Yep, saw this coming

UPDATED: Thursday, December 18, 2008 17:33
VIEWED: 1831
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008 10:56 AM

WOW! Shocked huh? Barry on yet another magazine cover. Congrats Barry, even tho you've done nothing your whole life but run for public office, and lets not forget how you tossed aside people like Rev. Wright and Billy Ayers when they were no longer useful. I'm glad your TIME magazines "Man of the Year", so was Hitler, you're in good company.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 11:04 AM


You ever think about what you write here?

You post with the arrogant cockiness of someone whose candidate for President just won. But he didn't win, he lost. Obama won, did you miss that little fact?

You jumping on Obama is worse than the Left hating Bush from Day 1. We have a duty as Americans to wish the new President the best, don't we? Don't you? Don't you want to see the country at least try to climb out of the sinkhole that Bush is leaving us all in?

Don't you understand that the numbers just aren't there anymore for Republicans? Don't you understand that things have to change, and the Party has got to find a way to be more inclusive? If we ever want to win any election in the future we have to convert people to our side, and your way 'aint the way. Your no Rush Limbaugh by any stretch, and what good did all his bloviatious hot air do? Nada. Squat. Learn from that mistake, and the many others that were made. Never under-estimate your opponent, and you have to have a message, a positive message.
If you don't, there's really nothing left to say. People get numb to repetitive negative attacks, they even actuallly rebel against it. Make friends & influence people if you want Republicans to ever have a chance again.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 11:50 AM


Time has a bizarre history with Man(now Person) of the year.

1938 - Hitler
1939 - Stalin
1942 - Stalin AGAIN
1957 - Nikita Khrushchev
1971 - Nixon
1972 - Nixon AGAIN
1979 - Ayatollah Khomeini

In addition there is a cover in the 30s with Heinrich Himmler, the overseer of the mass killings of the era. It paints him as a hero of the German people. wtf?

Time has put every president since FDR on that pedistal with the single exception of Ford, the one president who ironically deserved it above all others (again showing Time's complete lack of insight). Obama was obvious. He should grace it one more time, most likely in 2010 or 2011. Though I think it's absoutely true to say that he is being honored for nothing more than being a career politican with no executive experience. But I really don't care.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 12:00 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
You ever think about what you write here?

You post with the arrogant cockiness of someone whose candidate for President just won. But he didn't win, he lost. Obama won, did you miss that little fact?

You jumping on Obama is worse than the Left hating Bush from Day 1. We have a duty as Americans to wish the new President the best, don't we? Don't you? Don't you want to see the country at least try to climb out of the sinkhole that Bush is leaving us all in?

Don't you understand that the numbers just aren't there anymore for Republicans? Don't you understand that things have to change, and the Party has got to find a way to be more inclusive? If we ever want to win any election in the future we have to convert people to our side, and your way 'aint the way. Your no Rush Limbaugh by any stretch, and what good did all his bloviatious hot air do? Nada. Squat. Learn from that mistake, and the many others that were made. Never under-estimate your opponent, and you have to have a message, a positive message.
If you don't, there's really nothing left to say. People get numb to repetitive negative attacks, they even actuallly rebel against it. Make friends & influence people if you want Republicans to ever have a chance again.

I agree with you BUT! Do you see the press and the Democrats stopping there negative attacks on Bush? They've been trashing him and Repubicans for 8 years, Barry and his peeps may be involved in a scandle (I said "may", not "are") and the press are throwing softballs at him, If he was a Republican they'd be ripping into him like a monkey into a cupcake! The reason I can't stand Barry is simple, he's an empty suit, Palin had more experiance than him, but his WHORES in the press distoryed her. You have a good heart, you think a positive message will work, you may be rite. But do'nt expect the press to help get that message out.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 12:06 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Well, Bush has been done so many good things so successfully, you can't help but like the guy. (That's sarcasm.)

Here's the difference, in case you can't get this idea on your own:
Bush is being criticized for all the bad things he's done.
Obama is being criticised by people like you for no particular reason - and he's not even president yet.

One more difference - Obama was elected fair and square and can claim some legitimacy as president, Bush was appointed by an illegal Supreme Court decision and lost the popular vote.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 12:11 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Well, Bush has been done so many good things so successfully, you can't help but like the guy. (That's sarcasm.)

