Eviction by police state death squad

UPDATED: Friday, October 31, 2008 13:07
VIEWED: 2506
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008 6:49 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Here's a guy today in my hamlet, overheard live on the scanner, who blew his head off as deputies arrived to evict him.

The police in-car video records audio from the deputy's shoulder mike. It's possible the cop said something to freak the guy out, other than simply serving him "civil process".

It may or may not have been a physical eviction at that time.

As owners become older and more disabled, plus the economic Depression and theft of pensions, these problems escalate. Then Shylocks move in for the kill.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008 3:27 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!



Man commits suicide as officers serve warrant

By Jessica Stith
of The Daily Times Staff
October 29. 2008

MARYVILLE, TENN. - A man in his 40s took his own life this morning as two Blount County Sheriff's deputies arrived to serve a Writ of Possession (a type of eviction).

According to Marian O'Briant, public information officer for the Blount County Sheriff's Office, the man was found dead of a gun shot wound to the head inside of the residence he was renting.

Deputies arrived at a residence on Green Fern Trail about 10:10 this morning.

Blount County Sheriff James Berrong said one of deputies went to the back door of the residence and one went to the front door.

"One of the deputies (at the back door) heard a pop," Berrong said.

A woman answered the front door at the residence and told the officers that her husband had just committed suicide.

O'Briant said the man lived at the house with his wife and children, but the children were not home when the incident took place.

Berrong said the man had been served a notice on Monday that the sheriff's office would "take possession" of the house he was renting today at 10 a.m.

The man's identity has not been released.


Hope this didn't affect the bankers' Golden Parachutes.

So, why then are we giving out billions of dollars to greedy jerks who have already proven they have no ability to manage money, while the poor victims of their schemes are killing themselves over losing their homes? Congress should be ashamed for handing money over to the banking sector instead of the public. DO you realize that with 700 billion, or whatever it is, pretty much every house in danger of big foreclosed on could be paid off? Wouldn't THAT fix the economy you stupid f---ers in Washington! I'd like to see these people held accountable for the deaths of every person that commits suicide because they are losing their home!

Rent-to-own situation.

Just to add to everyone saying "it was just a rental they could have moved" or "he took his life over a rental how stupid"... you are so insensitive to the fact that a son, father, husband and friend is dead. This was a GOOD man.. a family man.. a God fearing man (yes I know suicide is a sin in God's eyes, that is why this is such a shock to us all) He was a Deacon of the church.. a friend you could turn to.. he would give you the shirt off his back! However, after 30 years of working for a company that he had to retire from and while trying to process that and make it financially with a kid in college, two more in school, and trying to make a business successful, he found himself faced with a problem he had never had to deal with. May God have mercy on his decision to end his life at his own hands, and may He help the family understand this, because when I say "no one saw it coming".. it was just like that.. no one saw it coming. Only God can judge, not anyone here on earth.. and I pray that God shows mercy on my friend's decision. I hope he is in Heaven.

What's missing from this story is the eviction of the widow and her kids.

There is no Depression. Move along please. Or we'll kill ya.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008 10:53 PM


See, that's the problem - whenever a nation and culture slides into tyranny, there's always a whole lotta folk willing to "just follow orders" and let it happen, cause usually there's no penalty for that till the very end, if at all, for anyone but the perps at the top.

(Fair Warning: I'm about to get blunt and crass, again..)

Frankly, yet another case of "too nice" - he had it within his means to deliver a little bit of that penalty, and without any repercussions in this world (whether next or no, depends on his beliefs) since he'd already opted to move on.

I mean, why waste the first five bullets when they could have been put to such a better use ?

We gotta find some way to encourage folk not to comply, and if appealing to their reason or humanity ain't gonna cut it, perhaps we should start appealing to their sense of self-preservation.

Just sayin...


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:20 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
See, that's the problem - whenever a nation and culture slides into tyranny, there's always a whole lotta folk willing to "just follow orders" and let it happen, cause usually there's no penalty for that till the very end, if at all, for anyone but the perps at the top.

Suppose that was your property he was squating on. Some investment or a home you worked so hard to buy and he was refusing to get out (or failing to pay you rent). You'd file papers and call the sheriff.

Suppose we did it your way and that was your property and the sheriff refused to enforce your rights. After all...your the bad guy all 'thats my property' and 'he needs to leave'. Maybe the sheriff arrests you instead. You'd like that. Or maybe he arrests nobody and that fella just gets to keep your property, laughing while you pay property taxes and ready to sue you if you let the upkeep go. Sure...thats fair.

Edited to add: This fella took the cowards way out. Now his wife and kids are not only homeless...they're fatherless. Fracking bastard.



Thursday, October 30, 2008 8:38 AM


Zero, you know as well as I do or even better that this kind of thing is not the Sheriffs responsibility or jurisdiction, so why try shovelling a load neither of us actually believe ?

And while you might be a coldhearted sumbitch and unashamed of it, some of us are a little more human than that - it's fair certain they didn't even make an effort to work with the guy, and if this went like so many others, I doubt he ever actually got to speak to anything but a phonefuck or voicemail runaround, just a nice, cold, impersonal setup that treats human beings as naught more than cogs in the machine.

Me, I'd have pulled some strings to get this guy some work and an income, money for you so there is money for me, or even offered him some myself doing a bit of landscaping on my property if he were physically up to it, there's always a way, if HUMANS choose to work together.

Lest we forget, these are people, human beings, we're talkin about, not mindless worker bees who exist only for the purpose of enriching those who already have money, people with their own issues and problems, many of which can be worked around if anyone even tries...

But no, just send some asshole with a gun to squeeze a dry stone, yeah, that's a viable longterm proposition, isn't it ?

And I'm sure it's done WONDERS for the reputation of the rental company too, when they could have gone the other way and wrangled it into a PR buff on the other side.

And all the while folks like this dude take it on the chin, while being further robbed in taxes to bail out the very shitheels who squeezed them so hard they got nothin left to pay with in the first damned place, oh yeah, that's a great idea, pauperise the masses, and then when they're too broke to keep shovelling the cashflow upwards, piss and whine to the Government to squeeze them even harder despite the fact that they got nothin left, real smart that is.

Right up there with loppin the head off the golden goose, I would say.

Now they got no rent income, and a bad rap publicly that will discourage other folks from renting from them, great business planning, that is - and go on, keep doin that, and then piss and whine to big Gov some more when you're not makin any money and feed the cycle, yeah that'll work.

Perhaps they should have tried a HUMAN solution, instead of trying to force a broken business cycle with threats of force and violence, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that, as you're part and parcel of that cycle and one of it's benefactors.

