Land of the free, as long as you're one of them Good types....

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 5, 2008 05:05
VIEWED: 1849
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008 3:40 AM


I just got my new lease, and supposedly they want me to sign something saying that I will only smoke outside of the building. I was going to tell them to go scratch until I went internet shopping for new apartments and that seems to be the insidious new norm around these parts. It'll be real nice when they adapt the city law they did in my old Illinois neighborhood that you can't smoke outside of your house, even in your car, without risking a ticket.

Looks like Jack might just be forced into home ownership a little early on a count of IT'S MY FUCKING BUSINESS WHAT I PUT IN MY BODY IN MY OWN DAMN PLACE THAT I PAY GOOD MONEY TO LIVE IN!!!!!

(Any gay dude or donkey show performer would second that opinion)


You happy now? You won! Not only can't I smoke at a bar anymore, but now you can legally discriminate against me at not only my job, but the place I've been living in for the last 3 years.

God Bless America! My home sweet home, so long as I live by the tyrannical law.

(We're coming after you next you fat Twinkie eating bastards)

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 3:51 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I agree. We have tough smoking laws here in Ohio. As a Prosecutor I have yet to see a citation for illegal smoking. One of the folks in my office is very guilty of that offense.

However. Its the landlord's business what you do in his property. If they say no smoking and you want to live there, then no smoking. Your always free to live elsewhere. No smoking, no cats, no loud music, no whatever the hell else he says (with the exception of 'no black folks' or anything similar). Buy a house. the market is pretty good right now.

Besides, smoking is not about what goes into your body...its about what comes out. I suspect your landlord's rule does not cover smokeless tobaccy.



Tuesday, July 29, 2008 4:08 AM


I don't like chewing tobacco or snuff. But that's completely besides the point....

First off, I lived here two years before the new management came in and decided to tell me what I can't do (which I will continue to do anyways).

Second, this is an unreasonable request because I am not bothering anyone by doing it. It's not waking anyone up in the middle of the night with my loud cigarette smoke and it hasn't generated any complaints. If you don't like that I smoke, don't come into my place.

Third, this is EXACTLY the same as if new management were to come in here and kick me out because I was black... or gay and chose to smoke pole instead of fags. (see what I did there.... Cit gets it)

Fourth, the market is going to get a hell of a lot better a year or two from now, and I had planned on having at least a 50% down payment on a house before getting into a commitment that large. (It's called being responsible and living within my means... you're all going to have to learn how to do it pretty soon)

They couldn't tell me that I couldn't burn insence if my religion required it..... Maybe I should start a new smoking religion.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 4:30 AM


So what's the penalty if you do smoke in your home? And what if you have a patio or terrace? that inside or outside? Overall, I wouldn't worry about having a smoke in your house.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 4:37 AM


Well that's the problem... I don't feel that I'm ready to buy a house with only about 40-50k of assets that I can liquidate now. I'd want about twice that saved up before I would feel comfortable doing it, and I don't like the idea of feeling pressured into home ownership because I can't find a decent apartment near work which doesn't prohibit smoking. Even if I did manage to, and went through the major cost and hassle of moving to such a place, what's to say that the management there doesn't decide to tell me I can't smoke? What's to say they won't be bought out by someone else and do this to me all over again?

Plus, this is Wisconsin and Wisconsin sucks. I wouldn't want to buy a house here when I do anyhow.

In my old hometown, you cannot smoke on your terrace according to law. You have to be inside your house. If a cop sees you or a bitch neighbor rats you out, you're going to get fined for it.

All I have to say is, when you all stop driving cars that put a years worth of the pollution from my smoking into the air in a single round trip to work, you can tell me that I can't smoke outside on my property.

EDITED TO ADD: You probably could have told people 10 years ago they'd never have to worry about not being able to smoke in a bar either. What of 10 years from now?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 4:49 AM


I'm still wondering what happens to you if you smoke in your apartment now? They gonna evict you or fine you? A legal action requires proof; they gonna have any?