Here's the difference, in case you can't get this idea on your own:
Bush is being criticized for all the bad things he's done.
Obama is being criticised by people like you for no particular reason - and he's not even president yet.

One more difference - Obama was elected fair and square and can claim some legitimacy as president, Bush was appointed by an illegal Supreme Court decision and lost the popular vote.


Silence is consent.

Illegal Court! Come on RUE! I expected more from you then that "Selected not Elected" crap. I thought you were a big brain.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 12:28 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Illegal Court! Come on RUE! I expected more from you then that "Selected not Elected" crap. I thought you were a big brain."

It goes "illegal Supreme Court decision". You forgot that one word.

Yes, it was illegal. The US Supreme Court is not empowered to make 'one time only' rulings, which the Florida ruling was.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 12:50 PM


I support Barack Obama because for once it seemed like someone had opened a window and there was some fresh air blowing into the room.

I still want to see him do well... But as glad as I am that as an inexperienced president he's gathering an experienced, competent administration, it also leaves me a little bit cold. I know better than to trust implicitly in campaign trail promises, and I'll be watching carefully.

The country is on eggshells. The media can't really attack Obama. Racism is real, and it's painful, and even unintended or seemingly innocent comments hurt people. And when people get hurt, they get mad.

But I'm worried if we can't question our new president without backlash. Look where that's gotten us so far. The media really has to grow a pair.

As for the Time magazine thing... Well, his election gave hope to a lot of black people. That's significant, and no one can deny that or take that away. He's been more influential this past year than any other person, even if he hasn't actually been making policy or seeming to do much besides run for office.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


They've been trashing him and Repubicans for 8 years
No, only first year and the last. After 9-11 Bush had a free ride. Hey, I thought you Repugs were all about 'accountability'. But apparently not so much!

If he was a Republican they'd be ripping into him like a monkey into a cupcake!
You have a short memory! The WH press whores gave Bush pass after pass after pass. On Iraq and WMDs and Iraq's supposed connection of al Qaida. On bin Laden. On the deficit. On Gannon/ Guckert. On lapses big and small. No serious questions were asked.

Drink much?

Let's party like its 1929.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:24 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

They've been trashing him and Repubicans for 8 years
No, only first year and the last. After 9-11 Bush had a free ride. Hey, I thought you Repugs were all about 'accountability'. But apparently not so much!

If he was a Republican they'd be ripping into him like a monkey into a cupcake!
You have a short memory! The WH press whores gave Bush pass after pass after pass. On Iraq and WMDs and Iraq's supposed connection of al Qaida. On bin Laden. On the deficit. On Gannon/ Guckert. On lapses big and small. No serious questions were asked.

Drink much?

Let's party like its 1929.

Do I drink much? Just on weekends. When no WMD's were found what happened? Bush bacame a liar, not wrong, a liar.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:27 PM


At least Obama is getting the not before he fucks anything up in office, and there's plenty to be said for his campaign, his unprecedented win...yada yada...

but the name you left off the list of Time Magazine's auspicoius "men of the year" was Dubya in 2004, or did you just intentionally omit that?

and that's after he'd already been doing a real shitty job...just before shit was so bad that everybody had to start paying attention.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Bush bacame a liar, not wrong, a liar.
Not according to the mainstream news, dood. You're confusing peeps like me with the MSM. Believe me, I ain't the MSM.

Let's party like its 1929.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:27 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I think the people - like me - who read the reports and figured out ahead of time that there were no WMDs, and that Bush knew there were no WMDs, get to call him a liar.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:32 PM



Originally posted by rue:
I think the people - like me - who read the reports and figured out ahead of time that there were no WMDs, and that Bush knew there were no WMDs, get to call him a liar.


Silence is consent.

whozit throws a soft fluffy pink slipper at RUE.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:33 PM


America loves a winner!


Congrats Barry, even tho you've done nothing your whole life but run for public office, and lets not forget how you tossed aside people like Rev. Wright and Billy Ayers when they were no longer useful.

You're forgetting his now dead grandmother, the one he threw under the bus. The one he cares so much for, he opted to skip her funeral.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:36 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Congrats Barry, even tho you've done nothing your whole life but run for public office, and lets not forget how you tossed aside people like Rev. Wright and Billy Ayers when they were no longer useful.