So lemme put it to you in a way you can understand - heartless bastardy is, in the end, unprofitable.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, October 30, 2008 8:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So lemme put it to you in a way you can understand - heartless bastardy is, in the end, unprofitable.
Well, that's capitalism for ya... it's got the seeds of its own destruction built right in.

Anyway, the story is too sad. Like you said PN: There is no Depression. Move along please. Or we'll kill ya.

Let's party like its 1929.


Thursday, October 30, 2008 10:22 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
So lemme put it to you in a way you can understand - heartless bastardy is, in the end, unprofitable.

Your making assumptions based on information we don't have. For example, we know nothing about the party seeking the eviction. We don't know the history, their relative wealth...nothing.

We do know something about this poor downtrodden fella. We know he was unemployed and had a wife and five kids. We know he was being evicted. We know he killed himself. Being evicted is understandable...folks go through tough times. Being unemployed is understandable...folks go through tough times. Was he seeking new housing? Was he seeking new employment? What was his plan? How did he intend to provide for his family? Instead of answering these questions...questions that every man has faced from the time we were living in caves till the coming of the Holy Barrack...he kills himself. He runs away and leaves his poor wife and his community to make up for his failures as a man. He's a coward and he deserves to rot in hell, God forgive him.

I feel for the innocents in this story. Five kids and a wife, the property owner pursuing his legal rights, the Deputies executing their sworn duty, the community that must bear his burdon...this man has victimized a lot of people.

You claim you would have supported this man. Then I challenge you to do it. Find a person or family in your community and support them. You can pay their rent, buy their food, etc. Every person in your town in economic distress is now your personal responsibity. You'll need a second job...I suggest you sign your checks directly over to them.

Or its all liberal bullshit.

My gut feeling is like most'r perfectly willing to give guys like this the shirt off of someone else's back and you'd be the first to call the Deputies to evict someone from "your" property.



Thursday, October 30, 2008 10:44 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Frem is doing quite a lot already to help those less fortunate than himself.

But there's only so much shit one man can shovel.

One summer in the village, the women in the town gathered at the river to do laundry. As they worked, one noticed a baby in the river, struggling and crying. The baby was going to drown!

One woman rushed to save the baby. Then, they noticed another screaming baby in the river, and they pulled that baby out. Soon, more babies were seen drowning in the river, and the women were pulling them out as fast as they could. It took great effort, and they began to organize their activities in order to save the babies as they came down the river. As everyone else was busy in the rescue efforts to save the babies, one of the women started to run away along the shore of the river.

"Where are you going?" shouted one of the rescuers. "We need you here to help us save these babies!"

"I'm going upstream to stop whoever is throwing them in!"


That woman was a liberal.


Thursday, October 30, 2008 10:58 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

This mortgage holder was renting with an option to buy, perhaps owner financed.

All mortgage contracts allow banks to forclose even when payments are current and no payments are late. Paying late fees 3 times in 30 years triggers forclosure.

Many evictions of renters occur when renters have never been late paying rent, and the landlord of the rental property fails to make mortgage payments, goes bakrupt, or the bank goes bankrupt.

Illegal forclosures are routinely performed without court orders.

99% of mortgage holders cannot afford legal defense against forclosure and eviction, unless they declare Chapter 13 bankruptcy in federal court, and the trustee lets them stay in their home.

99% of sheeple never learned how to represent themselves in traffic court without a lawyer, so they have no idea how to handle a "real" court case, especially on a zero budget in an emergency situation.

Banks have progams to renegotiate mortgages for lower payments, but they never tell their customers about that, espcially during forclosure.

Knoxville news station WVLT Channel 8 identified the victim as James R. Newcomb.

In another local eviction, deputies gunned down a woman while her husband was in court getting a court order to stop the illegal eviction. Deputies did NOT have a order of eviction signed by a judge. Then deputies lied and called it a suicide.



A second relative believed to be the long-lost “Uncle Omar” described in the book was beaten by armed robbers with a “sawed-off rifle” while working in a corner shop in the Dorchester area of the city. He was later evicted from his one-bedroom flat for failing to pay $2,324.20 (£1,488) arrears, according to the Boston Housing Court.

The US press has repeatedly rehearsed Mr Obama’s extraordinary odyssey, but the other side of the family’s American experience has only been revealed in parts. Just across town from where Mr Obama made history as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, some of his closest blood relatives have confronted the harshness of immigrant life in America.

“They promise to return after completing school. They say they’ll send for the family once they get settled. At first they write once a week. Then it’s just a month. Then they stop writing completely. No one sees them again.”

Red Dawn: Commie China cops evict US homeowners in Bankster BAILout Bill

50% of the $5-trillion Bankster BAILout Bill includes executive bonuses, exported to offshore accounts to avoid IRS taxes.


Thursday, October 30, 2008 11:01 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
it's fair certain they didn't even make an effort to work with the guy, and if this went like so many others, I doubt he ever actually got to speak to anything but a phonefuck or voicemail runaround, just a nice, cold, impersonal setup that treats human beings as naught more than cogs in the machine.

Me, I'd have pulled some strings to get this guy some work and an income, money for you so there is money for me, or even offered him some myself doing a bit of landscaping on my property if he were physically up to it, there's always a way, if HUMANS choose to work together.

I don't know how business like this is handled in the U.S., me working in Germany, but I work on the other side of it, in an office that manages property for the owners and in, hands down, every case where it eventually came down to the threat of eviction, it was because people would not communicate with us. Head in the sand. They ignored pleas to make an appointment to just talk about it, they ignored suggestions of paying the owed amount in installments, they never reacted. Pretended it wasn't happening.

Once the threat is becoming startlingly real, they are suddenly panicky and angry. We like keeping tenants through tough times but we can't if they won't talk to us.

I do not claim that this is what happened here, but I would not automatically assume that this guy did everything in his power to reason with those he owed money, either.

The only thing I can say for certain is that, for goodness sake, he just fucked up his children for life. For life. I've been through this and for better reasons than panicking over an eviction. Hell, even three generations back, my great-grandfather killed himself and left my great-grandma with two young boys to raise by herself. 1930 that must have been. Awesome job!

I don't care how stressed he was, if his children weren't on the forefront of his mind, I have no sympathy for his choice there.


Thursday, October 30, 2008 11:25 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!



Apparent suicide during eviction investigated by lawyer who got Knox County sheriff and entire county commission fired for election fraud


Man says police caused wife's death; police say man made threats against local officials, er, "public servants"

Wed Oct 9 2008

SEVIERVILLE TENNESSEE; A local woman allegedly took her own life Monday while officers from the Sheriff's Department and Sevierville Police Department waited outside for an eviction notice that never arrived.

Pamela Ross had spoken to officers outside her home at 230 Lexington Place Monday morning while her husband, Jimmie D. Ross, was in court on a matter related to a foreclosure on their home, according to authorities. Judge Jeff Rader would eventually grant an extension that would allow the Rosses to remain in their home longer. But in the meantime, officers say Ross went inside and ended her life with a handgun.

