OOPS: Deregulation Doesn't Work - Greenspan

UPDATED: Sunday, October 26, 2008 11:01
VIEWED: 1955
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Friday, October 24, 2008 2:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan... conceded the meltdown had revealed a flaw in a lifetime of economic thinking and left him in a "state of shocked disbelief."

Let's party like its 1929.


Friday, October 24, 2008 2:59 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Well, gosh, he was only 3 in 1929. I'm SURE he doesn't remember the Great Depression.


Silence is consent.


Friday, October 24, 2008 3:03 PM


Oh, I'm sure Ayn Rand told him all about it.


McCain/Palin: The first presidential ticket that features two candidates who have both been found to have violated ethics standards.


Friday, October 24, 2008 3:14 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Greenspan, 82, acknowledged under questioning that he had made a "mistake" in believing that banks, operating in their own self-interest, would do what was necessary to protect their shareholders and institutions." He also admitted it was a 'mistake' to believe that the housing bubble wouldn't crash.

All of his buds were well-connected and raking in the dough. He knew what was going on. I think the only 'mistake' he really made was in thinking that it all wouldn't come crashing down until after he was dead.

Am I too cynical ?


Silence is consent.


Friday, October 24, 2008 3:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I think the guy was a "true believer". He had a mental model that was so strong and so interwoven that reality just didn't penetrate.

Let's party like its 1929.


Friday, October 24, 2008 3:35 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I think the guy was a "true believer". He had a mental model that was so strong and so interwoven that reality just didn't penetrate.

Holy crap! AuRaptor is actually Alan Greenspan?!



Friday, October 24, 2008 3:51 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I am probably in a microscopic minority.

I believe that a transparent 'Free Market' includes the assumption that the market will crash and burn from time to time. I never believed that such a system was inherently stable. I think that people who believe that a Free Market is inherently stable are creating a pretty mirage for everyone to look at.

I do believe, however, that a Free Market is self-correcting. And in fact, I believe that a 'crash' is exactly that. As near as I can tell, a Free Market automatically resets itself whenever an imbalance occurs. This process is painful. Part of a belief in a 'Free Market' must include a belief that the pain of periodic crashes will breed smarter economic participants. That surviving investors will become wiser, surviving companies will become more conservative in their risk-taking, and the common man on the street will remember the lies he fell for and avoid them in the future.

I think this is just fine.

Unlike many proponents of a 'Free Market' system, I believe in just enough regulation to ensure transparency of transactions. You need to know what you're buying and what you're signing. Period.

Unlike many proponents of a 'Free Market' system, I understand the appeal of a controlled system. Free Markets are messy, and Free Markets can hurt you. There is a strong temptation to tinker with the markets to ensure that the fewest possible people get hurt. There is a temptation to spread wealth to ensure that no one is too poor to afford the basic needs of survival. There are many good and noble reasons to support controlled economies and socialist programs, and the word 'socialism' isn't inherently evil.

In the end, it depends on one of two beliefs.

A) You believe that the agony of the Free Market is worth the Freedom inherent in the system.
B) You believe that the agony of a loss of Freedom is worth a sense of stability and fairness in the Market.

I actually do see value in both points of view, and choosing one does not obscure the benefits of the other.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Friday, October 24, 2008 3:59 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

That's SIR Alan Greenspan to you, mister!

Greenie is currently employed by the Queen of England and living in London, doing the same sabotage to the British quid.

Greenie's jewish wife is covert MI6 operative Andrea Mitchell. She is NEVER identified as Mrs Greenie on CNN, just like Greenie is never IDed as a jewish Knight of the British Empire. Her mission is to destroy USA for the NWO by brainwashing. She rears her ugly head most often during votefraud coverup season.