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 4:59 AM


I don't think they could fine me, but they could very likely evict me and then "fine" me by way of charging a rediculous amount of money for cleaning the place. Particularly true if I go ahead and sign that part of the lease.

I would assume that they would need not only proof, but a warrant as well, because Wisconsin is generally pretty good about protecting tenants (especially when compared to Illinois). I'll just have to febreeze the hell out of the place when I need a repair or they do an apartment inspection, and hope that they buy that I gave up smoking after I moved in, but smoked heavily before if they still smell it. As it stands today, it's been nearly a year and none of them have ever set foot in my place. They don't seem to have the yearly inspections that the old management had. They're pretty incompetent though, so I could easily imagine that they just haven't gotten around to it yet.

This is my issue though. I pay good money for this place. I've never had a complaint against me. I've never had a criminal record. Hell.... I've only had 2 detentions in my life in school..... I ain't pretending to be no angel, but I figure I've grown out of my trouble making stage pretty much and just want to live and let live. But now I'm going to have to feel like I'm sneaking around my own place to have a smoke like a teenager sneaking a quick smoke in the bathroom at high school.

What do I do?

Do I stand up for my principals and tell them that I won't sign that part of the lease and if they want my money they'll live with it? It's very possible that their insurance on the buildings doesn't cover fire from smoking and that they will tell me flat out they will not budge on the smoking issue.

Now I'm a target....

Or do I just sign it and pretend like I'm most other idiots that sign anything without reading it? Would they even believe that if I did it because I've had the lease for 3 weeks after I told them I'd read it over?

Why do I even have to think about these things in a free country?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 5:51 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

(We're coming after you next you fat Twinkie eating bastards)

Dunno 'bout Twinkies, 'xactly, but out here in La-La-Land, they're goin' after MickeyD's. City council is about to pass an ordinance forbidding any new fast-food restaurants in lower income areas like Watts. Seems like the residents eat that unhealthy , fried stuff, and spend a lot of money on it, which makes 'em poor and unhealthy. Less burger joints will cause more Whole Food grocery stores, which will cause better health, which will cause more -- not sure what is supposed to happen then, but IT"S GOOD FOR *Y*O*U*.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 6:21 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
What do I do?

Lie, cheat and steal.

Seriously, we're long past the point where any of us are 'innocent'. They've created a legal atmosphere where, at any given time, you're sure to be violating laws. So roll with it. We're all criminals these days. It's just a matter of not getting caught.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 6:31 AM



Originally posted by SergeantX:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
What do I do?

Lie, cheat and steal.

Seriously, we're long past the point where any of us are 'innocent'. They've created a legal atmosphere where, at any given time, you're sure to be violating laws. So roll with it. We're all criminals these days. It's just a matter of not getting caught.


Thank you Sergeant. I just needed to hear something like that from somebody who's opinion I respected.

I know Frem don't like him, and I only know him through some of his works and what Frem says about him only bothers me because I believe there is a very good chance that it could be true, but if you've ever read my Headline tagline it says:

"In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity."

~The Late Hunter S. Thompson.....

Maybe he was an O'Brien, maybe not. But the same could be said of Jefferson or Franklin in the right light I'm sure, and most likely has been said by people who constitutionally aren't even good enough to lick their boots. The man was a genius and like the day I lost my Uncle to the very same disease of a bullet in the face, I felt that the world was that less protected from, or at the very least not as well as informed, of the ills we face as society today, when Dr. Thompson took his life.

I am ashamed that growing up I never even heard of him and it wasn't until I was 22 that I read any of his work. And I only have my late Uncle to thank for that....

R.I.P. my man. Both of ya...

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 3:32 PM


Oh I never disliked Gonzo, I just always felt the need to point out he was in it deeper and dirtier than anyhow knew or he would even admit publicly.

I don't even hold it against him that he didn't spill on some of it cause to do so would be an instant death sentence - but I do wish he'd set aside some of it for after he was gone as a final act of "Gonzo Journalism" from beyond the grave.