Jimmie Ross doesn't believe that account.

"It doesn't add up," he said in an interview with The Mountain Press on Tuesday.

He said he told officers Monday that he believed they were responsible for her death.

"One way or another, I said, whether you pulled the trigger or not, you killed my wife."

Ross said he has retained Knoxville attorney Herb Moncier to represent his family. Late Tuesday, he said Moncier would ask for an independent autopsy and for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to take over the case.

A friend, he said, talked to Pamela Ross by phone five minutes before her death.

She also left a message with a Galveston, Texas man whom Ross describes as a private attorney general that had been advising him during the foreclosure and eviction procedure. "She ... said, scared to death, "They're at my front door and my back door, Odell, what should I do?' And then the phone went dead," Ross said.

Sheriff Ron Seals said officers were sent to the house before the writ evicting the Rosses was issued because they were concerned about what Jimmie Ross might do if he were evicted. Authorities say Ross has made threats against law enforcement and court personnel, and they
were aware that he had guns in the home.

"Under normal circumstances, we would not do that (level of force), but we went out there knowing there were weapons in the house and there had been threats," Seals said.

Deputies had seen firearms at the house when they assisted IRS agents who searched the house in relation to a separate case several months ago, Seals said. Knowing of that and of the alleged threats Ross had made, they decided to send officers there ahead of time.

They also asked for Sevierville police to assist, according to Bob Stahlke, spokesman for the Sevierville Police Department.

One officer was there as back-up before Pamela Ross spoke to the officers and went back inside, Stahlke said. Many others converged on the house, however, after officers reporting hearing a shot from inside the house, Stahlke said.

Ross said he doesn't believe his wife would have walked out and spoken to authorities. She spent most of her time in bed due to a chronic, terminal illness, he said.

"The whole thing was a scam to get me out of my home. I'll put the bottom line to you," he said.

He denies ever threatening a judge or police officers.

"I don't make threats against anybody," he said. "I don't have to make threats. If I'm going to do something, I'll do it.

"We are private people, we don't bother anybody and I don't want anybody bothering us."

He acknowledges owning several weapons, including a handgun he kept beside his bed and a gun that was in his car when he arrived at the scene. Law enforcement officers confiscated all the firearms in the house Monday, he said.

As he left court Monday, a deputy escorted him to the car and chatted with him as they walked. When they reached his car, however, he said that the deputy informed him his wife had been in an accident and was being taken to a hospital by ambulance. He decided to go home to change his clothes before going to the hospital.

As he neared his home, law enforcement officers were all around his home and swarmed the car, demanding that he get out. Ross said he refused at first to comply.

"This guy with this big Uzi or whatever it is jumped on the hood of the car there and pointed that gun at me, and they were screaming at me," he said.
He said he was handcuffed and held several hours before being told what had happened to his wife.

Police say Ross was never charged with any offense on Monday.

Ross said he told officers he wouldn't leave for the hospital until they left his home and property.

He said he has spent most of his retirement funds to pay for his wife's medical bills. She was denied Social Security and disability benefits.
Ross said most of his money has been "stolen," but declined to elaborate on what that meant. Documents in local courts show several credit card companies have sued to collect debts from Ross; he said those were unrelated matters.

The foreclosure proceedings on his house are just the latest debt collection proceedings Ross has been involved in. He says he was not in default on his payments to the bank; he had paid the bank with a treasury bond that they still have but have not acknowledged. He doesn't know why.

He maintains that the attorneys suing to collect the debts, and in some cases the banks themselves, do not have the authority to collect the bills. He claims that judges are allowing those claims to continue even though they aren't proper, and he has gone so far as to sue people, including chancellor
Telford Forgety on two occasions, claiming their actions against him amount to racketeering.

Both claims against Forgety have been dismissed.

Several sources told The Mountain Press that Ross had placed a sign on his door claiming that his home was not part of the United States and did not fall under its laws. Ross said that was not true; he said he had an apostille from the Tennessee secretary of state on his door saying no government agency had the right to enter his property.

Ross said he is a member of the Libertarian Party and the Constitution Party, and that he supported Ron Paul for president.

Here's what the husband of the murdered woman has to say today:


October 26, 2008

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ~Thomas Jefferson~

The abuse of government and police power is constantly embarking upon a broader expanse of control. This is embellished by anarchy encompassing those who have lost respect for the law of the land and take pleasure solely upon the law of man. Pamela absolutely knew not to open the door for any cop or anyone she did not know. We are very familiar with the loss of rights and liberties by the Patriot Act and will not allow a cop to step foot inside our door. My family and I have personally witnessed the disastrous and out of control Sevier County elected officials and those who stick with them like lemmings. An autopsy would not even be performed after my request and an outside examiner was brought in after 10 days at a personal cost of $3,000. Now, after another 10 days, a lab will not touch the test in our region. It is beyond my comprehension to understand why legal authorities outside the county who are under oath to protect its citizens have not come to our aid and bring the “above the law” killers to justice. This includes those at all levels of government such as: judges, sheriff, county mayor and those who have such an arrogant influence on elected officials within certain local banks.

During January 2008, I paid off both mortgages to Citizen’s National Bank and First Tennessee Bank with Bonded U.S. Treasury Notes. They were given 30 days to decline the method of payment offer but neither responded nor returned my bonds. I have the certified mail signature green card proving that they were received and accepted. At this time, both banks continue to hold those funds and have foreclosed on my home subsequent to being sent Notices of Default after adequate time to return the original promissory note. This should not be permissible since they are not the “Holder in Due Course” nor did either bank lend me one cent of money. I suggest that an investigation of both banks be undertaken to authenticate if the transactions were handled in accordance to the National Accepted Accounting Principles (NAAP). With no other alternative but file Demands for Payment to the banks for principle and damages that were owed me, these steps were initiated along with an Opportunity to Cure and a Final Demand for Payment. There was no way the two banks could answer my claims without admitting they were committing fraud, Conspiracy, theft of funds from the U.S. Treasury, etc., therefore, they made the decision to conspire with the local elected officials to take my home, money and the precious life of my peace loving wife. We are referring to a real, living spirit being, belonging to our God the Father; one who did nothing except good for other people and was a peacemaker. She hated controversy and could quickly resolve issues between people with her calm demeanor. No one deserved to be ruthlessly treated and murdered like Pamela Ann Ross.

