass and fuck-up can get access. Even schizophrenic, crack head, hobos can go to the nearest library and use the internet these days. People will search out whatever they were interested in at the moment. So if they like videogames, they will go to a videogame site or forum. If they like movies, they will check that out too. These people will make their way to the forum so that they can talk to other people who share their interest.

This all sounds sweet and good. It’s like paradise, especially if your friends don’t like talking about the things you do. The problem is that a majority of people don’t know much of anything but they THINK that they do. These people will argue forever without ever really saying or proving anything. They will wear you down with their mind numbing tactics. They do this because they know that sooner or later you will just give up. They will ALWAYS outlast you because their computers are hooked up to an I.V. drip that they feed off of 24/7.

Go to any site and you will find this going on ALL THE TIME. We have written frequently about irrational fanboys and I have even mentioned dorks on the movie websites. However, it isn’t just fanboys who are guilty of this. It is almost everybody. As long as they have a couple mongoloids agreeing with them, they feel they must be right. Surely, if a group of ignoramuses think it’s true, it must be so!

So I now present to you my own guide to why internet arguing is impossible.

First of all you have the obvious fanboys. No matter how logically you state your point, or how much facts you use to back that point up, they will never listen. Fanboys are the lepers of the internet and they should just be forced into their own forum colonies, away from the “clean.”

Then you have those people who will claim they are right because they have some kind of insider information. It is the urban myth of the internet. Instead of just backing up their claims with facts or well written arguments or even logic, they opt to give a mythological source. WAC has even had these people writing in complaining about Jacky’s Reviews of the awful Aaron Carter. They claim that since they are the friend of the artist/company in question they are right. If they aren’t a direct friend, or relative to the person in question, then they are the friend of a friend who is an insider. I have commented about this in my own fanboy articles. Like I said before, if all these people were telling the truth, then companies like Nintendo and Microsoft hire about 10 million employees each, and make sure to run every decision and company policy by them all. They also encourage these decisions to be sent to everyone they know. This is bullshit.

If you ever come across anyone with this kind of crap story, then mock them until they piss their pants. Most of the time their information is bullshit and untrue. Other times it is mere speculation. Then there is the rare time that it is actually month old news that they are trying to pass off as insider knowledge. Using the Aaron Carter Fan Club losers as an example, why should we trust your opinion? Surely any friends or relatives will be biased and just assume that he is good and nice and talented. Every parent thinks their kid is an angel…even if he/she is a heroin-shooting baby murderer. So if you ARE an insider like you claim to be, then your opinion is biased and based on emotion instead of fact. Therefore your opinion is useless, so shut it.

Next up is the “Cut and Paster” as I like to call them. These are the people who all argue exactly the same. It makes no difference what you argue about, they will go on forever without actually saying anything. And all their arguments are alike. If it is about a certain movie, they will all claim:

“That movie is stupid and boring. It has no plot and the character development is poor. Also the acting and writing is bad.”

Or if you are talking about a certain videogame they will say:

“That game is stupid and boring. It has no plot and the character development is poor. Also the cut-scenes and writing are bad.”

Let’s say you want to mix it up a bit and talk about a book or play:

“That book/play is stupid and boring. It has no plot and the character development is poor. Also the editing and writing are bad.”

I’m sure you see a trend forming and can understand why I call them “Cut and Pasters.” They always say the same thing. Although, on the issue of videogames, sometimes they mix it up and say the textures are bad as well. Of course, the opposite of this is when they are talking about something they like. Then they do the exact same thing just make it the opposite. A good game sounds like this:

“That game is fun and exciting! It has the best plot and character development! Also the cut-scenes and writing are excellent!”

I recently got drawn into this “debate” once again on a videogame board just the other day. Someone dared to ask which Final Fantasy game is everybody’s favourite. Of course, this always leads to much praise over Final Fantasy 7 and how it is the pinnacle of RPGs and nothing EVER will live up to it. The problem is that Final Fantasy 7 sucks. It was good at the time, but it isn’t the best thing to happen to RPGs. Not by a long shot.

So, I decide to say that I don’t really like FF7 and my personal favourite for the PSX is FF8. Since I have seen this topic enough times to know there will be fighting, I say why I like it.

After I typed that, I braced myself for the backlash. As expected, it wasn’t long before I was bashed and flamed and called a moron. How dare I put down the almighty FF7? It was an outrage! Surely I don’t know anything about character or plot development! I’m sure some of you reading this are gnashing your teeth and agreeing with this. You are resisting the urge to write me hate mail right now. Too bad. I stand by my opinion of the game and don’t care what anyone has to say. I don’t bitch about people who say FF8 is boring despite my love of the game, so don’t start crying.