You're forgetting his now dead grandmother, the one he threw under the bus. The one he cares so much for, he opted to skip her funeral.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

Oh Yea! The typical white person.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:38 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"You're forgetting his now dead grandmother, the one he threw under the bus. The one he cares so much for, he opted to skip her funeral."

Oh that's right - the one he didn't RREEeeaaaally visit before she died, who wasn't his real grandmother anyway, who wasn't dying, until he had her killed to keep her quiet ...

... yeah. Hoookaay.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:50 PM



Originally posted by rue:
"You're forgetting his now dead grandmother, the one he threw under the bus. The one he cares so much for, he opted to skip her funeral."

Oh that's right - the one he didn't RREEeeaaaally visit before she died, who wasn't his real grandmother anyway, who wasn't dying, until he had her killed to keep her quiet ...

... yeah. Hoookaay.


Silence is consent.

He had her killed! I told you he was evil!

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Thursday, December 18, 2008 2:36 AM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by Riverlove:
You ever think about what you write here?

You post with the arrogant cockiness of someone whose candidate for President just won. But he didn't win, he lost. Obama won, did you miss that little fact?

You jumping on Obama is worse than the Left hating Bush from Day 1. We have a duty as Americans to wish the new President the best, don't we? Don't you? Don't you want to see the country at least try to climb out of the sinkhole that Bush is leaving us all in?

Don't you understand that the numbers just aren't there anymore for Republicans? Don't you understand that things have to change, and the Party has got to find a way to be more inclusive? If we ever want to win any election in the future we have to convert people to our side, and your way 'aint the way. Your no Rush Limbaugh by any stretch, and what good did all his bloviatious hot air do? Nada. Squat. Learn from that mistake, and the many others that were made. Never under-estimate your opponent, and you have to have a message, a positive message.
If you don't, there's really nothing left to say. People get numb to repetitive negative attacks, they even actuallly rebel against it. Make friends & influence people if you want Republicans to ever have a chance again.

I agree with you BUT! Do you see the press and the Democrats stopping there negative attacks on Bush? They've been trashing him and Repubicans for 8 years, Barry and his peeps may be involved in a scandle (I said "may", not "are") and the press are throwing softballs at him, If he was a Republican they'd be ripping into him like a monkey into a cupcake! The reason I can't stand Barry is simple, he's an empty suit, Palin had more experiance than him, but his WHORES in the press distoryed her. You have a good heart, you think a positive message will work, you may be rite. But do'nt expect the press to help get that message out.

You're 100% right about the Press and Bush, but I do not feel it is any justificfation to do the same to Obama. It's always a mistake, and an empty argument to excuse bad behavior by pointing to other examples of bad behavior. The reason Republicans are hammerred so un-mercifully in the media is because they feel we are to be held to a higher standard than Liberals, And they justify that by saying that the Right has always postured itself with a higher moral authority, as self-imposed defenders of morality, rightousness, and a traditional lifestyle. When one of "ours" gets caught doing nefarious things, like Larry Craig, or Ted Stevens, or Rush Limbaugh, or William Bennett, or Senator Vitter, or Mark Foley, or Scooter Libby, or Jerry Falwell, or Pat Robertson etc etc, it becomes an example of the hypocricy that the Media and Liberals are going to point to and say that the original messages of these people were a fraud. One bad Republican seems to be the moral equivalent of 5 bad Democrats. That's just how it is. If we are indeed the Party of morality and standards, then any fault in the foundation brings the whole house down. You too. Fight your political fights with knowledge, logic, and friendly persuasion, not with insults and in-your-face mockery. That's what they do, attempt to marginalize and destroy the credibility of our candidates by insulting and mocking them to the point where the masses only think of them as caricatures of themselves.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:21 AM



I think that Bush became a liar, because he pressed these stories, more so cheney, but that initially, they were wrong. It was still no justification for war.

The WMDs were very real. Read the Iranian reports of the war, and you can see them in action in detail. But remember, when you're a persian gulf nation, it's a hop skip and a jump to Dubai, where you can sell everything, including people.

Someone has those WMDs now, and it's probably the highest bidder. There's room for speculation on who that might be, but I'll leave that to others.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:34 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
[ Do you see the press and the Democrats stopping there negative attacks on Bush? They've been trashing him and Repubicans for 8 years

Maybe I just wasn't paying attention or something, BUT I remember Bush being treated pretty fairly until the imminent invasion of Iraq...

ripping into him like a monkey into a cupcake!
excellent imagery, btw Whozit.