On August 4, 2008 Sevier County General Sessions Court was conducted with the purpose of evicting my wife and me from our home even though we had already paid off the mortgages to the banks. Realizing that justice would not be found in Sevier County, ten days later I filed an order of removal from the General Sessions Court to the Federal District Court in Texas. This legal demand was simply ignored and a hearing by the same judge Jeff Rader in General Sessions Court was scheduled for October 6, 2008 to show cause why the removal demand should not be dismissed. Allow me to first point out that due to my two legal actions against judge Jeff Rader, he should have recused himself from the October 6th hearing but chose to snub his nose at justice. It is not the first time for Rader to act in this manner both in and out of court. The entire case C-0057230 should be thrown out at this time due to the brazen miscarriage of our legal system and the fact that Rader should never have heard the case to begin with. Furthermore, the fact that both banks had been paid off in full with accepted funds should be enough for executives from both institutions to be indicted for fraud, theft of public funds, conspiracy, murder, counterfeiting securities, etc., and enough for RICO indictments and Federal Civil Rights violations for the entire group with a penalty of death.

On Monday morning October 6, 2008 at 8:50 a.m., I comforted my terminally ill wife back to bed after turning off the ADT alarm system. I left for the court hearing on behalf of our legal demands to remove the case and eviction (to this day I have never received a written notification) from the records due to proving non-jurisdiction. Pamela was in fair spirits in spite of the extreme pain in her lungs that kept her bedridden about 75% of the time. My friend, Warren Palmer, was coming over to be with me as a witness in court. He was running late and called my home where, according to phone company records, he talked with my wife from 8:55 until 9:13 a.m. on October 6, 2008. He said she was in good spirits during that period. I left my cell phone in the car while in the courtroom and she called Warren back at 9:26a.m. but he could not answer it in the courtroom. NOTE: PAMELA MADE AT LEAST ONE OTHER CALL FOR HELP AND I HAD TO SUBPOENA THE PHONE RECORDS TO OBTAIN THIS INFORMATION FROM MY OWN PHONE. IT WILL BE ADDED LATER. Warren called her back when we got out of court at 10:03 a.m. but she did not answer. He called me while I was still in the parking lot 3 blocks from the courthouse and talked with me until I went by where he was standing with a cop guarding him in a church parking lot two blocks from my home.

Upon arriving at the General Sessions Court room shortly after 9 a.m. on October 6th, I was approached by a cop who addressed me by “Mr. Ross”, telling me I should be in the Chancery Court room. He knew me but I had never seen him before. He escorted me to the other court and stayed in there with me. Judge Rader asked me immediately if I was prepared to present my case and my response was “yes”. After listening to Gordon D. Foster, purported lawyer for First Tennessee Bank begin the session, I began proving the court had no jurisdiction in my case. There are 4 requirements before any court has jurisdiction over a case being tried. The following is my case presentment toward that outcome.

“The authentication of the purported attorney’s authority does not appear on the record and I am objecting. Without Subject Matter Jurisdiction in the absence of any one of these elements, the judgment is void. Statements or argument of council in brief or argument are not sufficient for a summary judgment. Council cannot testify.”

Rader stated that they did not honor that in this court. I responded with: “Are you saying that you are above the law and ignore the Supreme Court rulings? This is not something I just made up. It comes from Trinsy Vs. Pagliaro and I have one more supportive Supreme Court ruling in my filing of last Friday. Are you saying that you refuse to honor a Supreme Court ruling in this court?” He could not reply other than to say that he was there only to hear why my demand to remove the case should not be dismissed and the plaintiff be entitled to relief. Rader then talked directly to Foster and said: “I told you how to write your filing for this case.” I said, “Judge, he is a lawyer and you help him with his filing. How about helping me with mine?” No comment. That is stepping across the line back into “practicing law without a license”, among other legal violations. I continued submitting points of my counterclaim that were in my filing of the previous Friday. Rader became so disconcerted that he mentioned the actual case of August 4th for eviction. At this time I stated: “Judge, YOU brought up the actual case, not me. Now that YOU have entered the case in court, I will be able to make the points necessary to prove your non-jurisdiction in this case.

“I have already presented the Supreme Court case stating that council cannot testify on behalf of his client. He has. There must be a competent witness with first hand knowledge. There has never been one. Council must prove that there is a contract with the claimant to represent them. None has been presented to the court and defendant. Claimant must live as an individual or be registered to do business as a corporation in the claimant’s jurisdiction. First Tennessee Bank N.A. is not registered to do business in the state of Tennessee.” The judge and lawyer began talking feverishly that the bank has offices all over Tennessee and is located in Memphis, Tennessee. I held up a computer printout and stated: “Again, do not take my word for it. Would you care to see a document from the Tennessee Secretary of State showing that First Tennessee Bank is NOT registered to do business in Tennessee?” The judge and lawyer became even more frustrated. I continued, “Furthermore, here is another document from the Secretary of State proving that Mr. Foster is not registered to do business in the State of Tennessee. Neither the Bank nor Mr. Foster has the authority to come against me in this case. Mr. Foster cannot testify on behalf of his purported client nor has he shown a contract proving that he represents First Tennessee Bank.”

Rader’s cell phone rang during court and he had the lack of courtesy to answer it in the courtroom when I was presenting my case. He appeared to be reading a TXT message for more than a minute and became even more distressed. Later I would find out that he had received a message of the murder of my wife by his/sheriff’s “above the law” thugs. He gave me another 10 days to appeal the case. However, there cannot be an appeal of a case that was void ab initio (from the beginning) and no judgment could ever have been rendered. The case should have been dismissed at that point but anyone can see that Sevier County courts are above the law and if one is not part of the elected power elite or local owned banking system, in particular Citizen’s National Bank, forget justice.

As Warren and I exited the courtroom, 4 different cops along the hallway greeted me by name as if we were old friends. I had never seen any of them before. It was later confirmed that Sheriff Seals had distributed my picture to all cops around the courthouse before court as if I was some type of criminal to be on the alert for. Outside, another cop offered to walk with me to my car that was parked beyond the old SunTrust bank building. We exchanged friendly conversation and once I put my brief in the car, the cop stated: “Mr. Ross, I have to tell you that there has been an accident at your house. I do not know if your wife is at home or the hospital.” This certainly shook me deeply as I knew she did not have a car at home to have an accident in. I was in her car and had left her in bed only 1 hour and 20 minutes before. My first thought was that she had fallen down the stairs due to her extremely weakened condition. I hurriedly drove home to change out of my suit and Warren called me on my cell phone at 10:08 a.m. We talked until I passed him, being guarded by a cop in the Hardin Lane church parking lot.