The point is that every single person on the board used the “Cut and Paste” argument. It was practically word for word what I wrote above. After being insulted I tried to defend myself, which only caused more of an outcry. I was told I don’t understand character development or plot at all. Hmmm…last I checked, I have an English degree and read hundreds of books. So I would hope I know a little bit about character development and plot, I’ve studied it for years. Not to mention that I am arguing these points with kids who are mostly in high school, or just recently graduated.

I made the mistake of saying I wasn’t going to argue with them because they all post the same “cut and paste” arguments. This led to rounds of me being called a hypocrite. I tried to point out that no matter how much I argue, they aren’t going to change their minds so there is no point. They have their own opinions and I have mine.

That brings me to my next trouble-maker. I’ll call this type the “Opinion Hog.” This is the person who always defends everything they say by claiming it is their opinion. According to their own brand of logic, since it is their “opinion” it can never be wrong or insulted. Anyone who tries to change their opinion, or disagrees with it, is clearly wrong.

This pisses me off. I mean, you can have your opinion on something, but it doesn’t logically follow that your opinion is fact. For example, just because you like Chris Tucker or Chris Rock movies, it doesn’t mean they are good. Yet these “Opinion Hogs” say, “I liked the movie, so in my OPINION it is a great movie.” That is bullshit. People like websites devoted to sticking basketballs up your ass…it doesn’t make it good. If Hitler went around saying this crap about his “opinions”, does that mean we should just say, “OK, you’re right! Good show. Tralala.” Of course not! Just because you like something, it doesn’t mean it is “great” or “best ever.” It just means you like it.

When the PS2 first came out I bought the RPG “Summoner” despite lukewarm (at best) reviews. I needed an RPG and that was the best one available at the time. The game sucked. The graphics were really bad, controls were sluggish and character animation was jerky. Also, the game had ridiculously long load times and buildings would literally just appear right in front of you due to a poor draw distance. Despite all these problems, I had fun with the game and played it for many hours. So then, because I enjoyed the game, does that automatically make it a GREAT game? No, of course not. It only means that I enjoyed a crappy game. I can admit it. The game sucked but I still enjoyed it. Jackie Chan movies usually suck but I like those to. Just because you like something it doesn’t mean it is good or great.

More people need to face reality and just be honest with themselves. If a movie or game has problems…it has problems. Just because you can overlook or ignore those problems…it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Yet these people have no real argument in their favour, so they fall back on the “opinion” argument because then they feel like they are legitimate. Everyone has different tastes and different opinions on everything. They can’t all be right.

Related to the “Opinion Hog” is the “Desperate Glory Hound”. This is the person who will go onto a message board and post, “OMG! I just played Game X for 800 hours and have already beaten it 93 times! It is so awesome! I can’t believe reviewers only gave it 3 out of ten! I would have given it a 1,000 out of ten!!!! ROFLMAO!!!”

To these people I love to just post all the problems with the game. These people obviously are full of shit. If they enjoy the game as much as they want us to believe, then they wouldn’t stop playing every ten minutes to post this shit. Seriously. I have seen people even post crap like, ‘OMG!!! I just pulled off 20 Supreme Combos in DMC2! This game rocks!” These posts usually end up turning into the whole opinion game. Also, these posts and topics are most common within seconds after a much-hyped game ends up bombing and getting horrible scores.

Finally, you end up with those forum dorks who know they don’t have anything at all to back up what they say. You can easily spot these losers in one of two ways. The first method is to ask yourself, “Did they comment on what I said, or did they see the topic title and rant for an hour about that?” If it is obvious that they ignored your post and they wrote ten pages about why they disagree with the title…then you know they are idiots.

The second version of this person is much more common. It is the person who will pick one little word or sentence out of your post, blow it out of proportion, misinterpret it and then tear it up. It is kind of a Peewee Herman logic here. You know, the whole, “If you like it then why don’t you marry it” kind of mentality. To that I just say, “Why don’t you shut the fuck up Asshat.”

No matter what you try and say, they will always twist your words around JUST to find something to argue about. If you were arguing about gravity and said “Gravity pulls you down” then they would go off on the semantics of what “down” truly means and so on. Or they will just write you off as being uneducated and not being able to appreciate the subtlety of his/her point.

