Burying 9/11

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 16:05
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008 6:42 AM


Forget the evidence, both bogus and indisputable, forget the arguments that support one side or the other politically, and make Bush or Clinton look bad. (Remember Clinton's first year was also greeted by a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, the lack of success has emotional impact, but no relevance to the case.)

Forget how much some people hate Islam, and the absolute absurdity that people living in caves who weren't even allowed out of the country, and have never claimed credit for it, or been charge with it, and deal with the crime as your would any other, and the answer is all to obvious. No genius investigations, no elaborate cover ups no smoking gun pieces of evidence are needed.

It's a crime, simple, to the point:

1. Conspire with cohorts, because this is not conceivably a one man job, so it is by definition a conspiracy.

2. Circumvent all US military defenses, and local security defenses of the airports, airlines, and the world trade centers.

3. Level two 110 story towers, and one 47 story tower, and leave no trace.

Okay, you have nothing to go from, no information at all, forget everything you know from both sides, and you can solve this one beyond a shadow of a doubt.

It's a crime, it requires three things like any other: Motive, Means, and Opportunity.

The Motive alone solves the case, but the rest backs it up. The only beneficiaries of this are, like all major war-sparking incidents of the past, Those who want to start a war, those who want to pass emergency legislation, or those who want to make money.

This means we have a shortlist of suspects already, which already fail to directly include any muslims:


1. The administration and it's advisors, specifically, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Kristol, Rove, etc.

2. A foreign beneficiary, such as Israel or Dubai, and people within those govts.

3. Anyone in the military industrial complex, including contractors, bankers, etc. who are looking to make a buck.

4. Anyone on the panel which wrote the USA PATRIOT act which according to official records was written be a bipartisan majority democrat group in August 2001 and stood almost zero chance of passing the US Senate. Its members included Hillary Clinton, Diane Feinstein, and a number of others.

5. Anyone who was involved in the property angle, for profit, including American Airlines, United Airlines, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and Leaseholder Larry Silverstein.

6. The mayor of New York who wanted to enact stricter security measures and was being widely criticized for it.

I'm tempted to rule out anyone who failed to achieve the motive, since this crime was successful. This means that the airlines and port authority should probably be struck from #5, reducing it to Leaseholder Larry Silverstein. Silverstein had multiply insured the buildings just weeks before, and has collected several times over.

That's the end of our suspects with a motive.


To make the means list you would have to have control over airplanes, an autopilot program, and large quantities of explosives. Laws of physics are going to prevent any other explanation.

1. Al Qaeda could have the means, but only by a stretch
2. The dept. of defense, or anyone working for it at a high enough level.
3. Defense contractors.
4. Any independent terrorist organization hitherto unknown.

Opportunity. 1, airplanes:

None of the proposed suspects who failed to make the motive list, such as Al Qaeda, Bin Laden, the Mujahideen, the Taliban, Saddam Hussein, etc. come anywhere near making the opportunity list.

1. The Dept. of defense. As predicted on fox 1 year earlier, the Secretary of Defense is the top suspect automatically, followed by the vice president and president of the United States because a stand down order is required in order for the event to take place at all, under any circumstance. The idea that this order came from Bin Laden is absurd. The only other people who could have given this order would deputy secretaries of state, who also already made the motive suspect list.

2. Since groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 fail to make the Opportunity list, they have to be disposed of as primary suspects, but may be co-conspirators (as may people not on the list, such as Al Qaeda)

Opportunity 2: building access. The crime is impossible without access to the building. This requires the local security team to be duped by the cable guys, or to be in on it, which puts them on the suspect list. Everyone other than the cable guys and the security team are off this list. Which brings us to who do these cable guys work for. The security we know is linked to Marvin Bush.

So, we can now reduce it to the administration as principle actor, and Larry Silverstein as most probable co-conspirator, Rudy Giuliani as probable co-conspirator, and Hillary Clinton and DiFi as heads of the PATRIOT act team as highly suspect. Military contractors connected to the vice president are most suspect, as someone needs to supply the demolition know-how.