I turned to go into my Steeple Chase Subdivision and saw a dozen or so cop cars around my home with one crossway the street entrance. It left an open space on the left side that I began to go around to get to my home and check on my wife. At that time an entire SWAT team came out from behind every bush and surrounded my car. They screamed for me to “Put the car in park. Turn the ignition off and step out of the vehicle!” I asked what this was about and stated that I had not done anything. I said that I had a right to know what they wanted with me. They screamed the same orders once more. One mustached cop came over the hood of my car with an Uzzie pointed right at my head and barked the orders once more. To appease them in order to get to my wife sooner, I complied and stepped out. They immediately jerked me around and shoved me against the car while body searching me for weapons. I said that I had just come from court and had no weapons on me. One of them shoved my head against the car and handcuffs were tightly attached to my wrists behind my back. They told me several times not to try anything as they had canines with them. Later, neighbors said the cops had canines roaming in my back yard while my wife was trying to rest in bed. I also asked the mustachioed cop with the Uzzie if he would have actually shot me, not knowing if I was guilty of any wrong doing. His reply was: “I had to make sure you would not run my officer down with your car.” How could that be accomplished when the officer was standing at my driver side door? No one was in front of the vehicle except the Uzzie cop who was on the hood.

Those involved in the Murder and Federal Civil Rights violations: Detective Jeff McCarter, Captain Mike Voncannon, Sgt. J.J. Breeden, with the Sevier county sheriffs department. Voncannon appears to be the one who indicated the special assignment as they called it on the 911 tape from the ambulance service. I want to know who ordered him to go, Sheriff Ron Seals or Judge Jeff Rader. My understanding was the orders came directly from Rader. City police officers were, Officer David Finchum, Sgt. Eric Ramsey and Bryan Lewelling who was the swat team guy with the M-16. That's all the city police officers I have identified. Fire department Captain Fred Atchley, who is also a full time deputy sheriff and county commissioner, i.e., three city/county jobs, was on the stand by the church location. EMS director Steve Huskey is the one who took Mike Voncannons original call on his cell phone and gave it to Rod Dykes.

Dykes is the paramedic who said on the 911 tape “we will be assisting the sheriffs office on a special felony arrest warrant and a very dangerous assignment.”


David Fuson was the other paramedic and Carroll Suggs was the supervisor who came to the scene. Since we cannot see the report I am going on what insiders at the sheriffs office are telling me. Fred Atchley said Voncannon called him on a landline to go and stand by. Fred said on 911 tape we are all to meet at 9:45 at the church to stage. This is premeditated murder.

They were anticipating their ultimate actions and death of my wife that took place. The only reason I was not killed when removed from my car and handcuffed for more than two hours was non-violent behavior in front of several eyewitnesses and the news photographer. The cops were determined to show the world how tough they are and send a message to others in their reach what would happen if they stepped out of line.

When I mentioned my court appearance and the 10-day extension for appeal (apparently Rader saw from my presentation that I had reason for an appeal and he did not want to be the judge to dismiss the conspiracy plot for his cronies and himself), the entire group of cops really got upset.

They were huddling and talking fast as if trying to make a decision. Later, I would find out why.

They had me with a win in court and had murdered my wife without a writ of possession issued by Rader or ANY authority to be on my property, and certainly not to be in my house shooting my wife in the back with the pretext of evicting her.

Many people were gathered at the subdivision entrance and The Mountain Press already had a photographer there filming pictures that I have not been able to access. However, the lady editor told my daughter that answers did not add up to the pictures and she made the decision not to print an article the next day. After “interrogating” me on Tuesday, their front page headline on Wednesday stated: “Husband: Wife’s suicide was caused by cops.” I NEVER said anything about it being a suicide as it was a MURDER.

The cops held me at that point for more than an hour in the hot sun and in my suit. Finally, they took me to the front driveway of my home and allowed me to stand in front of my car in handcuffs. Nothing was mentioned about my wife. I asked at least a half dozen times where their warrant was. They told me they did not need one. Cops told me that I was being handcuffed “for my protection” at least 10 times. They informed me at least a half dozen times that I had threatened a judge and was becoming violent in the courtroom. None of this was correct and they never revealed their source of information at my request. If that had been true, I would have been apprehended at the courthouse and not allowed to leave. My belief is, that was the original plan and they had no idea of my legal preparation to blow them out of the water. Several cops kept going in and out of my home and bringing all of my weapons out to their cars. After more than 2 hours handcuffed in the hot sun and in my suit, one cop, who looked like he worked out at the gym, came over and unemotionally told me, “Mr. Ross, your wife did not make it.” It was like a ton of bricks hit me between the eyes and the shock was devastating. Not one cop said anything about being sorry for my loss or showed an ounce of compassion. They were just plain cold and self-serving while slowly leaving without uttering any compassionate comment. Nothing. Period. They just left Warren and me to go into the garage where Pamela had been murdered and see the results alone. Warren took pictures of all boxes the bullet(s) penetrated, leaving extensive blood on each and the small pool of blood on the floor. The cops never tied the normal crime tape to cordon off the area nor did they bag her hands. Her body was bagged and handled many times to the point of not getting a good autopsy reading from any test. EVERY cop had on rubber surgical gloves that were evidently taken from Pamela’s box of gloves in the garage, but did not cover her hands with normal crime scene bagging. The MURDER scene was completely contaminated with continuous running in and out of the house and garage by the cops. This was the most blatant cover-up I have heard about since 9/11.

There was a scuffmark on the kitchen floor matching Pamela’s shoe, probably trying to escape the coward cops, preying upon a terminally ill 57-year-old woman. My attorney stated he had proof that she had been handled inappropriately by the cops but did not elaborate. Exactly what inappropriate activities took place by the cops; perhaps even sexual?

I know that an eyewitness saw her being body slammed to the ground out in the front yard before being taken back into the house.

She supposedly died at 9:46 a.m., a shot was heard at 9:51 a.m. but the ADT alarm went off at 9:46:12. How did that happen when it had been turned off before I left home? Why all of the time discrepancies? Nothing matches. The front door dead bolt key lock assembly was slightly dented and looked like it had been pried to pop it out and get the door open. How did the alarm not go off the first two times they entered my home, as witnessed by a neighbor, before storming the door a third time? They are accusing Pamela of shooting herself but she was not physically able to slide the 9 MM Glock assembly back to cock/insert the initial bullet. That is why I had purchased her an S & W .38 for protection ten years earlier when her strength was not near as weak as at the current time. The .38 weapon was in her car that I was driving that morning. If she were going to hurt herself in this manner, she could have retrieved my loaded S & W .38 Police Special revolver from a hall table drawer. I did not keep a clip inserted in the Glock but did keep two loaded clips in the gun case. Furthermore, my doctor friend told me that it was impossible for a right-handed person to shoot herself straight through the heart.