These are all the reasons why arguing on the internet is impossible to do successfully. It is rare for an intellectual conversation about anything to happen on chat boards. You can guarantee one or more of the above will come in and turn your discussion into a bitch fest. What is worse is that you can’t get rid of them. You might try and fight them off with facts, evidence or logic, but none of it will take. The reason for this is because THEIR arguments don’t rely on reasoning at all. That is why they try so hard to change the subject or defend their opinions or bend your words around.

It is always best to just walk away once this happens. Make your point, if you want, then just leave it at that. If they flame you then that is too bad for them. Remember, Einstein tried to warn the US about Atomic bomb theory and he was just laughed at. He didn’t make a retard out of himself just to prove he was right. So, not to pick on the handicapped, I am going to end with a joke. It is offensive so I apologize in advance.

Q: What is better than getting gold in the Special Olympics?
A: Not being retarded.

In other words, you can have debates on the net and NOT be retarded. If people start doing what I listed then walk away. Just think that these are probably the exact same people who used to think “New Kids on the Block” were the best band ever. Or who would wear “No Fear” clothing every day and even stick “No Fear” logos on their vehicles. Those people too argued that they had their opinions. Where are they now I wonder?



Originally posted by ecmorgan69:

Just my two cents...

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Sunday, May 9, 2004 7:20 PM


No proof, I got this info from a Friend who is in the Army Reserve down there...

Another friend followed up on it and confirmed there was a convoy one night at least. As to who escorted it, he couldn't tell.

I'm just putting the idea out there: Perhaps the US didn't "find" WMDs because it doesn't want the UN to get thier grubby little hands on 'em. They did originally belong to the US anyway.

I don't want Bush in office... I don't want Kerry either. I'll be either not voting or voting independant.

That ain't no shepard...


Sunday, May 9, 2004 11:06 PM



Originally posted by Jasonzzz:
May is Masturbation month!
There is going to be a Masturbate-a-thon on
May 16! How many kittens will die (much deserved deaths, mind you)


Originally posted by ecmorgan69:
While I'm busy being an "asshole", I think I will annoy bunny-huggers and people who like to be "master of their domain"

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!

Outstanding photo! I definitely saved that one for the photo collection. That's right, kittens must die!

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Sunday, May 9, 2004 11:14 PM


You know, in the interest of interstellar amity at this board, when I feel the need to toss out a STFU, I'll use the "Warm Cup..." photo instead. While personally, I don't think it displays my default level of bitter properly, it still gets the point across. And, it'll keep the deluge of flamers who really don't give a damn but want to seem a lot more caring, sensitive and P.C. than they really are. Thanks for the photo!

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Monday, May 10, 2004 6:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Mike- I heard from a friend of a friend- who happened to be a captain in Iraq- that the WMD "finding" mission was just a cleanup job from our provisioning Saddam in the 80's because it would have been too embarrassing for all those "made in USA" items to start showing up. Also, there was a story from one of the Iraqi Governing Council members that that USA ships were supposedly UNloading 80's-era weapons in a southern port city in Iraq under very tight (no Iraqis allowed inside the perimeter) security. Like all info, I put it in the box and wait an see whether there is corroborating info from other sources. (For example, perhaps a loading operation was mistakne for an unloading one.) Right now, that information is in my "interesting, but speculative" mental box.

But to be perfectly clear about the significance of 80's weapons, among the chemical weapons (mustard, sarin, lewisite, tabun, phosgene etc etc.) only mustard gas is stable for decades, the remainder would have already deteriorated. And as far as biological weapons, it takes a lot of work to turn a few vials into large amounts of weaponized material. In other words, any WMD that we provided- or WMD that he made with our equipment- is no longer useful. (With the exception of mustard gas)


Friday, September 7, 2007 3:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wow, now THIS is a blast from the past!

How did yu find this, Rue?

Always look upstream.


Friday, September 7, 2007 3:11 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Just scanned the oldest threads for 'WMD'.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Saturday, March 19, 2022 1:39 PM


Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush Visit Ukrainian Church Together


Saturday, March 19, 2022 1:42 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush Visit Ukrainian Church Together

If anybody in power was really afraid of Russia, they would not put Bush and Clinton into a Ukrainian space together.

Bush and Clinton had better hope there isn't anything after we die, because they'll both be burning in hell for eternity.

Only the stupidest of cretins think this story has any meaning at all.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Saturday, May 6, 2023 7:46 PM


Bush created a moral monstrosity in Afghanistan, and Biden is replicating it in Ukraine






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