The reason I can't stand Barry is simple, he's an empty suit, Palin had more experiance than him
Silly silly British man...

The experianced Chrisisall


Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:41 AM


I think that the president should always be under, if not attack, scrutiny. I would take the reverse position. The press, though partisan against Bush, by attacking him and thoroughly vetting his every action for possible misconduct, etc., they were actually doing their job. Maybe they were doing it for the wrong reasons, but they were doing it.

The media is still starstruck with its crush on Obama and that's not likely to fade very soon. Remember the media love in with Clinton? Now there was a man with less charisma than a pig. It's really insulting to pigs to call him a pig. In fact, I'd easily vote for a farm variety pig as commander in chief over Clinton. But to the media, he was untouchable. They even went to the lengths of constantly covering up for him.

I've done some digging on this issue, and I came to this conclusion:

Academia breeds liberals. They're taught by telling one side of the story, and then universities churn out people who feel certain that they know the whole story, when they only know half the story. The media is run by liberals who hire from academia, so the rank and file of the media are liberals. It's not so much a mass conspiracy as it is a large collection of people who all have the same political slant writing stories that show it, and editors more inclined to focus on the left leaning democrat-supporting end.

This is why stories Like "Clinton runs torture prisons in eastern europe" got one mention on page 38 of the NYT. "Bush runs torture prisons in eastern europe" was run 24/7 on every major news network, and only one or two news sources had the guts to run "Bush, like Clinton, runs torture prisons in eastern europe." Ditto on domestic surveillance, Halliburton handouts, no bid contracts, military actions targeting civilians, and let's not forget wars. Clinton fought five of them if I recall. Yet you can find a surprising number of people who refer to those as "eight years of peace." Sure, if you don't count the wars.

It took me about a year and a half to figure out that Bush was Clinton v. 2.0.

Here's a bone to gnaw on, Both Bush and Clinton had a terrorist attack on the WTC only months after coming into office. That ought to be entertaining for the conspiracy crowd.

Of course, that won't happen under Obama because they never rebuilt the things.

I am trying to remain neutral on Obama. If he invades Pakistan, I'm afraid he'll get no sympathy from me. The US is sworn to defend pakistan by treaty, against all enemies, and that includes ourselves. That's the point of no return for me.

Oh, and I already hate his cabinet. But that's a different matter. I really liked his proposed cabinet on the campaign trail. Okay, nothing against Shinseki, I think that was a good pick. There are probably a couple of others. Here's hoping no confirmation for that secretary of state.

Oh, and because I have trouble shutting up, here's the thing that really baffles me: Why not promote from within? Christopher Hill seems to be an excellent diplomat, Condi is retiring to go back to the private sector or university life, why in the world not just make Hill sec. of state? I know the clintonistas have guns to his head, but I mean, this was a total no brainer. But still, a hearing could reopen the whitewater investigation, and that's a can of worms that Hillary would like not have to see the light of day again. So, here's hoping.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:45 AM



Time has a bizarre history with Man(now Person) of the year.

1938 - Hitler
1939 - Stalin
1942 - Stalin AGAIN
1957 - Nikita Khrushchev
1971 - Nixon
1972 - Nixon AGAIN
1979 - Ayatollah Khomeini

In addition there is a cover in the 30s with Heinrich Himmler, the overseer of the mass killings of the era. It paints him as a hero of the German people. wtf?

Time has put every president since FDR on that pedistal with the single exception of Ford, the one president who ironically deserved it above all others (again showing Time's complete lack of insight). Obama was obvious. He should grace it one more time, most likely in 2010 or 2011. Though I think it's absoutely true to say that he is being honored for nothing more than being a career politican with no executive experience. But I really don't care.

It's not a secret that Time Magazine supported the Nazi Party. It's just not widely publicized. Wonder why? Anyway, the fact that they hand picked Obama, just as they had Clinton, both very early in the race I found disturbing.

I traced it back and it's not that they're precient, they pick people they intend to get into office. They're a very troublesome group. When I refer to our globalists as "the team" I call Time "Team magazine, uh that's spelled T-I-M-E and pronounced TEAM" :)


Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:49 AM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
If we are indeed the Party of morality and standards

Interesting observation here:
CAN either party claim this? I think not, as I am an individualist. I will not belong to something greater than myself, for there is no such thing IMO. An organization can be said to be as strong as its weakest link, therefore, I will believe in an individual regardless of their party affiliation, as long as the man does not profess to BE the party. This allows me to like Goldwater & Obama while disliking Palin & Clinton.