Finally, we can look at reactions. The president appears dumbfounded. I'm going to close this one and say that he knew that an event was planned, but probably not this one.

Donald Rumsfeld panicked, also indicating that he was not entirely in on the plan.

Dick Cheney took charge without proper authority, putting him higher on the suspect list. Whether or not we buy the Florida Flight School story, the Bush family makes the suspect list, and if we accept the suspect list for the hijackers themselves, which we have absolutely no reason to do, then Bush Sr., Jr. and the family connections to Islamic terrorists are added, as are the Islamic terrorists.

Lets assume for rational reasons that all stories about people learning to take off an not land are absurd fabrications, and the intended crime of the terrorist crew was probably to hijack planes, and put them onto an autopilot program which they did not know ran them on a collision course for the towers. This is fairly logical to assume, since it makes it much easier to hire terrorists, just like many suicide bombers are not so aware of the bomb in their vehicle.

This investigation based on no evidence is simply taking the most logical path of least resistance.

Commands given to military personel implicate the deputy secretaries of defense, the sec. of defense, and the vice president, who have long been pushing for the conflict which they will now get to have.

They find complicit conpiracy with the property owner and the mayor of new york, and as the above advisors and staff members belong to the same think tank groups as the head crafters of the USA Patriot act, whose passage has to be considered the #1 objective (see you history books, Reichstag Fire, or anything at all like this.) They are all heavily implicated. Bush Family connections and Cheney connections fill the who and how, and while this list may contain Bin Laden or members of Al Qaeda, there is no reason it has to. It could contain anyone as disposable conspirators, certainly not major allies of our conspiring criminals, since they get killed in the crime.

Now, we're essentially solved the crime without any evidence at all. Mr. Cheney did it with the Candlestick in the Conservatory.

Anyone can start from that point, or make their own logical motive means and opportunity list, and come to a similar conclusion (maybe you'll find the Clintons behind this and the 1993 attack)

Once you have your theory, you can go start compiling data on your suspects, and within half an hour you are left with very little if any doubt.

People who bought the official or MSM story went about this ass backwards. They were told who done it, and then they went and tried to rationalize how this was so. Confessions, masterminds, disposable hijackers, all had to be invented, sometimes in preposterous manners, such as passports surviving an 1800 degree fire and then floating down out of the collapsing building, without ever even wondering why such a person snuck into the country when he had his passport on him at all times, especially for the hijacking.

Case closed. Of course, you won't hear this admitted until everyone involved was dead, and no one cares anymore. The US, the USSR and Britain have all admitted countless conspiracies in WWII, to say nothing of the puppet govts. we set up for the axis, who admitted to most certainly more than they were actually guilty of (some of the german crimes were later admitted to be the soviets.)

If the official story makes sense to you, I suggest that hollywood has plenty of completely plausible plotlines you will enjoy, but you should probably not enter the field of criminal investigation.

Notice that no conspiracy theory is needed. Only a brain, inside a head, attached to some shoulders. Heck, brain in a jar, like our VP, could have figured it out. Maybe it's even a no brainer.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:00 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
...Forget how much some people hate Islam, and the absolute absurdity that people living in caves who weren't even allowed out of the country, and have never claimed credit for it, or been charge with it, and deal with the crime as your would any other...

Considering that most of the planners and hijackers in the generally accepted 9/11 story were well-educated Saudis, you already got a hole in your theory.

Your Motive list also incorrectly limits motives to those of gain - financial or political. Revenge, hatred, fear, ideological correctness, and demonstration of asymmetrical power could also be motives for 9/11.

I'd consider demonstration of asymmetrical power to be the prime motive. Consider the Bali bombings or the recent attack in Mumbai. Such attacks are designed to show that a small group with less resources than a country can still do great harm.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:07 AM


What Geezer said (tm)

Yes, I agreed with you; try not to faint.