When Warren and I entered the house from the garage murder scene, for some strange reason I went to the living room thermostat to check it. It is located behind the stairs and a roll top desk. Anyone would have to be intentionally going to the unit due to its location. The temp was set as LOW as it could go in what appears to me to be an attempt to change the time of death by cooling the room and body. Warren watched me return the temp back to our normal 72 degrees that the murderers evidently forgot to change back. Pamela’s pullover sleeping shirt and undies were never found and she had on a pair of blue jeans at the hospital and funeral home. I asked the two emergency room nurses; one male and one female, where her shirt was and they said the police were finished with it and had probably thrown it in the trash. Pamela would never allow them inside our home. How did she get dressed since she had returned to bed only an hour before? Or did someone else complete that action for her and before or after death? She had on her sleep wear when taken out into the front yard and body slammed to the ground. Where are those clothes now? Why was she in the garage when murdered? It looks as if she either was shot in the back while bent over the box or was on her knees in front of the box when executed by the cops. The path of the bullet(s) through her body and into the boxes and spatchula indicate further proof that she had to be shot from behind as there was no blood on her back where the smaller entry wound was. There was also a second slit size wound/hole in the left rib area of her back that no one is discussing. The blood had to come from the front of her body where the bullet(s) exited her body. A friend of mine who has been in the taxidermy business for many years stated that he had never seen an animal shot where the exit wound was not the largest and most damaged area. What type of weapon fired the shot? What weapon was the bullet fired from? Has it been destroyed to cover up more evidence? Or was she already dead before they shot her to make it look like a suicide? I have been asked a dozen times if I am sure that my ammo was not hollow point, indicating the massive wound to the front of her heart and chest by the exiting projectile. All of my ammunition was regular round point shells.

My sister and two daughters went to the General Sessions Clerk of Court office to retrieve copies of minutes of the court hearing on that Monday October 6th. They were told that local courts do not take minutes. This is absurd as there is no way to argue an appeal or other uses without minutes. One daughter saw typed notes made by Rader or his clerk concerning the court hearing but it only included his OWN words in court and NONE of my presentment that I have stated verbatim earlier in this dissertation. While they were waiting, one lady told them to get all of the records now because “they” were already destroying evidence. People know what is going on in Sevier County but are afraid to say anything to authorities for fear of retribution. Why can’t I get some of the state law enforcement officials or FBI to investigate what is going on? It is like no one cares what happened to Pamela and is allied with Sevier County cops and other county officials. This should not be rocket science. My wife was murdered by a shot in the back that exited through the heart. The room temperature was lowered to change the time of death and complete the cop cover-up. With absolutely no reinforcement by taping off the entire area and leaving garage material evidence in place, the crime scene area has been neutralized. Is this too difficult for professional investigators to understand? I can see it plainly with common sense and my lifetime of experience using hunting weapons and six years as a tanker in a tank battalion, armored division where I carried a military .45.

When will Americans wake up and take our country back? The populace should be telling government what to do, not government telling the people what to do. God Bless America, the Constitution and Sevier County. Always the optimist and reaching out to help others, her GOOD will live on forever in the lives of those who had the privilege of knowing her beautiful spirit and life example.

“Reason obeys itself; ignorance submits to what is dictated to it.” ~Thomas Paine~

ALWAYS bring your own audio recorders to EVERY court hearing, and get permission from the judge to turn it on. This is NOT "discretionary" for a judge to refuse this motion.

Videocam is even better, but is only allowed by "news media", which any person can be with a motion to the judge, signed by the judge in advance. Fed judges ban TV news in court, which is unconstitutional.

ALWAYS buy a copy of the judge's own audiotape of EVERY hearing, which every judge is required to make in every hearing in general sessions, circuit or chancery court in Tennessee, for use by appellate courts. Federal judges HATE releasing audiotapes of their hearings, since its a fasttrack to getting fired. My motion for a copy of the hearing tapes is the first such motion in the history of US District Court in East TN, and the judges have refused to decide an order for over 6 months.

Lawyers know to never appear in court without THEIR OWN court reporter, since judge's often order "their" court reporters to illegally change a transcript. Paying your own court reporter $200 scares judges into being more honest.


Thursday, October 30, 2008 11:38 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

It's true most sheeple hide heads in the sand in legal situations. This is because the skool-industrial complex and the media mafia censors al linfo on how to win in court without a lawyer, and brainwashes them to always plead guilty, even when that's impossible in civil trials such as traffic tickets. So of course sheeple panic when facing a lawsuit, especially when they can't afford to hire a lawyer because they can't afford to pay a mortgage or pay a deposit on a new rental.

That's why I recommend everyone fight every traffic ticket, as free law college. Besides, traffic tickets are the easiest of all lawsuits to win. If you don't exercise your Constitutional rights, you waive them.

Most of the time you don't even have to show up in court to win, just ignore the bogus ticket, according to all lawyers, judges and politicians.

But you must know WHEN it is lawful to ignore a lawuit, and when you must respond (unless your name is Hussein Obama).

Here's more from the criminal Blount Co sheriff who perped this homicidal eviction:


“I’ll burn your house down, set your dog on fire and there won’t be a member of your family left, do you understand me? I won’t hire it done, I will do it myself! Do you understand me?”
-Blount County sheriff James Berrong, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, Nuchols v. Berrong, No. 04-5645, July 11, 2005

Tennessee Auditors Arrive - 48 Blount Sheriff cars missing

2. to steal; filch.
3. to buy (narcotics).
4. cop out, a. to avoid one's responsibility, the fulfillment of a promise, etc.; renege; back out.
b. cop a plea.
5. cop a plea, a. to plead guilty or confess in return for receiving a lighter sentence.
b. to plead guilty to a lesser charge as a means of bargaining one's way out of standing trial for a more serious charge; plea-bargain., Random House Unabridged Dictionary 2006

Tennessee leads the nation with sheriffs convicted of drug dealing, with 35 sheriffs convicted in the 1990s, not counting convicted deputies, cops, troopers, jailers, prosecutors, judges or chiefs.

Here's how this Blount Co sheriff obstructs justice during a DUI homicide by a state senator - who's the crack cocaine kingpin of Tennessee, and how TN legislature named a highway to honor this convicted hit-and-run killer:


Thursday, October 30, 2008 11:59 AM



AgentR, you just put my opinion of Germans up a notch or two...

Here's it's usually a holding company managing it for some absentee owner who doesn't bother to communicate with THEM, much less the tenants.

And the holding companies ? pffftth, most of the time there's nobody there anyway, just a machine that will put you through the phonefuck, or automated runaround, till you get frustrated and give up, they won't talk to you, as they're usually just schmucks hired to do paperwork they barely understand, and don't have a damned clue or interest beyond that.

Around here it's basically, send the check, or we send the goons, with no middle ground, arbitration or allowance for human concerns whatever - and it's not THAT different for homeowners even on really STUPID points, as the infamous "Snow Shovel Incident" highlights.