The side-barring Chrisisall


Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:58 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Academia breeds liberals. They're taught by telling one side of the story, and then universities churn out people who feel certain that they know the whole story, when they only know half the story.

I see it as a pendulum thing- we get taught that Chris Columbus was a cool guy, all friendly and such, then we get taught that he ran slave labour camps 24/7 and regularly cut off the hands of his slaves.
Half of writing history may be in hiding it, but the other half is re-writing it in backlash to the last interpretation, IMO.

The middle-like Chrisisall


Thursday, December 18, 2008 6:08 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Academia breeds liberals. They're taught by telling one side of the story, and then universities churn out people who feel certain that they know the whole story, when they only know half the story.

So, by extension, ignorance and the uneducated breed conservatives?

Better to have half the story, than a tiny sliver, passed down and distorted through the years.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, December 18, 2008 7:04 AM


I say how much story the Republican supporters have depends on what kind of Republican they are.

Fiscal conservatives I think are educated and DO have the other half of the story. Our system is a balance, big government versus personal freedom, VERY important social programs versus scary amounts of control.

Unfortunately, Republicans have been betraying their fiscal conservative roots in recent years with corporate cronyism and narrow-minded born-again religious fanaticsm.

I'm not religious, so my take on the other kind of Republicans is not all that flattering. I admit that. Sorry. There's some decent people who are religious, and a number of the messages of Christianity itself (community, compassion, promote peace, no stealing or killing) I agree with. But people who oppose any other viewpoint with outrage, threats, and violence, who think their religion makes them right in all cases including war and nationality and social policy... I find it scary that the Republican party seems to be pandering to such a group.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 7:40 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"If we are indeed the Party of morality and standards ..."

That's sounds so ... Iranian.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 8:03 AM


Not that I'm saying either party is the moral party, but...


Thursday, December 18, 2008 8:53 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The big picture?

ALL societies enforce morality. If morality was such a natural force, we wouldn't need any effort at all to ensure it: it would come naturally, just like breathing or sleeping.

Peeps (and even elephants, babies, chimps, and dogs) have a sense of "fair". But that sense of "fair" is so easily perverted that we can create whole nations of screwballs who THINK that they're capitalists (even tho they're really just pee-ons like eveyone else) and who will decry the very notion of "fair".

Let's party like its 1929.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 9:15 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

That's why what we tell ourselves about ourselves is so important.

If we tell ourselves that we are merely economic competative individualists, that's it's written in our DNA by evolution, and that capitalism is the natural outcome of inborn 'human nature' then we will live that.

And we will have a society formed pretty much like it is today - people as expendable cogs in an economic system which is viewed as a natural force. Rather than an economic system viewed as a human construct which is in service to people.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:28 AM




CAN either party claim this

I agree. Political parties are power structures, and power attracts corruption like roadkill attracts flies. The party out of power has a chance to weed out corruption. It's a slim chance, but it's there.



I see it as a pendulum thing- we get taught that Chris Columbus was a cool guy, all friendly and such, then we get taught that he ran slave labour camps

A good point. This isn't liberal vs. conservative I think, it's just critical vs. sycophantic. I think that we see the same thing right now with anything jewish, which is currently considered sacred, or untouchable. Prior to the holocaust, jews were treated like scum. Compare the portrayal of blacks in the 1990s to the 1950s.

You're right, it's a swing, and not progress, I think it has a lot to do with who is doing the writing. Right now, a lot of jewish people are writing, and a lot of muslims are not, in our press. So, Islam comes in for a lot of abuse. I don't particularly think that events have a major sway in this, or that any group is more or less vindictive than any other. It's just the power of the pen.

For a long time, the catholic church had a lot of power, so Columbus was a hero. Now, the church is on the wane, and Columbus is a scumbag, which was probably objective reality. A lot of historical figures are scumbags, we just don't hear about it. A few conservatives on the forum deplore the idea that Andrew Jackson, arguably the biggest bigot in our history, is on the $20 bill. He was the first democratic president, that's why. It's just like a lot of people in the South don't see Lincoln as a hero, but the GOP does, and they still have power, and so he gets the penny and the fiver. Sometimes I wonder what Obama makes of things like Jackson on the $20. He might be gnawing it in the back of his brain, say, hmm. how about FDR instead... I'll bet you he's had that thought.