Communist China has owned Fox News since 1999, when Sir Rupert Murdoch, Australian Jewish Knight of the British Empire, married Deng Wen Di, a/k/a Wendi Deng, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party and citizen of Communist China. The Murdochs now live in Bejing, the capital of Communist China. The Murdochs own Fox News, Direct TV, TV Guide Channel, MySpace, The Sun pornographic 'newspaper', and now Wall Street Journal and DOW Jones in 2007 (to sell export of US factories and jobs as good for USA). Since the Communist Manifesto bans ownership of private property, the Communist Party of China now owns Fox News. The Commie Manifesto was written by Karl Marx in London England. The 6th Plank of the Communist Manifesto is "Govt control of communications and transporation". So Shaun Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh are employed by Communist China.

"As far as Chinese goes, I resented it."
-Adam Tudyk, The Making of Firefly
(censored by Youtube)


Friday, October 24, 2008 4:01 PM


Ayep, I concede superior knowledge of the topic to the rest of ya - but thing is, we keep wiring shut the blowoff valve, then wondering what happened when the boiler goes kaboom and we wander round pickin up the pieces.

Far better to allow some blowoff here and there but making it worse always trying to prevent it, you know ?

I'd lay down some smack about fiat money and fractional reserve banking, but to be honest I lack the background in economics to argue this effectively, and so I will leave it to people who know better than me what the hell they're talkin about.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, October 24, 2008 4:06 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Deregulation DOES work, if you're a banksta.

It works all the way to the Bank of Switzerland.

Bankster BAILout is TOP SECRET...


Treasury Blacks Out Key Parts of Private Bailout Contracts

Remember how Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson promised full transparency in spending the $700 billion bailout money? And remember how bailout opponents predicted that the failure to mandate such transparency would allow all sorts of Halliburton-style shenanigans? From the looks of the first private contracts issued by the Treasury Department, it looks like the bailout opponents were correct.

As flagged by, Paulson is blacking out the sections of government contracts that spell out how much private firms will be paid for their services in administering taxpayer money. Here’s a page from the compensation part of a contract with Bank of New York, which has been hired to do some of the bookkeeping (because, of course, the Bush administration is happy to privatize that function):

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power."
-Benito Mussolini

Mussolini and his mistress touring Italy after WW2


Friday, October 24, 2008 8:45 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

...but thing is, we keep wiring shut the blowoff valve, then wondering what happened when the boiler goes kaboom and we wander round pickin up the pieces.

Far better to allow some blowoff here and there but making it worse always trying to prevent it, you know ?

I'd lay down some smack about fiat money and fractional reserve banking, but to be honest I lack the background in economics to argue this effectively, and so I will leave it to people who know better than me what the hell they're talkin about.


Don't waste your time...

The Sheeple 'round here won't even bother to spend a few minutes to watch a couple of YouTube vids...

There are a few key videos that could have them up to speed in the span of several hours , but they prefer to remain ignorant and pretend their paper currency will eventually get them something other than a crashed system , and runaway inflation...

Seems that more folk hereabouts could identify with an 'Indie' sort of Freedom , but the majority in RWED at least , can't seem to wrap their heads around that much free-rein Independence...

Iron-O-Meter goes off-scale , high , once again...

The lifetime of Indoctrination is almost completely effective...

Personally , I find it more particularly disturbing ; being that the Folk onboard Serenity practice an anarchistic , Libertarian , free-market opportunism , with capitalist tendencies...

They prefer to accumulate "Coin" , of Metals like Platinum , rather than the Fascist bankster-notes of the Alliance...

Their Liberty depends upon it...And , their retaining of personal weapons for self-defense...

Truth be told , Ours does also...



Several reasons that THE BAILOUT can't work , in less than 7 minutes :

A lead-in to the engineered-crash story :

Edited to add : The most chronically-puzzled support the fiat-'Money' Debt-Notes issued by the Federal Reserve , rather than 'hard-asset' Lawful Money backed by Metals or other durable commodities . They're also the quickest to ascribe false motives to me or to attempt to put words in my mouth . Fortunately , a number of RWED denizens see through the phony ploys , and some see through the Bankster schemes as well...

" They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States
for the benefit of themselves and their foreign swindlers. "

– Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the
Committee on Banking and Currency , June 10, 1932

" History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse , intrigue , deceit ,
and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments
by controlling money and it's issuance. " - James Madison


Friday, October 24, 2008 9:41 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Several reasons that THE BAILOUT can't work , in less than 7 minutes"

You seem to think people here are in favor of the bailout. The only one who's been arguing for it is Kirkules. Go talk to him. Otherwise, it's just so much blah blah blah ...