Before we bought a house, one of the Apt complexes we were at had a set of maintainence and wiring problems (not to mention illegally substandard wiring in places) and we tried to address it for a very long time without any result but an attempt by the holding company to intimidate us - by calling all the renters into a meeting and more or less outright threatening them.

On tape, no less, since four of us recorded it, to our mildly amused shock when we compared notes afterwords to forment our response/revolt, and realized that several of us had the same ideas about it - but of course getting anyone to enforce the law AGAINST dickheads, slumlords and folks with money that act illegally, good fuckin luck, even if it is properly their responsibility and jurisdiction... but they're oh so QUICK to act on those peoples behalf in spite of it being neither their proper responsibility or jurisdiction, how funny is that, right ?

It's pretty much "The golden rule" here in the States - he who has the gold, makes the rules, and they only apply to the peons.

I mean, look at the pattern of such, folks don't resort to violence or suicide in the situation you described as your experience over there, that doesn't make sense, right ?

Usually that comes when a person has tried and tried, exhausted all options, been told to piss off by the folk supposed to help them, or that the rules don't apply to the folk breaking them, and wind up in a state of shock at how the world really works over here once the pretty shine of bullshit is rubbed off...

And then they go Killdozer on your ass, or themselves - but people with even a remote hint of mental stability never, EVER go for that option first, it comes only due to mounting pressure caused by finding out that no help is available, no one wants to hear any shit from you, just get the money or we break your legs, more or less.

You know, kind of like the mafia, only they don't even need to hire triggermen and legbreakers, cause they can outsource that to the police, since it's all legit and aboveboard, right ?

It's insane, is what it is.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, October 30, 2008 12:01 PM



"I'm going upstream to stop whoever is throwing them in!"

Oh that's just damn passing strange, in a week and more that's been penultimately so...

So in spite of our differences, you DO truly understand my M.O. and it's purposes then Rue ?

Fuckin A, I'm shocked....
In a good way, mind you, but still.



Thursday, October 30, 2008 12:23 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

This suicided "renter" was retired after 30 years with the same company, proving his consistency and responsibility.

Timing might prove his 401k got robbed by the bankster this month, cutting his retirement income by 50%, making it impossible to make his mortgage payments ON TIME.

Banksters always forclose for being LATE, then PAYING all late fees, WITHOUT owing any overdue interest. This is how banksters rob their customers on purpose, since the odds are high to being 1-day late on monthly payments 3-times in a 30-year mortgage, mainly due to odds of routine medical problems.

Another bankster scam is falling property values. A 90% mortgage with 10% down results in immediate forcloser if property value drops 11%, WITHOUT A SINGLE LATE PAYMENT. A "homeowner" with 50% mortgage is instantly forclosed on if property value drops 41%, WITHOUT A SINGLE LATE PAYMENT. A 100% mortgage, common when property values are rising, results in instant forclosure if property values drop 1%, WITHOUT A SINGLE LATE PAYMENT.

When a bank goes bankrupt, the new bank can instantly forclose on ALL mortgages, WITHOUT A SINGLE LATE PAYMENT. 5,000 to 8,000 banks are expected to go bankrupt this year in USA.

Now in UK, banksters are forclosing on houses for late payment of CREDIT CARDS and UNsecured loans. Late payment of a $20 monthly payment results in secret forclosure by a mfia bankster. Rent a $100 TV, lose your $100,000 house:


Banks exploit legal loophole to seize homes

Sunday Times
October 26, 2008

LONDON - Banks and credit card companies are exploiting obscure legal powers to seize the homes of thousands of people who cannot pay their credit card bills.

In some cases, people owing as little as £1,000 have been served with charging orders – the legal instrument enabling a creditor to order the sale of a property.

The practice has emerged days after Yvette Cooper, chief secretary to the Treasury, called on banks to do more to allow people to keep their homes.

According to the Ministry of Justice, 97,026 charging orders were granted by courts in England and Wales last year, a tenfold increase since 2000.

They allow financial institutions to order the sale of a property to pay off unsecured debts on credit cards, personal loans, store cards and car finance. Some will have been used only to threaten the debtor, or to levy a surcharge on the mortgage to recoup the debts.

Nationwide, the building society, and Northern Rock, which was nationalised earlier this year, are among the most aggressive in using the court orders.

Mark Sands, head of insolvency at KPMG, the accountancy firm, said: “The power of a charging order can come as a horrible shock to someone. When they took out the loan or the credit card, they were almost certainly not told that their home was at risk if they failed to keep up with repayments.”

The rate at which the courts have granted charging orders has increased sharply in the past two months, according to Citizens Advice, National Debt-line and the Consumer Credit Counselling Service. Last week a homeowner posted a message on a website saying a credit card company had launched a charging order against him for a debt of £1,000.

From next year banks will be given further arbitrary powers because they will no longer need to secure a county court judgment against a defaulting debtor. They will be able to move directly to seek a charging order after two or three months of missed payments.

Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman, said: “No one should be allowed to lose their home simply because of a credit card debt. More needs to be done by the government to ensure that lenders simply do not act overzealously, and only take possession of properties as a last resort. The fact that banks can now kick people out of their homes for not keeping up with their unsecured debts is very worrying.”

Alex McDermott, social policy officer at Citizens Advice, said the government had presided over a hidden scandal, because homes repossessed in this way did not appear in the official statistics issued by the Council for Mortgage Lenders.

The Consumer Credit Counselling Service said Northern Rock and Nationwide were particularly aggressive.

Northern Rock confirmed it used charging orders where customers had missed payments on unsecured loans, saying: “Any application for a charging order on an unsecured loan is in strict accordance with the Consumer Credit Act.”

Northern Rock and Nationwide declined to discuss how many homes they had forced to be sold.

You can bet jewish banksters use this scam in USA. That's why they send their brats to law skool.

This is what's going on with TV infomercials on how to steal houses for $100 in "tax sale" scams by Gangsta Govt.

Mafia Homeowners Associations use this scam to steal houses for not mowing the grass, or flying a US flag.

Many of those crime victims were never notified they were sued in court, and don't find out until the police death squad shows up to evict them at gunpoint. Some of these irate homeowners litigate for 10 years or more without moving out of their "forclosed tax sale" homes. They don't warn greedy suckers about that in infomercials.

Red Dawn: Commie China cops evict US homeowners in Bankster BAILout Bill

50% of the $5-trillion Bankster BAILout Bill includes executive bonuses, exported to offshore accounts to avoid IRS taxes.


Friday, October 31, 2008 4:01 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

AgentR, you just put my opinion of Germans up a notch or two...

Well, I obviously cannot speak for every company in this country. But it's as you said, it makes greater financial sense to work together. We keep steady tenants, they think well of us, no one has to squabble or pay legal fees.