So, by extension, ignorance and the uneducated breed conservatives?

Does this even merit a response?
I'm sorry, I think you mistook educated for informed. Alternatively, it could mean "indocrtinated."



I say how much story the Republican supporters have depends on what kind of Republican they are.

Oh of course. I think there was a debate about the organization. Insightful comments. We need a way to differentiate.
The GOP, under Bush, has alienated fiscal conservatives. Those people are Republicans, so when we say "republicans" or "democrats" it's confusing.
I welcome any suggestions on a linguistic rule for this. Maybe there already is one and I'm ignorant of it.

I disagree that it has been in favor of the religious right. I think the religion right are basically good people. Fiscal discipline went out the window to feed the bankers and the military industrial complex. Check out what the guys from the Faith Based Initiative said about the promises Bush made to them on the campaign, ending hunger, poverty, homelessness, and the $80 billion he promised to create a charity fund, and then what he actually delivered, which was jack squat.


I find it scary that the Republican party seems to be pandering to such a group.

Pandering is what parties do. The democrats pander to some scary folk also. The groups that scare me more are the ones that both parties pander to relentlessly, like globalists, saudi royals, banks, etc.



"If we are indeed the Party of morality and standards ..."
That's sounds so ... Iranian.

I thought it sounded British. I'm sorry, was this a slight against Iran?
Careful where you step, ice is thin this time of year.



Not that I'm saying either party is the moral party, but...

If you wish to support the Taliban, that's your call. I'm indifferent towards them. I figure everything I hear comes through such a distorted filter, it's hard to tell. I like the Islamic Engineers. The Northern Alliance I find kind of scary, mostly because of the purges in the 80s, 90s, but no party is perfect. Afterall, look at our own history.



The big picture?

ALL societies enforce morality. If morality was such a natural force, we wouldn't need any effort at all to ensure it: it would come naturally, just like breathing or sleeping.

Good points, all



That's why what we tell ourselves about ourselves is so important.

If we tell ourselves that we are merely economic competative individualists, that's it's written in our DNA by evolution, and that capitalism is the natural outcome of inborn 'human nature' then we will live that.

I don't think we take it as innate, but we seem to take it as a given
The main weakpoint in the right is the gods guns guts freedom isn't free attitude which never stops to question how much freedom they actually have, and which direction their amount of freedom might be trending. I'll grant it's an issue.

Of course, both capitalism and socialism can create the slave state. We need to recognize this, and find ways around it.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:45 AM


Whoa whoa whoa. I don't support the Taliban. :x


No, I posted that because it's a "moral party" taken to an extreme.

EDIT: And good point about the Democrats having scary people they associate with.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:45 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"If we are indeed the Party of morality and standards ..."
That's sounds so ... Iranian.

I thought it sounded British. I'm sorry, was this a slight against Iran?
Careful where you step, ice is thin this time of year.

No, not a slight against Iran. But they do have their morality police which are an arm of their morality party currently running the country. And it seemed to me that the ideas that sound so right and natural coming from US conservatives sound a lot less so coming from a different direction.

BBC NEWS Iran police in fashion crackdown
Iran Focus - Iran’s “morality police” flog student in public square
Islamo-morality Police Busy In Iran


Silence is consenT.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:51 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by whozit:
But do'nt expect...

...Tell me, is consistently putting the apostrophe in the wrong place a deliberate act on your part? Some kind of brand for your threads? Because really, making a mistake is one thing, but always putting it in the same wrong place is... well, it defies description. Your whole persona almost seems to aim at "too stupid to be true" (actually claiming that a couple years as governor is more experience than Obama, just for example) and I'm starting to think it really is. I mean, come on, seriously? You're just messing with us, aren't you.



Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:54 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by whozit:
But do'nt expect...

...Tell me, is consistently putting the apostrophe in the wrong place a deliberate act on your part? Some kind of brand for your threads? Because really, making a mistake is one thing, but always putting it in the same wrong place is... well, it defies description. Your whole persona almost seems to aim at "too stupid to be true" (actually claiming that a couple years as governor is more experience than Obama, just for example) and I'm starting to think it really is. I mean, come on, seriously? You're just messing with us, aren't you.