Silence is consent.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 1:06 AM


Out2B - one thing I generally won't do, is try to argue a specific thing or topic if I don't have the knowledge to argue it effectively.

Yes, I know the value of hard currency and quite a bit of the perils of fiat money (google Roger Sherman, you'll find a right interesting handbill on the matter) but when it comes to economics, austrian, keyesian?, or any other type, frankly I don't have a damn clue of it.

That doesn't stop me from seeing all the flaws in a blatantly obvious bad idea, but I tend to reserve real argument for matters within my own competence, and economics sure as hell ain't one of em - at least not at any scale beyond trying to fill my fridge, pay the bills, and cussing the tax man the whole while cause his actions often make the other two an either/or choice.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, October 25, 2008 3:50 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Ayep, I concede superior knowledge of the topic to the rest of ya - but thing is, we keep wiring shut the blowoff valve, then wondering what happened when the boiler goes kaboom and we wander round pickin up the pieces.

Far better to allow some blowoff here and there but making it worse always trying to prevent it, you know ?

Sort of like the old and new responses to forest fires. Used to be that any fire was attacked immediately, since you can't let fires burn, can you? Seems that this just allowed deadwood and other fuel to accumulate until you had a fire that couldn't be controlled and burned hot enough to kill everything in its path. Now they realize that if you let the small fires clear out the tinder before it builds up, the trees can survive it and you seldom get the really big fires.

Also brings to mind the folks who build their homes in scrubland that naturally burns every few years, and then demand that the government save their houses when the inevitable happens.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, October 25, 2008 4:48 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
That's SIR Alan Greenspan to you, mister!

Greenie is currently employed by the Queen of England and living in London, doing the same sabotage to the British quid.

Greenie's jewish wife is covert MI6 operative Andrea Mitchell. She is NEVER identified as Mrs Greenie on CNN, just like Greenie is never IDed as a jewish Knight of the British Empire. Her mission is to destroy USA for the NWO by brainwashing. She rears her ugly head most often during votefraud coverup season.

Communist China has owned Fox News since 1999, when Sir Rupert Murdoch, Australian Jewish Knight of the British Empire, married Deng Wen Di, a/k/a Wendi Deng, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party and citizen of Communist China. The Murdochs now live in Bejing, the capital of Communist China. The Murdochs own Fox News, Direct TV, TV Guide Channel, MySpace, The Sun pornographic 'newspaper', and now Wall Street Journal and DOW Jones in 2007 (to sell export of US factories and jobs as good for USA). Since the Communist Manifesto bans ownership of private property, the Communist Party of China now owns Fox News. The Commie Manifesto was written by Karl Marx in London England. The 6th Plank of the Communist Manifesto is "Govt control of communications and transporation". So Shaun Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh are employed by Communist China.

"As far as Chinese goes, I resented it."
-Adam Tudyk, The Making of Firefly
(censored by Youtube)

My God you talk Bollocks dont you?


Saturday, October 25, 2008 5:49 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I realize this is hearsay because I haven't spnet the time to get a more credible source, but ...

Teddy Butler-Henderson, met Alan Greenspan in the 1960’s. They apparently discussed the Kondratieff Cycle. {the deep depressions that occur every 50 years or so, according to this theory} According to Teddy, Alan Greenspan confided that he hoped he could be Federal Reserve Chairman at the onset of a Kondratieff winter, because he felt he could defeat winter by substantially increasing the money supply and reducing interest rates to near zero.... Incidentally, Mr. Greenspan told Teddy during that same conversation that if he failed to thwart the Kondratieff winter, it would make what followed 1929 look like a ‘Sunday school picnic.’

Anyway, I'm sure any googling of Greenspan and Kondratieff Winter will find the same or better.