The Mal-like Chrisisall


Tuesday, December 23, 2008 4:04 PM


Umm, you DO know that Bali nightclub bombing was in fact the work of a disgruntled Balinese military officer who later turned himself in and confessed, right ?

Depite the fact that we've accused six different people of the crime, and actually charged three, as sole perpetrators - on seperate occasions!

One of which was good old KSM, who claimed no knowledge of it, and then "confessed" to it only *after* being waterboarded over the course of a month, long after the original perp gave himself up and the case was closed.

Sorry, but it annoys the crap out of me that we keep trying to pin a bombing already solved, on multiple guys just to have an excuse to charge them with something.

So either that same nightclub has been bombed eight times, or were just shovelling shit when we accuse someone of it - occams razor indicates the latter.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, December 23, 2008 4:10 PM



Originally posted by Geezer:
Such attacks are designed to show that a small group with less resources than a country can still do great harm.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

Or a small group with great resources.... like the US government

Lets party like its 1939


Tuesday, December 23, 2008 6:17 PM


I disagree with geezer, but I just want to bury this, so I need to delete irrelevant information:

1. The accepted story is irrelevant, since it is a work of fiction, this is easy to prove. I have no reason to doubt that the hijackers were saudis, but then again they were pawns in this game.

2. You have a point. I actually considered this, but I discarded it as not motivating enough. Also, it's a poor choice of target for the purpose. The Pentagon was a better one for that argument.

3. The whole asymmetrical warfare group is a smoke screen for the real asymmetrical warfare, where we drop land mines on their schools in cluster bombs and they can't touch us. It's jules verne master of the world stuff.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008 6:17 PM



Or a small group with great resources.... like the US government

Of course.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:31 PM


We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate OUTRAGEOUS conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty. --George W. Bush


Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:35 PM



Wednesday, December 24, 2008 4:08 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

3. The whole asymmetrical warfare group is a smoke screen for the real asymmetrical warfare, where we drop land mines on their schools in cluster bombs and they can't touch us. It's jules verne master of the world stuff.

They ARE covering up something concerning 9-11, mainly connections to the perps, knowledge beforehand and such IMO.

The Catinthehatisall


Wednesday, December 24, 2008 10:56 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

WTC7 was never hit by an aircraft, and was not adjacent to WTC Twin Towers.


“You guys knew this was coming all day. We had first reports that the building was unstable and that it was best for it to come down on its own or it would be taken down."
-Lt David Rastuccio FDNY, MSNBC TV

"While we were on the right side, there was firefighters getting ready, they were bussing them back and forth, and a couple of vets that were there - they got the vibe that something was coming down. We started asking questions, everybody started asking questions, and the next thing you know there was a Red Cross representative pacing back and forth in front of the crowd holding his hand over the radio - I couldn’t hear what it was saying but it was like pulsed - whatever the speech was on there it was pulsed - and that means to me most likely it was a countdown. But he took his hand off at the last three seconds and he gave this heartfelt look - like just run for your life - because he didn’t want to bring it on his conscience - he didn’t want to go to his grave with that - and then we had a couple of seconds to put our heads together.”
-Kevin McPadden, Air Force Special Operations for Search and Rescue

9/11 was perped by the same Jewish banksters on Wall Street who stole $8.5-Trillion from Congress in only 7 weeks this year.

Since nobody prosecuted them, their next attack will make 9/11 seem like bloody Xmas.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008 4:05 PM



All of the data you have on who the hijackers were is given to you by the MSM and the Admin, both of whom have been proven to be lying, as you said, in the cover up. If you must discard everything that Cheney said about 9-11, then we can not have any idea who actually did it. Therefore, it's anybody's guess.

PN is right about Building 7, that is the cornerstone to the whole story. Investigate building 7 and you find all the clues you really need.

The one thing that stunned me more than anything else is that the administration refused to change its story on building seven after not only had evidence appeared disproving it, but the laws of physics had disproven it as well. They could have had some sense of CYA and come up with a better story. Instead, they stuck with a totally implausible one. It's really like they wanted to get caught. It's Roskolnikov Syndrome.






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