Yes, I'm just messing with you....COOL HUH!?

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:58 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by whozit:

If you're five.

No, actually, it's not even cool when you're five, but that's about the right level of maturity for thinking it's cool, which is why children are taught proper behavior at a young age. Or they're not, in which case they grow into themselves thinking they're entitled to whatever they want, don't deserve consequences, and find entertainment in things like pranking the pizza guy and conning the trustful and gullible of the world.


Originally posted by Bytemite:
I say how much story the Republican supporters have depends on what kind of Republican they are.

Fiscal conservatives I think are educated and DO have the other half of the story. Our system is a balance, big government versus personal freedom, VERY important social programs versus scary amounts of control.

Unfortunately, Republicans have been betraying their fiscal conservative roots in recent years with corporate cronyism and narrow-minded born-again religious fanaticsm.

I'm not religious, so my take on the other kind of Republicans is not all that flattering. I admit that. Sorry. There's some decent people who are religious, and a number of the messages of Christianity itself (community, compassion, promote peace, no stealing or killing) I agree with. But people who oppose any other viewpoint with outrage, threats, and violence, who think their religion makes them right in all cases including war and nationality and social policy... I find it scary that the Republican party seems to be pandering to such a group.

I agree with you 100% on all of that.
I am a fiscal conservative, but I'm too socially liberal to be at all comfortable with the current conservative party. I've talked about this expansively in the past, and I just think it's a shame that there seems to be a barrier between "live and let live" and "I want to keep more of my money."



Thursday, December 18, 2008 11:49 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by whozit:

If you're five.

No, actually, it's not even cool when you're five, but that's about the right level of maturity for thinking it's cool, which is why children are taught proper behavior at a young age. Or they're not, in which case they grow into themselves thinking they're entitled to whatever they want, don't deserve consequences, and find entertainment in things like pranking the pizza guy and conning the trustful and gullible of the world.


Originally posted by Bytemite:
I say how much story the Republican supporters have depends on what kind of Republican they are.

Fiscal conservatives I think are educated and DO have the other half of the story. Our system is a balance, big government versus personal freedom, VERY important social programs versus scary amounts of control.

Unfortunately, Republicans have been betraying their fiscal conservative roots in recent years with corporate cronyism and narrow-minded born-again religious fanaticsm.

I'm not religious, so my take on the other kind of Republicans is not all that flattering. I admit that. Sorry. There's some decent people who are religious, and a number of the messages of Christianity itself (community, compassion, promote peace, no stealing or killing) I agree with. But people who oppose any other viewpoint with outrage, threats, and violence, who think their religion makes them right in all cases including war and nationality and social policy... I find it scary that the Republican party seems to be pandering to such a group.

I agree with you 100% on all of that.
I am a fiscal conservative, but I'm too socially liberal to be at all comfortable with the current conservative party. I've talked about this expansively in the past, and I just think it's a shame that there seems to be a barrier between "live and let live" and "I want to keep more of my money."


Oh you're a moderate, how sweet, you can be on both sides. You want to keep more of your money, well it's not going to happen. The Democrats now belive in corperate welfare now, they're going to throw billions at big buisness. But "DO'NT" worry, abortion will stay legal and the liberals will do everything they can to keep Christmas and other right-wing holidays out of schools.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Thursday, December 18, 2008 12:14 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by whozit:
The Democrats now belive in corperate welfare now, they're going to throw billions at big buisness.

Like Republicans haven't.

abortion will stay legal and the liberals will do everything they can to keep Christmas and other right-wing holidays out of schools.




Thursday, December 18, 2008 12:40 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Does this even merit a response?

Funny, that was my initial response to your anti-intellectual post.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, December 18, 2008 12:57 PM


Hmm, as for what we tell ourselves, about ourselves, and it's importance...

Imma Kropotkinist, look it up, if you care.



Thursday, December 18, 2008 1:02 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by whozit:
The Democrats now belive in corperate welfare now, they're going to throw billions at big buisness.

Like Republicans haven't.

abortion will stay legal and the liberals will do everything they can to keep Christmas and other right-wing holidays out of schools.


[/sig] Opps, this can't be good. Trouble in paradise?