Let's party like its 1929.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 5:54 AM


Yes, Republicans tried to explain this to Democrats in 2005, but the Democrats insisted upon reckless deregulation of Fannie and Freddie. Deregulation is not going to work on Fannie and Freddie because these are government sponsored institutions - they are not completely part of the free market. It had long been speculated and relied on that the government would guarantee security and bail-out an insolvent Fannie/Freddie, which is exactly what the government did. You can’t call something part of the free market, when it is directly connected to a huge money sink that doesn’t respond to the free market, like the federal government.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Saturday, October 25, 2008 6:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And the Republicans insisted on deregulation of businesses ( Enron and The Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000- Phil Gramm) the invisibility of derivatives trades and credit default swaps (unclaimed by the SEC, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Treasury Department or Federal Reserve, with the blessing of Greenspan) and banks (repeal of Glass-Steagal in 1999- Phil Gramm) the lowering of capital reserves by the SEC (Hank Paulson, 2004). There is more than enough blame to go all the way around and them some, Finn. EVERYONE was asleep at the switch.... you, Hero, Auraptor... lulled by the ka-ching of an "booming economy". I didn't hear YOU forewarning anyone (as I was doing). All I heard was a lot of cheering from your quarter about how well the tax cuts were working. Trying to pin this fully on Dems is just crappy partisanship.

In any case, the WHOLE POINT of modern economics is how to smooth out or avoid the cycles of boom and bust that plague capitalism because they've proved to be so very destructive (to capitalism) in the past. There are many explanations about why this occurs and just as many (if not more) cures.

BTW, O2B, if you were to look at the Kondratieff Cycles that peeps have identified in Western economy, you would see that it goes back to beginning to the USA and even farther back, long before the Fed was created, long before fiat money came into existence, when governments WERE the banks and currency was based on gold and silver While the Fed adds a whole new parasite to the system and fiat money allows the cycle to synchronize globally, they by themselves do not create the long-wave cycles that plague capitalism and have not even changed the timing. If the Fed and fiat money had any influence at all on the long-wave cycles, they would have at least affected the frequency

I would compare the cycles to a poker game in which one person winds up with all the chips. In order to keep playing, everyone else has to borrow. It's all about concentration of capital, no matter whether the capital is gold or paper.

Let's party like its 1929.


Saturday, October 25, 2008 10:24 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Out2B - one thing I generally won't do, is try to argue a specific thing or topic if I don't have the knowledge to argue it effectively.

Yes, I know the value of hard currency and quite a bit of the perils of fiat money (google Roger Sherman, you'll find a right interesting handbill on the matter) but when it comes to economics, austrian, keynesian?, or any other type, frankly I don't have a damn clue of it.

That doesn't stop me from seeing all the flaws in a blatantly obvious bad idea, but I tend to reserve real argument for matters within my own competence, and economics sure as hell ain't one of em - at least not at any scale beyond trying to fill my fridge, pay the bills, and cussing the tax man the whole while cause his actions often make the other two an either/or choice.


Don't kid yourself...Your knowledge of history , plus the common-sense , naturalistic economics within that context , put you in a commanding position...

Roger Sherman had ALL THAT , over 250 Years Ago !

So nice to see his familiar face...I'd virtually forgotten him , and probably would've , without your mention...

"...In 1750 he and his brother William opened New Milford's only detached store .

As a merchant, having suffered the ill effects of rapidly-depreciating paper money, he wrote a pamphlet in 1752 emphasizing the evil results of using a fluctuating medium of exchange, especially that of neighboring colonies. A man of very diversified talents, in 1750 he started publishing Connecticut's first almanac, modeled after that of Nathaniel Ames, a series which continued for eleven years. Reading on his own, he was admitted to the bar in Litchfield County in 1754, rapidly gaining an active practice.

..Seeking greater opportunities, in 1761 he moved to New Haven where he abandoned law in favor of trade, having already opened a store there in July 1760. As relations with England deteriorated, he devoted less time to business and more to politics and public service. "

There's much more interesting stuff to know about Roger Sherman...

One thing being , he had MAD math skills , sufficient to enable him to predict a couple of eclipses...