That bein said, I miss him too, he was definately a magnificent bastard.

As for the lease, oddly enough I managed to bait my old apartment complex (before we bagged a house) into waiving their no smoking policy, although it cost me a bit.

I simply pre-purchased replacement carpeting, paint and wallpaper (for one room) and handed them the claim ticket to pick it up with fistfull of cold hard cash on top of it and a smile.

It helped that I had some "dirt" on them and they knew it.

The art of combining influence, extortion and bribery is every bit as alive and well today as it ever was, the Mexicans call it La Mordida, Arabs call it Baksheesh - and it's as common here as it is anywhere else, whether we pretend so or not.

The mistake you make when trying to walk the straight and narrow, Jack - is in ever assuming anyone else does.

Human nature, man - exploit it.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 2:19 AM


Forgive me for misstating your thoughts on Thompson. Frem. I suppose when you put it like that my feelings are generally the same about the man. I don't really believe that we've heard the last from him yet though. Tupac is still making albums from the grave, and with the recent buyout of a bankrupt Death Row Records, I can't imagine it will be long before another Tupac double album hits iTunes.

The only "dirt" I have on these people is an extensive photograph collection of the parking lot in March when they didn't shovel when they could have, the rain came down after 14 inches of snow and then it all froze up 3 days later and we had a parking lot that was converted into an ice rink. Sure, they tried to do something about it when it was too late, but that just don't fly when people's lives were basically at stake. I couldn't drive my beast out of the lot for an entire month. Not sure if that is enough to get them to change their mind though, particularly if they aren't paying for insurance that would cover fire by idiot smoker.

I'm just going to sign their stupid papers and keep doing what I'm doing. I've got them to agree to keep my month to month tennancy and I only need to give them 60 days notice to move out if there are any problems. Hopefully that buys me the few years I need to get myself set up in a house that I own more than 50% of. If by chance they ever do intend to come in here and they still smell smoke after my pre-manager-visit housecleaning, I'll say "what do you want? I quit smoking, but I lived here and smoked heavily for almost 3 years before you came here." Dammit....

I just know that brining it up and making it an issue is going to put me exactly where I don't want to be. On their watch list....

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 4:27 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
You probably could have told people 10 years ago they'd never have to worry about not being able to smoke in a bar either. What of 10 years from now?

Thats what you get for electing Democrats.

Republicans will let you smoke all you want...but you can't have abortions.

I'd say its a trade off.

A vote for a Democrat is a vote for higher gas prices (as a matter of policy) and nutty stuff like smoking bans, letting child rapists out of jail, and telling folks they can't eat fast food.

A vote for Republicans means no gay marriage, you can have a gun, no abortions, and every now and then we're gonna invade somebody.

Seems the best way to do this is to vote for just enough Democrats to keep the Republicans from going over the top but not enough to put people like Nancy Pelosi in charge of anything.



Wednesday, July 30, 2008 4:39 AM


I don't have the link, but it's not uncommon knowledge. Voting for McCain will get cigarettes banned nationwide as quick as Obama will.

Then again, don't we have a Democrat and a Socialist running this time around?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 4:59 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Then again, don't we have a Democrat and a Socialist running this time around?

Would be great if that were the case ... unfortunately, America isn't that European.


This isn't my signature. I have to type this every time I make a post.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 5:02 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I don't have the link, but it's not uncommon knowledge. Voting for McCain will get cigarettes banned nationwide as quick as Obama will.

McCain will call it a State issue.

Obama will make it a part of national health care.



Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:14 AM



Seems the best way to do this is to vote for just enough Democrats to keep the Republicans from going over the top but not enough to put people like Nancy Pelosi in charge of anything.

Funny you should say that, Fremgirl deliberately votes in a pattern intended to CAUSE gridlock.

She figures every time they actually accomplish anything, things just get worse, so the best result is the politicos being too busy tearing out each others throats to piss on us.