We also have pretty strict laws with regard to renter-protection here. Throwing someone out is a long process. Police won't be involved at all, but you have a special type of government official who can use force (not weapons, though, I think) IF you've got an official court order which can take up to six months. Lots of paperwork. Better to avoid that.

Some people abuse this sysem, but not many. Owners complain about the hassles, obviously. *shrug*


I mean, look at the pattern of such, folks don't resort to violence or suicide in the situation you described as your experience over there, that doesn't make sense, right ?

Usually that comes when a person has tried and tried, exhausted all options, been told to piss off by the folk supposed to help them, or that the rules don't apply to the folk breaking them, and wind up in a state of shock at how the world really works over here once the pretty shine of bullshit is rubbed off...

It does sound rather extreme and foreign to me. If it's as bad as you say, it's positively outrageous.

Leave alone renters, how do people ever work up the courage to try and buy a house on credit if there is so little legal protection? Is there so much resistence to expanding their rights? Are there no affordable means of legal advice? Wouldn't there be money in that?


Friday, October 31, 2008 9:29 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Police in USA are now almost at the same level as Order Poletzei in Nazi Germany, where German traffic cops massacred 100,000s of German citizens with a bullet to the brain.

After Hurricane Katrina, 5,000 US citizens alleged got the bullet-in-brain treatment by police death squads, according to presidential candidate Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and mortuary soldiers.

Police here don't mediate, they attack. They're brainwashed by a steady diet of first-person-shooter games, Cops TV and slasher movies. Most cops have criminal records.

Renters here have the same protections as Germany, but most don't know their rights or are afraid to enforce them.

When I lived in Germany, Poletzei carried machine guns but didn't write traffic tickets. In USA police are feasting on sheeple as fast as they can. Many cops are fresh from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, still bloody from wiping out entire villages of women and children, lined up and gunned down in their own homes.

Those cops are insane from PTSD as "trigger pullers". Home invasions by undercover cops who refuse to identify themselves are common, without proper warrants, as a local engineer/pilot/nurse found out while pointing his loaded shotgun at a cop wearing a Metallica shirt, who "ran screaming from the house with flashbacks to Afghanistan", as the cop testified in court. In retaliation, police sent another undercover death squad to stalk the homeowner, hitched a ride, then beat him "expertly" to cause maximum damage, with prosecutors refusing to prosecute the assailants (cops or "informants"):

He has never been indicted by grand jury, and threatens to sue for false arrest. Hence the "extra-judicial punishment".


Friday, October 31, 2008 10:54 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

You know PN --- while I don't credit every story you post as being 100% factual --- Tennessee (including and especially Knoxville) does seem to be unusually corrupt for a place so far from DC.

Maybe you should move to a place easier on the soul.


Silence is consent.


Friday, October 31, 2008 1:07 PM



It does sound rather extreme and foreign to me. If it's as bad as you say, it's positively outrageous.

If anything, I am softselling it - this is what happens when you put the weasels in charge of the henhouse, really.

Leave alone renters, how do people ever work up the courage to try and buy a house on credit if there is so little legal protection?

Because they have no choice, if you want it, you have to play the game by their rules - and since they have such influence over those who made and enforce law, one of the side effects is that such are written in a fashion to prohibit anyone from not playing ball, if someone were to say... offer a less exploitive contract, they'd probably be fined and blackballed for it right quickly, under the very laws supposed to prevent anti-competitive behavior, but in fact do the exact opposite.

If you want the house, you've literally no choice but to play the game by their rules, with their deck, at their table - rules that THEY are not bound by because most corporate contracts of any kind here in america allow the corporation to change the rules and terms at any time, with or without notice to the afffected party.

Once you scrape the bullshit off, it's basically sell your soul, or rent forever.

When we bought our place, I spent a lot of time and a good chunk of change on having my lawyer add a provision to the mortgage contract which in effect stated that if this loan was sold to a particular company or group, it would constitute breach of the whole and void it, and this was because the company in question is so slimy they were even thrown out of Japan for nefarious business practices.

Within three months, the original bank went right on and did exactly that, and I find out from my lawyer that it would cost more in legal fees to enforce that provision than to pay off the loan entire, so what can you do ?

And true to form, that company played it's usual games, changing payment dates without notice, or mailing the notice five minutes before the payment was due, changing the exact payment amount by random small increments, and even in one case "accidently" cashing the payment check for one tenth of it's value and then within an HOUR calling with dire legal threats, something quickly settled by our bank and lawyer, but not without cost and hassle.

Anything and everything they can to try and force a missed or late payment, they do, it requires a constant rabid vigilence and prettymuch for three days a month we're stuck watching like a hawk with fingers crossed prepared to act quickly against the next dirty trick.

They backed off some as of late, since apparently they've met their match here when it comes to sneaky scoundrelising, and have chosen to focus their efforts on easier targets, of which they have plenty.

Is there so much resistence to expanding their rights?

Oh hell yes, they know they're sitting pretty, and any attempt to knock over the gravy bowl will result in some immediate political counterfire, if not outright illegal harrassment and threats, since by virtue of being the contract holders and able to change terms at whim, they can sink anyone indebted to them very quickly if they desire to, which means prettymuch anyone.

Are there no affordable means of legal advice?

Nope, and a lot of it is actually shills for the big banksters offering useless or counterproductive advice as a form of sabotage, one of which in particular is disguised as a helper service which kindly extends the payments to fifty years, at a higher interest rate, in exchange for a smaller monthly payment, for example... most of this is just pure Usury, to be honest about it.

Wouldn't there be money in that?

Only if you work for the banksters, helping them squeeze harder, or talk people into even worse contracts under the guise of "helping" them.

Again, if anything, I am soft-selling this, yes, it really *IS* that awful, and at many times worse because you have to contend with corrupt local officials, homeowners organisations which are set up of and by the local 'elites' and run like a mafia, and greedy, corrupt law enforcement folk trying to find a way to use asset seizure provisions against you, or even offering some punk a reduced sentence on another crime to get caught on your property with drugs and "justify" it's seizure under asset forfeiture.

It's a goddamn nightmare, is what is it, requiring constant and paranoid vigilence at all times, just to keep what you have, and too many times, in the end the banksters wind up with as much of your money as they can squeeze, AND the property, which they then sell to the next... customer (read: SUCKER) and then do it all over again.


PS. Under US Asset Forfeiture Laws, they don't even have to convict you, sometimes not even CHARGE you, in order to seize the property in question, the Detroit PD has a nice little racket going on about that seizing cars they want simply for driving through what they call a "known drug area" and then reselling them to each other in auctions hidden from the public "for security reasons" for as little as $1.00USD.

Just bang, pulled over, yanked from your vehicle, and having it taken from you, highway robbery at it's finest, by those supposedly protecting you, welcome to America, 2008.

And heaven help you if it's your property they're after.






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