I'm looking for a good text document of his Caveat pamphlet , about the evils of a fluctuating currency , so if you have a good cite , it would be great of you to post it here...

Sorry to hear the system's bungers are managing to keep you bound up...We need more help from Folk like you and Sherman !

That's one of the central features of the Bankster plan...Keeping the Intelligentsia among the Proletariat
bound up with the struggle for the basic stuff of life...

Meanwhile , we've got SignyM opening more cans , and finding more worms...

We've got to get some more 'mystery meals' for that one...

Note to SignyM : I'm not ignoring you , but I have to tell you , firstly , there's nothing new under the Sun...

Humankind has known of the principles of the 'Kondratieff' cycle ( heh-heh ) for literally , Millennia...

The even better news is this : They also had a cure for the " long-wave " cyclical phenomena...

But , this will be yet another Long Conversation...

I'll share more regarding this as time allows...

Meanwhile , here's a meaty topic for you to chew on for a while :


Saturday, October 25, 2008 10:48 PM


Durn , durn , heck and shoot...

All that labor , then this pecu-ter goes and makes a doppel-post...

No worries , though...


Sunday, October 26, 2008 1:06 AM


Well, I know history, and something of currency, Out2B, and of course, common sense - but I know about jack diddly about economics, especially large scale economics, just enough to know something is a bad idea, but not enough to explain HOW, yanno ?

I am not overfond of Mises, some good ideas, but basing off the flawed Austrian Economic System, which strikes me as just throwing everything into another system proven not to work in the real world - he's got some ideas for making it do so, sure, but implementing them in our convoluted legal system would be just about impossible, unfortunately.

As for a good site for Roger Sherman's stuff, how bout this one, then ?

Didja know he was one of the rare few that signed ALL of the original founding documents ?

And the primary author of "No State shall...make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts."

You might also look into Sheldon Emry's work as well.

I might not know economics, but I am NOT stupid, I know a scam when I see one.

Of course, when you write up a mortgage contract with a very specific and explicit provision which, if broken, constitutes a breach of the whole and nullifies the contract...

And the bank in question IMMEDIATELY violates it...

And then you find out it would cost you more in legal fees to enforce that, than to pay off the loan entire...

Then there's no word for it BUT criminal, is there ?

Folks have already started issuing threats, I doubt it's too long before someone with nothing left to lose carries one or more of em out - and all that's coming to mind about it is Wall Street, Sept 16th, 1920, coming to main street and branch offices.

Can't say I blame em, but that's not how to go about it, the tellers are just working schmucks, and the customers are the victims, and scoring them as collaterals is just plain unacceptable.

HE is the wrong solution to any social problem, that's a fact.

But I don't think that's gonna stop enraged folk with nothing left to lose, sadly.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, October 26, 2008 3:10 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
I think the guy was a "true believer".

He was once-upon-a-time. But he gave up his ideals long before he took over the Fed. His mistake was in giving in to the popular consensus that capitalism works best when it's 'managed' by government.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Sunday, October 26, 2008 3:16 AM



Excellent post.


Originally posted by AnthonyT:
I am probably in a microscopic minority.

Truth generally is.


I do believe, however, that a Free Market is self-correcting.

Yup, but only if you let that correcting happen. If you monkey with and try to put it off, or let the corps use government to cut their losses, things only get worse.


In the end, it depends on one of two beliefs.

A) You believe that the agony of the Free Market is worth the Freedom inherent in the system.
B) You believe that the agony of a loss of Freedom is worth a sense of stability and fairness in the Market.

I've never seen this issue summed up with such clarity. The only thing I'd add is - if you try to hold both of these beliefs at once, you get the worst of each - an unstable economy AND a loss of freedom. Which is basically what we have now.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Sunday, October 26, 2008 6:17 AM



I'm gonna copy your post over to the Serenity board where a similar discussion is going on. Lemme know if you don't want that and I'll delete it.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Sunday, October 26, 2008 11:01 AM



Originally posted by SergeantX:
Excellent post...

I've never seen this issue summed up with such clarity.

I second that.

Dr. Horrible Karaoke






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