I do believe she's got a point there.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, July 31, 2008 5:19 PM


That's right Frem...

The only thing McCain has going for him is that if he were to get in there might be some gridlock. Every day these elietist swine pass more laws to limit our freedom. That's what they're paid to do in between voting themselves raises and even better retirement packages on the backs of the American Taxpayer. (Note, that Ron Paul does not accept these pay increases)

I figure the more time and resources they spend fighting each other, the better off we'll all be.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, July 31, 2008 11:00 PM



Originally posted by Hero:
A vote for a Democrat is a vote for higher gas prices (as a matter of policy)

Average US gas price in 2000: $1.50
You don't need me to tell you what you're paying now for gas after eight years of Bush.


Friday, August 1, 2008 1:35 AM


SimonWho, that response was so obvious that I didn't even bother replying to that statement, being sure that Hero was already well aware of the irony of it. But while we're at it, let's have some fun and take a closer look at some other things in Hero's post:

Originally posted by Hero:
A vote for a Democrat is a vote for [...] letting child rapists out of jail

Because everybody knows that child molesters don't belong in prison, they belong in the Republican party!

A vote for a Democrat is a vote for [...] smoking bans
So Huckabee's a Democrat now? Either I haven't been paying attention, or you haven't:

A vote for a Democrat is a vote for [...] telling folks they can't eat fast food.
But it's a Republican governor who did this:


This isn't my signature. I have to type this every time I make a post.


Friday, August 1, 2008 3:22 AM


It's just too damn easy, sometimes, innit ?


Friday, August 1, 2008 5:46 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


The smell of cigarette smoke permeates everything. Your clothes, your possessions. It ingrains itself into the curtains, the walls, the carpet. Being a smoker, you can't tell, but it will be hell on earth to remove that scent. They simply will not be able to rent the place to a non-smoker after you leave, unless they gut the apartment thoroughly and scrub it down in a way not usually done.

The odor is that hard to get rid of, and smokers have no idea. None whatsoever. I remember going to school with the kids of smoking parents. They carried the scent around them like a cloud. All of their belongings, too. Borrow from them a sheet of notebook paper, and find yourself shocked at the smell wafting up from the blank page, which was secured in their backpack and in their folder.

That having been said, you have already done whatever damage to that place that you're going to do. There's no fixing it now by making you stop. They might as well let you keep smoking until you're ready to move on.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Sunday, August 3, 2008 5:15 AM


I never smoked regularly until I was nearly 20 and had two smoking parents. I used to break my mom's cigarettes on her after my public school brainwashing everyday. I can only imagine how pissed off I would be if somebody did the same, particularly since they cost so damn much now with the taxes. That being said, I'm very aware of how offensive it can be to non-smokers, although admittedly I don't really smell it myself anymore today.

The fact is, I don't care what it smells like anymore. It's not as if I can do it anywhere in public today. If you don't like it, don't come in my place. At least give me that and I won't come in your place if you're having anal sex or sacraficing goats either. I hope we're both cool with those caveats and we'll be great acquaintences.

I really appreciate your sentiment there AT, but I think your heart is in the wrong place.

If they have to pay even $1,000 in expenses after I've left I'd say it was a small price to pay for a reliable tenant who didn't cause any trouble for neighbors almost the last 3 years who will have paid $25,380 to live here by the end of the year.

Is my cigarette smoke really that bad where they should roll the dice and take a chance on someone who is unproven in their eyes, regardless of a credit check? Particularly in this economy?

That's one to grow on....

A paying smoker is more valuable to anyone who likes positive cash flow than a potentially deadbeat non-smoker.

I took micro and macro economics in Junior College and aced both of 'em. Take it from a pro...

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 5:05 AM


I know I can be pretty offensive, but I'd like a response there man. I wasn't directing that spite towards you, because I know you're one of the people most in line with the Constitution here.

Wasn't ripping on you in that post.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."






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