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Thursday, December 18, 2008 1:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



Let's party like its 1929.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 4:35 PM




Whoa whoa whoa. I don't support the Taliban. :x


No, I posted that because it's a "moral party" taken to an extreme.

EDIT: And good point about the Democrats having scary people they associate with.

Lol. that was a gotchya. I'm sarcastic at times. I thought that was fun. Okay, so I'm twisted. deal =:)



No, not a slight against Iran. But they do have their morality police which are an arm of their morality party currently running the country. And it seemed to me that the ideas that sound so right and natural coming from US conservatives sound a lot less so coming from a different direction.

I thought this was a slight. I think that the Iranians are right. They have a pretty good society going there. I envy them. Sure, it's flawed. But who isn't? A nice far right self sufficient nation, and no offensive wars for 2500 years, and, more importantly, the highest average education level on the planet. Okay, so maybe that is indoctrination :)

But still, they have my respect. I know some Iranians, I get offended when people use them as a political football.



...Tell me, is consistently putting the apostrophe in the wrong place a deliberate act on your part? Some kind of brand for your threads? Because really, making a mistake is one thing, but always putting it in the same wrong place is... well, it defies description. Your whole persona almost seems to aim at "too stupid to be true" (actually claiming that a couple years as governor is more experience than Obama, just for example) and I'm starting to think it really is. I mean, come on, seriously? You're just messing with us, aren't you.

I felt this was a much needed post. I mean, the position of apostrophes in this society is really unacceptable. They have no mobility. Th'eyre forced to live in the little spaces we grant them, and they ca'nt move over just because someone say they sho'uldnt be there. Also, the'yre not allowed to just drop in unexp'ectedly without warni'ng. I mean t'h'e'''y m'ig''ht re''vo'l't and t'h'e''n where wo''''uld we be?


Yes, I'm just messing with you....COOL HUH!?

Trai'tor! Yo'ure apostrophatic followers are bereft!'

' we contract in vain :'(



If you're five.

No, actually, it's not even cool when you're five, but that's about the right level of maturity for thinking it's cool, which is why children are taught proper behavior at a young age. Or they're not, in which case they grow into themselves thinking they're entitled to whatever they want, don't deserve consequences, and find entertainment in things like pranking the pizza guy and conning the trustful and gullible of the world.

I can't believe you're spending time on this. Okay, Now we are five ''''' United Apostophe Front. Together, we cannot fail! Er.. Can't.


I agree with you 100% on all of that.
I am a fiscal conservative, but I'm too socially liberal to be at all comfortable with the current conservative party. I've talked about this expansively in the past, and I just think it's a shame that there seems to be a barrier between "live and let live" and "I want to keep more of my money."

Afterall, the govt. is just going to take it and hand it to Saudi owned Citigroup. I see no reason you shouldn't keep it. I mean seriously. People argue "oh, the roads, the schools, etc." and never mention anything that is paid for by federal tax dollars from federal income tax, estate tax or capital gains.
I say, kill these taxes, because we all know where the money goes. Most of it goes to build bombs. Our total 'defense' expenditures exceed the rest of the world combined, and that world includes China. And Russia. Also Japan, three countries that the pentagon says we would lose a war with if we fought. I can add a couple to that list if they let me ;)


WHOZIT said something

Sorry, I don't hold grudges. I'm just getting bored. Nothing personal. Lighten up, give up the personal attacks, and be interesting. I'm sure it's in there.


PHOENIXROSE argued with WHOZIT some more

Are you sure this is a good waste of time... er use.

I'm having fun nitpicking from the sidelines. But I wish there was a new terminator ep instead ;)


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Does this even merit a response?

Funny, that was my initial response to your anti-intellectual post.

Soon I'll be posting "STORYMARK said something" :)
Conservatives and liberals don't start wars, intellectuals and bankers do, and peasants fight them.




someone said this


WHOZIT didn't really say anything, he just posted



Sorry sig, we just nuked it.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:06 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)



Sorry sig, we just nuked it.

It was, no doubt, an imminent threat...


"It is complete now; the hands of time are neatly tied."


Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:33 PM


A Kropotkinist is a follower of the theorems of Pyotr Kropotkin, a russian born aristocrat turned anarchist who had a wholly different philosophy of how and what human nature was - and one better supported by the evidence than Darwins.

Mutual Aid is prolly the most applicable work on the topic.

That clear it up for ya ?


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it






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